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The receptor for nerve growth factor (NGF) has been purified to near homogeneity from octylglucoside extracts of A875 melanoma cell membranes by the use of repetitive affinity chromatography on NGF-Sepharose. Elution of purified receptor (NGF receptor) was accomplished with 0.15 M NaCl, pH 11.0, containing phosphatidylcholine and octylglucoside. Chromatography on two columns of NGF-Sepharose yielded a 1500-fold purification of the receptor, as assessed by 125I-NGF binding, and permitted recovery of 9% of the total binding activity in the soluble extract. Scatchard analysis of equilibrium binding of 125I-NGF provided similar Kd values for NGF receptors in soluble extracts of A875 membranes (2.2 nM) and with purified NGF receptor (3.1 nM). Examination of NGF receptor after electrophoresis on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels revealed the presence of two major peptides, of Mr = 85,000 and Mr = 200,000. Affinity labeling experiments, done with 125I-NGF and A875 cells, soluble extracts of A875 cell membranes, and purified receptor, show that both of these components of the NGF receptor can be specifically cross-linked to 125I-NGF.  相似文献   

These studies were initiated to determine whether the soluble, truncated form of the nerve growth factor (NGF) receptor arises from post-translational processing of the intact, membrane-bound receptor or from an alternatively spliced mRNA. Pulse-chase analysis of cultured primary rat Schwann cells coupled with immunoprecipitations using antibodies to the intracellular and extracellular domains of the receptor were used to monitor receptor production. Three forms of the NGF receptor (80, 83, and 85 kDa) displaying a precursor product relationship were detected over the 2-h chase period; only the 85-kDa species was detected on the cell surface. Truncated receptors (50 and 52 kDa) were detected in conditioned media 5 h after cell labeling but were never observed intracellularly. Polymerase chain reaction and RNase protection analyses of NGF receptor mRNA targeted toward the coding region for the transmembrane domain detected no splice variants that could generate truncated receptor, and media conditioned by fibroblasts transfected with rat receptor cDNA, in which splicing cannot occur, nonetheless contained the truncated receptor protein. Taken together, these results suggest that the truncated NGF receptor does not arise as a distinct translation product but rather from a post-translational modification of the intact, surface-bound form of the protein.  相似文献   

Characterization of the human melanoma nerve growth factor receptor   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Monoclonal antibodies to the human nerve growth factor receptor have been used to biochemically characterize the receptor in the human melanoma cell line A875. Labeling of A875 cell proteins by culture with [35S]cysteine or labeling of cell surface proteins with 125I followed by immunoprecipitation with anti-nerve growth factor receptor antibody reveals a receptor protein with an apparent Mr of 70,000-75,000 and an isoelectric point of 4.9-5.2. Incorporation of [3H]glucosamine into this species indicates it is a glycoprotein. The receptor becomes phosphorylated on serine residues in intact cells and in isolated membranes incubated with [gamma-32P]ATP. The receptor appears to exist, at least partially, in the form of a disulfide-linked oligomer (probably a dimer) of Mr = 75,000 subunits. Kinetic [35S]cysteine labeling studies reveal an Mr = 59,000 core protein which is glycosylated via N-linked and probably also O-linked sugar moieties to produce the mature (Mr = 70,000-75,000) receptor.  相似文献   

