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本文报道了假尾孢属的6个种,其中有2个新种,即:枫杨假尾孢(Pseado-cercospord pterocaryae Gu et W. X. Zhao)和清风藤假尾孢(Pseudocercosporasabiae Guo et W.X.Zhao);3个新组合:紫珠假尾孢[Pseudocercospora callicarpae(Cooke) Guo et W. X.Zhao], 蕺菜假尾孢[Pseudocercospora houttuyniae(Togashi& Kats) Guo et W.X.Zhao],冬青假尾孢[Psegocercospora mate (Speg.) Guo etW.X.Zhao]。两个新种的模式标本保存在中国科学院微生物研究所真菌标本室,其等模式标本保存在中国林科院林业科学研究所病理标本室。 枫杨假尾孢(Pseudocercospora pterocaryae Guo et W.X.Zhao)斑点叶两面生,近圆形,直径O.5—12 0 mm,无明显边缘,叶面褐色至暗褐色,叶背灰褐色,子实体叶背生,具表生菌丝。子座生于表皮下,近球形。分生孢子梗浅青黄色至青黄色,不分枝,0—4隔,9.7—73.5×3.7—4.3 μm。分生孢子倒棍棒形至倒棍棒一圆柱形,极浅的青黄色,光滑,干燥,具2—10个不明显的隔膜,35.0—99.5×3.7—4 3μm。 清风藤假尾孢(Pscudocercospora sabiae Guo et W. X. Zhao)斑点叶两而生,圃形,直径1.5—4.0μm。叶面黄褐色至褐色,外围以暗褐色细线圈,有时还具浅黄褐色晕圈,叶背中度褐色。子实体叶面生,具表生菌丝,无子座。分生孢子梗青黄褐色至浅褐色,平滑,具2一10个隔膜,17.0—162.O×3.0—3.9(一4.3)μm。分生孢子倒棍棒形至圆柱形,浅青黄色,平滑,干燥,3—8隔,43.0—99.5×2.8—3.9(一4.3)μm。  相似文献   

腔孢纲一新属——珊座孢属   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道寄生于云南水稻上半知菌中腔孢纲一新属。 此菌子实体为扁球形的表生子座,子座含外子座和内子座;分生孢子腔生于内子座,珊瑚状,无孔口;分生孢子梗生于腔室内壁上,无色无隔,倒棍棒形,细而长;分生孢子无色,链生,有或无隔,长椭圆形或长卵形。根据上述特征被鉴定为新属、新种,命名为珊座孢新属Corallocytostroma Yu et Zhang gen. Nov. 和稻珊座孢新种 Corallocytostroma oryzae Yu et Zhang sp. Nov. 此菌也是水稻上的一种新病害(穗果病)的病原菌,危害在不断增加,值得注意。  相似文献   

陈企村   《微生物学通报》1993,20(2):77-80
在宁夏灌区,春小麦白粉病菌(Erysiphe graminis f.sp.tritici)的分生孢子在-3-29℃温度范围都可萌发。温度达33℃时不能萌发,最适温度为10—15℃。分生孢子虽然在0—100%的湿度下都可以萌发。但以饱和湿度最适。紫外光对分生孢子有强烈的杀伤作用。直射阳光对分生孢子的萌发有抑制作用;在散射光和黑暗条件下,孢子的萌发率没有显着差异。  相似文献   

