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Most behavioral tests used with laboratory rodents involve measuring behavioral responses to physical novelty. However, laboratory rodents are often derived from highly social species for which novel social stimuli may induce different levels of fear or curiosity compared to novel physical objects. We hypothesized that behavioral responses will differ in response to novel physical vs. social cues, and that females may show more exploration of social novelty, based on prior studies indicating that females more actively seek social support during duress compared to males. We compared young (55-day-old) Sprague-Dawley rats’ responses to an arena filled with novel objects (“physical”) or a novel same-sex caged conspecific (“social”). Rats were more active and spent twice as much time in contact with the novel social stimulus compared to novel physical stimuli. Although females were more active than males, females were not particularly more exploratory in the social arena compared to males. The results indicate that a novel social partner (even a caged one with limited ability to interact) elicits more exploration than novel objects for both male and female rats.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the polymorphism in MTNR1A gene and its relation to reproductive seasonality in Mediterranean Italian buffaloes reared in Sardinia. The mating period and calving of 100 multiparous buffalo-cows were recorded for three years (2005-2008). Genomic DNA was subjected to PCR for the amplification of the exon II, then 40 amplicons were sequenced. The obtained sequence was deposited in GeneBank database (accession number GU817415). PCR products were checked for the presence of HpaI restriction sites and assigned to genotypes “C/C”, “C/T” or “T/T”. Allelic frequency of C and T alleles was 0.44 and 0.56 and genotypic frequency was 26% for genotype C/C, 40% for C/T and 34% for T/T. In the three observed years the animals with C/C genotype showed the highest number of mating in the semester between August and January and their calving mainly occurred from August to September. On the other hand animals with T/T genotype showed mating mostly in the semester between February and July and calving occurred largely from March to May in all the three years. Heterozygous, in all the three years, showed about the same number of animals mated within each six-month period. The results of the present study provide for the first time a partial sequence as well as one polymorphic site of the MTNR1A receptor gene from buffaloes. Moreover our data showed an association between Single Nucleotide Polymorphism and seasonal reproductive activity in these animals.  相似文献   

There is accumulating evidence that autistic traits (AT) are on a continuum in the general population, with clinical autism representing the extreme end of a quantitative distribution. While the nature and severity of symptoms in clinical autism are known to persist over time, no study has examined the long-term stability of AT among typically developing toddlers. The current investigation measured AT in 360 males and 400 males from the general population close to two decades apart, using the Pervasive Developmental Disorder subscale of the Child Behavior Checklist in early childhood (M = 2.14 years; SD = 0.15), and the Autism-Spectrum Quotient in early adulthood (M = 19.50 years; SD = 0.70). Items from each scale were further divided into social (difficulties with social interaction and communication) and non-social (restricted and repetitive behaviours and interests) AT. The association between child and adult measurements of AT as well the influence of potentially confounding sociodemographic, antenatal and obstetric variables were assessed using Pearson's correlations and linear regression. For males, Total AT in early childhood were positively correlated with total AT (r = .16, p = .002) and social AT (r = .16, p = .002) in adulthood. There was also a positive correlation for males between social AT measured in early childhood and Total (r = .17, p = .001) and social AT (r = .16, p = .002) measured in adulthood. Correlations for non-social AT did not achieve significance in males. Furthermore, there was no significant longitudinal association in AT observed for males or females. Despite the constraints of using different measures and different raters at the two ages, this study found modest developmental stability of social AT from early childhood to adulthood in boys.  相似文献   

We investigated the social and hormonal mechanisms underlying male reproductive strategies in two multimale-multifemale groups of black howler monkeys (Alouatta pigra) during a 14-month study in Palenque National Park, Mexico. Fecal glucocorticoid (fGC) and androgen (fA) levels were analyzed for 343 fecal samples collected from 14 males during their presence in the study groups. Neither immigrating males nor resident males that remained in the group had elevated fGC and fA levels during 11 observed male migration events, suggesting that competition over group membership was not associated with variation in the fecal hormonal levels of males. Instead, fGC and fA levels were significantly higher in males who maintained a central position in the group and had almost exclusive access to fertile females than in other resident males. These “central” males were responsible for maintaining close spatial associations and cultivating strong affiliative relationships with cycling, sexually active females but not with noncycling, sexually inactive females. “Noncentral” males did not form strong social relationships with either cycling or noncycling females and had no or very few mating opportunities. Our findings suggest that male black howler monkeys compete nonaggressively by fostering relationships with cycling females and that the elevated fGC levels of central males may be indicative of the social challenges involved in their indirect competition.  相似文献   

