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1. Transducin subunits (T alpha and T beta gamma) were purified from freshly dissected frog (Rana catesbeiana) retinas. It was found that purified T beta gamma is composed of three components which can be separated from each other by an anion exchange column chromatography under nondenaturing conditions. 2. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analyses of these three components demonstrated that each contains T beta (mol. wt 35,000) and T gamma (mol. wt approximately 8000). 3. Only one of the three components retained an ability to enhance the binding of GppNHp to T alpha in the presence of a photobleaching intermediate of rhodopsin, while the others showed very low abilities to enhance the binding. 4. These observations, together with the similar findings on bovine T beta gamma, strongly suggest that the functional heterogeneity of T beta gamma is conserved in vertebrate photoreceptor cells.  相似文献   

During the process of transduction of a photon signal in vertebrate rod outer segments, transducin, a guanine nucleotide binding protein, mediates between a photobleaching intermediate of rhodopsin and a cGMP-phosphodiesterase. We report here that the beta gamma-subunit of bovine transducin (T beta gamma) characterized so far consists of two components (T beta gamma-1 and T beta gamma-2), which can be separated by anion exchange chromatography under nondenaturing conditions. Both components consisted of two polypeptides of Mr 36,000 (T beta) and about 8,000 (T gamma) in sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide (13%) gel electrophoresis. On a further analysis by 8 M urea/sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, T gamma subunits of T beta gamma-1 and T beta gamma-2 showed Mr values of 8,000 (T gamma-1) and 6,000 (T gamma-2), respectively. Amino acid compositions of both T gamma-1 and T gamma-2 roughly corresponded with that of T gamma previously reported and were quite different from that of gamma-subunit of cGMP-phosphodiesterase. Western blot analysis of freshly isolated rod outer segments by an antiserum raised against a mixture of T beta gamma-1 and T beta gamma-2 revealed the presence of both components in the membranes of a starting material. This observation excludes the possibility that one of the components might be produced artificially in the course of the purification. In the presence of a photobleaching intermediate of either unphosphorylated or phosphorylated rhodopsin, the binding of guanosine 5'-(beta, gamma-imido)triphosphate (GppNHp) to the alpha-subunit of transducin (T alpha) was remarkably enhanced with increasing concentrations of purified T beta gamma-2. On the contrary, T beta gamma-1 retained little ability, if any, to enhance the GppNHp binding to T alpha; the ability of T beta gamma-1 was at least 30 times lower than that of T beta gamma-2. Such a low activity of T beta gamma-1 was attributed to inability for coupling of T alpha with a photobleaching intermediate of rhodopsin. These results indicate that T gamma-2 is essential for the GTP binding of transducin. The role of T gamma-1 in vertebrate photoreceptor cells was discussed.  相似文献   

1. The gamma-subunit of the vertebrate photoreceptor GTP-binding protein (transducin) is S-farnesylated at the C-terminal cysteine residue, with a part of the residue being methyl-esterified at the alpha-carboxyl group. 2. Functionally, the modified cysteine residue is implicated in efficient coupling of the alpha- and beta gamma-subunits, and indispensible for expressing GTP-binding activity. 3. Similar modifications, isoprenylation and methyl-esterification of the C-terminal cysteine residue have been found in a variety of proteins involved in signal transduction and growth regulation processes. However, it seems likely that the physiological roles of the modifications are different for the various proteins.  相似文献   

Farnesylation of the gamma-subunit of the retinal G-protein, transducin (Talpha/Tbetagamma), is indispensable for light-initiated signaling in photoreceptor cells. However, the farnesyl-mediated molecular interactions important for signaling are not well understood. To explore this issue, we created a functional Tbetagamma analogue in which the farnesyl group was replaced with a (3-azidophenoxy)geranyl (POG) group, a novel farnesyl analogue with a distal photoreactive azido group. In the presence of lipid membranes and/or Talpha-GDP, UV irradiation of POG-modified Tbetagamma (POG-Tbetagamma) invariably yielded a cross-linked product Tgamma-Tbeta, reflecting a constitutive interaction of the Tgamma C-terminal lipid with Tbeta. In addition to the Tgamma-Tbeta adduct, a Tgamma-Talpha cross-link was detected in the aqueous fraction. Reconstitution of POG-Tbetagamma with Talpha and light-activated rhodopsin (Rh) in photoreceptor membranes resulted in cross-linking of Tgamma with a glycerophospholipid, indicating molecular interaction of the farnesyl group with cellular membranes. The Tgamma-phospholipid cross-link was observed only in the presence of both Talpha-GDP and Rh, and was abolished by the addition of GTPgammaS or by replacing Rh with opsin. These findings suggest a transient farnesyl-membrane interaction occurs only in a signaling state formed in a transducin-Rh ternary complex. On the other hand, UV irradiation of POG-Tbetagamma in a soluble complex with phosducin, a negative regulator of G-protein, yielded a Tgamma-phosducin adduct in addition to the Tgamma-Tbeta cross-link. These results illustrate that, rather than being a static membrane anchor, the farnesyl moiety plays an active role in the dynamics of protein-protein and protein-membrane interactions at defined steps in the signal transduction process.  相似文献   