杨树水泡型溃疡病的病原菌鉴定   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从杨树水泡型溃疡病斑上分离出真菌,在室内和自然情况下作接种试验,终于接种成功,产生与自然瘸斑相同的典型症状。此真菌经鉴定有性阶段为Botryosphaeria dothidea,其子座直径为2--7毫米;子囊腔大小为116.4—175.0×107.0—165.0微米;子囊大小为49.0—68.0x11.0一21.3微米;子囊孢子单孢,无色,倒卵形,大小为15.0—19.4×7.0一11.0微米。无性阶段为Dothiorella gregaria,其分生孢子器暗色,球形,大小为97—233.0×97—184.3微米;分生孢子单孢,无色、梭形,大小为19.4—29.1x5.0—7.0微米。用杨树水泡型溃疡病病赶上分离出的多种细菌,经多次在杨树上接种,均未成功。细菌经初步鉴定为欧氏杆菌(Erwinia)、和假单胞杆菌(Pseudomonas)属,经烟草叶片过敏反应测定,不产生桔斑,也不诱发烟草的坏死,因此认为此二种细菌为杨树水泡型病斑上的腐生菌。  相似文献   

在引起菜豆炭疽病的 Colletotrichum lindemuthianum (Sacc. Et Magn.)Br. EtCav.大量培养物中,发现一个在低温培养保存中丧失产生分生孢子能力而仅产生子囊壳的菌系。对其形态学、培养特征、单子囊孢子培养的研究及与有关种的形态比较结果表明,这个源于分生孢子的子囊菌培养物是菜豆小丛壳Glomerella lindemuthianum Shear。这个培养物经人工接种菜豆,再分离时首先产生无性态分生孢子,经数代培养又回复有性态,表明有性过程的产生是同宗配合的。这种有性与无性阶段之间的交替和联系,证明这是一个全型态真菌,即菜豆小丛壳 G. lindemuthianum 是无性态荣豆炭疽菌C.Lindemuthianum 的有性态。  相似文献   

蚕豆叶绿体DNA(ct—DNA)经BamH I酶切产生26个片段,最大的为14.00kb,最小的为0.42kb。本文以pBR322为载体,E.Coli HB101为受体菌,采用标准分子克隆法构建了蚕豆ct—DNA BamH I克隆库,并从库中分离得到含叶绿体rRNA基因的克隆。32P标记的E.Coil 16S、23S rRNA能和蚕豆ct—DNA BamH I第6(B6,5.65kb)和第9(B9,4.70kb)个片段杂交,含有这二个片段的克隆分别命名为pVFB32和pVFBl6。利用几种限制性内切酶酶切和Southern印迹法构建了pVFBl6的物理图谱。pVFBl6电镜下观察到有一变性环(A—T丰富区),经Hind I酶切,电镜观察定位此A—T丰富区位于16S和23S rRNA基因的间隔顺序内,推测该环可能与DNA复制有关。  相似文献   

拟青霉属的两个新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从罹病茶卷叶蛾(Cacoecia tngentana Christoph)、茶小卷叶I蛾(Adoxophyci pruatana Walker)蚋茧和一种鞘翅目成虫上分离得到拟青霉属的两个新种一一斜链拟青霉(Paecilonyces cateniobliquus Liang)和环链拟青霉(Paccilomyces cateniannulatus Liang)。斜链拟青霉菌落玫瑰红色至血红色;分生孢子椭圆形至长圆形,2.5—7.5(-12)x 1一2.5微米,形成不同角度倾斜排列的孢子链。环链拟青霉菌落白色;分生孢子卵圆形至椭圆形,小,2—3.5×1.5微米,不规则地倾斜排列,常弯曲成直径约30微米的环形链。  相似文献   

本文报道云南热带地区尾孢菌属及其近似属真菌45种,其中有一个新种:番木瓜短胖孢(Cercosporidium papayae Y.L Guo,sp.nov.),寄生在番木瓜科(Caricaceae)番木瓜(Carica papaya L)叶上。短胖孢属真菌在番木瓜科植物上是首次报道。文中为新种提供了拉丁文简介、描述并附图。模式标本保藏在中国科学院微生物研究所真菌标本室(HMAS)。寄生在番木瓜(Carica papaya L)上的Cercospora mamaonis Vicgas & Chupp与本种近似,二者都具有子座。分生孢子梗紧密簇生,但前者分生孢子梗(5~25×2~3μm)和分生孢子(10~45×2~3μm)均短而窄。番木瓜尾孢(Cercospora papayae Hansf.)与本种的区别在于无子座,分生孢子梗色泽深(中度褐色),分生孢子梗长(50~200×3.5~6μm),分生孢子无色,针形,窄(20~75×3~5μm)。  相似文献   

