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Sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) is a vasoactive lipid mediator that is speculated to be involved in various aspects of atherosclerosis. About 70% of circulating plasma S1P is carried on HDL, and several pleiotropic properties of HDL have been ascribed to S1P. In the previous study with human subjects, however, LDL cholesterol or apoB, but not HDL cholesterol or apoA-I, had a significant positive correlation with the plasma S1P level, suggesting that the metabolic pathway for LDL might have some roles in the metabolism of S1P. In this study, we analyzed the association between LDL receptor, an important protein in the clearance of LDL, and circulating S1P. We observed that in LDL receptor-overexpressing mice, the plasma S1P levels as well as apolipoprotein M (apoM), a carrier of S1P, were decreased and that exogenously administered C17S1P bound to apoM-containing lipoproteins was cleared more rapidly. Unlike the situation in wild-type mice, LDL receptor overexpression in apoE-deficient mice did not reduce the plasma S1P or apoM levels, suggesting that apoE might be a ligand for the LDL receptor during the clearance of these factors. The present findings clarify the novel roles of the LDL receptor and apoE in the clearance of S1P, a multifunctional bioactive phospholipid.  相似文献   

The aim of the present research was to evaluate the generation of [2-3H]diacylglycerol ([2-3H]DAG) from [2-3H]-Phosphatidic acid ([2-3H]PA) by lipid phosphate phosphatases (LPPs) at different concentrations of lysophosphatidic acid (LPA), sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P), and ceramide 1-phosphate (C1P) in purified ROS obtained from dark-adapted retinas (DROS) or light-adapted retinas (BLROS) as well as in ROS membrane preparations depleted of soluble and peripheral proteins. Western blot analysis revealed the presence of LPP3 exclusively in all membrane preparations. Immunoblots of entire ROS and depleted ROS did not show dark-light differences in LPP3 levels. LPPs activities were diminished by 53% in BLROS with respect to DROS. The major competitive effect on PA hydrolysis was exerted by LPA and S1P in DROS and by C1P in BLROS. LPPs activities in depleted ROS were similar to the activity observed in entire DROS and BLROS, respectively. LPA, S1P and C1P competed at different extent in depleted DROS and BLROS. Sphingosine and ceramide inhibited LPPs activities in entire and depleted DROS. Ceramide also inhibited LPPs activities in entire and in depleted BLROS. Our findings are indicative of a different degree of competition between PA and LPA, S1P and C1P by LPPs depending on the illumination state of the retina.  相似文献   

Abstract: Monoamine oxidases (MAOs) A and B play important roles in the metabolism of neuroactive, vasoactive amines. Human platelets contain only MAO B, often used as an indicator of brain MAO B. The validity of this model remained to be evaluated. This report describes the molecular cloning of human MAO B from frontal cortex and platelets. Two overlapping PCR-amplified clones of human platelet MAO B and four PCR-amplified clones of human frontal cortex MAO B covering the entire coding region were sequenced using five internal oligomers and M13 reverse and forward primers. The nucleotide sequences of human MAO B cDNA from platelet and frontal cortex were identical to that of human liver MAO B except for three nucleotides that differed in frontal cortex: nucleotides 440 A → G, 794 C → T, and 825 C → T. Whether or not these differences are artifactual, all three represent silent mutations, which would not alter the amino acid of the encoded polypeptides. Thus, the deduced amino acid sequences of MAO B from frontal cortex, platelet, and liver are identical. These findings indicate the validity of using platelet MAO B mRNA as a marker for brain MAO B and provide a new approach to study the role of brain MAO B in humans.  相似文献   

The fetal development of the mammalian eyelid involves the expansion of the epithelium over the developing cornea, fusion into a continuous sheet covering the eye, and a splitting event several weeks later that results in the formation of the upper and lower eyelids. Recent studies have revealed a significant number of molecular signaling components that are essential mediators of eyelid development. Receptor-mediated sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) signaling is known to influence diverse biological processes, but its involvement in eyelid development has not been reported. Here, we show that two S1P receptors, S1P2 and S1P3, are collectively essential mediators of eyelid closure during murine development. Homozygous deletion of the gene encoding either receptor has no apparent effect on eyelid development, but double-null embryos are born with an “eyes open at birth” defect due to a delay in epithelial sheet extension. Both receptors are expressed in the advancing epithelial sheet during the critical period of extension. Fibroblasts derived from double-null embryos have a deficient response to epidermal growth factor, suggesting that S1P2 and S1P3 modulate this essential signaling pathway during eyelid closure.  相似文献   

