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Speranskiy K  Kurnikova M 《Biochemistry》2005,44(34):11508-11517
Ionotropic glutamate receptors (GluRs) are ligand-gated membrane channel proteins found in the central neural system that mediate a fast excitatory response of neurons. In this paper, we report theoretical analysis of the ligand-protein interactions in the binding pocket of the S1S2 (ligand binding) domain of the GluR2 receptor in the closed conformation. By utilizing several theoretical methods ranging from continuum electrostatics to all-atom molecular dynamics simulations and quantum chemical calculations, we were able to characterize in detail glutamate agonist binding to the wild-type and E705D mutant proteins. A theoretical model of the protein-ligand interactions is validated via direct comparison of theoretical and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) measured frequency shifts of the ligand's carboxylate group vibrations [Jayaraman et al. (2000) Biochemistry 39, 8693-8697; Cheng et al. (2002) Biochemistry 41, 1602-1608]. A detailed picture of the interactions in the binding site is inferred by analyzing contributions to vibrational frequencies produced by protein residues forming the ligand-binding pocket. The role of mobility and hydrogen-bonding network of water in the ligand-binding pocket and the contribution of protein residues exposed in the binding pocket to the binding and selectivity of the ligand are discussed. It is demonstrated that the molecular surface of the protein in the ligand-free state has mainly positive electrostatic potential attractive to the negatively charged ligand, and the potential produced by the protein in the ligand-binding pocket in the closed state is complementary to the distribution of the electrostatic potential produced by the ligand itself. Such charge complementarity ensures specificity to the unique charge distribution of the ligand.  相似文献   

Two glycosyltransferases that transfer sugars to EGF domains, OFUT1 and Fringe, regulate Notch signaling. However, sites of O-fucosylation on Notch that influence Notch activation have not been previously identified. Moreover, the influences of OFUT1 and Fringe on Notch activation can be positive or negative, depending on their levels of expression and on whether Delta or Serrate is signaling to Notch. Here, we describe the consequences of eliminating individual, highly conserved sites of O-fucose attachment to Notch. Our results indicate that glycosylation of an EGF domain proposed to be essential for ligand binding, EGF12, is crucial to the inhibition of Serrate-to-Notch signaling by Fringe. Expression of an EGF12 mutant of Notch (N-EGF12f) allows Notch activation by Serrate even in the presence of Fringe. By contrast, elimination of three other highly conserved sites of O-fucosylation does not have detectable effects. Binding assays with a soluble Notch extracellular domain fusion protein and ligand-expressing cells indicate that the NEGF12f mutation can influence Notch activation by preventing Fringe from blocking Notch-Serrate binding. The N-EGF12f mutant can substitute for endogenous Notch during embryonic neurogenesis, but not at the dorsoventral boundary of the wing. Thus, inhibition of Notch-Serrate binding by O-fucosylation of EGF12 might be needed in certain contexts to allow efficient Notch signaling.  相似文献   

HNF4 alpha is an orphan member of the nuclear receptor family with prominent functions in liver, gut, kidney and pancreatic beta cells. We have solved the x-ray crystal structure of the HNF4 alpha ligand binding domain, which adopts a canonical fold. Two conformational states are present within each homodimer: an open form with alpha helix 12 (alpha 12) extended and collinear with alpha 10 and a closed form with alpha 12 folded against the body of the domain. Although the protein was crystallized without added ligands, the ligand binding pockets of both closed and open forms contain fatty acids. The carboxylic acid headgroup of the fatty acid ion pairs with the guanidinium group of Arg(226) at one end of the ligand binding pocket, while the aliphatic chain fills a long, narrow channel that is lined with hydrophobic residues. These findings suggest that fatty acids are endogenous ligands for HNF4 alpha and establish a framework for understanding how HNF4 alpha activity is enhanced by ligand binding and diminished by MODY1 mutations.  相似文献   

Many membrane receptors are made of a ligand binding domain and an effector domain mediating intracellular signaling. This is the case for the metabotropic glutamate-like G-protein-coupled receptors. How ligand binding leads to the active conformation of the effector domain in such receptors is largely unknown. Here, we used an evolutionary trace analysis and mutagenesis to identify critical residues involved in the allosteric coupling between the Venus flytrap ligand binding domain (VFT) and the heptahelical G-protein activating domain of the metabotropic glutamate-like receptors. We have shown that a conserved interdomain disulfide bridge is required for this allosteric interaction. Taking into account that these receptors are homodimers, this finding provides important new information explaining how the different conformations of the dimer of VFT lead to different signaling of such dimeric receptors.  相似文献   

