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Follicles were sampled at three different times after treatment with 1200 iu pregnant mares' serum gonadotrophin (PMSG) or 12 mg ovine follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and from untreated control animals. The meiotic status and protein synthesis of the oocyte from each follicle was determined and correlated with the intrafollicular concentration of oestradiol and progesterone. Significantly higher amounts of oestradiol were present in PMSG-treated animals at sponge withdrawal than in FSH-treated and control goats. Twenty hours later, both oestradiol and progesterone concentrations in the PMSG group were higher than those in the FSH group, and were equivalent to control animals at the onset of oestrus. At 18 h after the administration of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG), oestradiol decreased markedly in all three treatment groups, whereas progesterone remained significantly higher in PMSG-treated follicles. Although these high concentrations of intrafollicular steroids were associated with a higher incidence of premature condensation of chromatin in oocytes, the two events were not causally related. Moreover, cytoplasmic maturation was not prematurely activated in these oocytes and a changed pattern of protein synthesis was observed in oocytes from all three treatment groups after the hCG injection. Whereas disturbances in follicular steroidogenesis of oestradiol and progesterone occur in vivo in goats superovulated with PMSG, they do not underlie the premature activation of the initial stages of nuclear maturation in oocytes but are associated with normal cytoplasmic maturation.  相似文献   

Eggs were exchanged between 50 pairs of shorttailed shearwaters Puffinus tenuirostris on Great Dog Island, Bass Strait, Australia, in an attempt to distinguish the intrinsic effects of egg-size from any effects stemming from differential quality of parental care. At 64 experimental nests, large and small eggs were exchanged whereas at 36 control nests, eggs of equivalent, medium, size were exchanged. Egg-size appeared independent of maternal effects. In both groups, hatching and fledging success were independent both of eggsize and of the body condition of the attending parents. This suggests that breeding success in these birds may be more closely related to the behavioural traits of parents than to physiological factors.  相似文献   

Centropages typicus females oscillated between a dark, ripestage of oogenesis and a light, unripe stage of primary oocytes.The number of eggs released after 24 h under different experimentalconditions was strongly dependent on the reproductive statusof females at the time of incubation.  相似文献   

Animals must make "decisions" (e.g., when or whether to breed,the effort to put into a breeding episode) by integrating physiological,environmental and social inputs. This integration can be studiedonly in a field context. In Adélie penguins (Pygoscelisadeliae) reproduction is constrained by foraging ecology, modeof transport, and the extreme latitude at which they live. Thedecision whether to breed in a given year is influenced by bodyconditions. Adélie penguins must fast for several weeksduring the early reproductive stages and use stored fat formetabolic energy. Females that return to the colony, but donot breed, are 10–12% lighter than females that do breed.Birds that are relatively low in body mass tend to have lowerreproductive success than heavier birds, and an individual'sreproductive success is positively correlated with the bodyfat stores it had on arrival. After eggs are laid, parents alternatein attending the nest. Nest failure occurs if one parent doesnot make a timely return and its fasting partner must eventuallyleave. During normal-length fasts plasma corticosterone andglucose levels do not change. Blood ß-hydroxybutyratelevels gradually increase during the fast while uric acid levelsremain low, but in birds with the longest fasts (>50 days),ketone levels may fall and uric acid levels increase, indicativeof a switch from using fat to using body proteins for metabolism.In incubating males, hematocrit and hemoglobin concentrationsalso increase, suggesting dehydration can accompany energy stressduring the breeding fast.  相似文献   

In species where offspring fitness is sex-specifically influenced by maternal reproductive condition, sex allocation theory predicts that poor-quality mothers should invest in the evolutionarily less expensive sex. Despite an accumulation of evidence that mothers can sex-specifically modulate investment in offspring in relation to maternal quality, few mechanisms have been proposed as to how this is achieved. We explored a hormonal mechanism for sex-biased maternal investment by measuring and experimentally manipulating baseline levels of the stress hormone corticosterone in laying wild female European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) and examining effects on sex ratio and sex-specific offspring phenotype adjustment. Here we show that baseline plasma corticosterone is negatively correlated with energetic body condition in laying starlings, and subsequent experimental elevation of maternal baseline plasma corticosterone increased yolk corticosterone without altering maternal condition or egg quality per se. Hormonal elevation resulted in the following: female-biased hatching sex ratios (caused by elevated male embryonic mortality), lighter male offspring at hatching (which subsequently grew more slowly during postnatal development), and lower cell-mediated immune (phytohemagglutinin) responses in males compared with control-born males; female offspring were unaffected by the manipulation in both years of the study. Elevated maternal corticosterone therefore resulted in a sex-biased adjustment of offspring quality favorable to female offspring via both a sex ratio bias and a modulation of male phenotype at hatching. In birds, deposition of yolk corticosterone may benefit mothers by acting as a bet-hedging strategy in stochastic environments where the correlation between environmental cues at laying (and therefore potentially maternal condition) and conditions during chick-rearing might be low and unpredictable. Together with recent studies in other vertebrate taxa, these results suggest that maternal stress hormones provide a mechanistic link between maternal quality and sex-biased maternal investment in offspring.  相似文献   

