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In an inbreeding program conducted with the colonial hydroid Hydractinia echinata, each F1 mating produced up to 50% F2 offspring displaying an aberrant, clone-constant phenotype, hence referred to as mutant strain. In autoaggressive strains, in one or several areas of the colony autoreactive stolons direct their aggressive devices (stolon tips filled with cytotoxic stinging cells), normally used to kill allogeneic competitors for living space, towards neighboring stolons or polyps (hydranths) of their own colony. In these areas tumor-like masses of self-aggressive stolons were formed, in severe cases causing the death of the colony. Based on previous genetic studies, the interpretation proposed here attributes autoaggressive behavior to a mosaic-type alternative expression of arl (allorecognition) alleles in heterozygous individuals. Developmental mutant strains termed He-mh form supernumerary heads during regeneration and normal development as well. Common to all He-mh phenotypes isthe production of additional headsalong the bodycolumn of fully-grown polyps. The heads give rise to complete hydranths connected by a tube that derives from the gastric region of the original polyp and eventually transforms into a stolon. In bastol strains, polyps convert the basal region of their body column into a periderm-covered stolon from which the residual apical hydranth detaches. Colonies expressing both the He-mh and the bastol (bst) phenotype frequently lose detaching multi-headed hydranths and the colony disintegrates. The large number of mutant F2 offspring reveals high genetic variability in Hydractinia.  相似文献   

The growth of stolons anil the development of hydranths in thecatehydroids (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) have several common features.In both the terminal zone shows rhythmic pulsations which accompanyperiodic advances and withdrawals of the tip. Behind the terminalzone is a longer region of coenosarc which shows vigorous contractions,and these produce flow of the contents of the gastrovascularcavity. These contractions are not directly related to the movementof the tips of pedicels and stolons, nor are they related tocontractions within a developing hydranth. The growing regionsare not pushed out from behind, but figuratively pull more proximaltissue along. The changes in shape must involve active changeswithin the cells. The terminal cells are not "typical" myoepithelialcells (with "muscle tails"). How they alter their shape is notyet known. Evidence from dissociation studies and from treatmentwith drugs indicates a critical stage in hydranth developmentbefore which tissues are indeterminate, after which a mosaicof the hydranth is established.  相似文献   

The response of potato stolons, cultured in vitro, to ethylenewas investigated utilizing 2-chloroethyl-phosphonic acid asthe source of ethylene. Concentrations of 0.067, 0.67, 6.7,and 67 µm did not promote tuber formation which occurredin the presence of 16 µm kinetin. In the presence of 2-chloroethyl-phosphonicacid stolon branching was promoted and they maintained a diageotropicgrowth habit in contrast to the negatively geotropic growthhabit of kinetin-treated cultures. The amount of soluble sugars accumulating at the stolon tipwas similar in the presence of kinetin and 2-chloroethylphosphonicacid. However, the level decreased in kinetin-treated stolonsas starch synthesis increased whereas a high specific activitywas maintained in the presence of 2-chloroethylphosphonic acidwhere no starch synthesis occurred. Higher levels of sucroseoccurred in kinetin-treated cultures. Both 2-chloroethylphosphonic acid and kinetin decreased invertaseactivity at the stolon tip. Peroxidase activity increased withtime in response to 2-chloroethylphosphonic acid whereas activityincreased appreciably in kinetin-treated stolons only afterday 5. Generally higher levels of 3'nucleotidase activity existedin 2-chloroethylphosphonic acid-treated stolons. RNase activitydecreased in kinetin treated stolons while activity increasedin the presence of 2-chloroethylphosphonic acid. It is suggestedthat ethylene may influence stolon growth but may not be directlyinvolved in tuber initiation.  相似文献   

