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Weekly observations ofNeomysis intermedia in Lake Kasumigaura showed two major peaks in abundance during spring and autumn (more than 104 individuals m–2) and minimum levels in summer and winter (less than 103 individuals m–2). Their increase in abundance followed a high egg ratio, suggesting that the increase in abundance was caused by a high reproductive rate. Major contributors to mysid population decreases include fish predation and commercial fisheries, and possible horizontal migration of the mysids. N. intermedia showed two types of life history in the lake. One type (overwintering generation) has a life span of about 6–7 months and produces about 27 eggs per brood. Another, appearing from spring to autumn, matures in 3–6 weeks at a smaller size, and produces 12 eggs per brood. The reproductive season ofN. intermedia was continuous from March through November.  相似文献   

Four experiments were conducted to evaluate Microcystis as food for zooplankton in Lake Kasumigaura, and the following results were obtained. (1) Moina micrura (Cladocera) showed little growth and no reproduction when the animal was reared with Microcystis cultured in the laboratory. The animal did not grow nor reproduce well when Chlorella was mixed with Microcystis as food. (2) Moina micrura assimilated Microcystis much less than Chlorella when the animal fed on single species of Microcystis or a mixture with Chlorella. (3) Microcystis collected from Lake Kasumigaura could not be utilized by Moina micrura even though the colonies were broken up into edible sizes. However, the alga turned into utilizable food when it was decomposed. (4) No inhibitors of Moina micrura population growth could be found in the non-filtered water of Lake Kasumigaura where Microcystis was blooming heavily. Decomposed Microcystis seemed to be utilized by zooplankton as an important food source in Lake Kasumigaura.  相似文献   

Food–web complexity often hinders disentangling functionally relevant aspects of food–web structure and its relationships to biodiversity. Here, we present a theoretical framework to evaluate food–web complexity in terms of biodiversity. Food network unfolding is a theoretical method to transform a complex food web into a linear food chain based on ecosystem processes. Based on this method, we can define three biodiversity indices, horizontal diversity (DH), vertical diversity (DV) and range diversity (DR), which are associated with the species diversity within each trophic level, diversity of trophic levels, and diversity in resource use, respectively. These indices are related to Shannon's diversity index (H′), where H′ = DH + DV ? DR. Application of the framework to three riverine macroinvertebrate communities revealed that D indices, calculated from biomass and stable isotope features, captured well the anthropogenic, seasonal, or other within‐site changes in food–web structures that could not be captured with H′ alone.  相似文献   

The generation time of the predatory cyclopoid copepod Acanthocyclops robustus was estimated on 11 occasions during the years 1980 to 1982 in Alderfen Broad. In a multiple regression model, generation time was found to be uncorrelated with temperature, positively correlated (p < 0.05) with the densities of Bosmina longirostris and rotifers, and negatively correlated (p < 0.001) with the density of nauplii of the calanoid copepod Eudiaptomus gracilis. It is suggested that generation time was determined largely by the availability of calanoid nauplii as prey, even though these constituted only 2% of zooplankton standing biomass.  相似文献   

The 15N methods are potentially accurate for measuring N2 fixation in plants. The only problem with those methods is, how to ensure that the 15N/14N ratio in the plant accurately reflects the integrated 15N/14N ratio (R) in soil which is variable in time and with soil depth. However, the consequences of using an inappropriate reference plant vary with the level of N2 fixation and the conditions under which the study was made. For example, the errors introduced into the values of N2 fixation are higher at low levels of fixation, and decrease with increasing rates of fixation. At very high N2 fixation rates, the errors are often insignificant. Also, the magnitude of error is proportional to the rate of decline of the 15N/14N ratio with time. Since N2 fixation in most plants would be expected to below 60%, the question of how to select a good reference plant is still pertinent. In this paper, we have discussed some of the criteria to adopt in selecting reference plants, e.g. how to ensure that the reference plant is not fixing N2, is absorbing most of its N from the same zone as the fixing plant, and in the same pattern with time, etc. In addition, we have discussed 15N labelling materials and methods that are likely to minimize any errors even when the fixing and reference plants don't match well in certain important criteria. The use of slow release 15N fertilizer or 15N labelled plant materials results in slow changes in the 15N/14N ratio of soil, and is strongly recommended. Where 15N inorganic fertilizers are used, the application of the fertilizer in small splits at various intervals is recommended over a one-time application. The problem with the reference crop, which has sometimes discouraged potential users of the 15N methods, is surmountable, as discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

