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A direct, noncompetitive immunoassay for chicken lipoprotein lipase (LPL) was developed. Antibodies to LPL were purified by immunoadsorption chromatography of goat antisera on an LPL-Sepharose column. Purified anti-LPL immunoglobulins were coupled covalently to hydrophilic polyacrylamide beads by a carbodiimide reagent. An excess amount of these beads was incubated with the sample or the standard to be assayed. The amount of LPL immobilized by the beads was then detected by an excess amount of 125I-labeled anti-LPL immunoglobulin. A linear relationship was obtained between the radioactivity bound and the amount of highly purified LPL used as a standard. The range of the assay was from 0.1-1.1 ng LPL. The assay was specific for chicken LPL and showed no cross-reactivity with liver lipase. It does not distinguish heat-inactivated from catalytically active enzyme species. This assay should be useful in studies of lipoprotein lipase where both catalytic activity and enzyme mass need to be quantitated.  相似文献   

M Nichols  R P Maickel  G K Yim 《Life sciences》1983,32(16):1819-1825
The role of brain serotonin levels in Walker 256 tumor induced anorexia was investigated. Total and free plasma tryptophan, regional brain serotonin and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid were determined at night, and their relationship to nocturnal anorexia assessed by linear regression analysis. No significant difference in tryptophan, serotonin, or 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid levels was detected between pair fed and tumor bearing rats exhibiting a 20% reduction of nighttime food intake. Tumor bearing rats with a 40% reduction in food intake had higher nighttime plasma free tryptophan and regional 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid levels than their pair fed malnourished controls. These results indicate that increased plasma free tryptophan and elevated serotonin metabolism may not be the initial dysfunction responsible for nocturnal anorexia. However, it may contribute to the decreasing nocturnal food intake in severely anorexic tumor rats.  相似文献   

A method for isoelectric focusing of antibodies in agarose gels with ampholytes synthesized in the laboratory from pentaethylenehexamine is presented. The ampholytes are easy to prepare, give results comparable to those with commercial ampholytes, and are much less expensive. Substituting agrarose bonded to plastic film for the polyacrylamide gels on glass plates commonly used offers many advantages and enhances the usefulness of isoelectric focusing as a tool for studying antibody molecules.  相似文献   

A method is described which gives direct visualization of protein bands in sodium dodecyl sulfate electrophoresis gels. The procedure consists of chilling the gels to 0–4°C and observing the white opaque bands which correspond to the stained protein bands. Ovalbumin can be detected by this method at a minimum concentration of 0.2 μg per mm2 of gel surface area.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the possible role of a central cholinergic component phencyclidine (PCP)-induced hypertension. Sprague-Dawley rats, lightly anesthetized with urethane, exhibited a dose related pressor response following 0.1–1.0 mg/kg PCP i.v. After i.v. atropine pre-treatment, the PCP dose-response curve was shifted to the right, and the magnitude of the pressor responses was reduced by about 50%. In addition, atropine reduced the incidence of apneusis, but had no effect on the bradycardia that accompanied the pressor responses. Methylatropine (i.v.) did not reduce the PCP pressor responses, nor did it prevent the apneusis induced by PCP. These results suggest that in addition to its direct pressor effects the activation of central cholinergic systems contribute significantly to the cardiovascular and respiratory toxicity induced by PCP.  相似文献   

A-Side (4-R)-(4-2H)-reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADD) was prepared by a stepwise oxidation of ethanol-d6 to acetate in the presence of NAD, alcohol dehydrogenase, and aldehyde dehydrogenase. The B-side (4-S) isomer of NADD was prepared using the glucose dehydrogenase activity of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase to oxidize to oxidize glucose-1-d in 40% dimethyl aulfoxide. Subsequent purifieation of the reduced nucleotides was achieved using a column of strongly basic polystyrene macroporous resin (AG MP-1) eluted with 0.2 m LiCl, pH 10, and applying the pooled NADD peak to a polyacrylamide gel (Bio-Gel P-2) column. The final A260A340 ratio obtained for these preparations was below 2.3. Preparation of the deuterated reduced nucleotides in this manner allows production of specifieally deuterated substrates by coupled enzymatic synthesis. L-Malate-2-d was prepared by coupled synthesis of A-side NADD to the reduction of oxaloacetate by the A-side enzyme malate dehydrogenase.  相似文献   

