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A Genetic Linkage Map for Cattle   总被引:34,自引:4,他引:34       下载免费PDF全文
We report the most extensive physically anchored linkage map for cattle produced to date. Three-hundred thirteen genetic markers ordered in 30 linkage groups, anchored to 24 autosomal chromosomes (n = 29), the X and Y chromosomes, four unanchored syntenic groups and two unassigned linkage groups spanning 2464 cM of the bovine genome are summarized. The map also assigns 19 type I loci to specific chromosomes and/or syntenic groups and four cosmid clones containing informative microsatellites to chromosomes 13, 25 and 29 anchoring syntenic groups U11, U7 and U8, respectively. This map provides the skeletal framework prerequisite to development of a comprehensive genetic map for cattle and analysis of economic trait loci (ETL).  相似文献   

A Genetic Linkage Map of the Male Goat Genome   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32       下载免费PDF全文
This paper presents a first genetic linkage map of the goat genome. Primers derived from the flanking sequences of 612 bovine, ovine and goat microsatellite markers were gathered and tested for amplification with goat DNA under standardized PCR conditions. This screen made it possible to choose a set of 55 polymorphic markers that can be used in the three species and to define a panel of 223 microsatellites suitable for the goat. Twelve half-sib paternal goat families were then used to build a linkage map of the goat genome. The linkage analysis made it possible to construct a meiotic map covering 2300 cM, i.e., >80% of the total estimated length of the goat genome. Moreover, eight cosmids containing microsatellites were mapped by fluorescence in situ hybridization in goat and sheep. Together with 11 microsatellite-containing cosmids previously mapped in cattle (and supposing conservation of the banding pattern between this species and the goat) and data from the sheep map, these results made the orientation of 15 linkage groups possible. Furthermore, 12 coding sequences were mapped either genetically or physically, providing useful data for comparative mapping.  相似文献   

A seed and flower color marker (P), nine seed protein, nine isozyme and 224 restriction fragment length polymorphism marker loci were used to construct a linkage map of the common bean, Phaseolus vulgaris L. (n = 11). The mapping population consisted of a backcross progeny between the Mesoamerican breeding line 'XR-235-1-1' and the Andean cultivar 'Calima'; the former was used as the recurrent parent. A bean PstI genomic library enriched for single copy sequences (95%) was the source of DNA probes. Sixty percent of the probes tested detected polymorphisms between the parental genotypes with at least one of the four restriction enzymes used here (DraI, EcoRI, EcoRV and HindIII). The computer software Mapmaker was used to determine the linkage relationships and linear order of segregating markers. These markers assorted into 11 linkage groups covering 960 cM of the bean genome. Partial linkage data were used to estimate the total length of the genome at 1200 cM. This estimate and that for the physical size of the genome yield an average ratio of 530 kb/cM. The relatively small size of the genome makes this crop species a good candidate for the isolation of genes via chromosome walking techniques.  相似文献   

Linkage and Genetic Map Length in TETRAHYMENA THERMOPHILA   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
McCoy JW 《Genetics》1977,87(3):421-439
The genetic map of T. thermophila has been extended with tests of over 170 marker combinations. Three linkage groups have been identified, in addition to several apparent linkages which are seen only when certain strains are used. A sampling argument was developed to estimate the total genetic map length from the observed fraction of marker combinations showing linkage. If the strain-dependent linkages are actually due to structural heterozygosity, the total map length is estimated at about 1,200 cM.  相似文献   

An Autosomal Genetic Linkage Map of the Sheep Genome   总被引:46,自引:2,他引:46       下载免费PDF全文
We report the first extensive ovine genetic linkage map covering 2070 cM of the sheep genome. The map was generated from the linkage analysis of 246 polymorphic markers, in nine three-generation fullsib pedigrees, which make up the AgResearch International Mapping Flock. We have exploited many markers from cattle so that valuable comparisons between these two ruminant linkage maps can be made. The markers, used in the segregation analyses, comprised 86 anonymous microsatellite markers derived from the sheep genome, 126 anonymous microsatellites from cattle, one from deer, and 33 polymorphic markers of various types associated with known genes. The maximum number of informative meioses within the mapping flock was 222. The average number of informative meioses per marker was 140 (range 18-209). Linkage groups have been assigned to all 26 sheep autosomes.  相似文献   

