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Proteases are found in every cell, where they recognize and break down unneeded or abnormal polypeptides or peptide-based nutrients within or outside the cell. Genome sequence data can be used to compare proteolytic enzyme inventories of different organisms as they relate to physiological needs for protein modification and hydrolysis. In this review, we exploit genome sequence data to compare hyperthermophilic microorganisms from the euryarchaeotal genus Pyrococcus, the crenarchaeote Sulfolobus solfataricus, and the bacterium Thermotoga maritima. An overview of the proteases in these organisms is given based on those proteases that have been characterized and on putative proteases that have been identified from genomic sequences, but have yet to be characterized. The analysis revealed both similarities and differences in the mechanisms utilized for proteolysis by each of these hyperthermophiles and indicated how these mechanisms relate to proteolysis in less thermophilic cells and organisms.  相似文献   

Thermophilic and hyperthermophilic Archaea and Bacteria have been isolated from marine hydrothermal systems, heated sediments, continental solfataras, hot springs, water heaters, and industrial waste. They catalyze a tremendous array of widely varying metabolic processes. As determined in the laboratory, electron donors in thermophilic and hyperthermophilic microbial redox reactions include H2, Fe(2+), H2S, S, S2O3(2-), S4O6(2-), sulfide minerals, CH4, various mono-, di-, and hydroxy-carboxylic acids, alcohols, amino acids, and complex organic substrates; electron acceptors include O2, Fe(3+), CO2, CO, NO3(-), NO2(-), NO, N2O, SO4(2-), SO3(2-), S2O3(2-), and S. Although many assimilatory and dissimilatory metabolic reactions have been identified for these groups of microorganisms, little attention has been paid to the energetics of these reactions. In this review, standard molal Gibbs free energies (DeltaGr(0)) as a function of temperature to 200 degrees C are tabulated for 370 organic and inorganic redox, disproportionation, dissociation, hydrolysis, and solubility reactions directly or indirectly involved in microbial metabolism. To calculate values of DeltaGr(0) for these and countless other reactions, the apparent standard molal Gibbs free energies of formation (DeltaG(0)) at temperatures to 200 degrees C are given for 307 solids, liquids, gases, and aqueous solutes. It is shown that values of DeltaGr(0) for many microbially mediated reactions are highly temperature dependent, and that adopting values determined at 25 degrees C for systems at elevated temperatures introduces significant and unnecessary errors. The metabolic processes considered here involve compounds that belong to the following chemical systems: H-O, H-O-N, H-O-S, H-O-N-S, H-O-C(inorganic), H-O-C, H-O-N-C, H-O-S-C, H-O-N-S-C(amino acids), H-O-S-C-metals/minerals, and H-O-P. For four metabolic reactions of particular interest in thermophily and hyperthermophily (knallgas reaction, anaerobic sulfur and nitrate reduction, and autotrophic methanogenesis), values of the overall Gibbs free energy (DeltaGr) as a function of temperature are calculated for a wide range of chemical compositions likely to be present in near-surface and deep hydrothermal and geothermal systems.  相似文献   

The citrate synthase (CS) gene from the hyperthermophilic Archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus has been cloned and sequenced. The gene encodes a polypeptide of 378 amino acids with a calculated polypeptide molecular mass of 42 679. High-level expression was achieved in Escherichia coli and the recombinant citrate synthase was purified to homogeneity using a heat step and dye-ligand affinity chromatography. This procedure yielded approximately 26 mg of pure CS per liter of culture, with a specific activity of 41 U/mg. The enzyme exhibited a half-life of 8 min at 95°C. A homology-modelled structure of the S. solfataricus CS has been generated using the crystal structure of the enzyme from the thermoacidophilic Archaeon Thermoplasma acidophilum with which it displays 58% sequence identity. The modelled structure is discussed with respect to the thermostability properties of the enzyme. Received: August 10, 1997 / Accepted: October 23, 1997  相似文献   

A systematic study of the bioleaching of chalcopyrite (CuFeS 2 ) was conducted using axenic cultures of 11 species of acidophilic Bacteria and Archaea to obtain a direct comparison of the microbial chalcopyrite leaching capabilities of the different cultures and to determine the factors that affect Cu release. The characteristics of chalcopyrite leaching by the moderate thermophile Sulfobacillus thermosulfidooxidans , the mesophile Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans , and the thermophile Acidianus brierleyi were used to elucidate the leaching process. Moderately thermophilic cultures of Sulfobacillus acidophilus, Acidimicrobium ferrooxidans , and Acidithiobacillus caldus were used to study the effects of different metabolic capabilities and relate those to leaching efficiency. The greatest rate of Cu solubilization from chalcopyrite was achieved at high temperatures (up to 70°C) at redox potentials below +550 mV (Ag/AgCl). The enhanced Cu solubilization observed at high temperatures resulted from accelerated chemical reaction rates, rather than from the rates at which individual acidophiles generated the mineral leaching reactants such as Fe 3+ .  相似文献   

