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DNA-binding region of the simian virus 40 tumor antigen.   总被引:27,自引:22,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
The simian virus 40 (SV40) tumor (T) antigen was purified by immunoaffinity chromatography and cleaved with small amounts of trypsin, and the resulting fragments were subjected to SV40 DNA cellulose chromatography. A 44,000-molecular-weight fragment (44K fragment) from the left end of the molecule and a 30K fragment mapping from approximately Lys 131 to Lys 371 bound to the column and were eluted with 1 M NaCl. In a second series of experiments, T antigen was immunoprecipitated with hamster anti-T serum or various monoclonal antibodies and partially digested with trypsin. Fragments that were solubilized by this treatment were tested for DNA-binding activity by using an SV40 DNA fragment-binding assay. A 17K fragment which originated from the amino-terminal region of the polypeptide had no apparent binding activity in this assay. On the other hand, larger fragments (76K, 46K, and 30K) whose amino termini were mapped around Lys 131 did display DNA-binding activity. Finally, complexes consisting of SV40 DNA and T-antigen fragments were precipitated in the DNA-binding assay with monoclonal antibodies that recognize the central region of the protein; however, antibodies with specificities to the amino- or carboxy-terminal regions were inactive. These results strongly suggest that the DNA-binding region of T antigen lies approximately between Lys 131 and Lys 371, corresponding to 0.51 and 0.37 map units on the DNA.  相似文献   

Epitopes on the major capsid protein of simian virus 40   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Thirteen monoclonal antibodies which react with the major capsid protein (VP1) of simian virus 40 (SV40) have been isolated. Of these, five neutralized viral infectivity when added in sufficient concentration. Seven of the antibodies reacted with denatured VP1 and also recognized fragments generated by protease or cyanogen bromide cleavage. The region of VP1 recognized by all seven antibodies was mapped within a nine-amino-acid segment located in the carboxyl portion of the protein (from amino acid positions 312 to 321). This region is likely to protrude from the surface of the protein as judged by high hydrophilicity and low hydropathy predicted from the amino acid sequence and lack of secondary structure by contrast with the rest of the protein for which predominantly beta-sheet structure is predicted. Competition between these antibodies and synthetic peptides for binding to virus particles confirmed that the continuous epitope is contained within the nine-amino-acid sequence. Competition between the different monoclonal antibodies suggested that the continuous epitope was also part of more complex discontinuous epitopes recognized by some of the other antibodies. These results support a model in which a segment of the carboxyl-terminal portion of VP1 protrudes from the surface of the virus to form an antigenic structure.  相似文献   

Three simian virus 40 (SV40)-transformed monkey cell lines, C2, C6, and C11, producing T-antigen variants that are unable to initiate viral DNA replication, were analyzed with respect to their affinity for regulatory sequences at the viral origin of replication. C2 and C11 T antigens both bound specifically to sequences at sites 1 and 2 at the viral origin region, whereas C6 T antigen showed no specific affinity for any viral DNA sequences under all conditions tested. Viral DNA sequences encoding the C6 T antigen have recently been cloned out of C6 cells and used to transform an established rat cell line. T antigen from several cloned C6-SV40-transformed rat lines failed to bind specifically to the origin. C6 DNA contains three mutations: two located close to the amino terminus of T antigen at amino acid positions 30 and 51 and a third located internally at amino acid position 153. Two recombinant SV40 DNA mutants were prepared containing either the amino-terminal mutations at positions 30 and 51 (C6-1) or the internally located mutation at position 153 (C6-2) and used to transform Rat 2 cells. Whereas T antigen from C6-2-transformed cells lacked any specific affinity for these sequences. Therefore, the single mutation at amino acid position 153 (Asn leads to Thr) is sufficient to abolish the origin-binding property of T antigen. A T antigen-specific monoclonal antibody, PAb 100, which had been previously shown to immunoprecipitate an immunologically distinct origin-binding subclass of T antigen, recognized wild-type or C6-1 antigens, but failed to react with C6 or C6-2 T antigens. These results indicate that viral replication function comprises properties of T antigen that exist in addition to its ability to bind specifically to the SV40 regulatory sequences. Furthermore, it is concluded from these data that specific viral origin binding is not a necessary feature of the transforming function of T antigen.  相似文献   

