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Insulin secretory deficiency and glucose intolerance in Rab3A null mice   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Insulin secretory dysfunction of the pancreatic beta-cell in type-2 diabetes is thought to be due to defective nutrient sensing and/or deficiencies in the mechanism of insulin exocytosis. Previous studies have indicated that the GTP-binding protein, Rab3A, plays a mechanistic role in insulin exocytosis. Here, we report that Rab3A(-/-) mice develop fasting hyperglycemia and upon a glucose challenge show significant glucose intolerance coupled to ablated first-phase insulin release and consequential insufficient insulin secretion in vivo, without insulin resistance. The in vivo insulin secretory response to arginine was similar in Rab3A(-/-) mice as Rab3A(+/+) control animals, indicating a phenotype reminiscent of insulin secretory dysfunction found in type-2 diabetes. However, when a second arginine dose was given 10 min after, there was a negligible insulin secretory response in Rab3A(-/-) mice, compared with that in Rab3A(+/+) animals, that was markedly increased above that to the first arginine stimulus. There was no difference in beta-cell mass or insulin production between Rab3A(-/-) and Rab3A(+/+) mice. However, in isolated islets, secretagogue-induced insulin release (by glucose, GLP-1, glyburide, or fatty acid) was approximately 60-70% lower in Rab3A(-/-) islets compared with Rab3A(+/+) controls. Nonetheless, there was a similar rate of glucose oxidation and glucose-induced rise in cytosolic [Ca(2+)](i) flux between Rab3A(-/-) and Rab3A(+/+) islet beta-cells, indicating the mechanistic role of Rab3A lies downstream of generating secondary signals that trigger insulin release, at the level of secretory granule transport and/or exocytosis. Thus, Rab3A plays an important in vivo role facilitating the efficiency of insulin exocytosis, most likely at the level of replenishing the ready releasable pool of beta-granules. Also, this study indicates, for the first time, that the in vivo insulin secretory dysfunction found in type-2 diabetes can lie solely at the level of defective insulin exocytosis.  相似文献   

Eight male patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) without residual beta-cell function were studied on two occasions in random order. In one experiment hypoglycemia was induced by a constant rate iv infusion of insulin (0.034 U/kg/h) during 150 minutes. At the other occasion an identical infusion of insulin was given, but this time euglycemia was maintained by a variable iv infusion of glucose. Plasma levels of free insulin were almost identical during the two experiments indicating that insulin clearance is not influenced by hypoglycemia in patients with IDDM.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES--To test the hypothesis that the genetic susceptibility to non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus is the same as that to insulin dependent disease and to see whether glucose intolerance is associated with specific HLA haplotypes. DESIGN--Population based study of men in 1989 first tested for glucose tolerance in 1984. HLA haplotypes, including HLA-A, C, B, DR, and DQ, were defined serologically. HLA haplotype data from a population based Finnish study of childhood diabetes were used for predicting non-insulin dependent diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance. SETTING--Two communities in Finland. SUBJECTS--Representative cohort of Finnish men aged 70-89, comprising 98 men with non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus and a randomly selected group of 74 men, who served as controls, who were tested for glucose tolerance twice within five years. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Non-insulin dependent diabetes, impaired glucose tolerance, blood glucose concentration. RESULTS--Diabetes associated HLA haplotypes were present in 94% (85/90) of diabetic subjects, 79% (27/34) of subjects with impaired glucose tolerance, and only 13% (3/23) of non-diabetic subjects. In this group of elderly men sensitivity of the diabetes associated HLA haplotypes for non-insulin dependent diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance was 90%, specificity 87%, and predictive power 97%. Mean fasting blood glucose concentration was only just significantly higher in men with diabetes associated haplotypes than in men with no such haplotypes, but there was a substantial difference in blood glucose values two hours after glucose loading (10.4 and 6.4 mmol/l in men with diabetes associated HLA haplotypes and men with no such haplotypes, respectively (p < 0.0001)). CONCLUSIONS--These findings support the hypothesis that specific HLA haplotypes exhibit a common genetic determinant for insulin dependent and non-insulin dependent diabetes. Furthermore, HLA is a major genetic determinant of glucose intolerance in elderly Finnish men. The belief that the HLA predisposition to diabetes is specific for insulin dependent diabetes mellitus is largely incorrect.  相似文献   

