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When fitness returns are sex-specific, selection should favor the facultative adjustment of offspring sex ratios. Seasonal shifts in offspring sex ratios are predicted to be particularly beneficial in short-lived, sexually dimorphic species in which hatching date is linked to adult size, which is related to fitness in a sex-specific fashion. We used four time series of hatching dates and progeny sex ratios in the brown anole (Anolis sagrei), a short-lived lizard with male-biased sexual size dimorphism, to test for such a seasonal shift in progeny sex ratio. In 2 of the 4 years, we also released hatchlings to their natural environment to test for sex-specific effects of hatching date on juvenile survival and adult size. We found that the relationship between hatching date and size the following year was significantly steeper in males than in females, and previous work has shown that adult size is more strongly tied to fitness in males than in females. Based on those results and on further evidence linking hatching date and body size to sex-specific survival and reproductive success, we predicted that sex ratios should shift from male- to female-biased as the breeding season progressed. Contrary to our prediction, we detected no clear seasonal shift in progeny sex ratio. Furthermore, although juvenile survival was correlated with hatching date, this relationship did not consistently differ between the sexes. The observation that progeny sex ratios are seasonally invariant despite several apparent links to adult fitness suggests that the evolution of a seasonal sex-ratio bias is either inherently constrained or requires a stronger selective advantage with respect to juvenile survival.  相似文献   

Females of the bivoltine thrips Elaphrothrips tuberculatus (Hood) (Insecta: Thysanoptera) produce broods of either all males (by viviparity) or all females (by oviparity). Measurements of the sex-allocation ratio, ecological and physiological conditions affecting male and female offspring body size, and correlates of the relative fitnesses of adult males and females in relation to size indicate that female parents tend to be viviparous (produce males) if their offspring will become relatively large adults, and that males gain more in fitness from large size than do females. However, the conditions that link sex allocation with offspring fitness differ between the spring and summer generations. In spring, when breeding is synchronous, 1) oviparous and viviparous females do not differ in body size, 2) females tend to be viviparous where the fungus upon which they feed is relatively dense and where their offspring will become relatively large adults, and 3) fungus density is highly correlated with male and female offspring size. In summer, when breeding is relatively asynchronous, 1) viviparous females are much larger than oviparous females early (but not late) in the season, 2) large viviparous females begin breeding earlier than smaller ones, 3) offspring developing earlier in the season become larger adults, and 4) a higher proportion of females are viviparous earlier than later. Field experiments and field collections show that the covariation among sex allocation, conditions, and fitness is not caused by differential mortality by size or sex. Differences between the spring and summer generations in the cues used by females to adjust offspring sex ratio may be caused by seasonal variation in the factors that affect offspring size. However, in both generations, females tend to produce sons only when their offspring will become relatively large adults, whereas daughters are produced regardless of offspring size. These data suggest that females of E. tuberculatus avoid production of males (the sex with higher variance in expected fitness) when the size of their offspring is relatively uncertain.  相似文献   

Sex-allocation theory predicts that females should preferentially produce offspring of the sex with greater fitness potential. In socially monogamous animal species, extra-pair mating often increases the variance in fitness of sons relative to daughters. Thus, in situations where offspring sired by a female''s extra-pair mate(s) will typically have greater fitness potential than offspring sired by the within-pair mate, sex-allocation theory predicts that females will bias the sex of offspring sired by extra-pair mates towards male. We examined the relationship between offspring sex and paternity over six breeding seasons in an Illinois population of the house wren (Troglodytes aedon), a cavity-nesting songbird. Out of the 2345 nestlings that had both sex and paternity assigned, 350 (15%) were sired by extra-pair males. The sex ratio of extra-pair offspring, 0.534, was significantly greater than the sex ratio of within-pair offspring, 0.492, representing an increase of 8.5 per cent in the proportion of sons produced. To our knowledge, this is the first confirmed report of female birds increasing their production of sons in association with extra-pair fertilization. Our results are consistent with the oft-mentioned hypothesis that females engage in extra-pair mating to increase offspring quality.  相似文献   

