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The importance of aromatic and charged residues at the surface of the active site of a family 11 xylanase from Aspergillus niger was evaluated using site-directed mutagenesis. Ten mutant proteins were heterologously produced in Pichia pastoris, and their biochemical properties and kinetic parameters were determined. The specific activity of the Y6A, Y10A, Y89A, Y164A, and W172A mutant enzymes was drastically reduced. The low specific activities of Y6A and Y89A were entirely accounted for by a change in k(cat) and K(m), respectively, whereas the lower values of Y10A, Y164A, and W172A were due to a combination of increased K(m) and decreased k(cat). Tyr(6), Tyr(10), Tyr(89), Tyr(164), and Trp(172) are proposed as substrate-binding residues, a finding consistent with structural sequence alignments of family 11 xylanases and with the three-dimensional structure of the A. niger xylanase in complex with the modeled xylobiose. All other variants, D113A, D113N, N117A, E118A, and E118Q, retained full wild-type activity. Only N117A lost its sensitivity to xylanase inhibitor protein I (XIP-I), a protein inhibitor isolated from wheat, and this mutation did not affect the fold of the xylanase as revealed by circular dichroism. The N117A variant showed kinetics, pH stability, hydrolysis products pattern, substrate specificity, and structural properties identical to that of the wild-type xylanase. The loss of inhibition, as measured in activity assays, was due to abolition of the interaction between XIP-I and the mutant enzyme, as demonstrated by surface plasmon resonance and electrophoretic titration. A close inspection of the three-dimensional structure of A. niger xylanase suggests that the binding site of XIP-I is located at the conserved "thumb" hairpin loop of family 11 xylanases.  相似文献   

Fructan 1-exohydrolase, an enzyme involved in fructan degradation, belongs to the glycosyl hydrolase family 32. The structure of isoenzyme 1-FEH IIa from Cichorium intybus is described at a resolution of 2.35 A. The structure consists of an N-terminal fivefold beta-propeller domain connected to two C-terminal beta-sheets. The putative active site is located entirely in the beta-propeller domain and is formed by amino acids which are highly conserved within glycosyl hydrolase family 32. The fructan-binding site is thought to be in the cleft formed between the two domains. The 1-FEH IIa structure is compared with the structures of two homologous but functionally different enzymes: a levansucrase from Bacillus subtilis (glycosyl hydrolase family 68) and an invertase from Thermotoga maritima (glycosyl hydrolase family 32).  相似文献   

Maize ChitA chitinase is composed of a small, hevein‐like domain attached to a carboxy‐terminal chitinase domain. During fungal ear rot, the hevein‐like domain is cleaved by secreted fungal proteases to produce truncated forms of ChitA. Here, we report a structural and biochemical characterization of truncated ChitA (ChitA ΔN), which lacks the hevein‐like domain. ChitA ΔN and a mutant form (ChitA ΔN‐EQ) were expressed and purified; enzyme assays showed that ChitA ΔN activity was comparable to the full‐length enzyme. Mutation of Glu62 to Gln (ChitA ΔN‐EQ) abolished chitinase activity without disrupting substrate binding, demonstrating that Glu62 is directly involved in catalysis. A crystal structure of ChitA ΔN‐EQ provided strong support for key roles for Glu62, Arg177, and Glu165 in hydrolysis, and for Ser103 and Tyr106 in substrate binding. These findings demonstrate that the hevein‐like domain is not needed for enzyme activity. Moreover, comparison of the crystal structure of this plant class IV chitinase with structures from larger class I and II enzymes suggest that class IV chitinases have evolved to accommodate shorter substrates.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Cell walls of the starchy endosperm and young vegetative tissues of barley (Hordeum vulgare) contain high levels of (1-->3,1-->4)-beta-D-glucans. The (1-->3,1-->4)-beta-D-glucans are hydrolysed during wall degradation in germinated grain and during wall loosening in elongating coleoptiles. These key processes of plant development are mediated by several polysaccharide endohydrolases and exohydrolases. RESULTS:. The three-dimensional structure of barley beta-D-glucan exohydrolase isoenzyme ExoI has been determined by X-ray crystallography. This is the first reported structure of a family 3 glycosyl hydrolase. The enzyme is a two-domain, globular protein of 605 amino acid residues and is N-glycosylated at three sites. The first 357 residues constitute an (alpha/beta)8 TIM-barrel domain. The second domain consists of residues 374-559 arranged in a six-stranded beta sandwich, which contains a beta sheet of five parallel beta strands and one antiparallel beta strand, with three alpha helices on either side of the sheet. A glucose moiety is observed in a pocket at the interface of the two domains, where Asp285 and Glu491 are believed to be involved in catalysis. CONCLUSIONS: The pocket at the interface of the two domains is probably the active site of the enzyme. Because amino acid residues that line this active-site pocket arise from both domains, activity could be regulated through the spatial disposition of the domains. Furthermore, there are sites on the second domain that may bind carbohydrate, as suggested by previously published kinetic data indicating that, in addition to the catalytic site, the enzyme has a second binding site specific for (1-->3, 1-->4)-beta-D-glucans.  相似文献   

