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Glyoxysomes were isolated from germinating castor bean endosperm by equilibrium density gradient centrifugation in a vertical rotor. To recover the membranes, glyoxysome ghosts were prepared by osmotic shock and then subjected to differential centrifugation. The glyoxysomal membranes and the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), isolated by the same methods, were assayed for electron transport components. Both organelles contained NADH ferricyanide reductase, NADH cytochrome c reductase, and cytochromes b5 and P-420. The ER also contained cytochrome P-450. Pyridine hemochrome derivatives of the organelle membranes and hemin produced coincident difference spectra, indicating that only b-type cytochromes are present in glyoxysomal and ER membranes. The maximal activities of ferricyanide reductase and cytochrome c reductase in glyoxysomes, 2.19 and 0.33 μmol min?1 mg membrane protein?1, respectively, represent 30 and 18% of the activities in the ER. The cytochrome b5 content of the glyoxysomal membrane is 0.108 nmol mg?1, 31% of the level found in ER. The reductases from both organelles were resistant to solubilization by salt (0.2 m KCl) and were easily solubilized by detergent (1% Triton X-100). Flavin analysis of the organelles from germinating castor beam endosperm confirmed spectral evidence that the flavin content of glyoxysomes is quite high, 100 pmol mg protein?1, more than twice that of mitochondria. Three-quarters of the glyoxysomal flavin was solubilized by KCl, but even after salt treatment the glyoxysomal membrane flavin content, 98 pmol mg membrane protein?1, is three times greater than that of the ER.  相似文献   

The rat liver adenylate cyclase system shows a discontinuity in the Arrhenius plots at 20°C in the nonstimulated activity (basal) with activation energies of 16 and 28 Kcal/mole. The discontinuity disappears when the enzyme is stimulated either by glucagon, sodium fluoride, 5′ guanylyl-imidodiphosphate or glucagon plus 5′ guanylyl-imidodiphosphate and the energy of activation was the same with all the compounds tested. If the activator was initially in contact with the membranes at 0°C the energy of activation was similar to that observed below the break (26 Kcal/mole) but it changed to that above the break if the compound contacted the membranes at temperatures above the break (22–24°C). We discuss the possibility of two different conformations of the enzyme; both conformations can be “frozen” by any of the compounds tested, “isolating” the enzyme from any subsequent physical change of the membrane due to temperature.  相似文献   

The glucose transport activity of rat epididymal fat cells was reconstituted into egg lecithin liposomes with a high degree of reproducibility. The activity was solubilized with 20 mm sodium cholate in Buffer B (10 mm Tris-HCl, pH 7.5). After elimination of small molecules by gel filtration, the transport activity was incorporated into egg lecithin liposomes (Sigma, Type IX-E, homogeneously dispersed into Buffer B) by sonication (5 s), freezing (?70°C), thawing, and a second sonication (5 s). The sonication was done in a 16.8-mm polystyrene test tube (Sarstedt, 55-468) placed in a cup horn (from Heat Systems Ultrasonics) connected to a Branson's sonicator (W-185) at setting No. 3 (70 W of output). The optimum sample size was 80 μl, and the optimum clearance between the test tube and the sonicator horn was 2–3 mm. The concentration of egg lecithin at the reconstitution step was 25 mg/ml, and that of the microsomal protein was approximately 0.3–0.5 mg/ml. The glucose transport activity of reconstituted liposomes was assayed by incubating the latter with a mixture of d-[3H]glucose and l-[14C]glucose. The incubation was terminated by the addition of HgCl2, and the reaction mixture was filtered with a Millipore filter (GSWP). The difference in the rates of uptake of d-glucose and l-glucose was regarded as representing the carrier-mediated glucose transport activity. The results of the assay indicated that the glucose transport activity could be reconstituted in a highly reproducible manner. The reconstituted activity was proportional, within a limit of experimental error, to the amount of protein used for reconstitution and was almost completely blocked by cytochalasin B, phloretin, or HgCl2. However, a small amount of d-glucose was found to bind with the egg lecithin preparation.  相似文献   

