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Cushion plants have been confirmed to be keystone species of alpine ecosystems. However, the adaptive strategies responsible for their recruitment and persistence remain largely unclear. Also, the effect of competition by species already established in surrounding vegetation is not known. We first assessed population size and the frequency distribution of individuals of different size in communities of the keystone cushion Arenaria polytrichoides Edgew. along an elevational gradient in southwestern China. Furthermore, in controlled experiments the effects of soil quality, light availability, and competition by other species on seedling recruitment and survival was tested. At lower elevation individuals were larger (elder), but population size (density) was lower compared to higher elevation; similarly, adults and old individuals were relatively more frequent at low elevation, whereas juvenile and small individuals were more frequent at higher elevations. Seedling recruitment differed depending on soil origin with seeds sown in soils from low elevation having a higher germination percentage and seedling survival when grown without competition. Competition by other species delayed germination but did not influence the final germination percentage, but it increased seedling mortality and reduced their survival. Full light accelerated the germination process, but did not affect final germination percentage and seedling mortality. Results suggest that the recruitment and persistence of A. polytrichoides is strongly affected by competition, whereas temperature and soil quality are less important. We speculate that when populations of cushion A. polytrichoides are likely to be exposed to higher competition due to environmental changes, this species is in danger of being weeded out.  相似文献   

  • Plant species that are effective colonisers of transient habitats are expected to have a capacity for uniparental reproduction and show flexibility in pollination systems. Such traits may enable populations to be established from a small number of founding individuals without these populations succumbing to reductions in fecundity arising from pollinator limitation.
  • We tested these predictions for Aloe thraskii (Xanthorrhoeaceae), a succulent treelet that colonises shifting coastal dunes and has both bird and bee pollinators. We performed hand‐pollination experiments, and selectively excluded bird visitors to determine differences in pollinator effectiveness. We measured pollinator visitation rates and fecundity in populations varying in their size, density and isolation distance.
  • Controlled hand‐pollinations revealed that unlike most other Aloe species, A. thraskii is self‐compatible and thus capable of uniparental reproduction. The species does however depend on pollinators and is visited by various bird species as well as by bees. Fruit and seed set are not affected by selective exclusion of birds, thus indicating that bees are effective pollinators. Bird visitation rates increased with increasing plant height and population size, while bee visitation rates increased with increasing population size and density. We found that seed set per flower was lower in large populations than in small populations.
  • These results suggest that establishment of populations of A. thraskii from a small number of individuals is unlikely to be limited by the fecundity of individual plants.

Since pollen usually travels limited distances in wind-pollinated plant species, plants growing at low density may become pollen limited. We examined how local pollen availability and population density affect reproductive success in two wind-pollinated, dioecious species, Thalictrum fendleri and Thalictrum dioicum. Distance to the nearest flowering male, the number of flowering males within 2 m, and flower number on those males served as measures of local pollen availability. Increased distance from pollen donors reduced seed set in the lowest-density population of each species, but seed set in high-density populations was not correlated with local pollen availability. For plants in high- and low-density populations at similar distances from pollen donors, this distance only affected seed set in low-density populations. To ensure that differences in resource availability were not causing spurious correlations between seed set and plant density, we constructed low-density artificial arrays in populations of T. dioicum. In these, seed set decreased rapidly with increases in distance from pollen donors. Despite these effects, the density of males in a population was not correlated with average seed set in T. dioicum, and hand pollination in the T. dioicum populations also failed to increase seed set over natural levels. These results suggest that pollen receipt only limits seed set on isolated plants within low- density populations of T. dioicum and T. fendleri.  相似文献   

