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The present study aims to understand the neurally based coordination dynamics (multistability, loss of stability, transitions, etc.) of trajectory formation in a simple task. Six subjects produced two spatial patterns of coordination in the xy plane by alternating the abduction-adduction and flexion-extension motions of their right index finger. Each pattern was characterized by a unique temporal ratio between the x and y directions of motion: (1) a figure zero, a 1∶1 temporal pattern; and (2) a figure eight, a 2∶1 temporal pattern. The patterns were produced rhythmically and movement frequency was scaled across ten frequency plateaus, with ten cycles of motion per step. As movement frequency increased, switching from a figure eight to a figure zero was observed at critical cycling frequencies. The switch from pattern (2) to pattern (1) was identified in the spatial trajectory and power spectra of x(t) and y(t). En route to the transition, enhancement of fluctuations was observed in the Fourier amplitudes of x(t) and y(t), specifically at f 0 (the metronome frequency) and 2f 0 (the first harmonic off 0). Interestingly, there was no difference in the spatial variability of the two patterns. Overall, the data demonstrate that spatial patterns of coordination can be characterized in terms of the temporal relationship between the spatial components of the trajectory itself. We discuss the experimental findings in relation to other end-point planning and multijoint control strategies, as well as the much more general problem of temporal synchronization in many interlimb and intralimb coordination tasks.  相似文献   

 Most studies examining the stability and change of patterns in biological coordination have focused on identifying generic bifurcation mechanisms in an already active set of components (see Kelso 1994). A less well understood phenomenon is the process by which previously quiescent degrees of freedom (df ) are spontaneously recruited and active df suppressed. To examine such behavior, in part I we study a single limb system composed of three joints (wrist, elbow, and shoulder) performing the kinematically redundant task of tracing a sequence of two-dimensional arcs of monotonically varying curvature, κ. Arcs were displayed on a computer screen in a decreasing and increasing κ sequence, and subjects rhythmically traced the arcs with the right hand in the sagittal plane at a fixed frequency (1.0 Hz), with motion restricted to flexion-extension of the wrist, elbow, and shoulder. Only a few coordinative patterns among the three joints were stably produced, e.g., in-phase (flexion-extension of one joint coordinated with flexion-extension of another joint) and antiphase (flexion-extension coordinated with extension-flexion). As κ was systematically increased and decreased, switching between relative phase patterns was observed around critical curvature values, κc. A serendipitous finding was a strong 2:1 frequency ratio between the shoulder and elbow that occurred across all curvature values for some subjects, regardless of the wrist-elbow relative phase pattern. Transitions from 1:1 to 2:1 frequency entrainment and vice versa were also observed. The results indicate that both amplitude modulation and relative phase change are utilized to stabilize the end-effector trajectory. In part II, a theoretical model is derived from three coupled nonlinear oscillators, in which the relative phases (φ) between the components and the relative joint amplitudes (ρ) are treated as collective variables with arc curvature as a control parameter. Received: 2 February 1996/Accepted in revised form: 13 December 1996  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics (MD) trajectories are very large data sets that contain substantial information about the dynamic behavior of a protein. Condensing these data into a form that can provide intuitively useful understanding of the molecular behavior during the trajectory is a substantial challenge that has received relatively little attention. Here, we introduce the sigma‐r plot, a plot of the standard deviation of intermolecular distances as a function of that distance. This representation of global dynamics contains within a single, one‐dimensional plot, the average range of motion between pairs of atoms within a macromolecule. Comparison of sigma‐r plots calculated from 10 ns trajectories of proteins representing the four major SCOP fold classes indicates diversity of dynamic behaviors which are recognizably different among the four classes. Differences in domain structure and molecular weight also produce recognizable features in sigma‐r plots, reflective of differences in global dynamics. Plots generated from trajectories with progressively increasing simulation time reflect the increased sampling of the structural ensemble as a function of time. Single amino acid replacements can give rise to changes in global dynamics detectable through comparison of sigma‐r plots. Dynamic behavior of substructures can be monitored by careful choice of interatomic vectors included in the calculation. These examples provide demonstrations of the utility of the sigma‐r plot to provide a simple measure of the global dynamics of a macromolecule. Proteins 2016; 84:82–91. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the problem of representing and generating unconstrained aiming movements of a limb by means of a neural network architecture. The network produced time trajectories of a limb from a starting posture toward targets specified by sensory stimuli. Thus the network performed a sensory-motor transformation. The experimenters trained the network using a bell-shaped velocity profile on the trajectories. This type of profile is characteristic of most movements performed by biological systems. We investigated the generalization capabilities of the network as well as its internal organization. Experiments performed during learning and on the trained network showed that: (i) the task could be learned by a three-layer sequential network; (ii) the network successfully generalized in trajectory space and adjusted the velocity profiles properly; (iii) the same task could not be learned by a linear network; (iv) after learning, the internal connections became organized into inhibitory and excitatory zones and encoded the main features of the training set; (v) the model was robust to noise on the input signals; (vi) the network exhibited attractor-dynamics properties; (vii) the network was able to solve the motorequivalence problem. A key feature of this work is the fact that the neural network was coupled to a mechanical model of a limb in which muscles are represented as springs. With this representation the model solved the problem of motor redundancy.  相似文献   