从山东蒙山采到一丝孢真菌新种,即木生梭格孢 Dictyodesmium lignicola sp. Nov.。 新种具宽纺锤形、梭形的分生孢子,无喙,与榆梭格孢 Dictyodesmium ulmicola 的窄纺锤形分生孢子具喙不同;新种与近似种竹梭格孢 Dictyodesmium bambusicola 相比具较大的分生孢子。本属为中国首次报道。文中提供了新种的拉丁文和英文描述并附图。模式标本保存在山东农业大学植物病理学标本室(HSAUP)。  相似文献   

作者在前两篇文章里报道了湖北省神农架产的尾孢菌属及其近似属的22个种,本文再报道这一地区的尾孢菌属、短胖孢属及色链隔孢属的4个种,其中1个是新种,即李色链隔孢(Phaeoramularia pruni Guo et Liu,sp.Nov.),其模式标本收藏于中国科学院真菌标本室(HMAs)。该新种与寄生于李属(Prunus sp.)植物上的变红尾孢(Cercospora rubro-tincta)接近,但后者分生孢子梗窄(2—4.5μm),不分枝,曲膝状折点少(0一1个),分生孢子向顶渐狭,不链生,隔膜多(1—5隔),因此易于区别。  相似文献   

本文报道虫囊菌属(Laboulbenia)2个新种,中国新记录种及新记录变种各1个:海南虫囊菌(L.hainanensis Ye et Y.H.Shen sp.nov.)寄生于齿负泥虫[Lema eoromandeliana (Fabricius)],福建虫囊菌(L.fujianensis Ye sp.nov.)寄生于长唇步甲属(Dolichoctissp.),蠕形虫囊菌(L.vermiiormis Balazuc)寄生于锯缘步甲(Peripristus alter Cast.),瘤壳虫囊菌婆罗洲变种(L.thyreopteri Thaxt.var.borneensis Thaxt.)寄生于四斑长唇步甲[Dolichoctis tetraspilotus(Macheay)]。 本文所研究的全部标本都保存于广东省微生物研究所。  相似文献   

Kang  Mohinder S. 《Glycobiology》1996,6(2):209-216
We have previously shown (Sunkara et al., 1989; Taylor et al.,1991) that 6-o-butanoyl castanospermine (BuCast) was a 30–50-foldbetter inhibitor of HIV syncytia formalion than castanospermine(Cast). Radiolabeled Cast and BuCast were used to study theuptake and metabolism of these compounds in cultured cells andin mice. BuCast was preferentially taken up by cells comparedto Cast. Approximately 30–50-fold higher radioactivitywas found in cells treated with BuCast compared to cells treatedwith Cast during the initial 4–6h of labeling. HPLC analysisshowed that once BuCast was taken up by cells, it was rapidlyconverted to Cast. Mice given oral doses of BuCast had 5–10-foldhigher levels of Cast in the plasma and tissues as comparedto Cast treated mice. However, when the compounds were giveni.v., the levels of plasma and tissue radioactivity obtainedfrom Cast or BuCast were equivalent suggesting rapid conversionof BuCast to Cast in the blood. In mice orally treated withBuCast, HPLC analysis suggested that only Cast was found inthe plasma and tissues. With multiple dosing of mice, additiveresults were obtained, suggesting that multiple doses may beused to obtain higher concentrations of the compound in thetarget cells. These data suggest that the lipophilic propertiesof butanoyl side chain on the Cast ring makes BuCast significantlybetter absorbed, and this may help to alleviate some of thegut toxicity associated with Cast treatment. HIV AIDS glycoproteins inhibitors  相似文献   