Density‐dependent regulation is an important process in spatio‐temporal population dynamics because it can alter the effects of synchronizing processes operating over large spatial scales. Most frequently, populations are regulated by density dependence when higher density leads to reduced individual fitness and population growth, but inverse density dependence can also occur when small populations are subject to higher extinction risks. We investigate whether density‐dependent regulation influences population growth for the Antarctic breeding Adélie penguin Pygoscelis adeliae. Understanding the prevalence and nature of density dependence for this species is important because it is considered a sentinel species reflecting the impacts of fisheries and environmental change over large spatial scales in the Southern Ocean, but the presence of density dependence could introduce uncertainty in this role. Using data on population growth and indices of resource availability for seven regional Adélie penguin populations located along the East Antarctic coastline, we find compelling evidence that population growth is constrained at some locations by the amount of breeding habitat available to individuals. Locations with low breeding habitat availability had reduced population growth rates, higher overall occupancy rates, and higher occupancy of steeper slopes that are sparsely occupied or avoided at other locations. Our results are consistent with evolutionary models of avian breeding habitat selection where individuals search for high‐quality nest sites to maximize fitness returns and subsequently occupy poorer habitat as population density increases. Alternate explanations invoking competition for food were not supported by the available evidence, but strong conclusions on food‐related density dependence were constrained by the paucity of food availability data over the large spatial scales of this region. Our study highlights the importance of incorporating nonconstant conditions of species–environment relationships into predictive models of species distributions and population dynamics, and provides guidance for improved monitoring of fisheries and climate change impacts in the Southern Ocean.  相似文献   

The reproductive ability related to the population size of the endangered and endemic species Primula merrilliana Schltr.was investigated.In 26 populations observed,only four contain more than 500 flowering individuals,whereas most of them(53.8%) consist of less than 100 flowering individuals.Though the ratio of pin and thrum plants keeps its balance at 1:1 for all populations,the frequency of pin and thrum flowers was significantly biased in most small populations.Population size strongly affected reproductive success; plants in small populations produced significantly fewer flowers and fruits per plant and fewer seeds per fruit,and therefore fewer seeds per plant.The floral density was another important factor that influenced the reproductive success of P.merrilliana,because four main reproductive success parameters (fruits per plant,seeds per fruit,seeds per plant,and the proportion of flowers setting fruit) were all positively correlated with floral density.The size of plants and the number of leaves per plant (measure of habitat quality) were not influenced by the variation of population size,suggesting that the reduced fecundity in small populations may not be a consequence of lower habitat quality,inbreeding depression and pollen limitation as a result of less attractiveness in small populations are therefore likely explanations for these patterns.  相似文献   

Small populations may suffer more severe pollen limitation and result in Allee effects. Sex ratio may also affect pollination and reproduction success in dioecious species, which is always overlooked when performing conservation and reintroduction tasks. In this study, we investigated whether and how population size and sex ratio affected pollen limitation and reproduction in the endangered Ottelia acuminata, a dioecious submerged species. We established experimental plots with increasing population size and male sex ratio. We observed insect visitation, estimated pollen limitation by hand‐pollinations and counted fruit set and seed production per fruit. Fruit set and seed production decreased significantly in small populations due to pollinator scarcity and thus suffered more severe pollen limitation. Although frequently visited, female‐biased larger populations also suffered severe pollen limitation due to few effective visits and insufficient pollen availability. Rising male ratio enhanced pollination service and hence reproduction. Unexpectedly, pollinator preferences did not cause reduced reproduction in male‐biased populations because of high pollen availability. However, reproductive outputs showed more variability in severe male‐biased populations. Our results revealed two component Allee effects in fruit set and seed production, mediated by pollen limitation in O. acuminata. Moreover, reproduction decreased significantly in larger female‐biased populations, increasing the risk of an Allee effect.  相似文献   

The factors responsible for the reproductive success or failure of individuals in small, founding populations have received little attention. Previous work on a small population of smooth cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora) invading San Francisco Bay, California found that most clones flower prolifically but set little or no seed, while a few clones have high rates of viable seed set, producing most of the seeds in the population. This study first identifies recruitment from seeds as the main source of new smooth cordgrass plants during invasion and then tests the influence of growing conditions and pollination treatment on viable seed set among clones established in San Francisco Bay. Field transplants indicated that a clone's seed set rate was not strongly dependent on its site of establishment. Low and high nutrient greenhouse treatments also had little effect on viable seed set rates within most clones. In contrast, pollination treatment (self-pollination or outcrossing) had a major effect on viable seed set rates. Most clones had high seed set rates after outcross-pollination, but clones varied widely in their selfing capacity. Zero or low viable self-seed set rates were most common; however, a few clones had high viable self-seed set rates, comparable to outcross seed set rates. A clone's selfing capacity was significantly correlated across years (r=0.89, P<0.001), and capacity to set viable self-pollinated seeds in the greenhouse was significantly correlated with the clone's rate of viable seed set in the field . In this growing population where cross-pollination is limited, only the clones with high selfing ability had high viable seed set rates in the field. Among primarily outcrossing plant invaders, variation in self-fertility among individuals may be a common phenomenon, with important implications for genetic differentiation, effective population size and patterns of spatial spread during an invasion.  相似文献   

