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A band-selective aromatic–aliphatic C,C-edited four-dimensional NOESY experiment is proposed here. Its key advantage is the absence of auto-correlation signals which makes it very attractive for joint use with non-uniform sampling. It is demonstrated here that the sensitivity of the experiment is not significantly affected by utilization of selective pulses (for either aromatic-13C or aliphatic-13C spins). The method was applied to the sample of E32Q mutant of human S100A1 protein, a homodimer of total molecular mass ~20 kDa. High-resolution 4D spectra were obtained from ~1.5 % of sampling points required conventionally. It is shown that superior resolution facilitates unambiguous assignment of observed aliphatic–aromatic cross-peaks. Additionally, the addition of aliphatic-13C dimension enables to resolve peaks with degenerated aliphatic 1H chemical shifts. All observed cross-peaks were validated against previously determined 3D structure of E32Q mutant of S100A1 protein (PDB 2LHL). The increased reliability of structural constraints obtained from the proposed high-resolution 4D 13C(ali),13C(aro)-edited NOESY can be exploited in the automated protocols of structure determination of proteins.  相似文献   

Dengue virus, belongs to Flaviviridae, is an arthropod transmitted virus that threatens millions of people’s lives. As with other flaviviruses, a positive single-stranded 11-kilobases RNA in the dengue virus genome encodes three structural proteins (capsid protein C, membrane protein M, and envelope protein E) and seven non-structural proteins (NS1, NS2A, NS2B, NS3, NS4A, NS4B, and NS5). The two component protease NS2B–NS3p is essential for viral replication and is believed to be a potential antiviral drug target. Aprotinin, a native inhibitor, is proved to retard the activity of NS2B–NS3p. The backbone assignments of NS2B–NS3p will be essential for determining the high resolution solution structure of NS2B–NS3p and screening new antiviral drugs. Herein, we report the backbone 1H, 15N, 13C resonance assignments of the N terminal fragment of NS2B (4.8 kDa) and NS3p (18.5 kDa) in complex with aprotinin (6.5 kDa) by high resolution NMR.  相似文献   

Summary Triple-resonance experiments can be designed to provide useful information on spin-system topologies. In this paper we demonstrate optimized proton and carbon versions of PFG-CT-HACANH and PFG-CT-HACA(CO)NH straight-through triple-resonance experiments that allow rapid and almost complete assignments of backbone H, 13C, 15N and HN resonances in small proteins. This work provides a practical guide to using these experiments for determining resonance assignments in proteins, and for identifying both intraresidue and sequential connections involving glycine residues. Two types of delay tunings within these pulse sequences provide phase discrimination of backbone Gly C and H resonances: (i) C–H phase discrimination by tuning of the refocusing period a_f; (ii) C–C phase discrimination by tuning of the 13C constant-time evolution period 2Tc. For small proteins, C–C phase tuning provides better S/N ratios in PFG-CT-HACANH experiments while C–H phase tuning provides better S/N ratios in PFG-CT-HACA(CO)NH. These same principles can also be applied to triple-resonance experiments utilizing 13C-13C COSY and TOCSY transfer from peripheral side-chain atoms with detection of backbone amide protons for classification of side-chain spin-system topologies. Such data are valuable in algorithms for automated analysis of resonance assignments in proteins.  相似文献   

Non-lethal sampling methods are of great interest for conservation genetic studies to prevent the death of individuals in populations that are threatened or in decline. With this aim, we tested a non-lethal method of partial antennae removal for DNA sampling in two euglossine bee species: Euglossa cordata and Eulaema nigrita. We validated the survival of the individuals through mark–recapture experiments during 16 months. The quality and quantity of the tissue for DNA analysis was verified through amplification and genotyping of nine and eleven microsatellite loci, respectively. Our results from the mark–recapture experiments showed equal recapture rates of individuals with intact and removed antennae (E. cordata χ2 = 2.492, df = 1, p = 0.114; E. nigrita χ2 = 1.683, df = 1, p = 0.194). Microsatellite loci were successfully genotyped in 97.1 and 97.6 % of the E. cordata and E. nigrita individuals, respectively. Our results validate the feasibility of using antennae tissue for DNA genetic analysis without compromising the survival of individual bees.  相似文献   

1H, 13C and 15N resonance assignments are presented for a recombinant 114 amino acid human immunoglobulin (Ig) κIV light-chain variable domain (VL) LEN, which displays a high degree of sequence identity with another human Ig κIV VL, SMA. While SMA is highly amyloidogenic in vivo and in vitro and has been linked to the pathogenesis of light-chain amyloidosis, LEN is non-amyloidogenic in vivo and can be converted to the amyloid state only in vitro under destabilizing conditions. Measurements of longitudinal and transverse amide 15N relaxation rates confirm that, as expected, LEN is a dimer at physiological pH and typical concentrations used for NMR studies, and the analysis of secondary chemical shifts indicates that the protein has a high β-sheet content. These findings are consistent with previously published biophysical data and the high-resolution X-ray structure of LEN.  相似文献   