Gonadal indices (i.e. GSI = gonadal wt/body wt X 100) commonly are used to quantify reproductive condition in fishes. These indices may be inappropriate with specimens of different sizes, however, for gonadal growth often is allometric. A new gonadal index (relative gonadal index, RGI) was developed to quantify the reproductive condition of animals independent of body size. The RGI is based on the underlying model W = alpha i X S beta i, where W is gonadal weight, S is body size (less gonadal weight if body weight is used), and alpha i and beta i are parameters to be estimated for gonadal developmental stage i. Assuming that a multiplicative lognormal error is appropriate, parameter estimates for alpha i and beta i were obtained by linear least squares regression for the log-transformed model ln(W) = beta i X ln(S) + ln(alpha i), where, in this form, beta i is the slope and ln(alpha i) is the intercept. Only if estimates of beta i do not differ significantly among ovarian developmental stages, as in our case, can a pooled estimate of beta be used to obtain the relative gonadal index, RGI = alpha i = W/S beta. Applicability of the RGI was tested using ovaries of three ecologically distinct fish species. The RGI was found to be more appropriate than the gonosomatic index for all three species.  相似文献   

Journal of Mathematical Biology - The reproductive cycle of mono-ovulatory species such as cows or humans is known to show two or more waves of follicular growth and decline between two successive...  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to determine whether the failure of males to induce sexual activity in goats during seasonal anestrus is due to unresponsiveness of females to male stimulus or insufficient stimulation from males. In the first study, one group of males (sexually inactive, SI; n = 4) was kept under natural photoperiod while the other (sexually active, SA; n = 4) was subjected to 2.5 mo of long days (16L:8D) and received 2 s.c. implants of melatonin. Two mo later, 2 different flocks of anovulatory goats previously separated from bucks were exposed to either SI (n = 34) or SA (n = 40) bucks. Progesterone assays and estrous behavior were used to determine ovarian and behavioral responses of the females to teasing. Of the goats exposed to SI males, only 2 ovulated, and none showed estrous behavior during the 35 days of the study. In contrast, all females (40 of 40) in contact with SA males ovulated and showed at least one estrous behavior during the first 11 days following male introduction (P < 0.001). Overall, 38 of 40 females stimulated with SA bucks were diagnosed pregnant at Day 35, according to progesterone assay (versus 0 in SI-treated group: P < 0.001). To control for a possible difference of responsiveness between flocks, the experiment was repeated 1 yr later using a single flock of goats divided into 2 groups. Again, over the first 14 days, 1 of 33 goats showed estrous behavior in the SI-treated group versus 27 of 33 in the SA-treated group (P < 0.001). Therefore, treating bucks with long days and melatonin increased their teasing capacity to induce sexual activity in females during anestrus. These results indicate that the absence of response to teasing at this time of the year is not due to female unresponsiveness, but to insufficient stimulation from the male.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that treatment of cultured mouse adrenal tumor cells with 0.6-1.2 microM monensin, a monovalent carboxylic ionophore, results in disruption of the organized structure of the Golgi complex. This is associated with an inhibition of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) or dibutyryl cAMP-stimulated steroidogenesis and impairment of mitochondrial cholesterol side-chain cleavage activity. The present report describes further investigations regarding possible mechanisms for the inhibition. Monensin inhibits both synthesis of fluorogenic steroids and incorporation of [14C]acetate into the end-product steroid 11 beta,20 alpha-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one. Supplementation of monensin-treated cells with 25-hydroxycholesterol, a readily available substrate for steroidogenesis, does not reverse the inhibitory effect on the reaction. The incorporation of L-[35S]methionine into trichloroacetic acid precipitable proteins in the isolated mitochondria of monensin-treated cells is inhibited approximately by 40%, whereas the inhibitory effect on the proteins in the cell homogenate is marginal. These findings suggest that a deficiency of newly synthesized proteins in mitochondria, rather than the availability of the substrate cholesterol, may be the primary factor causing impairment of steroidogenesis.  相似文献   

