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Petunia bajeensis and P. riograndensis, two new species from southern Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil are described, and their morphological distinction from related species and features of their habitats are discussed.  相似文献   

The discovery of two groups of the black howler monkey,Alouatta caraya, inhabiting two orchards on a cattle farm, Fazenda Casa Branca (29°56′S, 55°59′W), Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, represents a new southern limit for the geographic distribution of this species.  相似文献   

A trial is described, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil, as one of a series suggested to investigate the effects of strategic but selective acaricide treatments of cattle within herds against Boophilus microplus. They are aimed at considering the repercussions of farmer attempts at immediate reductions in acaricide costs and the potential for creation of ‘refugia’ of untreated ticks. Half (Group 1) of a small experimental herd of European breed heifers were treated strategically against ticks, three times during the late spring–early summer and twice during autumn (southern hemisphere), with an injectable avermectin endectocide, designed to act directly against the first and third generations of parasitic B. microplus per ‘cattle tick year’ at this site, respectively. The consequent levels of infestations on all of the member cattle in their common pasture were monitored. Group 1 showed low to zero tick counts during the 28-day treatment interval periods and up to ca. 14 days after the last of such a series. Treated cattle, however, became re-infested outside of these periods and to levels that would be considered as unacceptable by farmers in the state. The untreated cattle (Group 2) showed infestations at generally higher levels, than their contemporaries, within and outside of the treatment periods. There were thus ample sources of larvae in the pasture, derived principally from falling, untreated engorged female ticks, re-infesting both the treated and untreated cattle. Advantages of maintaining chemically untreated cattle ticks within a herd, compared to their disadvantages as contaminants to classical strategic control procedures, merit re-evaluation, especially in relation to the recent, world-wide resurgence of acaricide resistance in B. microplus. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

An aerobiological study has been carried out in the region of Caxias do Sul in southern Brazil. Pollen monitoring was performed from January 1, 2001 through to December 31, 2002. A total of 30,469 pollen grains were collected during this period, and 40 pollen types were identified; of these, 23,389 pollen grains, representing 29 pollen types, originated from tree and shrub taxa. The maximum pollen concentration was registered in August 2001 and October 2002. In the study area, the pollen type Mimosa scabrella (18.8%) was much more abundant than all of the pollen types from tree and shrub taxa, such as: Urticaceae (18.4%), Myrtaceae (10.2%), Cupressaceae (7.7%), Myrsine (4.8%), Sorocea (3.9%), Pinaceae (2.9%), Asteraceae (2.2%) and Ricinus (2.1%). These nine pollen types accounted for the largest pollen concentrations of all the tree and shrub taxa. The pollen types Carya, Melastomataceae, Mimosa scabrella, Myrsine and Sorocea are reported for the first time in an aerobiological study in Brazil.  相似文献   

Dolphin/whale watching activity represents the major source of income to many local communities, however many studies describe negative effects of this activity on animals’ normal behavior. In this paper we describe a behavioral analysis of estuarine dolphins (Sotalia guianensis), proximity pattern and breathing synchrony during the first year after the delimitation of a coastal reserve and enforcement of rules to control boat traffic at southern Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil). Different from studies conducted before the delimitation of the coastal reserve, our results show that forage behavior did not decrease and overall activity budget did not change in the presence of boats, although animals would still increase proximity and breathing synchrony during the first semester. We conclude that simple rules for control of boat traffic are effective in minimizing the short term negative impacts on dolphins. However, the enforcement of common rules is a difficult compromise between community needs and vulnerability of dolphin populations.  相似文献   

Marcos R. Camara 《Hydrobiologia》2001,466(1-3):145-148
In spite of the presence of Artemia franciscana Kellogg in several saltworks in the State of Rio Grande do Norte (RN) (northeastern Brazil) that were colonized from inoculations made in Macau (RN) in April 1977 with cysts from a San Francisco Bay (California, U.S.A.) stock, there is no recent data on the degree of regional dispersal of this anostracan. For 12 months (July 1996 – June 1997), 55 saltworks located in the municipalities of Areia Branca, Grossos, Galinhos, Guamaré and Macau in RN were visited and sampled for the presence of Artemia franciscana and the occurrence of its cysts. Populations of Artemia franciscana were found in all 55 saltworks, although significant amounts of cysts were only found in six sites. The presence of Artemia franciscana in all visited sites brings further evidence to the ample dispersal of this anostracan throughout the saltwork region of RN. However, the relatively low incidence of cysts suggests that most of these populations are reproducing ovoviviparously.  相似文献   

