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Sacha Haywood 《Ibis》2013,155(4):714-724
Clutch size varies among individuals in most bird species. A widespread assumption is that such variation results from variable timing in the disruption of ovarian follicular growth that brings, with a few days' lag, egg‐laying to an end. Currently, there is empirical evidence that this is the case in Blue Tits Cyanistes caeruleus but not in Zebra Finches Taeniopygia guttata, in which the timing of follicular disruption has been shown to be invariant. Here, I investigate clutch size regulation of Common Swifts Apus apus. Using experimental egg removal, I show that, assuming the female gets enough egg contact, the determination of clutch size occurs at noon solar time on the day the first egg of a clutch is laid. In spite of individual variation in clutch size, there was no hint of any variability in the timing of clutch‐size determination. In this species therefore, the timing of the signal disrupting follicular growth appears invariant. The physiological mechanism that controls clutch size is discussed, including the existence of an endogenous circadian clock and potential zeitgeber, the developmental range of clutch size for the species, the sensory nature of the input that triggers follicular disruption, and the stress of laying extra eggs.  相似文献   

Preferences by parasites for particular hosts may have important implications for the functioning of host–parasite systems, however, this parasitic life-history trait remains little studied. No detrimental effect of Louse Fly Crataerina pallida parasitism has been found on Common Swift Apus apus nestling hosts. Host selection choices may be mediating the effect this parasite has and account for this apparent avirulence. Two aspects of parasite host selection were studied at a breeding colony of Common Swifts during 2008; (1) intra-brood differences in C. pallida parasitism were studied to determine the influence of nestling rank, (2) differences in male and female C. pallida parasitism were investigated, as they may result in varying costs of parasitism to hosts. C. pallida populations were found to preferentially parasitize higher rather than lower ranking nestlings within broods of both two and three chicks. Greater proportions of females were seen upon nestlings than at the nest, and upon higher ranking than lower ranking nestlings within broods. These results indicate that host selection occurs and this may thus account for the lack of parasitic virulence reported within this host–parasite system.  相似文献   

Previous studies have failed to ascertain negative effects of the Swift Lousefly Crataerina pallida parasitism on Common Swifts Apus apus. Abundances of C. pallida were experimentally manipulated to create broods experiencing either enhanced or reduced parasitism, and host life‐history traits were examined. No significant differences in clutch and brood size, rate of growth, asymptotic and fledging mass and size, or the number of fledglings per nest were observed. Reductions in parasite virulence may have developed due to the connection of C. pallida and host success, or costs may be borne by traits not influencing immediate fledging success.  相似文献   

The spermatozoon of Apus apus is typical of non‐passerines in many respects. Features shared with palaeognaths and the Galloanserae are the conical acrosome, shorter than the nucleus; the presence of a proximal as well as distal centriole; the elongate midpiece with mitochondria grouped around an elongate distal centriole; and the presence of a fibrous or amorphous sheath around the principal piece of the axoneme. The perforatorium and endonuclear canal are lost in A. apus as in some other non‐passerines. All non‐passerines differ from palaeognaths in that the latter have a transversely ribbed fibrous sheath whereas in non‐passerines it is amorphous, as in Apus, or absent. The absence of an annulus is an apomorphic but homoplastic feature of swift, psittaciform, gruiform and passerine spermatozoa. The long distal centriole, penetrating the entire midpiece, is a remarkably plesiomorphic feature of the swift spermatozoa, known elsewhere only in palaeognaths. The long centriole of Apus, if not a reversal, would be inconsistent with the former placement of the Apodiformes above the Psittaciformes from DNA–DNA hybridization. In contrast to passerines, in A. apus the microtubules in the spermatid are restricted to a transient single row encircling the cell. The form of the spermatozoon fully justifies the exclusion of swifts from the passerine family Hirundinidae.  相似文献   