Trifluoperazine inhibits ADP-stimulated respiration in mung bean (Phaseolus aureus) mitochondria when either NADH, malate, or succinate serve as substrates (IC50 values of 56, 59, and 55 microM, respectively). Succinate:ferricyanide oxidoreductase activity of these mitochondria was inhibited to a similar extent. The oxidation of ascorbate/TMPD was also sensitive to the phenothiazine (IC50 = 65 microM). Oxidation of exogenous NADH was inhibited by trifluoperazine even in the presence of excess EGTA [ethylene glycol bis(beta-aminoethyl ether)-N,N'-tetraacetic acid] (IC50 = 60 microM), indicating an interaction with the electron transport chain rather than with the dehydrogenase itself. In contrast, substrate oxidation in Voodoo lily (Sauromatum guttatum) mitochondria was relatively insensitive to the phenothiazine. The results suggest the bc1 complex to be a major site of inhibition. The membrane potential of energized mung bean mitochondria was depressed by micromolar concentrations of trifluoperazine, suggesting an effect on the proton-pumping capability of these mitochondria. Membrane-bound and soluble ATPases were equally sensitive to trifluoperazine (IC50 of 28 microM for both), implying the site of inhibition to be on the F1. Inhibition of the soluble ATPase was not affected by EGTA, CaCl2, or exogenous calmodulin. Trifluoperazine inhibition of electron transport and phosphorylation in plant mitochondria appears to be due to an interaction with a protein of the organelle that is not calmodulin.  相似文献   

A number of benzodiazepines were tested for their ability to inhibit the site-specific binding of nitrobenzylthioinosine to the nucleoside transport system in human erythrocytes. Dipyridamole, a recognized inhibitor of nucleoside transport, inhibited binding in a competitive manner. Benzodiazepines also inhibited nitrobenzylthioinosine binding competitively, but were considerably less potent in that respect than dipyridamole. The low affinities of the benzodiazepines for the erythrocyte transport system suggest that significant inhibition of nucleoside transport may not occur at anxiolytic concentrations. However, at higher concentrations, some benzodiazepines would appear to have the potential to inhibit adenosine transport via interaction with the transport-inhibitory site.  相似文献   

The specific levels of ubiquinone, nonheme iron, and flavins have been estimated in renal brush border membrane preparations. In all cases, the levels were clearly lower than those of kidney mitochondria, on the basis of both protein and cytochrome content. These results suggest that kidney mitochondria and brush border membranes differ in the composition of their electron transfer systems.  相似文献   

The β-adrenergic receptors in the erythrocyte membranes from turkey, pigeon, and frog have been identified in situ utilizing the photoaffinity label ±[125I]-iodoazidobenzylpindolol, ±[125I]IABP. The molecular weights determined by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis are the following: turkey, 43,500; pigeon, 53,500, 46,000, and 45,000 [labeled in a ratio of 5 (53,500):2 (46,000 plus 45,000)]; and frog, a broad 60,000 to 67,000 dalton band. The data identify the binding site subunit(s) of these β-adrenergic receptors and suggest that the receptor structure from different β-receptor subtypes and different sources may be different. These biochemical differences may contribute to the pharmacologically observed distinction of β-receptor subtypes.  相似文献   

A series of spin labels, varying in chain length between the maleimide attaching group and the nitroxide free radical, has been used to investigate the environment of the sulfhydryl group in human plasma albumin. From the electron spin resonance spectra, the degree of freedom of the nitroxide was determined and the location of the sulfhydryl was assessed. The effect of bound fatty acids on the sulfhydryl environment was also determined. The environment was found to be analogous to that in the bovine protein, that is, a crevice approximately 9.5 Å deep and not affected in the native state by fatty acids.  相似文献   

The fluorescence probe, 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene, has been used to investigate the effects of controlled and uncontrolled growth on the dynamic properties of the lipid regions of hepatocyte plasma membranes. DPH was incubated with plasma membranes derived from quiescent and regenerating liver and Morris hepatoma 7777, and the resulting systems were studied by fluorescence polarization spectroscopy. Membranes from the rapidly growing hepatoma exhibited a significantly lower fluorescence polarization than observed in quiescent liver, suggesting the presence of a more fluid membrane lipid domain. Membranes from regenerating liver exhibited a time-dependent increase in membrane fluidity, reaching a maximum 12 h after growth stimulation. A close correspondence between membrane fluidity and the cholesterol-phospholipid ratio was also observed where a decrease in this ratio resulted in a more fluid lipid matrix. These results suggest that cell cycling, as observed in regenerating liver and Morris hepatoma 7777, results in significant increases in membrane fluidity, a property which may play an important regulatory role in various cell functions.  相似文献   

