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A sensitive radiochemical assay for measurement of histidinol dehydrogenase is presented. The method is based upon separation of the product of the reaction. [14C]histidine, from the substrate, [14C]histidinol, on small Dowex 50 columns. The assay can be performed on cell extracts or on toluenized cells and is approximately 100 times more sensitive than previously reported assays for this enzyme.[14C]histidinol is obtained in high yields through conversion of uniformly labeled 14C-glucose by a strain of Salmonella typhimurium derepressed for the histidine operon and blocked at the histidinol dehydrogenase step. Accumulated [14C]histidinol is purified from the culture supernatant by ion-exchange chromatography.This sensitive assay has facilitated measurement of reduced levels of histidine operon expression in promoter mutants, and has been adapted for study of histidine operon regulation in a cell free protein synthesizing system.  相似文献   

Starch phosphorylase (EC and ADPglucose pyrophosphorylase (EC activities can be measured very accurately and quickly using a recording pH meter. Activities less than 0.28 nmol/min are readily measured.  相似文献   

A method for the determination of elastase activity is described which uses soluble α-[3H]elastin as substrate. Soluble α-elastin was shown to have the same substrate specificity as natural insoluble elastin. At a substrate concentration of 1 mg/ml, approximately three times half-saturating substrate concentration, the assay is rapid, 1 h, sensitive, 10 ng/ml elastase, and linear up to an enzyme concentration of 250 ng/ml. The addition of 1000 μ/ml Trasylol or 10?4mN-α-tosyl-l-lysyl chloromethane and 10?4m tosyl-l-phenylalanyl chloromethane allowed the specific measurement of elastase activity in the presence of trypsin and chymotrypsin activity.  相似文献   

An assay for arginase is described that uses l-[guanido-14C]arginine as substrate. Unhydrolyzed arginine is removed in a batch procedure with sulfonate resin and the [14C]urea product is determined quantitatively in the resin supernatant. The assay requires 5 min and is performed in one tube. The sensitivity is approximately 0.1 munits of arginase. Arginase activities in fetal calf serum and in murine macrophage extract have been determined and the bovine liver enzyme has been used as a reference.  相似文献   

A rapid (14 – 22 μs) light-induced, bacteriorhodopsin mediated membrane potential has been detected using the technique of kinetic resonance Raman spectroscopy and the model system of β-carotene incorporated into reconstituted vesicles containing bacteriorhodopsin. Our data demonstrate that the kinetic resonance Raman spectrum of β-carotene is an extremely sensitive monitor of kinetic alterations in membrane potential with micron spatial resolution in a highly scattering medium. In addition, our Raman results indicate that the potential sensitivity of β-carotene is an excited state property of the molecule, thus making it an electrochromic monitor of membrane potential. We feel the techniques illustrated in this paper have the advantage of being a native probe of kinetic membrane potential changes and will be applicable to a wide variety of biological systems without the perturbing side-effects which often accompany the use of non-biological, potential-sensitive dyes.  相似文献   

An assay is reported for prolyl 3-hydroxylase activity. The method is based on the release of tritiated water (THO) during 3-hydroxylation of a 2,3-T-l-proline-labeled (T = tritium) polypeptide substrate in which all prolyl residues recognized by prolyl 4-hydroxylase have been converted to 4-hydroxyprolyl residues. The formation of THO was essentially linear with enzyme concentration and time, and the Km for the polypeptide substrate was about 3.4 × 10?8m. A linear correlation was found between THO release and the synthesis of 3-hydroxyproline, the latter being analyzed by amino acid analyzer. The assay is simple, rapid, sensitive, and reproducible, and it is specific even in tissue samples containing a large excess of prolyl 4-hydroxylase activity.  相似文献   