The intracellular pathogen Brucella abortus survives and replicates inside host cells within an endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-derived replicative organelle named the “Brucella-containing vacuole” (BCV). Here, we developed a subcellular fractionation method to isolate BCVs and characterize for the first time the protein composition of its replicative niche. After identification of BCV membrane proteins by 2 dimensional (2D) gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry, we focused on two eukaryotic proteins: the glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) and the small GTPase Rab 2 recruited to the vacuolar membrane of Brucella. These proteins were previously described to localize on vesicular and tubular clusters (VTC) and to regulate the VTC membrane traffic between the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and the Golgi. Inhibition of either GAPDH or Rab 2 expression by small interfering RNA strongly inhibited B. abortus replication. Consistent with this result, inhibition of other partners of GAPDH and Rab 2, such as COPI and PKC ι, reduced B. abortus replication. Furthermore, blockage of Rab 2 GTPase in a GDP-locked form also inhibited B. abortus replication. Bacteria did not fuse with the ER and instead remained in lysosomal-associated membrane vacuoles. These results reveal an essential role for GAPDH and the small GTPase Rab 2 in B. abortus virulence within host cells.  相似文献   

The sphingolipid metabolite sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) functions as a lipid mediator and as a key intermediate of the sole sphingolipid to glycerophospholipid metabolic pathway (S1P metabolic pathway). In this pathway, S1P is converted to palmitoyl-CoA through 4 reactions, then incorporated mainly into glycerophospholipids. Although most of the genes responsible for the S1P metabolic pathway have been identified, the gene encoding the trans-2-enoyl-CoA reductase, responsible for the saturation step (conversion of trans-2-hexadecenoyl-CoA to palmitoyl-CoA) remains unidentified. In the present study, we show that TER is the missing gene in mammals using analyses involving yeast cells, deleting the TER homolog TSC13, and TER-knockdown HeLa cells. TER is known to be involved in the production of very long-chain fatty acids (VLCFAs). A significant proportion of the saturated and monounsaturated VLCFAs are used for sphingolipid synthesis. Therefore, TER is involved in both the production of VLCFAs used in the fatty acid moiety of sphingolipids as well as in the degradation of the sphingosine moiety of sphingolipids via S1P.  相似文献   

An Inhibitor of Oxalic Acid Oxidase in Beet Extracts   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文

Y Li  L Yang  L Chen  C Zhu  R Huang  X Zheng  Y Qiu  J Fu 《PloS one》2012,7(8):e43023
N-acylethanolamine-hydrolyzing acid amidase (NAAA) is a lysosomal enzyme involved in biological deactivation of N-palmitoylethanolamide (PEA), which exerts anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects through the activation of nuclear receptor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-alpha (PPAR-α). To develop selective and potent NAAA inhibitors, we designed and synthesized a series of derivatives of 1-pentadecanyl-carbonyl pyrrolidine (compound 1), a general amidase inhibitor. Structure activity relationship (SAR) studies have identified a compound 16, 1-(2-Biphenyl-4-yl)ethyl-carbonyl pyrrolidine, which has shown the highest inhibition on NAAA activity (IC50 = 2.12±0.41 µM) and is characterized as a reversible and competitive NAAA inhibitor. Computational docking analysis and mutagenesis study revealed that compound 16 interacted with Asparagine 209 (Asn209) residue flanking the catalytic pocket of NAAA so as to block the substrate entrance. In vitro pharmacological studies demonstrated that compound 16 dose-dependently reduced mRNA expression levels of iNOS and IL-6, along with an increase of intracellular PEA levels, in mouse macrophages with lipopolysaccharides (LPS) induced inflammation. Our study discovered a novel NAAA inhibitor, compound 16, that could serve as a potential anti-inflammatory agent.  相似文献   