While it is widely accepted that most animals (Metazoa) do not have endogenous cellulases, relying instead on intestinal symbionts for cellulose digestion, the glycosyl hydrolase family 9 (GHF9) cellulases found in the genomes of termites, abalone, and sea squirts could be an exception. Using information from expressed sequence tags, we show that GHF9 genes (subgroup E2) are widespread in Metazoa because at least 11 classes in five phyla have expressed GHF9 cellulases. We also demonstrate that eukaryotic GHF9 gene families are ancient, forming distinct monophyletic groups in plants and animals. As several intron positions are also conserved between four metazoan phyla then, contrary to the still widespread belief that cellulases were horizontally transferred to animals relatively recently, GHF9 genes must derive from an ancient ancestor. We also found that sequences isolated from the same animal phylum tend to group together, and in some deuterostomes, GHF9 genes are characterized by substitutions in catalytically important sites. Several paralogous subfamilies of GHF9 can be identified in plants, and genes from primitive species tend to arise basally to angiosperm representatives. In contrast, GHF9 subgroup E2 genes are relatively rare in bacteria.  相似文献   

Thermodynamic parameters for binding of N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) oligomers to a family 18 chitinase, ChiB of Serratia marcescens, have been determined using isothermal titration calorimetry. Binding studies with oligomers of different lengths showed that binding to subsites −2 and +1 is driven by a favorable enthalpy change, while binding to the two other most important subsites, +2 and +3, is driven by entropy with unfavorable enthalpy. These remarkable unfavorable enthalpy changes are most likely due to favorable enzyme-substrate interactions being offset by unfavorable enthalpic effects of the conformational changes that accompany substrate-binding.  相似文献   

Aspergillus niger isopullulanase (IPU) is the only pullulan-hydrolase in glycosyl hydrolase (GH) family 49 and does not hydrolyse dextran at all, while all other GH family 49 enzymes are dextran-hydrolysing enzymes. To investigate the common catalytic mechanism of GH family 49 enzymes, nine mutants were prepared to replace residues conserved among GH family 49 (four Trp, three Asp and two Glu). Homology modelling of IPU was also carried out based on the structure of Penicillium minioluteum dextranase, and the result showed that Asp353, Glu356, Asp372, Asp373 and Trp402, whose substitutions resulted in the reduction of activity for both pullulan and panose, were predicted to be located in the negatively numbered subsites. Three Asp-mutated enzymes, D353N, D372N and D373N, lost their activities, indicating that these residues are candidates for the catalytic residues of IPU. The W402F enzyme significantly reduced IPU activity, and the Km value was sixfold higher and the k0 value was 500-fold lower than those for the wild-type enzyme, suggesting that Trp402 is a residue participating in subsite -1. Trp31 and Glu273, whose substitutions caused a decrease in the activity for pullulan but not for panose, were predicted to be located in the interface between N-terminal and beta-helical domains. The substrate preference of the negatively numbered subsites of IPU resembles that of GH family 49 dextranases. These findings suggest that IPU and the GH family 49 dextranases have a similar catalytic mechanism in their negatively numbered subsites in spite of the difference of their substrate specificities.  相似文献   

The human protein FLJ36880 belongs to the fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase family. The X-ray structure of FLJ36880 has been determined to 2.2 A resolution employing the semi-automated high-throughput structural genomics approach of the Protein Structure Factory. FLJ36880 adopts a mixed beta-sandwich roll fold and forms homodimers in crystals as well as in solution. One Mg2+ ion is bound to each subunit of the dimeric protein by coordination to three carboxylate oxygens and three water molecules. These metal binding sites are accessible from the same surface of the dimer, partly due to the disorder of the undecapeptide stretch D29 to L39. The overall structure and metal binding site of FLJ36880 bear clear similarities to the C-terminal domain of the bifunctional enzyme HpcE from Escherichia coli C, fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase from Mus musculus and to YcgM (Apc5008) from E. coli 1262. These similarities provide a framework for suggesting biochemical functions and evolutionary relationships of FLJ36880. It appears highly probable that the metal binding sites are involved in an enzymatic activity related to the catabolism of aromatic amino acids. Two point mutations in the active-site of FAH, responsible for the metabolic disease hereditary tyrosinemia type I (HTI) in humans, affect residues that are structurally conserved in FLJ36880 and located in the putative catalytic site.  相似文献   

