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 共查询到20条相似文献,搜索用时 694 毫秒
Book Reviewed in this article:
Canning, Elizabeth U., ed. 1981. Parasitological Topics: a Presentation Volume to P. C. C. Garnham F.R.S. on the Occasion of His 80th Birthday 1981
Krylov, M. V. 1981. Piroplazmidy. [Piroplasms.]
Baker, J. R. 1982. The Biology of Parasitic Protozoa
Barriga, Omar O. 1981. The Immunology of Parasitic Infections: a Handbook for Physicians, Veterinarians, and Biologists
Beyer, T. V., Bezukladnikova, N. A., Galuzo, I. G., Konovalova, S. I. & Pak, S. M., eds. 1979. Toksoplasmidy. [The Toxoplasmids
Geltzer, Ya. G., Korganova, G. A., Mavlyanova, M. I. & Nikolyuk, V. I., eds. 1980. Pochvennye Prosteyshie. [The Soil Protozoa.] (Protozoologiya
Beyer, T. V., Kazakova, I. I., Lakhonina, G. M., Roigas, E. M. & Teras, J. H., eds. 1981. Vzaimootnosheniya Prosteyshikh s Virusami. [The Interaction between Protozoa and Viruses.] (Protozoologiya
Ogimoto, Keiji & Imai, Soichi 1981 Allas of Rumen Microbiology
Long, Peter L., ed. 1982. The Biology of the Coccidia
Lloyd, David, Poole, Robert & Edwards, Steven W. 1982. The Cell Division Cycle: Temporal Organization and Control of Cellular Growth and Reproduction
Frederick, J. F., ed. 1981. Origins and Evolution of Eukaryotic Intracellular Organelles. [Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci.
Hayat, M. A. 1981. Fixation for Electron Microscopy
Buetow, D. E., ed. 1982. The Biology of Euglena.
Ogden, C. G. & Hedley, R. H. 1980. An Atlas of Freshwater Testate Amoebae
Parker, S. P., ed. 1982. Synopsis and Classification of Living Organisms
Margulis, L. & Schwartz, K. V. 1982. Five Kingdoms: an Illustrated Guide to the Phyla of Life on Earth
Cairns, J., Jr., ed. 1982. Artificial Substrates
Curds, C. R. 1982. British and Other Freshwater Ciliated Protozoa  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
Dillon, Lawrence S. 1981. Ultrastructure, Macromolecules and Evolution
Schwemmler, Werner & Schenk, Hainfried E. A. , eds. 1980. Endocytobiology: Endosymbiosis and Cell Biology, a Synthesis of Recent Research
Krylov, M. V. & Starobogatov, Y. I. , eds. 1980. Principles of the Construction of the Macrosystem of the Unicellular Animals
Palmer, W. J. , ed. 1981. Rapid & Automated Methods in Microbiology & Immunology: A Bibliography, 1976–1980
de Harven, E. & Nemanic, M. K. , organizers. 1981. Cell Surface Labeling
Inoki, Shozo , ed. 1981. Atlas of Protozoa
Czapik, Anna 1980. Pdostawy Protozoologii . [ Introduction to Protozoology .]
Levine, Norman D. & Ivens, Virginia 1981. The Coccidian Parasites ( Protozoa, Apicomplexa ) of Carnivores
Page, Frederick C. 1981. The Culture and Use of Free-Living Protozoa in Teaching  相似文献   

Book reviews     
《Freshwater Biology》1981,11(6):583-586
Morris, I (Ed) (1980) The Physiological Ecology of Phytoplankton .
Alexander M. (Ed.) (1980) Advances in Microbial Ecology, Volume 4 .
Edington, J.M. & Hildrew, A.G. (1981) A key to the caseless caddis larvae of the British Isles with notes on their ecology .