Of the eight intermediates associated with the two pathways of UDP-d-glucuronic acid biosynthesis found in plants, only d-glucuronic acid inhibited myo-inositol 1-phosphate synthase (EC, formerly referred to as d-glucose 6-phosphate cycloaldolase. Inhibition was competitive. An attempt to demonstrate over-all reversibility of the synthase indicated that it was less than 5% reversible, if at all.  相似文献   

Rat CNS adenosine A1 receptors were studied by quantitative autoradiography after the administration of convulsant 3-mercaptopropionic acid (MP) and an adenosine analogue cyclopentyladenosine (CPA), using 2-chloro-N6-[cyclopentyl-2,3,4,5-3H adenosine]-([3H]CCPA) as radioactive ligand. Specific binding was quantified in hippocampus, cerebellum, cerebral cortex, thalamic nuclei, superior colliculus and striatum, and the highest densities were found in CA1, CA2, and CA3 hippocampus subareas and the lowest levels in superior colliculus and striatum. MP administration (150 mg/kg, i.p.) produced significant increases in [3H]CCPA binding in CA1 subarea at seizure (15%) and postseizure (21%) and in CA2 at seizure (15%) but a tendency to decrease in dentate gyrus. There was an increase in cerebellum at seizure (18%) but no significant changes in the other studied regions. CPA injection (2 mg/kg, i.p.) enhanced [3H]CCPA binding in CA1 and CA2 areas (17–18%) but not in CA3 area of the hippocampus. When CPA was administered before MP, which delayed seizure onset, an increase in [3H]CCPA binding in CA1 hippocampus subarea (19%) and cerebellum (28%) was also observed. Results showed that the administration of convulsant MP and adenosine analogue CPA exerts differential effects on adenosine A1 receptors in CNS areas; hippocampus is the most affected area with all treatments, specially CA1 subarea, supporting an essential role in convulsant activity as well as in seizure prevention.  相似文献   

2-Carboxyarabinitol 1-phosphate (CAIP) is involved in the regulationof ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (rubisco) activityin many plants, but the biochemical pathway for its synthesisis unknown. In an attempt to induce synthesis of 14C-CAIP invivo, intact leaflets of Phaseolus vulgaris were pulse-labeledwith 14CO2 and chased with 12CO2 under conditions which resultin leaves accumulating unlabeled CAIP. Sugar-phosphates wereisolated from leaf extracts by anion exchange chromatographyand constituent metabolites were separated by 2D-thin-layerchromatography. No l4C-labeled CAIP was recovered from extractsprepared from leaves experiencing a range of exposure/chaseconditions, a range of leaf/plant ages, or from other speciesdiffering in their ability to accumulate unlabeled CAIP. Appropriatecontrol experiments indicated no loss of 14C-standard whichhad been added at the time of killing the leaf. The data suggestthat carboxyarabinitol 1-phosphate is not synthesized in vivoas some "misfire" catalysis by rubisco, and that the precursorto its synthesis is far "downstream" of CO2 fixation. (Received May 11, 1990; Accepted July 19, 1990)  相似文献   

Glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase (GPAT) catalyzes the initial step in the synthesis of all glycerolipids. It is the committed and rate-limiting step and is redundant in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, mammals, and plants. GPAT controls the formation of lipid intermediates that serve not only as precursors of more-complex lipids but also as intracellular signaling molecules. Saccharomyces cerevisiae possesses two GPATs, encoded by the GAT1 and GAT2 genes. Metabolic analysis of yeast lacking either GAT1 or GAT2 indicated partitioning of the two main branches of phospholipid synthesis at the initial and rate-limiting GPAT step. We are particularly interested in identifying molecular determinants mediating lipid metabolic pathway partitioning; therefore, as a starting point, we have performed a detailed study of Gat1p and Gat2p cellular localization. We have compared Gat1p and Gat2p localization by fluorescence microscopy and subcellular fractionation using equilibrium density gradients. Our results indicate Gat1p and Gat2p overlap mostly in their localization and are in fact microsomal GPATs, localized to both perinuclear and cortical endoplasmic reticula in actively proliferating cells. A more detailed analysis suggests a differential enrichment of Gat1p and Gat2p in distinct ER fractions. Furthermore, overexpression of these enzymes in the absence of endogenous GPATs induces proliferation of distinct ER arrays, differentially affecting cortical ER morphology and polarized cell growth. In addition, our studies also uncovered a dynamic posttranslational regulation of Gat1p and Gat2p and a compensation mechanism through phosphorylation that responds to a cellular GPAT imbalance.The first step in the synthesis of almost all membrane phospholipids and neutral glycerolipids is catalyzed by glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferases (GPATs; EC This enzyme transfers a fatty acid from fatty acyl coenzyme A to the sn-1 position of glycerol-3-phosphate to produce lysophosphatidic acid (LysoPA). LysoPA is further acylated at the sn-2 position by a separate acyltransferase to produce phosphatidic acid (PA). PA can be either (i) dephosphorylated to produce diacylglycerol (DAG) or (ii) converted to CDP-DAG. These lipids not only are precursors of all glycerolipids but also are dynamic components of signal transduction systems that control cell physiology. Regulated interconversion of signaling lipids like LysoPA, PA, and DAG transmits information in part by their biophysical properties (5) and through lipid-lipid and lipid-protein interactions (18, 23, 29). The mechanisms of the regulation of PA biosynthesis, of the rate-limiting GPAT step, and of lipid metabolic pathway partitioning are not known (8, 12).GPATs are present in bacteria, fungi, plants, and animals. We and others have previously identified a unique gene pair in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, YKR067W (GAT1/GPT2) and YBL011W (GAT2/SCT1), and demonstrated that they code for the major GPATs in this organism (32, 34). Bioinformatic approaches, using a region conserved between the yeast GPATs and other fatty acid acyltransferases as a query, identified seven members of the GPAT family in the model organism Arabidopsis thaliana (33). A substantial level of redundancy is also found in animals. Four mammalian GPAT isoforms have been identified to date, each encoded by a different gene. Two are localized in the mitochondria (mitochondrial GPAT1 [mtGPAT1] and mtGPAT2) (4, 20) and two in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) (microsomal GPAT3 and GPAT4) (4, 24). The existence of additional genes encoding proteins with GPAT activity has been suggested (12).Thus, the emerging picture indicates that the traditional PA biosynthetic pathway in most eukaryotes is divided into many more parts that were recently believed and opens the possibility of each GPAT having a differential contribution to specific pools of LysoPA, PA, and DAG. In this regard, metabolic analysis of yeast containing an inactivated GAT1 gene or an inactivated GAT2 gene indicated that Gat2p is the primary supplier of DAG, used mainly in triacylglycerol synthesis and phosphatidylcholine synthesis through the CDP-choline pathway (32). These results indicated partitioning of the two main branches of phospholipid synthesis at the initial and rate-limiting GPAT step (Fig. (Fig.11).Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.Differential partitioning of glycerolipids metabolized by separate GPATs in yeast. PC, phosphatidylcholine; PE, phosphatidylethanolamine; PS, phosphatidylserine; PI, phosphatidylinositol; TAG, triacylglycerol; LPAAT, LysoPA acyltransferase; CoA, coenzyme A.We are particularly interested in identifying molecular determinants mediating lipid metabolic pathway partitioning. Elucidation of how lipid metabolic systems are spatiotemporally regulated is a major challenge for the field (29).It is well known that within eukaryotic cells, the synthesis of lipids is restricted, and localization of biosynthetic systems is in fact the first determinant of the distinct compositions of organelles. One plausible explanation for the differential contribution of Gat1p and Gat2p to lipid metabolic pathway partitioning is that they are localized to different subcellular compartments.To explore this possibility, we have compared Gat1p and Gat2p subcellular localization by fluorescence microscopy and subcellular fractionation using equilibrium density gradients. Biochemical assays have previously pointed out that GPAT activity in yeast is distributed between microsomal fractions and lipid particles (1, 2). Furthermore, a global green fluorescent protein (GFP) localization study in yeast indicated that Gat1p and Gat2p localize primarily to the ER, but it was not determined whether the Gat1-GFP and Gat2-GFP proteins were functional (1, 2, 11). Our results indicate that Gat1p and Gat2p are in fact microsomal GPATs, localized to both perinuclear and cortical ER in exponentially growing cells. Although they overlap mostly in their localization, a detailed analysis of their distribution using equilibrium density gradients suggests a differential enrichment of Gat1p and Gat2p in distinct ER fractions. Moreover, overexpression of Gat1p or Gat2p in the absence of endogenous GPATs induces proliferation of distinct ER arrays, differentially affecting cortical ER morphology. Our studies also revealed a dynamic posttranslational regulation of Gat1p and Gat2p through phosphorylation that responds to Gat1p/Gat2p cellular imbalance.  相似文献   

