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随着医学影像设备的广泛应用以及PACS的快速发展,为了统一各种数字化影像设备的图像数据格式和数据传输标准而诞生的DICOM标准已经成为医学数字成像和通讯的共同标准。本文简要的介绍了DICOM标准的历史以及DICOM数据集和DICOM文件格式的组织形式。  相似文献   

介绍DICOM3.0医学图像文件的格式和C#语言的特点,首次利用Visual C#语言对该标准的图像进行显示和处理,能够直接读取DICOM格式原始图像数据,并可批量转换成BMP等格式进行处理,此项工作可为医学图像处理研究及相关医学图像软件开发奠定基础。  相似文献   

采用IBM-XT微机及其外围硬件Lab Master对一项视觉神经电生理实验施行实时的数据采集、处理和控制。其中:Lab Master中的D/A和8255型并行接口输出模拟量和数字量,控制一台图像发生器,产生不同的视觉图像刺激;用LabMaster中的计数器,计数一定时间内神经脉冲的个数,然后进行数据处理。  相似文献   

本研究基于CT数据对颌骨支架材料进行有限元分析及3D打印模型研究,为了进一步确定CT技术与3D打印技术在骨组织构建工程的可行性,同时探讨构建骨组织支架材料工程的技术问题,本研究利用骨缺损区域的CT数据进行三维构建,对武汉市第一医院颌面外科颌骨囊肿患者的颌骨缺损区进行CT扫描,再将DICOM数据导入Mimics中,根据CT数据对颌骨缺损部分进行三维建模。支架材料内部形态基于Pro/E软件设计3种不同的支架-立方体结构、蜂窝结构、仿生骨结构。设置支架材料负载为90 N,泊松比为0.3,弹性模量为11 Gpa,地面为完全约束,对支架结构的形变及应力进行有限元分析。构建的支架结构导入Magics中,输出STL格式,连接3D打印机制备支架的三维模型实体模型。本实验发现:(1)使用3D打印技术制得三种支架实体模型,支架材料模型外部形态和颌骨骨缺损区内部结构高度匹配。(2)分别对三种支架模型结构进行有限元分析,分析符合要求。(3)基于布尔运算对支架模型的外部形态同骨缺损区进行匹配。基于CT数据,计算机辅助设计及Mimics三维软件,重建三维模型,利用3D打印技术制造支架实体模型。有限元分析的表明,在同等条件下,立方体结构的支架具有较好的力学性能。  相似文献   

医学图像三维重建技术利用二维医学图像序列重建出三维模型,为医生提供直观、全面、准确的病灶和正常组织信息.是当今医学影像领域研究的热点之一。VTK是国际上广泛应用的可视化工具包,具有优秀的架构和运行机制。本文研究了DICOM3.0标准,提出了正确解读DICOM医学图像的方法;深入VTK内部机制,解决了VTK和DICOM医学图像读取模块间的数据接口问题;在三维重建过程中,为解决数据量巨大、成像时间漫长、阶梯效应、交互性不强等问题,重点剖析了VTK的数据处理机制。并给出相关优化方法。实验结果表明本文提出的解决方案和优化方法实用可靠,为进一步开发医学三雏图形系统打下了基础。  相似文献   

目的分析放疗科设备之间信息的整合。材料与方法通过对DICOM RT(Radiotherapy in DICOM)标准的了解,利用Pinnacle放射治疗计划系统(Treatment Planning System,TPS)、PrecisePLAN放射治疗计划系统和Eclipse放射治疗计划系统对某一选定病人进行轮廓勾画和剂量计算。然后,把轮廓勾画好的病人信息及计算完毕的病人信息分别在这三台TPS之间进行相互传递,并比较传递前后病人信息的差异。结果1)大孔径CT得到的CT图像可以传递给TPS;2)Pinnacle TPS的数据信息可以传递给PrecisePLAN TPS和Eclipse TPS,但是存在轮廓缺陷;3)PrecisePLAN TPS和Eclipse TPs之间不能互相传递数据,也不能把数据信息传递给Pinnacle TPS;4)三台TPS都不能把病人的治疗计划传递给另外的TPS。结论在当前三家国外生产加速器的大公司并存及国内生产加速器的企业落后的情况下,医院设备主管部门应当考虑购买兼容性较好的设备或者购买同一家公司的放射治疗设备。  相似文献   

建立检测腭咽闭合功能图像处理分析系统的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
腭咽闭合不全是腭裂修复后最常出现的现象。目前采用纤维鼻咽内窥镜及鼻咽腔钡剂X线造影检查,进行腭咽闭合图像处理,多为定性观察和分析。即使是定量分析也均为手工进行描绘,然后再用键盘送入电脑进行计算,速度慢、步骤多、准确性差,难以在临床上推广应用。因此,建立一个适应于临床医师使用的,便于操作的分析系统迫在眉睫。硬件系统的构成及主要技术指标系统的硬件配置由下列框图所示(图一)。主要包括:主机、VFG—AT图像处理功能板,512×512高精度彩色监视器、录像机、数字化仪、视频打印机和激光或点阵式打印机。下面分别加以说明:  相似文献   