Highly purified human granulocytes isolated from continuous flow centrifugation leukapheresis concentrates by counterflow centrifugation-elutriation were stored at 4 °C in concentrations of 6 × 106 to 1 × 107 granulocytes per milliliter for up to 14 days. The in vitro physiological function assays of phagocytosis, oxygen consumption associated with phagocytosis, bacterial growth inhibition, chemotaxis, and five enzyme analyses indicated good storage survival for up to 4 days. Stored granulocytes separated from other blood cells have greater storage stability than granulocytes stored as leukapheresis concentrates. After 14 days of storage a small percentage of granulocytes still maintained all physiological functions, with the exception of chemotaxis. Of the five enzymes assayed, only the enzyme activity of leucine aminopeptidase decreased significantly by the 14th day of storage. The storage stability of each physiological function assayed decreased as follows: bacterial growth inhibition (most stable), phagocytosis, oxygen consumption, and chemotaxis (least stable).  相似文献   

Antibodies were raised in rabbits to a 51-amino acid cyanogen bromide-derived peptide of human erythrocyte glycophorin A which has been shown to represent the C-terminal end of the 131-residue polypeptide chain. Antibodies prepared by immunoadsorption were found to be directed against a chymotryptic-derived peptide (residues 102 to 118) of glycophorin A but were unreactive with either intact or proteolytically modified red blood cells. No cross-reactivity was observed with glycophorin B of human or sialoglycoproteins prepared from red blood cells of other mammalian species. Ferritin-antibody conjugates of such sera were applied to thin sections of intact red blood cells (frozen or protein embedded) and were found to localize exclusively to sites distributed uniformly along the inner surfaces of the membrane. No staining was seen on sections prepared from red blood cells from other species nor on sections of human red cells pretreated with unconjugated antisera. These results provide additional evidence in intact, fixed human erythrocytes that glycophorin A has a transmembrane orientation.  相似文献   

The tissue distribution and the effects of starvation and streptozotocin-induced diabetes on insulin B chain-degrading neutral peptidase activity in the rat have been studied. The neutral peptidase activity in tissue extracts was determined by measuring the formation of trichloroacetic acid-soluble radioactivity from 125I-labeled B chain of insulin in 0.1 m Tris buffer (pH 7.2). Inhibition by several different compounds (EDTA, dithiothreitol, and potassium phosphate) which are known to inhibit the purified enzyme and the effects of pH suggest that the B chain-degrading activity measured in each of 12 tissue extracts may be similar to the neutral peptidase recently purified from rat kidney (P. T. Varandani and L. A. Shroyer, 1977, Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 181, 82–93). Neutral peptidase activity was observed in all tissues examined and varied in the order kidney ? intestine > pancreas, testis > liver > thymus > heart, skeletal muscle, diaphragm > lung, spleen > fat. Neutral peptidase activity in kidney, liver, fat, and skeletal muscle from diabetic animals was significantly depressed when compared with the levels in these tissues from normal animals. Insulin treatment of diabetic animals raised the neutral peptidase activity in kidney, liver, and fat to levels equivalent to or even exceeding normal levels; however, activity in skeletal muscle persisted at depressed levels. Heart muscle neutral peptidase activity was not significantly affected in either diabetes or starvation. In the liver, starvation reduced the level of neutral peptidase activity while subsequent refeeding raised the activity to a level exceeding the control. Opposite effects were observed in kidney: starvation increased neutral peptidase activity while refeeding brought the activity back to normal levels. Only small decreases in neutral peptidase activity were observed in fat and skeletal muscle after 24 h starvation, but were not evident after 64 h starvation. The changes in neutral peptidase activity correlated well with the changes in glutathione-insulin transhydrogenase activity previously reported in liver and kidney.  相似文献   

Conformational energy computations have been carried out to determine the favorable ways of packing a right-handed alpha-helix on a right-twisted antiparallel or parallel beta-sheet. Co-ordinate transformations have been developed to relate the position and orientation of the alpha-helix to the beta-sheet. The packing was investigated for a CH3CO-(L-Ala)16-NHCH3 alpha-helix interacting with five-stranded beta-sheets composed of CH3CO-(L-Val)6-NHCH3 chains. All internal and external variables for both the alpha-helix and the beta-sheet were allowed to change during energy minimization. Four distinct classes of low-energy packing arrangements were found for the alpha-helix interacting with both the parallel and the anti-parallel beta-sheet. The classes differ in the orientation of the axis of the alpha-helix relative to the direction of the strands of the right-twisted beta-sheet. In the class with the most favorable arrangement, the alpha-helix is oriented along the strands of the beta-sheet, as a result of attractive non-bonded side-chain-side-chain interactions along the entire length of the alpha-helix. A class with nearly perpendicular orientation of the helix axis to the strands is also of low energy, because it allows similarly extensive attractive interactions. In the other two classes, the helix is oriented diagonally relative to the strands of the beta-sheet. In one of them, it interacts with the convex surface near the middle of the saddle-shaped twisted beta-sheet. In the other, it is oriented along the concave diagonal of the beta-sheet and, therefore, it interacts only with the corner regions of the sheet, so that this packing is energetically less favorable. The packing arrangements involving an antiparallel and a parallel beta-sheet are generally similar, although the antiparallel beta-sheet has been found to be more flexible. The major features of 163 observed alpha/beta packing arrangements in 37 proteins are accounted for in terms of the computed structural preferences. The energetically most favored packing arrangement is similar to the right-handed beta alpha beta crossover structure that is observed in proteins; thus, the preference for this connectivity arises in large measure from this energetically favorable interaction.  相似文献   