Li G  Mao H  Ruan X  Xu Q  Gong Y  Zhang X  Zhao N 《Photosynthesis research》2003,75(3):287-292
The determination of the CO2/O2 specificity factor (Ω) is very important to investigate the Rubisco carbon assimilation efficiency. In this paper, it is proved that previous formulae can introduce notable errors into calculating the CO2/O2 specificity factor (Ω) because CO2 and O2 are both the substrates and the mutually competitive inhibitors for Rubisco. A simple integrated equation is proposed to calculate the CO2/O2 specificity factor (Ω). On the other hand, previous multi-step procedures, including the manipulation of radioisotope (14C and/or 3H) and the chromatographic separation of the products, are inconvenient and may cause much random error. An improved assay procedure is presented therefore, which includes the spectrophotometric measurement of 3-phosphoglycerate-dependent NADH oxidation with a coupled enzyme system. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The tumor suppressor PTEN is now understood to regulate cellular processes at the cytoplasmic membrane, where it classically regulates PI3K signaling, as well as in the nucleus where multiple roles in controlling cell cycle and genome stability have been elucidated. Mechanisms that dictate nuclear import and, less extensively, nuclear export of PTEN have been described, however the relevance of these processes in disease states, particularly cancer, remain largely unknown. We investigated the impact of acid ceramidase on the nuclear-cytoplasmic trafficking of PTEN. Immunohistochemical analysis of a human prostate tissue microarray revealed that nuclear PTEN was lost in patients whose tumors had elevated acid ceramidase. We found that acid ceramidase promotes a reduction in nuclear PTEN that is dependent upon sphingosine 1-phosphate-mediated activation of Akt. We were further able to show that sphingosine 1-phosphate promotes formation of a complex between Crm1 and PTEN, and that leptomycin B prevents acid ceramidase and sphingosine 1-phosphate mediated loss of nuclear PTEN, suggesting an active exportin-mediated event. To investigate whether the tumor promoting aspects of acid ceramidase in prostate cancer depend upon its ability to export PTEN from the nucleus, we used enforced nuclear expression of PTEN to study docetaxel-induced apoptosis and cell killing, proliferation, and xenoengraftment. Interestingly, while acid ceramidase was able to protect cells expressing wild type PTEN from docetaxel, promote proliferation and xenoengraftment, acid ceramidase had no impact in cells expressing PTEN-NLS. These findings suggest that acid ceramidase, through sphingosine 1-phosphate, promotes nuclear export of PTEN as a means of promoting tumor formation, cell proliferation, and resistance to therapy.  相似文献   

Pyrphosphate-dependent phosphofructokinase (PFP) was purified to electrophoretic homogeneity from illuminated pineapple (Ananas comosus) leaves. The purified enzyme consists of a single subunit of 61.5 kD that is immunologically related to the potato tuber PFP [beta] subunit. The native form of PFP likely consists of a homodimer of 97.2 kD, as determined by gel filtration. PFP's glycolytic activity was strongly dependent on pH, displaying a maximum at pH 7.7 to 7.9. Gluconeogenic activity was relatively constant between pH 6.7 and 8.7. Activation by Fru-2,6-bisphosphate (Fru-2,6-P2) was dependent on assay pH. In the glycolytic direction, it activated about 10-fold at pH 6.7, but only 2-fold at pH 7.7. The gluconeogenic reaction was only weakly affected by Fru-2,6-P2. The true substrates for the PFP forward and reverse reactions were Fru-6-phosphate and Mg-pyrophosphate, and Fru-1,6-P2, orthophosphate, and Mg2+, respectively. The results suggest that pineapple PFP displays regulatory properties consistent with a pH-based regulation of its glycolytic activity, in which a decrease in cytosolic pH caused by nocturnal acidification during Crassulacean acid metabolism, which could curtail its activity, is compensated by a parallel increase in its sensitivity to Fru-2,6-P2. It is also evident that the [beta] subunit alone is sufficient to confer PFP with a high catalytic rate and the regulatory properties associated with activation by Fru-2,6-P2.  相似文献   