Riassunto Gli AA., sulla base dello studio colturale, micromorfologico, biochimico e biologico di un ceppo isolato dalle feci di un bambino, rivedono la diagnosi e la posizione sistematica di Mycocandida pseudotropicalis (Cast.). Cif. et Red., insistendo sui suoi caratteri differenziali nei confronti di Mycotorula albicans (Robin) Lang, et Tal. e di Candida tropicalis (Cast.) Red.
Summary The AA. through a Cultural, micromorphological, biochemical and biological study of a yeast isolated from the feces of a child, revised the diagnosis and the systematic position of Mycocandida pseudotropicalis (Cast.) Cif. et Red., insisting on the differential characters in relation to Mycotorula albicans (Robin) Lang. et Tal., and to Candida tropicalis (Cast.) Red.

Summary In a systematic study of about 300 supposedly anascosporogenous yeast cultures it was found that nine strains actually did form ascospores. A further investigation of these strains, together with a comparative study of evidently closely related asporogenous strains, led to the following results. Mycocandida pinoyisimilis (A. Cast.) Red. et Cif. var. Citelliana Red. et Gif. proved to be identical with Saccharomyces fragilis Jörgensen. Monilia pseudotropicalis A. Cast. = Candida pseudotropicalis (A. Cast.) Basgal has to be considered as the imperfect stage of Saccharomyces fragilis Jörgensen. Monilia macedoniensis A. Cast. = Blastodendrion macedoniense (A. Cast.) Lang, et Guerra, as well as the variety macedoniensoides [= Candida macedoniensis (A. Cast.) Berkh. var. macedoniensoides (A. Cast.) Westerdijk], should in future be designated as: Saccharomyces macedoniensis Diddens et Lodder.The yeast incorrectly named by Beijerinck: Saccharomyces fragrans proved to be the imperfect stage of Saccharomyces macedoniensis Diddens et Lodder. Hence the correct designation of the species in question appears to be: Candida macedoniensis (A. Cast.) Berkh. Monilia javanica Went et Prinsen Geerligs proved to be identical with Hansenula anomala (Hansen) Sydow.A Monilia species isolated by Molle from intertrigo blastomicetico proved to be identical with Hansenula javanica (Groenewege) Dekker. Candida pelliculosa Red. is the imperfect stage of the last mentioned species.A strain received from Ota, and labeled: Myceloblastanon gifuense Taniguchi — which, however, did not answer the diagnosis of this species — proved to be identical with Debaryomyces Matruchoti Grigoraki et Péju.  相似文献   

Extensive research to trace the cause of Hodgkin''s disease to a bacterial or protozoan agent has proven fruitless.Although a viral cause for Hodgkin''s disease has been previously suggested, early explorations along that line have not been confirmed. With the development of newer techniques for the study of viral characteristics certain apparently significant factors in Hodgkin''s disease have been encountered. Most promising has been the consistent demonstration that Seitz-filtered, sterile Hodgkin''s disease lymph node extract can be passed serially in fertile chicken eggs and that the amniotic fluid from these eggs possesses the capacity to interfere with the growth of influenza virus in eggs.  相似文献   

从全国各病区筛选的19个代表菌株,在三套(中国、日本和IRRI)16个鉴别品种上进行测试,获得4个病情指标,即病班长度、病级、日增速率和日增百分率,采用不同的病情指标作方差分析,所得结果不完全一致;对4个病情指标进行相关及回归分析,结果表明,病情指标之间是存在显著的线性相关,且日增百分率为日增速率与病叶长度之商,这种相关性在主成分分析中也得到了证实,通过聚类分析发现,病斑长度不能与其它3个指标归为一类,最后对水稻白叶枯病菌系及品种抗性鉴定中采用的4种病情指标的优劣进行了讨论.  相似文献   