Regen rating fragments of wing imaginal discs were cultured in vivo for various periods up to 1 week. At specified times the fragments were removed, macerated, and the resulting cell counts were compared to similar counts made on the contralateral intact disc. Significant growth was seen beginning on the second day if the hosts were transferred to fresh media daily, while seen only on Day 4 and not thereafter if hosts were maintained on the same media throughout the culture period.  相似文献   

This study was performed in Western Maharastra (India). The 272 crossbred heifers were randomly allocated within herds to one of the four following groups: 1) silastic coils, 10 days treatment (n = 65); 2) Norgestomet implants, 10 days treatment (n = 71); 3) prostaglandin F(2alpha) two injections 11 days apart (n = 70); and 4) control (n = 66). Almost all heifers in the treated groups were detected in heat during the four days following treatment (88-100%) vs 26% in the control group in the first 21 days. Mean conception rates at first AIs were respectively 62,48 and 60% in groups 1,2 and 4 (p > 0.05) and only 29% in group 3. By 90 days after treatment, 66, 59, 46 and 33 per cent of the females were pregnant for groups 1 to 4, respectively (p < 0.001). In conclusion, progestogen treatments seemed to be highly satisfactory both in terms of conception rates and intervals from treatment to pregnancy.  相似文献   

Explicit expressions are derived which describe the binding of a univalent ligand to equivalent and independent sites on each state of an acceptor undergoing indefinite self-association that is governed by an isodesmic equilibrium constant KI. From considerations of systems in which the same site-binding constant kA applies to all acceptor-ligand interactions, the general forms of binding curves and Scatchard plots are deduced for situations in which binding sites are either created or lost at each monomer-monomer interface. Greater generality is then introduced into the model by allowing ligand interactions with polymeric acceptor states to be governed by a site-binding constant kp that differs in magnitude from that for monomeric acceptor kA. Finally, experimental results with the glutamate dehydrogenase-GTP and lysozyme-saccharide systems are used to illustrate ways in which the present quantitative expressions may be applied to the characterization of inteactions between a ligand and an indefinitely self-associating acceptor.  相似文献   

Histones have been isolated from the nuclei of unfertilized eggs of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. The electrophoresis of these histones exhibits a pattern different from that of the sperm or embryo of the same species.  相似文献   

The Pi concentration of Acer pseudoplatanus cells in the two major intracellular compartments, the cytoplasm and the vacuole, has been studied using 31P NMR. For sycamore cells containing approximately 2 mM of total Pi, the cytoplasmic Pi and the vacuolar Pi concentrations were approximately 6 and 1.5 mM, respectively. When the cells were transferred to a phosphate-deficient medium, the vacuolar Pi decreased rapidly while the cytoplasmic Pi decreased slowly during the first 48 h, indicating that Pi in the cytoplasm was maintained at the expense of the vacuolar Pi. When the Pi-starved cells (i.e., those containing less than 0.5 mumol of total Pi/g wet wt) were transferred to a medium containing 300 microM Pi, Pi entered the cells rapidly and accumulated in the cytoplasm. Once the cytoplasmic Pi pool was filled, Pi was taken up in the vacuole until the vacuole Pi pool was filled. On the contrary when the non-Pi-starved cells were transferred to a phosphate-rich medium (i.e., containing 45 mM Pi), Pi entered the cells slowly by diffusion and accumulated in the vacuole but not in the cytoplasm. These results demonstrate that the Pi content of the cytoplasm is maintained at the expense of the vacuolar Pi pool when sycamore cells are transferred to either a phosphate-deficient or a phosphate-rich medium.  相似文献   