Testosterone modulates male vertebrates sexual and social behaviour. We experimentally investigated the testosterone-sensitive behaviours in male greylag geese (Anser anser) by implanting silastic tubes containing crystalline testosterone during the mating season (February; 5 implanted and 5 control males) and in the early winter (November; 7 and 7). Focal animals were part of a semi-tame, unrestrained flock with fully intact social relationships. Excreted testosterone and corticosterone immunoreactive metabolites (TM, BM) were determined by enzyme immunoassay. Individual faecal samples and behavioural protocols were collected daily over a period of 5 weeks, including 1 control week before implantation. In February, no significant behavioural effects of the supplemental testosterone were observed, which may be due to the naturally occurring high systemic androgen levels in spring. In November, however, implanted males had higher TM excretion rates and performed status signalling behaviour (beak up) more frequently than control males. No differences between implanted and control males were found with respect to BM, agonistic interactions or vigilance behaviour. Furthermore, during the second week after implantation, TM positively correlated with the frequency of beak up of implanted males, whilst their female partners were attacked with lower latency by other members of the flock than the females of control males. Hence, status signalling in greylag ganders seems to be testosterone-sensitive year-long and inappropriate status signalling of males may draw attacks towards their females.  相似文献   

Neurons within the medial bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BSTm) that produce arginine vasotocin (VT; in non-mammals) or arginine vasopressin (VP; in mammals) have been intensively studied with respect to their anatomy and neuroendocrine regulation. However, almost no studies have examined how these neurons process stimuli in the animals' immediate environment. We recently showed that in five estrildid finch species, VT-immunoreactive (-ir) neurons in the BSTm increase their Fos expression selectively in response to positively-valenced social stimuli (i.e., stimuli that should elicit affiliation). Using male zebra finches, a highly gregarious estrildid, we now extend those findings to show that VT-Fos coexpression is induced by a positive social stimulus (a female), but not by a positive non-social stimulus (a water bath in bath-deprived birds), although the female and bath stimuli induced Fos equally within a nearby control region, the medial preoptic nucleus. In concurrent experiments, we also show that the properties of BSTm VT-ir neurons strongly differentiate males that diverge in social phenotype. Males who reliably fail to court females (“non-courters”) have dramatically fewer VT-ir neurons in the BSTm than do reliable courters, and the VT-ir neurons of non-courters fail to exhibit Fos induction in response to a female stimulus.  相似文献   

In many mammal species, precocious sexual behaviour is a component of play. A recent model for the evolution of play fighting behaviour in muroid rodents by Pellis (1993) proposes that social play in those species has its origin in precocious sexual behaviour. Captive juvenile emydid turtles perform precocious sexual behaviour. After reviewing its occurrence, we focus on detailed observations of Pseudemys nelsoni. Precocious sexual behaviour in these turtles is characterized by the striking ‘titillation’ display, usually observed only when adult males court females. In this display, the digits of the front feet are rapidly vibrated above the eyes of the female. In our observations, both sexes performed the display, which was energetic, spontaneous, and inconclusive (in that sequences of precocious courtship typically ended when either the displayer or recipient stopped and rested, left, or started some other unrelated non-social behaviour). Displaying individuals clearly preferred conspecific recipients and often appeared to seek out specific individuals. We discuss several plausible explanations for precocious courtship in these turtles but find none entirely satisfying. The characteristics of the precocious courtship behaviour we observed most closely match those commonly listed for social play. Thus, we conclude that the most likely explanation for this behaviour is that it is a component of social play.  相似文献   

In this paper, I consider Santiago Ramón y Cajal’s strategy of histological observation and imaging in terms of what I call “induction of visibility” (Fiorentini, 2011). Cajal’s strategy of visibility induction drew upon both rational and aesthetic visual sensibility, and considered this interplay to be a constitutive element of knowledge production. I propose to describe Cajal’s fundamental attitude towards visually inferred knowledge in terms of an “aesthetic epistemology”.  相似文献   