N5-Methyltetrahydrofolate, but not N5-formyltetrahydrofolate, can be measured in biological fluids by ligand-binding radioassay. Therefore, in order to measure N5-formyltetrahydrofolate by radioassay, it is chemically converted to N5-methyltetrahydrofolate by acidification followed by reduction with borohydride. By this method, 70–113% of N5-formyltetrahydrofolate added to serum and urine was recovered. The plasma clearance of the mixture of diastereoisomer of N5-formyltetrahydrofolate (Leucovorin) following intravenous administration to two normal subjects was rapid for the first 30 min, but then plateaued and cleared very slowly over the next 90 min, most probably because of the accumulation of the inactive isomer which was slowly excreted in the urine during this time period.  相似文献   

The effect of dexamethasone on morphological and biochemical parameters of catecholamine biosynthesis in cultured murine neuroblastoma cells was determined. Treatment for 7 days with 25 μM dexamethasone produced a more intense and uniform catecholamine fluorescence as determined by fluorescence histochemistry using the glyoxylic acid technique. Treatment with dexamethasone also produced a two-fold increase in dopamine content and a threefold increase in tyrosine hydroxylase activity compared with controls. These results suggest that this potent glucocorticoid induces differentiation in cultured murine neuroblastoma, as measured by both biochemical and morphological techniques.  相似文献   

Inhibition of leukotriene biosynthesis by acetylenic analogs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The monoacetylenic acid, 5,6-dehydroarachidonic acid (5,6-DHA), inhibits the 5-lipoxygenase in RBL-1 extracts in a time-dependent irreversible manner. In intact cell systems, 5,6-DHA is not as effective as ETYA or 15(S)-HEYA in inhibiting the 5-lipoxygenase activities, because 5,6-DHA is metabolized into triglycerides, phospholipids and hydroxylated products. While lipoxygenation of arachidonic acid at C-5 and C-12 is inhibited by 15-HETE, the transformation of arachidonic acid into 5,15-diHETE via 15-HPETE in human leukocytes is relatively insensitive to 15-HETE.  相似文献   

The metabolism of some purine compounds to urate and their effects on de novo urate synthesis in chicken hepatocytes were investigated. The purines, listed in descending order of rates of catabolism to urate, were hypoxanthine, xanthine, inosine, guanosine, guanine, IMP, GMP, adenosine, AMP, and adenine. During a 1-h incubation period, conversion to urate accounted for more than 80% of the total quantities of guanine, guanosine, and inosine metabolized, but only 42% of the adenosine and 23% of the adenine metabolism. Adenine, adenosine, and AMP inhibited de novo urate synthesis [( 14C]formate incorporation into urate), whereas the other purines, especially guanine, guanosine, and GMP, stimulated de novo urate synthesis. When hepatocytes were incubated with glutamine and adenosine, AMP, guanine, guanosine, or GMP, the rates of de novo urate synthesis were lower than the additive effects of glutamine and the purine in separate incubations. Increasing phosphate concentrations had no effect on urate synthesis in the absence of added purines but, in combination with adenosine, AMP, guanosine, or GMP, increased urate synthesis. These results indicate that the ratio of adenine to guanine nucleotides and the interaction between substrates and purine nucleotides are involved in the regulation of urate biosynthesis in chicken liver.  相似文献   

Beating heart cells were isolated from the adult rat and the biosynthesis of ubiquinone was studied. These cells were able to incorporate p-hydroxy[U-14C]benzoate into ubiquinone and some unidentified compounds, presumably intermediates in the biosynthesis of ubiquinone. The unidentified compounds were labile to alkali and were also labeled by [5-3H]-mevalonate and [methyl-3H]methionine, but not by p-hydroxy[carboxy-14C]benzoate. They appear to be chromatographically different from 5-demethoxy ubiquinone and 5-desmethyl ubiquinone. Addition of unlabeled mevalonate stimulated the incorporation of p-hydroxy [U-14C]benzoate into ubiquinone and the other compounds. The addition of dimethylsulfoxide to the isolated cells or the isolation medium caused inhibition of ubiquinone biosynthesis. Adriamycin was not inhibitory to the biosynthesis of ubiquinone in the cells. The advantages of these cells are the rapidity and ease in studying the biosynthesis of ubiquinone from various precursors and its regulation.  相似文献   