Summary The co-localization of arginine vasopressin-and enkephalin-like immunoreactivities in nerve cells of the rat paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus and adjacent areas was investigated by the simultaneous application of immuno--galactosidase staining and the peroxidase-antiperoxidase method to sections. Arginine vasopressin-like immunoreactive cells were stained blue with immuno--galactosidase staining and enkephalin-like immunoreactive cells brown with the peroxidase-antiperoxidase method. Double-labeled cells with overlap of blue and brown immunoreaction products were identified in the anterior, medial, and lateral parvocellular parts of the paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus as well as in the previously indicated posterior magnocellular part. Other regions that contained double-labeled cells were the lateral hypothalamic area, anterior hypothalamic nucleus, area between the lateral hypothalamic area and anterior hypothalamic nucleus, suprachiasmatic nucleus, and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, medial division, posterolateral part. These findings suggest that nerve cells with both arginine vasopressin- and enkephalin-like immunoreactivities may be more actively involved in neuroendocrine regulation and neural transmission than previously considered. They may provide a morphological basis for an increase in enkephalin-like immunoreactivity within the anterior pituitary in cases of hemorrhagic shock which is presumably accompanied by arginine vasopressin hypersecretion.Abbreviations AH anterior hypothalamic nucleus - ap anterior parvocellular part of the paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus - BSTMPL bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, medial division, posterolateral part - dp dorsal parvocellular part of the paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus - f fornix - LH lateral hypothalamic area - lp lateral paryocellular part of the paraventricular hypothalamic nuclcus - mp medial parvocellular part of the paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus - MPA medial preoptic area - pm posterior magnocellular part of the paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus - pv periventricular part of the paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus - SC suprachiasmatic nucleus - Zi zona incerta  相似文献   

Hidden receptors for nerve growth factor in PC12 cells   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The binding of nerve growth factor (NGF) to its receptors in PC12 cells was studied in two experimental conditions: (a) cell fixation with paraformaldehyde followed by permeabilization of the plasma membrane with methanol and (b) metabolic poisoning of living cells with sodium azide. Paraformaldehyde fixation of PC12 cells causes a 60-70% reduction of NGF binding capacity; the original binding capacity is restored following permeabilization with methanol. A kinetic analysis of NGF binding under these conditions reveals a single homogeneous population of receptors at variance with experiments performed in living cells where two kinetically distinct types of NGF receptors were demonstrated [Landreth, G. E. and Shooter, E. M. (1980) Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA, 77, 4751-4755; Schechter, A. L. and Bothwell, M. A. (1981) Cell, 24, 867-874]. Our results suggest that a proportion of the NGF receptors in PC12 cells is hidden, i.e. not available for binding to the ligand, and in a dynamic equilibrium with exposed receptors. The existence of hidden receptors is confirmed by treatment of PC12 cells with sodium azide, which causes a 50% reduction in NGF binding capacity and protection from trypsin digestion of the remaining pool of hidden receptors. The latter become exposed at the cell surface following removal of sodium azide. Our data provide an interpretation for the as yet unsatisfactorily explained data on NGF receptors.  相似文献   

Using partial proteolytic cleavage, the nerve growth factor (NGF) binding site and the epitopes for two anti-NGF receptor (NGFR) monoclonal antibodies were localized on the recombinant extracellular domain (RED) of the NGFR. The RED was prepared in the baculovirus-insect cell system and was purified by immunoaffinity and ion-exchange chromatography. The four cysteine-rich repeat domains and some additional C-terminal sequences were resistant to proteolysis with papain or proteinase K. The Mr 32,000 papain-resistant fragment (P32) and the Mr 30,000 proteinase K-resistant fragment (K30) share the same N terminus as the intact RED and have C termini in the vicinity of residue 170. Even though P32 and K30 have the same N terminus and probably differ by only a small number of amino acids at the C terminus, P32, but not K30, binds 125I-NGF. As judged by Western blot analysis, two anti-NGFR antibodies (ME20.4 and NGFR5) bind to P32 but have a lesser affinity for K30. Since antibody ME20.4 inhibits NGF binding but antibody NGFR5 does not, these antibodies bind to distinct epitopes. However, these epitopes apparently are closely spaced since these antibodies compete with each other for binding to biotinylated RED. NGF, but not the control protein cytochrome c, protects RED from papain digestion. Therefore, the P32 C terminus is important for the expression of the NGF binding site and the antibody-defined epitopes, even though the NGF binding site and antibody-defined epitopes probably are not encoded by the P32 C terminus. These data suggest that complex interactions occur between different regions of the RED, and that optimum NGF binding requires the integrity of multiple RED domains, including a short sequence to the C terminus of residue 170.  相似文献   