Synthetic peptides corresponding to various regions of the light-activated guanosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate phosphodiesterase (PDE) gamma-subunit (PDE gamma) from bovine retinal rod outer segments were synthesized and tested for their ability to inhibit PDE activity, and GTPase activity of transducin. One of these peptides, corresponding to PDE gamma residues 31-45, inhibited PDE activity and GTPase activity in a dose-dependent manner. The GTPase activity was inhibited by PDE gamma-3 non-competitively. This region of the PDE gamma subunit may be involved in the direct interaction of transducin and PDE alpha beta with PDE gamma.  相似文献   

A heterotrimeric G-protein in vertebrate photoreceptor cells is called transducin (T alpha beta gamma), whose gamma-subunit is a mixture of two components, T gamma-1 and T gamma-2. T gamma-2 is S-farnesylated and partly carboxyl methylated at the C-terminal cysteine residue, whereas T gamma-1 lacks the modified cysteine residue. To elucidate the physiological significance of the double modifications in T gamma, we established a simple chromatographic procedure to isolate T gamma-1, methylated T gamma-2 and non-methylated T gamma-2 on a reversed phase column. Taking advantage of the high and reproducible yield of T gamma from the column, we analyzed the composition of T gamma subspecies in the T alpha-T beta gamma complex which did not bind with transducin-depleted rod outer segment membranes containing metarhodopsin II. The binding of T alpha-T beta gamma with the membranes was shown to require the S-farnesylated cysteine residue of T gamma, whose methylation further enhanced the binding. This synergistic effect was not evident when T alpha was either absent or converted to the GTP-bound form which is known to dissociate from T beta gamma. Thus we concluded that a formation of the ternary complex, T alpha-T beta gamma-metarhodopsin II, is enhanced by the farnesylation and methylation of T gamma. This suggests that the double modifications provide most efficient signal transduction in photoreceptor cells.  相似文献   

The gamma-subunit of retinal rod-outer-segment phosphodiesterase (PDE-gamma) is a multifunctional protein which interacts directly with both of the catalytic subunits of PDE (PDE alpha/beta) and the alpha-subunit of the retinal G (guanine-nucleotide-binding)-protein transducin alpha (T alpha). We have previously reported that the PDE gamma binds to T alpha at residue nos. 24-45 [Morrison. Rider & Takemoto (1987) FEBS Lett. 222, 266-270]. In vitro this results in inhibition of T alpha GTP/GDP exchange [Morrison, Cunnick, Oppert & Takemoto (1989) J. Biol. Chem. 264, 11671-11681]. We now report that the inhibitory region of PDE gamma for PDE alpha/beta occurs at PDE gamma residues 54-87. This binding results in inhibition of either trypsin-solubilized or membrane-bound PDE alpha/beta. PDE gamma which has been treated with carboxypeptidase Y, removing the C-terminus, does not inhibit PDE alpha/beta, but does inhibit T alpha GTP/GDP exchange. Inhibition by PDE gamma can be removed by T alpha-guanosine 5'-[gamma-thio]triphosphate (GTP[S]) addition to membranes. This results in a displacement of PDE gamma, but not in removal of this subunit from the membrane [Whalen, Bitensky & Takemoto (1990) Biochem. J. 265, 655-658]. These results suggest that low levels of T alpha-GTP[S] can result in displacement of PDE gamma from the membrane in vitro as a GTP[S]-T alpha-PDE gamma complex. Further activation by high levels of T alpha-GTP[S] occurs by displacement of PDE gamma from its inhibitory site on PDE alpha/beta, but not in removal from the membrane.  相似文献   