The blue mussel Mytilus trossulus occurs in the Pacific and in the North Atlantic. We developed and characterized six microsatellite loci for Baltic M. trossulus. Seventeen microsatellite loci were screened, of which six were polymorphic. The number of alleles among 50 individuals ranged from 3 to 13 and the observed and expected heterozygosity were 0.09–0.46 and 0.34–0.86, respectively. The loci were also tested for cross amplification in M. edulis, in which four of the six microsatellite loci were successfully amplified.  相似文献   

Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) was used to examine genetic variation and population structure of screwworm flies in four populations from São Paulo State, Brazil. The total DNA of 405 individuals was digested with 15 restriction endonucleases and probed with five clonedHindIII fragments representing the entire mitochondrial genome ofCochliomyia hominivorax. The survey revealed that four enzymes (HaeIII,HindIII,MspI, andPvuII) were suitable to detect mtDNA variation among all populations. Based on the fragment patterns obtained for these four enzymes, a total of 15 haplotypes in combination was detected. Heteroplasmic individuals for thePvuII pattern were obtained in one of the populations. The estimated average for nucleotide sequence divergence (δ) was 0.92%. The cladogram of the geographical distribution among the observed haplotypes suggests that the sampled screwworms probably belong to a single evolutionary lineage with populations interconnected by reduced gene flow.  相似文献   

Laboratory, greenhouse, and field experiments were performed with the objective of selecting efficient indigenous strains of entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) from Rio Grande do Sul (RS) state, Brazil, for controlling the South American fruit fly, Anastrepha fraterculus (Wied.). Laboratory experiments were conducted in 24 well-plates filled with sterile sand and one insect per well. In greenhouse experiments, plastic trays filled with soil collected from the field were used, while in field experiments, holes were made in soil under the edge of peach tree canopies. Among 19 EPN strains tested, Heterorhabditis bacteriophora Poinar RS88 and Steinernema riobrave Cabanillas, Poinar, & Raulston RS59 resulted in higher A. fraterculus larval (pre-pupal) and pupal mortality, with LD90 of 1630, 457 and 2851, 423 infective juveniles (IJs)/cm2, respectively. Greenhouse experiments showed no differences in pupal mortality at 250 and 500 IJs/cm2 of either nematode. In the field, H. bacteriophora RS88 and S. riobravae RS59 sprayed individually over natural and artificially infested fruit (250 IJs/cm2) resulted in A. fraterculus larval mortality of 51.3%, 28.1% and 20%, 24.3%, respectively. There was no significant difference in A. fraterculus pupal mortality sprayed with an aqueous suspension of either nematode; however, when using infected insect cadavers, H. bacteriophora RS88 was more efficient than S. riobrave RS59. Our results showed that H. bacteriophora RS88 was more virulent to insect larvae, with an efficient host search inside the infested fruit and control of pupae in the soil after being applied by aqueous suspension or infected cadavers.  相似文献   

The dominant mammals occupying the subterranean niche in South America are rodents of the genus Ctenomys, which form a large group of 56 species with chromosome numbers ranging from 2n= 10 to 70. In southern Brazil, Ctenomys minutus is the species with the widest geographic distribution, inhabiting sandy fields and dunes extending from Jaguaruna beach in the state of Santa Catarina to the town of São José do Norte in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. Eleven karyotypes (2n= 42; 2n= 46a; 2n= 46b; 2n= 47a; 2n= 47b; 2n= 48a; 2n= 48b; 2n= 49a; 2n= 49b; 2n= 50a and 2n= 50b) were described for this species and zones of hybridization are also known. A sample of 51 C. minutus specimens was collected from five sampling sites about 20 km apart along the coastal plain of Rio Grande do Sul between the municipalities of Tavares (31°23′S 51°09′W) and São José do Norte (31°52′S 51°54′W). We were able to extend the known geographic distribution of C. minutus by 90 km, from Tavares southwards to São José do Norte. During our study we found five karyotypes (2n= 46b, 47b, 48b, 49b and 50b), four of which (2n= 47b, 48b, 49b and 50b) have not previously been described for this species.  相似文献   

Chinavia Orian (1965) is one of the most diverse genera of Pentatomidae, distributed in the Afrotropical, Neotropical and Nearctic Regions. Thirty-two species are recorded for Brazil, some of them having potential economic impact because they are found on crops and referred to as pests. The morphology of the five nymphal instars of Chinavia armigera (Stål, 1859), Chinavia aseada (Rolston, 1983), Chinavia brasicola (Rolston, 1983) and Chinavia runaspis (Dallas, 1851) are described here. Through a comparative study, identification keys were developed to allow an early identification of the 12 Chinavia species of Rio Grande do Sul.  相似文献   

