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The importance of the initial follicle pool in fertility in female adult mammals has recently been debated. Utilizing a mathematical model of the dynamics of follicle progression (primordial to primary to secondary), we examined whether the initial follicle pool is sufficient for adult fertility through reproductive senescence in CD1 mice. Follicles in each stage were counted from postnatal day 6 through 12 months and data were fit to a series of first-order differential equations representing two mechanisms: an initial pool of primordial follicles as the only follicle source (fixed pool model), or an initial primordial follicle pool supplemented by germline stem cells (stem cell model). The fixed pool model fit the experimental data, accurately representing the maximum observed primary follicle number reached by 4-6 months of age. Although no germline stem cells could be identified by SSEA-1 immunostaining, the stem cell model was tested using a range of de novo primordial follicle production rates. The stem cell model failed to describe the observed decreases in follicles over time and did not parallel the accumulation and subsequent reduction in primary follicles during the early fertile lifespan of the mouse. Our results agree with established dogma that the initial endowment of ovarian follicles is not supplemented by an appreciable number of stem cells; rather, it is sufficient to ensure the fertility needs of the adult mouse.  相似文献   

The only gonadotrophin preparation shown to stimulate commercially useful multiple ovulation in mares is equine pituitary extract (EPE); even then, the low and inconsistent ovulatory response has been ascribed to the variable, but high, LH content. This study investigated the effects of an LH-free FSH preparation, recombinant human follicle stimulating hormone (rhFSH), on follicle development, ovulation and embryo production in mares. Five mares were treated twice-daily with 450 i.u. rhFSH starting on day 6 after ovulation, coincident with PGF(2alpha) analogue administration; five control mares were treated similarly but with saline instead of rhFSH. The response was monitored by daily scanning of the mares' ovaries and assay of systemic oestradiol-17beta and progesterone concentrations. When the dominant follicle(s) exceeded 35 mm, ovulation was induced with human chorionic gonadotrophin; embryos were recovered on day 7 after ovulation. After an untreated oestrous cycle to 'wash-out' the rhFSH, the groups were crossed-over and treated twice-daily with 900 i.u. rhFSH, or saline. At the onset of treatment, the largest follicle was <25 mm in all mares, and mares destined for rhFSH treatment had at least as many 10-25 mm follicles as controls. However, neither dose of rhFSH altered the number of days before the dominant follicle(s) reached 35 mm, the number of follicles of any size class (10-25, 25-35, >3 mm) at ovulation induction, the pre- or post-ovulatory oestradiol-17beta or progesterone concentrations, the number of ovulations or the embryo yield. It is concluded that rhFSH, at the doses used, is insufficient to stimulate multiple follicle development in mares.  相似文献   

Based on morphological evidence it has been hypothesised that Sphagnum jensenii is an allopolyploid, with S. annulatum and S. balticum as progenitors. Analysis of nine putative enzyme loci carried out on populations of these three species from central Norway, strongly corroborate this hypothesis. Sphagnum jensenii showed fixed heterozygosity at four of the loci suggesting that it is an allopolyploid. At each of the loci screened, extant populations of S. annulatum and S. balticum shared alleles with S. jensenii . The taxonomic interpretation is that S. jensenii should be recognised as a distinct species different from S. annulatum . Implications of allopolyploidy on ecological tolerances and niche breadth are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) is a cysteine-rich protein the synthesis and secretion of which are hypothesized to be selectively regulated by activins and other members of the TGF-β superfamily. To investigate the in vivo roles of CTGF in female reproduction, we generated Ctgf ovarian and uterine conditional knockout (cKO) mice. Ctgf cKO mice exhibit severe subfertility and multiple reproductive defects including disrupted follicle development, decreased ovulation rates, increased numbers of corpus luteum, and smaller but functionally normal uterine horns. Steroidogenesis is disrupted in the Ctgf cKO mice, leading to increased levels of serum progesterone. We show that disrupted follicle development is accompanied by a significant increase in granulosa cell apoptosis. Moreover, despite normal cumulus expansion, Ctgf cKO mice exhibit a significant decrease in oocytes ovulated, likely due to impaired ovulatory process. During analyses of mRNA expression, we discovered that Ctgf cKO granulosa cells show gene expression changes similar to our previously reported granulosa cell-specific knockouts of activin and Smad4, the common TGF-β family intracellular signaling protein. We also discovered a significant down-regulation of Adamts1, a progesterone-regulated gene that is critical for the remodeling of extracellular matrix surrounding granulosa cells of preovulatory follicles. These findings demonstrate that CTGF is a downstream mediator in TGF-β and progesterone signaling cascades and is necessary for normal follicle development and ovulation.  相似文献   