Ap(4)A hydrolases are Nudix enzymes that regulate intracellular dinucleoside polyphosphate concentrations, implicating them in a range of biological events, including heat shock and metabolic stress. We have demonstrated that ATP x MgF(x) can be used to mimic substrates in the binding site of Ap(4)A hydrolase from Lupinus angustifolius and that, unlike previous substrate analogs, it is in slow exchange with the enzyme. The three-dimensional structure of the enzyme complexed with ATP x MgF(x) was solved and shows significant conformational changes. The substrate binding site of L. angustifolius Ap(4)A hydrolase differs markedly from the two previously published Nudix enzymes, ADP-ribose pyrophosphatase and MutT, despite their common fold and the conservation of active site residues. The majority of residues involved in substrate binding are conserved in asymmetrical Ap(4)A hydrolases from pathogenic bacteria, but are absent in their human counterparts, suggesting that it might be possible to generate compounds that target bacterial, but not human, Ap(4)A hydrolases.  相似文献   

Substrate binding of a family GH19 chitinase from a moss species, Bryum coronatum (BcChi-A, 22 kDa), which is smaller than the 26 kDa family GH19 barley chitinase due to the lack of several loop regions ('loopless'), was investigated by oligosaccharide digestion, thermal unfolding experiments and isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC). Chitin oligosaccharides [β-1,4-linked oligosaccharides of N-acetylglucosamine with a polymerization degree of n, (GlcNAc)(n), n = 3-6] were hydrolyzed by BcChi-A at rates in the order (GlcNAc)(6) > (GlcNAc)(5) > (GlcNAc)(4) > (GlcNAc)(3). From thermal unfolding experiments using the inactive BcChi-A mutant (BcChi-A-E61A), in which the catalytic residue Glu61 is mutated to Ala, we found that the transition temperature (T(m) ) was elevated upon addition of (GlcNAc)(n) (n = 2-6) and that the elevation (ΔT(m)) was almost proportional to the degree of polymerization of (GlcNAc)(n). ITC experiments provided the thermodynamic parameters for binding of (GlcNAc)(n) (n = 3-6) to BcChi-A-E61A, and revealed that the binding was driven by favorable enthalpy changes with unfavorable entropy changes. The change in heat capacity (ΔC(p)°) for (GlcNAc)(6) binding was found to be relatively small (-105 ± 8 cal·K(-1) ·mol(-1)). The binding free energy changes for (GlcNAc)(6), (GlcNAc)(5), (GlcNAc)(4) and (GlcNAc)(3) were determined to be -8.5, -7.9, -6.6 and -5.0 kcal·mol(-1), respectively. Taken together, the substrate binding cleft of BcChi-A consists of at least six subsites, in contrast to the four-subsites binding cleft of the 'loopless' family 19 chitinase from Streptomyces coelicolor. DATABASE: Chitinase, EC  相似文献   

A recently reported chitinase gene, expressed in the infective, third-stage (L3) larvae of the human filarial parasite Onchocerca volvulus, belongs to the family 18 glycosyl hydrolases and has been designated Ov-chi-1. The gene product of Ov-chi-1 is chitinolytic. Allosamidin ablates activity of the native enzyme in a dose-dependent manner but did not significantly inhibit the moulting of L3 larvae. Mono-specific antibodies were used to characterize Ov-CHI-1 as a 60-kDa protein expressed almost exclusively in L3 stages. Immunoelectron microscopy showed that Ov-CHI-1 expression is initiated in late L2 larvae and increases markedly in infective, L3 larvae. It is synthesized exclusively in the glandular esophagus and stored within discrete secretory granules. Secretion occurs through de-granulation during post-infective development, and the primary route of transport appears to be via the pseudo-coelom. An orthologue of Ov-chi-1 was detected in Caenorhabditis elegans by BLAST analysis. It is constitutively expressed at a low level and is overexpressed in dauer larvae and embryonated eggs. It is chitinolytic. We conclude that Ov-CHI-1 is a highly stage-specific enzyme that may have a role in infectivity of the parasite, aiding escape from the vector or participating in early post-infective migration and/or development. The identification of an orthologue in C. elegans opens the way for further studies into the biological function(s) of this intriguing parasite product.  相似文献   