Fairly large Mytilus trossulus beds were found in the subtidal zone at depths to 40 m off the western coast of Kamchatka. The size and age composition of local populations and growth rates of M. trossulus in this region and at Atlasova Island were studied. Significant variability of the shell shape of mollusks was found. In the western Kamchatka subtidal, M. trossulus grew faster than in the northern Kuril Islands and eastern Kamchatka. Mussels attained commercial size (50 mm in shell length) in the fourth year of life in the former case and in the fifth-sixth year in other cases. Mollusks of different ages, from 1 to 8–9 year olds, were present in western Kamchatka populations; i.e., juvenile recruitment takes place regularly, while growth rates vary. Growth and population structure of M. trossulus are discussed in relation to the habitat conditions on the western Kamchatka shelf.  相似文献   

Mosquito diversity was determined in an area located on the southern limit of the Atlantic Forest on the north coast of Rio Grande of Sul State. Our major objective was to verify the composition, diversity, and temporal distribution of the mosquito fauna, and the influence of temperature and rainfall. Samplings were performed monthly between December, 2006 and December, 2008, in three biotopes: forest, urban area, and transition area, using CDC light traps and a Nasci vacuum. A total of 2,376 specimens was collected, from which 1,766 (74.32%) were identified as 55 different species belonging to ten genera. Culex lygrus, Aedes serratus, and Aedes nubilus were dominant (eudominant) and constant throughout samplings. The forest environment presented the highest species dominance (DS=0.20), while the transition area showed the highest values of diversity (H'=2.55) and evenness (J'=0.85). These two environments were the most similar, according to the Morisita‐Horn Index (IM‐H=0.35). Bootstrap estimates showed that 87.3% of the species occurring in the region were detected. The seasonal pattern showed a greater abundance of mosquitoes between May and October, indicating the period to intensify entomological surveillance in that area.  相似文献   

We describe the advertisement and territorial calls of Hylodes meridionalis for the first time and provide observations on nocturnal calling activity for this species. The advertisement call has 36–82 harmonic notes, with duration of 2.71–5.69 s and dominant frequency on the third harmonic. Advertisement calls are separated by large intervals varying from 18.7 to 44.7 s. The territorial call has 1–3 notes, with duration of 0.039–0.567 seconds, and dominant frequency also on the third harmonic. Territorial calls are emitted at a much higher repetition rate than the advertisement call, with intervals of 1.1–1.6 s between each call. Frogs of the genus Hylodes are known to call mainly during the day, but for H. meridionalis nocturnal calling was observed on various occasions, and could occur regularly until two hours after sunset, or sporadically along the night.

Descrevemos os cantos de anúncio e territorial de Hylodes meridionalis pela primeira vez e fornecemos observações sobre a atividade noturna de vocalização para esta espécie. O canto de anúncio tem 36–82 notas harmônicas, com duração de 2,71–5,69 segundos e frequência dominante no terceiro harmônico. Há grandes intervalos entre os cantos de anúncio, de 18,7–44,7 segundos. O canto territorial tem 1–3 notas, com duração de 0,039–0,567 segundos, e frequência dominante também no terceiro harmônico. Cantos territoriais são emitidos a uma taxa de repetição muito mais elevado do que o canto de anúncio, com intervalos de 1,1–1,6 segundos entre cada canto. As espécies do gênero Hylodes são conhecidas por vocalizar principalmente durante o dia, mas machos de H. meridionalis foram observados em atividade de vocalização noturna em várias ocasiões, sendo que podem vocalizar regularmente até duas horas após o pôr do sol, ou esporadicamente ao longo da noite.  相似文献   

王兴亚  周俐宏 《生态学报》2016,36(8):2337-2347
为了明确我国北方不同地理种群甜菜夜蛾Spodoptera exigua遗传多样性与种群遗传结构,阐明该种害虫的种群历史动态,首次对采自我国北方8省17县(市)304头甜菜夜蛾样品进行mt DNA Cytb基因序列测定与分析,利用Dna SP 5.0和Arlequin 3.0软件分析种群遗传多样性、遗传结构、遗传分化与分子变异,基于MP、ML与贝叶斯法构建单倍型系统发育树,与此同时,基于Median-joining法对所有个体构建单倍型网络关系图。结果表明,在所分析的304个序列样本中,共检测出19个单倍型,其中,包括9个共享单倍型,单倍型Hap6为所有种群所共享。总群体具有较低的遗传多样性(Hd=0.422±0.035,π=0.00119±0.00011)与较小的遗传分化(F_(ST)=0.108,P0.001)。单倍型系统发育分析与网络关系图结果表明,虽然19个单倍型被分为2个分支,但各单倍型相互散布在不同种群中,未形成明显谱系地理格局。AMOVA分析表明,甜菜夜蛾遗传变异主要来自种群内(89.18%),种群间变异水平较低(10.82%)。中性检验(Tajima's D=-1.897,P0.05;Fu's FS=-4.424,P0.05)与错配分布分析表明,我国北方地区甜菜夜蛾种群曾经历过种群的近期扩张。  相似文献   