The stability constants for the calcium and magnesium complexes of rhodanese are >105m?1 at both high and low substrate concentrations. The stoichiometry of alkaline earth metal ion binding totals close to 1 per 18,500 molecular weight. The usual assay reagents contain sufficient amounts of these metal ions to maintain added enzyme in its metal-complexed form. When reaction mixtures are treated with oxalate to remove calcium ions, inhibition of rhodanese activity is virtually complete under circumstances such that the contribution of magnesium ion is low.Zinc and a number of transition metal ions are inhibitors of rhodanese activity. Studies of the concentration dependence of these effects with zinc, copper, and nickel showed that: 1) Some cyanide complexes of these metals are competitive with the donor substrate, thiosulfate ion. The binding of the copper and zinc complexes is mutually competitive. 2) Another cyanide species of copper appears to combine with the free enzyme to form a functionally active complex. 3) The zinc cyanide species with a net positive charge is an inhibitor competitive with the acceptor substrate, cyanide ion.All of these observations are consistent with a model in which metal ions serve as the electrophilic site of rhodanese.  相似文献   

Continuous electrophoresis buffers are described for polyacrylamide gels at pH values ranging from 3.8 to 10.2. The buffers consist of an acidic and a basic component with pK values near the pH of the buffer. The pH is maintained to within 0.5 pH unit in the electrode compartments during prolonged electrophoresis. Some proteins produce clear bands on gels with each of the 10 buffers. The buffers provide an expansion of the pH range of gel electrophoresis and are likely to be useful in the detection of genetic variation in proteins and in other applications.  相似文献   

Commercial DL-[1-14C] glutamic acid contains an impurity from which 14CO2 is released during incubation with brain mitochondrial glutamate decarboxylase and the inhibitor aminooxyacetic acid. This results in an apparent stimulation of brain mitochondrial glutamate decarboxylase by aminooxyacetic acid when low levels of the enzyme are used. Both aminooxyacetic acid and chloride ion inhibited both the supernatant and mitochondrial glutamate decarboxylase activities when purified DL-[1-14C] glutamic acid was used as substrate.  相似文献   

An assay for phenolphthalein in biological fluids has been developed utilizing methods previously applied to the assay of bromosulphalein and to the deconjugation of steroidal compounds in urine. Intestinal perfusate, serum, and urine samples containing phenolphthalein are deproteinized with acidified acetone, the samples dried, and the phenolphthalein redissolved in ethanol. Color is developed with 0.5 m glycine buffer, pH 12, and the samples read at 550 nm after blanking the spectrophotometer with one of the replicates to which acidic glycine buffer is added. To measure conjugated phenolphthalein in urine, the sample is incubated overnight with β-glucuronidase/arylsulphatase prior to phenolphthalein determination as noted above. This method gives an accurate assay of phenolphthalein to 10?5m concentrations with coefficients of variation between 2 and 8% and with no resulting interference from hemoglobin or bilirubin.  相似文献   

As an alternative to rapid filtration washing the glycogen free of any unreacted UDP-[14C]-glucose by ascending chromatography (ethanol:water, 2:1) can be used. This technique also makes the filter paper assay of glycogen synthase much faster: The samples are ready for liquid scintillation counting in 30 min. Among the other advantages offered by this procedure, we should also mention that blanks are very low, large volumes of ethanol can be saved, and the unreacted UDP-[14C]glucose can be recovered by elution and recycled (it migrates with the front of the solvent).  相似文献   

By use of a more sensitive method than standard assays, it is demonstrated that alpha-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase activity can be monitored continuously in rat liver mitochondria; maximum activity was obtained by sonication in the presence of Triton X-100. Vitamin K3 (menadione) seems to enhance the activity of the enzyme. The assay in the presence of menadione is linear over a much greater mitochondrial concentration (up to 250 micrograms of protein in the reaction mixture).  相似文献   