Desmocytes or anchoring cells are present on the upright stolons of the athecate hydroid Cordylophora caspia and function to support the soft coenosarc within the rigid tube of perisarc by linking the perisarc with the mesoglea. These cells are characterized by accumulations of 70 A filaments which aggregate into dense rods at the apical end and contact the perisarc. At the base of the desmocytes the filaments are distributed within large cytoplasmic processes which interdigitate with an extension of the mesoglea. Desmocytes in Cordylophora are temporally and spatially formed in sequence as the upright elongates. Depending on their location and structure they can be categorized as forming, functional, or remnant desmocytes. The youngest, forming desmocytes are found in the distal end of the stolon 0.5-1.0 mm from the base of the hydranth. In this region coenosarc is just beginning to separate from the perisarc. Functional desmocytes are scattered 1-3 mm from the base of the hydranth and are associated with perpendicular extensions of the mesoglea. Remnants have lost their mesogleal connection and are located in more proximal, older regions of upright stolon. Support provided by the desmocytes to the upright stolon is limited by three factors that characterize the athecate hydroid: distribution of perisarc, pattern of growth, and extent of movement. The distal location of forming desmocytes is coincident with the hardening of new perisarc. The temporary nature of attachment sites is directly related to upright elongation. It is probable that the orientation of filaments within the cell and the mesogleal extension provide an addition feature of flexibility necessary to permit feeding, growth, and rhythmic pulsation movements characteristic of these hydroids.  相似文献   

Schizogamous reproduction by stolon formation in a presumably hybrid population of Autolytus prolifer × A. brachycephalus from the Oosterschelde (The Netherlands) was investigated. Field observations proved that this population does not reproduce all year. During winter, about 50% of the worms were at early stages of stolonization, but no mature stolons at all were developed. Individuals with mature stolons, and also juveniles with less than 20 setigers, were collected in May. Nurses with long stolon chains and numerous reproductive stolons appeared during summer. Nurses collected in winter had higher numbers of stock setigers than those captured in summer; this reduction of the number of setigers mainly results from repeated incorporation of stock setigers into stolons. The influence on stolonization of nutrition, photoperiod and temperature was investigated in the laboratory. Ample food supply is an indispensable prerequisite for stolonization; starved individuals produced small regenerates, but never formed stolons. In well-fed specimens of both juvenile worms and nurses deprived of their stolons, simulated winter conditions (short-day photoperiod at 10°C) prevented stolonization, whereas approximation of summer conditions (long-day photoperiod at 15°C) induced or reinitiated stolon formation.

The results and observations on stolonization at other combinations of different photoperiods and temperatures show that the diurnal photoperiod is a dominant factor in the control of stolonization in these Autolytus spp.. This is the first experimental proof of photoperiodism within the polychaete family, Syllidae.  相似文献   

The larvae of many marine organisms including hydrozoans are lecithotrophic and will not feed until after metamorphosis. In hydrozoans the aboral region of the planula becomes the holdfast and stolon, while the oral region becomes the stalk and hydranth that grows out of the holdfast following metamorphosis. If metamorphosis is delayed, the portion of the planula allocated to form holdfast and stolon shrinks and the region that forms the hydranth increases in size. Planulae also have the ability to regenerate their polyp prepattern. When the aboral region of the planula that does not normally form a hydranth is isolated and metamorphosis is delayed, it acquires the capacity to form a hydranth from the holdfast. A relatively high proportion of entodermal cells of young planulae engage in DNA synthesis (BrdU labeling index); as planulae age, the labeling index falls close to zero. When the polyp prepattern is modified during planula regeneration, entodermal cells are induced to engage in DNA synthesis. If DNA synthesis is inhibited in planulae, the polyp prepattern changes during regeneration and age-related developmental changes in planula are inhibited, suggesting that DNA synthesis is a necessary part of the pattern respecification process.  相似文献   