The energies of two and three-chain antiparallel and parallel β-sheets have been minimized. The chains were considered to be equivalent. In each case, chains consisting of four and of eight l-alanine residues, respectively, with CH3CO- and -NHCH3 end groups were examined. Computations were carried out both for chains constrained to have a regular structure (i.e. the same φ and ψ dihedral angles for each residue) and for chains in which the regularity constraint was relaxed. All computed minimum-energy β-sheets were found to have a right-handed twist, as observed in proteins. As in the case of right-handed α-helices, it is the intrastrand non-bonded interaction energy that plays the key role in forcing β-sheets of l-amino acid residues to adopt a right-handed twist. The non-bonded energy contribution favoring the right-handed twist is the result of many small pairwise interatomic interactions involving the CβH3 groups. Polyglycine β-sheets, lacking the CβH3 side-chains, are not twisted. The twist of the poly-l-alanine sheet diminishes as the number of residues per chain increases, in agreement with observations. The twist of the four-residue chain increases somewhat (because of interstrand non-bonded interactions, also involving the CβH3 groups) in going from a single chain to a two-chain antiparallel structure, but then decreases slightly in going from a two-chain to a three-chain structure. β-Sheets in observed protein structures sometimes have a larger twist than those in the structures computed here. This may be due to irregularities in amino acid sequence and in hydrogenbonding patterns in the observed sheets, or to long-range interactions in proteins. The minimized energies of parallel β-sheets are considerably higher than those of the corresponding antiparallel β-sheets, indicating that parallel β-sheets are intrinsically less stable. This finding about the two kinds of β-sheets agrees with suggestions based on analyses of β-sheets observed in proteins. The energy difference between antiparallel and parallel β-sheets is due to closer packing of the chains and a more favorable alignment of the peptide dipoles in the antiparallel structures. The hydrogen-bond geometry in the computed antiparallel structures is very close to that proposed by Arnott et al. (1967) for the β-form of poly-l-alanine.  相似文献   

The conditions for steady-state Signal IIf formation in response to single turnover flashes in Tris-treated, 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU)-inhibited chloroplasts have been investigated. DCMU inhibits Signal IIf generation as the photoinactive state, Z P680 Q-A, accumulates. Potassium ferricyanide relieves this inhibition so that Signal IIf can be fully developed on each flash in a flash series. The effectiveness of ferricyanide in stimulating Signal IIf formation is dependent on its concentration, the flash repetition rate, and the salt composition of the chloroplast suspension. There are two models in the literature for Q-A oxidation under these inhibitory conditions: direct oxidation of Q-A by exogenous acceptors like ferricyanide or oxidation of Q-A by an endogenous acceptor, AH, which has a midpoint potential of approximately 400 mV. It is found that the direct exogenous acceptor model accounts well for these data, whereas the AH model does not explain several of these results. The apparent rate constant for the direct oxidation of Q-A by ferricyanide at various concentrations of salt has been calculated from our electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) data and compared with the corresponding rate constant determined by S. Itoh from fluorescence data (Biochim, Biophys. Acta 504, 324-340, 1978); good agreement is found for the two different experimental approaches.  相似文献   

Under the balanced condition of growth of E. coli cells, no distinct difference is observed in stable RNA and protein synthesis between CP78 (rel+) and CP79 (rel), whereas a considerable difference is present in RNA accumulation between NF161 (rel+) and NF162 (rel), where NF161 < NF162. The RNA content of NF161 is lower than that of NF162 in four different cultures with different growth rates. These two sets of isogenic pairs of rel+ and rel strains are commonly used in the study of rel gene function; however, NF161 is a mutant in the spoT gene whose product may be responsible for the degradation of ppGpp. The basal levels of ppGpp in these four strains growing with three different growth rates were examined: NF161 (rel+spoT) has a much higher content of ppGpp than do other strains. Furthermore, the contents of ppGpp tend to be lower when the above four strains are growing at a faster rate. Thus a close correlation seems to exist between the content of RNA and the basal level of ppGpp under the condition of balanced growth.  相似文献   

Messenger ribonucleoprotein particles in unfertilized sea urchin eggs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The properties of poly(A)-containing messenger ribonucleoprotein particles (mRNPs) from unfertilized sea urchin eggs isolated under various ionic conditions were studied. Poly(A)-containing RNPs of eggs sediment with a modal value of 60–65 S under all conditions used. However, buoyant densities vary strikingly with conditions of particle preparation. Deproteinized poly(A)-containing mRNA has an average molecular weight of about 1 × 106. RNPs prepared in 0.35 M Na+ in the absence of Mg2+ contain an average of 0.25 × 106 daltons of protein, while particles prepared in 0.05 M Na+ in the absence of Mg2+ contain 0.35 to 11 × 106 daltons of protein per RNA molecule. Particles prepared in 0.35 M Na+ plus 5 mM Mg2+ contain 1.4 × 106 daltons of protein suggesting that Mg2+ may be necessary for maintenance of RNP intergrity if high Na+ concentrations are used to prevent nonspecific RNA-protein interactions. Particles prepared in 0.35 M K+ contain 0.9 × 106 daltons of protein in both Mg2+ and EDTA. Mg2+ does not cause significant aggregation of particles, since the size of RNA extracted from RNPs is proportional to RNP sedimentation rate. Monovalent cation concentrations normally used in analysis of RNPs by sedimentation cause deproteinized poly(A)-containing RNA to sediment with abnormally high sedimentation coefficients, indicating that high sedimentation rates alone do not indicate that RNA is contained in an RNP.  相似文献   

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