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土壤微生物数量对模拟氮沉降增加的早期响应   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
薛璟花  莫江明  李炯  李德军   《广西植物》2007,27(2):174-179,202
通过以南亚热带森林三种主要树种即荷木、锥栗和黄果厚壳桂为主的苗圃试验地的苗圃控制实验,初步探讨土壤微生物数量对模拟氮沉降增加的响应。结果表明,施氮增加对土壤微生物数量的影响根据类群和氮处理水平不同而异。总的来说,施氮增加对土壤微生物数量具有促进作用,这种促进作用对放线菌数量仅在一定(中氮)处理水平以下,超过此水平施氮增加则表现为抑制作用,而施氮对真菌数量则始终表现为抑制作用,尤其以中N处理水平的抑制作用最强。但目前细菌仍占微生物总量的绝对优势,放线菌次之,真菌则占微生物总量的比例最小。分析结果还表明,有效氮与放线菌、有效氮与细菌数量变化呈显著相关关系。  相似文献   

韩琳  王鸽 《生态学杂志》2012,31(8):1893-1902
以长白山阔叶红松混交林为研究对象,于2006—2008年原位模拟不同形态氮((NH4)2SO4、NH4Cl和KNO3)沉降水平(22.5和45kgN·hm-2·a-1),利用树脂芯法技术(resin-core incubation technique)测定了表层(有机层0~7cm)和土层(0~15cm)土壤氮素净矿化、净氨化和净硝化通量的季节和年际变化规律。同时,结合前人报道的有关林地碳、氮过程及其环境变化影响的结果,力求有效预估森林生态系统中氮素年矿化通量对大气氮沉降量和水热条件等因子变化的响应。结果表明,长白山阔叶红松林地土壤氮素年净矿化通量为1.2~19.8kgN·hm-2·a-1,2008年不同深度的土壤氮素年净矿化通量均显著高于2006和2007年(P<0.05)。随着模拟氮沉降量增加,土壤氮素净矿化通量也随之增加,尤其外源NH4+-N输入对净矿化通量的促进作用更为明显(P<0.05),但随着施肥年限的延长,这种促进作用逐渐减弱。与林地0~15cm土壤相比,氮沉降增加对0~7cm有机层氮素净氨化和净矿化通量的促进作用更为明显,尤其NH4Cl处理的促进作用更大。结合前人报道的野外原位观测结果,土壤氮素年净矿化通量随氮素沉降量的增加而增大,氮沉降量对不同区域森林土壤氮素净矿化通量的贡献率约为52%;氮沉降量(x1)和pH值(x2)可以解释区域森林土壤氮素年净矿化通量(y)变化的70%(y=0.54x1-18.38x2-109.55,R2=0.70,P<0.0001)。前人研究结果仅提供区域年均温度,未考虑积温的影响,这可能是造成年净矿化通量与温度无关的原因。今后的研究工作应该加强区域森林土壤积温观测,进而更加准确地预估森林土壤氮素的年净矿化通量。  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) deposition has increased globally over the last 150 years and further increases are predicted. Epiphytic lichens decline in abundance and diversity in areas with high N loads, and the abundance of lichens decreases along gradients of increased deposition. Thus, although N is an essential nutrient for lichens, excessive loads may be detrimental for them. However, these gradients include many correlated pollutants and the mechanisms behind the decline are thus poorly known. The aim of this study was to assess effects of N deposition, alone, on the epiphytic lichen community composition in a naturally N‐poor boreal forest. For this purpose, whole spruce trees were fertilized daily with N at five levels, equivalent to 0.6, 6, 12.5, 25, and 50 kg N ha?1 yr?1, during four consecutive growing seasons (2006–2009), and changes in the abundance of lichens were monitored each autumn from the preceding year (2005). The studied lichen communities were highly dynamic and responded strongly to the environmental perturbation. N deposition detectably altered the direction of succession and reduced the species richness of the epiphytic lichen communities, even at the lowest fertilization application (6 kg N ha?1 yr?1). The simulated N deposition caused significant changes in the abundance of Alectoria sarmentosa, Bryoria spp., and Hypogymnia physodes, which all increased at low N loads and decreased at high loads, but with species‐specific optima. The rapid decline of A. sarmentosa may have been caused by the added nitrogen reducing the stability of the lichen thalli, possibly due to increases in the photobiont: mycobiont ratio or parasitic fungal attacks. We conclude that increases in nitrogen availability, per se, could be responsible for the reductions in lichen abundance and diversity observed along deposition gradients, and those community responses may be due to physiological responses of the individual species rather than changes in competitive interactions.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Mat-forming lichens in the genera Stereocaulon and Cladonia have ecosystem-level effects in northern boreal forests. Yet the factors affecting the productivity of mat-forming lichens are not known. The aim of the presented work was to investigate whether mat-forming lichens adapted to low N availability employ N-conserving mechanisms similar to those of vascular plants in nutrient-poor ecosystems. Specifically, the following questions were asked: (a) Do lichens translocate N from basal areas to apical growth areas? (b) Are the quantities of N translocated of ecological significance. (c) Is lichen growth dependent on tissue N concentration [N]. METHODS: Two different, but complementary, field experiments were conducted using the mat-forming N2-fixing Stereocaulon paschale and non-fixing Cladonia stellaris as model species. First, N translocation was investigated by feeding lichens with Na(15)NO3 either directly to the apex (theoretical sink) or to the basal part (theoretical source) and observing the redistribution of (15)N after a growth period. Secondly, growth and variation in [N] in thalli of different lengths was measured after a growth period. KEY RESULTS: (15)N fed to lower parts of lichen was translocated towards the growing top, but not vice versa, indicating physiologically dependent translocation that follows a sink-source relationship. In the growth experiment where thalli were cut to different lengths, the significant decrease in [N] in apices of short vs. longer thalli after a growth period is consistent with internal relocation as an ecologically important source of N. CONCLUSIONS: The presented results demonstrate that internal recycling of N occurs in both species investigated and may be ecologically important in these mat-forming lichens under field conditions. The higher nitrogen use efficiency and relative growth rate in C. stellaris in comparison with S. paschale probably enable C. stellaris to dominate the ground cover vegetation in dry boreal coniferous forests under undisturbed conditions.  相似文献   