When the reproductive value of sons and daughters differ, parents are expected to adjust the sex ratio of their offspring to produce more of the sex that provides greater fitness returns. The body condition of females or environmental factors, such as food abundance and mate quality, may influence these expected fitness returns. In a previous study of tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor), we found that females produced more sons in their broods when they were in better body condition (mass corrected for size). We tested this relationship by experimentally clipping some flight feathers to reduce female body condition. As predicted, we found that females with clipped feathers had a lower proportion of sons in their broods and poorer body condition. However, female body condition alone was not a significant predictor of brood sex ratio in our experiment. We suggest that brood sex ratio is causally related to some other factor that covaries with body condition, most likely the foraging ability of females. The hypothesis that brood sex ratios are influenced by individual differences in female foraging ability is supported by a high repeatability of brood sex ratio for individual females. Thus, maternal effects may have a strong influence on the sex ratios of offspring.  相似文献   

Sex allocation theory predicts that if benefits of producing sons and daughters differ and outweigh the costs of sex ratio adjustment, parents should produce more of the offspring that provide them with greater fitness. Potential benefits may be more likely to outweigh costs where sexual size dimorphism and, in birds, single‐egg clutches exist. Great frigatebirds Fregataminor are seabirds in which females are larger than males and clutch size is one egg. In our study population, sexual size dimorphism develops primarily during the period of complete juvenile dependence on parental care, consistent with a higher cost of producing daughters than sons. Over the course of the 1998 breeding season there was a shift from early season prevalence of daughters to late‐season prevalence of sons. Variation in food availability at time of egg laying, as indexed by sea surface temperature (SST), was a strong predictor of offspring sex in 1998. In contrast, SST in 2003 was not a predictor of offspring sex, nor was there a seasonal shift in the hatching sex ratio, despite a seasonal shift in SST. Besides food availability, we tested two additional factors in 2003 that could explain sex ratio adjustment in relation to the cost of reproduction. Offspring sex in 2003 was not related to natural or experimentally induced variation in maternal body condition; pre‐laying food supplements raised the body condition of females at the time of egg laying but did not affect offspring sex or egg mass. In addition, offspring sex was not predicted by the length of maternal telomere restriction fragments (TRFs), an index of age and possibly of reproductive experience. Broad confidence intervals on effect size suggest that undetected effects of maternal condition on offspring sex ratio could easily exist, but confidence intervals were narrower on the non‐significant effects of SST and TRF length on offspring sex ratio. The cause of different seasonal patterns of hatching sex ratio and different SST effects in 1998 and 2003 is unclear.  相似文献   

We investigated possible pre‐hatching mechanisms of sex‐differential investment by females that may contribute to offspring sex‐ratio adjustment enhancing the fitness return from reproductive effort in the spotless starling (Sturnus unicolor). We found a seasonal shift in sex ratio from daughters to sons as the season advances. Furthermore, the probability of breeding at 1‐year old and recruitment into the breeding population in daughters is associated with laying date but not with mass at fledging. The reverse is true for males which rarely bred at 1‐year old. We also found that eggs containing female embryos are significantly heavier than those containing males in spite of the slight sexual dimorphism in favour of males. This suggests maternal control of provisioning, favouring daughters that may balance sibling mortality and competition with their brothers. Our results on seasonal variation in sex ratio and differential egg provisioning are consistent with an adaptive tactic in which mothers increase their reproductive return by enhancing the probability that daughters survive and breed in their first year of life.  相似文献   

The sex of 746 great reed warbler fledglings (from 175 broods) was determined by the use of single primer polymerase chain reaction. The reliability of the technique was confirmed as 104 of the fledglings were subsequently recorded as adults of known sex. The overall sex ratio did not differ from unity. Variation in sex ratios between broods was larger than expected from a binomial distribution. Female identity explained some of the variation of brood sex ratio indicating that certain females consistently produced sex ratios that departed from the average value in the population. The theory of sex allocation predicts that parents should adjust the sex ratio of their brood to the relative value of sons and daughters and this may vary in relation to the quality of the parents or to the time of breeding. In the great reed warbler, the proportion of sons was not related to time of breeding, or to any of five female variables. Of five male variables, males with early arrival date tended to produce more daughters. The sex ratio of fledglings that were a result of extra-pair fertilizations did not differ from that of legitimate fledglings. Hence, there is currently no evidence of that female great reed warblers invest in a higher proportion of sons when mated with attractive males.  相似文献   