The interaction between mouse nerve growth factor (NGF) and its receptor was studied on live and formaldehyde-fixed human melanoma cells in culture. These cells contain 5–8 × 105 NGF receptors per cell. The pH optima of this ligand-receptor association was 6.4. The kinetics of dissociation at 4°C was similar for the fixed and live cells; at 22°C, NGF readily dissociated from the fixed cells whereas the live cells showed little dissociation. Radioactive NGF which had been dissociated at 4°C from NGF-receptor containing cells was able to rebind with greater efficiency. With the dissociation of NGF from the cell surface, there was a concomitant increase in the number of available receptor sites. The initial events in the interaction of NGF and its receptor on human melanoma cells are reversible.  相似文献   

Non-transformed human glial cells obtained from brain biopsies (lines U-787 CG, U-1169 CG and U-1508 CG) release to their culture medium a factor which, in bioassay, induces neurite outgrowth in spinal and sympathetic embryonic chick ganglia. The neurite-stimulating activity, which was enhanced after pressure dialysis of glial-conditioned medium, is inhibited by specific antiserum prepared to mouse βnerve growth factor (NGF). The glial factor was partially purified by gel filtration on Sephadex G-200 of concentrated, serum-containing, conditioned medium. The activity eluted close to a molecular weight of 30000, as did mouse NGF run under identical conditions. Ion-exchange chromatography on DEAE-Sepharose CL-6B and flat-bed electrofocusing of conditioned medium showed the activity to be associated with a heat-labile entity having an isoelectric point of about 4.1. All purified preparations were blocked by anti(mouse)-βNGF. The results demonstrate the existence of a human glial NGF which in several respects resembles the mouse submandibular gland NGF.  相似文献   

Keratinocyte growth factor (KGF) is a member of the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) family. KGF exhibits potent mitogenic activity for a variety of epithelial cell types but is distinct from other known FGFs in that it is not mitogenic for fibroblasts or endothelial cells. We report saturable specific binding of 125I-KGF to surface receptors on intact Balb/MK mouse epidermal keratinocytes. 125I-KGF binding was completed efficiently by acidic FGF (aFGF) but with 20-fold lower efficiency by basic FGF (bFGF). The pattern of 125I-acidic FGF binding and competition on Balb/MK keratinocytes and NIH/3T3 fibroblasts suggests that these cell types possess related but distinct FGF receptors. Scatchard analysis of 125I-KGF binding suggested major and minor high affinity receptor components (KD = 400 and 25 pM, respectively) as well as a third high capacity/low affinity heparin-like component. Covalent affinity cross-linking of 125I-KGF to its receptor on Balb/MK cells revealed two species of 115 and 140 kDa. KGF also stimulated the rapid tyrosine phosphorylation of a 90-kDa protein in Balb/MK cells but not in NIH/3T3 fibroblasts. Together these results indicate that Balb/MK keratinocytes possess high affinity KGF receptors to which the FGFs may also bind. However, these receptors are distinct from the receptor(s) for aFGF and bFGF on NIH/3T3 fibroblasts, which fail to interact with KGF.  相似文献   

Nerve growth factor (NGF) is essential for the development and differentiation of sympathetic and sensory neurons. Recently, NGF receptors were demonstrated in non-neural cells, and several mesenchymal cell types including lymphocytes and skeletal myotubes were shown to be stimulated to proliferate by NGF. Our purpose was to examine for the presence of functional NGF receptors in osteoblasts. Bone cells from chick calvaria were used as a model; PC-12 cells derived from rat adrenal pheochromocytoma were used as positive controls. NGF was examined for functions in chick bone cells by studying effects on (1) [3H]-thymidine incorporation; (2) alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity; and (3) protein tyrosine phosphorylation. Effects of NGF on thymidine incorporation and protein tyrosine phosphorylation by PC-12 cells were also measured. A radioreceptor assay was used to test for the presence of receptors. In chick calvarial cells, NGF had no effect on thymidine incorporation, ALP activity or protein tyrosine phosphorylation. Radioreceptor assay with bone cells showed no evidence of NGF receptors. In contrast, in PC-12 cells, NGF (1) decreased thymidine incorporation; (2) increased protein tyrosine phosphorylation; and (3) showed receptor activity by radioreceptor assay. In conclusion, unlike several other mesenchymal cell types, chick bone cells show no evidence of NGF receptors or functional responses to NGF in vitro.  相似文献   