目的:探讨3D打印肺段模型在胸外科解剖教学中的应用效果。方法:60名医学新生随机分为3D打印组和三维重建图像组,每组30人。经相关知识介绍后,参加问卷调查并记录得分,包括理论知识、肺段鉴别、病灶鉴别,共14分。结果:3D打印肺段模型能清晰准确地显示出肺脏结构。3D打印组问卷调查得分显著高于三维重建图像组,差异具有统计学意义(P=0.031)。结论:3D打印肺段模型在医学生肺段解剖教学中的效果优于三维重建图像。  相似文献   

随着医疗水平的不断提高,呼吸机的使用面也在进一步扩大,一种与气动或气控呼吸机配套的小型医用空气压缩机(以下简称医用空压机)也随之步入各家医院,医用空压机输出的压缩空气被直接用来输入呼吸机,有的被用来作为动力气源驱动皮囊把空气或混合气体压入病人肺内;有的被直接送人病人的呼吸系统。这些过程都是由呼吸机控制其内部的各种气阀等气动元件来完成的。  相似文献   

利用诱发电位技术(Evoked Potential)来分析生物电信号,能够去除干扰及噪声等无用信号,大大提高信噪比,因而对听觉、视觉、痛觉等感觉生理的研究以及微弱信号的观测(如希氏束电图等)有较广泛的应用价值。国内已有这种功能的数据处理机,如某些医用数据处理机等,但都是老产品,体积大,功能小。我们利用国内组装微型电脑CMC—80机再加上一台小型简易打印机,便可以对生物电信号进行诱发、叠加、积分等多种信号的处理,其结果还可以通过打印机永久记录下来。记录方式可以是数字,也可以是诱发电位的波形描绘,整个系统的造价只要二千多  相似文献   

The purpose of the study presented here was to investigate the manufacturability of human anatomical models from Computed Tomography (CT) scan data via a 3D desktop printer which uses fused deposition modelling (FDM) technology. First, Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) CT scan data were converted to 3D Standard Triangle Language (STL) format by using InVaselius digital imaging program. Once this STL file is obtained, a 3D physical version of the anatomical model can be fabricated by a desktop 3D FDM printer. As a case study, a patient’s skull CT scan data was considered, and a tangible version of the skull was manufactured by a 3D FDM desktop printer. During the 3D printing process, the skull was built using acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) co-polymer plastic. The printed model showed that the 3D FDM printing technology is able to fabricate anatomical models with high accuracy. As a result, the skull model can be used for preoperative surgical planning, medical training activities, implant design and simulation to show the potential of the FDM technology in medical field. It will also improve communication between medical stuff and patients. Current result indicates that a 3D desktop printer which uses FDM technology can be used to obtain accurate anatomical models.  相似文献   

??????? 目的 对病案质控流程重组,总结完善工作流程,提高工作效率,改善工作质量。方法 在分析病案出院前质控流程现状基础上,从缩短审核时间、增加病床合理使用和保证病历质量等方面阐述如何在现有条件下来改善病案质控流程。结果 加强病案质量控制,不断提高病历书写质量。结论 使病案质控最大限度服务于临床需要。  相似文献   

The vast amount of data produced by today’s medical imaging systems has led medical professionals to turn to novel technologies in order to efficiently handle their data and exploit the rich information present in them. In this context, artificial intelligence (AI) is emerging as one of the most prominent solutions, promising to revolutionise every day clinical practice and medical research. The pillar supporting the development of reliable and robust AI algorithms is the appropriate preparation of the medical images to be used by the AI-driven solutions. Here, we provide a comprehensive guide for the necessary steps to prepare medical images prior to developing or applying AI algorithms. The main steps involved in a typical medical image preparation pipeline include: (i) image acquisition at clinical sites, (ii) image de-identification to remove personal information and protect patient privacy, (iii) data curation to control for image and associated information quality, (iv) image storage, and (v) image annotation. There exists a plethora of open access tools to perform each of the aforementioned tasks and are hereby reviewed. Furthermore, we detail medical image repositories covering different organs and diseases. Such repositories are constantly increasing and enriched with the advent of big data. Lastly, we offer directions for future work in this rapidly evolving field.  相似文献   

Diagnostic surgical pathology or tissue–based diagnosis still remains the most reliable and specific diagnostic medical procedure. The development of whole slide scanners permits the creation of virtual slides and to work on so-called virtual microscopes. In addition to interactive work on virtual slides approaches have been reported that introduce automated virtual microscopy, which is composed of several tools focusing on quite different tasks. These include evaluation of image quality and image standardization, analysis of potential useful thresholds for object detection and identification (segmentation), dynamic segmentation procedures, adjustable magnification to optimize feature extraction, and texture analysis including image transformation and evaluation of elementary primitives. Grid technology seems to possess all features to efficiently target and control the specific tasks of image information and detection in order to obtain a detailed and accurate diagnosis. Grid technology is based upon so-called nodes that are linked together and share certain communication rules in using open standards. Their number and functionality can vary according to the needs of a specific user at a given point in time. When implementing automated virtual microscopy with Grid technology, all of the five different Grid functions have to be taken into account, namely 1) computation services, 2) data services, 3) application services, 4) information services, and 5) knowledge services. Although all mandatory tools of automated virtual microscopy can be implemented in a closed or standardized open system, Grid technology offers a new dimension to acquire, detect, classify, and distribute medical image information, and to assure quality in tissue–based diagnosis.  相似文献   