Ancient plant species surviving in isolated small populations are particularly vulnerable to extinction, therefore understanding their population dynamics is necessary for conservation. The iteroparous perennial relic endemic Ferula sadleriana Ledeb. (Apiaceae) is restricted to seven distant localities in the Carpathian Basin, where it inhabits rocky hills. We monitored the species' largest population on the Pilis Hill, Hungary, over 14–19 years (depending on trait) between 1979 and 2010, and relationships were sought between climatic properties and population attributes. The population of 4000 ± 1509 emergent individuals underwent large interannual fluctuations, with the vegetative stage displaying sevenfold and the reproductive stage twenty‐eight‐fold differences. Spring and early summer precipitation had a marked influence on abundances and seed set. Alternating years of high and low counts of reproductive plants suggest costs of reproduction that most probably incur prolonged dormancy and retrogression to the vegetative stage. Seed set was positively influenced by number of reproductive plants over years and by plant size within a year. Ungulates nullify yearly reproductive output by grazing on reproductive individuals. This is particularly intense in dry summers, when reproductive output is already low. The strong precipitation response of abundance, absence of clonal propagation and soil seed bank, and geographical isolation of the populations place F. sadleriana at considerable risk under an increasingly variable and extreme climate. Management should seek to maintain the species' original habitat mosaic (potentially compensating for climate variation), minimize grazing damage and anthropogenic disturbance, and establish ex situ conservation programs to provide propagules for eventual reintroduction.  相似文献   

Population viability analysis (PVA) has frequently been used in conservation biology to predict extinction rates for threatened or endangered species. In this study, we used VORTEX to model Korean long-tailed goral (Naemorhedus caudatus) using previously collected ecological data. We focused on modelling population extinction, mean population size and heterozygosity. The minimum viable population size was found to be at least 50 gorals for 100 years, regardless of carrying capacity. However, populations with fewer than 50 gorals could not remain successful in the model. Inbreeding depression, catastrophes and supplementation also affected patterns of population extinction, mean population size and heterozygosity. Supplementation with new individuals had the strongest effect on extinction, mean population size and heterozygosity, followed by initial population size, inbreeding, catastrophes and carrying capacity. These results suggest that a supplementation by extra goral individuals from goral proliferation facilities would be the most helpful means for the restoration programme. More Korean goral-specific information regarding demographic and habitat parameters is needed for further PVA of the species.  相似文献   

Small populations of founding individuals or survivors of incomplete management programs often represent critical transitions in biological invasions. Theory predicts that population size affects reproduction and, consequently, a population’s expansion, but there are few empirical tests, and fewer that account for the reduced genetic diversity that often accompanies small population size. We created experimental small populations of invasive ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) with population size varying independently from genetic diversity. Treatment independence was achieved by cloning plants to increase population size without changing diversity. Plant fitness was measured as the proportion of florets producing a seed. We analyzed the effects of population size, genetic diversity, and their interaction using ANCOVAs, one of which accounted for variation in individual plant growth. As predicted, smaller populations produced significantly lower proportion seed set. Low genetic diversity also reduced seed set, but this was best interpreted as part of a significant interaction with population size. Specifically, the effect of population size on the proportion seed set was over five times larger for populations in the medium genetic diversity treatment than the highest diversity treatment, and 6.7 times larger for populations with the lowest level of diversity. Population size variation had biologically meaningful consequences, as the rate of seed set within the low diversity treatment increased by 80 % with increasing population size. The results indicate that both the demographics and genetics of populations can influence reproduction and invasive potential, and must be considered when assessing risk and designing management plans for invasive plants.  相似文献   

A sustainable human population (e.g., range, density, and total numbers) is essential to health and in management. The notion of sustainability applies to all species and ecosystems and to the biosphere. Sustainability involves the health not only of individual humans, but also of ecosystems and other species. Thus, sustainability of the human population is important because of the wealth of factors involved: both the elements of systems it affects and those that contribute to its size. In this article, I address the sustainability of the human population on the basis of the argument that other species serve as examples of sustainability at the species level—an example of an application of systemic management that simultaneously accounts for complexity and achieves measurable health for individuals, species, and ecosystems. I conclude that the human population is two to four orders of magnitude larger than is optimally sustainable when compared with the populations of other mammalian species of similar body size and that this is a significant contributor to health problems for our species, other species, and ecosystems—a systemic pathology.  相似文献   