Ligand-induced dimerization and transphosphorylation are thought to be important events by which receptor tyrosine kinases generate cellular signals. We have investigated the ability of signalling-defective, truncated fibroblast growth factor (FGF) receptors (FGFR-1 and FGFR-2) to block the FGF response in cells that express both types of endogenous FGF receptors. When these dominant negative receptors are expressed in NIH 3T3 cells transformed by the secreted FGF-4, the transformed properties of the cells can be reverted to various degrees, with better reversion phenotype correlating with higher levels of truncated receptor expression. Furthermore, truncated FGFR-2 is significantly more efficient at producing reversion than FGFR-1, indicating that FGF-4 preferentially utilizes the FGFR-2 signalling pathway. NIH 3T3 clones expressing these truncated receptors are more resistant to FGF-induced mitogenesis and also exhibit reduced tyrosine phosphorylation upon treatment with FGF. The block in FGF-signalling, however, can be overcome by the addition of excess growth factor. The truncated receptors have binding affinities that are four- to eightfold lower than those of wild-type receptors, as measured by Scatchard analysis. We also observed a partial specificity in the responses of truncated-receptor-expressing clones to FGF-2 or FGF-4. Our results suggest that the block to signal transduction produced by kinase-negative FGF receptors is achieved through a combination of dominant negative effects and competition for growth factor binding with functional receptors.  相似文献   

The internalization and subsequent fate of the two populations of nerve growth factor (NGF) receptors on pheochromocytoma PC12 cells were explored either by identifying the relative amounts and sizes of the receptors, after incubation of cells with [125I]NGF, by cross-linking with a photoreactive heterobifunctional reagent or by following the topological distribution of the cross-linked receptors with time. The ratio of the slow, high-affinity to the fast, low-affinity NGF receptor decreased over a 5-h incubation with [125I]NGF in a process which did not involve proteolytic conversion of the slow to the fast receptor. During this period the cross-linked slow receptor moved from a trypsin-labile to a trypsin-stable site suggestive of internalization. In contrast, the cross-linked fast NGF receptor remained trypsin sensitive for at least 2 h of incubation, indicative of a constant cell surface localization. The internalized [125I]NGF in the cross-linked slow NGF receptor was not degraded, indicating that cross-linking, by preventing the acid pH-induced dissociation of the NGF-receptor complex in the endosomes, blocks normal sorting of [125I]NGF to the lysosomes. The cross-linked receptor was not recycled to the cell surface. If this reflects the properties of the unmodified receptor then another process, possibly receptor conversion, is required to replenish slow NGF receptors in the cell surface.  相似文献   

Molecular characteristics of nerve growth factor receptors on PC12 cells   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Cross-linking of 125I-nerve growth factor (NGF) to PC12 cells with the photoreactive heterobifunctional agent N-hydroxysuccinimidyl-4-azidobenzoate results in the labeling of two major bands with Mr 158,000 and 100,000 and a minor band with Mr 225,000 as determined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under denaturing and reducing conditions. Binding of 125I-NGF to and cross-linking into all these species is abolished in the presence of excess unlabeled NGF but not in the presence of unlabeled epidermal growth factor, insulin, or bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor. When PC12 cells with bound 125I-NGF are incubated in excess unlabeled NGF at 0 degree C prior to cross-linking, only the Mr 158,000 species remains. In addition, binding of 125I-NGF to the Mr 158,000 complex is trypsin-resistant, whereas binding to the Mr 100,000 complex is not. These experiments identify the Mr 158,000 species as the slow NGF-receptor complex (chase stable at 0 degree C) and the smaller Mr 100,000 species as the fast NGF-receptor complex (trypsin sensitive). Furthermore, 125I-NGF bound to the former but not to the latter species is displaced by very-low concentrations of NGF, showing that at least a significant fraction of the high-molecular-weight slow receptor is also a high-affinity receptor. This identification is supported by the finding that chick sensory neurons which possess both high- and low-affinity receptors exhibit two major labeled bands with Mr 145,000 and 105,000 as a result of cross-linking with 125I-NGF, whereas a cell population enriched in non-neuronal cells, which possess only low-affinity receptors, exhibits only the Mr 105,000 component. A shift in molecular weight of both species after pretreatment with neuraminidase indicates that both complexes contain sialoglycoproteins and rules out the possibility that differences in sialic acid content are responsible for the difference in molecular weight of the two complexes. The relative amount of the labeling of these two complexes is not affected by the presence of protease inhibitors nor by a variation of 5000-fold in cross-linker concentration. These results place some limits on possible models for the NGF receptors and their interconversion.  相似文献   