A monitoring network of nine sites was established to determine the spatial and temporal variation of atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition in the North China Plain (NCP) over a two-year period. The annual bulk deposition of inorganic N in the North China Plain ranged from 18.4 to 38.5 kg/hm2 and averaged 28.0 kg/hm2. The concentration of NH4+-N and NO3?-N in rainwater averaged 3.76 and 1.85 mg/L, respectively, which were significantly higher than the values at background sites in China (normally less than 0.5 mg/L). Annual bulk deposition of inorganic N in the Beijing area (32.5 kg/hm2) was higher than that in Shandong and Hebei provinces (21.2 kg/hm2 on an average). Also bulk N deposition was much greater in Dongbeiwang and Fangshan than in Yanqing and Shunyi counties. Significant spatial variation of bulk deposition was observed in the Beijing area because of variation of precipitation, and 60% of bulk deposition occurred from June to September. Bulk deposition of NH4+-N was 2.0 times that of NO3?-N deposition at the rural monitoring sites. However, the situation was reversed at the Beijing Academy of Agricultural-Forestry Sciences (BAAFS), the unique urban monitoring site. The results suggest that reduced N in precipitation is dominant in rural regions, but oxidized N is the major form in urban regions. The positive relationship between inorganic N deposition and precipitation can be fitted by a power equation (r2= 0.67), showing an increase of NH4+-N and NO3?-N inputs with increased precipitation. Wet deposition of N accounted for 73% of the bulk deposition, implying that dry deposition of N, particularly NH4+-N from dust, is important in the North China Plain.  相似文献   