Opening a door, turning a steering wheel, and rotating a coffee mill are typical examples of human movements that are constrained by the physical environment. The constraints decrease the mobility of the human arm and lead to redundancy in the distribution of actuator forces (either joint torques or muscle forces). Due to this actuator redundancy, there is an infinite number of ways to form a specific arm trajectory. However, humans form trajectories in a unique way. How do humans resolve the redundancy of the constrained motions and specify the hand trajectory? To investigate this problem, we examine human arm movements in a crank-rotation task. To explain the trajectory formation in constrained point-to-point motions, we propose a combined criterion minimizing the hand contact force change and the actuating force change over the course of movement. Our experiments show a close matching between predicted and experimental data.  相似文献   

Stochastic dynamics of metastasis formation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tumor metastasis accounts for the majority of deaths in cancer patients. The metastatic behavior of cancer cells is promoted by mutations in many genes, including activation of oncogenes such as RAS and MYC. Here, we develop a mathematical framework to analyse the dynamics of mutations enabling cells to metastasize. We consider situations in which one mutation is necessary to confer metastatic ability to the cell. We study different population sizes of the main tumor and different somatic fitness values of metastatic cells. We compare mutations that are positively selected in the main tumor with those that are neutral or negatively selected, but faster at forming metastases. We study whether metastatic potential is the property of all (or the majority of) cells in the main tumor or only the property of a small subset. Our theory shows how to calculate the expected number of metastases that are formed by a tumor.  相似文献   

A method of molecular dynamics with quantum corrections, practical for studies of large molecular systems, is reviewed. The approach is based on the Bohmian formulation of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation in which a wavefunction is represented by an ensemble of interdependent trajectories. The quantum effects come from the quantum potential acting on trajectories on par with the usual classical potential. The quantum potential is determined from the evolving nuclear wavefunction, i.e. from the quantum trajectory (QT) ensemble itself. For practical and conceptual reasons the quantum potential and corresponding quantum nuclear effect are computed only for the selected light nuclei. For studies of reactive chemical processes, the classical potential is computed on-the-fly using the density functional tight binding method of electronic structure. A massively parallel implementation, based on the message passing interface allows for efficient simulations of ensembles of thousands of trajectories describing systems of up to 200 atoms. As a biochemical application, the approximate QT approach is used to model the tunnelling-dominated proton transfer in soybean-lipoxygenase-1. A materials science application is represented by a study of the nuclear quantum effect on adsorption of hydrogen and deuterium on a C37H15 molecule, which is a model ‘flake’ of graphene.  相似文献   

In hula hooping, organized motions of the body keep the hoop in stable oscillatory motion parallel to the ground. We examined the hypothesis that the multiple degrees of freedom (DF) of the lower limbs in producing the oscillations are resolved into a few control DF. The Karhunen-Loève decomposition was applied to the kinematics of the lower limbs in three experiments in which oscillation amplitude and frequency were manipulated. Kinematic variance was accommodated by two modes whose relative contributions varied with task parameters. Complementary analyses of interjoint Hilbert relative phase suggested a lower-limb organization into a vertical suspension mode and an oscillatory fore-aft mode. These modes might stabilize the hoops angular momentum by controlling, respectively, its vertical and horizontal components.  相似文献   

Electrostatic calculations of pK(a-values) are reported along a 400 ps molecular dynamics trajectory of bacteriorhodopsin. The sensitivity of calculated pK(a) values to a number of structural factors and factors related to the modelling of the electrostatics are also studied. The results are very sensitive to the choice of internal dielectric constant of the protein (in the interval 2-4). Moreover it is important to include internal water molecules and to average over a long enough portion ( approximately 100 ps) of an equilibrium molecular dynamics trajectory. The internal waters are necessary to get an ion-counter ion complex with the Schiff base and Arg 82 protonated and the aspartic groups (85 and 212) deprotonated. The fluctuations along the MD-trajectory do not change the protonation state of internal residues at neutral pH. However, at other pH values the averaging along a trajectory maybe crucial to get correct protonation states. A relationship is found between the arginine group 82, the aspartic group 85 and the glutamate group 204. Glu 204 is protonated in the ground state but the pK(a) value decreases towards deprotonation when the chromophore isomerizes into the cis state.  相似文献   