N R Woodruff  K E Neet 《Biochemistry》1986,25(24):7967-7974
Pheochromocytoma (PC12) cells have been found to differ from dorsal root ganglionic cells with respect to the modulation of the beta nerve growth factor (beta NGF) binding properties elicited by alpha NGF and gamma NGF. In contrast to our previous results with intact dorsal root ganglionic cells in which only high-affinity binding was blocked, alpha NGF and gamma NGF were found to block competitively all steady-state binding of iodinated beta NGF to PC12 cells at both 37 and 0.5 degrees C. The EC50 that was found for the alpha NGF displacement was 9-10 microM, and the gamma NGF effect had an EC50 of 200 nM, in the predicted range based upon the apparent Kd for dissociation of the alpha beta or the beta gamma complex in solution. The concurrence of the binding EC50 and the Kd for each complex indicates that the formation of alpha beta or beta gamma complexes in solution competes with the process of PC12 receptor binding with 125I-beta NGF. Experiments were carried out examining the dissociation kinetics following the addition of excess unlabeled beta NGF or alpha NGF at both 37 and 0.5 degrees C. Three dissociation components were observed with alpha NGF, in contrast to the two normally found with beta NGF. Lowering the chase temperature to 0.5 degrees C changed the relative contributions made by each component without dramatically changing any of the rate constants. The "slow" receptor was further examined by the dependence on 125I-beta NGF concentration of the slowest component with a chase of either excess alpha NGF or excess gamma NGF at 0.5 degrees C.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Quantification of changes in levels of c-fos RNA was used as an indicator of the presence of functional responses to nerve growth factor in several human non-neuronal cell lines which have previously been shown to express high levels of NGF receptors. Four Ewing's sarcomas, one Wilm's tumor, and one melanoma were examined. Of these cell lines, the Ewing's sarcoma IARC-EW1 showed greatly increased levels (10-20-fold) of c-fos RNA after 1 hour of exposure to NGF. Except for the melanoma line, the other tumor lines exhibited small, but reproducible, elevation of c-fos RNA expression. In IARC-EW1 cells, this induction was analyzed for kinetics, dose-response, and suppression by selective inhibitors of NGF action. The results indicate that these cells bear high-affinity receptors for NGF, which utilize signal pathways similar to NGF receptors on PC12 cells. Thus, we report new types of cells with functional responses to NGF and indicate that these may constitute a new model which will usefully complement those presently used for studying the mechanism of action of NGF.  相似文献   

Autocrine regulation of nerve growth factor expression by Trk receptors   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Activation of the neurotrophin receptor Trk induces the release of neurotrophins. However, little is known about the ability of released neurotrophins to modulate their own synthesis in an autocrine manner. As a step towards understanding the role of Trk in regulating the synthesis of neurotrophins, we exposed NIH-3T3 cells expressing TrkA or TrkC receptors to their cognate ligands as well as to GM1, a ganglioside that activates TrkA and TrkC by inducing the release of neurotrophin-3. Nerve growth factor and neurotrophin-3 synthesis were then determined by measuring the relative levels of protein and mRNA. TrkA-expressing cells exposed to human recombinant nerve growth factor exhibited higher levels of nerve growth factor mRNA. Human recombinant neurotrophin-3 evoked an increase in nerve growth factor mRNA in both TrkA and TrkC-expressing cells. GM1 elicited a time-dependent increase in nerve growth factor protein and mRNA in NIH-3T3 cells expressing TrkA or TrkC receptor but not in wild-type cells. Surprisingly, GM1 failed to change neurotrophin-3 levels. The ability of GM1 to increase nerve growth factor mRNA levels was blocked by TrkC-IgG but not by TrkB-IgG receptor body. These data suggest that released neurotrophin-3 may activate a positive autocrine loop of nerve growth factor synthesis by Trk activation.  相似文献   