Ants are ecologically important species in many environments forming a big proportion of the total animal biomass. However, their special features such as sociality and complementary sex-determination system have received little attention in conservation discussions. We examined the social and genetic structure of the hairy wood ant Formica lugubris in Ireland to evaluate factors relevant to the vulnerability of small, isolated wood ant populations. We also clarified the conservation status of the species in Ireland. Our results showed that the populations are mainly monogynous (one queen per nest). Consequently the effective population size is very low (<100 individuals) in Ireland. We found extremely little genetic variation, signs of inbreeding and inbreeding depression, which can be a consequence of the small effective population size and of the restricted gene flow due to strong isolation of populations. Putatively high genetic diversity at the sex-determining locus can reflect a larger population in the past. The study shows that even though the population may seem stable because of the long life span of queen ants, sociality can impact species conservation by keeping the effective population size small. According to our results, the hairy wood ant can be considered native to Ireland. Hence it needs urgent protection and the genetic issues need to be considered in the future management strategies.  相似文献   

Microsite limitation (ML) occurs when the number of suitable sites for development determines population size. Seed limitation (SL) arises when seeds cannot occupy all microsites. Both limitations have been measured on relative scales, but absolute values would allow analyzing the relationship between them and their contributions to population regulation. A tradeoff is expected because small‐seeded species are prolific and thus could have low SL, whereas large seeds perform better under different conditions, lowering ML. We assessed whether there is such tradeoff, and if it is mediated by seed size. We measured the absolute magnitudes of limitations through seed addition experiments, and tested whether they determine population density in 14 herbs with different seed sizes in a semiarid grassland. All species were limited by microsites and seeds. The tradeoff occurred only during germination, but was seemingly not mediated by seed size. Annual species were more limited by microsites than perennials, which suffered more SL. Population densities were smaller for species with greater ML measured over the life cycle, but marginally so when ML was measured during germination. SL only reduced annual‐plant density. These negative correlations indicate that our measurements correspond to actual limitations. Microsites limited populations depending on the process analyzed (germination, survival and whole life‐cycle) and the life history of species, suggesting that an integral approach to ML is required rather than focusing only on germination. Comparing annuals and perennials, we found that the strongest limitation is the main determinant of population size. The tradeoff was consistent with seed size and competition–colonization tradeoff, but our results were inconclusive. The SL–ML tradeoff seems to arise from still‐unidentified evolutionary constraints, and may contribute to the maintenance of species diversity, preventing any single species from becoming dominant and excluding its neighbors.  相似文献   

Clonal plant species have been shown to adopt different strategies to persist in heterogeneous environments by changing relative investments in sexual reproduction and clonal propagation. As a result, clonal diversity and genetic variation may be different along environmental gradients. We examined the regional and local population structure of the clonal rhizomatous forest herb Paris quadrifolia in a complex of forest fragments in Voeren (Belgium). Relationships between population size (the number of shoots), shoot density (the number of shoots per m2) and local growth conditions were investigated for 47 populations. Clonal diversity and genetic variation within and among 19 populations were investigated using amplified fragment length polymorphism markers. To assess the importance of sexual reproduction, seed set, seed weight and germination success were determined in 18 populations. As predicted, local growth conditions largely affected population distribution, size and density of P. quadrifolia. Populations occurring in moist and relatively productive sites contained significantly more shoots. Here, shoots were also much more sparsely distributed compared to populations occurring in dry and relatively unproductive sites, where shoots showed a strongly aggregated distribution pattern. Clonal diversity was relatively high, compared with other clonal species (G/N ratio = 0.43 and Simpson’s D=0.81). Clonal diversity significantly (P<0.01) decreased with increasing shoot density while molecular genetic variation was significantly (P<0.01) affected by population size and local environmental conditions. Lack of recruitment and out-competition of less-adapted genotypes may explain the decreased genetic variation in dry sites. Analysis of molecular variance revealed significant genetic variation among populations (Φ ST=0.42, P<0.001), whereas pairwise genetic distances were not correlated to geographic distances, suggesting that gene flow among populations is limited. Finally, the number of generative shoots, the number of seeds per fruit and seed weight were significantly and positively related to population size and local growth conditions. We conclude that under stressful conditions populations of clonal forest plant species can slowly evolve into remnant populations characterized by low levels of genetic variation and limited sexual reproduction. Conservation of suitable habitat conditions is therefore a prerequisite for effective long-term conservation of clonal forest plant species.  相似文献   