The development of the microscope in 1590 by Zacharias Janssenby and Hans Lippershey gave the world a new way of visualizing details of morphogenesis and development. More recent improvements in this technology including confocal microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and optical projection tomography (OPT) have enhanced the quality of the resultant image. These technologies also allow a representation to be made of a developing tissue's three-dimensional (3-D) form. With all these techniques however, the image is delivered on a flat two-dimensional (2-D) screen. 3-D printing represents an exciting potential to reproduce the image not simply on a flat screen, but in a physical, palpable three-dimensional structure. Here we explore the scope that this holds for exploring and interacting with the structure of a developing organ in an entirely novel way. As well as being useful for visualization, 3-D printers are capable of rapidly and cost-effectively producing custom-made structures for use within the laboratory. We here describe the advantages of producing hardware for a tissue culture system using an inexpensive in-lab printer.  相似文献   

小波变换及其在医学图像处理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
医学图像的好坏直接影响着医生对病情的诊断和治疗,因此利用数字图像处理等技术对医学图像进行有效的处理,已成为医学图像处理研究和开发的一大热点。小波变换是对傅里叶变换的继承和发展,在医学影像领域有着广泛的应用前景。本文介绍了二维离散小渡变换的一般形式,在图像分解与重构的基础上.系统地阐述了利用小小组变换的时频域特性与多分辨分析对医学图像进行去噪、增强以及边缘提取等深层次的处理,有效的改善图像质量。  相似文献   

目的:探讨320排螺旋CT血管成像(CTA)在行双下肢动脉血管成像过程中,护理配合对的图像质量的影响。方法:将138例患者分为护理组(82例)及对照组(56例),分别进行320排螺旋CT双下肢血管造影检查,经高压团注造影剂欧乃派克,进行三维重组,获取容积再观(VR)、曲面重组(CPR)和最大密度投影(MIP)图像。对照组的患者只进行口头的训练,没有其他的护理干预措施;实验组进行一系列的护理干预以提高患者的配合,减低在成像过程中的非生理性运动。用工作站进行图像后处理,显示双下肢动脉图像,对其图像质量和影响因素进行分析,并在检查过程中的护理干预加以总结。结果:对照组有2例患者穿刺部位不合理而影响图像质量,对双下肢的病变显示具有一定的影响,3例患者注射压力过高引起外渗,流速在2.5-3.5 ml/s,影响了图像的清晰度,其余均获得满意效果。结论:良好的护理配合有利于320排CT双下肢成像的顺利进行,精心的护理操作是取得检查成功的动脉成像保证。  相似文献   

江豚耳蜗切片的计算机三维重建   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
在自己组装的微型机图象系统上,实现了对生物组织连续切片的三维重建。重建结果以灰度阴影方式在彩色显示器上显示,并可在打印机上以多灰度等级方式打印输出。结合一例江豚内耳的连续切片,对其耳蜗骨迷路部份进行了三维重建。并将重建结果以动态形式在显示器上转动,以便观察其各个侧面的情况。  相似文献   

PurposeThe aim of this study is to present a short and comprehensive review of the methods of medical image registration, their conditions and applications in radiotherapy. A particular focus was placed on the methods of deformable image registration.MethodsTo structure and deepen the knowledge on medical image registration in radiotherapy, a medical literature analysis was made using the Google Scholar browser and the medical database of the PubMed library.ResultsChronological review of image registration methods in radiotherapy based on 34 selected articles. A particular attention was given to show: (i) potential regions of the application of different methods of registration, (ii) mathematical basis of the deformable methods and (iii) the methods of quality control for the registration process.ConclusionsThe primary aim of the medical image registration process is to connect the contents of images. What we want to achieve is a complementary or extended knowledge that can be used for more precise localisation of pathogenic lesions and continuous improvement of patient treatment. Therefore, the choice of imaging mode is dependent on the type of clinical study. It is impossible to visualise all anatomical details or functional changes using a single modality machine. Therefore, fusion of various modality images is of great clinical relevance. A natural problem in analysing the fusion of medical images is geographical errors related to displacement. The registered images are performed not at the same time and, very often, at different respiratory phases.  相似文献   

This paper proposes the reconstruction of craniofacial fracture using rational cubic Ball curve. The idea of choosing Ball curve is based on its robustness of computing efficiency over Bezier curve. The main steps are conversion of Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (Dicom) images to binary images, boundary extraction and corner point detection, Ball curve fitting with genetic algorithm and final solution conversion to Dicom format. The last section illustrates a real case of craniofacial reconstruction using the proposed method which clearly indicates the applicability of this method. A Graphical User Interface (GUI) has also been developed for practical application.  相似文献   

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