In the current study we investigated whether the developmental status of the two largest follicles (LF1 and LF2) at the time of administration of the first two doses (0 and 12 h) of FSH of a superovulatory treatment influences periovulatory events and embryo yields in sheep. A larger size of LF1 was negatively correlated with embryo recovery (r=-0.608 for 0 h and r=-523 for 12 h, p<0.05), fertilization (r=-0.464 for 12 h, p<0.05) and viability (r=-0.775 for 12 h, p<0.005). Embryo viability rates were also lower when a higher difference between LF1 and LF2 (r=-0.839 for 0 h and r=-0.761 for 12 h, p<0.01) and a smaller size of LF2 (r=0.877 for 0 h and r=0.622 for 12 h, p<0.01) were observed. This indicates the existence of a limit in the follicular size that will be able to give rise a viable embryo. Conversely, a larger size of LF2 at the time of administration of the first two FSH doses was correlated with reduced recovery rates (r=-0.884 for 0 h and r=-0.706 for 12 h, p<0.01), whilst a decreasing size of LF1 and LF2 was correlated with an increased ovulation rate and recovered embryos. The dominance effect appeared to affect the timing of the preovulatory LH surge. Ewes with a higher difference between LF1 and LF2 displayed earlier LH surges (r=-0.420 for 0 h and r=-0.401 for 12 h, p<0.05) which were related to a higher number of non viable embryos (r=-0.777, p<0.05). The fact that superovulatory yields were affected by, both LF1 and LF2 supports the hypothesis of co-dominance effects in sheep.  相似文献   

Kaliszewicz, A. and Lipińska, A. 2011. Environmental condition related reproductive strategies and sex ratio in hydras. —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 00 :1–7. Temperature and food supply appeared to affect sex ratio, sex composition and percentage of sexual individuals in three Hydra species: Hydra vulgaris, Hydra circumcincta and Hydra viridissima. We found three sexes present: females, males and hermaphrodites depending on environmental conditions. Hydra vulgaris appeared to be a species with a temperature‐dependent sex determination (TSD). The males and hermaphrodites were present only under rising temperatures, whereas females were observed exclusively at lowering temperatures. Hydras reproduced asexually at constant room temperature. Unlimited food affected sex ratios and induced the presence of males in H. circumcincta at lowering temperatures. Thus, H. circumcincta may be recognised as another Hydra species in which sex is determined by environmental factors (ESD). Under rising temperatures, the number of hermaphroditic individuals was higher when food supply was unlimited in all three species, indicating that hermaphrodites may need more energy to produce both male and female gonads. Both temperature changes and food supply positively affected asexual reproductive strategies in hydras, especially budding rates. Hydra circumcincta appeared to be less agile than other hydras and able to self‐fertilise. It is likely that self‐fertilisation is an adaptation to the low probability of meeting a mate belonging to the other clone.  相似文献   

Changes in the internal morphology of parasitized copepods sampledin the Gulf of Naples from 1986 to 1988 were investigated usingboth light and transmission electron microscopy. The most commonand devastating form of infection was due to the parasitic dinoflagellateSyndinium, which induced gross modifications in the internaland external morphology of the host population. The parasitereduced fecundity and longevity of infected individuals, whichmainly included juvenile and female populations of the copepodParacalanus parvus. Infection rates for this species were ashigh as 12% for. juveniles and 13% for adult females for theperiod investigated. Infection by the parasitic dinoflagellateBlastodinium induced less negative effects on the reproductivebiology of their hosts. This pathogen did not lead to sexualcastration and oogonal development appeared normal. Other formsof infestation were rare and included infections due to protozoa,fungi and bacteria. *Died tragically at sea during a cruise on December 15, 1988  相似文献   

Reproduction is expensive. Substantial body reserves (i.e. high body condition) are usually required for females to undertake offspring production. In many vertebrates, maternal body condition positively influences reproductive output, and emaciated individuals skip reproduction. However, the impact of extremely high body condition, more specifically obesity, on animal reproductive performance remains poorly understood and research has generated contradictory results. For instance, obesity negatively affects fertility in women, but does not influence reproductive capacity or reproductive output in laboratory rodents. We examined the influence of high body condition on reproductive status and reproductive output in the guinea pig. In captivity, when fed ad libitum, guinea pigs store large amounts of fat tissues and exhibit a tendency for obesity. Our results show that obesity negatively affected reproduction in this species: both the proportion of fertile females and litter size were lower in the fattest females. Therefore, guinea pigs may represent suitable organisms to better understand the negative effect of obesity on reproduction.  相似文献   