Abstract: We examined nitric oxide (NO)-induced cell death in NG108-15 cells using NO donors. Both sodium nitroprusside (SNP) and S -nitroso- N -acetylpenicillamine caused lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) leakage from NG108-15 cells. NO is known to increase the amount of radioisotopic labeled glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) in the presence of [32P]NAD and to inhibit the enzyme activity. To clarify the relationship between the NO-induced inhibition of GAPDH activity and cell death, we studied the effect of koningic acid (KA), a potent selective inhibitor of GAPDH. Both SNP and KA elicited LDH leakage, chromosomal condensation, and fragmentation of nuclei in NG108-15 cells. Gel electrophoretic analysis of cellular DNA extracted from SNP- and KA-treated cells revealed the internucleosomal DNA fragmentation typical of apoptosis in these cultures. The results suggested that in NG108-15 cells, (a) the inhibition of GAPDH activity results in apoptosis and (b) SNP-induced cell death is partly due to the NO-induced inhibition of GAPDH, perhaps by stimulating the binding of NAD to GAPDH.  相似文献   

PFP的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
焦磷酸:果糖-6-磷酸1-磷酸转移酶(PFP)可催化果糖-6-磷酸与果糖-1,6-二磷酸间的可逆转变.该酶广泛存在于各种高等植物及一些微生物体内.文章综述了90年代以来有关PFP的一些研究进展.包括:PFP的种类与亚基构成、活性中心、底物特异性、酶活性的调节及功能等.  相似文献   