Proteolytic fragments of simian virus 40 tumor (T) antigen and T antigen that was dephosphorylated with alkaline phosphatase bound between 1.5 to 2 times more origin-containing simian virus 40 DNA than did intact T antigen in DNA saturation experiments. Kinetic experiments showed that these treatments also enhanced the rate at which T antigen bound to the DNA. The enhanced binding of T-antigen fragments correlated with the generation of DNA-binding fragments that lacked the NH2-terminal region. Dephosphorylation of T antigen in vitro resulted in the removal of phosphate groups from the NH2-terminal region as well as from the COOH-terminal region. To test the effects of dephosphorylation on the size of the protein, immunoaffinity-purified T antigen was subjected to sedimentation with and without prior treatment with alkaline phosphatase. Most of the purified protein sedimented as a monomer and no significant effect was observed after dephosphorylation, indicating that the enhanced DNA-binding activity was probably not due to the uncovering of additional binding sites buried specifically in oligomerized T antigen. Taken together, these results indicate that in vivo phosphorylation of the NH2-terminal region (residues 106 to 124) decreases the binding of the protein to the DNA origin. The effect is reversed by in vitro dephosphorylation or by proteolysis which removes the highly phosphorylated NH2-terminal arm of the polypeptide. We suggest that phosphorylation inactivates one of two distinct DNA-binding activities on the polypeptide chain perhaps corresponding to two separate regions in T antigen.  相似文献   

The core origin of simian virus 40 (SV40) DNA replication is composed of a 64-base-pair sequence encompassing T-antigen-binding site II and adjacent sequences on either side. A 7-base-pair sequence to the early side of T-antigen-binding site II which is conserved among the papovavirus genomes SV40, BK, JC, and SA12 was recently shown to be part of a 10-base-pair sequence required for origin activity (S. Deb, A.L. DeLucia, C.-P. Baur, A. Koff, and P. Tegtmeyer, Mol. Cell. Biol. 6:1663-1670, 1986), but its functional role was not defined. In the present report, we have used gel retention assays to identify a monkey cell factor that interacts specifically with double-stranded DNA carrying this sequence and also binds to single-stranded DNA. DNA-protein complexes formed with extracts from primate cells are more abundant and display electrophoretic mobilities distinct from those formed with rodent cell extracts. The binding activity of the factor on mutant templates is correlated with the replication activity of the origin. The results suggest that the monkey cell factor may be involved in SV40 DNA replication.  相似文献   

Identification of simian virus 40 protein A.   总被引:43,自引:27,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
A large simian virus 40 (SV40)-specific protein can be efficiently immunoprecipitated from infected cell extracts with antisera obtained from hamsters bearing SV40-induced tumors. The protein has an apparent molecular weight of 88,000 to 100,000 with respect to markers with known molecular weights, but behaves anomalously on sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide gels. Cell lines infected by two different strains of SV40 synthesize immunoreactive proteins that differ slightly in mobility during SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, evidence that the protein is coded for by the virus. These differences in protein size correlate with differences in the electrophoretic mobility of viral DNA fragments obtained by digestion with HindII and III restriction enzymes. The size of the viral capsid proteins VP2 and VP3 also varies with the strain of virus. dl-1001, a constructed deletion mutant that lacks part of the SV40A gene, directs the synthesis of a 33,000-dalton polypeptide that is not detected in cells infected with wild-type virus. The deletion fragment, like the larger protein, is phosphorylated. Maps of tryptic peptides from the 88,000- to 100,000-dalton protein and the 33,000-dalton fragment show common peptides and provide strong direct evidence that the proteins are products of the SV40 A gene. The deletion fragment reacts with antitumor sera and binds to double-stranded DNA in the presence of the complete A protein.  相似文献   

Modification of simian virus 40 protein A.   总被引:19,自引:33,他引:19       下载免费PDF全文
The A protein of simian virus 40 is phosphorylated in both productive and transforming infection. The phosphorylated amino acid has been identified as serine and has been localized in a single tryptic peptide of the protein. Because the A protein synthesized in infection by A mutants is phosphorylated to the same extent and in the same peptide as in infection by wild-type virus, the functional defect of the A mutants is apparently unrelated to phosphorylation. At least three distinct forms of the A protein with apparent molecular weights of 85,000, 88,000, and 100,000 can be identified in extracts of cells infected by wild-type virus. After exposure of cells to Nonidet P-40, the 85,000- and 88,000-dalton proteins were found in varying amounts in extracts of permissive cells but not in extracts of transformed cells. This finding raised the question of the possible functional importance of the smaller proteins in productive infection. However, the virtual absence of the 85,000- and 88,000-dalton proteins in some extracts of the fully permissive CV-1 cell line indicates that a conversion of the larger to the smaller forms of the A protein is not required in significant quantity for productive infection. Furthermore, a study of extraction conditions shows that the smaller proteins are easily generated during extraction and provides an explanation for the appearance of these proteins in some cells after extraction under unfavorable conditions.  相似文献   

