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Functional genomic technologies, including artificial chromosome-based transgenesis and conditional gene targeting, allowed us to generate mouse models harboring genes with loss-of-function mutations, gain-of-function mutations, spatially and/or temporally restricted mutations, tissue-specific mutations, and function-selective mutations. This kind of "allelic series" for corticosteroid receptors in mouse models provides a very useful resource for the molecular understanding of corticosteroid function in vivo. These models will also support the identification of steroid receptor target genes in order to define a steroid signaling cascade in molecular terms. They provide opportunities for the identification of compounds that regulate steroid receptors in a tissue-specific and function-selective manner. For example, selective glucocorticoid receptor modulators preventing receptor dimerization and DNA binding can be expected to reduce osteoporotic and/or diabetogenic side effects, but to display partial or full anti-inflammatory potential. Thus, these mouse models will help to evaluate distinct steroid receptor functions for therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   

The prednisolone C-21 heteroaryl thioethers have been synthesized and evaluated in cell based transrepression and transactivation assays. Most of the compounds demonstrated weak transactivational activity in both human and rat tyrosineaminotransferase functional assay while keeping potent anti-inflammatory activity. The benzimidazole thioether 7 exhibited comparable anti-inflammatory activity and improved safety profile compared to the classical oral steroid prednisolone.  相似文献   

A series of C-21 mercapto derivatives of hydrocortisone have been synthesized and evaluated in cell based transrepression and transactivation assays. The benzothiazole derivative, compound 6 not only showed a dissociated profile in vitro functional assays but also a pharmacological profile in a Brown-Norway rat therapeutic index model of asthma that dissociated side effects (thymolysis) while maintaining efficacy against pulmonary inflammation and lung function.  相似文献   

3alpha-Hydroxy-5alpha-pregnane-11,20-dione-[21-14C] and 3alpha,21-dihydroxy-5alpha-pregnane-11,20-dione-[21-14C] 21-acetate were prepared from a common radio-labelled intermediate, 21-diazo-3alpha-hydroxy-5alpha-pregnane-11,20-dione-[21-14C] 3-nitrate, obtained by the reaction of 17beta-chlorocarbonyl-3alpha-hydroxy-5alpha-androstan-11-one 3-nitrate with diazomethane-[14C].  相似文献   

Steroidal bivalent ligands for the estrogen receptor (ER) were designed using crystal structures of ERα dimers as a template. The syntheses of several 17α-ethynylestradiol-based bivalent ligands with varying linker compositions and lengths are described. The binding affinities of these bivalent ligands for ERα and ERβ were determined. In the two series of bivalent ligands that we synthesized, there is a clear correlation between linker length and binding affinity, both of which reach a maximum at the same tether length. Further studies are underway to explore aspects of bivalent ligand and control compound binding to the ERs and their effects on ER dimer formation; these results will be reported in a subsequent publication.  相似文献   

A series of chemically reactive, fluorescent rhodol derivatives was prepared and evaluated. Reactive functional groups included activated esters, amines, haloacetamides, fixable hydrazide derivatives, acrylamides, and photoaffinity reagents. Depending on the choice of substituents, absorption maxima of the dyes varied from 490 to 550 nm with extinction coefficients that were generally greater than 50,000 M-1 cm-1 in aqueous solution and emission maxima from 520 to 580 nm. Most of the compounds investigated exhibited fluorescence lifetimes between 3 and 4 ns. Individual derivatives were suitable for excitation with the 488 and 514-nm lines of the argon ion laser and the 546-nm line of the mercury arc lamp and were compatible for use with standard fluorescein and rhodamine filter sets. The rhodol dyes were more photostable and less sensitive to pH changes in the physiological range than fluorescein derivatives. Some examples show absorption maxima at or near 514 nm, an excitation wavelength that is useful for multicolor fluorescence microscopy, flow cytometry, and DNA sequencing. Derivatives were also prepared that exhibit absorption and emission maxima similar to those of tetramethylrhodamine (TMR) analogs but with higher quantum yields in aqueous solution. A number of the dyes had higher solubilities in aqueous systems and were less quenched on conjugation to proteins than TMR derivatives. Appropriate substitution results in a wider range of solubilities in hydrophilic or lipophilic solvents than is easily accomplished with fluorescein or TMR derivatives. Conjugates of a number of the rhodol fluorophores were generally more photostable and less pH sensitive than fluorescein conjugates and more fluorescent than TMR conjugates.  相似文献   

A new class of covalently linkable platinum cluster reagents with core diameters close to 2 nm has been prepared. The new label offers the performance advantages and versatility of the 1.4-nm Nanogold in a larger label which is more clearly visualized against electron-dense regions of a specimen. Large platinum clusters were prepared by the reduction of platinum(II) acetate in the presence of 1,10-phenanthroline ligands which had been synthetically modified to include solubilizing and reactive cross-linkable functional groups. These were then conjugated site-specifically to antibody IgG molecules and to Fab' fragments and visualized by scanning transmission electron microscopy. The resulting conjugates may be autometallographically enhanced and show sensitivity similar to that of Nanogold conjugates in immunoblotting experiments. In preliminary experiments, they have also exhibited labeling of tissue antigens and penetrate to access nuclear targets.  相似文献   

