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Abstract: Carbon fiber microelectrodes either were implanted directly into striatal tissue or were mounted into the outlet of microdialysis probes that were implanted into striatal tissue. This allowed voltammetry and microdialysis to be used under identical in vivo experimental conditions to monitor extracellular dopamine levels during electrical stimulation of the medial forebrain bundle both before and after uptake inhibition with nomifensine. The marked differences between the results obtained with each technique cannot be explained on the basis of their inherent analytical attributes (sensitivity, temporal response, etc.). The results demonstrate that the microdialysis recovery factor for endogenous dopamine increases after uptake inhibition, an observation that stands in contradiction to the existing theory and practice of the microdialysis technique. The observations led to the development of a numerical model that rationalizes the observations reported herein and that allows in vivo voltammetry and in vivo microdialysis results to be interpreted within a single theoretical framework.  相似文献   

The effects of a number of biochemical and pharmacological manipulations on amphetamine (AMPH)-induced alterations in dopamine (DA) release and metabolism were examined in the rat striatum using the in vivo brain microdialysis method. Basal striatal dialysate concentrations were: DA, 7 nM; dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC), 850 nM; homovanillic acid (HVA), 500 nM; 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA), 300 nM; and 3-methoxytyramine (3-MT), 3 nM. Intraperitoneal injection of AMPH (4 mg/kg) induced a substantial increase in DA efflux, which attained its maximum response 20-40 min after drug injection. On the other hand, DOPAC and HVA efflux declined following AMPH. The DA response, but not those of DOPAC and HVA, was dose dependent within the range of AMPH tested (2-16 mg/kg). High doses of AMPH (greater than 8 mg/kg) also decreased 5-HIAA and increased 3-MT efflux. Depletion of vesicular stores of DA using reserpine did not affect significantly AMPH-induced dopamine efflux. In contrast, prior inhibition of catecholamine synthesis, using alpha-methyl-p-tyrosine, proved to be an effective inhibitor of AMPH-evoked DA release (less than 35% of control). Moreover, the DA releasing action of AMPH was facilitated in pargyline-pretreated animals (220% of control). These data suggest that AMPH releases preferentially a newly synthesised pool of DA. Nomifensine, a DA uptake inhibitor, was an effective inhibitor of AMPH-induced DA efflux (18% of control). On the other hand, this action of AMPH was facilitated by veratrine and ouabain (200-210% of control). These results suggest that the membrane DA carrier may be involved in the actions of AMPH on DA efflux.  相似文献   

Abstract: The concentration-related effects of ethanol on extracellular dopamine (DA) in rat striatum were studied by direct perfusion through microdialysis probes in freely moving rats. Two sets of three ethanol concentrations were separately tested using a Latin square experimental design. Potassium stimulation with high potassium (50 m M ) in artificial CSF (ACSF) preceding ethanol treatment confirmed the neuronal function of dopaminergic cells by increasing DA concentrations to 200–1,500% of basal levels. The perfusion with calcium-free ACSF applied at the end of each experiment confirmed the calcium dependency of the basal levels of extracellular DA by decreasing basal DA levels by 70%. The striatal volume measurement to examine the possible brain damage by direct ethanol perfusion suggested that ethanol did not increase the damage caused by the probe implantation at any ethanol concentration tested in this study. The 30-min direct perfusion of 510 and 860 m M ethanol resulted in a significant concentration-related stimulatory effect on the extracellular DA concentration in rat striatum (510 m M , 29% increase, p < 0.05; 860 m M , 66% increase, p < 0.05). However, there was no significant effect of ethanol at low concentrations, ≤170 m M . Considering the effective ethanol concentration in tissue areas in which DA is sampled, the data suggest that concentrations of ethanol associated with moderate intoxication do not directly affect the extracellular concentration of DA in the striatum. Therefore, the systemic effects of ethanol on striatal DA found in previous studies may be caused by the interaction with sites other than the striatum.  相似文献   

Abstract: Numerical modeling was used as a means to examine the relationship between the outcome of in vivo voltammetry and microdialysis experiments and dopamine concentrations in the extracellular fluid of rat striatum. In the case of microdialysis, quantitative interpretation of results demands knowledge of the in vivo values for the extraction and recovery ratios of the probes toward dopamine. Equality of the extraction and recovery ratios is a necessary condition for the direct application of the no-net-flux method as a quantitative technique. Recent results have suggested that the extraction and recovery ratios are not equal, and this interpretation is now supported by theory. A new relationship between extraction and recovery is proposed.  相似文献   