Potato tuber formation starts with the stolon swelling and is regulated by jasmonates. The cascade of events leading to tuber formation is not completely understood. The aim of this study was to evaluate phospholipid composition and phospholipase activities during four stages of stolon-to-tuber transition of Solanum tuberosum L., cv. Spunta, and involvement of phosphatidic acid (PA) in stolon cell expansion during early stages. Effects of jasmonic acid (JA) treatment on phospholipid content and activation of phospholipase D (PLD) (EC and phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate-specific phospholipase C (PIP2-PLC) (EC were studied in the early stages (first stage, hooked apex stolon; second stage, initial swelling stolon) of tuberization. All the phospholipid species identified, phosphatidylinositol (PI), phosphatidylserine (PS), phosphatidylcholine (PC), phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), phosphatidylglycerol (PG), PA, and cardiolipin (CL), decreased as tuber formation progressed. PLD and PLC were activated in control tissues at an early stage. JA treatment caused a decrease of PC and PS in first stage stolons, accumulation of PA in second stage stolons, and modification of PLD and PLC activities. PA increased stolon cell area in the first and second stages. These findings indicate that phospholipid catabolism is activated from the early stages of tuber formation, and that JA treatment modifies the pattern of phospholipid (PC, PS, and PA) composition and phospholipase (PLD and PLC) activity. These phospholipids therefore may play a role in activation of an intracellular mechanism that switches the developmental fate of stolon meristem cells, causing differentiation into a tuber.  相似文献   

Trifolium repens (white clover) stolons were inoculated with Ditylenchus dipsaci (stem nematode), and the development of resulting infestations was monitored. Nematodes initially remained confined to superficial locations, concentrating in petiole axils near inoculation points. They were able to migrate slowly from the inidal inoculation points and infest adjacent axils, especially in regions near the stolon tip. As time progressed, in some axils, nematodes migrated through the stolon epidermis and colonized slowly expanding subepidermal pockets of host tissue (ca. 0.2-mm length of stolon/day). In these loci nematodes established exponentially increasing populations, but the rates of locus expansion remained constant, indicating that locus expansion was limited by unidentified host-dependent factors. As a result of increasing population pressure within subepidermal loci, J4 entered a "diapause" state and the rate of egg production by adults declined, thereby reducing rate of population growth to more sustainable levels. Typically, these populations peaked at ca. 10,000 individuals in ca. 160 days occupying 3-cm lengths of stolon. Thereafter, heavily infested regions of stolons started to die, leading to the formation of longitudinal splits in their epidermis. In other axils, nematodes did not migrate into the stolons but remained confined to axils. Some of these populations increased a hundred-fold in 95 days, with population growth ending when petioles started to die. Host plant stolon morphology was affected only when subepidermal stolon populations developed high population levels (>100 nematodes) within close proximity (<2 cm) to active terminal meristems. This occurred either when axillary buds became active on previously infested nodes or when nematodes established endoparasitic populations at locations near the stolon tip during winter and spring, when the rate of stolon extension was limited by low light intensity. Affected stolon tips could "escape" from the influence of such infestations when light intensity and temperature increased. Nematode activity was limited by low temperature rather than light intensity. Global warming is likely to lead to greater damage to infested plants during the winter and early spring because the predicted milder winter temperatures will enhance nematode activity but not necessarily promote stolon growth.  相似文献   

In a mutant strain of Hydractinia (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa), the polyps develop ectopic supernumerary tentacles and heads (hypostomes) after an initial phase of wild-type growth. In order to elucidate the molecular mechanisms implicated in the development of aberrant phenotypes, we tried to enhance or suppress the expressivity of this hypomorphic mutation by exposing subclones to factors supposedly influencing pattern formation. Upon iterated treatment with alsterpaullone, an inhibitor of GSK-3, the formation of additional, ectopic head structures and the budding of new polyps were dramatically accelerated and enhanced. The endogenous stolon-inducing factor (SIF) had opposite effects by reducing head forming potential while increasing stolon-forming potential. SIF could be used to rescue extremely aberrant phenotypes. In these mutant colonies, long polyps with multiple heads eventually detach from stolons and lose the ability to regenerate stolons. Upon exposure to SIF, such free-floating multi-headed polyps resumed production of stolons and acquired wild-type morphology. We conclude that a canonical WNT signaling cascade is involved in patterning the body axis of polyps and in the initiation of budding, and that SIF counteracts this signaling system.  相似文献   

