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Abstract. We examined the nuchal organs of adults of the nereidid polychaete Platynereis dumerilii by means of scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The most prominent features of the nuchal organs are paired ciliary bands located dorsolaterally at the posterior margin of the prostomium. They are composed of primary sensory cells and multiciliated supporting cells, both covered by a thin cuticle. The supporting cells have motile cilia that penetrate the cuticle and are responsible for the movement of water. Subapically, they have a narrowed neck region; the spaces between the neck regions of these supporting cells comprise the olfactory chamber. The dendrites of the sensory cells give rise to a single modified cilium that crosses the olfactory chamber; numerous thin microvillus-like processes, presumably extending from the sensory cells, also traverse the olfactory chamber. At the periphery of the ciliated epithelium runs a large nervous process between the ciliated supporting cells. It consists of smaller bundles of sensory dendrites that unite to form the nuchal nerve, which leaves the ciliated epithelium basally and runs toward the posterior part of the brain, where the perikarya of the sensory cells are located in clusters. The ciliated epithelium of the nuchal organs is surrounded by non-ciliated, peripheral epidermal cells. Those immediately adjacent to the ciliated supporting cells have a granular cuticle; those further away have a smooth cuticle. The nuchal organs of epitokous individuals of P. dumerilii are similar to those described previously in other species of polychaetes and are a useful model for understanding the development of nuchal organs in polychaetes.  相似文献   

Following an enzymatic procedure for softening the egg envelope, blastomeres in the embryo of the polychaete Platynereis dumerilii were injected with TRITC-dextran. Injection was successful in the following blastomeres: AB, CD, A, B, C, D, 1a-1d, 1A-1D, 4d, and 4d(1). The distribution of fluorescent label was recorded by confocal laser scanning microscopy of young, three-segmented worms after 3 or 4 days of development, in some cases also in 1-day-old trochophore larvae. Results were documented by single optical sections, by stacking a limited number or a complete set of optical sections, and by computer-generated surface views of both the labeled tissue domains and the body contours from complete image stacks of whole worms. With respect to their descent from the embryonic cell pattern, five major compartments can be distinguished which together compose the body of the young worm: 1) The epispheric, epidermal, and neural region of the head, composed of four domains arranged as quasi-radial sectors derived from micromeres 1a, 1b (left and right ventral), and 1c and 1d (right and left dorsal). 2) A posttrochal epidermal region of the head originating from micromeres 2a(1)-2c(1) and constituting the ventral and lateral posttrochal epidermis of the head. 3) A stomodeal-ectomesodermal region of the head, including the stomodeum (micromeres 2a(2) and 2c(2)), its mesodermal envelope, and head mesoderm (micromeres 3a-3d). 4) A solid cone composed of the four terminal macromeres 4A-4D, forming the core of the trunk as the endoderm anlage. 5) An epidermal and mesodermal coating of the trunk originating from the dorsal micromeres 2d and 4d. The region of the so-called (first, anterior) peristomial cirri at the posterior flanks of the head is also composed of 2d- and 4d-derived trunk tissue, thus corroborating the postulated descent of this region and its appendages from a cephalized anteriormost trunk segment and its parapodia. The cell-lineage domains of the first and third micromere tiers are arranged left or right of the sagittal plane, while two micromeres of the second quartet are in a lateral and, initially, two in a median position (2b ventral and 2d dorsal). The offspring of micromere 2d expand from a dorsal position toward the ventral midline and those of cell 4d from a posterior-dorsal site toward the anterior, initially forming two lateral bands. In the epispheric part of the head, part of the neurectodermal tissue derived from micromeres 1a and 1b interweaves in a medio-sagittal bar, and part of the first micromere offspring of all four quadrants (1a-1d) combine in forming a central brain neuropil. Each of the latter sends neurites through both of the circumesophageal connectives. Paired muscle tracts extend through the head toward the base of the antennae and are probably derived from micromeres 3a and 3b. A mesodermal envelope of the stomodeum is probably built by the 3c and 3d micromeres. The formation of symmetry and the nature of the body axes in the embryo and adult of Platynereis dumerilii are discussed. J. Morphol.  相似文献   

Summary In most nereids sexual maturation is accompanied by a dramatic reorganization of the body that enables swarming of the formerly benthic worms. However, a border exists between unchanged anterior (atokous) and metamorphosed posterior (epitokous) segments. The site of this atokous-epitokous border (a/e border) is different in sexually mature males and females of Platynereis dumerilii. There is no correlation between the total number of setigerous segments of a specimen and the location of the a/e border. The location of the a/e border and sexual development are affected neither by cutting off caudal segments of juveniles (including the prospective a/e border) nor by transecting the ventral nerve cord. When parapodia are transplanted from prospective epitokous regions to prospective atokous regions and vice versa, they maintain their original character during metamorphosis. The results presented here suggest that prospective atokous as well as epitokous characters are determined at or only very shortly after formation of the respective segments. Thus the a/e border is established well in advance of the onset of epitokous metamorphosis.  相似文献   