Lackey R.T. & Nielsen L.A. (Eds) (1980) Fisheries Management .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1983,95(3):505-508
Book reviewed in this article
Mycoplasma Diseases of Trees and Shrubs. Ed. by K. M aramorosch and S. P. R aychaudhuhi .
Alpine Rasengesellschaften auf Silikatgestein bei Davos. By L uca V etterli .
The Rust Fungi. Ed. by K. J. S cott and A. K. C hakravorty .
Environment and Plant Ecology. By J. R. E thehington .
Cryptogams. By K. E sser
Nitrogen fixation. Volume 1: Ecology. Ed. by W. J. B roughton .
Agricultural Plants. By R. H. M. L anger and G. D. H ill
Decomposer Basidiomycetes: their Biology and Ecology. Ed. by J. C. F rankland , J. N. H edger and M. J. S wift .
Cell Walls'81: Proceeding of the Second Cell Wall Meeting held in Gottingen, April 8–11, 1981. Ed. by D. G. R obinson and H. Q uader .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Martinez-Palomo, Adolfo 1982. The Biology of Entamoeba histolytica.
Ristic, M. & Kreier, J. P., eds. 1981. Babesiosis .
Krylov, M. V., ed. 1981. The Evolution and Phylogeny of the Unicellular Animals .
Petrushevskaya, M. G. 1981. [ Radiolaria of the Order Nasselaria of the World's Oceans .]
Amos, W. B. & Duckett, J. G., eds. 1982. Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Flagella .
Matthes, Dieter 1982. Sesshafte Wimpertiere: Peritricha, Suctoria, Chonotricha .
Kaestner, Alfred, ed. 1980. Lehrbuch der Speziellen Zoologie . Band I: Wirbellose Tiere.
Rosowski, James R. & Parker, Bruce C., eds. 1982. Selected Papers in Phycology II.
Raikov, Igor B. 1982. The Protozoan Nucleus: Morphology and Evolution .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Freshwater Biology》1985,15(3):381-390
Laybourn-Parry, J. (1984) A Functional Biology of Free-living Protozoa.
Zaret, T.M. (ed.) (1984) Evolutionary Ecology of Neotropical Freshwater Fishes: Developments in Environmental Biology of Fishes.
Por, F.D. & Dor, I. (eds.) (1984) Hydrobiology of the Mangal. The ecosystem of the mangrove forests.
Trewavas, E. (1983) Tilapiine Fishes of the Genera Sarotherodon, Oreochromis and Dankilia.
Downing, J.A. & Rigler, F.H. (eds.) (1984) A Manual on Methods for the Assessment of Secondary Productivity in Fresh Waters
Pequeux, A., Gilles, R. & Bolis, L. (1984) Osmoregulation in Estuarine and Marine Animals.
Dumont, H.J., el Mogrhaby, A.I. & Desougi, L.A. (eds.) (1948) Limnology and Marine Biology in the Sudan.
Hakumat, R. & Marker, A.F.H. (eds.) (1982) The Measurement of Photosynthetic Pigments in Freshwaters and Standardization of Methods.
Templeton, R.G. (ed.) (1984) Freshwater Fisheries Management.
Resh, V.H. & Rosenberg, D.M. (Eds) (1984) The Ecology of Aquatic Insects.
Heip, C. (ed.) (1984) Biology of Meiofauna.  相似文献   

Bruce-Chwatt, L. J., ed., with Black, R. H., Canfield, C. J., Clyde, D. F., Peters, W. & Wernsdorfer, W. H. 1986. Chemotherapy of Malaria .
Peters, W. & Killick-Kendrick, R., eds. 1987. The Leishmaniases in Biology and Medicine , Vol. I: Biology and Epidemiology
Euzéby, Jacques. 1987. Protozoologie Médicate Comparée. Les Protozooses des Animaux et Leurs Relations Avec les Protozooses de l'Homme , Vol. II: Myxozoa—Microspora—Ascetospora. Apicomplexa, 1: Coccidioses (Sensu Lato ).