A E Granovsky  N O Artemyev 《Biochemistry》2001,40(44):13209-13215
In response to light, a photoreceptor G protein, transducin, activates cGMP-phosphodiesterase (PDE6) by displacing the inhibitory gamma-subunits (Pgamma) from the enzyme's catalytic sites. Evidence suggests that the activation of PDE6 involves a conformational change of the key inhibitory C-terminal domain of Pgamma. In this study, the C-terminal region of Pgamma, Pgamma-73-85, has been targeted for Ala-scanning mutagenesis to identify the point-to-point interactions between Pgamma and the PDE6 catalytic subunits and to probe the nature of the conformational change. Pgamma mutants were tested for their ability to inhibit PDE6 and a chimeric PDE5-conePDE6 enzyme containing the Pgamma C-terminus-binding site of cone PDE. This analysis has revealed that in addition to previously characterized Ile86 and Ile87, important inhibitory contact residues of Pgamma include Asn74, His75, and Leu78. The patterns of mutant PDE5-conePDE6 enzyme inhibition suggest the interaction between the PgammaAsn74/His75 sequence and Met758 of the cone PDE6alpha' catalytic subunit. This interaction, and the interaction between the PgammaIle86/Ile87 and PDE6alpha'Phe777/Phe781 residues, is most consistent with an alpha-helical structure of the Pgamma C-terminus. The analysis of activation of PDE6 enzymes containing Pgamma mutants with Ala-substituted transducin-contact residues demonstrated the critical role of PgammaLeu76. Accordingly, we hypothesize that the initial step in PDE6 activation involves an interaction of transducin-alpha with PgammaLeu76. This interaction introduces a bend into the alpha-helical structure of the Pgamma C-terminus, allowing transducin-alpha to further twist the C-terminus thereby uncovering the catalytic pocket of PDE6.  相似文献   

Dynamic regulation of G-protein signaling in the phototransduction cascade ensures the high temporal resolution of vision. In a key step, the activated alpha-subunit of transducin (Galphat-GTP) activates the cGMP phosphodiesterase (PDE) by binding the inhibitory gamma-subunit (PDEgamma). Significant progress in understanding the interaction between Galphat and PDEgamma was achieved by solving the crystal structure of the PDEgamma C-terminal peptide bound to Galphat in the transition state for GTP hydrolysis (Slep, K. C., Kercher, M. A., He, W., Cowan, C. W., Wensel, T. G., and Sigler, P. B. (2001) Nature 409, 1071-1077). However, some of the structural elements of each molecule were absent in the crystal structure. We have probed the binding surface between the PDEgamma C terminus and activated Galphat bound to guanosine 5'-O-(3-thio)-triphosphate (GTPgammaS) using a series of full-length PDEgamma photoprobes generated by intein-mediated expressed protein ligation. For each of seven PDEgamma photoprobe species, expressed protein ligation allowed one benzoyl-L-phenylalaine substitution at selected hydrophobic C-terminal positions, and the addition of a biotin affinity tag at the extreme C terminus. We have detected photocross-linking from several PDEgamma C-terminal positions to the Galphat-GTPgammaS N terminus, particularly from PDEgamma residue 73. The overall percentage of cross-linking to the Galphat-GTPgammaSN terminus was analyzed using a far Western method for examining Galphat-GTPgammaS proteolytic digestion patterns. Furthermore, mass spectrometric analysis of cross-links to Galphat from a benzoyl-phenylalanine replacement at PDEgamma position 86 localized the region of photoinsertion to Galphat N-terminal residues Galphat-(22-26). This novel Galphat/PDEgamma interaction suggests that the transducin N terminus plays an active role in signal transduction.  相似文献   