Postprandial glycaemic and hormone responses to meals with different nutrient compositions and their heterogeneity were evaluated in 16 non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients and 5 healthy volunteers. Five kinds of nutrient stimulation--75 g glucose, a Japanese mixed meal (400 kcal, carbohydrate 60%, protein 14%, fat 26%), a high protein meal (300 kcal, C 26%, P 64%, F 10%), a high fat meal (300 kcal, C 23%, P 5%, F 72%) and 20 g iv glucose--was given to each subject. On the average, in both normal and diabetic subjects, the increases in plasma glucose (PG) and insulin (IRI) were the largest with the oral glucose load and the smallest with the high protein meal. The ratio of increase in IRI and PG (sigma delta IRI/sigma delta PG) was the highest with the high protein meal and the lowest with the oral glucose load. sigma delta IRI with the high protein meal and the high fat meal were the same in normal and diabetic subjects. However, each of the 16 NIDDM patients and 5 normal volunteers exhibited a different pattern of response to the nutrient stimuli and no definite subgroup could be classified. There was no correlation between metabolic responses and family history of diabetes mellitus, duration of diabetes, body mass index and fasting plasma glucose. The present results suggest the nearly intact capacity of insulin secretion in NIDDM in response to a high protein or high fat meal and the difficulty of subclassification in NIDDM according to the glycaemic and hormone responses to the different nutrient stimuli.  相似文献   

Venous denervation and increased venous pooling may contribute to symptoms of orthostatic intolerance. We examined venous compliance in the calf and forearm in 11 orthostatic-intolerant patients and 15 age-matched controls over a range of pressures, during basal conditions and sympathetic excitation. Occlusion cuffs placed around the upper arm and thigh were inflated to 60 mmHg and deflated to 10 mmHg over 1 min. Limb volume was measured continuously with a mercury-in-Silastic strain gauge. Compliance was calculated as the numerical derivative of the pressure-volume curve. The pressure-volume relationship in the upper and lower extremities in the basal and sympathetically activated state was significantly lower in the orthostatic-intolerant patients (all P < 0.05). Sympathoexcitation lowered the pressure-volume relationship in the lower extremity in patients (P < 0.001) and controls (P < 0.01). Venous compliance was significantly less in patients in the lower extremity in the basal state over a range of pressures (P < 0.05). Venous compliance was less in patients compared with controls in the upper (P < 0.005) and lower extremities (P < 0.01) in the sympathetically activated state, but there were no differences at individual pressure levels. Sympathetic activation did not change venous compliance in the upper and lower extremity in patients and controls. Patients with orthostatic intolerance have reduced venous compliance in the lower extremity. Reduced compliance may limit the dynamic response to orthostatic change and thereby contribute to symptoms of orthostatic intolerance in this population group.  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated that hyperprolactinemia is sometimes present even in patients with idiopathic diabetes insipidus (DI). In this study, we examined the responses of serum prolactin (PRL) to hypertonic saline infusion and TRH injection in 11 patients with idiopathic DI diagnosed by clinical examinations. Serum sodium in these patients (147.5 +/- 3.2 mEq/L) was significantly higher at baseline than in normal subjects (139.7 +/- 2.4 mEq/L). The plasma arginine vasopressin (AVP) level was significantly lower in DI (0.42 +/- 0.24 pg/ml) at baseline than in normal subjects (2.53 +/- 1.03 pg/ml). However, the serum PRL level in both groups did not differ significantly except in one patient with idiopathic DI (35.6 ng/ml). There was no significant correlation between the basal serum sodium and basal serum PRL in either group. After an infusion of hypertonic saline, the serum sodium level gradually increased to 155.6 +/- 3.4 mEq/L in DI and to 146.5 +/- 4.3 mEq/L in the normal subjects. However, this increase did not affect PRL secretion in either group. PRL response to TRH was essentially normal in all patients with idiopathic DI. These results indicate that the secretion of PRL is not generally affected by chronic mild hypernatremic hypovolemia in the patients with idiopathic DI.  相似文献   