郭伟  李钧敏  胡正华 《生态学报》2012,32(1):151-158
研究表明克隆整合可以显著提升异质环境中克隆植物的生长,然而当克隆植物遭受均质环境压力时,整合对植物生长影响的研究相对较少。本文以典型入侵克隆植物空心莲子草(Alternanthera philoxeroides)为例,研究均质环境压力酸雨和采食模拟胁迫对空心莲子草生长的影响,以及克隆整合在空心莲子草适应不利环境过程中所起的作用。酸雨设3种浓度梯度:pH值3.5 、pH值4.5和 pH值6.5(对照);采食设3种水平:不去叶、去叶50%和去叶90%;整合水平:匍匐茎切断和连接。结果表明:无论保持或切断匍匐茎的连接,酸雨处理都不影响空心莲子草生物量。当保持匍匐茎连接时,pH值4.5酸雨处理增加了空心莲子草匍匐茎长度和分株数目,因此,低度酸雨可能对空心莲子草生长有一定的促进作用。同样,无论匍匐茎是否被切断,采食处理都显著降低了空心莲子草克隆片段生物量,而显著增加了叶片数目。当切断匍匐茎连接时,采食处理使空心莲子草分株数目显著增加。本文得出的结论是:空心莲子草能较好地适应酸雨和采食的环境压力,当空心莲子草全部克隆分株遭受均质环境胁迫时,克隆整合并不能显著改善它的生长。  相似文献   

Clonal plants adaptively respond to abiotic stress, but to date little is known about under what circumstanses clonal integration is beneficial, or costly. To study the costs and benefits of clonal integration on clonal growth, we cultivated Zoysia japonica under three ratios of N:P (N:P ≈ 7, 14:1 and 21:1), and four types of stolon severing treatments (connected stolon CS, light severing LS, moderate severing MS, serious severing SS). The results showed that Z. japonica performed best at a low ratio of N:P (N:P ≈ 7:1). When the stolons were connected (CS), the growth of primary A‐ramets, multiple‐nodes and stolons benefited from clonal integration; however, the growth of primary B‐ramets on the primary stolons, A and B ramets was significantly reduced (p < 0.05). In the moderate stolon severing treatment MS7:1 (N:P ≈ 7:1), clonal integration appeared more cost effective than in all other treatments. On the whole, with increasing stolon severing intensity, the cost of clonal integration increased and the clonal growth of Z. japonica declined significantly. The pattern of biomass allocation may be useful for Z. japonica to adapt to the various environments, and clonal integration plays a significant role under adverse environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Chondrocladia (Symmetrocladia) lyra subgen. nov., sp. nov., is described from northeast Pacific sites at Escanaba Ridge and Monterey Canyon at depths of 3316–3399 m. Two retrieved specimens are described in detail, while variations are described in ten photographed or videotaped specimens. The basic structure, termed a vane, is harp‐ or lyre‐shaped. From 1 to 6 vanes extend by radial growth from the organism's center. The orientation among the vanes is approximately equiangular, such that together they display pentaradiate, tetraradiate, triradiate, or biradiate symmetries. Each vane is formed by a horizontal stolon supporting a series of upright, equidistantly spaced branches each of which terminates at its apex in a swollen ball in all observed specimens except the paratype. Swellings occur midway along the branches in the holotype, but not in the paratype. A linear row of filaments project from the sides, front, and back of each branch, and also from the tops of each stolon. The terminal balls are the sites of spermatophore production and release; mid‐branch swellings are sites of oocyte maturation. The two megasclere spicule types have specific distributions; styles support rhizoids, stolons, and branches, while subtylostyles support filaments and terminal balls. Anchorate isochelae cover all surfaces. Enclosed crustacean prey on branches and stolons provide direct evidence of carnivory. The structure of the vanes maximizes surface area for passive suspension feeding. Increased surface area could also maximize spermatophore capture, with the sigmas projecting from the spermatophore surface being caught by projecting isochelae on filaments. Swellings on filaments are snared spermatophores, firmly fused to recipient tissues and undergoing destruction. Spermatophores on filaments are present in branch swellings containing early and mature oocytes. Oogenesis and maturation occur only in proximity to branch swellings, suggesting that development is induced by spermatophore reception. Symmetrical development of uniserial branched stolons (the vanes) characterized members of the new subgenus Symmetrocladia.  相似文献   