Interactions between the transducin alpha-subunit (Galpha(t)) and the cGMP phosphodiesterase gamma-subunit (PDEgamma) are critical not only for turn-on but also turn-off of vertebrate visual signal transduction. Elucidation of the signaling mechanisms dominated by these interactions has been restrained by the lack of atomic structures for full-length Galpha(t)/PDEgamma complexes, in particular, the signaling-state complex represented by Galpha(t).GTPgammaS/PDEgamma. As a preliminary step in our effort for NMR structural analysis of Galpha(t)/PDEgamma interactions, we have developed efficient protocols for the large-scale production of recombinant Galpha(t) (rGalpha(t)) and homogeneous and functional isotopically labeled PDEgamma from Escherichia coli cells. One-step purification of rGalpha(t) was achieved through cobalt affinity chromatography in the presence of glycerol, which effectively removed the molecular chaperone DnaK that otherwise persistently co-purified with rGalpha(t). The purified rGalpha(t) was found to be functional in GTPgammaS/GDP exchange upon activation of rhodopsin and was used to form a signaling-state complex with labeled PDEgamma, rGalpha(t). GTPgammaS/[U-13C,15N]PDEgamma. The labeled PDEgamma sample yielded a well-resolved 1H-15N HSQC spectrum. The methods described here for large-scale production of homogeneous and functional rGalpha(t) and isotope-labeled PDEgamma should support further NMR structural analysis of the rGalpha(t)/PDEgamma complexes. In addition, our protocol for removing the co-purifying DnaK contaminant may be of general utility in purifying E. coli-expressed recombinant proteins.  相似文献   

There is considerable evidence which suggests that the gamma-subunit of cGMP phosphodiesterase (PDE gamma) is a multifunctional protein which may interact directly with both the catalytic subunits of PDE (PDE alpha beta) and the alpha-subunit of transducin (T alpha) (Whalen, M., and Bitensky, M. (1989) Biochem. J. 259, 13-19; Griswold-Prenner, I., Young, J. H., Yamane, H. K., and Fung, B. K.-K. (1988) Invest. Ophthalmol. & Visual Sci. 29, (Suppl.) 218). To determine the region of interaction between the multifunctional PDE gamma and T alpha, and to determine the significance of this interaction, peptides corresponding to various regions of PDE gamma were synthesized and tested for their ability to inhibit the GTPase activity of T alpha. One of these peptides, PDE gamma-3 (bovine amino acid residues 31-45), inhibited the GTPase activity of T alpha with an I50 of 450 microM. The peptide (PDE gamma-3) was found to inhibit the GTPase activity of T alpha by inducing the binding of transducin to the rod outer segment membrane and by altering the GTP/GDP exchange. Analogs of PDE gamma-3 were synthesized to determine the required structure of the PDE gamma-3 region needed for the interaction of PDE gamma with T alpha. The results of these studies indicated that the removal of the positively charged amino acids or any of the potential hydrogen-bonding amino acids increased the I50 for the inhibition of the GTPase activity of T alpha Substitution of the hydrophobic amino acids had no effect. These results indicate the hydrophilic interactions may be essential for the binding of PDE gamma to T alpha and for the inhibition of the GTPase activity of T alpha by PDE gamma. The observed effects of PDE gamma-3 on T alpha and on PDE suggest that PDE gamma is a multifunctional protein which may play more than one role in the deactivation of the retinal transduction cascade.  相似文献   

Three isoprenoid diphosphate analogues of farnesyl diphosphate (FPP) where the diphosphate has been replaced by methylene diphosphonate and the negative charges masked by frangible pivaloyloxymethyl (POM) esters were prepared. Farnesyl methylenediphosphonate is a sub-micromolar substrate for protein farnesyl transferase. The tripivaloyloxymethyl esters of isoprenoid methylenediphosphonate have significantly increased lipophilicity and may act as important farnesyl diphosphate prodrugs.  相似文献   

Kisselev OG  Downs MA 《Biochemistry》2006,45(31):9386-9392
The visual signaling pathway is initiated by photoactivation of the GPCR rhodopsin, which activates nucleotide exchange on the heterotrimeric G-protein transducin (Gt). Domains on both Gtalpha and Gtbetagamma subunits participate in coupling to rhodopsin. Previously, we have shown by high-resolution NMR that the farnesylated C-terminal peptide of Gtgamma(60-71), DKNPFKELKGGC, assumes an amphipathic helical conformation during interaction with metarhodopsin II [Kisselev, O. G., and Downs, M. A. (2003) Structure 11, 367-373]. This conformation was docked to the structure of holo-Gt to create a model of rhodopsin-Gt interaction. Here we test this model by mutational analysis of Gt. To evaluate the contribution of specific amino acids of the Gtgamma C-terminal region involved in binding and GTP-dependent release of transducin from native rhodopsin membranes, we have systematically substituted each of the amino acids in the C-terminal region of Gtgamma for alanine. The mutants were co-expressed with six-histidine-tagged Gtbeta subunits in Sf9 insect cells. The Gtbeta-6-His-gamma mutant proteins were purified and assayed in the presence of Gtalpha for the GTP-dependent interactions with light-activated rhodopsin. Several of the alanine mutants, N62A, P63A, and F64A, exhibited significant functional defects at the level of R*-Gt complex formation. These data show that the conserved N-terminal end of the helical domain in the Gtgamma(60-71) region has the most significant effect on rhodopsin-Gt interactions, which places important constraints on the model of the rhodopsin-Gt complex.  相似文献   