The assumption that developing follicles communicate through circulating hormones has been used to obtain a class of interaction laws that describe follicle growth. A specific member of this class has been shown to control ovulation number. Although all interacting follicles obey the same growth law and are given initial maturities that are chosen at random from a uniform distribution, ovulatory and atretic follicles emerge. Changing the parameters in the growth law can alter the most probable ovulation number values, anovulatory states are also admitted as possible solutions of the growth law. The behavior of the model is examined for interacting follicle populations of different size. Methods are suggested for identifying growth laws in particular mammals. These can be used to test the model from experimental data.  相似文献   

The role of eukaryotic initiation factor (eIF)4B in translation is somewhat uncertain, although it appears to stimulate a variety of activities of eIF-4A and eIF-4F. Using the model RNA-dependent ATP hydrolysis assay, the ability of eIF-4B to stimulate eIF-4A and eIF-4F was investigated. The most dramatic effect of eIF-4B is to increase the affinity of eIF-4A for RNA; no effect is seen on the affinity of eIF-4A for ATP. This is not the case for eIF-4F where stimulation occurs primarily through an increase in Vmax and not a change in the affinity for RNA. The finding that eIF-4A and eIF-4B can bind to an mRNA (lacking in secondary structure), with essentially the same degree of effectiveness and affinity as would occur for natural mRNAs in the presence of eIF-4A, eIF-4B, and eIF-4F, suggests a possible role for eIF-4A and eIF-4B in both cap-independent and internal initiation.  相似文献   

The acyl-CoA dehydrogenases are a family of related enzymes that share high structural homology and a common catalytic mechanism which involves abstraction of an -proton from the substrate by an active site glutamate residue. Several lines of investigation have shown that the position of the catalytic glutamate is conserved in most of these dehydrogenases (the E2 site), but is in a different location in two other family members (the E1 site). Using site specific in vitro mutagenesis, a double mutant rat short chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (rSCAD) has been constructed in which the catalytic glutamate is moved from the E2 to the E1 site (Glu368Gly/Gly247Glu). This mutant enzyme is catalytically active, but utilizes substrate less efficiently than the native enzyme (Km = 0.6 and 2.0 μM, and Vmax = 2.8 and 0.3 s−1 for native and mutant enzyme respectively). In this study we show that both the wild-type and mutant rSCADs display identical stereochemical preference for catalysis—abstraction of the -HR from the substrate followed by transfer of the β-HR to the FAD coenzyme. These results, in conjunction with molecular modeling of the native and double mutant SCAD indicate that the catalytic base in the E1 and E2 sites are topologically similar and catalytically competent. However, analysis of the 1H NMR spectra of the incubation products of these two enzymes revealed that, in contrast to the wild-type rSCAD, the Gly368Glu/Gly247Glu rSCAD could not perform γ-proton exchange of the product with the solvent, a property inherent to most acyl-CoA dehydrogenases. It is evident that the base in the mutant enzyme has access to the -HR but is far removed from the γ-Hs. These findings provide further support for a one base mechanism of - and γ-reprotonation/deprotonation catalysis by acyl-CoA dehydrogenases.  相似文献   