Nagdali  Surendra S.  Gupta  P. K. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,468(1-3):45-51
Between 28th March and 4th April, 2000 a fungal infection killed >80% of the most abundant planktivorous fish, Gambusia affinis in Lake Naini Tal, Uttaranchal, India. In response to this mortality, planktonic communities and some eutrophication-related parameters viz., primary productivity, phosphate–phosphorus, nitrate–nitrogen and transparency of the water, were considerably changed. Total zooplankton number more than doubled, phytoplankton number reduced nearly to half, primary production and phosphate-phosphorus was dramatically reduced, while nitrate–nitrogen and water clarity increased. The phytoplankton decline was caused by increased zooplankton grazing (top-down control) rather than phosphorus deficiency (bottom-up control). After 3 months, Gambusia and planktonic communities and nutrient levels reverted back almost to their pre-mortality state. Thus removal of G. affinis could improve water quality of Lake Naini Tal.  相似文献   

Sika deer Cervus nippon entered the Oze Area, a snowy area in central Japan, in the 1990s. The use of mires and the food habits of this species were studied in 1999 and 2000. Deer used the mires immediately after snow melted and did not use the mires in mid summer, although they did use them lightly in autumn. The summer food habits differed from those of the deer population living in Nikko in the lower area: non-Sasa graminoids and other monocotyledonous leaves occupied more (approximately 30%) of the feces in the former population, whereas Sasa nipponica, a dwarf bamboo, was the dominant food (60%) of the latter population. Seasonal changes in fecal composition in the Oze deer were that mire graminoids occupied a considerable portion of their food in spring (11.6%) and summer (17.0%), whereas the amount of dwarf bamboo increased in fall (26.0%). Despite the small size of the mires, Oze deer appear to prefer mires to forests. Nitrogen concentrations of the mire plants did not differ from those of the forest plants; however, foraging efficiency would be greater in the mires and this may explain the preference observed. Despite the small total biomass, leaf biomass of the mire was equivalent to that of the adjacent forest floor. In addition, biomass was concentrated near the ground, or the biomass concentration was greater than that of the forest floor.  相似文献   

A. Sellstedt 《Planta》1986,167(3):382-386
Acetylene reduction, 15N2 reduction and H2 evolution were measured in root systems of intact plants of grey alder (Alnus incana (L.) Moench) in symbiosis with Frankia. The ratios of C2H2: 15N2 were compared with C2H2:N2 ratios calculated from C2H2 reduction and H2 evolution, and with C2H2:N2 ratios calculated from accumulated C2H4 production and nitrogen content. It was possible to calculate C2H2:N2 ratios from C2H2 reduction and H2 evolution because this source of Frankia did not show any hydrogenase activity. The ratios obtained using the different methods ranged from 2.72 to 4.42, but these values were not significantly different. It was also shown that enriched 15N could be detected in the shoot after a 1-h incubation of the root-system. It is concluded that the measurement of H2 evolution in combination with C2H2 reduction represents a nondestructive assay for nitrogen fixation in a Frankia symbiosis which shows no detectable hydrogenase activity.  相似文献   