We manipulated brood sizes to promote different levels of parentaleffort in the common swift (Apus apus). This provided a powerfulmethod for testing hypotheses regarding parental investmentdecisions concerning optimal allocation strategies between parentsand young. Data were analyzed on a visit-by-visit basis regardingchanges in parental and chick body mass, the mass of prey delivered,and the estimated mass of parental self-feeding. Our resultswere consistent with current theory in that food delivery increasedwith brood size, whereas the food received per chick, and hencemean chick body mass, decreased with brood size. Parental bodymass decreased with brood size and increasing parental effortbut recovered quickly during lower levels of chick feeding immediatelybefore fledging, suggesting some short-term cost of reproduction.Parents feeding at the highest level experienced criticallylow body mass and responded by a temporary cessation of chickfeeding. On any one foraging trip, total mass of prey captureddid not differ between brood sizes, but load mass deliveredto the young was negatively related to the amount of estimatedparental self-feeding. Allocation decisions of parents feedingthemselves and their young matched differential allocation theories,but estimated provisioning efficiency of parents at differentbody masses did not suggest any adaptive advantage from parentalmass loss.  相似文献   

The Polynemidae is a family of primarily marine fishes with eight genera and 42 extant species. Many aspects of their morphology are largely unknown, with few reports about their osteology and barely any information on their myology. This paper describes and illustrates in detail all facial and branchial muscles of representative species of polynemids. Our analysis demonstrates the existence of several remarkable and previously unknown specializations in the polynemid musculature. The aponeurotic and completely independent origin of the pars promalaris of the adductor mandibulae is apparently unique among percomorphs. The differentiation of this section into lateral and medial subsections; the total separation of the promalaris from the retromalaris; the differentiation of the pars primordialis of the levator arcus palatini into external and internal subsections are also uncommon features of polynemids that are shared by sciaenids, thus supporting the hypothesis of a closer relationship between these families.  相似文献   

We provide a molecular phylogeny for Old World swifts of genera Apus and Tachymarptis (tribe Apodini) based on a taxon-complete sampling at the species level. Phylogenetic reconstructions were based on two mitochondrial (cytochrome b, 12S rRNA) and three nuclear markers (introns of fibrinogen and glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase plus anonymous marker 12884) while the myoglobin intron 2 did not show any intergeneric variation or phylogenetic signal among the target taxa at all. In contrast to previous hypotheses, the two genera Apus and Tachymarptis were shown as reciprocally monophyletic in all reconstructions. Apus was consistently divided into three major clades: (1) East Asian clade of A. pacificus and A. acuticauda, (2) African-Asian clade of A. caffer, A. batesi, A. horus, A. affinis and A. nipalensis, (3) African-Palearctic clade of eight currently accepted species among which sequences of A. apus and A. pallidus clustered in a terminal crown clade. Phylogenetic signal of all four nuclear markers was extremely shallow within and among species of tribe Apodini and even among genera, such that intra- and intergeneric relationships of Apus, Tachymarptis and Cypsiurus were poorly resolved by nuclear data alone. Four species, A. pacificus, A. barbatus, A. affinis and A. caffer were consistently found to be paraphyletic with respect to their closest relatives and possible taxonomic consequences are discussed without giving particular recommendations due to limitations of sampling. Incomplete mitochondrial lineage sorting with cytochrome-b haplotypes shared among species and across large geographic distances was observed in two species pairs: A. affinis/A. nipalensis and A. apus/A. pallidus. Mitochondrial introgression caused by extant or past gene flow was ruled out as an explanation for the low interspecific differentiation in these two cases because all nuclear markers appeared to be highly unsorted among Apus species, too. Apparently, the two extant species pairs originated from very recent dispersal and/or speciation events. The currently accepted superspecies classification within Apus was not supported by our results.  相似文献   