Abnormalities in fatty acid (FA) metabolism underlie the development of insulin resistance and alterations in glucose metabolism, features characteristic of the metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes that can result in an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. We present pharmacodynamic effects of AZ 242, a novel peroxisome proliferator activated receptor (PPAR)alpha/gamma agonist. AZ 242 dose-dependently reduced the hypertriglyceridemia, hyperinsulinemia, and hyperglycemia of ob/ob diabetic mice. Euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamp studies showed that treatment with AZ 242 (1 micromol/kg/d) restored insulin sensitivity of obese Zucker rats and decreased insulin secretion. In vitro, in reporter gene assays, AZ 242 activated human PPARalpha and PPARgamma with EC(50) in the micro molar range. It also induced differentiation in 3T3-L1 cells, an established PPARgamma effect, and caused up-regulation of liver fatty acid binding protein in HepG-2 cells, a PPARalpha-mediated effect. PPARalpha-mediated effects of AZ 242 in vivo were documented by induction of hepatic cytochrome P 450-4A in mice. The results indicate that the dual PPARalpha/gamma agonism of AZ 242 reduces insulin resistance and has beneficial effects on FA and glucose metabolism. This effect profile could provide a suitable therapeutic approach to the treatment of type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and associated vascular risk factors.  相似文献   

The activity and stability of the tumor suppressor p53 are regulated by interactions with key cellular proteins such as MDM2 and CBP/p300. The transactivation domain (TAD) of p53 contains two subdomains (AD1 and AD2) and interacts directly with the N-terminal domain of MDM2 and with several domains of CBP/p300. Here we report the NMR structure of the full-length p53 TAD in complex with the nuclear coactivator binding domain (NCBD) of CBP. Both the p53 TAD and NCBD are intrinsically disordered and fold synergistically upon binding, as evidenced by the observed increase in helicity and increased level of dispersion of the amide proton resonances. The p53 TAD folds to form a pair of helices (denoted Pα1 and Pα2), which extend from Phe19 to Leu25 and from Pro47 to Trp53, respectively. In the complex, the NCBD forms a bundle of three helices (Cα1, residues 2066-2075; Cα2, residues 2081-2092; and Cα3, residues 2095-2105) with a hydrophobic groove into which p53 helices Pα1 and Pα2 dock. The polypeptide chain between the p53 helices remains flexible and makes no detectable intermolecular contacts with the NCBD. Complex formation is driven largely by hydrophobic contacts that form a stable intermolecular hydrophobic core. A salt bridge between D49 of p53 and R2105 of NCBD may contribute to the binding specificity. The structure provides the first insights into simultaneous binding of the AD1 and AD2 motifs to a target protein.  相似文献   

C5a receptor (C5aR) is one of the major chemoattractant receptors of the druggable proteome that binds C5a, the proinflammatory polypeptide of complement cascade, triggering inflammation and SEPSIS. Here, we report the model structures of C5aR in both inactive and peptide agonist (YSFKPMPLaR; a=D-Ala) bound meta-active state. Assembled in CYANA and evolved over molecular dynamics (MD) in POPC bilayer, the inactive C5aR demonstrates a topologically unique compact heptahelical bundle topology harboring a β-hairpin in extracellular loop 2 (ECL2), derived from the atomistic folding simulations. The peptide agonist bound meta-active C5aR deciphers the “site2” at an atomistic resolution in the extracellular surface (ECS), in contrast to the previously hypothesized inter-helical crevice. With estimated Ki≈2.75 μM, the meta-active C5aR excellently rationalizes the IC50 (0.1–13 μM) and EC50 (0.01–6 μM) values, displayed by the peptide agonist in several signaling studies. Moreover, with Ki≈5.3×105 μM, the “site2” also illustrates selectivity, by discriminating the stereochemical mutant peptide (YSFkPMPLaR; k=D-Lys), known to be inert toward C5aR, up to 1 mM concentration. Topologically juxtaposed between the structures of rhodopsin and CXCR1, the C5aR models also display excellent structural correlations with the other G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs). The models elaborated in the current study unravel many important structural insights previously not known for regulating the agonist binding and activation mechanism of C5aR.  相似文献   