Within the framework of a national scientific program named “MORtalités ESTivales de l'huître creuse Crassostrea gigas” (MOREST), a family-based experiment was developed to study the genetic basis of resistance to summer mortality in the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas. As part of the MOREST project, the second generation of three resistant families and two susceptible families were chosen and pooled into two respective groups: “R” and “S”. These two groups of oysters were conditioned for 6 months on two food levels (4% and 12% of oyster soft-tissue dry weight in algal dry weight per day) with a temperature gradient that mimicked the Marennes-Oléron natural cycle during the oyster reproductive period. Oyster mortality remained low for the first two months, but then rapidly increased in July when seawater temperature reached 19 °C and above. Mortality was higher in “S” oysters than in “R” oysters, and also higher in oysters fed the 12% diet than those fed 4%, resulting in a decreasing, relative order in cumulative mortality as follows; 12% “S” > 12% “R” > 4% “S” > 4% “R”. Although the observed mortality rates were lower than those previously observed in the field, the mortality differential between “R” and “S” oysters was similar. Gonadal development, estimated by tissue lipid content, followed a relative order yielding a direct, positive relationship between reproductive effort and mortality as we reported precedently by quantitative histology. Regarding hemocyte parameters, one of the most striking observations was that reactive oxygen species (ROS) production was significantly higher in “S” oysters than in “R” oysters in May and June, regardless of food level. The absence of known environmental stress under these experimental conditions suggests that the ROS increase in “S” oyster could be related to their higher reproductive activity. Finally, a higher increase in hyalinocyte counts was observed for”S” oysters, compared to “R” oysters, in July, just before mortality. Taken together, our results suggest an association of genetically based resistance to summer mortality, reproductive strategy and hemocyte parameters.  相似文献   

Farrowing is one of the most critical phases in pig production, as it has an impact on neonatal pig survival. Assessing the ease of farrowing can improve the management of sows and thus increase litter survival. The aims of this study were: 1) to develop an ease of farrowing score (EFS) in sows based on the behaviour of the sows and their piglets, and 2) to determine the relationship between the EFS and productive, physiological, and subjective parameters. Eighty hybrid (Large White × Landrace) sows from first to seventh parity housed in individual crates were used. An EFS was constructed using the total duration of farrowing, the birth interval, the total time standing or sitting, the number of position changes during the day before and the day of farrowing, the sow posture at birth, the viability and the position of the piglets at birth (head or back born). Moreover, rectal temperature at 90 min after farrowing, a four categorical subjective visual assessment (VA) of farrowing and litter size (piglets born alive, stillborn and mummified foetus) were recorded. A common factor analysis model yielded five factors with an eigenvalue higher than 0.95 that accounted for 75.05% of the total variation between individuals. The three main factors were “farrowing duration”, “sow posture”, and “sow activity” of sows and explained 23.44%, 15.67%, and 14.23% of the variance, respectively. Primiparous sows had higher values for factor 3 (sow activity) than multiparous sows (P = 0.02). Sows without stillborn or mummification foetus showed higher values of EFS than sows with at least one stillborn or mummification foetus (P = 0.06 and 0.01, respectively). Sows that received a visual assessment of 3 and 4 showed higher values of EFS than sows that received a VA of 1 and 2 (P = 0.0017). The EFS appears to be a good behavioural scale to measure ease of farrowing in sows kept in individual farrowing crates. Duration of farrowing, sow position, and presence of stillborn piglets and mummified foetuses appear to be important ease of farrowing indicators.  相似文献   

Can video cameras replace visual estrus detection in dairy cows?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A 6-mo experiment was conducted in a dairy herd to evaluate a video system for estrus detection. From October 2007 to April 2008, 35 dairy cows of three breeds that ranged in age from 2 to 6 yr were included in the study. Four daylight cameras were set up in two free stalls with straw litter and connected to a computer equipped with specific software to detect movement. This system allowed the continuous observation of the cows as well as video storage. An observation method related to the functionality of the video management software (“Camera-Icons” method) was used to detect the standing mount position and was compared to direct visual observation (direct visual method). Both methods were based on the visualization of standing mount position. A group of profile photos consisting of the full face, left side, right side, and back of each cow was used to identify animals on the videos. Milk progesterone profiles allowed the determination of ovulatory periods (reference method), and a total of 84 ovulatory periods were used. Data obtained by direct visual estrus detection were used as a control. Excluding the first postpartum ovulatory periods, the “Camera-Icons” method allowed the detection of 80% of the ovulatory periods versus 68.6% with the direct visual method (control) (P = 0.07). Consequently, the “Camera-Icons” method gave at least similar results to the direct visual method. When combining the two methods, the detection rate was 88.6%, which was significantly higher than the detection rate allowed by the direct visual method (P < 0.0005). Eight to 32 min (mean 20 min) were used daily to analyze stored images. When compared with the 40 min (four periods of 10 min) dedicated to the direct visual method, we conclude that the video survey system not only saved time but also can replace direct visual estrus detection.  相似文献   