The external and internal features of the larval head of Rhyacophila fasciata (Trichoptera: Rhyacophilidae) were described in detail. Anatomical examinations were carried out using a multimethod approach including histology, scanning electron microscopy, confocal laser‐scanning microscopy, microcomputed tomography, and computer‐based three‐dimensional reconstructions. Additionally, the information on the larval head of Limnephilus flavicornis (Limnephilidae) and Hydropsyche angustipennis (Hydropsychidae) available in the literature were reinvestigated. These anatomical data were used to address major questions of homology and terminology, that is, the ventral closure of the head capsule, the sclerites, and appendages of labium and maxilla and their muscles. These topics were discussed by summarizing the main hypotheses present in the literature and a critical inclusion of new findings. Consequently, the inner lobe of the maxilla very likely represents the galea. The distal maxillary sclerite (palpifer) is an anatomical composite formation at least including dististipes and lacinia. Based on these homology hypotheses several potential groundplan features of the larval head of Trichoptera were reconstructed. The head of Rhyacophila shows several presumably plesiomorphic features as for instance the prognath orientation of the mouthparts, the well‐developed hypocranial bridge, the triangular submentum and eyes composed of seven stemmata. Derived features of Rhyacophila are the reduced antennae, the anterior directing of three stemmata and the shift of the tentorio‐stipital muscle to the mentum. J. Morphol. 276:1505–1524, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The digging apparatus of pocket gophers offers a unique opportunity to examine morphological constraints within a historical context because relationships among extant taxa are well resolved and the features enhancing digging performance are relatively well understood. Structural and functional considerations suggest that the muscles associated with tooth- and claw-digging in pocket gophers are subjected to contrasting levels of morphological constraints. To assess this hypothesis, we analysed the bones and muscles of the jaws and forelimbs in four genera comprising five species of pocket gophers. Morphometric analyses were performed on 12 osteological measurements selected to reflect overall skull size, variation in rostral shape and procumbency, differences in overall length of the forelimbs and processes relating to the function of lever systems used in claw-digging. In addition, dissections were made of the jaw, hyoid, neck and all of the forelimb muscles excluding the intrinsic muscles of the manus. Results of our morphometric analyses corroborate the recent suggestion that pocket gophers encompass a wide range of morphological variation extending from claw-diggers to tooth-diggers. Myologically, however, we found structural variation only in the forelimb muscles, some of which may be advantageous for digging. No changes in jaw, neck and hyoid muscles, other than differences in muscle mass or those concordant with differences in rostral shape, were noted. These results support our hypothesis that constrasting levels of morphological constraint exist between the jaw and forelimb muscles of pocket gophers. We present a discussion of the structural and functional constraints on jaws and forelimbs in gophers as well as an analysis of historical constraints acting on this group, and perhaps on mammals in general.  相似文献   

The muscular anatomy of the millipede Phyllogonostreptus nigrolabiatus (Newport, 1844) (Diplopoda; Spirostreptida; Harpagophoridae) is comprehensively surveyed. The musculature of the first three postcollum pleurotergites, the "thorax," and their associated appendages was found to be more complex than that of the postthoracic rings. It is hypothesized that the musculature of the postthoracic segments is derived relative to that of the thoracic segments, which retain primitively free sternites and are not diplosegments. This hypothesis is discussed relative to previous hypotheses positing that the anteriormost three leg-bearing rings in millipedes are diplosegments. The musculature of spirostreptid gonopods is described in detail for the first time. Comparison of the cephalic musculature is made with previously described musculature in Julida showing that, while many aspects of the musculature are conserved, there exist interordinal differences, documenting the potential utility of comparative anatomical studies for resolving millipede phylogeny.  相似文献   

External and internal thoracic structures of Nannochorista spp. are described in detail. The results are compared with conditions found in other endopterygote taxa, especially in members of Antliophora. Seventy-seven characters potentially useful for phylogenetic reconstruction are discussed, coded, presented as a data matrix and analysed cladistically. The thorax of Nannochorista shows a number of plesiomorphic characters compared with other mecopterans (except for Merope ) and members of the other antliophoran groups (e.g. presence of prospina and associated muscles). No specific affinities of thoracic features of Nannochoristidae and Diptera were found. The cladistic analysis results in strongly supported Antliophora (e.g. intraprofurcal muscle and ventral pleural arms present; bundle of M. mesonoto-pleuralis posterior originates on pleural arm). The thoracic characters do not support the monophyly of Mecoptera. This is possibly an artefact of the analysis. Several potential thoracic autapomorphies of the order are inapplicable in Boreidae, Siphonaptera and Diptera. Boreidae and Siphonaptera share a suite of characters related with flightlessness and are retrieved as sistertaxa when characters associated with wing reduction are predefined as irreversible. Merope appears exceptionally plesiomorphic in its thoracic morphology. Pistillifera (excluding Meropidae) and Panorpoidea (Panorpidae + Panorpodidae) are supported as clades. Due to the strongly modified thoracic morphology of Siphonaptera, the position of this group remains uncertain. The phylogenetic reconstruction using thoracic features alone is clearly impeded by far reaching modifications in Diptera in correlation with an advanced type of anteromotorism, and complex suites of reductional features in the secondary wingless forms.  相似文献   