Given sufficient space, it is possible for gliding animals to reach an equilibrium state with no net forces acting on the body. In contrast, every gliding trajectory must begin with a non-steady component, and the relative importance of this phase is not well understood. Of any terrestrial animal glider, snakes exhibit the greatest active movements, which may affect their trajectory dynamics. Our primary aim was to determine the characteristics of snake gliding during the transition to equilibrium, quantifying changes in velocity, acceleration, and body orientation in the late phase of a glide sequence. We launched 'flying' snakes (Chrysopelea paradisi) from a 15 m tower and recorded the mid-to-end portion of trajectories with four videocameras to reconstruct the snake's body position with mm to cm accuracy. Additionally, we developed a simple analytical model of gliding assuming only steady-state forces of lift, drag and weight acting on the body and used it to explore effects of wing loading, lift-to-drag ratio, and initial velocity on trajectory dynamics. Despite the vertical space provided to transition to steady-state gliding, snakes did not exhibit equilibrium gliding and in fact displayed a net positive acceleration in the vertical axis, an effect also predicted by the analytical model.  相似文献   

Although much evidence suggests that axon growth and guidance depend on well-coordinated cytoskeletal dynamics, direct characterization of the corresponding molecular events has remained a challenge. Here, we address this outstanding problem by examining neurite outgrowth stimulated by local application of cell adhesion substrates. During acute outgrowth, the advance of organelles and underlying microtubules was correlated with regions of attenuated retrograde actin network flow in the periphery. Interestingly, as adhesion sites matured, contractile actin arc structures, known to be regulated by the Rho/Rho Kinase/myosin II signaling cascade, became more robust and coordinated microtubule movements in the growth cone neck. When Rho Kinase was inhibited, although growth responses occurred with less of a delay, microtubules failed to consolidate into a single axis of growth. These results reveal a role for Rho Kinase and myosin II contractility in regulation of microtubule behavior during neuronal growth.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a biologically inspired two-layered neural network for trajectory formation and obstacle avoidance. The two topographically ordered neural maps consist of analog neurons having continuous dynamics. The first layer, the sensory map, receives sensory information and builds up an activity pattern which contains the optimal solution (i.e. shortest path without collisions) for any given set of current position, target positions and obstacle positions. Targets and obstacles are allowed to move, in which case the activity pattern in the sensory map will change accordingly. The time evolution of the neural activity in the second layer, the motor map, results in a moving cluster of activity, which can be interpreted as a population vector. Through the feedforward connections between the two layers, input of the sensory map directs the movement of the cluster along the optimal path from the current position of the cluster to the target position. The smooth trajectory is the result of the intrinsic dynamics of the network only. No supervisor is required. The output of the motor map can be used for direct control of an autonomous system in a cluttered environment or for control of the actuators of a biological limb or robot manipulator. The system is able to reach a target even in the presence of an external perturbation. Computer simulations of a point robot and a multi-joint manipulator illustrate the theory.  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2022,121(15):2895-2905
In multicellular organisms, nucleosomes carry epigenetic information that defines distinct patterns of gene expression, which are inherited over multiple generations. The enhanced capacity for information storage arises by nucleosome modifications, which are triggered by enzymes. Modified nucleosomes can transfer the mark to others that are in proximity by a positive-feedback (modification begets modification) mechanism. We created a generic polymer model, referred to as 3DSpreader, in which each bead, representing a nucleosome, stochastically switches between unmodified (U) and modified (M) states depending on the states of the neighbors. Modification begins at a specific nucleation site (NS) that is permanently in the M state, and could spread to other loci that is dictated by chromatin dynamics. Transfer of marks among the non-nucleation loci occurs stochastically as chromatin evolves in time. If the spreading rate is slower than the chromatin relaxation rate, which is biologically pertinent, then finite-sized domains form, driven by contacts between nucleosomes through a three-dimensional looping mechanism. Surprisingly, simulations based on the 3DSpreader model result in finite bounded domains that arise without the need for any boundary elements. Maintenance of spatially and temporally stable domains requires the presence of the NS, whose removal eliminates finite-sized modified domains. The theoretical predictions are in excellent agreement with experimental data for H3K9me3 spreading in mouse embryonic stem cells.  相似文献   