Juvenile hamsters are typically less vulnerable to social subjugation than adults, although they will avoid aggressive individuals in some situations. The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which social subjugation stimulates fear- or anxiety-like behavior in juvenile hamsters in both social and non-social contexts. Social context testing was conducted in a Y-maze while the non-social context apparatus consisted of an open field arena and a lat-maze. In the Y-maze, subjects were exposed to an unfamiliar aggressive adult hamster. Compared with non-subjugated controls, subjugated juveniles spent significantly more time in the area furthest from the aggressive adult stimulus. In addition, socially stressed animals were more likely to avoid the arm of the maze containing the social stimulus. When they did walk in the arm containing the social stimulus, subjugated individuals were more likely to ambulate slowly. Subjugated hamsters also performed fewer olfactory investigations in the proximity of the unfamiliar aggressive individual. Despite these behavioral differences detected between groups during testing in a social context, we observed no differences between groups in the open field and lat-maze. This suggests that the effects of subjugation observed in the Y-maze are specific to exposure to a social context and that social subjugation in juvenile hamsters does not result in a generalized state of fear. Instead, subjugated juveniles learned to avoid adult males and were otherwise behaviorally similar to non-subjugated controls.  相似文献   

Summary The expression of folate sensitive common fragile sites was investigated in 82 normal healthy males and females of various ages. In 100 studied metaphases of each of these controls, between 0 and 56 lesions were detected (mean 18.3 ± 10.3 SD). No significant difference was found between the mean number of expressed lesions in females and males. No age-effects were observed. Two new common fragile sites were discovered at 6p21 and 17q21. Their fragile site status, however, needs to be confirmed.  相似文献   

This study describes the severity of the 2005 bleaching event at 15 reef sites across Venezuela and compares the 1998 and 2005 bleaching events at one of them. During August and September 2005, bleached corals were first observed on oceanic reefs rather than coastal reefs, affecting 1 to 4% of coral colonies in the community (3 reef sites, n = 736 colonies). At that time, however, no bleached corals were recorded along the eastern coast of Venezuela, an area of seasonal upwelling (3 reefs, n = 181 colonies). On coastal reefs, bleaching started in October but highest levels were reached in November 2005 and January 2006, when 16% of corals were affected among a wide range of taxa (e.g. scleractinians, octocorals, Millepora and zoanthids). In the Acropora habitats of Los Roques (an oceanic reef),no bleached was recorded in 2005 (four sites,n = 643 colonies). At Cayo Sombrero, a coastal reef site, bleaching was less severe in 1998 than in 2005 (9% of the coral colonies involving 2 species vs. 26% involving 23 species, respectively). Our results indicate that bleaching was more severe in 2005 than in 1998 on Venezuelan reefs; however, no mass mortality was observed in either of these two events.  相似文献   

The in vitro neuralization of hESCs has been widely used to generate central and peripheral nervous system components from neural precursors (Bajpai et al., 2009; Curchoe et al., 2010), most often through an intermediate “rosette” stage. Here we confirm that hESC derived neuro-epithelial rosettes express many characteristics of the developing embryonic neural plate (Aaku-Saraste et al., 1996), characterized by expression of the tight junction proteins ZO-1 and N-Cadherin. Moreover, neuro-epithelial rosettes display a characteristic acetylated alpha tubulin cytoskeletal arrangement (similar to that observed in the developing embryonic neural plate) (Bhattacharyya et al., 1994).Demonstrated here for the first time MKLP was observed in a hESC model system. We found MKLP expression in small particles in between mitotic spindles, large particles aggregating in the lumen of neuroepithelial rosettes, and we did not observe MKLP in the nucleus of hESC derived neural precursors as previously described in the HeLa cell line. We observed MKLP + particles in aggregations in the lumen of “early” rosette structures. Furthermore, we observed that MKLP+ particle aggregations can also be lost from the lumens of hESC derived neuro-epithelial rosettes, similar to a phenomenon observed in the developing neural tube in vivo (Marzesco et al., 2005). We determined that this loss of MKLP+ particles occurs from “late” as opposed to “early” stage neuro-epithelial rosettes (characterized by junction type).Disrupting the apical-basal polarization of “early” stage rosettes with a 1% Matrigel overlay (Krtolica et al., 2007) nearly ablates MKLP particle aggregation in the lumen of rosettes, demonstrating that the apical-basal polarity of early NE cells is necessary for lumenal MKLP particle aggregation.We conclude that early hESC derived neuro-epithelial rosettes can model early neurulation events, such as the transition from neural plate like cells to neural tube like cells (i.e. symmetric to asymmetric NE cell division) demonstrated by polarized MKLP particle inheritance and distribution using junction type as a measure of stage.  相似文献   