研究粗放经营和集约经营条件下毛竹林蔗糖酶、纤维素酶、硝酸还原酶、脲酶和过氧化氢酶5种土壤酶活性对4种氮沉降水平(0、30、60和90 kg·hm-2·a-1)的响应.结果表明:与粗放经营相比,集约经营分别显著提高土壤蔗糖酶、纤维素酶和脲酶活性55.5%、112.9%和28.6%,显著抑制硝酸还原酶活性31.5%,对过氧化氢酶活性的影响不显著.氮沉降显著抑制粗放和集约经营方式下毛竹林蔗糖酶活性20.0%~49.4%和36.2%~45.1%、纤维素酶活性20.5%~46.3%和18.3%~49.0%、硝酸还原酶活性67.9%~85.2%和15.2%~34.2%,以及集约经营毛竹林脲酶活性23.1%~47.6%,显著增加了粗放经营毛竹林土壤脲酶活性8.1%~50.6%,对过氧化氢酶活性的影响不显著.氮沉降与经营方式的复合作用除对过氧化氢酶活性的影响不显著外,对其他4种土壤酶活性的影响均达到显著水平.  相似文献   

樊后保    刘文飞    徐雷  李燕燕  廖迎春  王启其  张子文 《生态学报》2008,28(6):2546-2546~2553
在12年生的杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)人工林中开展模拟氮沉降试验,分N0(对照)、N1、N2、N3等4种处理,N沉降量依次为0、60、120、240 kg N hm-2 a-1,每处理重复3次.通过2 a的监测和分析发现,经N0、N1、N2、N3处理后,凋落物分解过程中C平均含量分别为46.47%、46.35%、46.79%、46.6%,各处理之间无显著差异,但均随着分解时间的增加呈下降趋势.氮沉降明显增加了凋落物中的N含量,且随着沉降水平的增加而增加.各处理凋落物C的分解系数依次为0.739、0.744、0.936、0.708,周转期为4.26 a、4.26 a、3.46 a、4.41 a;而N的分解系数分别为0.458、0.543、0.776、0.565,周转期为6.26 a、5.44 a、3.91 a、5.20 a.N1处理表现出促进N释放的作用,但对C释放影响不明显;N2处理促进了凋落物C、N元素的释放,而N3处理则表现出一定的抑制作用.氮沉降处理也明显降低了凋落物的C/N比,N1、N2、N3处理使C/N比分别比N0下降8.59%、14.20%和17.54%.  相似文献   

通过野外模拟实验,研究3个氮沉降水平,CK(对照,0 kg·hm-2·a-1)、LN(低氮,30 kg·hm-2·a-1)和HN(高氮,100 kg·hm-2·a-1)处理对亚热带针叶(杉木)和阔叶(罗浮栲、浙江桂)森林土壤中微量元素Ni、Cu、Zn含量的影响。结果表明:就不同的林分来看,3种微量元素的含量大致呈杉木林>罗浮栲林>浙江桂林,施氮3 d后,浙江桂林和罗浮栲林土壤中3种微量元素在各处理之间差异不显著,仅发现杉木林土壤中的Ni含量在CK处理与LN及HN处理之间和无凋落物土壤中Cu含量在HN与CK及LN之间的差异显著; 3片林分中土壤表面有无凋落物处理总体对3种微量元素含量的影响不大。与施氮前相比,3片林分土壤中的Ni、Cu、Zn含量均有所下降,且浙江桂林在LN处理的降幅最大。  相似文献   