T antigen (Tag) from simian virus 40 binds specifically to two distinct sites in the viral origin of replication and to single-stranded DNA. Analysis of the protein domain responsible for these activities revealed the following. (i) The C-terminal boundary of the origin-specific and single-strand-specific DNA-binding domain is at or near amino acid 246; furthermore, the maximum of these DNA-binding activities coincides with a narrow C-terminal boundary, spanning 4 amino acids (246 to 249) and declines sharply in proteins with C termini which differ by a few (4 to 10) amino acids; (ii) a polypeptide spanning residues 132 to 246 of Tag is an independent domain responsible for origin-specific DNA binding and presumably for single-stranded DNA binding; and (iii) a comparison of identical N-terminal fragments of Tag purified from mammalian and bacterial cells revealed differential specificity and levels of activity between the two sources of protein. A role for posttranslational modification (phosphorylation) in controlling the DNA-binding activity of Tag is discussed.  相似文献   

M Strauss  P Argani  I J Mohr    Y Gluzman 《Journal of virology》1987,61(10):3326-3330
The origin-specific DNA-binding domain of simian virus 40 large T antigen was analyzed, and its C-terminal boundary was found to be at or before amino acid 259. This does not include the zinc finger structural motif located at amino acids 302 to 320 (J. M. Berg, Science 232:485-486, 1986). Interestingly, N-terminal fragments of 266 and 272 amino acids and larger displayed dramatically reduced origin-binding activity. In addition, the specific DNA-binding properties of truncated proteins purified from both bacterial and mammalian sources were compared. Truncated T antigens from mammalian cells bound specific DNA fragments more efficiently than did their bacterial counterparts. These results implicate posttranslational modification with a role in regulating the DNA-binding activity of large T antigen.  相似文献   

The DNA-binding domain of simian virus 40 tumor antigen has been previously shown to participate in a number of different activities. Besides being involved in binding to sequences at the viral replication origin, this domain appears to be required for nonspecific DNA binding, for structurally distorting origin DNA (melting and untwisting), and possibly for oligomerization of the protein into hexamers and double hexamers. We now provide evidence that it also takes part in unwinding origin DNA sequences, contributes a function specifically related to in vivo DNA replication, and perhaps supports the assembly of the virus or release of the virus from the cell. This 100-amino-acid domain appears to be an excellent model system for studying how a small region of a protein could have a number of distinct activities.  相似文献   

Simian virus 40 T antigen (TAg) exhibits nonspecific and origin-specific DNA binding (ori binding) and ATPase and helicase activities, all of which are related to its roles in viral DNA replication. We have characterized some of the properties of four replication-defective but transformation-competent mutant TAgs, C6-2, T22, C11, and C8A. C6-2 and T22 TAgs were each previously determined to lack ori-binding properties, while C11 TAg was reported to lack ATPase activity. The C8A TAg did not exhibit defects in either ori-binding or ATPase functions. We have analyzed additional aspects of these mutant TAgs pertaining to their helicase, DNA-binding, and immunological properties. With the exception of the C11 TAg, all the other TAgs exhibited helicase activity. The lack of helicase activity by C11 TAg was consistent with its previously shown inability to hydrolyze ATP or to replicate viral DNA. These results therefore show that ori-binding and helicase activities are separate functions of TAg. Wild-type and mutant TAgs bound with similar efficiency to either native or denatured calf thymus DNA-cellulose, indicating no marked differences in their nonspecific DNA-binding properties. We also tested the binding of wild-type and mutant TAgs to a monoclonal antibody, PAb 100, that was previously shown to recognize an extremely small class of TAg that may represent a unique conformational form of the protein. Interestingly, while less than 10% of the wild-type, C6-2, C11, and T22 mutant TAgs were recognized by PAb 100, more than 60% of the C8A mutant TAg was bound by this antibody. Therefore, although no defect in biochemical function was observed with the C8A TAg, its deficiency in viral DNA replication may be related to an unusual conformation, as detected by its dramatically increased recognition by PAb 100. These results show that the helicase activity of TAg is not required for its transformation function.  相似文献   