The gonadotropin receptors associated with plasma membrane fractions were solubilized by detergents, including Triton X-100, Lubrol WX, Lubrol PX and sodium deoxycholate before and after equilibration with 125I-labelled human chorionic gonadotropin. The binding activity remained in solution even after centrifugation at 300 000 × g for 3 h. The solubilized gonadotropin receptor or gonadotropin receptor complex was characterized by gel filtration and sucrose density gradient centrifugation. Sucrose density gradient centrifugation of solubilized gonadotropin-receptor complex in the presence of Triton X-100 had a sedimentation coefficient of 6.5 S whereas the solubilized uncomplexed receptor had a sedimentation coefficient of 5.1 S. In the absence of the detergent, solubilized hormone receptor complex from plasma membrane fractions I and II sedimented with a apparent sedimentation coefficient of 6.6 S and 7.4 S, respectively. Similary, the free receptor also showed higher sedimentation profile with a apparent sedimentation coefficient of 6.7 S for fraction I and 7.2 S for fraction II. Treatment of plasma membranes with phospholipase A and C inhibited the binding of 125I-labelled human chorionic gonadotropin in a dose dependent manner, whereas phospholipase D was without any effect. Doses of 1.4 mI.U. of phospholipase A or 0.6 mI.U. of phospholipase C were required to produce 50% inhibition of the binding activity. These phospholipases had no effect on the performed 125I-labelled human chorionic gonadotropin-receptor complex nor on the sedimentation profile of solubilized gonadotropin receptor complex.  相似文献   

Kinase(s) in brush border membranes, isolated from rabbit renal proximal tubules, phosphorylated proteins intrinsic to the membrane and exogenous proteins. cAMP stimulated phosphorylation of histone; phosphorylation of protamine was cAMP independent. cAMP-dependent increases in phosphorylation of endogenous membrane protein were small, but highly reproducible. Most of the 32P incorporated into membranes represented phosphorylation of serine residues, with phosphorylthreonine comprising a minor component. cAMP did not alter the electrophoretic pattern of 32P-labeled membrane polypeptides. The small cAMP-dependent phosphorylation of brush border membrane proteins was not due to membrane phosphodiesterase or adenylate cyclase activities. Considerable cAMP was found “endogenously” bound to the membranes as prepared. However, this did not result in preactivation of the kinase since activity was not inhibited by a heat-stable protein inhibitor of cAMP-dependent protein kinases. With intrinsic membrane protein as phosphate acceptor, the relationship between rate of phosphorylation and ATP concentration appeared to follow Michaelis-Menton kinetics. With histone the relationship was complex. cAMP did not affect the apparent Km for histone. One-half maximal stimulation of the rate of histone phosphorylation was obtained with 7 × 10?8m cAMP. The Ka values for dibutyryl cAMP, cIMP, and cGMP were one to two orders of magnitude greater. Treatment of brush border membranes with detergent greatly increased the dependency of histone phosphorylation on cAMP. Phosphorylations of intrinsic membrane protein and histone were nonlinear with time, due in part to the lability of the protein kinase, the hydrolysis of ATP, and minimally to the presence of phosphoprotein phosphatase in the border membrane. The membrane phosphoprotein phosphatase was unaffected by cyclic nucleotides. Protein kinase activity was also found in cytosolic and crude particulate fractions of the renal cortex. Activity was enriched in the brush border membrane relative to that in the crude membrane preparation. The kinase activities in the different loci were distinct both in relative activities toward different substrates and in responsiveness to cAMP.  相似文献   