Adaptive sex allocation has frequently been studied in sexually size dimorphic species, but far less is known about patterns of sex allocation in species without pronounced sexual size dimorphism. Parental optimal investment can be predicted under circumstances in which sons and daughters differ in costs and/or fitness returns. In common terns Sterna hirundo, previous studies suggest that sons are the more costly sex to produce and rear. We investigated whether hatching and fledging sex ratio and sex‐specific chick mortality correlated with the ecological environment (laying date, clutch size, hatching order and year quality) and parental traits (condition, arrival date, experience and breeding success), over seven consecutive years. Population‐wide sex ratios and sex‐specific mortality did not differ from parity, but clutch size, mass of the father, maternal breeding experience and to some extent year quality correlated with hatching sex ratio. The proportion of sons tended to increase in productive years and when the father was heavier, suggesting the possibility that females invest more in sons when the environmental and the partner conditions are good. The proportion of daughters increased with clutch size and maternal breeding experience, suggesting a decline in breeding performance or a resources balance solved by producing more of the cheaper sex. No clear patterns of sex‐specific mortality were found, neither global nor related to parental traits. Our results suggest lines for future studies on adaptive sex allocation in sexually nearly monomorphic species, where adjustment of sex ratio related to parental factors and differential allocation between the offspring may also occur.  相似文献   

In a French population of Alpine marmots (Marmota marmota),the sex ratio at weaning was biased in favor of males. Thisbias also seemed to exist at birth. Under Fisher's equal allocationprinciple, this means that daughters should be more costlyto produce than sons. Because the Alpine marmot can be considereda cooperative breeding species, we investigated whether thedifferential cost between sons and daughters may be explainedby the helper repayment hypothesis. The Alpine marmot usessocial thermoregulation during hibernation, allowing juvenilesto better survive over winter. In the study population, juvenilesurvival during winter increased with group size. More precisely,juvenile survival during winter increased with the number andwith the proportion of subordinate males in the hibernatinggroup, but juvenile survival did not depend on the number of subordinate females. As our results did not support alternativehypotheses to explain the observed bias in sex ratio amongoffspring at emergence, we conclude that the helper repaymenthypothesis is the best candidate to explain the observed offspringsex ratio bias in Alpine marmots. By participating in socialthermoregulation, subordinate males may repay part of the investment they received from their parents and thus become less costlyto produce. We suggest that only subordinate males helped becausethey may gain direct fitness benefits, whereas subordinatefemales may only expect indirect fitness benefits from helping.Finally, the offspring sex ratio per individual parent wasmale biased, but mothers adjusted the size and the sex compositionof their litters according to their phenotypic condition asexpected from the Trivers-Willard hypothesis.  相似文献   