McDougald, L. R., Joyner, L. P. & Long, P. L., eds. 1986. Research in Avian Coccidiosis .
Wichterman, R. 1986. The Biology of Paramecium, 2nd ed.
Levine, N. D. & Ivens, V. 1986. The Coccidian Parasites (Protozoa, Apicomplexa) of Artiodactyla .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Journal of Phytopathology》2001,149(7-8):485-492
Wilkinson, R. E. (ed.) Plant-Environment Interactions, Second Edition.
Stacey, G.; Keen, N. T. (eds) : Plant-Microbe Interactions.
Shurtle, M. C.; C. W. Averre Ill : Diagnosing Plant Diseases Caused by Nematodes.
Tjamos, E. C., R. C. Rowe, J. B. Heale, D. R. Fravel (eds) : Advances in Verticillium: Research and Disease Management.
Frederiksen, R. A.; G. N. Odvody (eds) : Compedium of Sorghum Diseases.
Podila, G. K., D. D. Douds Jr. (eds) : Current Advances in Mycorrhizae Research.
Kronstad, J. W. (ed.) : Fungal Pathology.
Agrawal, A. A., S. Tuzun, E. Bent (eds) : Induced Plant Defenses against Pathogens and Herbivores. Biochemistry, Ecology, and Agriculture.
Bartels, G.; Backhaus, G. F. (Hrg.) : Die Pr̈ng von Panzen auf ihre Widerstandsfhigkeit gegen Schadorganismen in der Biologischen Bundesanstalt. Teil 2 Resistenzpr̈ng von Kulturpanzen im Acker- und Gartenbau gegen Pilze, Bakterien und Viren-Testing of crop cultivars for resistance to noxious organisms at the Federal Biological Research Centre. Part 2. Testing of resistance of field and horticultural crops to fungi, bacteria and viruses. Mitt. Biol. Bundesanstalt för Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Berlin-Dahlem, Heft 373.
Bacon, Ch. W., L. F. White Jr. (eds) : Microbial Endophytes.
Siddiqi, M. R. : Tylenchida. Parasites of Plants and Insects.
Khetan, S. K. : Microbial Pest Control.
Upadhyay, R. K., K. G. Mukerji, B. P. Chamola (eds) : Biocontrol Potential and its Exploitation in Sustainable Agriculture.  相似文献   


Book Reviews     
《Journal of Phytopathology》1996,144(3):167-168
Book Reviewed in this article:
B lakeman J. P. and B. W illiamson (eds.): Ecology of Plant Pathogens .
L aux , W., 49, Deutsdie Pflanzenschotztagung in Heidelberg. 26–29 September 1994 .
The Protistan Cell Surface . W etherbee , R., R. A. A ndersen and J. D. P ickett H eaps (eds.).
Internationales Symposium uber Luckenindikationen .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Evolution and Classification: The Reformation of Cladism .—Mark Ridley.
Phylogenetic Systematics of the Drynarioideae (Polypodiaceae) .—M. C. Roos.
Oxford Surveys in Evolutionary Biology: Volume 1 .—Richard Dawkins and Mark Ridley (eds.).
Oxford Surveys in Evolutionary Biology, Volume 2 .—R. Dawkins and M. Ridley (eds.) 1985.
An Illustrated Guide to the Protozoa .—John J. Lee, Seymour H. Hutner, and Eugene Bovee (eds.).
Ontogeny and Systematics of Fishes .—H. G. Moser, W. J. Richards, D. M. Cohen, M. P. Fahay, A. W. Kendall, Jr., and S. L. Richardson (eds.).
Morphometrics in Evolutionary Biology .—F. Bookstein, B. Chernoff, R. Elder, J. Humphries, G. Smith, and R. Strauss.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Nullius in Verba , by G. Nelson.
Phylogenetics and Ecology , P. Eggleton and R. Vane-Wright, eds.