Abstract: The effects of benzazepine derivatives on extracellular levels of dopamine (DA) and l -3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) in the dorsal striatum of freely moving rats were studied using in vivo microdialysis. Direct injection of SKF-38393 (0.5 or 1.5 µg/0.5 µl), a selective D1 receptor agonist, into the striatum through a cannula secured alongside a microdialysis probe produced a rapid dose-dependent transient increase in striatal DA efflux and a more gradual reduction in efflux of DOPAC. The rapid increase in DA efflux was not affected by infusion of tetrodotoxin (TTX; 2 µ M ) or Ca2+-free Ringer's solution and occurred after either enantiomer of SKF-38393. A TTX-insensitive increase in DA level similar to that induced by SKF-38393 was also seen after other benzazepines acting as agonists (SKF-75670 and SKF-82958, each 1.5 µg in 0.5 µl) and antagonists (SCH-23390, 1.5 µg in 0.5 µl) at the D1 receptor and after (+)-amphetamine. These effects were inhibited by infusion of nomifensine (100 µ M ). It is concluded that the transient increases in striatal DA efflux seen after intrastriatal injection of SKF-38393 and other benzazepines are not mediated by presynaptic D1 receptors but by an amphetamine-like action on the dopamine transporter.  相似文献   

Extracellular levels of amino acids were estimated in dialysates of the rat striatum that were collected 1, 2, and/or more than 5 days after surgery, before (resting release) and during exposure to high K concentrations (50 mM) or electroconvulsive shocks. The resting release of several amino acids (Glu, Asn, Thr, Tau, Tyr, Gly, and Ala) was higher 9 days as compared to 1 day after surgery. In the 1-day preparation the resting release correlated highly with that observed with push-pull cannulas. The correlation with the tissue content of the amino acids was high only when they were divided into two groups (putative transmitters and metabolic intermediates). High K exposure produced increased output of Ala, ethanolamine (Eam), Asp, Glu, Tau, and Gly and a decrease in the egress of Gln 1 or 2 days after surgery. The effects on Asp and Glu had disappeared, and that on Gln reversed after 4-9 days. Electrically induced convulsions produced increased output of Ala, Gln, and Eam 1 or 2 days and 2 weeks after implantation of the probe. Changes were seen not only during but also (and some cases even more prominent) after the seizure. This study shows the usefulness of dialysis to monitor extracellular transmitter amino acids in the striatum of conscious rats (also bilateral dialysis was possible) for only a limited time after implantation of the probe. The dialysis method is suitable for longer time, when metabolic changes in amino acids are to be followed. In addition to transmitter release, glycolysis can be monitored by the measurement of Ala in the dialysate.  相似文献   

The extracellular concentration of dopamine (DA) and 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid in the substantia nigra (SN) and striatum was estimated by microdialysis. The dialysate content of DA from the SN was recorded during infusion of a DA uptake blocker (nomifensine; 5 mumol/L) dissolved in the perfusion fluid. Perfusion of tetrodotoxin (1 mumol/L) produced a virtually complete disappearance of nigral and striatal DA release. Dendritic as well as terminal release of DA was inhibited for several hours when the nerve impulse flow in dopaminergic neurons was blocked by systemic administration of gamma-butyrolactone (750 mg/kg, i.p.). The systemic administration (0.3 mg/kg, i.p.) as well as infusion (1 mumol/L) of the D2 agonist (-)-N-0437 [2-(n-propyl-N-2-thienylethylamino)-5-hydroxytetralin] produced a significant decrease in the release of DA in both the striatum and the SN. DA levels were recorded in the striatum both with and without addition of nomifensine to the perfusion fluid. The decrease in the striatum after (-)-N-0437 was suppressed in the presence of nomifensine. Infusion (1 mumol/L) as well as systemic administration (40 mg/kg) of sulpiride caused a similar increase in the release of striatal DA; this increase was, in both experiments, potentiated by nomifensine coinfusion. Sulpiride administration induced a small increase in the release of nigral DA. Infusion of (-)-N-0437 or (-)-sulpiride into the nigra caused a moderate decrease and increase, respectively, of striatal DA level.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The sulphated octapeptide of cholecystokinin (CCK-8S) was found to cause a dose-dependent increase in the basal release of aspartate, glycine, and gamma-aminobutyric acid from the striatum and the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus (VMH). No effect on amino acid release was observed after electrical (VMH) or potassium (striatum) stimulation. Experiments performed using the CCKB-selective antagonist L-365,260 and the CCKA-selective antagonist L-364,718 suggested that this action of CCK-8S was mediated via the CCKB receptor. The ability of CCK-8S to evoke amino acid release was not dependent on the presence of extracellular calcium, though the effect was abolished by tetrodotoxin. Inhibition of protein kinase activity by staurosporine prevented the excitatory effects of CCK-8S on amino acid release.  相似文献   