The activation of Rubisco in vivo requires the presence of the regulatory protein Rubisco activase. To elucidate its role in maintaining CO2 assimilation rate at high temperature, we examined the temperature response of CO2 assimilation rate at 380 μL L−1 CO2 concentration (A380) and Rubisco activation state in wild-type and transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) with reduced Rubisco activase content grown at either 20°C or 30°C. Analyses of gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence showed that in the wild type, A380 was limited by ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate regeneration at lower temperatures, whereas at higher temperatures, A380 was limited by ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylation irrespective of growth temperatures. Growth temperature induced modest differences in Rubisco activation state that declined with measuring temperature, from mean values of 76% at 15°C to 63% at 40°C in wild-type plants. At measuring temperatures of 25°C and below, an 80% reduction in Rubisco activase content was required before Rubisco activation state was decreased. Above 35°C, Rubisco activation state decreased slightly with more modest decreases in Rubisco activase content, but the extent of the reductions in Rubisco activation state were small, such that a 55% reduction in Rubisco activase content did not alter the temperature sensitivity of Rubisco activation and had no effect on in vivo catalytic turnover rates of Rubisco. There was a strong correlation between Rubisco activase content and Rubisco activation state once Rubisco activase content was less that 20% of wild type at all measuring temperatures. We conclude that reduction in Rubisco activase content does not lead to an increase in the temperature sensitivity of Rubisco activation state in tobacco.The catalytic sites of Rubisco must be activated for CO2 fixation to take place. This requires the carbamylation of a Lys residue at the catalytic sites to allow the binding of Mg2+ and ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP; Andrews and Lorimer, 1987). Rubisco activase facilitates carbamylation and the maintenance of Rubisco activity by removing inhibitors such as tight-binding sugar phosphates from Rubisco catalytic sites in an ATP-dependent manner (Andrews, 1996; Spreitzer and Salvucci, 2002; Portis, 2003; Parry et al., 2008). The activity of Rubisco activase is regulated by the ATP/ADP ratio and redox state in the chloroplast (Zhang and Portis, 1999; Zhang et al., 2002; Portis, 2003).In many plant species, Rubisco activation state decreases at high temperature in vivo (Crafts-Brandner and Salvucci, 2000; Salvucci and Crafts-Brandner, 2004b; Cen and Sage, 2005; Yamori et al., 2006b; Makino and Sage, 2007). However, it is unclear what the primary mechanisms underlying the inhibition of Rubisco activation are and whether Rubisco deactivation limits CO2 assimilation rate at high temperature. It has been proposed that Rubisco activation state decreases at high temperature, because the activity of Rubisco activase is insufficient to keep pace with the faster rates of Rubisco inactivation at high temperatures (Crafts-Brandner and Salvucci, 2000; Salvucci and Crafts-Brandner, 2004a, 2004c; Kim and Portis, 2006). In in vitro assays using purified Rubisco and Rubisco activase, the activity of Rubisco activase was sufficient for the activation of Rubisco at the optimum temperature but not at high temperatures (Crafts-Brandner and Salvucci, 2000; Salvucci and Crafts-Brandner, 2004a, 2004c). ATP hydrolysis activity of Rubisco activase in vitro has varying temperature optima among species (e.g. 25°C in Antarctic hairgrass [Deschampsia antarctica] and spinach [Spinacia oleracea] but 35°C in tobacco [Nicotiana tabacum] and cotton [Gossypium hirsutum]), and Rubisco activase more readily dissociates into inactive forms at high temperature, causing a loss of Rubisco activase capacity (Crafts-Brandner and Law, 2000; Salvucci and Crafts-Brandner, 2004b). Moreover, the rates of inhibitor formation by misprotonation of RuBP during catalysis increased at higher temperatures (Salvucci and Crafts-Brandner, 2004c; Kim and Portis, 2006). CO2 assimilation rates and plant growth were improved under heat stress in transgenic Arabidopsis expressing thermotolerant Rubisco activase isoforms generated by either gene-shuffling technology (Kurek et al., 2007) or chimeric Rubisco activase constructs (Kumar et al., 2009). These results support the view that the reduction of Rubisco activase activity limits the Rubisco activation and, therefore, the CO2 assimilation rates at high temperatures.It has also been suggested that the decrease in CO2 assimilation rate at high temperatures is caused by a limitation of RuBP regeneration capacity (e.g. electron transport capacity) rather than by Rubisco deactivation per se (Schrader et al., 2004; Wise et al., 2004; Cen and Sage, 2005; Makino and Sage, 2007; Kubien and Sage, 2008). These groups suggest that Rubisco deactivation at high temperature may be a regulatory response to the limitation of one of the processes contributing to electron transport capacities. For example, at high temperature, protons can leak through the thylakoid membrane, impairing the coupling of ATP synthesis to electron transport (Pastenes and Horton, 1996; Bukhov et al., 1999, 2000). As the electron transport capacity becomes limiting, ATP/ADP ratios and the redox potential of the chloroplast decline, causing a loss of Rubisco activase activity and, in turn, a reduction in the Rubisco activation state (Zhang and Portis, 1999; Zhang et al., 2002; Sage and Kubien, 2007). Based on this understanding, the decline in the Rubisco activation state at high temperature may be a regulated response to a limitation in electron transport capacity rather than a consequence of a direct effect of heat on the integrity of Rubisco activase.Temperature dependence of CO2 assimilation rate shows a considerable variation with growth temperature (Berry and Björkman, 1980; Hikosaka et al., 2006; Sage and Kubien, 2007). Plants grown at low temperature generally exhibit higher CO2 assimilation rates at low temperatures compared with plants grown at high temperature, but they exhibit lower rates at high temperature. Furthermore, both the temperature response of Rubisco activation state and the limiting step of CO2 assimilation rate (a Rubisco versus RuBP regeneration limitation) have been shown to differ depending on growth temperature (Hikosaka et al., 1999; Onoda et al., 2005; Yamori et al., 2005, 2006a, 2006b, 2008). This suggests that the regulation of Rubisco activation state could also differ in plants grown at different growth temperatures. Here, we analyzed the effects of Rubisco activase content on Rubisco activation state and CO2 assimilation rate at leaf temperatures ranging from 15°C to 40°C in tobacco grown under two different temperature regimes (day/night temperatures of 20°C/15°C or 30°C/25°C). We used wild-type and transgenic tobacco with a range of reductions in Rubisco activase content to examine the dependence of Rubisco activation on Rubisco activase content over the range of leaf temperatures (Mate et al., 1993, 1996).  相似文献   

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