Kinetin-induced tuberization of isolated stolons was investigated with regard to accumulation of labelled kinetin, starch, protein and nucleic acid synthesis. Using kinetin-8-14C, it was found that more labelled meterial appeared at the locus of tyber formation that in other parts of the stolon. Substantial accumulation was evident before visible signs of tuber formation. The basal portion of the stolon also accumulated substantial amounts of labelled material. Kinetin-treated stolons showed extensive starch accumulation which was not evident in gibberellic acid-treated or untreated stolons. Starch accumulation occurred before any visible sign of tuber formation. There was no marked differences in the ability of the apical 0.5 cm of kinetin-treated and untrated stolons to incorporate 14 C uridine into RNA and 14C leucine into TCA precipitable protein. From these results it was concluded that kinetin-induced tuber formation may not involve the synthesis of new proteins. It is suggested that kinetin may be regulating tuber formation by suppressing starch hydrolase activity and stimulating starch synthetase activity whereas gibberellic acid inhibits tuber formation by promoting starch hydrolase activity or by suppressing starch synthesizing enzymes.  相似文献   

Summary Polyps of mature colonies of Hydractinia echinata obey the rule of distal transformation by regenerating heads but not stolons. However, this rule is not valid for young polyps as these regenerate stolons from proximal cut ends. Also, small cell aggregates and even small fragments excised from full-grown polyps are capable of stolon formation. Aggregates produced from dissociated cells undergo either distal or proximal transformation depending on their size, speed of head regeneration in the donor used for dissociation and the positional derivation of the cells. The latent capability of stolon formation is released under conditions that cause loss of morphogens and depletion of their sources. However, internal regulative processes can also lead to gradual proximal transformation: regenerating segments of polyps sometimes form heads at both ends and the distal pattern is duplicated. Subsequently, all sets of proximal structures, including stolons, are intercalated. In contrast to distal transformation, proximal transformation is a process the velocity of which declines with the age and size of the cell community.  相似文献   

A period of growth under shade netting in the glasshouse allowedthe cultivation of white clover stolons with an accumulationof undeveloped axillary buds similar to that often found onstolons from grass/clover swards. The subsequent capacity ofthese nodes to develop branches under different circumstanceswas investigated in three experiments. Removal of the laminaeand petioles subtending sets of four buds along a stolon reducedthe rate at which branches were initiated from the buds. Treatmentsin which petioles, or petioles plus laminae, were retained initiatedbranches more quickly. Shading the stolons reduced both therate of initiation and the percentage of buds which developed,unless both petioles and laminae were retained. There was someevidence that conditions applied to individual buds may actin the same way as the same conditions applied to sets of fourbuds and that illuminated nodes may depress the performanceof neighbouring shaded notes. Fewer buds developed at older nodes than at younger nodes duringthe summer, but during the autumn younger buds initially developedmore slowly than older buds. This suggests that buds can developat a younger nodal age in summer than in winter. When leafless stolons were cut up into component internodesbuds developed faster than on intact stolons, provided the budwas located at the end of the internode nearest the main stolongrowing point. If the bud was at the other end, branch developmentwas slower than on intact stolons. The results are discussedin relation to clover growth in sward conditions. White clover, Trifolium repens, axillary bud development, branching, growing points, defoliation, shading  相似文献   