Abstract: The somatodendritic release of dopamine in substantia nigra previously has been suggested to be nonvesicular in nature and thus to differ from the classical, exocytotic release of dopamine described for the dopaminergic nerve terminal in striatum. We have compared the effects of reserpine, a compound that disrupts vesicular sequestration of monoamines, on the storage and release of dopamine in substantia nigra and striatum of rats. Reserpine administration (5 mg/kg, i.p.) significantly decreased the tissue level of dopamine in substantia nigra pars reticulata, substantia nigra pars compacta, and striatum. In these brain areas, reserpine-induced reductions in tissue dopamine level occurred within 2 h and persisted at 24 h postdrug. In vivo measurements using microdialysis revealed that reserpine administration rapidly decreased the extracellular dopamine concentration to nondetectable levels in substantia nigra as well as in striatum. In both structures, it was observed that reserpine treatment significantly attenuated the release of dopamine evoked by a high dose of amphetamine (10 mg/kg, i.p.) given 2 h later. In contrast, dopamine efflux in response to a low dose of amphetamine (2 mg/kg, i.p.) was not altered by reserpine pretreatment either in substantia nigra or in striatum. The present data suggest the existence, both at the somatodendritic and at the nerve terminal level, of a vesicular pool of dopamine that is the primary site of transmitter storage and that can be displaced by high but not low doses of amphetamine. The physiological release of dopamine in substantia nigra and in striatum is dependent on the integrity of this vesicular store.  相似文献   

The effects of apomorphine (0.1-2.5 mg/kg) on release of endogenous dopamine and extracellular levels of 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) and homovanillic acid (HVA) in the prefrontal cortex and the striatum were examined in vivo by a microdialysis method. Apomorphine significantly reduced release of dopamine and the extracellular levels of dopamine metabolites, DOPAC and HVA, not only in the striatum, but also in the prefrontal cortex. These findings indicate that dopamine autoreceptors modulate in vivo release of dopamine in the prefrontal cortex.  相似文献   

We have previously described a marked attenuation of postischemic striatal neuronal death by prior substantia nigra (SN) lesioning. The present study was carried out to evaluate whether the protective effect of the lesion involves changes in the degree of local cerebral blood flow (ICBF) reduction, energy metabolite depletion, or alterations in the extracellular release of striatal dopamine (DA), glutamate (Glu), or gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). Control and SN-lesioned rats were subjected to 20 min of forebrain ischemia by four-vessel occlusion combined with systemic hypotension. Levels of ICBF, as measured by the autoradiographic method, and energy metabolites were uniformly reduced in both the ipsi- and contralateral striata at the end of the ischemic period, a finding implying that the lesion did not affect the severity of the ischemic insult itself. Extracellular neurotransmitter levels were measured by microdialysis; the perfusate was collected before, during, and after ischemia. An approximately 500-fold increase in DA content, a 7-fold increase in Glu content, and a 5-fold increase in GABA content were observed during ischemia in nonlesioned animals. These levels gradually returned to baseline by 30 min of reperfusion. In SN-lesioned rats, the release of DA was completely prevented, the release of GABA was not affected, and the release of Glu was partially attenuated. However, excessive extracellular Glu concentrations were still attained, which are potentially toxic. This, taken together with the previous neuropathological findings, suggests that excessive release of DA is important for the development of ischemic cell damage in the striatum.  相似文献   

The role of the noradrenergic nucleus Locus Coeruleus (LC) on hemorrhage-induced vasopressin (AVP) and oxytocin (OT) secretion was examined. Rats with LC lesion were submitted to three 1-min hemorrhage sessions at 5-min intervals; 15% of the total blood volume was withdrawn in each session. OT and AVP were measured in plasma, paraventricular (PVN) and supraoptic (SON) nuclei and in posterior pituitary (PP). LC Lesion did not affect basal plasma AVP or OT levels, but partly blocked the increase in plasma AVP and OT induced by hemorrhage. Hemorrhage produced decreases in content of AVP and OT in the PVN and SON and increased levels in the PP. These responses were attenuated in the lesioned group, but only in the PVN and PP. Data suggest a stimulatory role of the inputs from LC to PVN neurons on hemorrhage-induced OT and AVP secretion and that, this pathway is critical in the hypo-volemic neuroendocrine reflex.Special Issue Dedicated to Miklós Palkovits.  相似文献   