The G-protein coupled receptor CCR5 is the main co-receptor for macrophage-tropic HIV-1 strains. I have built a structural model of the chemokine receptor CCR5 and used it to explain the binding and selectivity of the antagonist TAK779. Models of the extracellular (EC) domains of CCR5 have been constructed and used to rationalize current biological data on the binding of HIV-1 and chemokines. Residues spanning the transmembrane region of CCR5 have been modeled after rhodopsin, and their functional significance examined using the evolutionary trace method. The receptor cavity shares six residues with CC-chemokine receptors CCR1 through CCR4, while seven residues are unique to CCR5. The contribution of these residues to ligand binding and selectivity is tested by molecular docking simulations of TAK779 to CCR1, CCR2, and CCR5. TAK779 binds to CCR5 in the cavity formed by helices 1, 2, 3, and 7 with additional interactions with helices 5 and 6. TAK779 did not dock to either CCR1 or CCR2. The results are consistent with current site-directed mutagenesis data and with the observed selectivity of TAK779 for CCR5 over CCR1 and CCR2. The specific residues responsible for the observed selectivity are identified. The four EC regions of CCR5 have been modeled using constrained simulated annealing simulations. Applied dihedral angle constraints are representative of the secondary structure propensities of these regions. Tertiary interactions, in the form of distance constraints, are generated from available epitope mapping data. Analysis of the 250 simulated structures provides new insights to the design of experiments aimed at determining residue-residue contacts across the EC domains and for mapping CC-chemokines on the surface of the EC domains.  相似文献   

The calcitonin receptor-like receptor (CLR) associates with the accessory protein RAMP1 to form a receptor for the neuropeptide calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP). Multiple lines of evidence have implicated CGRP in the pathophysiology of migraine headache making the CGRP receptor an attractive target for development of small-molecule antagonists as a novel treatment for this debilitating condition. The CGRP receptor antagonists telcagepant and olcegepant (BIBN4096BS) have demonstrated clinical efficacy in the treatment of migraine and there is now a need to better understand how these molecules interact with the receptor. Previous work has shown the extracellular portion of RAMP1 to be important for binding of these antagonists, with tryptophan-74 being a key interaction site. The crystal structure of the extracellular portion of human RAMP1 placed tryptophan-74 in a hydrophobic patch hypothesized to interact with CGRP receptor ligands and also identified nearby residues that may be important for ligand binding. In this study we explored the role played by these residues of RAMP1 using an alanine replacement strategy. We confirmed a role for tryptophan-74 in antagonist binding and also identified arginine-67 as being important for binding of telcagepant but not compound 3, a close analog of BIBN4096BS. We also identified tryptophan-84 as being critical for both high-affinity binding of the non-peptide antagonists as well as the peptides CGRP and CGRP(8-37). These data for the first time pinpoint a specific RAMP1 residue important for both antagonist and agonist potency and are consistent with the N-terminal domain of RAMP1 forming the binding pocket interface with CLR.  相似文献   

Glutamate is the principal excitatory neurotransmitter within the mammalian CNS, playing an important role in many different functions in the brain such as learning and memory. In this study, a combination of molecular biology, X-ray structure determinations, as well as electrophysiology and binding experiments, has been used to increase our knowledge concerning the ionotropic glutamate receptor GluR2 at the molecular level. Five high-resolution X-ray structures of the ligand-binding domain of GluR2 (S1S2J) complexed with the three agonists (S)-2-amino-3-[3-hydroxy-5-(2-methyl-2H-tetrazol-5-yl)isoxazol-4-yl]propionic acid (2-Me-Tet-AMPA), (S)-2-amino-3-(3-carboxy-5-methylisoxazol-4-yl)propionic acid (ACPA), and (S)-2-amino-3-(4-bromo-3-hydroxy-isoxazol-5-yl)propionic acid (Br-HIBO), as well as of a mutant thereof (S1S2J-Y702F) in complex with ACPA and Br-HIBO, have been determined. The structures reveal that AMPA agonists with an isoxazole moiety adopt different binding modes in the receptor, dependent on the substituents of the isoxazole. Br-HIBO displays selectivity among different AMPA receptor subunits, and the design and structure determination of the S1S2J-Y702F mutant in complex with Br-HIBO and ACPA have allowed us to explain the molecular mechanism behind this selectivity and to identify key residues for ligand recognition. The agonists induce the same degree of domain closure as AMPA, except for Br-HIBO, which shows a slightly lower degree of domain closure. An excellent correlation between domain closure and efficacy has been obtained from electrophysiology experiments undertaken on non-desensitising GluR2i(Q)-L483Y receptors expressed in oocytes, providing strong evidence that receptor activation occurs as a result of domain closure. The structural results, combined with the functional studies on the full-length receptor, form a powerful platform for the design of new selective agonists.  相似文献   