We review and update the work on genetic elements, e.g., viruses and plasmids (excluding IS elements and transposons) in the kingdom Crenarchaeota (Thermoproteales and Sulfolobales) and the orders Thermococcales and Thermoplasmales in the kingdom Euryachaeota of the archael domain, including unpublished data from our laboratory. The viruses of Crenarchaeota represent four novel virus families. The Fuselloviridae represented by SSV1 of S. shibatae and relatives in other Sulfolobus strains have the form of a failed spindle. The envelope is highly hydrophobic. The DNA is double-stranded and circular. Members of this group have also been found in Methanococcus and Haloarcula. The Lipothrixviridae (e.g., T TV1 to 3) have the form of flexible filaments. They have a core containing linear double-stranded DNA and DNA-binding proteins which is wrapped into a lipid membrane. The ‘Bacilloviridae’ (e.g., TTV4 and SIRV) are stiff rods lacking this membrane, but also featuring linear double-stranded DNA and DNA-binding proteins. Both virus type carry on both ends structures involved in the attachment to receptors. Both types are represented in Thermoproteus and Sulfolobus. The droplet-formed novel Sulfolobus virus SNDV represents the ‘Guttaviridae’ containing circular double-stranded DNA. Though head and tail viruses distantly resembling T phages or lambdoid phages were seen electronmicroscopically in solfataric water samples, no such virus has so far been isolated. SSV1 is temperate, TTV1 causes lysis after induction, the other viruses found so far exist in carrier states. The hosts of all but TTV1 survive virus production. We discuss the implications of the nature of these viruses for understanding virus evolution. The plasmids found so far range in size from 4.5 kb to about 40 kb. Most of them occur in high copy number, probably due to the way of their detection. Most are cryptic, pNOB8 is conjugative, the widespread pDL10 alleviates in an unknown way autotrophic growth of its host Desulfurolobus by sulfur reduction. The plasmid pTIK4 appears to encode a killer function. pNOB8 has been used as a vector for the transfer of the lac S (β-galactosidase) gene into a mutant of S. solfataricus.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that the hyperthermophilic archaeon, Sulfolobus solfataricus, catabolizes d-glucose and d-galactose to pyruvate and glyceraldehyde via a non-phosphorylative version of the Entner-Doudoroff pathway. At each step, one enzyme is active with both C6 epimers, leading to a metabolically promiscuous pathway. On further investigation, the catalytic promiscuity of the first enzyme in this pathway, glucose dehydrogenase, has been shown to extend to the C5 sugars, d-xylose and l-arabinose. In the current paper we establish that this promiscuity for C6 and C5 metabolites is also exhibited by the third enzyme in the pathway, 2-keto-3-deoxygluconate aldolase, but that the second step requires a specific C5-dehydratase, the gluconate dehydratase being active only with C6 metabolites. The products of this pathway for the catabolism of d-xylose and l-arabinose are pyruvate and glycolaldehyde, pyruvate entering the citric acid cycle after oxidative decarboxylation to acetyl-coenzyme A. We have identified and characterized the enzymes, both native and recombinant, that catalyze the conversion of glycolaldehyde to glycolate and then to glyoxylate, which can enter the citric acid cycle via the action of malate synthase. Evidence is also presented that similar enzymes for this pentose sugar pathway are present in Sulfolobus acidocaldarius, and metabolic tracer studies in this archaeon demonstrate its in vivo operation in parallel with a route involving no aldol cleavage of the 2-keto-3-deoxy-pentanoates but direct conversion to the citric acid cycle C5-metabolite, 2-oxoglutarate.  相似文献   