In response to epidermal growth factor (EGF) stimulation, the intrinsic protein tyrosine kinase of EGF receptor is activated, leading to tyrosine phosphorylation of several cellular substrate proteins, including the EGF receptor molecule itself. To test the mechanism of EGF receptor autophosphorylation in living cells, we established transfected cell lines coexpressing a kinase-negative point mutant of EGF receptor (K721A) with an active EGF receptor mutant lacking 63 amino acids from its carboxy terminus. The addition of EGF to these cells caused tyrosine phosphorylation of the kinase-negative mutant by the active receptor molecule, demonstrating EGF receptor cross-phosphorylation in living cells. After internalization the kinase-negative mutant and CD63 have separate trafficking pathways. This limits their association and the extent of cross-phosphorylation of K721A by CD63. The coexpression of the kinase-negative mutant together with active EGF receptors in the same cells suppressed the mitogenic response toward EGF as compared with that in cells that express active receptors alone. The presence of the kinase-negative mutant functions as a negative dominant mutation suppressing the response of active EGF receptors, probably by interfering with EGF-induced signal transduction. It appears, therefore, that crucial events of signal transduction occur before K721A and active EGF receptors are separated by their different endocytic itineraries.  相似文献   

In addition to its neurotrophic activity, nerve growth factor (NGF) has been shown to interact with cells of the immune system. We have characterized the effects of NGF on human B cell proliferation and the regulation of NGF receptor expression on these cells. Nerve growth factor receptors were expressed on all tonsillar and peripheral blood B cells and this expression was increased upon activation of the cells. NGF augmented the mitogenic effect of the T-independent B cell mitogen, Staphylococcus aureus Cowan I strain, and provided a progression signal to competent B cells. The proliferative response was augmented when the progression signal provided by NGF was combined with that provided by IL-2 but not with IL-4. One effect of the interaction between NGF and IL-2 appears to occur at the receptor level, because each of these ligands increased the expression of the receptor for the other ligand, whereas IL-4 was without effect. These results demonstrate the expression of functional receptors on human B lymphocytes, the involvement of NGF in immuno-regulation, and indicate that NGF may act as a B cell growth factor.  相似文献   

When single-cell suspensions prepared from embroyonic day 8 (E8) chick sensory ganglia are incubated with nerve growth factor (NGF), anti-NGF antiserum, and complement, an NGF-dependent cytotoxic kill of 20 (±3)% of the ganglia cells is observed. This percentage is increased by a factor of two when only the neuronal cells are tested. No kill is observed on the nonneuronal cell population representing 50% of the ganglia dissociate. When E8 sensory ganglia cells are cultured in the presence of NGF following cytotoxic kill, the large, phase-bright NGF-reponsive neurons are missing from the culture. These results indicate that the cells recognized in the cytotoxicity assay have to carry NGF-binding sites of type I, which is the one with the higher affinity of the two types of NGF-binding sites (I and II) present on sensory ganglia cells. This conclusion is further supported by the following data: (a) half maximal cytotoxicity is reached already at a concentration of NGF which is below the KD of binding site I; (b) a washing step which removes all NGF bound to type II receptors while leaving a high percentage of type I receptors occupied has no effect on the percentage of ganglia cells killed. Using the cytotoxicity assay the presence of high-affinity binding sites of type I can be demonstrated on sensory ganglia cells from E8 chick embryos but not from E4 embryos and not on liver and heart cells from E8 embryos. Further, type I receptor-bearing cells were detectable in the brain using this assay. At E8, NGF receptors could be detected on cells of the forebrain and the tectum but not on brain stem cells. Cytotoxic kill of forebrain cells was found to be especially high at E8 and E9, and decreased by E10.  相似文献   

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