Females in a variety of taxa adjust offspring sex ratios to prevailing ecological conditions. However, little is known about whether conditions experienced during a female’s early ontogeny influence the sex ratio of her offspring. We tested for past and present ecological predictors of offspring sex ratios among known-age females that were produced as offspring and bred as adults in a population of house wrens. The body condition of offspring that a female produced and the proportion of her offspring that were male were negatively correlated with the size of the brood in which she herself was reared. The proportion of sons within broods was negatively correlated with maternal hatching date, and varied positively with the quality of a female’s current breeding territory as predicted. However, females producing relatively more sons than daughters were less likely to return to breed in the population the following year. Although correlative, our results suggest that the rearing environment can have enduring effects on later maternal investment and sex allocation. Moreover, the overproduction of sons relative to daughters may increase costs to a female’s residual reproductive value, constraining the extent to which sons might be produced in high-quality breeding conditions. Sex allocation in birds remains a contentious subject, largely because effects on offspring sex ratios are small. Our results suggest that offspring sex ratios are shaped by various processes and trade-offs that act throughout the female life history and ultimately reduce the extent of sex-ratio adjustment relative to classic theoretical predictions.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that mothers should adjust offspring sex ratios when the expected fitness gains or rearing costs differ between sons and daughters. Recent empirical work has linked biased offspring sex ratios to environmental quality via changes in relative maternal condition. It is unclear, however, whether females can manipulate offspring sex ratios in response to environmental quality alone (i.e. independent of maternal condition). We used a balanced within-female experimental design (i.e. females bred on both low- and high-quality diets) to show that female parrot finches (Erythrura trichroa) manipulate primary offspring sex ratios to the quality of the rearing environment, and not to their own body condition and health. Individual females produced an unbiased sex ratio on high-quality diets, but over-produced sons in poor dietary conditions, even though they maintained similar condition between diet treatments. Despite the lack of sexual size dimorphism, such sex ratio adjustment is in line with predictions from sex allocation theory because nutritionally stressed foster sons were healthier, grew faster and were more likely to survive than daughters. These findings suggest that mothers may adaptively adjust offspring sex ratios to optimally match their offspring to the expected quality of the rearing environment.  相似文献   

The attractiveness hypothesis predicts that females produce broods with male-biased sex ratios when they mate with attractive males. This hypothesis presumes that sons in broods with male-biased sex ratios sired by attractive males have high reproductive success, whereas the reproductive success of daughters is relatively constant, regardless of the attractiveness of their sires. However, there is little direct evidence for this assumption. We have examined the relationships between offspring sex ratios and (1) sexual ornamentation of sons and (2) body size of daughters in broods from wild female guppies Poecilia reticulata. Wild pregnant females were collected and allowed to give birth in the laboratory. Body size and sexual ornamentation of offspring were measured at maturity. Our analysis revealed a significant positive correlation between offspring sex ratios (the proportion of sons per brood) and the total length as well as the area of orange spots of sons, two attributes that influence female mating preferences in guppies. The sex ratio was not associated with the body size of daughters. These results suggest that by performing adaptive sex allocation according to the expected reproductive success of sons and daughters, female guppies can enhance the overall fitness of their offspring.  相似文献   

Intralocus sexual conflict arises when selection favours alternative fitness optima in males and females. Unresolved conflict can create negative between‐sex genetic correlations for fitness, such that high‐fitness parents produce high‐fitness progeny of their same sex, but low‐fitness progeny of the opposite sex. This cost of sexual conflict could be mitigated if high‐fitness parents bias sex allocation to produce more offspring of their same sex. Previous studies of the brown anole lizard (Anolis sagrei) show that viability selection on body size is sexually antagonistic, favouring large males and smaller females. However, sexual conflict over body size may be partially mitigated by adaptive sex allocation: large males sire more sons than daughters, whereas small males sire more daughters than sons. We explored the evolutionary implications of these phenomena by assessing the additive genetic (co)variance of fitness within and between sexes in a wild population. We measured two components of fitness: viability of adults over the breeding season, and the number of their progeny that survived to sexual maturity, which includes components of parental reproductive success and offspring viability (RSV). Viability of parents was not correlated with adult viability of their sons or daughters. RSV was positively correlated between sires and their offspring, but not between dams and their offspring. Neither component of fitness was significantly heritable, and neither exhibited negative between‐sex genetic correlations that would indicate unresolved sexual conflict. Rather, our results are more consistent with predictions regarding adaptive sex allocation in that, as the number of sons produced by a sire increased, the adult viability of his male progeny increased.  相似文献   