The involvement of jasmonates in the tuber development has been proved by the presence of many of these compounds in potato stolons, modification of their levels during the transition of the stolon into tuber, and induction of cell expansion upon exogenous jasmonates treatment. However, to date there is only little evidence of the presence of the jasmonic acid-biosynthetic enzymes in stolons or young tubers. As allene oxide cyclase represents the major control point for jasmonic acid biosynthesis, we studied the occurrence of allene oxide cyclase by immunological approaches in the early stages of tuber formation. In developing stolons, allene oxide cyclase as well as lipoxygenase were clearly detectable, but their levels did not change during development. Jasmonic acid treatment for 24h, however, increased lipoxygenase and allene oxide cyclase protein levels in both developmental stages analyzed. In longitudinal sections of stolons of stages 1 and 2, allene oxide cyclase and lipoxygenase occurred in the apex and along the stolon axis. Allene oxide cyclase was clearly detectable in epidermal, cortical and pith parenchymatic cells, showing the highest levels in vascular tissues surrounding cells. Lipoxygenase was mainly located in the parenchymatic cortex cells. The occurrence of allene oxide cyclase in stolons together with the previous identification of jasmonates from developing stolons reveals that these organs are capable to synthesize and metabolize jasmonates.  相似文献   

A morphogenetically active compound has been isolated from tissue extract of Hydractinia echinata and identified to be N-methylpicolinic acid (homarine). When applied to whole animals, homarine prevents metamorphosis from larval to adult stage and alters the pattern of adult structures. The concentration of homarine in oocytes is about 25 mM. During embryogenesis, metamorphosis and early colony development the overall homarine content does not change. Adult colonies contain a fourfold lower homarine concentration than larvae. The polyp's head contains twofold more homarine than the gastric region and the stolons. A second, similarly active compound, N-methylnicotinic acid (trigonelline), has also been identified in Hydractinia tissue at concentrations about one-third that of homarine. Incubation of larvae in 10 to 20 microM-homarine or trigonelline prevents head as well as stolon formation. If the compounds are applied in a pulse during metamorphosis, a large part of the available tissue forms stolons. Since microM concentrations of homarine and trigonelline are morphogenetically active, whereas mM concentrations are present in the tissue it appears that both substances are stored within the tissue.  相似文献   

The chronological relationships between stolon formation, stolon tip swelling, tuber initiation, flowering, senescence, growth and resorption of tubers were studied under field conditions in a diploid population of potato with 238 genotypes, the parental clones and seven tetraploid cultivars. Timing of tuber initiation was not closely related to the timing of stolon formation, flowering and duration of the plant cycle. Tuber initiation very often preceded stolon branching. The number and size distribution of tubers were largely influenced by the degree of stolon branching, the length of the stolon swelling period and tuber resorption. The peak production of stolons and swollen stolon tips largely took place within the flowering period, although in most genotypes, some stolon tip swelling took place until the end of the plant cycle. More information on the general temporal relationships between events related to tuber formation and plant development will contribute to a better understanding of the physiological and genetic basis of the processes leading to the production of harvestable tubers.  相似文献   

Pattern formation and cell proliferation have been believedto have a causative relationship in the colonial hydroids. Herelinear stolon growth was assumed to be dependent on polarizedcell proliferation restricted to the extreme end of the stolon.The popularity of the concept that pattern formation was a resultof restricted meristematic cell proliferation was based on acorrespondence between the observed growth patterns and theconcept. Nevertheless, there is little direct knowledge of cellproliferation in the stolons of hydroids. The primary objective of this investigation was to determinethe sites of cell proliferation in the terminal growth zonesof the colonial hydroid Campanularia flexuosa in order to evaluatethis concept. The results give evidence that cell proliferationis more or less uniformly distributed throughout the terminalstolon and the internodes of upright stems, and not restrictedto the tips of the stolons and internodes as has been previouslypostulated. Cell proliferation occurs in both the epidermis and gastrodermisof the stolon in a ratio of 3 to 2. The formation of a new uprightis accompanied by increased cell proliferation localized atthe site of initiation. The uniform distribution of cell proliferation in the stolonsupports the hypothesis that growth is via intercalary cellproliferation, which was proposed eailier on the basis of evidenceobtained from the displacement of vital stained bands of tissuein the stolon. Stolon growth via intercalary cell proliferation requires areconsideration of the factors which control morphogenesis.Wolpert has pointed out the importance of determining the mitoticpattern in a developing system before an understanding of positionalinformation within the system may be studied. Thus, informationfor greater insight into the study of positional informationin a developing hydroid has been obtained.  相似文献   

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