Measurement of nitrogen isotopic composition (15N) of plants and soil nitrogen might allow the characteristics of N transformation in an ecosystem to be detected. We tested the measurement of 15N for its ability to provide a picture of N dynamics at the ecosystem level by doing a simple comparison of 15N between soil N pools and plants, and by using an existing model. 15N of plants and soil N was measured together with foliar nitrate reductase activity (NRA) and the foliar NO3 pool at two sites with different nitrification rates in a temperature forest in Japan. 15N of plants was similar to that of soil NO3 in the high-nitrification site. Because of high foliar NRA and the large foliar NO3 pool at this site, we concluded that plant 15N indicated a great reliance of plants on soil NO3 there. However, many 15N of soil N overlapped each other at the other site, and 15N could not provide definitive evidence of the N source. The existing model was verified by measured 15N of soil inorganic N and it explained the variations of plant 15N between the two sites in the context of relative importance of nitrification, but more information about isotopic fractionations during plant N uptake is required for quantitative discussions about the plant N source. The model applied here can provide a basis to compare 15N signatures from different ecosystems and to understand N dynamics.  相似文献   

The contribution of benthic microalgal production has been compared both within and outside a coastal eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) meadow. Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios of suspended particulate organic matter (POM), epiphytic and epilithic organic matter (EOM), leaves of Z. marina (inside the meadow only) and two secondary consumer species (small crustaceans and fish) were measured inside and outside a meadow in Mitsukuchi Bay, Northwest Seto Inland Sea, Japan. Inside the meadow, primary producers (epiphyton) and consumers showed higher δ13C signatures than outside. Primary and secondary consumers inside the meadow were mainly dependent on epiphyton on the leaves of Z. marina, while consumer species outside the meadow were basically dependent on epilithon.  相似文献   

Waterbirds are one of the most important groups of organisms inhabiting the land–water interface, especially with regard to mediating the transport of materials from the aquatic to the terrestrial environment. The great cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) is a colonial piscivorous bird that transports nutrients from fresh water to forest. We measured cormorant-derived nitrogen at two nesting colonies on the Isaki Peninsula and Chikubu Island at Lake Biwa, Japan, and analyzed the long-term effects of cormorant colonization on the forest nitrogen cycle, and the mechanisms of nitrogen retention. Three sites were examined in each colony: a currently occupied area, a previously occupied but now abandoned area, and a control area never colonized by cormorants. High nitrogen stable isotope ratios of cormorant excreta, the forest floor, mineral soil, and living plants showed cormorant-derived nitrogen in both occupied and abandoned areas. The relationship between δ15N and N content showed that the high δ15N of the excreta and N turnover in the soil were important at the occupied sites, whereas high δ15N of litter was important at the abandoned sites. Physiological changes of various organisms are also important for the N decomposition process. In conclusion, cormorant-derived nitrogen remains in the forest ecosystem as a result of two cormorant activities: heavy deposition of excreta and collection of nitrogen-rich nest material. Colony stage (occupied, abandoned, or never inhabited) and historical change of N decomposition process of an area can be identified from the relationship between δ15N and N content.  相似文献   

G. Maier 《Hydrobiologia》1989,178(1):43-58
The seasonal cycle of Thermocyclops crassus was studied from 1985 to 1987, in the Gronne, a shallow, productive lake. T. crassus was present from late April to early October, while water temperature was above 10 °C. It produced three generations per year. Population peak was usually reached by the second generation, in August. Abundance was positively correlated with water temperature. Females carried 18.3 to 32.3 eggs on average. Reproduction rates were highest in July and August. Sex ratio was low, as females generally outnumbered males. Between October and April copepodites 4 went in diapause, predominantly in the deepest part of the lake and 0–4 cm deep in the bottom mud. Variations in body size were low across the year. T. crassus coexisted with the cyclopids, Cyclops vicinus and Mesocyclops leuckarti. In 1985 and 1986, abundances of M. leuckarti were low, while those of T. crassus and C. vicinus were high. In 1987 lower water temperatures, caused by cold weather, resulted in a marked decrease of the population density of T. crassus, while the abundance of M. leuckarti increased, and density of C. vicinus remained high. Comparison of the egg duration times of T. crassus, C. vicinus and M. leuckarti showed that at 15 °C and below T. crassus may be outcompeted by its comparatively longer egg development times. However, experiments in limnocorrals showed that T. crassus has an advantage over C. vicinus when fish predation is high.Department of Biology III, University of Ulm  相似文献   