CRISPR-Cas系统是存在于部分细菌和绝大部分古细菌中的一种获得性免疫防御系统,使细菌在外源性基因入侵时具有免疫防御能力。此外,CRISPR-Cas系统对细菌自身生物膜的形成、耐药性、毒力等生理功能都有调控作用,这对于研究人员进行相关研究有着重要意义。本文以细菌CRISPR-Cas系统及其发挥免疫防御作用的相关研究为基础展开论述,重点阐述该系统对细菌生理功能的调控作用,并对其应用前景进行了展望,以期为进一步研究细菌耐药性和致病性提供新思路。  相似文献   

Bovine fertility is the subject of extensive research in animal sciences, especially because fertility of dairy cows has declined during the last decades. The regulation of estrus is controlled by the complex interplay of various organs and hormones. Mathematical modeling of the bovine estrous cycle could help in understanding the dynamics of this complex biological system. In this paper we present a mechanistic mathematical model of the bovine estrous cycle that includes the processes of follicle and corpus luteum development and the key hormones that interact to control these processes. The model generates successive estrous cycles of 21 days, with three waves of follicle growth per cycle. The model contains 12 differential equations and 54 parameters. Focus in this paper is on development of the model, but also some simulation results are presented, showing that a set of equations and parameters is obtained that describes the system consistent with empirical knowledge. Even though the majority of the mechanisms that are included in the model are based on relations that in the literature have only been described qualitatively (i.e. stimulation and inhibition), the output of the model is surprisingly well in line with empirical data. This model of the bovine estrous cycle could be used as a basis for more elaborate models with the ability to study effects of external manipulations and genetic differences.  相似文献   

Development plays a critical role in structuring the joint offspring-parent phenotype distribution. It thus must be part of any truly general evolutionary theory. Historically, the offspring-parent distribution has often been treated in such a way as to bury the contribution of development, by distilling from it a single term, either heritability or additive genetic variance, and then working only with this term. I discuss two reasons why this approach is no longer satisfactory. First, the regression of expected offspring phenotype on parent phenotype can easily be nonlinear, and this nonlinearity can have a pronounced impact on the response to selection. Second, even when the offspring-parent regression is linear, it is nearly always a function of the environment, and the precise way that heritability covaries with the environment can have a substantial effect on adaptive evolution. Understanding these complexities of the offspring-parent distribution will require understanding of the developmental processes underlying the traits of interest. I briefly discuss how we can incorporate such complexity into formal evolutionary theory, and why it is likely to be important even for traits that are not traditionally the focus of evo-devo research. Finally, I briefly discuss a topic that is widely seen as being squarely in the domain of evo-devo: novelty. I argue that the same conceptual and mathematical framework that allows us to incorporate developmental complexity into simple models of trait evolution also yields insight into the evolution of novel traits.  相似文献   