Aims Small plant populations may be more likely to suffer more severe pollen limitation due to the lower number of potential mates or suitable pollinators. For invasive species, this phenomenon may be more common when an invading population colonizes a new habitat. Here, we investigated whether pollen limitation occurs in invasive populations of Solanum rostratum during its invasion from North America to China and evaluated the patterns between pollen limitation and population size.Methods Pollen addition experiments were performed on six invasive populations of S. rostratum. By comparing fruit set and seed production with open pollination treatment, we calculated the index of pollen limitation and regressed it to population size and density.Important findings Among the six sampled invasive populations of S. rostratum, the fruit set and seed production per fruit were 0.346±0.014 and 52.38±9.29, respectively, with open pollination treatment and 0.572±0.022 and 56.28±10.79, respectively, with pollen addition treatment. Compared with open pollination, pollen addition significantly increased fruit set and seed production by 65.3 and 7.4%, respectively. The standardized index of pollen limitation ranged from 0.022 to 0.125, with an average of 0.065, suggesting that invasive populations of S. rostratum do suffer from pollen limitation. The index of pollen limitation was negatively correlated with population size, which is consistent with the pattern that smaller populations suffer from more severe pollen limitation.  相似文献   

1. Habitat fragmentation of stream ecosystems often results in decreased connectivity between populations and lower population sizes. Hence, understanding how habitat fragmentation affects genetic erosion is important for the preservation of freshwater biodiversity, in particular, as small populations suffer from loss of genetic diversity through genetic drift and loss of fitness because of inbreeding, increasing the risk of extinction. 2. Here, we assess the impact of demographic factors on population differentiation in the endangered freshwater crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes by analysing population genetic structure, estimating effective population sizes and comparing levels of polymorphism at five microsatellite loci with density estimates of 10 populations within a small French catchment that has become progressively confined to headwaters over the last six decades. 3. Levels of expected heterozygosity and allelic richness per population were relatively low (0.214–0.396 and 1.6–2.6, respectively). We found strong genetic differentiation between these geographically close populations (FST = 0.283), with weak statistical evidence for a pattern of isolation by distance. Estimates of effective population size were low (<150) in most populations, but potentially reached several thousands in three populations. 4. Population density and allelic richness were strongly positively correlated. A robust relationship between population density and heterozygosity values was also noted, but only after discarding two populations for which significant genetic signatures of a recent bottleneck were found; these two populations displayed high expected heterozygosity compared with a very low density. Populations with the highest densities of individuals had the highest effective population size estimates and vice versa. 5. Our results clearly show the importance of demographic factors and genetic drift on A. pallipes populations. Furthermore, analysis of genetic and population density data is a pragmatic and efficient approach to corroborate inferences from genetic data and can be particularly useful in the identification of populations experiencing a bottleneck and therefore in conservation genetics studies aiming at identifying priority populations for conservation.  相似文献   

山西七里峪茶条槭的种群结构与空间分布格局   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从生命表特征、径级结构、存活曲线及不同海拔种群和不同龄级个体空间分布格局等方面研究了山西七里峪茶条槭的种群结构和空间分布规律.结果显示:(1)七里峪茶条槭种群径级结构呈现幼苗比例大,幼树、小树比例次之的规律,为增长型种群;(2)不同海拔种群中,1 300~1 600m为增长型种群,随着海拔的升高,种群结构逐渐趋于稳定成熟;(3)茶条槭种群的存活曲线接近于Deevey-Ⅲ,除1 400m和1 700m种群外,其它海拔种群存活曲线为Deevey-Ⅱ型;茶条槭种群不同径级的个体呈现出集群分布或随机分布,其空间分布格局随龄级增加而发生改变;(4)不同海拔高度种群的分布格局表现出从集群分布趋向随机分布的规律.研究表明,七里峪茶条槭种群的生活史特征与空间分布具有较为明显的特性,其幼苗储备丰富、自身的生物学特性及种群依存的微环境因素是导致这种现象的主要原因.  相似文献   