We have determined the sequence of the portion of Simian Virus 40 (SV40) that codes for the major structural protein of the virus. The gene contains 361 codons. Synonym codons for an amino acid are not used randomly. The dinucleotide CG occurs only once and there is 2 to 1 preference for uridylic acid in the third position of codons.  相似文献   

The nuclear localization signal of the major structural protein, Vp1, of simian virus 40 was further defined by mutagenesis. The targeting activity was examined in cells microinjected with SV-Vp1 variant viral DNAs bearing either an initiation codon mutation of the agnoprotein or mutations in the Vp1 coding sequence or microinjected with pSG5-Vp1 and pSG5-Vp1 mutant DNAs in which Vp1 or mutant Vp1 is expressed from simian virus 40 early promoter. The Vp1 nuclear localization signal functioned autonomously without agno-protein once the Vp1 protein was synthesized in the cytoplasm. The targeting activity was localized to the amino-terminal 19 residues. While replacement of cysteine 10 with glycine, alanine, or serine did not affect the activity, replacement of arginine 6 with glycine caused the cytoplasmic phenotype. When multiple mutations were introduced among residue 5, 6, 7, 16, 17, or 19, the targeting activity was found to reside in two clusters of basic residues, a cluster of lysine 5, arginine 6, and lysine 7 and a cluster of lysine 16, lysine 17, and lysine 19. The clusters are independently important for nuclear localization activity.  相似文献   

The specificity and regulation of protein-DNA interactions play a crucial role in all aspects of communication between genotype and phenotype in a cell. The large T antigen of simian virus 40 binds to identical, yet quite differently arranged, pentanucleotide motifs in the simian virus 40 control region, sites I and II. Wild-type T antigen preferentially binds site I. We demonstrate that a bacterial peptide encoding residues 1 to 259 (T260) includes the essential amino acids required for binding to both DNA sites but predominantly binds site II. However, a longer peptide (residues 1 to 369; T370) binds almost exclusively to site I. Thus, the addition of amino acids 260 to 369 to the T260 peptide results in the loss of site II binding. This region includes a single putative metal-binding region, and mutation of T370 at either conserved cysteine of the finger results in equal but inefficient binding to both sites. While no metal binding has been shown to be directly associated with this sequence, these results suggest a novel, perhaps structural, function for such a finger motif, since this domain of T antigen appears to play a crucial role in modulating the DNA-binding behavior of T-antigen peptides.  相似文献   

An antigenic determinant common to the major capsid polypeptide (VP1) of simian virus 40 (SV40) and polyoma virus is described. Antisera prepared against intact viral particles reacted only with cells infected with the homologous virus by immunofluorescence tests (IF). However, antisera prepared against disrupted SV40 particles reacted in IF with both polyoma- and SV40-infected permissive cells. The cross-reaction with polyoma was localized to VP1 by the following evidence. (i) The IF cross-reaction was inhibited by preincubation of the antiserum with purified SV40 VP1; (ii) purified radiolabeled polyoma VP1 was precipitated by the cross-reactive serum, and this reaction was inhibited by unlabeled SV40 VP1; (iii) other antisera prepared against purified SV40 VP1 or polyoma VP1 reacted in IF with both SV40- and polyma-infected permissive cells. These cross-reacting antisera also reacted in IF with permissive cells infected with BK virus, rabbit kidney vacuolating virus, and the stumptailed macaque virus, suggesting that all members of the polyoma-SV40 subgroup share a common antigenic determinant located in their major capsid polypeptides.  相似文献   

Amino acid compositions of simian virus 40 structural proteins   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The structural proteins of purified SV40 particles were isolated by preparative polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and the amino acid composition of each protein was obtained. The amino acid composition of VP1 (the major coat protein) was significantly different to that of VP3 (the capsid protein most closely associated with SV40 DNA). The amino acid compositions of VP4, VP5 and VP6 indicated that these proteins were not exclusively histones.  相似文献   

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