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The rate of Cd accumulation by adult rat liver parenchymal cells in serum free primary culture in the presence of 100 μM CdCl2 was 10 times greater than that by non-parenchymal Kupffer cells. Addition of the monothiol chelating agents, cysteine and penicillamine, decreased Cd uptake in both cell types, the effect becoming more pronounced as the monothiol concentration was increased from 0.1 to 1.0 mM. These monothiols thus appear to reduce the availability of Cd for transport across the cell membrane. In contrast 1–10 molar excesses of the dithiol agents 2,3-dimercaptopropanol (BAL) or dithiothreitol (DTT) stimulated to variable extents the rate of Cd accumulation 2–10-fold in parenchymal cells and by over 100-fold in Kupffer cells. Supplementation of the media with 3% serum had little effect on the Cd accumulation in the presence of monothiols but substantially depressed Cd uptake in the presence of dithiols. Intravenous injection of Cd (0.05 mg/kg CdCl2) with up to a 10-fold molar excess of cysteine or penicillamine had little effect on the hepatocellular Cd distribution. However Cd uptake by non-parenchymal cells was increased markedly by the simultaneous administration of BAL or DTT in 2 or 10 molar excess. Evidence is provided that these results may be partially explained by the endocytosis, particularly in Kupffer cells, of colloidal complexes of Cd which are formed with the dithiols but not the monothiols. These observations demonstrate that the physicochemical form of Cd determines its hepatocellular distribution which may be an important factor in the manifestation of Cd toxicity after thiol treatment.  相似文献   

Conditioned media of isolated Kupffer and endothelial liver cells were added to incubations of parenchymal liver cells, in order to test whether secretory products of Kupffer and endothelial liver cells could influence parenchymal liver cell metabolism. With Kupffer cell medium an average stimulation of glucose production by parenchymal liver cells of 140% was obtained, while endothelial liver cell medium stimulated with an average of 127%. The separation of the secretory products of Kupffer and endothelial liver cells in a low and a high molecular weight fraction indicated that the active factor(s) had a low molecular weight. Media, obtained from aspirin-pretreated Kupffer and endothelial liver cells, had no effect on the glucose production by parenchymal liver cells. Because aspirin blocks prostaglandin synthesis, it was tested if prostaglandins could be responsible for the effect of media on parenchymal liver cells. It was found that prostaglandin (PG) E1, E2, and D2 all stimulated the glucose production by parenchymal liver cells, PGD2 being the most potent. Kupffer and endothelial liver cell media as well as prostaglandins E1, E2, and D2 stimulated the activity of phosphorylase, the regulatory enzyme in glycogenolysis. The data indicate that prostaglandins, present in media from Kupffer and endothelial liver cells, may stimulate glycogenolysis in parenchymal liver cells. This implies that products of Kupffer and endothelial liver cells may play a role in the regulation of glucose homeostasis by the liver.  相似文献   

Cadmium metabolism by rat liver endothelial and Kupffer cells.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The metabolism of cadmium was investigated in Wistar-rat liver non-parenchymal cells. Kupffer and endothelial cells, the major cell populations lining the sinusoidal tracts, were isolated by collagenase dispersion and purified by centrifugal elutriation. At 20 h after subcutaneous injection of the metal salt (1.5 mg of Cd/kg body weight), endothelial cells accumulated 2-fold higher concentrations of Cd than did Kupffer or parenchymal cells. Most of the Cd in non-parenchymal cells was associated with cytosolic metallothionein (MT), the low-Mr heavy-metal-binding protein(s). When MT was quantified in cytosols from cells isolated from control rats by a 203Hg competitive-binding assay, low levels were found to be present in Kupffer, endothelial and parenchymal cells. Cd injection significantly increased MT levels in all three cell types. The induction of MT synthesis was investigated in vitro by using primary monolayer cultures. The incorporation of [35S]cysteine into MT increased 47% over constitutive levels in endothelial-cell cultures after the addition of 0.8 microM-Cd2+ to the medium for 10 h. MT synthesis in Kupffer cells was not observed. The lack of MT synthesis by monolayer cultures of Kupffer cells in vitro was associated with a decreased capacity of these cells to accumulate heavy metals from the extracellular medium. This apparent decreased ability to transport metals did not reflect a general defect in either cellular function or metabolic activity, since isolated Kupffer cells incorporated [3H]leucine into protein at rates comparable with those shown by liver parenchymal cells and readily phagocytosed particles.  相似文献   