Galectin-1 is an important regulator of leukocyte function and tumor angiogenesis. Recently, this lectin has been identified as a molecular target for the potent angiogenesis inhibitor anginex. Here, we report 1H, 13C, and 15N chemical shift assignments for human galectin-1 as determined by using heteronuclear triple resonance NMR spectroscopy.  相似文献   

Based upon extensive density functional theory and wave function theory calculations performed in this work, we predict the existence of the perfectly planar triangle C(3h) B(6)H(3)(+) (1, (1)A') and the double-chain stripe C(2h) B(8)H(2) (9, (1)A(g)) which are the ground states of the systems and the inorganic analogues of cyclopropene cation D(3h) C(3)H (3) (+) and cyclobutadiene D(2h) C(4)H(4), respectively. Detailed adaptive natural density partitioning (AdNDP) analyses indicate that C(3h) B(6)H (3) (+) is π plus σ doubly aromatic with two delocalized π-electrons and six delocalized σ-electrons formally conforming to the 4n + 2 aromatic rule, while C(2h) B(8)H(2) is π antiaromatic and σ aromatic with four delocalized π-electrons and ten delocalized σ-electrons. The perfectly planar C(2h) B(8)H(4) (5, (1)A(g)) also proves to be π antiaromatic analogous to D(2h) C(4)H(4), but it appears to be a local minimum about 50 kJ mol(-1) less stable than the three dimensional C(s) B(8)H(4)(6, (1)A'). AdNDP, nucleus independent chemical shifts (NICS) and electron localization function (ELF) analyses indicate that these boron hydride clusters form islands of both σ- and π-aromaticities and are overall aromatic in nature in ELF aromatic criteria.  相似文献   

This paper describes a [15N,1H]/[13C,1H]-TROSY experiment for the simultaneous acquisition of the heteronuclear chemical shift correlations of backbone amide 15N–1H groups, side chain 15N–1H2 groups and aromatic 13C–1H groups in otherwise highly deuterated proteins. The 15N–1H and 13C–1H correlations are extracted from two subspectra of the same data set, thus preventing possible spectral overlap of aromatic and amide protons in the 1H dimension. The side-chain 15N–1H2 groups, which are suppressed in conventional [15N,1H)-TROSY, are observed with high sensitivity in the 15N–1H subspectrum. [15N,1H]/[13C,1H]-TROSY was used as the heteronuclear correlation block in a 3D [1H,1H]-NOESY-[15N,1H]/[13C,1H]-TROSY experiment with the membrane protein OmpA reconstituted in detergent micelles of molecular weight 80000 Da, which enabled the detection of numerous NOEs between backbone amide protons and both aromatic protons and side chain 15N–1H2 groups.  相似文献   

Summary A 3D triple resonance experiment has been designed to provide intraresidual and sequential correlations between amide nitrogens and -carbons in uniformly 13C15N-labeled proteins. In-phase 13C magnetization is transferred to the aliphatic side-chain protons via the side-chain carbons using a CC-TOCSY mixing sequence. Thus, the experiment alleviates the resonance assignment process by providing information about the amino acid type as well as establishing sequential connectivities. Leaving the carbonyl spins untouched throughout the transfer from 13C to 1H leads to E.COSY-type cross peaks, from which the 3JH co coupling constants can be evaluated. The pulse sequence is applied to oxidized Desulfovibrio vulgaris flavodoxin.  相似文献   


Purpose: Transpulmonary biomarkers may provide insight into pulmonary hypertension (PH) pathophysiology, but require cardiac catheterization. We investigated whether the peripheral arterial–venous ratio (PR) could substitute for the transpulmonary ratio (TPR).

Materials and methods: Blood from the pulmonary artery (PA), pulmonary arterial wedge (PAW), peripheral venous, and peripheral arterial positions was analysed for ET-1, NT-pro-BNP and cAMP levels in subjects with no PH (n?=?18) and PH due to left heart disease (PH-LHD), which included combined pre- and post-capillary PH (Cpc-PH; n?=?7) and isolated post-capillary PH (Ipc-PH; n?=?9). Bland–Altman comparisons were made between peripheral venous and PA samples and between peripheral arterial and PAW samples. TPR was defined as [PAW]/[PA].

Results: For ET-1, Bland–Altman analysis indicated negative bias (?24%) in peripheral arterial compared to PAW concentration and positive bias (23%) in peripheral venous compared to PA concentration. There was <10% absolute bias for NT-pro-BNP and cAMP. For ET-1, there was no difference in PR between Cpc-PH and Ipc-PH (0.87?±?0.4 vs. 0.94?±?0.6, p?=?0.8), whereas there was a difference in TPR (2.2?±?1.1 vs. 1.1?±?0.2, p?<?0.05).