Relations among nitrogen load, soil acidification and forest growth have been evaluated based on short‐term (<15 years) experiments, or on surveys across gradients of N deposition that may also include variations in edaphic conditions and other pollutants, which confound the interpretation of effects of N per se. We report effects on trees and soils in a uniquely long‐term (30 years) experiment with annual N loading on an un‐polluted boreal forest. Ammonium nitrate was added to replicated (N=3) 0.09 ha plots at two doses, N1 and N2, 34 and 68 kg N ha?1 yr?1, respectively. A third treatment, N3, 108 kg N ha?1 yr?1, was terminated after 20 years, allowing assessment of recovery during 10 years. Tree growth initially responded positively to all N treatments, but the longer term response was highly rate dependent with no gain in N3, a gain of 50 m3 ha?1 stemwood in N2 and a gain of 100 m3 ha?1 stemwood in excess of the control (N0) in N1. High N treatments caused losses of up to 70% of exchangeable base cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, K+) in the mineral soil, along with decreases in pH and increases in exchangeable Al3+. In contrast, the organic mor‐layer (forest floor) in the N‐treated plots had similar amounts per hectare of exchangeable base cations as in the N0 treatment. Magnesium was even higher in the mor of N‐treated plots, providing evidence of up‐lift by the trees from the mineral soil. Tree growth did not correlate with the soil Ca/Al ratio (a suggested predictor of effects of soil acidity on tree growth). A boron deficiency occurred on N‐treated plots, but was corrected at an early stage. Extractable NH4+ and NO3?were high in mor and mineral soils of on‐going N treatments, while NH4+ was elevated in the mor only in N3 plots. Ten years after termination of N addition in the N3 treatment, the pH had increased significantly in the mineral soil; there were also tendencies of higher soil base status and concentrations of base cations in the foliage. Our data suggest the recovery of soil chemical properties, notably pH, may be quicker after removal of the N‐load than predicted. Our long‐term experiment demonstrated the fundamental importance of the rate of N application relative to the total amount of N applied, in particular with regard to tree growth and C sequestration. Hence, experiments adding high doses of N over short periods do not mimic the long‐term effects of N deposition at lower rates.  相似文献   

The adaptive responses to atmospheric nitrogen deposition for different European accessions of Arabidopsis lyrata petraea were analysed using populations along a strong atmospheric N-deposition gradient. Plants were exposed to three N-deposition rates, reflecting the rates at the different locations, in a full factorial design. Differences between accessions in the response to N were found for important phenological and physiological response variables. For example, plants from low-deposition areas had higher nitrogen-use efficiencies (NUE) and C : N ratios than plants from areas high in N deposition when grown at low N-deposition rates. The NUE decreased in all accessions at higher experimental deposition rates. However, plants from high-deposition areas showed a limited capacity to increase their NUE at lower experimental deposition rates. Plants from low-deposition areas had faster growth rates, higher leaf turnover rates and shorter times to flowering, and showed a greater increase in growth rate in response to N deposition than those from high-deposition areas. Indications for adaptation to N deposition were found, and results suggest that adaptation of plants from areas high in N deposition to increased N deposition has resulted in the loss of plasticity.  相似文献   

通过人工施氮模拟大气氮沉降,研究了施氮对峨眉冷杉(Abies fabiri)幼苗叶片功能特征、氮和磷含量及其化学计量比的影响,以及幼苗对氮素的积累效应。结果表明:经过2个生长季节的施氮处理(2009年和2010年,N2)幼苗的总生物量、叶干重、叶重比、叶片氮和磷含量及其N:P分别高于对照处理11.29%、46.70%、41.40%、37.30%、22.33%和6.43%,而比叶面积则降低了6.61%,其中叶干重、叶重比和叶片氮含量与对照处理差异显著(P<0.05),N:P差异极显著(P<0.01),并且叶干重与叶片氮含量具有较强的线性相关;与经1个生长季节施氮处理(2009年,N1)的幼苗总生物量、叶干重、叶重比、比叶面积、叶片氮和磷含量及其N:P的比较分析表明,除叶重比和比叶面积外,其他指标N2均高于N1;人工施氮显著促进了幼苗叶片的生长,提高了叶片氮、磷含量及其N:P,但也反映幼苗生长仍受氮素限制,同时,峨眉冷杉幼苗具有氮素积累效应。  相似文献   