Genetic Linkage Map of the Edible Basidiomycete Pleurotus ostreatus   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
We have constructed a genetic linkage map of the edible basidiomycete Pleurotus ostreatus (var. Florida). The map is based on the segregation of 178 random amplified polymorphic DNA and 23 restriction fragment length polymorphism markers; four hydrophobin, two laccase, and two manganese peroxidase genes; both mating type loci; one isozyme locus (est1); the rRNA gene sequence; and a repetitive DNA sequence in a population of 80 sibling monokaryons. The map identifies 11 linkage groups corresponding to the chromosomes of P. ostreatus, and it has a total length of 1,000.7 centimorgans (cM) with an average of 35.1 kbp/cM. The map shows a high correlation (0.76) between physical and genetic chromosome sizes. The number of crossovers observed per chromosome per individual cell is 0.89. This map covers nearly the whole genome of P. ostreatus.  相似文献   

Preliminary genetic linkage maps were constructed for the Pacific abalone (Haliotis discus hannai Ino) using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), and microsatellite markers segregating in a F1 family. Nine microsatellite loci, 41 RAPD, and 2688 AFLP markers were genotyped in the parents and 86 progeny of the mapping family. Among the 2738 markers, 384 (including 365 AFLP markers, 10 RAPD markers, and 9 microsatellite loci) were polymorphic and segregated in one or both parents: 241 in the female and 146 in the male. The majority of these markers, 232 in the female and 134 in the male, segregated according to the expected 1:1 Mendelian ratio (α = 0.05). Two genetic linkage maps were constructed using markers segregating in the female or the male parent. The female framework map consisted of 119 markers in 22 linkage groups, covering 1773.6 cM with an average intermarker space of 18.3 cM. The male framework map contained 94 markers in 19 linkage groups, spanning 1365.9 cM with an average intermarker space of 18.2 cM. The sex determination locus was mapped to the male map but not to the female map, suggesting a XY-male determination mechanism. Distorted markers showing excess of homozygotes were mapped in clusters, probably because of their linkage to a gene that is incompatible between two parental populations.  相似文献   

大豆遗传图谱的构建和分析   总被引:45,自引:2,他引:45  
利用大豆栽培品种科丰1号和南农1138-2杂交得到的重组近交系NJRIKY,通过RFLP,SSR,RAPD和AFLP4种分子标记的遗传连锁分析,构建了包含24个连锁群,由792个遗传标记组成的大豆较高密度连锁图谱,该图谱覆盖2320.7cM,平均图距2.9cM,SSR标记的多态性较高,在基因组中的位置相对稳定,可以作为锚定标记,有利于连锁群的归并和不同图谱的比较整合;而AFLP标记对于增加图谱密度效率较高,但其容易出现聚集现象,从而造成连锁群上有很大的空隙(gap),另外,在连锁群中有21.7%的分子标记出现偏分离,该图谱为基因定位,比较基因组学和重要农艺性状的QTL定位等研究打下了基础。  相似文献   

Phycomyces blakesleeanus is a member of the subphylum Mucoromycotina. A genetic map was constructed from 121 progeny of a cross between two wild type isolates of P. blakesleeanus with 134 markers. The markers were mostly PCR-RFLPs. Markers were located on 46 scaffolds of the genome sequence, covering more than 97% of the genome. Analysis of the alleles in the progeny revealed nine or 12 linkage groups, depending on the log of the odds (LOD) score, across 1583.4 cM at LOD 5. The linkage groups were overlaid on previous mapping data from crosses between mutants, aided by new identification of the mutations in primary metabolism mutant strains. The molecular marker map, the phenotype map and the genome sequence are overall congruent, with some exceptions. The new genetic map provides a genome-wide estimate for recombination, with the average of 33.2 kb per cM. This frequency is one piece of evidence for meiosis during zygospore development in Mucoromycotina species. At the same time as meiosis, transmission of non-recombinant chromosomes is also evident in the mating process in Phycomyces. The new map provides scaffold ordering for the genome sequence and a platform upon which to identify the genes in mutants that are affected in traits of interest, such as carotene biosynthesis, phototropism or gravitropism, using positional cloning.  相似文献   

食用菌遗传连锁图谱的构建工作虽然较晚于动植物研究,但随着基础研究不断完善,连锁图谱构建工作陆续开展。文中综述了双孢蘑菇(Agaricus bisporus)、香菇(Lentinula edodes)、双色蜡蘑(Laccaria bicolor)、草菇(Volvariella volvacea)、糙皮侧耳(Pleurotus ostreatus)、杏鲍菇(Pleurotus eryngii)、金针菇(Flammulina velutipes)、斑玉蕈(Hypsizigus marmoreus)等食用菌的遗传连锁图谱研究进展,展望了其应用现状及前景,并对笔者所在的国家食用菌产业技术体系黑木耳育种与菌种繁育团队的黑木耳遗传连锁图谱研究进展进行了简介。  相似文献   