Membrane vesicles of Halobacterium halobium R1Wrm bind to an aspartic acid-agarose affinity column. After disruption of the bound vesicles by low ionic strength, a protein fraction is eluted from the column with 2.5% cholate in 3 M NaCl. When this fraction is reconstituted with soybean lipids to form proteoliposomes, the proteoliposomes exhibit active aspartate accumulation. Aspartate transport in the reconstituted system is driven by a chemical sodium gradient (out greater than in), exhibits sensitivity to an electrical potential, and is specific for L-aspartate. These characteristics are consistent with observations on aspartate transport in intact membrane vesicles of H. halobium. Initial aspartate transport rates in the reconstituted system are about ninefold enhanced over the native system. The system developed should be useful in future purification schemes and studies of the molecular details of membrane transport.  相似文献   

The solubilization of vasopressin receptors from plasma membranes of bovine kidney and rat liver by different detergents was investigated. A prerequisite for the extraction of vasopressin receptors retaining binding affinity for their ligand was the stabilization of the receptors by the prior formation of the membrane-bound hormone-receptor complexes. The vasopressin-receptor complexes from both kidney and liver membranes were solubilized in a high yield with dodecyl-beta-D-maltoside and 3-laurylamido-N,N'-dimethylpropylaminoxide. Several other nonionic detergents including octyl-beta-D-glucopyranoside effectively extracted the hepatic vasopressin receptor. For the hormone-receptor complex solubilized from bovine kidney with dodecyl-beta-D-maltoside, a Stokes' radius of 5.8 nm was determined.  相似文献   

Mössbauer spectra have been obtained from samples of human placental syncytiotrophoblast microvillous plasma membranes, placental ferritin and transferrin. The data clearly indicate that the majority of the iron found in the placental membranes is in the same form as that in placental ferritin.  相似文献   

8-Azido cyclic AMP has been used as a photoaffinity probe to identify cyclic AMP-binding proteins in microtubule preparations. Bovine brain microtubule proteins and rabbit muscle protein kinase were incubated with the photoaffinity ligand in reduced light for 15 min, without additions or with 100-fold excess unlabeled cyclic AMP or 5′-AMP. Samples were then irradiated at 254 nm at a distance of 1 cm for 5 min, in ice. After irradiation aliquots were taken for electrophoresis in one or two dimensions. Polypeptides which bound the photoaffinity label were visualized by autoradiography. The apparent molecular weights of the most prominent 8-azido 32P-cyclic AMP-binding proteins are in the same range as those of the RII of the muscle enzyme. Following two-dimensional electrophoresis the major microtubule-associated cyclic AMP-binding proteins resolve as two spots with about the same pI (~pH 5.0) but slightly different molecular weights. Both spots are in the molecular weight range of the tubulins but they are clearly resolved from the tubulins in the first dimension. Cyclic AMP, but not 5′-AMP blocks the labeling of these proteins. There are low levels of labeling of the tubulins, the high-molecular-weight MAPs and several polypeptides with molecular weights near tubulin but with more basic pI. The photoaffinity probe has demonstrated that the major microtubule-associated cyclic AMP-binding protein of bovine brain is distinct from other RII proteins and from tubulin isomorphs.  相似文献   

The interaction of thrombin and platelets was studied with a heterobifunctional photoactivable crosslinking agent. Radiolabeled thrombin that was modified with ethyl-N-5-azido-2-nitrobenzoylaminoacetimidate formed two types of complex with platelet proteins; platelet-associated complexes and supernatant complexes. The platelet-associated complexes formed within 20 s. Autoradiography after electrophoresis with sodium dodecyl sulfate indicated that these complexes had apparent masses of 210, 185, 155 and 125 kDa. Formation of the complexes was blocked by hirudin; this is consistent with crosslinking that was a direct consequences of the binding of thrombin to a specific receptor, since hirudin blocks thrombin-induced platelet activation and the saturable binding of thrombin to platelets. The labeled supernatant complex had an apparent mass of about 490 kDa. It also formed in the supernatant solution of platelets after activation with a divalent cation ionophore, suggesting a complex of thrombin with a secreted protein. The supernatant complex did not involve fibrinogen or α2-macroglobulin, but a similar complex was formed with partially purified secreted glycoprotein G (thrombin-sensitive protein, thrombospondin). Formation of the complex was blocked by hirudin. A similar complex was formed after prolonged (1 h) incubation without photoactivation. It is concluded that thrombin forms high-affinity, hirudin-sensitive complexes with secreted glycoprotein G, as well as with platelet surface proteins.  相似文献   

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