The bot fly Cuterebra austeni exhibits year-to-year consistency in its landmark-based hilltopping mating system. Flies were found on some of the same localized ridgetop perching areas that were known to be mate encounter sites 22 years previously. In both 1980 and 2002, males were drawn preferentially to locally elevated, largely vegetation-free sites. In addition, a substantial proportion of individuals exhibited site fidelity in both years, as demonstrated by their willingness to return to the site where marked after being captured and handled. In both years of observation, a smaller proportion returned the second day after marking and only 10–20% of marked males were seen on the third day. Thus males apparently have only a very limited window of opportunity to secure a given perching territory. In both years, a number of males (residents) succeeded in monopolizing a perching area over a substantial part of the brief morning flight period. One unexplained difference across the decades: residents appeared on a lower proportion of days of observation in 2002 than in 1980.  相似文献   

Dog owners were surveyed for observations of social behaviors in their dogs, using questions adapted from the human Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) pre-verbal module. Using 939 responses for purebred and mixed-breed dogs, three factors were identified: initiation of reciprocal social behaviors (INIT), response to social interactions (RSPNS), and communication (COMM). There were small or no effects of sex, age, breed group or training. For six breeds with more than 35 responses (Border Collie, Rough Collie, German Shepherd, Golden Retriever, Labrador Retriever, Standard Poodle), the behaviors eye contact with humans, enjoyment in interactions with human interaction, and name recognition demonstrated little variability across breeds, while asking for objects, giving/showing objects to humans, and attempts to direct humans’ attention showed higher variability across these breeds. Breeds with genetically similar backgrounds had similar response distributions for owner reports of dog response to pointing. When considering these breeds according to the broad categories of “herders” and “retrievers,” owners reported that the “herders” used more eye contact and vocalization, while the “retrievers” used more body contact. Information regarding social cognitive abilities in dogs provided by owner report suggest that there is variability across many social cognitive abilities in dogs and offers direction for further experimental investigations.  相似文献   

We quantitatively analysed synchronous breathing for dyads in Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins at Mikura Island, Tokyo, Japan. For most cases, we observed dyads swimming in the same direction (97%), in close proximity (i.e., less than 1.5 m) and with their body axes parallel as they breathed synchronously. Moreover, the pairs engaged in identical behaviour before and after the synchronous breathing episodes. These results suggest that the dolphins synchronize their movements, and that synchronous breathing is a component of “pair-swimming”, an affiliative social behaviour. Same sex pairs of the same age class frequently engaged in synchronous breathing for adults and subadults, as well as mother-calf and escort-calf pairs. The distance between individuals during synchronous breathing for mother-calf pairs was less than for other pairs. The distance observed between individuals for female pairs was less than for male pairs. The time differences between each exhale for each of the two dolphins involved in synchronous breathing episodes for female pairs were smaller than for male pairs, and time differences for adult pairs were smaller than subadult pairs. These results suggest that age and sex class influenced the characteristics of this behaviour.  相似文献   

Reproductive cycle, frequency and duration of spawning, energetic content of gonads, and reproductive output of the common green sea urchin Loxechinus albus were analyzed in the Beagle Channel (Tierra del Fuego) between May 2004 and May 2005. Gonad indices (GI, percentages of gonad mass in total body mass) were significantly higher in March, April, July, and August than in November and May, thus showing a negative correlation with the photoperiod. Highest GI values of mature individuals were observed in August, and spawning occurred from September to December. In females, the mass-specific energy content of gonads (ECG) was highest in spawned gonads and lowest in mature ones, while in males ECG values were higher in immature stage and lower in premature and mature stages. High ECG values can be explained by the abundance of nutritive phagocytes. Both ECG and total gonad energy content (TECG) were higher in females than in males. Mean reproductive output was 7.28% for females and 6.15% for males (expressed as the difference between mean GI of mature and spawned gonads) and 25.02 kJ for females and 19.26 kJ for males (expressed as the difference between mean TECG of mature and spawned gonads).  相似文献   

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