The nereid polychaete, Platynereis dumerilii, possess two pairs of post-trochophoral eyes with one vitreous body each. The development of these eyes has first been observed in 2-day-old larvae. Whether the eye anlagen arise from stem cells or from undifferentiated ectodermal tissue was not determined. At first, the anlagen of the anterior and the posterior eyes adjoin each other. They separate in late 3-day-old larvae. The first separated eye complexes consist each of two supporting and two sensory cells. The supporting cells synthesize two different kinds of granules, the pigment granules of the pigment cup and the prospective tubules of the vitreous body. These tubules accumulate in the distal process of the supporting cell. The vitreous body is formed by compartments of the supporting cells filled with the osmiophilic vitreous body tubules. The short, bulbar photosensory processes bear microvilli that emerge into the ocular cavity. At the apex of each sensory cell process, a single cilium (or occasionally two) arises. The sensory cells contain a different kind of pigment granule within their necks at the level of the pigment cup. The rate of eye development and differentiation varies. New supporting cells are added to the rim of the eye cup. They contribute to the periphery of the vitreous body like onion skins, and sensory cells move between supporting cells. The older the individual compartments of the vitreous body are, the more densely packed is their content of vitreous body tubules. Elongation of the sensory and supporting cell processes of the older cells increases the volume of the eye. The eyespots of the trochophore are briefly described as of the two-celled rhabdomeric type with a single basal body with ciliary rootlet.  相似文献   

The bilaterian animals are divided into three great branches: the Deuterostomia, Ecdysozoa, and Lophotrochozoa. The evolution of developmental mechanisms is less studied in the Lophotrochozoa than in the other two clades. We have studied the expression of Hox genes during larval development of two lophotrochozoans, the polychaete annelids Nereis virens and Platynereis dumerilii. As reported previously, the Hox cluster of N. virens consists of at least 11 genes (de Rosa R, Grenier JK, Andreeva T, Cook CE, Adoutte A, Akam M, Carroll SB, Balavoine G, Nature, 399:772–776, 1999; Andreeva TF, Cook C, Korchagina NM, Akam M, Dondua AK, Ontogenez 32:225–233, 2001); we have also cloned nine Hox genes of P. dumerilii. Hox genes are mainly expressed in the descendants of the 2d blastomere, which form the integument of segments, ventral neural ganglia, pre-pygidial growth zone, and the pygidial lobe. Patterns of expression are similar for orthologous genes of both nereids. In Nereis, Hox2, and Hox3 are activated before the blastopore closure, while Hox1 and Hox4 are activated just after this. Hox5 and Post2 are first active during the metatrochophore stage, and Hox7, Lox4, and Lox2 at the late nectochaete stage only. During larval stages, Hox genes are expressed in staggered domains in the developing segments and pygidial lobe. The pattern of expression of Hox cluster genes suggests their involvement in the vectorial regionalization of the larval body along the antero-posterior axis. Hox gene expression in nereids conforms to the canonical patterns postulated for the two other evolutionary branches of the Bilateria, the Ecdysozoa and the Deuterostomia, thus supporting the evolutionary conservatism of the function of Hox genes in development. Milana Kulakova, Nadezhda Bakalenko and Elena Novikova contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Summary Among zygotes of Platynereis dumerilii treated with cytochalasin B (CCB) prior to first cleavage, a wide variety of developmental effects were observed. One effect is a delay in the first cleavage. Treated embryos may skip the first or even more than one cleavage cycle and become multinucleated. Once these eggs start cleaving their cleavage plane takes the same position as in synchronously fertilized controls. Accordingly, the first cleavage in embryos having skipped the first normal cleavage cycle is meridional and equal, but their second cleavage is equatorial as in the third cleavage in controls. None of the embryos that were observed to skip early cleavages showed normal organogenesis, but developed into vesicle-shaped embryos with little cytological differentiation. Another effect of CCB treatment is altered blastomere size in those embryos which begin cleaving in synchrony with controls. While the majority of treated embryos followed a normal cleavage pattern, i.e. they cleaved at the right time and inequally, some of them cleaved equally or almost equally (adequally). Most of these embryos showed cleavage defects in subsequent cleavage cycles and became abnormal vesicle-shaped embryos. However, some of these embryos cleaving on schedule and equally or adequally developed into juvenile worms showing complete duplication of urites and parapodial rows (0.3% of all treated eggs) and are described as Janus duplicitates. This means that the occurrence of duplicitates and geometrically altered first cleavage patterns are correlated phenomena. The character and origin of the duplications and the consequences for dorsoventral polarity are discussed.  相似文献   