Microbiological Diversity and Ecosystem Function , D. Allsopp, R. R. Colwell and D. L. Hawksworth, eds.
Environmental Soil Chemistry , by Donald L. Sparks.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Welling, M. (Hrsg.): Auswirkungen von Ackerschonstreifen . Englert, W. D.; Holz, B.: Witterung, Entwicklung der Reben, Krankheiten und Schädlinge, Nützlinge und Schädigungen im Weinbau 1985 und 1986 . Mehlhorn, H.; Piekarski, G.: Grundriß der Parasitenkunde . Parasiten des Menschen und der Nutztiere. 3. Soós, A.; Papp, L. (eds.): Catalogue of Palaearctic Diptera . Gee, J. H. R.; Giller, P. S. (eds.): Organization of communities past and present . Oxford-London-Edinburgh-Boston-Palo Alto-Melbourne: Blackwell Scientific Publications 1987. Lugtenberg, B. (ed.): Recognition in Microbe-Plant Symbiotic and Pathogenic Interactions .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1980,86(4):455-455
Book Reviewed in this article:
The Cell as a Habitat. Proceedings of a meeting organized by M. H. R ichmond and D. C. S mith .
Horticultural Science. By J ules J anick .
Greenhouse Management. By J. J. H anan , W. D. H olley and K. L. G oldsberry .
Studies in Biology. No. 98. Plant Physiological Ecology. By J ohn R. E therington .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Bücher/Books: Krebs, J. R., and N. B. Davies (1981): An introduction to behavioural ecology (Eine Einführung in die Verhaltensökologie). Alexander, R. McNeill (1982): Optima for animals (Optima für Tiere). Pontin, A. J. (1982:) Competition and coexistence of species (Wettstreit und Beisammenleben der Arten). Remmert, H. (1980): Arctic animal ecology (Ökologie der arktischen Tierwelt). Reimers, E., et al. eds. (1979): Proceedings of the 2nd Reindeer/Caribou Symposium, Røros (Norway), 2 Vols. Cloudsley-Thompson, J. L. (1980): Tooth and claw. Defensive strategies in the animal world (Zähne und Klauen. Czihak, G., H. Langer und H. Ziegler, eds. (1981): Biologie. Mohr, H. (1981): Biologische Erkenntnis. Ihre Entstehung und Bedeutung (Cognition in biology—its origin and significance).  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Gentlemanly Cladistics: Phylogenetic Reconstruction in Paleontology .—Robert M. Schoch.
Coevolution and Systematics .—A. R. Stone and D. L. Hawksworth (eds.).
Systematic and Taxonomic Approaches in Palaeobotany .—Robert A. Spicer and Barry A. Thomas (eds.).
Cladistic Biogeography —Christopher J. Humphries and Lynne R. Parenti.
Chondrichthyes II: Mesozoic and Cenozoic Elasmobranchii —H. Cappetta.
Handbook of Paleoichthyology, vol. 3B, Fischer  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Themes in Southwest Prehistory . George J. Gumerman, ed.
The Ancient Southwestern Community: Models and Methods for the Study of Prehistoric Social Organization . W. H. Wills and Robert D. Leonard, eds.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
A ndrle , R.F. & C arroll , J.R. (eds) 1988. The Atlas of Breeding Birds in New York State.
B ergerud , A.T. & G ratson , M.W. (eds) 1988. Adaptive Strategies and Population Ecology of Northern Grouse.
C ooper , M.E. 1987. An Introduction to Animal Law.
G oriup , P.D. (ed.) 1988. Ecology and Conservation of Grassland Birds.
H udson , P.J. & R ands , M.R. 1988. Ecology and Management of Gamebirds.
J anssen , R.B. 1987. Birds in Minnesota.
J ones , P.H. 1988. The Natural History of Bardsey.
K ondratiev , A. YA. (ed.) 1988. Bulletin of the Working Group on Waders.