Conclusions: In PH-LHD, peripheral samples may be inadequate surrogates for transpulmonary samples, particularly when measuring mediators with prominent pulmonary secretion or clearance, such as ET-1.  相似文献   

The type I phosphoribosyltransferase OMP synthase (EC is involved in de novo synthesis of pyrimidine nucleotides forming the UMP precursor orotidine 5′-monophosphate (OMP). The homodimeric enzyme has a Rossman α/β core topped by a base-enclosing “hood” domain and a flexible domain-swapped catalytic loop. High-resolution X-ray structures of the homologous Salmonella typhimurium and yeast enzymes show that a general compacting of the core as well as movement of the hood and a major disorder-to-order transition of the loop occur upon binding of ligands MgPRPP and orotate. Here we present backbone NMR assignments for the unliganded yeast enzyme (49 kDa) and its complex with product OMP. We were able to assign 212–213 of the 225 non-proline backbone 15N and amide proton resonances. Significant difference in chemical shifts of the amide cross peaks occur in regions of the structure that undergo movement upon ligand occupancy in the S. typhimurium enzyme.  相似文献   

Gas-phase reactions of ClO/BrO with RCl (R = CH3, C2H5, and C3H7) have been investigated in detail using the popular DFT functional BHandHLYP/aug-cc-pVDZ level of theory. As a result, our findings strongly suggest that the type of reaction is firstly initiated by a typical SN2 fashion. Subsequently, two competitive substitution steps, named as SN2-induced substitution and SN2-induced elimination, respectively, would proceed before the initial SN2 product ion-dipole complex separates, in which the former exhibits less reactivity than the latter. Those are consistent with relevant experimental results. Moreover, we have also explored reactivity difference for the title reactions in term of some factors derived from methyl group, p-π electronic conjugation, ionization energy (IE), as well as molecular orbital (MO) analysis.
Energy profiles for the ClO– reactions and BrO–reactions, respectively  相似文献   

The sequence specific 1H, 13C and 15N resonance assignments of hahellin in 8 M urea-denatured state have been accomplished by NMR spectroscopy. Secondary chemical shift analysis reveals the native-like propensities for β-rich conformation in the denatured state.  相似文献   

Journal of Biomolecular NMR - Determination of protein structure and dynamics is key to understand the mechanism of protein action. Perdeuterated proteins have been used to obtain high...  相似文献   

We describe here, adaptation of the HNN pulse sequence for multiple nuclei detection using two independent receivers by utilizing the detectable 13Cα transverse magnetization which was otherwise dephased out in the conventional HNN experiment. It enables acquisition of 2D 13Cα15N sequential correlations along with the standard 3D 15N–15N–1H correlations, which provides directionality to sequential walk in HNN, on one hand, and enhances the speed of backbone assignment, on the other. We foresee that the implementation of dual direct detection opens up new avenues for a wide variety of modifications that would further enhance the value and applications of the experiment, and enable derivation of hitherto impossible information.  相似文献   

With a small series of compounds we demonstrated the variability in the core region of the human histamine H3 receptor (hH3R) antagonist structural blueprint by introducing polar azole groups (oxazole, oxadiazole, thiazole and triazole). Additional variations achieved by coupling different residues to the heterocyclic core structure led to further optimisation of in vitro receptor binding of the novel azole derivatives.  相似文献   

We present two time-shared experiments that enable the characterization of all nOes in 1H–13C-ILV methyl-labelled proteins that are otherwise uniformly deuterated and 15N enriched and possibly selectively protonated for distinct residue types. A 3D experiment simultaneously provides the spectra of a 3D NOESY-HN-TROSY and of a 3D NOESY-HC-PEP-HSQC. Thus, nOes from any protons to methyl or amide protons are dispersed with respect to 15N and 13C chemical shifts, respectively. The single 4D experiment presented here yields simultaneously the four 4D experiments HC-HSQC-NOESY-HC-PEP-HSQC, HC-HSQC-NOESY-HN-TROSY, HN-HSQC-NOESY-HN-TROSY and HN-HSQC-NOESY-HC-PEP-HSQC. This allows for the unambiguous determination of all nOes involving amide and methyl protons. The method was applied to a (1H,13C)-ILV−(1H)-FY-(U−2H,15N) sample of a 37 kDa di-domain of the E. coli enterobactin synthetase module EntF.  相似文献   

A birth-death process is a continuous-time Markov chain that counts the number of particles in a system over time. In the general process with n current particles, a new particle is born with instantaneous rate λ(n) and a particle dies with instantaneous rate μ(n). Currently no robust and efficient method exists to evaluate the finite-time transition probabilities in a general birth-death process with arbitrary birth and death rates. In this paper, we first revisit the theory of continued fractions to obtain expressions for the Laplace transforms of these transition probabilities and make explicit an important derivation connecting transition probabilities and continued fractions. We then develop an efficient algorithm for computing these probabilities that analyzes the error associated with approximations in the method. We demonstrate that this error-controlled method agrees with known solutions and outperforms previous approaches to computing these probabilities. Finally, we apply our novel method to several important problems in ecology, evolution, and genetics.  相似文献   

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