The glycine receptor is a member of the ligand-gated ion channel receptor superfamily that mediates fast synaptic transmission in the brainstem and spinal cord. Following ligand binding, the receptor undergoes a conformational change that is conveyed to the transmembrane regions of the receptor resulting in the opening of the channel pore. Using the acetylcholine-binding protein structure as a template, we modeled the extracellular domain of the glycine receptor alpha1-subunit and identified the location of charged residues within loops 2 and 7 (the conserved Cys-loop). These loops have been postulated to interact with the M2-M3 linker region between the transmembrane domains 2 and 3 as part of the receptor activation mechanism. Charged residues were substituted with cysteine, resulting in a shift in the concentration-response curves to the right in each case. Covalent modification with 2-(trimethylammonium) ethyl methanethiosulfonate was demonstrated only for K143C, which was more accessible in the open state than the closed state, and resulted in a shift in the EC50 toward wild-type values. Charge reversal mutations (E53K, D57K, and D148K) also impaired channel activation, as inferred from increases in EC50 values and the conversion of taurine from an agonist to an antagonist in E53K and D57K. Thus, each of the residues Glu-53, Asp-57, Lys-143, and Asp-148 are implicated in channel gating. However, the double reverse charge mutations E53K:K276E, D57K:K276E, and D148K:K276E did not restore glycine receptor function. These results indicate that loops 2 and 7 in the extracellular domain play an important role in the mechanism of activation of the glycine receptor although not by a direct electrostatic mechanism.  相似文献   

The ligand-binding domain (LBD) encompassing the C-terminal parts of the D- and the complete E-domains of the ecdysteroid receptor (EcR) fused to Gal4(AD) is present in two high molecular weight complexes (600 and 150 kDa) in yeast extracts according to size exclusion chromatography (Superdex 200 HR 10/30). Hormone binding is mainly associated with 150-kDa complexes. Complex formation is not influenced by hormone, but the ligand stabilizes the complexes at elevated salt concentrations. Mutational analysis of Gal4(AD)-EcR(LBD) revealed that formation of 600-kDa, but not 150-kDa, complexes depends on dimerization mediated by the EcR(LBD). Deletion of helix 12 is without effect. Mutation of K497 in helix 4, known to be essential for comodulator binding, abolishes 600-KDa complexes, but does not interfere with the formation of 150-kDa complexes. In contrast, the DE-domains of USP fused to Gal4(DBD) elute as monomer after elimination of the dimerization capacity of the ligand-binding domains by mutation of P463 in helix 10. The data presented here reveal that the complex formation of ligand-binding domains EcR and USP ligand is different.  相似文献   