A new assay is described for rat (Na+,K+)-ATPase [EC] prepared from renal medullary or crude liver membranes. With ATP at 1 μm, initial rates of ouabain-sensitive decreases in substrate concentrations are followed by measuring diminished ATP-driven luciferin-luciferase light production. Under these conditions, using highly purified enzyme preparations, Na+ and K+ ions stimulate and inhibit initial ATP hydrolysis rates, respectively. Therefore, it is likely that the assay measures Na+-ATPase partial reactions of the pump. A monospecific polyclonal rabbit anti-rat pump antiserum blocks Na+-dependent ATPase measured with the luciferase-linked ATPase assay, whereas conventional assays of purified pump activity at 3.0 mm ATP fail to reveal immunochemical blockade.  相似文献   

A simplified high-pressure liquid chromatographic method for determination of furose-mide in plasma and urine has been developed using a fluorometric detector directly coupled to the column effluent. The method includes an ether extraction from acidified biologic samples. The mobile phase used for chromatography on a reversed-phase column (C18 hydro-carbon permanently bonded to silica particles) is sufficiently acidic to induce fluorescence of furosemide. The methylester of furosemide is employed as an internal standard. The sensitivity is 0.1 and 0.25 μg per ml plasma and urine, respectively. The applicability to pharmacokinetic studies of furosemide is shown.  相似文献   

The observed equilibrium constants (Kobs) for the reactions of d-2-phosphoglycerate phosphatase, d-2-Phosphoglycerate3? + H2O → d-glycerate? + HPO42?; d-glycerate dehydrogenase (EC, d-Glycerate? + NAD+ → NADH + hydroxypyruvate? + H+; and l-serine:pyruvate aminotransferase (EC, Hydroxypyruvate? + l-H · alanine± → pyruvate? + l-H · serine±; have been determined, directly and indirectly, at 38 °C and under conditions of physiological ionic strength (0.25 m) and physiological ranges of pH and magnesium concentrations. From these observed constants and the acid dissociation and metal-binding constants of the substrates, an ionic equilibrium constant (K) also has been calculated for each reaction. The value of K for the d-2-phosphoglycerate phosphatase reaction is 4.00 × 103m [ΔG0 = ?21.4 kJ/mol (?5.12 kcal/mol)]([H20] = 1). Values of Kobs for this reaction at 38 °C, [K+] = 0.2 m, I = 0.25 M, and pH 7.0 include 3.39 × 103m (free [Mg2+] = 0), 3.23 × 103m (free [Mg2+] = 10?3m), and 2.32 × 103m (free [Mg2+] = 10?2m). The value of K for the d-glycerate dehydrogenase reaction has been determined to be 4.36 ± 0.13 × 10?13m (38 °C, I = 0.25 M) [ΔG0 = 73.6 kJ/mol (17.6 kcal/mol)]. This constant is relatively insensitive to free magnesium concentrations but is affected by changes in temperature [ΔH0 = 46.9 kJ/mol (11.2 kcal/mol)]. The value of K for the serine:pyruvate aminotransferase reaction is 5.41 ± 0.11 [ΔG0 = ?4.37 kJ/mol (?1.04 kcal/mol)] at 38 °C (I = 0.25 M) and shows a small temperature effect [ΔH0 = 16.3 kJ/ mol (3.9 kcal/mol)]. The constant showed no significant effect of ionic strength (0.06–1.0 m) and a response to the hydrogen ion concentration only above pH 8.5. The value of Kobs is 5.50 ± 0.11 at pH 7.0 (38 °C, [K+] = 0.2 m, [Mg2+] = 0, I = 0.25 M). The results have also allowed the value of K for the d-glycerate kinase reaction (EC, d-Glycerate? + ATP4? → d-2-phosphoglycerate3? + ADP3? + H+, to be calculated to be 32.5 m (38 °C, I = 0.25 M). Values for Kobs for this reaction under these conditions and at pH 7.0 include 236 (free [Mg2+] = 0) and 50.8 (free [Mg2+] = 10?3m).  相似文献   

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