Kikuchi T  Jones JT  Aikawa T  Kosaka H  Ogura N 《FEBS letters》2004,572(1-3):201-205
We have characterized a family of GHF45 cellulases from the pine wood nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus. The absence of such genes from other nematodes and their similarity to fungal genes suggests that they may have been acquired by horizontal gene transfer (HGT) from fungi. The cell wall degrading enzymes of other plant parasitic nematodes may have been acquired by HGT from bacteria. B. xylophilus is not directly related to other plant parasites and our data therefore suggest that horizontal transfer of cell wall degrading enzymes has played a key role in evolution of plant parasitism by nematodes on more than one occasion.  相似文献   

The X-ray structure of monomeric N-methyltryptophan oxidase from Escherichia coli (MTOX) has been solved at 3.2 A resolution by molecular replacement methods using Bacillus sp. sarcosine oxidase structure (MSOX, 43% sequence identity) as search model. The analysis of the substrate binding site highlights the structural determinants that favour the accommodation of the bulky N-methyltryptophan residue in MTOX. In fact, although the nature and geometry of the catalytic residues within the first contact shell of the FAD moiety appear to be virtually superposable in MTOX and MSOX, the presence of a Thr residue in position 239 in MTOX (Met245 in MSOX) located at the entrance of the active site appears to play a key role for the recognition of the amino acid substrate side chain. Accordingly, a 15 fold increase in k(cat) and 100 fold decrease in K(m) for sarcosine as substrate has been achieved in MTOX upon T239M mutation, with a concomitant three-fold decrease in activity towards N-methyltryptophan. These data provide clear evidence for the presence of a catalytic core, common to the members of the methylaminoacid oxidase subfamily, and of a side chain recognition pocket, located at the entrance of the active site, that can be adjusted to host diverse aminoacids in the different enzyme species. The site involved in the covalent attachment of flavin has also been addressed by screening degenerate mutants in the relevant positions around Cys308-FAD linkage. Lys341 appears to be the key residue involved in flavin incorporation and covalent linkage.  相似文献   

Xylanases of glycosyl hydrolase family 30 (GH30) have been shown to cleave β-1,4 linkages of 4-O-methylglucuronoxylan (MeGXn) as directed by the position along the xylan chain of an α-1,2-linked 4-O-methylglucuronate (MeGA) moiety. Complete hydrolysis of MeGXn by these enzymes results in singly substituted aldouronates having a 4-O-methylglucuronate moiety linked to a xylose penultimate from the reducing terminal xylose and some number of xylose residues toward the nonreducing terminus. This novel mode of action distinguishes GH30 xylanases from the more common xylanase families that cleave MeGXn in accessible regions. To help understand this unique biochemical function, we have determined the structure of XynC in its native and ligand-bound forms. XynC structure models derived from diffraction data of XynC crystal soaks with the simple sugar glucuronate (GA) and the tetrameric sugar 4-O-methyl-aldotetrauronate resulted in models containing GA and 4-O-methyl-aldotriuronate, respectively. Each is observed in two locations within XynC surface openings. Ligand coordination occurs within the XynC catalytic substrate binding cleft and on the structurally fused side β-domain, demonstrating a substrate targeting role for this putative carbohydrate binding module. Structural data reveal that GA acts as a primary functional appendage for recognition and hydrolysis of the MeGXn polymer by the protein. This work compares the structure of XynC with a previously reported homologous enzyme, XynA, from Erwinia chrysanthemi and analyzes the ligand binding sites. Our results identify the molecular interactions that define the unique function of XynC and homologous GH30 enzymes.  相似文献   

The diversity and abundance of glycosyl hydrolase family 5 (GH5) were studied in the North Atlantic Ocean. This family was chosen because of the large number of available sequences from cultured bacteria, the variety of substrates it targets, and the high number of similar sequences in the Sargasso Sea environmental genome database. Three clone libraries of a GH5 subcluster were constructed from the Mid-Atlantic Bight and the eastern and western North Atlantic Ocean. The two North Atlantic Ocean libraries did not differ from each other but both were significantly less diverse than the Mid-Atlantic Bight library. The abundance of GH5 genes estimated by quantitative PCR was positively correlated with chlorophyll concentrations in the eastern part of a transect from Fort Pierce, Florida, to the Azores and in a depth profile, suggesting that the supply of labile organic material selects for GH5-bearing bacteria in these waters. However, the data suggest that only <1% of all bacteria harbor the GH5 subcluster. These and other data suggest that the hydrolysis of polysaccharides requires complicated multi-enzyme systems.  相似文献   