选择2019年5月至2019年8月我院内分泌科招募的100例T2DM患者为研究对象,患者随机分配到干预饮食组(LCD组,低碳水化合物饮食)或控制饮食组(LFD组)。LFD组患者的饮食为500 g蔬菜/d,100 g主食/餐(300 g/d),3汤匙油/d,两餐之间提供稳定血糖、低血糖指数水果,5种蛋白质(220 mL牛奶、1个鸡蛋、100 g鱼虾、50 g大豆、50 g肉)/d,6 g盐/ d。LCD组每天摄入杏仁56 g以取代150 g/d富含碳水化合物的主食,其余饮食方案与LFD组相同。收集所有参与者的粪便标本,取豌豆大小的粪便置入1.5 mL的试管中,立即于−80 ℃保存。使用QIAAMP® DNA粪便抽提试剂盒进行粪便样本的总DNA提取,随后进行16S rRNA基因测序,对其菌群进行分析。






Commonly used clinical and biochemical parameters, such as the content of glucose, insulin, somatotropic hormone, triglycerides, lactate, pyruvate, and free fatty acids (FFA) in blood of practically healthy subjects and in patients with insulin-independent diabetes mellitus (IIDM), were compared with the parameters obtained by mass-spectrometric analysis of 13CO2 in expired air after 13C-glucose loading. It was shown that, as opposed to healthy subjects, the content of blood glucose and free fatty acids in patients with IIDM increased, the level of glucose dropped in progression upon short-term fasting, and the concentration of lactate changed both upon fasting and after the administration of small test doses of glucose. The use of the 13C-glucose breathing test (13C-GBT), which presupposes the loading of safe small doses of glucose enriched in 13C-isotope permitted one to reveal a number of novel quantitative diagnostic criteria for the evaluation of glucose metabolism in patients with IIDM: a decrease in the rate of 13C withdrawal as a constituent of expired carbon dioxide after the administration of 13C-glucose; a reduction in the amount of exogenous glucose metabolized to carbon dioxide; and increased oxidation of endogenous substrates participating in carbon dioxide formation. Small glucose loads proposed by the authors in 13C-GBT are safe for patients with diabetes mellitus and have no effect on the level of blood glucose in healthy persons. The parameters determined by noninvasive 13C-GBT are more sensitive for diagnosis than commonly used biochemical characteristics of blood in patients with IIDM. The diagnostic criteria obtained allow the prediction of the maximum prohibited glucose loading for every patient.  相似文献   

In order to determine the role of insulin and glucose transporter gene expression in the development of diabetes in obesity, we examined insulin and GLUT2-liver type and GLUT4-muscle-fat type glucose transporter mRNA levels in obese and diabetic rats. Ventromedial hypothalamus-lesioned (VMH), Zucker fatty (ZF), and Wistar fatty (WF) rats were used as models. VMH and ZF rats are most frequently used as models for simple obesity. In contrast, WF rats, which have been established by transferring the fa gene of ZF rats to Wistar Kyoto rats, develop both obesity and diabetes. Pancreatic insulin content of VMH rats at 10 weeks after the operation and of ZF rats at 5 and 14 weeks of age was significantly higher than that of controls. On the other hand, insulin content of WF rats at 5 and 14 weeks of age was not significantly different from that of lean littermates. The insulin mRNA levels of VMH rats were increased progressively and were significantly higher than those in sham-operated animals at 4 and 10 weeks after the operation. In ZF rats, the insulin mRNA levels at 5 and 14 weeks of age were significantly higher than those of their lean littermates. In WF rats, by contrast, the insulin mRNA levels were similar to those of lean littermates at 5 and 14 weeks of age. The insulin mRNA levels of WF rats were about 40% of that of ZF rats at 14 weeks of age. On the other hand, at 14 weeks of age, the GLUT2 mRNA levels of liver were significantly higher in ZF and WF rats than those in their respective littermates, but not at 5 weeks of age. The GLUT4 mRNA levels of skeletal muscle in both ZF and WF rats were not significantly different from those of controls. It is suggested that the inability of WF rats to augment insulin gene expression in response to a large demand for insulin is associated with the occurrence of diabetes, and that the activation of GLUT2 mRNA without the activation of GLUT4 mRNA is common to obesity with and without diabetes.  相似文献   