Biscutate swift Streptoprocne biscutata nests are usually built on protected rocky cliff walls. Birds often renest at the same location. Remains of previous nests may offer information about potential nests and quality of nest-sites. Here, we experimentally study nest-site selection to test the hypothesis that information from previous nests is used in current nest-site selection. We placed old nest material at artificial nest-sites to test whether new nest-sites are chosen based on the presence of nesting material. We also tested whether the use of natural nest-sites is influenced by nesting material by creating two types of natural sites: previously used natural nest-sites with vestiges of old nests removed and never used natural nest-sites to which vestiges of old nests were added. In the first experiment, in 139 nest-use opportunities, 16 artificial nest-sites were used, all of which included vestiges. In the second experiment, in 91 nest-use opportunities, four nests were in previously unused but natural locations to which vestiges had been added, 22 nests were in previously used sites without vestiges, and the remaining 65 nests remained unused. Two processes are apparently in action: first, prior experience and memory; second, vestiges indicate where nesting has occurred, possibly useful for first breeding, or for imperfect memory. Previous nesting information may explain why swifts use nesting locations for many years and why new nesting colonies seldom form. This transmission of information suggests that swifts tend to be conservative and nest where previous nesting has occurred.  相似文献   

Although the gill‐arch osteology of Cypriniformes has been well studied, comparable works on gill‐arch musculature are scarce. The focus of previous studies has been on Cyprinidae while other families have received little or no attention. Consequently, generalizations for Cypriniformes have been made from the musculature of cyprinid gill‐arches. This study describes the gill‐arch musculature of a catostomid, the quillback Carpiodes cyprinus, and demonstrates that there are striking differences in the overall gill‐arch musculature of catostomids in comparison to cyprinids, especially in the dorsal gill‐arch region. Of the 23 muscles found in the dorsal gill‐arch region of cyprinids, only 13 were present in C. cyprinus. Muscles that are absent include adductores 1–5, levator internus 4, levator ceratobranchialis 5 accessorius, retractor ceratobranchialis 5 externus, retractor ceratobranchialis 5 internus, and the retractor ceratobranchialis 5 transversus. In the ventral gill‐arch region, the rectus communis is absent. The derived scrolling shape of the dorsal gill‐arch skeleton associated with food processing is likely related to the change in musculature. J. Morphol., 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The trunk morphology of the larvae of the kauri pine (Agathis) seed infesting moth Agathiphaga is described using conventional, polarization, and scanning electron microscopy. The pine seed chamber formed by the larva is also described and commented on. The simple larval chaetotaxy includes more of the minute posture sensing setae, proprioceptors, than expected from the lepidopteran larval ground plan. The excess of proprioceptors is suggested to be necessary for sensory input concerning the larval posture within the seed chamber. The trunk musculature includes an autapomorphic radial ventral musculature made up of unique multisegmental muscles. The combined presence of additional proprioceptors and the unique ventral musculature is proposed to be related to the larval movement within the confined space of the seed chamber, especially to a proposed somersault movement that allows the larva to orientate itself within the chamber. J. Morphol. 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Homologies of muscles of the m. transversospinalis group in the dorsal and cervical regions in Sauria are established based on detailed dissections and published accounts of lepidosaurs, crocodylians, and birds. Attachments and directions of tendons comprising this muscle group are fairly conserved among the saurian clades, enabling rather robust inferences on muscle homologies. The innervation pattern indicates that mm. ascendentes are the most lateral muscles of the m. transversospinalis group in Aves, and are inferred to be homologous with the crocodylian m. tendinoarticularis based on their topological similarities. It is suggested here that the lepidosaurian articulo-parietalis part of m. longissimus cervico-capitis actually belongs to the m. transversospinalis group because its tendons of origin are shared with those of m. semispinalis. The avian m. complexus and the lateral part of the crocodylian m. transversospinalis capitis have origins and insertions similar to this lepidosaurian muscle, and are proposed to be homologous with the latter. In some birds, m. longus colli dorsalis, pars profunda continues directly into the anterior cervical region as m. splenius accessorius, suggesting a serially homologous relationship. Similarly, m. splenius anticus continues anteriorly from m. longus colli dorsalis, pars cranialis, and both of these muscles lie dorsal to m. splenius accessorius. Therefore, the currently used nomenclature that regards m. splenius accessorius as a part of m. longus colli dorsalis, pars cranialis and that regards m. splenius anticus as a part of the former muscle does not accurately reflect the serial homologies among these muscles and may not be justified.  相似文献   