普通野生稻小种群的交配系统与遗传多样性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
小种群的遗传动态是保育遗传学关注的核心问题之一,而种群遗传动态又与交配系统密切相关.普通野生稻(Oryza rufipogon Griff.)是具有重要经济价值的濒危物种,目前其种群规模都较小,研究其小种群交配系统与遗传变异性对普通野生稻的保护具有重要意义.运用7对SSR引物,对采自江西东乡普通野生稻小种群的36份种茎和其中20个家系共计601份子代进行了分析.结果显示:该种群的表观异交率为0.318,多位点法估计(MLTR)的多位点异交率为0.481;50%以上的子代共享亲本,非随机交配明显;东乡普通野生稻种群交配系统属于混合交配类型.比较亲本和子代种群的遗传变异性显示:子代种群比亲本种群遗传变异性更丰富;子代种群的杂合子不足与种群变小自交比例上升有关;而亲本种群杂合子过剩可能与杂合基因型的选择优势有关.这些结果说明创造条件扩大种群规模对普通野生稻的原生境保护显得尤为重要.  相似文献   

1. The relative importance of density‐dependent and density‐independent processes in explaining fluctuations in natural populations has been widely debated. In particular, the importance of larval supply and whether it may control the type of regulatory processes a population experiences has proved contentious. 2. Using surveys and field experiments conducted in streams in Canterbury, New Zealand, we investigated how variation in the survival of non‐migratory Galaxias vulgaris fry was affected by density‐dependent and density‐independent processes and how this variation influenced recruitment dynamics. 3. Fry populations with high settlement densities experienced a 70–80% reduction in population size from density‐related mortality during the first fourteen days after peak settlement but thereafter the influence of density‐dependent processes on fry was weak. The impact of environmental conditions on fry populations was dependent on fry size and the magnitude of the perturbation, such that flooding effects on fry survival were most severe when fry were small. 4. In streams not affected by flooding, the size and density of introduced trout (Salmo trutta and Oncorhynchus mykiss) were the most significant factors determining the abundance of eventual recruits. A field experiment manipulating brown trout access to fry populations revealed that trout as small as 110 mm may be capable of greatly reducing and possibly preventing galaxiid recruitment. 5. Overall, the results indicated density‐dependent population regulation was only possible at sites with high native fish densities because trout were likely to be suppressing the number of potential recruits at sites with low native fish numbers. Whilst density‐dependent processes had a strong effect on fry survival following the period of peak fry abundance, density‐independent processes associated with flow and predatory trout influences on fry survival largely determined recruitment variability among galaxiid populations. Focusing conservation efforts on improving habitat to increase fry retention and reducing the impacts of trout on galaxiids would ensure more native fish populations reached their potential abundance.  相似文献   

The demography of Primula veris, a typical species of the species-rich Mesobromion grasslands, was investigated at two contrasting habitats in Eastern Belgium. Both a forested site and a clear-cut parcel were part of formerly larger calcareous grassland areas. By monitoring the demographic response of the target species, this study attempts to clarify the differences in fecundity, growth and survival between a restored and degraded calcareous grassland site. A study of plant traits showed a decrease in number of flowers, inflorescence stalks and plant size under a closing tree canopy. We surveyed individuals in permanent plots between 1999 and 2001. At the forested site, a first sign of decline included lower proportions of flowering individuals and afterwards an increase in mortality was found. Alternatively, removing canopy resulted in an immediate flowering response and both increased growth and seedling recruitment the year after. At both sites, survival rates strongly depended on the initial state, location and year. Projection matrix analysis revealed large differences in modelled population growth rates between sites and years. Under closing canopy the species showed only slow population decline, but the decrease was larger in the last survey year when higher mortality affected the number of reproductive individuals. Transitions between stages with the highest impact on population growth rate were identified by elasticity analysis. If calcareous grassland is forested, survival of reproductive adults is predicted to be very important for conservation of P. veris populations. However, seedling recruitment needs to be raised to guarantee long-term persistence of the populations. On the other hand, clear-felling of a site for restoration of species-rich calcareous grasslands may result in a rapid recovery of certain species.  相似文献   

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