The diversity of bacteria and archaea was characterized from sediments collected from Wind Cave located in Wind Cave National Park in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Wind Cave is a limestone dissolution cave with strata that started forming over 300 million years ago, making it one of the oldest in the world. Previous work suggested that the cave was largely a detritus based system ultimately dependent upon allochthonous energy and carbon from photosynthesis of the overlying vegetation, and algae growing near lights along the tour routes. In this work, we used a molecular phylogenetic approach to characterize the microbial structure and infer a corresponding ecosystem function where appropriate. Four bacterial divisions and subdivisions were found in the culture collection, which represented 14 phylotypes, whereas 12 divisions and subdivisions were identified in the clonal analysis comprising 49 phylotypes. The predominant groups were the γ-Proteobacteria and Acidobacteria. Although a few of the clones resembled sequences from other cave and subterranean systems, no cave-specific bacterial community was evident in this work. Archaeal phylotypes (20 Crenarchaeota and 2 Euryarchaeota) were detected, with a large proportion of the Crenarchaeota resembling sequences from a South African gold mine. One archaeal cluster in particular appears to be specific to the subterranean environment. Most of the microbial sequences were not related to known chemolithoautotrophs, therefore we conclude that this particular community is likely detritus based where allochthonous energy and carbon are transported into the cave by infiltrating waters.  相似文献   

The hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus was found to form substantial amounts of l-alanine during batch growth on either cellobiose, maltose or pyruvate. Acetate, CO2 and H2 were produced next to alanine. The carbon- and electron balances were complete for all three substrates. Under standard growth conditions (N2/CO2 atmosphere) an alanine/acetate ratio of about 0.3 was found for either substrate. The alanine /acetate ratio was influenced, however, by the hydrogen partial pressure. In the presence of S0 or in coculture with Methanococcus jannaschii this ratio was only 0.07, whereas under a H2/CO2 atmosphere this ratio could amount up to 0.8. Alanine formation was also aflected by the NH inf4 sup+ concentration, i.e. below 4 mM, NH inf4 sup+ becomes limiting to alanine formation. Alanine formation was shown to occur via an alanine aminotransferase, which exhibited a specific activity in cell-free extract of up to 6.0 U/mg (90°C; direction of pyruvate formation). The alanine aminotransferase probably cooperates with glutamate dehydrogenase (up to 23 U/mg; 90°C) and ferredoxin: NADP+ oxidoreductase (up to 0.7 U/mg, using methyl viologen; 90°C) to recycle the electron acceptors involved in catabolism. Thus, the existence of this unusual alanine-forming branch enables P. furiosus to adjust its fermentation, depending on the redox potential of the terminal electron acceptor.Abbreviations DTT dithiothreitol - MV methyl viologen - AAT alanine aminotransferase - GDH glutamate dehydrogenase - MV: NADP+ OR methyl viologen: NADP+ oxidoreductase  相似文献   

A gene (ST1218) encoding a d-3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase (PGDH; EC homolog was found in the genome of Sulfolobus tokodaii strain 7 by screening a database of enzymes likely to contribute to l-serine biosynthesis in hyperthermophilic archaea. After expressing the gene in Escherichia coli, the PGDH activity of the recombinant enzyme was assessed. Homogeneous PGDH was obtained using conventional chromatography steps, though during the purification an unexpected decline in enzyme activity was observed if the enzyme was stored in plastic tubes, but not in glass ones. The purified enzyme was a homodimer with a subunit molecular mass of about 35 kDa and was highly thermostable. It preferably acted as an NAD-dependent d-3-phosphoglycerate (3PGA) dehydrogenase. Although NADP had no activity as the electron acceptor, both NADPH and NADH acted as electron donors. Kinetic analyses indicated that the enzyme reaction proceeds via a Theorell-Chance Bi-Bi mechanism. Unlike E. coli PGDH, the S. tokodaii enzyme was not inhibited by l-serine. In addition, both the NAD-dependent 3PGA oxidation and the reverse reaction were enhanced by phosphate and sulfate ions, while NADPH-dependent 3-phosphohydroxypyruvate (PHP) reduction was inhibited. Thus S. tokodaii PGDH appears to be subject to a novel regulatory mechanism not seen elsewhere. A database analysis showed that ST1218 gene forms a cluster with ST1217 gene, and a functional analysis of the ST1217 product expressed in E. coli revealed that it possesses l-glutamate-PHP aminotransferase activity. Taken together, our findings represent the first example of a phosphorylated serine pathway in a hyperthermophilic archaeon.  相似文献   

The crenarchaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus has the potential to be a powerful model system to understand the central mechanism of eukaryotic DNA replication because it contains three active origins of replication and three eukaryote-like Orc1/Cdc6 proteins. However, it is not known whether these SsoCdc6 proteins can functionally interact and collectively contribute to DNA replication initiation. In the current work, we found that SsoCdc6-1 stimulates DNA-binding activities of SsoCdc6-3. In contrast, SsoCdc6-3 inhibits those of both SsoCdc6-1 and SsoCdc6-2. These regulatory functions are differentially affected by the C-terminal domains of these SsoCdc6 proteins. These data, in conjunction with studies on physical interactions between these replication initiators by bacterial two-hybrid and pull-down/Western blot assays, lead us to propose the possibility that multiple SsoCdc6 proteins might coordinately regulate DNA replication in the archaeon species. This is the first report on the functional interaction among the archaeal multiple Cdc6 proteins to regulate DNA replication.  相似文献   

Abstract The influence of elevated hydrostatic pressure on the growth rates of two hyperthermophilic Archaea isolated from hydrothermal vent environments (strains ES1 and ES4) was investigated over their entire temperature range for growth. Thermococcus celer , a shallow marine hyperthermophile was included in the study for comparative purposes. For one strain (ES4), the pressure at the site of collection (22 MPa) caused an upward shift in the optimal growth temperature of about 6°C compared to growth at 1 MPa. Although the optimal temperature for ES1 was unaffected by 22 MPa, elevated pressure stimulated the growth rate at supra-optimal temperatures. The temperature range for growth for both organisms was extended upward 2°C at 22 MPa pressure. For both strains 22 MPa had little effect on growth rates at sub-optimal temperatures. Growth was observed at pressures as high as 89 MPa for ES1 and 67 MPa for ES4, but with these higher pressures the temperature range for growth was narrowed, and the optimal temperature was shifted downward. Growth of Thermococcus celer was slightly stimulated by 22 MPa at its reported optimal temperature of 88°C, but was inhibited by higher pressure.  相似文献   

Proteins of the Sac10b family are highly conserved in Archaea. Ssh10b, a member of the Sac10b family from the hyperthermophilic crenarchaeon Sulfolobus shibatae, binds to RNA in vivo. Here we show that binding by Ssh10b destabilizes RNA secondary structure. Structural analysis of Ssh10b in complex with a 25-bp RNA duplex containing local distortions reveals that Ssh10b binds the two RNA strands symmetrically as a tetramer with each dimer bound asymmetrically to a single RNA strand. Amino acid residues involved in double-stranded RNA binding are similar, but non-identical, to those in dsDNA binding. The dimer-dimer interaction mediated by the intermolecular β-sheet appears to facilitate the destabilization of base pairing in the secondary structure of RNA. Our results suggest that proteins of the Sac10b family may play important roles in RNA transactions requiring destabilization of RNA secondary structure in Sulfolobus.  相似文献   

Misregulation of DNA repair is associated with genetic instability and tumorigenesis. To preserve the integrity of the genome, eukaryotic cells have evolved extremely intricate mechanisms for repairing DNA damage. One type of DNA lesion is a double-strand break (DSB), which is highly toxic when unrepaired. Repair of DSBs can occur through multiple mechanisms. Aside from religating the DNA ends, a homologous template can be used for repair in a process called homologous recombination (HR). One key step in committing to HR is the formation of Rad51 filaments, which perform the homology search and strand invasion steps. In S. cerevisiae, Srs2 is a key regulator of Rad51 filament formation and disassembly. In this review, we highlight potential candidates of Srs2 orthologues in human cells, and we discuss recent advances in understanding how Srs2's so-called “anti-recombinase” activity is regulated.  相似文献   

We used direct selection of pyrE and pyrF mutants to estimate the rates of spontaneous mutation in Sulfolobus acidocaldarius as a function of genetic background and culture conditions. Fluctuation tests were applied to several genetically marked strains, including one isolated as a putative mutator strain, and to cultures grown over a wide range of temperature and other physiological conditions. The results suggested some impact of auxotrophic markers on the apparent rate of mutation, but no obvious pattern of effect of growth conditions, including those that gave evidence of being physiologically stressful. Received: 27 May 1997 / Accepted: 2 September 1997  相似文献   

Summary Forage and turf grasses are critical to sustainable agriculture and contribute extensively to the world economy. Tremendous progress has been made in genetic transformation of forage and turf grasses in the past decade. The rapid advancement of cellular and molecular biology and transgenic technology provides novel methods to accelerate and complement conventional breeding efforts. This review summarizes the latest developments in genetic transformation methods and the applications of molecular techniques for the improvement of forage and turf grasses.  相似文献   

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