Platynereis dumerilii, a marine polychaetous annelid with indirect development, can be continuously bred in the laboratory. Here, we describe its spectacular reproduction and development and address a number of open research problems. Oogenesis is easily studied because the oocytes grow while floating in the coelom. Unlike the embryos of other model spiralians, the Platynereis embryo is transparent giving insight into the dynamic structures and processes inside the cells that accompany the prevailing anisotropic cleavages. Functional studies on cell specification and differential gene expression in embryos, larvae, and later stages are underway. Lifelong proliferation of uniform trunk segments qualifies Platynereis as a model for the study of gene expression and of the functional circuitry of this process. Platynereis can also become a stepping stone in the comparison of segmentation between annelids and arthropods because it comes closer to the putative ancestral morphology and style of development than other model annelids.  相似文献   

Summary Early development of Platynereis massiliensis was studied in serial sections of fixed embryos and in living or fixed embryos whose nuclei had been made visible with a fluorescent label. The unfertilized egg is an ellipsoid with three axes of differing length. The longest axis corresponds to the dorsoventral axis of the developing embryo. Egg volume is ten times that in the sibling species, P. dumerilii, mainly due to increased yolk content. The timing and spatial pattern of cleavage were observed from first cleavage to the 62-cell stage. Volumes of the blastomeres, their nuclei, their yolk-free cytoplasm and their yolk were determined from serial sections up to the 29-cell stage. In the P. massiliensis embryo, cell cycles are on average 3.7 times longer than in P. dumerilii; volume proportions among the blastomeres also differ and the macromeres containing the bulk of yolk are particularly large, but otherwise the cleavage patterns, differential segregation of yolk and yolk-free cytoplasm, and the histogenetic fates of the blastomeres are the same as in P. dumerilii. This equivalence of cell lineage and of cytoplasmic segregation mechanisms in both species, maintained in spite of the different appearance of the embryos, suggests functional importance of and selective constraint on these developmental features. The relatively accelerated divisions of the 2d cell line in P. massiliensis may be interpreted as the precocious development of cell lines which give rise to adult structures. Several structures, obviously functional in developing P. dumerilii, have lost their function in P. massiliensis: the egg contains few cortical granules, giving rise to only a moderate egg jelly layer in the zygote; prototroch cells develop cilia, but the heavy embryo is unable to swim; the larva develops three pairs of parapodia but, unlike the corresponding stage in P. dumerilii, is not capable of coordinate locomotion. This loss of motility is related to the brooding habit of the species developing inside the parental tube and is explained as the result of a switch from pelagic to benthic, protected reproduction in P. massiliensis. Offprint requests to: A.W.C. Dorresteijn  相似文献   

A new species, Platynereis nadiae sp. n. (Polychacta: Ncrcididac), from thc Mediterranean Sea is described. It is clearly distinguished from the other Platynereis species by the distribution and the morphology of the homogomph falciger setae and by the structure of thc tcntacular cirri.  相似文献   