氮沉降是当前全球变化的一个重要方面,它对各类森林生态系统和植物的影响及其机制的研究是当前国际生态学界关注的问题之一。探讨了南亚带森林两种优势树种荷木(Schimasuperba)和黄果厚壳桂(Cryptocaryaconcinna)幼苗的养分状况对模拟氮沉降增加的响应。实验随机分为对照(Control)、T5、T10、T15和T305个样方,每个样方包括3个重复。所施氮肥为NH4NO3,每次溶解在10L自来水中,5个样方喷施的浓度分别为0、0.12、0.24、0.36和0.72mol·L-1。每月喷施2次,5个样方一年喷施的总氮量分别相当于氮沉降率0、5、10、15和30g·m-2·a-1。经过11个月的处理,土壤中速效氮水平明显提高,而pH值下降。两种幼苗叶、枝干和根的氮含量随处理水平的增加而升高,但P、K、Ca和Mg的含量与对照相比普遍下降。荷木幼苗的单株氮贮量除T5处理外,所有处理样方均高于对照,但以T10样方最高;黄果厚壳桂幼苗的单株氮贮量随处理水平增加而增加,在T15样方达最大值,之后下降。氮处理引起两种幼苗体内的氮分配到枝干的比例增加,但分配到叶中的比例下降。两种幼苗叶、枝和根3器官中N与其他营养元素的比值随氮处理水平增加而显著增加。  相似文献   

为理解模拟氮沉降对华西雨屏区天然常绿阔叶林土壤微生物生物量碳(MBC)和氮(MBN)的影响,通过一年野外模拟氮(NH4NO3)沉降试验,氮沉降水平分别为对照(CK, 0 g N·m-2·a-1)、低氮沉降(L, 5 g N·m-2·a-1)、中氮沉降(M, 15 g N·m-2·a-1)和高氮沉降(H, 30 g N·m-2·a-1),研究了氮沉降对天然常绿阔叶林土壤MBC和MBN的影响.结果表明: 氮沉降显著降低了0~10 cm土层MBC和MBN,且随氮沉降量的增加,下降幅度增大;L和M处理对10~20 cm土层MBC和MBN无显著影响,H处理显著降低了10~20 cm土层土壤MBC和MBN;氮沉降对MBC和MBN的影响随土壤深度的增加而减弱.MBC和MBN具有明显的季节变化,在0~10和10~20 cm土层均表现为秋季最高,夏季最低.0~10和10~20 cm土层土壤微生物生物量C/N分别介于10.58~11.19和9.62~12.20,表明在华西雨屏区天然常绿阔叶林土壤微生物群落中真菌占据优势.  相似文献   

Productivity in boreal ecosystems is primarily limited by available soil nitrogen (N), and there is substantial interest in understanding whether deposition of anthropogenically derived reactive nitrogen (Nr) results in greater N availability to woody vegetation, which could result in greater carbon (C) sequestration. One factor that may limit the acquisition of Nr by woody plants is the presence of bryophytes, which are a significant C and N pool, and a location where associative cyanobacterial N‐fixation occurs. Using a replicated stand‐scale N‐addition experiment (five levels: 0, 3, 6, 12, and 50 kg N ha?1 yr?1; n=6) in the boreal zone of northern Sweden, we tested the hypothesis that sequestration of Nr into bryophyte tissues, and downregulation of N‐fixation would attenuate Nr inputs, and thereby limit anthropogenic Nr acquisition by woody plants. Our data showed that N‐fixation per unit moss mass and per unit area sharply decreased with increasing N addition. Additionally, the tissue N concentrations of Pleuorzium schreberi increased and its biomass decreased with increasing N addition. This response to increasing N addition caused the P. schreberi N pool to be stable at all but the highest N addition rate, where it significantly decreased. The combined effects of changed N‐fixation and P. schreberi biomass N accounted for 56.7% of cumulative Nr additions at the lowest Nr addition rate, but only a minor fraction for all other treatments. This ‘bryophyte effect’ can in part explain why soil inorganic N availability and acquisition by woody plants (indicated by their δ15N signatures) remained unchanged up to N addition rates of 12 kg ha?1 yr?1 or greater. Finally, we demonstrate that approximately 71.8% of the boreal forest experiences Nr deposition rates at or below 3 kg ha?1 yr?1, suggesting that bryophytes likely limit woody plant acquisition of ambient anthropogenic Nr inputs throughout a majority of the boreal forest.  相似文献   