4-Methylumbelliferyl beta-N-acetylglucosaminide 6-sulphate was purified from a mixture containing its unsulphated precursor. The substrate was used to test for the presence of functional alpha-subunits in 'intermediate' forms of human beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase in samples of normal and pregnancy serum and in extracts of placenta and lymphocytes from a patient with common acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. Intermediate forms in these samples had no activity towards 4-methylumbelliferyl beta-N-acetylglucosaminide 6-sulphate, indicating that they lack alpha-subunits.  相似文献   

Self-management of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) is dependent on a negative feedback loop of blood glucose (BG) fluctuations, which in turn directs treatment decisions to maintain normal BG. Although this feedback is typically accomplished by self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG), SMBG has limitations, and patients often rely on what their BG "feels" like. Two studies were performed to evaluate whether patients could learn to more accurately "feel"/discriminate their BG on the basis of internal cues or internal plus external BG cues. In Study I, BG Awareness Training significantly improved pre- to posttreatment BG estimation accuracy, relative to a control group. Study II replicated BG Awareness Training efficacy in improving BG estimation accuracy. Improvement in estimation accuracy was related only to initial accuracy; those who were initially less accurate improved the most. This improvement was represented in a 31% reduction in dangerous BG estimation errors and a 9% increase in accurate estimates. Resulting estimations were, however, still significantly less accurate than SMBG at the end of training.  相似文献   

Self-management of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) is dependent on a negative feedback loop of blood glucose (BG) fluctuations, which in turn directs treatment decisions to maintain normal BG. Although this feedback is typically accomplished by self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG), SMBG has limitations, and patients often rely on what their BG feels like. Two studies were performed to evaluate whether patients could learn to more accurately feel/discriminate their BG on the basis of internal cues or internal plus external BG cues. In Study I, BG Awareness Training significantly improved pre- to posttreatment BG estimation accuracy, relative to a control group. Study II replicated BG Awareness Training efficacy in improving BG estimation accuracy. Improvement in estimation accuracy was related only to initial accuracy; those who were initially less accurate improved the most. This improvement was represented in a 31% reduction in dangerous BG estimation errors and a 9% increase in accurate estimates. Resulting estimations were, however, still significantly less accurate than SMBG at the end of training.This research was supported by NIH grants AM282880, AM24177, AM22125, and RR00847 and by the Ames Company. The authors express their appreciation for the contribution made by trainers Leslie Butterfield and Linda Zimbelman, by the nursing staff at the University of Virginia's Clinical Research Center and the Diabetes and Nutrition Unit, and by Dr. James May from the Medical College of Virginia in soliciting subjects. We would also like to thank Andrea Snyder for her assistance.  相似文献   

Plasma glucose, insulin, and C peptide concentrations were determined after an oral glucose load in normal subjects and in a group of patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus before and during a short course of treatment with chloroquine. In the control group there was a small but significant reduction in fasting blood glucose concentration but overall glucose tolerance and hormone concentrations were unaffected. In contrast, the patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus showed a significant improvement in their glucose tolerance, which paralleled the severity of their diabetes. This response seems to reflect decreased degradation of insulin rather than increased pancreatic output. These observations suggest that treatment with chloroquine or suitable analogues may be a new approach to the management of diabetes.  相似文献   

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