An agonist-bound G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) induces a GDP/GTP exchange on the G protein alpha-subunit (G alpha) followed by the release of G alpha GTP and G beta gamma which, subsequently, activate their targets. The C-terminal regions of G alpha subunits constitute a major receptor recognition domain. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that the GPCR-induced conformational change is communicated from the G alpha C-terminus, via the alpha 5 helix, to the nucleotide-binding beta 6/alpha 5 loop causing GDP release. Mutants of the visual G protein, transducin, with a modified junction of the C-terminus were generated and analyzed for interaction with photoexcited rhodopsin (R*). A flexible linker composed of five glycine residues or a rigid three-turn alpha-helical segment was inserted between the 11 C-terminal residues and the alpha 5 helix of G alpha(t)-like chimeric G alpha, G alpha(ti). The mutant G alpha subunits with the Gly-loop (G alpha(ti)L) and the extended alpha 5 helix (G alpha(ti)H) retained intact interactions with G beta gamma(t), and displayed modestly reduced binding to R*. G alpha(ti)H was capable of efficient activation by R*. In contrast, R* failed to activate G alpha(ti)L, suggesting that the Gly-loop absorbs a conformational change at the C-terminus and blocks G protein activation. Our results provide evidence for the role of G alpha C-terminus/alpha 5 helix/beta 6/alpha 5 loop route as a dominant channel for transmission of the GPCR-induced conformational change leading to G protein activation.  相似文献   

Vertebrate phototransduction is mediated by cGMP, which is generated by retGC (retinal guanylate cyclase) and degraded by cGMP phosphodiesterase. Light stimulates cGMP hydrolysis via the G-protein transducin, which directly binds to and activates phosphodiesterase. Bright light also causes relocalization of transducin from the OS (outer segments) of the rod cells to the inner compartments. In the present study, we show experimental evidence for a previously unknown interaction between G(alphat) (the transducin alpha subunit) and retGC. G(alphat) co-immunoprecipitates with retGC from the retina or from co-transfected COS-7 cells. The retGC-G(alphat) complex is also present in cones. The interaction also occurs in mice lacking RGS9 (regulator of G-protein signalling 9), a protein previously shown to associate with both G(alphat) and retGC. The G(alphat)-retGC interaction is mediated primarily by the kinase homology domain of retGC, which binds GDP-bound G(alphat) stronger than the GTP[S] (GTPgammaS; guanosine 5'-[gamma-thio]triphosphate) form. Neither G(alphat) nor G(betagamma) affect retGC-mediated cGMP synthesis, regardless of the presence of GCAP (guanylate cyclase activating protein) and Ca2+. The rate of light-dependent transducin redistribution from the OS to the inner segments is markedly accelerated in the retGC-1-knockout mice, while the migration of transducin to the OS after the onset of darkness is delayed. Supplementation of permeabilized photoreceptors with cGMP does not affect transducin translocation. Taken together, these results suggest that the protein-protein interaction between G(alphat) and retGC represents a novel mechanism regulating light-dependent translocation of transducin in rod photoreceptors.  相似文献   

The availability of purified G alpha 11 and the G-protein-regulated phospholipase C from turkey erythrocytes has allowed an examination of the direct effects of G-protein beta gamma-subunit on the components of the inositol lipid signaling system. Reconstitution of purified turkey erythrocyte or bovine brain beta gamma-subunit into phospholipid vesicles containing G alpha 11 inhibited AlF4- induced activation of phospholipase C. However, beta gamma-subunit at higher concentrations increased phospholipase C activity. This stimulatory effect of beta gamma-subunit on phospholipase C did not require the presence of the alpha-subunit. G alpha o had no effect on the catalytic activity of phospholipase C. However, coreconstitution of G alpha o and beta gamma-subunit shifted to the right the concentration-effect curve for beta gamma-subunit-promoted activation of phospholipase C. As was observed with G alpha 11, the increase in activity observed in the presence of beta gamma-subunit occurred as an increase in the maximal activity and with no change in the apparent affinity for Ca2+ for phospholipase C activation. The concentration dependence of G alpha 11 for activation of turkey erythrocyte phospholipase C and bovine brain phospholipase C-beta, as well as the concentration dependence of the two enzymes for activation by G alpha 11, were very similar. In contrast, beta gamma-subunit was a much less effective activator of bovine brain phospholipase C-beta than the turkey erythrocyte enzyme. The observation of direct effects of free beta gamma-subunit on phospholipase C extend the possibilities for receptor-mediated regulation of this signaling pathway.  相似文献   