L ardelli , R. 1988. Atlante degli Uccelli Nidificanti net Mendrisiotto.
M arle , J.G. van & V oous , K.H. 1988. The Birds of Sumatra. B.O.U. Check-list No. 10.
P almer , R.S. (ed.) 1988. Handbook of North American Birds; Volumes 4 & 5: Diurnal Raptors.
R ose , M.R. 1987. Quantitative Ecological Theory: an Introduction to Basic Models.
S chleidt , V.M. (ed.) 1988. Der Kreis urn Konrad Lorenz.
S ick , H. 1985. Ornitologia Brasileira. 3rd edition. Vols I and II.
S ummers -S mith , J.D. 1988. The Sparrows.
S iokhin , V.D., C hernichko , I.I., A rdamatskaya , T.B. et al. 1988. Colonial Waterbirds in the Southern Ukraine: Charadriiformes.
T emple , S.A. & C ary , J.R. 1987. Wisconsin Birds: A Seasonal and Geographical Guide.
T rounson , D. & T rounson , M. 1987. Australia Land of Birds.
W oods , R.W. 1988. Guide to Birds of the Falkland Islands.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Bateson , P. P. G., & P. H. Klopfer, eds. (1985): Perspectives in ethology Vol. 6: Mechanisms (Perspektiven der Ethologie Bd. 6: Mechanismen). Bateson , P. P. G., & P. H. Klopfer, eds. (1987): Perspectives in ethology, Vol. 7: Alternatives (Perspektiven der Ethologie. Bd. 7: Andere Lösungen, andere Denkweisen). Alexander , R. McNeill (1988): Elastic mechanisms in animal movement (Die Bedeutung elastischer Materialien für die Fortbewegung von Tieren). Nultsch , W. (1988): Untersuchungen zum Bewegungs- und Reaktionsverhalten des Flagellaten Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (Locomotion and reactivity of the flagellate Ch. r.). Görtz , H.-D. (1988): Paramecium. Anderson , O. R. (1988): Comparative protozoology. Ecology, physiology, life history (Vergleichende Protozoologie — Ökologie, Physiologie, Lebensablauf). Burggren , W. W., & B. R. McMahon, eds. (1988): Biology of the land crabs (Biologie der Landkrabben). Matthes , D. (1988): Tierische Parasiten (Animal parasites). Despommier , D. D., & J. W. Karapelou , eds. (1987): Parasite life cycles (Entwicklungszyklen von Parasiten). Görtz , H.-D. (1988): Symbiose, Parasitismus und andere Vergesellschaftungen von Tieren (Symbiosis, parasitism and other animal communities). Kalusche , D. (1989): Wechselwirkungen zwischen Organismen (Reciprocal actions between organisms). Basiswissen Biologie 2.  相似文献   

book reviewed in this article:
Macroevolution. Pattern and Process , by S. M. Stanley.
A World List of Mammadian Species , by G. B. Corbet & J. E. Hill.
Indole and Biogenetically Related Alkaloids , edited by J. D. Phillipson & M. H. Zenk.
Comparative Ecology , by Y. Itô (edited and translated by J. Kikkawa).
The I.B.P. Survey of Conservation Sites: an Experimental Study , edited by A. R.
Man, the Promising Primate , by Peter J. Wilson.
The Pleistocene Mammals of North America , by Bjorn Kurten & Elaine Anderson.
British Gardeners , by Miles Hadfield, Robert Harling & Leonie Highton.
The Functioning of Freshwater Ecosystms , by E. D. LeCren & R. H. Lowe-McConnell.
I Fiori della Alpi by F. Rasetti.
The Oligocene Rodents of North America , by Albert E. Wood.
The Fossil Hunters in Search of Ancient Plants , by Henry N. Andrews.
Anatomy of the Dicotyledons, Vol. I , by C. R. Metcalfe & L. Chalk.  相似文献   

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