The African penguin (Spheniscus demersus) is an endangered seabird that resides on the temperate southern coast of Africa. Like all penguins it is flightless, instead using its specialized wings for underwater locomotion termed ‘aquatic flight’. While musculature and locomotion of the large Antarctic penguins have been well studied, smaller penguins show different biochemical and behavioural adaptations to their habitats. We used histochemical and immunohistochemical methods to characterize fibre type composition of the African penguin primary flight muscles, the pectoralis and supracoracoideus. We hypothesized the pectoralis would contain predominantly fast oxidative–glycolytic (FOG) fibres, with mainly aerobic subtypes. As the supracoracoideus and pectoralis both power thrust, we further hypothesized these muscles would have a similar fibre type complement. Our results supported these hypotheses, also showing an unexpected slow fibre population in the deep parts of pectoralis and supracoracoideus. The latissimus dorsi was also examined as it may contribute to thrust generation during aquatic flight, and in other avian species typically contains definitive fibre types. Unique among birds studied to date, the African penguin anterior latissimus dorsi was found to consist mainly of fast fibres. This study shows the African penguin has specialized flight musculature distinct from other birds, including large Antarctic penguins.  相似文献   

Emus have reduced their wing skeleton to only a single functional digit, but the myological changes associated with this reduction have never been properly described. Moreover, the intraspecific variability associated with these changes has not previously been examined, dissections having been restricted in the past to only one or two individuals. In this paper, the myology and osteology of the Emu wing is described for a sample of five female birds. The Emu showed a marked reduction in the number of muscles in the wing, even compared with other ratites. Many wing muscles showed diversity in structure, origin and insertion sites, number of heads, as well as presence-absence variation. This variability dramatically exceeds that found in flying birds. Evolutionary theory predicts that relaxed selection on vestigial organs should allow more variation to persist in the population, and corresponds to what is observed here. A large amount of fluctuating asymmetry was also detected, indicating reduced canalization of the wing during development.  相似文献   

Some morphological characteristics of a progeny (H2) derived from a somatic hybrid (H1: 2Pn = 4x = 48) between tomato ‘Ponderosa’ and L. peruvianum were investigated to determine the genetic stability. The H2 progeny possessed morphological characteristics that were either similar to one fusion parent, intermediate between those of the two fusion parents, or that were unique. Some morphological characteristics in the H2 progeny were quite variable between the individual plants. Chromosome numbers of H2 progeny, pollen mother cells of H1, and hybridization patterns of ribosomal RNA gene (rDNA) of H2 progeny were investigated to elucidate the main causes of the morphological variations observed in the H2 progeny. From the results, it is suggested that the presence of aneuploid and chromosome pairing, including autosyndesis in the H1, were the main causes of morphological variations in individuals in the H2 progeny.  相似文献   

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