Primary cultures of rat liver parenchymal cells maintained as a monolayer in serum-free culture medium were used to investigate the characteristics of zinc accumulation in vitro. Liver parenchymal cells accumulated zinc by a temperature-dependent, saturable process that was inhibited by cyanide, azide, oligomycin, N-ethylmaleimide and iodoacetamide. Cadmium reversibly inhibited zinc accumulation in both serum-free and serum-containing media. Gel filtration chromatographic studies showed that recently accumulated intracellular zinc was present as a low molecular weight complex smaller than metallothionein, the zinc storage protein, but larger than individual amino acids. The quantity of zinc accumulated was affected by preincubation of the cells with various hor?ONES. Dexamethasone, prednisone and prednisolone each increased zinc uptake by 40--50% when either insulin or glucagon was also present. Hydrocortisone, cortisone and sex steroids did not influence zinc accumulation. Removal of the polypeptide hormones from the medium abolished the stimulatory effect of the synthetic glucocorticoid steroid hormones on zinc accumulation.  相似文献   

Disturbances in intracellular calcium have been implicated in liver graft damage after cold preservation and warm reperfusion. Despite improvements noted with the use of calcium channel blockers, such as nisoldipine, the exact nature and cellular basis of the presumed changes in intracellular calcium as well as the actual target of these blockers remain unclear. Isolated rat parenchymal, endothelial, and Kupffer cells were cultured and changes in intracellular calcium measured in vitro after acute hypothermia (5-8 degrees C) by fluorescence imaging using FURA-2. Between 50 and 80% of parenchymal, endothelial, and Kupffer cells exhibited significant increases in baseline calcium that were gradual and sustained for the duration of acute hypothermia. Removal of extracellular calcium completely abolished the positive response of hepatocytes and diminished the proportion of responding endothelial and Kupffer cells. The calcium channel blocker nisoldipine (1 microM) slightly diminished the proportion of positive responders in parenchymal but not in endothelial or Kupffer cells. However, nisoldipine did not modify the amplitude of the calcium rise in responding cells of all types. Acute hypothermia causes calcium influx into a majority of parenchymal, endothelial, and Kupffer cells. Nisoldipine does not effectively prevent these changes in intracellular calcium. Pathways of calcium entry resistant to the drug or other than voltage-dependent calcium channels may thus be involved.  相似文献   

The relative role of specific liver cells in the uptake of sulfobromophthalein (BSP) was ascertained by utilizing enzymatically isolated rat hepatic Kupffer and parenchymal cells. Kupffer cells demonstrated the ability neither to remove BSP from the incubation medium nor to form a BSP-glutathione conjugate. In contrast, parenchymal cells removed BSP from the medium and formed a BSP-glutathione conjugate. The rate and maximum uptake of BSP by the parenchymal cells were inversely related to the concentration of serum or albumin in the incubation medium. In an effort to evaluate the influence of ethanol on BSP uptake, parenchymal cells were incubated in the presence of varying concentrations of ethanol. No alteration in BSP uptake was induced by the prior addition of ethanol to the incubation medium. The uptake and conjugation of BSP are exclusive functional expressions of the hepatic parenchymal cell population.  相似文献   

The accumulation of several amino acids in the acid-soluble fraction and their incorporation into protein in rat liver parenchymal cell suspensions, has been shown to depend on the concentration of cells in the incubation medium; the uptake, both in the acid-soluble and the acid-insoluble fractions, decreased as the cell concentration increased from 0.03 X 10(6) cells/ml upwards, reaching a plateau at high cell concentrations (3-5 X 10(6) cells/ml). The uptake values at high cell concentrations were the same as those obtained in liver slices in which a similar effect was not observed. Evidence is presented which suggests that this phenomenon is mediated by a material released from the cells in suspension, which is inhibitory to enhancement of the uptake of amino acids by these cells over and above the value obtained in normal, adult liver slices.  相似文献   

Primary cultures of rat liver parenchymal cells maintained as a monolayer in serum-free culture medium were used to investigate the characteristics of zinc accumulation in vitro. Liver parenchymal cells accumulated zinc by a temperature-dependent, saturable process that was inhibited by cyanide, azide, oligomycin, N-ethylmaleimide and iodoacetamide. Cadmium reversibly inhibited zinc accumulation in both serum-free and serum-containing media. Gel filtration chromatographic studies showed that recently accumulated intracellular zinc was present as a low molecular weight complex smaller than metallothionein, the zinc storage protein, but larger than individual amino acids.The quantity of zinc accumulated was affected by preincubation of the cells with various hormones. Dexamethasone, prednisone and prednisolone each increased zinc uptake by 40–50% when either insulin or glucagon was also present. Hydrocortisone, cortisone and sex steroids did not influence zinc accumulation. Removal of the polypeptide hormones from the medium abolished the stimulatory effect of the synthetic glucocorticoid steroid hormones on zinc accumulation.  相似文献   