In Experiment I, 32 mares were equally allotted to the following treatments: mares fed to A) high body condition from 90 days prepartum to foaling and maintained in high body condition to 90 days postpartum, B) high body condition from 90 days prepartum to foaling and allowed to lose body condition to 90 days postpartum, C) lose body condition from 90 days prepartum to foaling and maintained in low body condition to 90 days postpartum, and D) lose body condition from 90 days prepartum to foaling and allowed to gain weight after foaling to attain a high level of body condition by 90 days postpartum. After three cycles, pregnancy rate at 30 days postovulation was lower (P<0.05) in C mares (50%) than in those in the other three groups (100%). Maintenance of pregnancy to 90 days was also reduced (P<0.05) in C mares (25%) when compared with A, D (both 100%) and B mares (88%). Foal growth to 90 days of age was similar in all treatments. In Experiment II, 927 mares were evaluated for body condition and monitored for reproductive performance. Pregnancy rate was lower (P<0.05) and number of cycles/conception was higher (P<0.05) for barren and maiden mares entering the breeding season in thin condition and for pregnant mares foaling in thin condition (condition score less than 5.0) when compared with mares with a higher level of condition. Also, onset of estrus and ovulation appeared to be delayed in barren and maiden mares entering the breeding season in thin condition. Breeding efficiency was enhanced in mares entering the breeding season or foaling at a condition of 5.0 or above. Initial excess stores of body fat enhanced fertility. There were no detrimental effects of excess body fat stored in late gestation.  相似文献   

1. Blood and sugar feeding in the mosquito Anopheles messeae Falleroni were investigated near Uppsala, Sweden, from 1981 to 1985, with emphasis on prehibernation diet. 2. Fructose, indicating plant feeding, was present in females of all ovarian stages, from April to October, and contributed to fat body development in non-gonoactive females before hibernation. 3. An.messeae males and females (inseminated and uninseminated) were observed feeding on floral nectaries of the plants Achillea millefolium L. and Tanacetum vulgare L. at night during August. 4. Gonotrophic dissociation started in some females in July, and by the end of September all females were inseminated and nulliparous but non-gonoactive. 5. Animal sheds were used as diurnal resting sites of non-gonoactive, prehibernating female An.messeae. Among recently fed mosquitoes in that group, 85% were gut positive for fructose and 15% for blood. Most of them showed negative host tropism, indicating that bloodfeeding is not a prerequisite for hibernation. 6. Survival rates of bloodfed (48 +/- 31 days) and non-bloodfed (42 +/- 21 days) females, collected from a cattle shed in September and kept caged without food or water in a store house, were not significantly different. This indicates that bloodfeeding may occur facultatively before hibernation but does not affect longevity and survival. 7. If overwintering is possible for bloodfed An.messeae females, they would be more likely vectors of pathogens such as Batai virus.  相似文献   

In order to more clearly define the hormonal factors responsible for follicular growth, ovulation and steroidogenesis, a perifusion culture system was developed. This culture system was capable of exposing the ovaries to hormonal levels which mimic the 4-day estrous cycle of the rat. Using this culture system, ovaries were exposed to the in vivo levels of luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), estradiol-17 beta and progesterone to within the mean +/- one standard deviation of the values reported by Butcher et al. (1974a). During the 4-day culture period, the diameter of the follicles gradually increased in a manner similar to that of cycling rats. After 4 days in vitro, the ovaries ovulated 4.3 +/- 0.6 oocytes/ovary as assessed by the presence of ruptured-partially luteinized follicles. This in vitro ovulation rate was not significantly different from the in vivo ovulation rate of 5.0 +/- 0.8 oocytes/ovary (P greater than 0.05). The pattern of follicular growth within cultured ovaries was similar to that of the cycling rat, although the number of small follicles recruited to grow was reduced. The steroid secretory patterns also were slightly different in the cultured ovaries. These data indicate that physiological ovarian responses which are similar to those of cycling rats can be induced within cultured ovaries. With further utilization of this culture technique, the precise role of gonadotropins, ovarian steroids and other hormonal agents can be examined in order to define specific ovarian functions which are controlled by each hormonal agent.  相似文献   

To examine whether or not dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHAS) is a substrate for steroidogenesis in the corpus luteum, we studied 17 women in the luteal phase, the follicular phase, and after castration. Following suppression of adrenal function with dexamethasone, DHAS was administered intravenously and the serum levels of DHAS, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHA), androstenedione (ADS), testosterone (T), 17 beta-estradiol (E2) and progesterone (P) were measured serially for 24 h. An obvious increase in the serum levels of all steroids except for E2 and P was observed in each subject for at least 8 h after DHAS administration. To evaluate the effect of DHAS on the serum levels of the steroid hormones, the integrated response area (IRA) was calculated for each hormone in all the subjects. The IRA values for ADS, T and E2 (at 2 and 4 h) in the luteal phase group were significantly higher than in the other DHAS treated groups, and the IRA values for DHA and P tended to be higher than in the other groups. These results suggest that the corpus luteum utilizes serum DHAS as a substrate for steroidogenesis.  相似文献   

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