The development of the vertebrate limb depends on an interplay of cellular differentiation, pattern formation, and tissue morphogenesis on multiple spatial and temporal scales. While numerous gene products have been described that participate in, and influence, the generation of the limb skeletal pattern, an understanding of the most salient feature of the developing limb--its quasiperiodic arrangement of bones, requires additional organizational principles. We review several such principles, drawing on concepts of physics and chemical dynamics along with molecular genetics and cell biology. First, a "core mechanism" for precartilage mesenchymal condensation is described, based on positive autoregulation of the morphogen transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta, induction of the extracellular matrix (ECM) protein fibronectin, and focal accumulation of cells via haptotaxis. This core mechanism is shown to be part of a local autoactivation-lateral inhibition (LALI) system that ensures that the condensations will be regularly spaced. Next, a "bare-bones" model for limb development is described in which the LALI-core mechanism is placed in a growing geometric framework with predifferentiated "apical," differentiating "active," and irreversibly differentiated "frozen" zones defined by distance from an apical source of a fibroblast growth factor (FGF)-type morphogen. This model is shown to account for classic features of the developing limb, including the proximodistal (PD) emergence over time of increasing numbers of bones. We review earlier and recent work suggesting that the inhibitory component of the LALI system for condensation may not be a diffusible morphogen, and propose an alternative mechanism for lateral inhibition, based on synchronization of oscillations of a Hes mediator of the Notch signaling pathway. Finally, we discuss how viewing development as an interplay between molecular-genetic and dynamic physical processes can provide new insight into the origin of congenital anomalies.  相似文献   

Platelets are small, anucleate blood cells which play an important role in haemostasis. Thrombocytopenia is a condition where the platelet count falls below 150 × 109/l and patients suffering from severe forms of this condition can experience life-threatening bleeds requiring platelet transfusions. Platelets are produced from large progenitor cells called megakaryocytes which are found in the bone marrow. The process of megakaryocyte maturation and the formation of proplatelets are essential steps in the production of mature platelets and both depend heavily on the actin and microtubule cytoskeletons. Understanding these processes is important for the development of in vitro platelet production which will help to treat thrombocytopenia as well as produce model systems for studying platelet-associated disorders. This review will highlight some of the recent advances in our understanding of the role of the cytoskeleton in platelet production, especially the key molecules and signalling pathways that regulate actin and microtubule crosstalk.  相似文献   

Using energy minimization and cluster analysis, we have analyzed a 1020 ps molecular dynamics trajectory of solvated bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor. Elucidation of conformational sub states in this way both illustrates the degree of conformational convergence in the simulation and reduces the structural data to a tractable subset. The relative movement of structures upon energy minimization was used to estimate the sizes of features on the protein potential energy surface. The structures were analyzed using their pairwise root-mean-square Cα deviations, which gave a global measure of conformational changes that would not be apparent by monitoring single degrees of freedom. At time scales of 0.1 ps, energy minimization detected sharp transitions between energy minima separated by 0.1 Å rms deviation. Larger conformational clusters containing these smaller minima and separated by 0.25 Å were seen at 1 ps time scales. Both of these small features of the conformational landscape were characterized by movements in loop regions associated with small, correlated backbone dihedral angle shifts. On a nanosecond time scale, the main features of the protein energy landscape were clusters separated by over 0.7 Å rms deviation, with only seven of these sub states visited over the 1 ns trajectory. These substates, discernible both before and after energy minimization, differ mainly in a monotonic pivot of the loop residues 11–18 over the course of the simulation. This loop contains lysine 17, which specifically binds to trypsin in the active site. The trajectory did not return to previously visited clusters, indicating that this trajectory has not been shown to have completely sampled the conformational substates available to it. Because the apparent convergence to a single region of conformation space depends on both the time scale of observation and the size of the conformational features examined, convergence must be operationally defined within the context of the simulation. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   



During the development of an enantioselective synthesis using the lipase from Mucor miehei an unusual reaction course was observed, which was analyzed precisely. For the first time an allosteric modulation of a lipase changing its selectivity was shown.


Considering the biological relevance of the discovered regulation mechanism we developed a theory that describes the regulation of energy homeostasis and fat metabolism.


This theory represents a new approach to explain the cause of the metabolic syndrome and provides an innovative basis for further research activity.  相似文献   

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