11份割手密遗传多样性的SSR分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用10对多态性丰富的SSR引物,以国家甘蔗种质资源圃中保存的14份具有代表性的割手密为对照,对未收集过的云南地区11份割手密(Saccharum spontaneum L.)野生资源进行多样性分析。结果共扩增出233条DNA谱带,与对照相比,新采集材料的多态性条带为207条,其中14条为特有条带,多态性条带比率为0.89。遗传相似性系数和UPGMA聚类分析表明,新采集的材料并没有单独聚为一类,而是比较分散,在相似性系数为0.64处做切割线,参试材料可分为三个类群:第一类群主要由龙门割手密、河边村割手密和福建仙游1号组成;第二类群中包含19份材料,其中新采集的样品有上岗割手密、他拉割手密、安乐割手密、勐根割手密、芒美割手密、贺海割手密、回落割手密、里拉割手密和曼亨割手密,对照材料主要包含了云南、四川、越南、老挝、泰国地区的割手密,其共同特点是均分布在内陆地区;第三类群包括3个材料,分别是海南1号、海南92-2和广东化州割手密,其中不包含新采集的材料。而在相似性系数为0.654处作切割线又能将上述第二类群分为较细的三个亚群。由此可见,新采集的11份割手密资源具有丰富的遗传多样性,与已收集的资源相比,具有一定的差异性。说明依靠云南高山峡谷等立体气候特点,分布着遗传差异显著的割手密无性系。  相似文献   

梨遗传连锁图谱的构建及其与苹果图谱的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以‘丰水’为母本、‘砀山酥梨’为父本杂交所得的F1代104株单体为作图群体,利用SSR分子标记进行遗传连锁分析,应用Jionmap 3.0作图软件,构建了一张包含104个SSR分子标记,分属于18个连锁群的梨遗传连锁图谱,覆盖梨基因组总长831.8cM,平均图距为8.0cM。根据定位到该图谱上的SSR标记与苹果‘Fiesta’图谱进行比较,25个共有的SSR标记将该图谱和苹果图谱各连锁群连接起来,这些标记不仅呈现良好的共线性而且它们之间的相对遗传距离也很相近。研究认为,SSR标记作为锚定引物,可以与不同物种的遗传图谱相比较整合,为不同物种之间遗传信息的转移提供参考依据;同时该研究为梨树相关性状的基因定位、分离以及克隆奠定了基础。  相似文献   

In this paper, we report the construction of the first composite map of cacao from linkage data of one F2 and two F1 mapping populations with a high number of codominant markers in common. The combination of linkage information from all three maps results in the currently most precise estimates of marker locations and distances between markers, especially in densely marked areas. JoinMap®V4 software was used for all marker quality assessment and mapping. Individual (sub-composite) maps and the composite map contained 10 major linkage groups, corresponding to the number of cacao chromosomes. Homogeneity of marker placement was very high among sub-composite maps, the composite map, and the designated “reference” map. Care was exercised in the re-creation of sub-composite maps and the composite map to include only markers with acceptable mapping quality parameters. The composite map places more markers with higher precision than any individual map. This research clearly demonstrates for the first time a very high level of marker homogeneity among commercial cacao clones compared to other species. The observed homogeneity between different maps, including the composite one, is probably due to a narrow genetic base of commercial cacao clones. Markers linked to identified quantitative trait loci (QTLs) are more likely to retain linkage in other commercial clones, rendering the QTLs in cacao potentially more stable than in other species.  相似文献   

A Linkage Map of the Canine Genome   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A genetic linkage map of the canine genome has been developed by typing 150 microsatellite markers using 17 three-generation pedigrees, composed of 163 F2individuals. One hundred and thirty-nine markers were linked to at least one other marker with a lod score ≥ 3.0, identifying 30 linkage groups. The largest chromosome had 9 markers spanning 106.1 cM. The average distance between markers was 14.03 cM, and the map covers an estimated 2073 cM. Eleven markers were informative on the mapping panel, but were unlinked to any other marker. These likely represent single markers located on small, distinct canine chromosomes. This map will be the initial resource for mapping canine traits of interest and serve as a foundation for development of a comprehensive canine genetic map.  相似文献   