Chen LX  Duan WB 《应用生态学报》2011,22(8):2005-2012
通过室内模拟氮沉降试验,研究了氮沉降对温带典型森林土壤有效氮的影响.结果表明:试验期间,与对照相比,经过氮沉降处理的土壤铵态氮、硝态氮和有效氮均呈增长的趋势,增加的程度取决于森林类型、土层、氮处理类型和氮处理的持续时间.氮沉降对不同林型土壤有效氮形态和含量的影响不同,氮沉降对混交林的影响弱于阔叶林,强于针叶人工纯林;土壤A层对氮沉降的敏感程度大于土壤B层;铵态氮形态沉降对土壤铵态氮含量的影响比对土壤硝态氮含量的影响大,而硝态氮形态沉降对土壤硝态氮含量的影响比对土壤铵态氮含量的影响大,混合形态的氮沉降对二者均有促进作用,且增加幅度更高;氮沉降对土壤有效氮的影响存在累加效应.  相似文献   

研究了南亚热带主要森林类型 (马尾松林、混交林和季风常绿阔叶林 )土壤有效氮含量对模拟氮沉降的初期响应。结果显示 :(1)马尾松林、混交林和阔叶林 0~ 10 cm和 10~ 2 0 cm两个土层有效氮 (铵态氮 硝态氮 )含量总平均分别为 6 .2 4、6 .2 2和14 .77m g/kg,其中铵态氮占 4 5 .3%、4 8.7%和 14 .5 %。 (2 )外加氮处理使 3个森林两个土层的有效氮含量都在增加 ,但其影响程度取决于土层、氮处理水平、氮处理时间和森林类型。总体而言 ,0~ 10 cm土层略比 10~ 2 0 cm土层敏感 ;氮处理水平越高土壤有效氮增加越多 ;外加氮处理时间越长 ,处理样方与对照样方的差距越大 ;阔叶林的响应稍落后于马尾松林和混交林  相似文献   

Here, it was investigated whether Sphagnum species have adjusted their nitrogen (N) uptake in response to the anthropogenic N deposition that has drastically altered N-limited ecosystems, including peatlands, worldwide. A lawn species, Sphagnum balticum, and a hummock species, Sphagnum fuscum, were collected from three peatlands along a gradient of N deposition (2, 8 and 12 kg N ha(-1) yr(-1)). The mosses were subjected to solutions containing a mixture of four N forms. In each solution one of these N forms was labeled with (15)N (namely (15)NH(+)(4), (15)NO(-)(3) and the amino acids [(15)N]alanine (Ala) and [(15)N]glutamic acid (Glu)). It was found that for both species most of the N taken up was from , followed by Ala, Glu, and very small amounts from NO(-)(3). At the highest N deposition site N uptake was reduced, but this did not prevent N accumulation as free amino acids in the Sphagnum tissues. The reduced N uptake may have been genetically selected for under the relatively short period with elevated N exposure from anthropogenic sources, or may have been the result of plasticity in the Sphagnum physiological response. The negligible Sphagnum NO(-)(3) uptake may make any NO(-)(3) deposited readily available to co-occurring vascular plants.  相似文献   

为探讨亚热带森林对氮沉降增加的响应,项目在杉木人工林中开展了野外模拟N沉降试验,分N0(对照)、N1、N2、N3等4种处理,N沉降量分别为0、60、120、240(kgNhm-2a-1)。通过3a的研究发现,中高氮处理(N2、N3)明显促进了杉木胸径的生长,而低氮处理(N1)则没有产生明显影响。氮沉降对树高生长也有明显的促进作用,但随着氮沉降水平的增加其影响有减弱趋势。通过各水平N处理后,杉木年平均蓄积增长量分别为28.82、28.96、32.63m3hm-2和33.68m3hm-2,表明N沉降在一定程度上增加了林分蓄积量的积累,但处理之间的差异没有达到统计上的显著性水平。随着氮沉降水平的增加,NH4 -N和NO3--N含量明显上升,而土壤pH值、有机质、速效P、速效K和交换性Ca、Mg含量则呈下降趋势。杉木针叶养分状况对氮沉降的响应也比较敏感,N1、N2、N3处理使针叶平均N含量分别增加18.25%、11.68%和13.14%,但对P、K、Ca、Mg含量表现出一定的抑制作用。  相似文献   

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