Phytochemical characterization of a commercial herb sample supplied as Smilax ornata Lem. (sarsaparilla) led to the isolation of five steroidal saponins, including two new furostanol saponins sarsaparilloside B (1) and sarsaparilloside C (2), whose structures were elucidated via a combination of multistage mass spectrometry (MS(n)), 1D and 2D NMR experiments, and chemical degradation. The previously unreported spectroscopic characterization of sarsaparilloside (3), Δ(20(22))-sarsaparilloside (4), and parillin (5) is also provided. The antiproliferative activity of the isolated saponins was compared in six human cell lines derived from different tumor types and one of the structures (2) was particularly active against the HT29 colon tumor cell line.  相似文献   

Two derivatives of a tungstate cluster containing 11 tungsten atoms (W11PO39SiR4-) have been synthesized which enable them to be covalently attached to biomolecules at specific sites. The tungstate cluster is 1.0 nm in diameter, electron dense, and visible in the electron microscope. One derivative is a W11-sulfonyl chloride, reactive with amines and sulfhydryls. The second compound is a W11-thiosulfonate which can be used to label sulfhydryl groups. These new labels are beam resistant and provide significantly higher resolution then most other electron microscopy (EM) markers. Labeling of the protein albumin is described as an example.  相似文献   

We investigated the involvement of the p21ras-GTPase activating protein (GAP) in insulin-induced signal transduction. In cells overexpressing the insulin receptor, we did not observe association between GAP and the insulin receptor after insulin treatment nor the phosphorylation of GAP on tyrosine residues. However, after insulin treatment in the presence of the phosphotyrosine phosphatase inhibitor phenylarsine oxide (PAO), 5-10% of GAP was found to be associated with the insulin receptor, and, in addition, a fraction of total GAP was phosphorylated on tyrosine. Using in vitro binding we showed that the N-terminal part of GAP containing the src-homology domains 2 and 3 (SH2-SH3-SH2 region) is involved in binding to the autophosphorylated insulin receptor beta-chain. In vitro binding between GAP and the autophosphorylated insulin receptor occurred independently of PAO pretreatment. These results suggest that GAP can transiently interact with the insulin receptor after insulin treatment, and this interaction is arrested after PAO pretreatment.  相似文献   

The occurrence of steroidal saponins in the rhizomes of Yucca gloriosa has been detected by LC-MS. On the basis of the LC-MS analysis, five steroidal glycosides, including three spirostane, one furostane and one cholestane glycosides, along with seven known compounds have been isolated and characterized by ESI-MS and by the extensive use of 1D- and 2D-NMR experiments. Quantitative analysis of the steroidal glycosides in Y. gloriosa rhizomes was performed by an LC-MS method validated according to European Medicines Agency (EMEA) guidelines. The dried BuOH extract obtained from rhizomes contains more than 25% w/w of glycosides, thus Y. gloriosa rhizomes can be considered a rich source of steroidal glycosides.  相似文献   

Glucocorticoid receptors of rat kidney and liver were compared by physicochemical and immunochemical methods to investigate the role of proteolysis in the formation of corticosteroid binder IB. Kidney cytosol prepared in the presence of sodium molybdate contained receptor forms comparable to rat liver glucocorticoid receptor; [3H]triamcinolone acetonide-labeled receptors eluted from Sephacryl S-300 as a multimeric 6.1 nm component in the presence of molybdate and as a monomeric 5.7 nm component in the absence of molybdate. Both forms were recognized by the monoclonal antibody BUGR-1 which was raised against rat liver glucocorticoid receptor. When kidney cytosol was prepared in the absence of molybdate, labeled receptor complexes eluted from Sephacryl S-300 as a 5.8 nm component in the presence of molybdate. However, in the absence of molybdate, the receptor eluted as a smaller 3.4 nm component which was identical with the size of activated kidney glucocorticoid receptor chromatographed in either the presence or absence of molybdate. The 3.4 nm activated kidney glucocorticoid receptor did not bind to DEAE-cellulose under conditions where activated liver receptor was retained. These properties of the activated kidney receptor are characteristic of corticosteroid binder IB. Incubation of the activated kidney receptor complex with BUGR-1 resulted in a shift in apparent Stokes radius from 3.4 nm to 5.4 nm, indicating immunochemical similarity with rat liver receptor. Identification of the immunoreactive receptor subunit by Western blotting demonstrated that kidney cytosol prepared in the presence of molybdate contained a major 94-kDa immunoreactive component which co-migrated with rat liver glucocorticoid receptor, while cytosol prepared in the absence of molybdate contained principally a 44-kDa immunoreactive species. These results suggest that corticosteroid binder IB can be generated by in vitro proteolysis and does not represent a polymorphic form of the glucocorticoid receptor.  相似文献   

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