The possible role of Kupffer and endothelial liver cells in the regulation of parenchymal-liver-cell function was assessed by studying the influence of conditioned media of isolated Kupffer and endothelial cells on protein phosphorylation in isolated parenchymal cells. The phosphorylation state of three proteins was selectively influenced by the conditioned media. The phosphorylation state of an Mr-63,000 protein was decreased and the phosphorylation state of an Mr-47,000 and an Mr-97,000 protein was enhanced by these media. These effects could be mimicked by adding either prostaglandin E1, E2 or D2. Both conditioned media and prostaglandins stimulated the phosphorylase activity in parenchymal liver cells, suggesting that the Mr-97,000 phosphoprotein might be phosphorylase. Parenchymal liver cells secrete a phosphoprotein of Mr-63,000 and pI 5.0-5.5. The phosphorylation of this protein is inhibited by Kupffer- and endothelial-liver-cell media, and prostaglandins E1, E2 and D2 had a similar effect. The data indicate that Kupffer and endothelial liver cells secrete factors which influence the protein phosphorylation in parenchymal liver cells. This forms further evidence that products from non-parenchymal liver cells, in particular prostaglandin D2, might regulate glucose homoeostasis and/or other specific metabolic processes inside parenchymal cells. This stresses the concept of cellular communication inside the liver as a way by which the liver can rapidly respond to extrahepatic signals.  相似文献   

Parenchymal cells isolated from rat liver are capable of taking up free hemoglobin. Uptake was saturable with a concentration for half-maximal velocity of 1.35 mg/ml (1.99 X 10(-5) M) hemoglobin. At a concentration of 0.088 mg/ml, the endocytic index for hemoglobin uptake was 4.5 microliters/h per mg of cell protein. This may be compared with the rate of fluid pinocytosis by these cells of 0.025 microliter/h per mg of cell protein (determined with yeast invertase as the marker). Free beta globin chains were also taken up with an endocytic index of 26.7 microliters/h per mg of cell protein at a beta chain concentration of 0.075 mg/ml. Hemoglobin inhibited the uptake of labeled beta globin. Hemoglobin-haptoglobin complex at a concentration of 0.12 mg/ml (as hemoglobin) was cleared at a rate of 0.89 microliter/h per mg cell protein and its uptake was also inhibited by free hemoglobin. We conclude that haptoglobin serves to conserve the iron of hemoglobin by preventing its renal clearance and not by promoting its hepatic uptake.  相似文献   

Endocytosis of [125I]iodixanol was studied in vivo and in vitro in rat liver cells to determine fluid phase endocytic activity in different liver cells (hepatocytes, Kupffer cells and endothelial cells). The Kupffer cells were more active in the uptake of [l25I]iodixanol than parenchymal cells or endothelial cells. Inhibition of endocytic uptake via clathrin-coated pits (by potassium depletion and hypertonic medium) reduced uptake of [125I]iodixanol much more in Kupffer cells and endothelial cells than in hepatocytes. To gain further information about the importance of clathrin-mediated fluid phase endocytosis, the expression of proteins known to be components of the endocytic machinery was investigated. Using sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and immunoblotting, endothelial cells and Kupffer cells were found to express approximately fourfold more rab4, rab5 and rab7 than parenchymal cells, while clathrin was expressed at a higher level in endothelial cells than in Kupffer cells and hepatocytes. Using electron microscopy it was shown that liver endothelial cells contained approximately twice as many coated pits per membrane unit than the parenchymal and Kupffer cells, thus confirming the immunoblotting results concerning clathrin expression. Electron microscopy on isolated liver cells following fluid phase uptake of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) showed that HRP-containing organelles had a different morphology in the different cell types: In the liver endothelial cells HRP was in small, tubular endosomes, while in Kupffer cells HRP was mainly found in larger structures, reminiscent of macropinosomes. Parenchymal cells contained HRP in small vacuolar endosomes with a punctuated distribution. In conclusion, we find that the Kupffer cells and the endothelial cells have a higher pinocytic activity than the hepatocytes. The hepatocytes do, however, account for most of the total hepatic uptake. The fluid phase endocytosis in liver endothelial cells depends mainly on clathrin-mediated endocytosis, while the parenchymal cells have additional clathrin-independent mechanisms that may play an important role in the uptake of plasma membrane components. In the Kupffer cells the major uptake of fluid phase markers seems to take place via a macropinocytic mechanism.  相似文献   

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