A pot experiment was conducted in a greenhouse using the 15N isotope dilution method and two reference plants, Parkia biglobosa and Tamarindus indica to estimate nitrogen fixed in four Acacia species: A raddiana, A. senegal, A. seyal and Faidherbia albida (synonym Acacia albida). For the reference plants, the 15N enrichments in leaves, stems and roots were similar. With the fixing plants, leaves and stems had similar 15N enrichments; they were higher than the 15N enrichment of roots. The amounts of nitrogen fixed at 5 months after planting were similar using either reference plant. Estimates of the percentage of N derived from fixation (%Ndfa) for the above ground parts, in contrast to %Ndfa in roots, were similar to those for the whole plant. However, none of the individual plant parts estimated accurately total N fixed in the whole plant, and excluding the roots resulted in at least 30% underestimation of the amounts of N fixed. Between species, differences in N2 fixation were observed, both for %Ndfa and total N fixed. For %Ndfa, the best were A. seyal (average, 63%) and A. raddiana (average, 62%), being at least twice the %Ndfa in A. senegal and F. albida. Because of its very high N content, A. seyal was clearly the best in total N fixed, fixing 1.62 g N plant–1 compared to an average of 0.48 g N plant–1 for the other Acacia species. Our results show the wide variability existing between Acacia species in terms of both %Ndfa and total N fixed: A. seyal was classified as having a high N2 fixing potential (NFP) while the other Acacia species had a low NFP.  相似文献   

Fruit bodies of hypogeous fungi are an important food source for many small mammals and are consumed by larger mammals as well. A controversial hypothesis that prescribed burning increases fruiting of certain hypogeous fungi based on observations in Tasmania was tested in the Australian Capital Territory to determine if it applied in a quite different habitat. Ten pairs of plots, burnt and nonburnt, were established at each of two sites prescribe-burnt in May 1999. When sampled in early July, after autumn rains had initiated the fungal fruiting season, species richness and numbers of fruit bodies on the burnt plots were extremely low: most plots produced none at all. Both species richness and fruit body numbers were simultaneously high on nonburnt plots. One of the sites was resampled a year after the initial sampling. At that time species richness and fruit body abundance were still significantly less on burnt plots than on nonburnt, but a strong trend towards fungal recovery on the burnt plots was evident. This was particularly so when numbers of fruit bodies of one species, the hypogeous agaric Dermocybe globuliformis, were removed from the analysis. This species strongly dominated the nonburnt plots but was absent from burnt plots in both years. The trend towards recovery of fruit body abundance in the burnt plots one year after the burn was much more pronounced with exclusion of the Dermocybe data. The Tasmanian-based hypothesis was based mostly on the fruiting of two fire-adapted species in the Mesophelliaceae. Neither species occurred on our plots. Accordingly, the results and conclusions of the Tasmanian study cannot be extrapolated to other habitats without extensive additional study. Implications for management of habitat for fungi and the animals that rely on the fungi as a food source are discussed.  相似文献   

Observations indicating gliding motility in the gas-vacuolate, filamentous organism Peloploca were made using microcapillary tubes. Tubes containing semi-solid agar, incubated in sediment cores gave good enrichments of Peloploca spp. The organisms, which had the form of helical bundles of filaments, were seen to corkscrew through the agar at up to 2–3 m s-1.The vertical distribution of Peloploca spp. in the sediment and water column of a eutrophic lake was examined periodically during summer stratification. The organisms were confined to anoxic conditions in the sediment prior to stratification. With increasing anoxia in the hypolimnion, the population shifted upwards in the sediment, and towards the end of stratification, in the most reducing conditions, appeared in the lower hypolimnion. Anaerobically incubated sediment cores also showed the movement of the Peloploca population from sediment into the overlying water.It is suggested that the gliding motility and helical morphology of Peloploca bundles enable them to migrate through sediment in response to oxygen and Eh gradients, in addition to their use of gas vacuoles to adjust their position in the water column. The taxonomic implications of gliding motility in Peloploca spp. are discussed.  相似文献   