Bussink AP  Speijer D  Aerts JM  Boot RG 《Genetics》2007,177(2):959-970
Family 18 of glycosyl hydrolases encompasses chitinases and so-called chi-lectins lacking enzymatic activity due to amino acid substitutions in their active site. Both types of proteins widely occur in mammals although these organisms lack endogenous chitin. Their physiological function(s) as well as evolutionary relationships are still largely enigmatic. An overview of all family members is presented and their relationships are described. Molecular phylogenetic analyses suggest that both active chitinases (chitotriosidase and AMCase) result from an early gene duplication event. Further duplication events, followed by mutations leading to loss of chitinase activity, allowed evolution of the chi-lectins. The homologous genes encoding chitinase(-like) proteins are clustered in two distinct loci that display a high degree of synteny among mammals. Despite the shared chromosomal location and high homology, individual genes have evolved independently. Orthologs are more closely related than paralogues, and calculated substitution rate ratios indicate that protein-coding sequences underwent purifying selection. Substantial gene specialization has occurred in time, allowing for tissue-specific expression of pH optimized chitinases and chi-lectins. Finally, several family 18 chitinase-like proteins are present only in certain lineages of mammals, exemplifying recent evolutionary events in the chitinase protein family.  相似文献   

In organisms other than higher plants, family 19 chitinase was first discovered in Streptomyces griseus HUT6037, and later, the general occurrence of this enzyme in Streptomyces species was demonstrated. In the present study, the distribution of family 19 chitinases in the class Actinobacteria and the phylogenetic relationship of Actinobacteria family 19 chitinases with family 19 chitinases of other organisms were investigated. Forty-nine strains were chosen to cover almost all the suborders of the class Actinobacteria, and chitinase production was examined. Of the 49 strains, 22 formed cleared zones on agar plates containing colloidal chitin and thus appeared to produce chitinases. These 22 chitinase-positive strains were subjected to Southern hybridization analysis by using a labeled DNA fragment corresponding to the catalytic domain of ChiC, and the presence of genes similar to chiC of S. griseus HUT6037 in at least 13 strains was suggested by the results. PCR amplification and sequencing of the DNA fragments corresponding to the major part of the catalytic domains of the family 19 chitinase genes confirmed the presence of family 19 chitinase genes in these 13 strains. The strains possessing family 19 chitinase genes belong to 6 of the 10 suborders in the order Actinomycetales, which account for the greatest part of the Actinobacteria: Phylogenetic analysis suggested that there is a close evolutionary relationship between family 19 chitinases found in Actinobacteria and plant class IV chitinases. The general occurrence of family 19 chitinase genes in Streptomycineae and the high sequence similarity among the genes found in Actinobacteria suggest that the family 19 chitinase gene was first acquired by an ancestor of the Streptomycineae and spread among the Actinobacteria through horizontal gene transfer.  相似文献   

Sucrose non-fermenting (Snf1)-related kinase (SNRK) is a novel member of the AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) family and is involved in many metabolic processes. Here we report the crystal structure of an N-terminal SNRK fragment containing kinase and adjacent ubiquitin-associated (UBA) domains. This structure shows that the UBA domain binds between the N- and C-lobes of the kinase domain. The mode of UBA binding in SNRK largely resembles that in AMPK and brain specific kinase (BRSK), however, unique interactions play vital roles in stabilizing the KD-UBA interface of SNRK. We further propose a potential role of the UBA domain in the regulation of SNRK kinase activity. This study provides new insights into the structural diversities of the AMPK kinase family.  相似文献   

Epoxide hydrolases catalyze the conversion of epoxides to diols. The known functions of such enzymes include detoxification of xenobiotics, drug metabolism, synthesis of signaling compounds, and intermediary metabolism. In plants, epoxide hydrolases are thought to participate in general defense systems. In the present study, we report the first structure of a plant epoxide hydrolase, one of the four homologous enzymes found in potato. The structure was solved by molecular replacement and refined to a resolution of 1.95 A. Analysis of the structure allows a better understanding of the observed substrate specificities and activity. Further, comparisons with mammalian and fungal epoxide hydrolase structures reported earlier show the basis of differing substrate specificities in the various epoxide hydrolase subfamilies. Most plant enzymes, like the potato epoxide hydrolase, are expected to be monomers with a preference for substrates with long lipid-like substituents of the epoxide ring. The significance of these results in the context of biological roles and industrial applications is discussed.  相似文献   

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