Sex allocation theory states that parents should adjust their offspring sex ratio according to the expected fitness returns from sons and daughters. Several recent studies indicate that such adaptive manipulation of offspring sex ratio is achievable, and that it may be influenced by e.g. morphological characters. Here we manipulate behaviour through interspecific cross-fostering of great tits ( Parus major ) and blue tits ( Cyanistes caeruleus ), and investigate its effect on the offspring sex ratio of adults that were themselves cross-fostered as chicks. The experience of being raised by a different species has previously been shown to result in aberrant species assortative behaviour and song, and a lowered dominance status during winter. Brood sex ratios of conspecifically breeding pairs with and without cross-fostered members were compared. Broods with at least one cross-fostered parent contained significantly more males than did control broods. Sex of cross-fostered parents did not influence the brood sex ratio. We conclude that female great tits and blue tits seem to be able to adjust the sex ratio of their broods, and that changes in their own or their partners' behaviour may elicit such adjustments.  相似文献   

When a small number of females contribute offspring to a discrete mating group, sex allocation (Local Mate Competition: LMC) theory predicts that females should bias their offspring sex ratio towards daughters, which avoids the fitness costs of their sons competing with each other. Conversely, when a large number of females contribute offspring to a patch, they are expected to invest equally in sons and daughters. Furthermore, sex ratios of species that regularly experience variable foundress numbers are closer to those predicted by LMC theory than species that encounter less variable foundress number scenarios. Due to their patterns of resource use, female Callosobruchus maculatus are likely to experience a broad range of foundress number scenarios. We carried out three experiments to test whether female C. maculatus adjust their sex ratios in response to foundress number and two other indicators of LMC: ovipositing on pre-parasitised patches and ovipositing with sisters. We did not find any evidence of the predicted sex ratio adjustment, but we did find evidence of kin biased behaviour.  相似文献   

Sex allocation theory predicts that mothers should adjust their sex-specific reproductive investment in relation to the predicted fitness returns from sons versus daughters. Sex allocation theory has proved to be successful in some invertebrate taxa but data on vertebrates often fail to show the predicted shift in sex ratio or sex-specific resource investment. This is likely to be partly explained by simplistic assumptions of vertebrate life-history and mechanistic constraints, but also because the fundamental assumption of sex-specific fitness return on investment is rarely supported by empirical data. In short-lived species, the time of hatching or parturition can have a strong impact on the age and size at maturity. Thus, if selection favors adult sexual-size dimorphism, females can maximize their fitness by adjusting offspring sex over the reproductive season. We show that in mallee dragons, Ctenophorus fordi, date of hatching is positively related to female reproductive output but has little, if any, effect on male reproductive success, suggesting selection for a seasonal shift in offspring sex ratio. We used a combination of field and laboratory data collected over two years to test if female dragons adjust their sex allocation over the season to ensure an adaptive match between time of hatching and offspring sex. Contrary to our predictions, we found no effect of laying date on sex ratio, nor did we find any evidence for within-female between-clutch sex-ratio adjustment. Furthermore, there was no differential resource investment into male and female offspring within or between clutches and sex ratios did not correlate with female condition or any partner traits. Consequently, despite evidence for selection for a seasonal sex-ratio shift, female mallee dragons do not seem to exercise any control over sex determination. The results are discussed in relation to potential constraints on sex-ratio adjustment, alternative selection pressures, and the evolution of temperature-dependent sex determination.  相似文献   

Drullion D  Dubois F 《PloS one》2011,6(12):e29737
Several hypotheses on divorce predict that monogamous pairs should split up more frequently after a breeding failure. Yet, deviations from the expected pattern "success-stay, failure-leave" have been reported in several species. One possible explanation for these deviations would be that individuals do not use only their own breeding performance (i.e., private information) but also that of others (i.e., public information) to decide whether or not to divorce. To test this hypothesis, we investigated the relative importance of private and public information for mate choice decisions in female zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata).We manipulated the reproductive performance of breeding pairs and measured females' preferences for their mate and the neighbouring male first following pair formation and then seven weeks later when all females had laid eggs and the young were independent. Although all females reduced their preference for their mate after a breeding failure, the decrease was significant only when the neighbouring pair had reproduced successfully. Furthermore, there was no evidence that females biased the sex ratio of their offspring according to their mate's attractiveness. On the other hand, after reproduction, both successful and unsuccessful females increased their preferences for males who had produced a larger proportion of sons. Despite the fact that other mechanisms may have also contributed to our findings, we suggest that females changed their mate preferences based on the proportion of sons produced by successful males, because offspring sex ratio reflects the male's testosterone level at the moment of fertilization and hence is an indicator of his immune condition.  相似文献   