We compared the foliar 15N and 13C values of Pinus massoniana growing on soils with and without microbiotic crust to examine the influence of the microbiotic crust on N and water use in plants in deteriorated watersheds in southern China. At our study site, litterfall and undergrowth had been intensively removed for fuel and soil N concentration was extremely low. Microbiotic crust covered the lower slope within the watersheds and pine trees were taller here than on the middle and upper slopes, although the crust reduced the amount of rainfall that could penetrate the soil. The foliar 15N values were greater (closer to zero) in pine trees growing on soil covered with microbiotic crust on the lower slope than on the middle and upper slopes, which lacked the microbiotic crust. These data suggest that P.massoniana may depend on N fixed by the microbiotic crust on the lower slope, and on N carried by precipitation on the middle and upper slopes. The microbiotic crust did not influence foliar 13C, an index for water use efficiency, in P.massoniana. The fact that P.massoniana biomass was greater on the lower slope, which is less permeable to rainfall, suggests that P.massoniana growth may be limited by the amount of available N rather than by water. The microbiotic crust may improve plant productivity by increasing N availability, despite its negative effect on water availability.  相似文献   

Blue-green algal blooms formed by Microcystis and Oscillatoria often occur in shallow eutrophic lakes, such as Lake Taihu (China) and Lake Kasumigaura (Japan). Growth characteristics and competitions between Microcystis aeruginosa and Oscillatoria mougeotii were investigated using lake simulator systems (microcosms) at various temperatures. Oscillatoria was the superior competitor, which suppressed Microcystis, when temperature was <20°C, whereas the opposite phenomenon occurred at 30°C. Oscillatoria had a long exponential phase (20 day) and a low growth rate of 0.22 day−1 and 0.20 day−1 at 15°C and 20°C, respectively, whereas Microcystis had a shorter exponential phase (2–3 days) at 30°C and a higher growth rate (0.86 day−1). Interactions between the algae were stronger and more complex in the lake simulator system than flask systems. Algal growth in the lake simulator system was susceptible to light attenuation and pH change, and algae biomasses were lower than those in flasks. The outcome of competition between Microcystis and Oscillatoria at different temperatures agrees with field observations of algal communities in Lake Taihu, indicating that temperature is a significant factor affecting competition between Microcystis and Oscillatoria in shallow, eutrophic lakes.  相似文献   

We investigated spatial changes in the isotope ratios of the plankton food web in Lake Chany, Siberia, Russia, especially at an estuarine transition zone of the lake. The δ13C values of particulate organic matter (POM) varied among the sampling sites, and increased with increasing pH of the lake water. This may reflect a shift by phytoplankton from using CO2 to using bicarbonate for photosynthesis with increasing pH. The δ13C values of zooplankton community also changed at each site along with those of the POM. This was indicative of carbon isotope changes of plankton food webs between the stations along an environmental gradient.  相似文献   

Ersin Kivrak 《Biologia》2006,61(4):339-345
Seasonal changes in phytoplankton community structure of the lake Tortum were studied over one year period, from March 2002 to February 2003. The collected data were compared with the data collected 21 years ago. Chlamydomonas microsphaerella, Cyclotella krammeri, C. glomerata, and Ceratium hirundinella were identified to be dominant several times during the study period. Species diversity and biomass of the phytoplankton were very low in spite of sufficient and high levels of nutrient concentrations. Maximum phytoplankton density levels were observed during summer and late autumn. Phytoplankton density was positively correlated with nutrients, temperature and pH, and it was negatively correlated with Secchi depth and dissolved oxygen. Phytoplankton growths were negatively affected from water transparency and high levels of water mass transport (circulation) and velocity in the lake.  相似文献   

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