Extracellular fluid levels of dopamine and neurotensin in the rat prefrontal cortex were measured using in vivo microdialysis. Electrical stimulation of the median forebrain bundle resulted in increased release of both dopamine and neurotensin from the prefrontal cortex. Thus, stimulation of neurons in which dopamine and neurotensin are colocalized can evoke the in vivo release of both substances.  相似文献   

The effects of implantation of a dialysis probe into the striatum of awake rats on indices of dopamine (DA) and serotonin neurotransmission were assessed, first over 24 h following initial insertion of a probe, and then again following reinsertion of a probe at the same site 1 week later. It was found that the basal concentration of DA in dialysate stabilized within 20-40 min after probe implantation, although DA showed a modest decline 24 h later. There was, however, no significant difference in basal DA between two test sessions separated by 1 week. On the other hand, the basal concentrations of the DA metabolites, 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid and homovanillic acid, progressively increased for 2-3 h after probe implantation and decreased markedly by 24 h later. Furthermore, in contrast to DA, the DA metabolites decreased even further after the second probe insertion. Amphetamine-stimulated DA release was also greatly attenuated following the second probe insertion, relative to the first probe insertion. Two probe insertions had only modest effects on the concentration of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid in dialysate, relative to the DA metabolites. It is suggested the effects of two probe insertions on DA metabolism and amphetamine-stimulated DA release described here are indicative of probe-induced damage to the nigrostriatal DA system. If this is the case, multiple probe insertions may not provide a feasible strategy for within-subjects design dialysis experiments over extended periods of time, at least in the DA system of small animals. It is suggested further that a stable basal concentration of DA in dialysate may be an especially poor indicator of the integrity of the dopaminergic input to the striatum.  相似文献   

The effect of kainate on extracellular levels of amino acids in corpus striatum was investigated in vitro and in vivo, to elucidate the mechanism underlying its neurotoxicity. Kainate increased extracellular glutamate and aspartate in both striatal slices in vitro and intact striatum in vivo, as previously reported. Both in vitro and in vivo, DL-threo-3-hydroxyaspartate increased extracellular glutamate and aspartate levels (to between 150 and 200% of basal), and also enhanced their kainate-evoked release. The action of kainate in vivo was reduced by prior frontal decortication, whereas in vitro the kainate-evoked responses were only slightly reduced by tetrodotoxin, and remained above control values. These results confirm that kainate increases extracellular glutamate and aspartate, and provide evidence that this is due to synaptic release evoked by an action on receptors on glutamatergic neurone terminals. These findings may be relevant to the understanding of epilepsy.  相似文献   

The release of neurotransmitters and modulators has been studied mostly using labeled preloaded compounds. For several reasons, however, the estimated release may not reliably reflect the release of endogenous compounds. The basal and K+-evoked release of the neuroactive endogenous amino acids GABA, glycine, taurine, l-glutamate and l-aspartate was now studied in slices from the hippocampus and brain stem from 7-day-old and 3-month-old mice under control and ischemic conditions. The release of synaptically not active l-glutamine, l-alanine, l-threonine and l-serine was assessed for comparison. The estimates for the hippocampus and brainstem were markedly different and also different in developing and adult mice. GABA release was much greater in 3-month-old than in 7-day-old mice, whereas with taurine the situation was the opposite, in the hippocampus in particular. K+ stimulation enhanced glycine release more in the mature than immature brain stem while in the hippocampus the converse was observed. Ischemia enhanced the release of all neuroactive amino acids in both brain regions, the effects being relatively most pronounced in the case of GABA, aspartate and glutamate in the hippocampus in 3-month-old mice, and taurine in 7-day-old and glycine in 3-month-old mice in the brain stem. These results are qualitatively similar to those obtained on earlier experiments with labeled preloaded amino acids. However, the magnitudes of the release cannot be quite correctly estimated using radioactive labels. In developing mice only taurine release may counteract the harmful effects of excitatory amino acids in ischemia in both hippocampus and brain stem.  相似文献   