Multispecies, or mass, spawning of different invertebrate species is well known for coral reef systems; however, incidences involving polychaetes are poorly documented. In this study we report on mass swarming, prior to spawning, of Nereididae at Ambon Island, Maluku, on three occasions: in 1866, inferred from an historical sample deposited in Naturalis, Leiden, and in March, 2009 and 2014, based on newly collected samples. The 2009 and 2014 events co-occurred with spawning of other polychaetes, known locally as wawo and including the widespread Indo-Pacific eunicid, Palola viridis (Gray in Stair). Ten species of reproductive Nereididae are described, including Composetia marmorata (Horst) new combination, formerly Ceratonereis marmorata; epitokous modifications are described for both sexes of each species including taxonomically important features such as body colour and number of pre-natatory chaetigers. Three distinct types of natatory region morphologies are recognized, which appear to characterise groups of genera. The ten new records brings to 13 the total number of nereidid species known to undergo mass swarming at Ambon Island; a key to the 13 species is provided. Species composition varies slightly between the three time periods: four species were common between all three periods, five species were in common between 1866 and 2014, and four species were in common between 1995 and 2009/14. Two species of Neanthes and one of Nereis are identified as potentially new and will be described in subsequent papers.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Der Feinbau des Auges von Platynereis dumerilii wurde auf drei Entwicklungsstadien untersucht: beim Jungwurm, beim ausgewachsenen atoken und beim epitoken Wurm.Das Juvenilauge besteht aus zwei Sehzellen mit Receptorkeulen und aus zwei Pigmentbecherzellen, welche den Pigmentbecher und die Füllmasse bilden.Im ausgewachsenen Auge entsprechen den Pigmentbecherzellen des Juvenilauges die Stützzellen. Cytoplasmatische Fortsätze der Stützzellen bilden im Augeninnern die Füllmasse (Linse); sie bleiben mit den Leibern der Stützzellen durch schmale Cytoplasmatische Säulen verbunden, welche den Receptorsaum durchqueren. Die Stützzellen werden der Länge nach von Stützfibrillen durchzogen. — Die Receptorkeule (Stäbchen) der Sehzelle ist mit vielen unregelmäßig angeordneten Mikrovilli besetzt und enthält Vesikel, paarige Membranen und ein Basalkorn mit einer Wimperwurzel. — Der Becher aus Stützzellpigment wird von Pigmentgranula in den Sehzellen vervollständigt.Die epidermale Umgebung des Auges wird beschrieben; sie ist frei von Interzellularlücken.Die Pupillenregionen hell- und dunkel-adaptierter Tiere werden miteinander verglichen. Mögliche Mechanismen des Pupillenspiels werden diskutiert.
Summary The fine structure of the eye of Platynereis dumerilii was examined in the juvenile worm, in the atokal adult, and in the epitokal polychaete.The juvenile eye consists of two visual cells with receptor clubs and of two pigment cells forming the Füllmasse and the pigment cup.In the adult worm the supporting cells correspond to the pigment cells in the juvenile eye. The central processes of the supporting cells build up the Füllmasse (lens); they remain connected with the supporting cells by narrow cytoplasmic stalks which pass the photoreceptor region. Fibrils run through the entire length of the supporting cells. — The receptor club (rod) of the visual cell shows irregularly arranged microvilli; it contains vesicles and paired membranes and a basal body with a striated rootlet. — The pigment granules of both visual and supporting cells form the pigment cup of the eye.The epidermal surroundings of the eye are described, there are no intercellular gaps.The pupillar region of light and dark-adapted specimens was examined and the kinetics of pupillar movements are discussed.

Herrn Prof. Dr. W. Bakgrann zum 60. Geburtstag gewidmet. — Die Untersuchung wurde mit dankenswerter Hilfe der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft durchgeführt.  相似文献   

SUMMARY Annelids and arthropods, despite their distinct classification as Lophotrochozoa and Ecdysozoa, present a morphologically similar, segmented body plan. To elucidate the evolution of segmentation and, ultimately, to align segments across remote phyla, we undertook a refined expression analysis to precisely register the expression of conserved regionalization genes with morphological boundaries and segmental units in the marine annelid Platynereis dumerilii. We find that Pdu-otx defines a brain region anterior to the first discernable segmental entity that is delineated by a stripe of engrailed-expressing cells. The first segment is a "cryptic" segment that lacks chaetae and parapodia. This and the subsequent three chaetigerous larval segments harbor the anterior expression boundary of gbx, hox1, hox4, and lox5 genes, respectively. This molecular segmental topography matches the segmental pattern of otx, gbx, and Hox gene expression in arthropods. Our data thus support the view that an ancestral ground pattern of segmental identities existed in the trunk of the last common protostome ancestor that was lost or modified in protostomes lacking overt segmentation.  相似文献   

Summary Early development ofPlatynereis dumerilii is characterized by an extremely constant cleavage pattern in which the volumes and cytoplasmic contents of the blastomeres show remarkably little variability (Dorresteijn 1990). In order to test the necessity of a precise partitioning of the cytoplasm, we have stratified the ooplasm by mild centrifugation (10 min at 300 g) after completion of meiosis but before first cleavage. The cytoplasm of the zygote stratifies randomly with respect to the pre-existing animal-vegetal axis, but first cleavage follows the animal-vegetal axis dividing the plasm before it has rearranged to its normal distribution. As usual, first cleavage is unequal in the majority of centrifuged eggs. Different sorts of cytoplasm are always distributed abnormally in comparison to normal two-cell stages. Under two circumstances this leads to the formation of double trunk structures in the young worm. Such double monsters either originate from zygotes whose clear cytoplasm has been distributed equally to the two daughter blastomeres at first cleavage, or from unequal two-cell embryos whose larger blastomere cleaved equally at second cleavage forming blastomeres with equal lots of clear cytoplasm. Cell-lineage could be followed in an individual embryo of the latter category and showed the existence of two adjacent D-quadrants, giving rise to a double monster with a forked trunk. Embryos of the former category give rise to two opponent D-quadrants and double monsters with a four-sided trunk. As in the normal embryo, the amount of clear cytoplasm in a blastomere is positively correlated with the speed of its cell cycle, and endows the cell with D-quadrant developmental capacities as can be judged by the cleavage pattern.  相似文献   

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