The Nostoc sp (Ns) H‐NOX (heme‐nitric oxide or OXygen‐binding) domain shares 35% sequence identity with soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC) and exhibits similar ligand binding property with the sGC. Previously, our molecular dynamic (MD) simulation work identified that there exists a Y‐shaped tunnel system hosted in the Ns H‐NOX interior, which servers for ligand migration. The tunnels were then confirmed by Winter et al. [PNAS 2011;108(43):E 881–889] recently using x‐ray crystallography with xenon pressured conditions. In this work, to further investigate how the protein matrix of Ns H‐NOX modulates the ligand migration process and how the distal residue composition affects the ligand binding prosperities, the free energy profiles for nitric oxide (NO), carbon monooxide (CO), and O2 migration are explored using the steered MDs simulation and the ligand binding energies are calculated using QM/MM schemes. The potential of mean force profiles suggest that the longer branch of the tunnel would be the most favorable route for NO migration and a second NO trapping site other than the distal heme pocket along this route in the Ns H‐NOX was identified. On the contrary, CO and O2 would prefer to diffuse via the shorter branch of the tunnel. The QM/MM (quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics) calculations suggest that the hydrophobic distal pocket of Ns H‐NOX would provide an approximately vacuum environment and the ligand discrimination would be determined by the intrinsic binding properties of the diatomic gas ligand to the heme group. Proteins 2013; 81:1363–1376. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that central analgesia with reduced side effects is obtainable by occupying an ‘allosteric’ site in the MOR ligand binding domain requires the development of new ligands with peculiar pharmacological profile to be used as tools. New benzomorphan derivatives, analogues of LP1, a multitarget MOR agonist/DOR antagonist, were designed to examine in depth MOR ligand binding domain. Compound 5, bearing a diphenylic N-substituent on the benzomorphan nucleus, showed an affinity (Kiμ = 0.5 ± 0.2 nM) comparable to that of LP1 and a better selectivity versus DOR and KOR. It elicits antinociceptive effects in ex vivo (GPI) and in vivo. This new compound engages receptor amino acidic residues not reached by LP1 and by other established MOR ligands. Molecular modeling studies, conducted on 5 and on several reference compounds, allowed us to propose possible residues in the MOR ligand binding domain essential for their interactions with ‘orthosteric’ and ‘allosteric’ binding sites.  相似文献   

The crystal structures of vitamin D nuclear receptor (VDR) have revealed that all compounds are anchored by the same residues to the ligand binding pocket (LBP). Based on this observation, a synthetic analog with a locked side chain (21-nor-calcitriol-20(22),23-diyne) has been synthesized in order to gain in entropy energy with a predefined active side chain conformation. The crystal structure of VDR LBD bound to this locked side chain analogue while confirming the docking provides a structural basis for the activity of this compound.  相似文献   

We have carried out 1 nanosecond (ns) Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations of the drug Y3 (4-acetylamino-5-hydroxynaphthalene- 2, 7-disulfonic acid) complexed with catalytic domain of Avian sarcoma virus Integrase (ASV-IN), both in vacuum and in the presence of explicit solvent. Starting models were obtained on the basis of PDB co- ordinates (1A5X) of ASV-IN-Y3 complex. Mn(2+) cation was present in the active site. To neutralize the positive charge in the presence of explicit solvent, eight Cl(-)anions were added. Energy Minimization (EM) and MD simulations, for both the systems, were carried out using Sander's module of AMBER5.0 with all atom force field. We also carried out 1 ns MD simulation on two flexible loops--L1 (Gly54-Gln62) and L2 (Trp138-Met155) playing crucial role in interaction of IN with the drug, under differing environmental conditions (vacuum, aqueous and organic solvent methanol). Comparison of the conformational changes in the loops, monomer and dimer is presented in the paper. Our results showed that the conformation of the loop region was closest to crystallographic data in case of monomer and constrained loops in aqueous environment. However, the dimer in vacuum was more stable than monomer. The beta sheet structure of the monomer in aqueous environment was unstable. Latter also took long time for equilibration. The box formed by loops L1 and L2 from two sub units (IINA and INB) of the dimer satisfies prerequisites for ligand recognition site and seems to be the functional biological unit.  相似文献   

The selectivity with which a biomolecule can bind its cognate ligand when confronted by the vast array of structurally similar, competing ligands that are present in the cell underlies the fidelity of some of the most fundamental processes in biology. Because they collectively comprise one of only a few methods that can sensitively detect the ‘encounter’ complexes and subsequent intermediate states that regulate the selectivity of ligand binding, single-molecule fluorescence, and particularly single-molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer (smFRET), approaches have revolutionized studies of ligand-binding reactions. Here, we describe a widely used smFRET strategy that enables investigations of a large variety of ligand-binding reactions, and discuss two such reactions, aminoacyl-tRNA selection during translation elongation and splice site selection during spliceosome assembly, that highlight both the successes and challenges of smFRET studies of ligand-binding reactions. We conclude by reviewing a number of emerging experimental and computational approaches that are expanding the capabilities of smFRET approaches for studies of ligand-binding reactions and that promise to reveal the mechanisms that control the selectivity of ligand binding with unprecedented resolution.  相似文献   

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