The objective of this work were to isolate and identify strains of entomopathogenic fungi from ingurgitated female Boophilus microplus ticks, collected from the soil in the municipality of Paracambi, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. The ingurgitated females were inoculated in the selective medium oat dodine agar (oda), where 49 colonies of Beauveria bassiana (71%) and 20 of Metarhizium anisopliae var. anisopliae (29%) were isolated. These isolated strains characterize for the first time in Brazil the natural occurrence of these species of fungi in this tick, and will be used to conduct bioassays to evaluate the pathogenicity and virulence of these strains for ticks of the genus Boophilus microplus. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Ants are being widely studied in different Brazilian biomes due to their sensitivity to environmental changes. Therefore, in order to evaluate the effect of climatic variables on species richness, as well as the impact caused by vineyards on the epigeic ant fauna in the region of the Pampa biome, more specifically in the physiographic region of Campanha, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, a survey was performed on three farms, for a period of 2 years. On each farm, samples were obtained within the vineyards and in the surrounding grassland vegetation, which is similar to that which preceded the cultivation of vines. Twenty pitfall traps were installed in each environment. A total of 70 species belonging to 24 genera and seven subfamilies were collected. The analysis confirmed that the species richness was influenced by temperature and rainfall, and that the vineyards behave like other agricultural systems, causing a significant change in the structure of the ant assemblage when compared to grassland areas.  相似文献   

During a combined research project at several stations along the Lower Saxony coast (German North Sea) antifouling biocides were analysed in water, sediment and biota. Pathological alterations in blue mussel, Pacific oyster and periwinkle found in the harbour of Norderney and a reference station are presented here and discussed on the background of chemical analyses. The molluscan species from the reference station Borkum East flat did not show any pathological effects in central organs, except those provoked by an infestation in the gastro-intestinal tract by the copepod Mytilicola intestinalis and trematode larvae. In most animals, the metacercaria were found in the interstitial tissue without any inflammatory reaction. In a minor number of specimens, an inflammatory reaction in the mucosa and sub-mucosa of the intestine occurred in association with Mytilicola infestation. These reactions may be evoked through mechanical irritation of the gut epithelium, metabolic products of the parasites or invading bacteria. In contrast to the observed pathological changes of mussels, oysters and periwinkles in Norderney harbour were not found to be associated with parasitic infestation. The most prominent pathological alterations were observed in the digestive system and in the gonad. In the gastro-intestinal tract inflammatory reactions, atrophy and necrosis of tubules in the mid gut gland were most pronounced in spring at the beginning of the pleasure boat season in the Pacific oyster and to a minor degree in the blue mussel and the periwinkle. The latter displayed additional inflammatory and necrotic processes in the gills. Especially in the gonad, an elevated resorption rate of gametes was present in the Pacific oyster and in the periwinkle. In addition, impact of organotin compounds was reflected in an intersex index of up to 1.4 in Littorina littorea in coincidence with masculinization of the reproductive organs.  相似文献   

Hemlock woolly adelgid, Adelges tsugae Annand (Homoptera: Adelgidae), is native to Japan where it is an innocuous inhabitant of Tsuga diversifolia Masters and T. sieboldii Carriere throughout their natural growing areas. Native adelgid populations are regulated by host resistance and natural enemies, in particular the oribatid mite, Diapterobates humeralis (Hermann) and the coccinellid beetle, Pseudoscymnus tsugae Sasaji and McClure. Invading populations of A. tsugae in western North America on T. heterophylla Sargent and T. mertensiana Carriere are mainly regulated by host resistance. However, invading populations in eastern North America attain damaging levels on T. canadensis (L.) Carriere and T. caroliniana Engelmann and are regulated mainly by weather and negative density-dependent feedback mechanisms related to host deterioration. Although A. tsugae is only passively dispersed by wind, birds, forest-dwelling mammals and humans, it is spreading at an alarming rate and is sufficiently cold hardy to threaten the existence of the two eastern hemlock species throughout their natural ranges. The current hope for suppressing invading populations of hemlock woolly adelgid in eastern North America lies with the exotic predator, P. tsugae. Extensive laboratory studies of the biology and predatory ability of P. tsugae revealed that it feeds on all life stages of its prey, that its multivoltine life cycle is well synchronized with that of the adelgid, and that it has great potential for biological control. We have reared and released nearly 130,000 adults of P. tsugae in forests in Connecticut, New Jersey and Virginia during the past four years. P. tsugae has reproduced, dispersed, overwintered and reduced densities of hemlock woolly adelgid by 47–88% in only five months on release branches at these sites. Current studies are investigating the long-term ability of P. tsugae to regulate invading populations of A. tsugae in eastern North America.  相似文献   

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