张璐  张燕军  苏蕊  王瑞军  李金泉 《遗传》2014,36(7):655-660
MicroRNA是参与转录后水平表达调控的重要因子, 在病理上成为药物作用的潜在靶点, 在生理上成为表型调控的潜在位点。目前, 对于microRNA的功能已有一定了解, 但其在皮肤毛囊发育中的作用机制还不完全清楚。近年来, 高通量测序技术为microRNA的鉴定提供了更准确、快速的途径, 研究发现一些microRNA能够影响皮肤毛囊细胞的分化和增殖, 其相关靶基因在调控毛囊周期性生长的过程中充当重要角色。文章综述了近年来microRNA在皮肤毛囊生长发育调控机制研究领域所取得的成果, 以期为后续开展绒山羊毛囊生长相关microRNA作用机制研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Picton HM 《Theriogenology》2001,55(6):1193-1210
Investigations of primordial follicle formation and growth are fundamental to our understanding of female gamete production. In all mammalian females the full complement of oocytes is established during fetal development. This store of primordial follicles is not renewable and serves the entire reproductive life span of the adult. The correct programming of fetal ovarian development and the number of primordial follicles formed will therefore limit the fecundity of the ovary. Primordial follicles are characterized by the presence of a single oocyte surrounded by a varying number of pregranulosa cells. The relatively small size, undifferentiated status and large numbers of primordial follicles make them prime candidates for use in basic and applied research in animal production, gene transfer and cloning. Furthermore, the development of cell culture systems that use primordial follicles as a source of oocytes for in vitro growth and maturation will enable us to maximize the potential of high genetic merit females and to shorten generation intervals. Despite these possibilities, primordial follicles are the least understood of all stages of follicle development. The factor(s) responsible for maintaining the primordial pool or, conversely, for activating primordial follicle growth remain elusive.  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine the effect of location of the preovulatory dominant follicle and stage of ovarian follicle development on ovulation rate and embryo survival in alpacas. In Experiment 1, mature lactating alpacas were randomly assigned to one of two groups according to the location of the dominant follicle detected by ultrasonography: (a) Right ovary (RO, n=96) or (b) Left ovary (LO, n=108). All females were mated once by an intact adult male. Ovulation rate, CL diameter and embryo survival rate (heartbeat) were assessed by ultrasonography on Days 2 (Day 0=mating), 8 and 30, respectively. Ovulation rate (96.5 and 96.3% for RO and LO group, respectively), corpus luteum (CL) diameter (10.2 and 10.6 mm for RO and LO group, respectively) and pregnancy rate (60.2 and 56.7% for RO and LO group, respectively) did not differ among groups. In Experiment 2, lactating alpacas (n=116) were submitted to ultrasonic-guided follicle ablation to synchronize follicular wave emergence. Afterwards, daily ultrasonography examinations were performed and females were randomly assigned to the following groups according to the growth phase and diameter of the dominant follicle: (a) early growing (5-6 mm, n=27), (b) growing (7-12 mm, n=30); (c) static (7-12 mm, n=30), or (d) regressing phase (12-7 mm, n=29). All alpacas were mated with a proven intact male, except five alpacas from early growing group that rejected the male. Females were examined by ultrasonography on Day 2 (ovulation rate), Day 8 (CL diameter), and Days 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 (embryo survival by the presence of embryo proper and heartbeat). No differences were detected in ovulation rate among groups (96%, 97%, 100%, and 97%) or in CL size (10.3, 11.7, 11.1, and 11.1 mm, for early growing, growing, early static and regressing, respectively). Although, embryo survival rate at Day 35 after mating was numerically greatest in growing (65.5%), intermediate in early growing (52.4%) and static (53.3%), and least in regressing phase (42.9%), there were no differences among groups. Results suggest that neither location nor stage of development of the dominant follicle has an influence on ovulation and embryo survival rate in alpacas.  相似文献   

A theory of embolism based on an optimization model of blood flow is proposed and used to explain the topographic distribution of emboli in arterial trees.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of penicillin and chlortetracyline HCl on the fine structure of the intracellular symbiotes of the pea aphid were studied in an attempt to remove the symbiote population. High penicillin concentrations, 1% and 0.1%, caused symbiote breakdown but were toxic and/or repellent to the aphids; at 0.1% specific effects were observed on the symbiotes' cell walls. After the use of 0.01% penicillin in the aphid diet, the symbiotes had abnormal cell walls and were abnormally dilated; however, symbiote division and transmission from one aphid generation to the next seemed unaffected and the aphids appeared normal. Aphids fed 0.1% chlortetracycline failed to reproduce. After 7 days, their symbiotes were found to break down at a high rate but aphid mitochondria were also adversely affected at this stage. Following 0.002% chlortetracycline, the aphids produced aposymbiotic progeny with apparently normal mitochondrial populations; these larvae failed to develop.Research supported by the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, University of Wisconsin, and by a research grant (GB 31904 X) from the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

WRKY转录因子是高等植物中最大的转录因子家族之一,参与植物多个生长发育进程,其调控网络复杂.WRKY12是具有典型代表性的WRKY家族成员.文中对WRKY12在多个生长发育过程中的最新调控机制进行了综述,并且比较了WRKY12与WRKY13之间的功能差异.这为深入研究WRKY12调控植物发育机制提供参考,也为探索WR...  相似文献   

Ovulation and the mechanism of follicle rupture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Ovulation and the mechanism of follicle rupture   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

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