In the present study, we have applied the brain microdialysis technique to investigate the effect of the stimulation of adenylate cyclase on the extracellular levels of dopamine (DA), 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC), homovanillic acid (HVA), and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) in the striatum of freely moving rats. Infusion of 8-bromo-adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (8-Br-cAMP), 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine, or forskolin produced a significant increase in the release of DA. The effect of 8-Br-cAMP was tetrodotoxin, Ca2+, and dose dependent and was saturable. 8-Br-cAMP also caused an increase in the output of DOPAC and HVA. No effects were seen on the output of 5-HIAA, except at the highest 8-Br-cAMP concentration studied. Infusion of 8-Br-cAMP (25 microM, 1.0 mM, and 3.3 mM) together with infusion of (-)-sulpiride (1 microM) or systemic administration of (+/-)-sulpiride (55 mumol/kg i.p.) produced an additive effect on the release of DA. Infusion or peripheral administration of (-)-N-0437 (1 microM or 1 mumol/kg) both decreased the 8-Br-cAMP-induced increase in the release of DA. These results demonstrate that cyclic AMP may stimulate the release of DA, but it is unlikely that this second messenger is linked to presynaptic D2 receptors controlling the release of DA.  相似文献   

The weaver mutant mouse has a genetically determined defect in the nigrostriatal dopaminergic system. The present study was undertaken to test the hypothesis that in the weaver mutant mouse, striatal nerve terminals undergo compensatory changes in response to this deficiency. To test this hypothesis, we studied the basal and stimulated release of dopamine from striatal slices of weaver mutant mice and matched controls. By using a superfusion system and concentrating the superfusate by passage over alumina, resting dopamine release could be determined in the weaver mutant despite the fact that striatal tissue content of dopamine in these mice is reduced by greater than 75% compared with control mice. Fractional resting release of dopamine in weaver striatal slices was significantly elevated compared with that in controls, suggesting that the release mechanisms in the weaver may be adapting to overcome the dopamine deficit. Potassium-evoked release (24 and 48 mM potassium) was not significantly different between the two genotypes. In contrast, amphetamine-evoked release (1 microM) was significantly greater in the weaver mice than in controls. In both genotypes, release evoked by amphetamine was completely inhibited by cocaine, implicating the dopamine uptake carrier in this release process. These findings suggest that fundamental differences in dopamine release mechanisms exist between weaver and control mice and support the hypothesis that compensatory mechanisms may develop in neurons in response to dopamine deficits.  相似文献   

The effect of the anxiogenic beta-carboline methyl-beta-carboline-3-carboxyamide (FG 7142) on dopamine release in prefrontal cortex and striatum in the awake freely moving rat was determined using the technique of microdialysis. FG 7142 (25 mg/kg, i.p.) caused a time-dependent increase in dopamine release in prefrontal cortex which was statistically significantly greater than the response to vehicle administration. Dopamine release in striatum was unaltered by FG 7142. Pretreatment of animals with the benzodiazepine antagonist Ro 15-1788 (30 mg/kg, i.p., 15 min prior to FG 7142 administration) completely abolished the increase in dopamine release caused by FG 7142 in prefrontal cortex. These data indicate that the anxiogenic benzodiazepine inverse agonist FG 7142 can selectively increase dopamine release in prefrontal cortex, and that this effect appears to be mediated via the gamma-aminobutyric acid/benzodiazepine receptor complex.  相似文献   

The effects of amphetamine (amph) and high K+ on the synthesis and release of dopamine (DA) were compared in striatal slices. Both agents stimulated DA synthesis as well as release. For both agents, Ca2+ was required for the initiation of synthesis stimulation as well as for the maintenance of this stimulation. The addition of EGTA to medium containing slices that were already stimulated by 1.0 microM-amph or 55 mM-K+ markedly reduced the stimulation of DA synthesis. Although it has been reported that high K+ activates soluble tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), neither high K+ nor amph appeared to increase the affinity of the synthetic cofactor, 6-MPH4, or decrease the affinity of the catechol, DA, for TH. This finding was supported by the observation that the inhibitory effect of L-DOPA on DA synthesis in slices, in which synthesis was stimulated by either agent, was not decreased. Although both 1.0 microM-amph and 55 mM-K+ stimulated the release of [3H]DA from striatal slices, the release produced by K+ was Ca2+-dependent, whereas release produced by amph did not occur at any concentration tested. Studies on pH requirements for both synthesis and release also confirmed a similarity between amph and K+ in stimulating synthesis but not in stimulating release. These results suggest that depolarizing agents, such as high K+, couple synthesis and release of DA by a Ca2+-dependent mechanism. In contrast, the simultaneous stimulation of synthesis and release by amph is not regulated by Ca2+.  相似文献   

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