A comprehensive genetic linkage map of the porcine genome has been developed by typing 128 genetic markers in a cross between the European Wild Boar and a domestic breed (Large White). The marker set includes 68 polymerase chain reaction-formatted microsatellites, 60 anchored reference markers informative for comparative mapping and 47 markers which have been physically assigned by in situ hybridization. Novel multipoint assignments are provided for 54 of the markers. The map covers about 1800 cM, and the average spacing between markers is 11 cM. We used the map data to estimate the genome size in pigs, thereby addressing the total recombination distance in a third mammalian species. A sex-average genome length of 1873 +/- 139 cM was obtained by comparing the recombinational and physical distances in defined regions of the genome. This is strikingly different from the length of the human genome (3800-4000 cM) and is more similar to the mouse estimate (1600 cM). The recombination rate in females was significantly higher than in males.  相似文献   

We have developed a multiplex method of genome analysis, restriction landmark genomic scanning (RLGS) that has been used to construct genetic maps in mice. Restriction landmarks are end-labeled restriction fragments of genomic DNA that are separated by using high resolution, two-dimensional gel electrophoresis identifying as many as two thousand landmark loci in a single gel. Variation for several hundred of these loci has been identified between laboratory strains and between these strains and Mus spretus. The segregation of more than 1100 RLGS loci has been analyxed in recombinant inbred (RI) strains and in two separate interspecific genetic crosses. Genetic maps have been derived that link 1045 RLGS loci to reference loci on all of the autosomes and the X chromosome of the mouse genome. The RLGS method can be applied to genome analysis in many different organisms to identify genomic loci because it used end-labeling of restriction landmarks rather than probe hybridization. Different combinations of restriction enzymes yield different sets of RLGS loci providing expanded power for genetic mapping.  相似文献   

文章从生理学和生物化学角度对甘蔗中蔗糖的合成、运输以及降解过程的研究进展进行概述。  相似文献   

The Linkage Map of the House Fly, Musca Domestica L   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Toshiki Hiroyoshi 《Genetics》1961,46(10):1373-1380

Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP)-based genetic linkage maps allow us to dissect the genetic control of quantitative traits (QT) by locating individual quantitative trait loci (QTLs) on the linkage map and determining their type of gene action and the magnitude of their contribution to the phenotype of the QT. We have performed such an analysis for two traits in common bean, involving interactions between the plant host and bacteria, namely Rhizobium nodule number (NN) and resistance to common bacterial blight (CBB) caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli. Analyses were conducted in the progeny of a cross between BAT93 (fewer nodules; moderately resistant to CBB) and Jalo EEP558 (more nodules; susceptible to CBB). An RFLP-based linkage map for common bean based on 152 markers had previously been derived in the F(2) of this cross. Seventy F(2)-derived F(3) families were inoculated in separate greenhouse experiments with Rhizobium tropici strain UMR1899 or X. c. pv. phaseoli isolate isolate W18. Regression and interval mapping analyses were used to identify genomic regions involved in the genetic control of these traits. These two methods identified the same genomic regions for each trait, with a few exceptions. For each trait, at least four putative QTLs were identified, which accounted for approximately 50% and 75% of the phenotypic variation in NN and CBB resistance, respectively. A chromosome region on linkage group D7 carried factor(s) influencing both traits. In all other cases, the putative QTLs affecting NN and CBB were located in different linkage groups or in the same linkage group, but far apart (more than 50 cM). Both BAT93 and Jalo EEP558 contributed alleles associated with higher NN, whereas CBB resistance was always associated with BAT93 alleles. Further investigations are needed to determine whether the QTLs for NN and CBB on linkage group D7 represent linked genes or the same gene with pleiotropic effects. Identification of the QTLs raises the possibility of initiating map-based cloning and marker-assisted selection for these traits.  相似文献   

We have used a panel of somatic cell hybrids containing different rearrangements of human chromosome 13 to integrate genetic and physical maps of this chromosome. The positions of 17 translocation/deletion breakpoints on human chromosome 13 have been determined relative to the microsatellite markers on the genetic linkage map compiled by Généthon. Because markers on maps from several other Consortium groups have also been analyzed using many of the same hybrids, it was possible to relate these with the Généthon map. The position of all of the chromosome breakpoints have been placed, wherever possible, between two adjacent markers on the genetic linkage maps using PCR analysis for the presence/absence of the markers in the somatic cell hybrids. The positions of the breakpoints have already been determined cytogenetically, and some of these breakpoints are located at landmark positions on the chromosome. The relative density of markers along the chromosome differs between independently derived maps, and, based on the known locations of certain breakpoints in the physical map, inconsistencies in the genetic maps have been identified.  相似文献   

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