罗汉果疱叶丛枝病的病原及其在某些寄主上的症状反应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林国光  周广泉   《广西植物》1984,(3):257-260+274
葫芦科的罗汉果(Siraitia grosvenori(Swingle)Jeffrey)感染一种系统性的黄化型病害。 通过两次超薄切片的电镜观察:在病茎和病叶脉的韧皮组织中的薄壁细胞和伴胞中,发现有类菌质体(MLO),同时在重复的电镜观察中,在上述组织的薄壁细胞内,还发现风轮状的病毒(Virus)内含体。在健株的上述组织中。没有发现MLO和风轮状内含体。 在用三种不同接种方法(媒介昆虫、叶擦和汁液重创摩擦)进行的生物学测定的结果表明:罗汉果疱叶丛枝病有广泛的寄生范围,其症状特点:在常用的鉴定病毒的常规寄主上,最终均呈现黄化症状,没有系统性或局部性的斑点反应。其中在葫芦科的某些植物上的症状,基本上与罗汉果的症状相近似:初期明脉或脉间褪绿,继之出现疱状斑驳叶,叶片扭卷畸形,后期黄化。在茄科的供试植物上,症状特点:初期多为脉间褪绿,随之株形矮化,叶片变小。豆科上的症状:既有明脉,也有脉间褪绿,叶片呈现细长扭曲,变小并丛生。十字花科的症状特点是褪绿斑驳叶,株形矮化,叶片变小。  相似文献   

Preliminary studies on the effects of antabus (tetraethylthiuram disulfide) in the therapy of alcoholic patients indicate that it is very valuable in providing a “chemical foundation” for sobriety, even in those with a severe, long term drinking problem. In the first 30 patients treated, a favorable degree of control of the alcoholism has been effected in approximately 80 per cent. When taken regularly the drug maintains in the patient a very high degree of sensitivity to alcohol, quickly producing a number of very distressing bodily reactions whenever even very small amounts of spirits are ingested. Because of its potential dangers, antabus should be used only after thorough clinical and laboratory studies in properly staffed institutions. It is contraindicated in individuals with existing major psychosis or drug addiction and must be used only with caution in patients with diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, goiter, pregnancy, epilepsy, asthma, and hepatic disease. Antabus therapy should be considered only one aspect of the total treatment program for the alcoholic patient.  相似文献   

The proportion of honey-bees infected with Nosema apis (Zander) declines in summer as the old infected bees die, for they cease to transmit their infection to the newly emerged individuals during the flying season. N. apis spores survive the summer on combs contaminated with infected faeces during the preceding winter. Although bees clean the combs during the summer, all infected material is not removed, and even well-used brood comb, which has been repeatedly cleaned by bees, can carry infection. Only a few bees may contract infection in the autumn from these faeces, but they join the winter cluster and initiate the next outbreak of the disease. Transferring a colony on to clean comb early in the spring or summer removes the source of the disease, and it then disappears when all the old infected bees die.
Old broodless comb can be sterilized quite simply by fumigation for a few days with the vapours of formalin or glacial acetic acid. Acetic acid is preferable, because it does not poison any honey or pollen in the combs. Formaldehyde can safely be used only with empty combs.
The autumn is the best time for treating colonies chemotherapeutically, because the combs are then cleanest and the few bees which are infected can be cured during the winter. The drug can be incorporated in the syrup normally fed to colonies in autumn, and there is no risk of seriously contaminating subsequent honey crops. However, such treatment cannot eliminate the disease because sufficient spores remain on the combs for the disease to start again when the drug supplied in the winter stores is exhausted.  相似文献   

Ten polymorphic microsatellite markers were isolated from Phaeocryptopus gaeumannii, causal agent of the Douglas‐fir foliage disease Swiss Needle Cast. The primer sets were tested on 60 isolates that had, with more conservative markers, previously segregated into three reproductively isolated lineages comprising nine genotypes. The microsatellite data yielded 46 multilocus genotypes that segregated into three groups identical to the three lineages previously recovered. Microsatellite genotypic diversity ranged from 0.85 to 0.99 within lineages and was lowest where both pathogen and host are exotic.  相似文献   

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