Organisms are expected to adjust the sex ratio of their offspring in relation to the relative fitness benefits of sons and daughters. We used a molecular sexing technique that amplifies an intron of the CHD1 gene in birds to examine the sex ratio at egg-laying in socially monogamous tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor). We examined all individuals in 40 broods (210 young), including all unhatched eggs and nestlings. Thus, the sex ratio we measured was the same as the sex ratio at laying. Overall, the mean sex ratio per brood (+/- SD) was biased significantly towards males (57 +/- 2% male). Within broods, male-biased sex ratios were associated with females in better body condition, and these females were more likely to produce sons in better condition. Tree swallows have one of the highest known levels of extra-pair paternity in birds (38-76% extra-pair young), and, as a consequence, variance in male reproductive success is greater than that of females. Thus, in tree swallows, investment in sons has the potential for higher fitness returns than investment in daughters, assuming that sons in better condition have greater reproductive success.  相似文献   

Sex allocation theory predicts that parents should adjust investment in sons and daughters according to relative fitness of differently sexed offspring. In species with female preference for highly ornamented males, one advantage potentially accruing to parents from investing more in sons of the most ornamented males is that male offspring will inherit characters ensuring sexual attractiveness or high-quality genes, if ornaments honestly reveal male genetic quality. Furthermore, in species where extra-pair fertilizations occur, offspring sired by an extra-pair male are expected to more frequently be male than those of the legitimate male if the latter is of lower quality than the extra-pair male. We investigated adjustment of sex ratio of offspring in relation to ornamentation of the extra-pair and the social mate of females by direct manipulation of tails of male barn swallows Hirundo rustica . Molecular sexing of the offspring was performed using the W chromosome-linked avian chromo-helicase-DNA-binding protein (CHD) gene while paternity assessment was conducted by typing of hypervariable microsatellite loci. Extra-pair offspring sex ratio was not affected by ornamentation of their biological fathers relative to the experimental ornamentation of the parental male. Experimental ornamentation of the parental males did not affect the sex ratio of nestlings in their broods. Female barn swallows might be unable to bias offspring sex ratio at hatching according to the quality of the biological father. Alternatively, fitness benefits in terms of sexual attractiveness of sons might be balanced by the cost of compensating for little parental care provided by highly ornamented parental males, if sons are more costly to rear than daughters, or the advantage of producing more daughters, if males with large ornaments contribute differentially more to the viability of daughters than sons.  相似文献   

Sex allocation theory assumes individual plasticity in maternal strategies, but few studies have investigated within‐individual changes across environments. In house wrens, differences between nests in the degree of hatching synchrony of eggs represent a behavioural polyphenism in females, and its expression varies with seasonal changes in the environment. Between‐nest differences in hatching asynchrony also create different environments for offspring, and sons are more strongly affected than daughters by sibling competition when hatching occurs asynchronously over several days. Here, we examined variation in hatching asynchrony and sex allocation, and its consequences for offspring fitness. The number and condition of fledglings declined seasonally, and the frequency of asynchronous hatching increased. In broods hatched asynchronously, sons, which are over‐represented in the earlier‐laid eggs, were in better condition than daughters, which are over‐represented in the later‐laid eggs. Nonetheless, asynchronous broods were more productive later within seasons. The proportion of sons in asynchronous broods increased seasonally, whereas there was a seasonal increase in the production of daughters by mothers hatching their eggs synchronously, which was characterized by within‐female changes in offspring sex and not by sex‐biased mortality. As adults, sons from asynchronous broods were in better condition and produced more broods of their own than males from synchronous broods, and both males and females from asynchronous broods had higher lifetime reproductive success than those from synchronous broods. In conclusion, hatching patterns are under maternal control, representing distinct strategies for allocating offspring within broods, and are associated with offspring sex ratios and differences in offspring reproductive success.  相似文献   

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