On rod disc membranes, single photoactivated rhodopsin (R*) molecules catalytically activate many copies of the G-protein (Gt), which in turn binds and activates the effector (phosphodiesterase). We have performed master equation simulations of the underlying diffusional protein interactions on a rectangular 1-micron2 model membrane, divided into 15 x 15 cells. Mono- and bimolecular reactions occur within cells, and diffusional transitions occur between (neighboring) cells. Reaction and diffusion constants yield the related probabilities for the stochastic transitions. The calculated kinetics of active effector form a response that is essentially determined by the stochastic lifetime distribution of R* (with characteristic time tau R*) and the reaction constants of Gt activation. Only a short tau R* (approximately 0.3 s) and a high catalytic rate (3000-4000 Gt s-1 R*-1) are consistent with electrophysiological data. Although R* shut-off limits the rise of the response, the lifetime distribution of free R* is not translated into a corresponding variability of the response peaks, because 1) the lifetime distribution of catalytically engaged R* is distorted, 2) small responses are enlarged by an overshoot of active effector, and 3) larger responses tend to undergo saturation. Comparison of these results to published photocurrent waveforms may open ways to understand the relative uniformity of the rod response.  相似文献   

V N Hingorani  Y Ho 《Biochemistry》1987,26(6):1633-1639
Fluorescein 5'-isothiocyanate (FITC) was used to modify the lysine residues of bovine transducin (T), a GTP-binding protein involved in phototransduction of rod photoreceptor cells. The incorporation of FITC showed a stoichiometry of approximately 1 mol of FITC/mol of transducin. The labeling was specific for the T alpha subunit. There was no significant incorporation on the T beta gamma subunit. The modification had no effect on the transducin-rhodopsin interaction or on the binding of guanosine 5'-(beta, gamma-imidotriphosphate) [Gpp(NH)p] to transducin in the presence of photolyzed rhodopsin. The dissociation of the FITC-transducin-Gpp(NH)p complex from rhodopsin membrane remained unchanged. However, the intrinsic GTPase activity of T alpha and its ability to activate the cGMP phosphodiesterase were diminished by FITC modification. The rate of FITC labeling of the transducin-Gpp(NH)p complex was about 3-fold slower than that of transducin. Limited tryptic digestion and peptide mapping were used to localize the FITC labeling site. The majority of the FITC label was on the 23-kilodalton fragment, and a minor amount was on the 9-kilodalton fragment of the T alpha subunit. These results indicate that FITC labeling does not alter the activation of transducin by photolyzed rhodopsin but does affect the GTP hydrolytic activity as well as the GTP-induced conformational change of T alpha, which ultimately leads to the activation of cGMP phosphodiesterase.  相似文献   

Rhodopsin, upon activation by light, transduces the photon signal by activation of the G-protein, transducin. The well-studied rhodopsin/transducin system serves as a model for the understanding of signal transduction by the large class of G-protein-coupled receptors. The interactive form of rhodopsin, R*, is conformationally similar or identical to rhodopsin's photolysis intermediate Metarhodopsin II (MII). Formation of MII requires deprotonation of rhodopsin's protonated Schiff base which appears to facilitate some opening of the rhodopsin structure. This allows a change in conformation at rhodopsin's cytoplasmic surface that provides binding sites for transducin. Rhodopsin's 2nd, 3rd and putative 4th cytoplasmic loops bind transducin at sites including transducin's 5 kDa carboxyl-terminal region. Site-specific mutagenesis of rhodopsin is being used to distinguish sites on rhodopsin's surface that are important in binding transducin from those that function in activating transducin. These observations are consistent with and extend studies on the action of other G-protein-coupled receptors and their interactions with their respective G proteins.  相似文献   

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