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Summary The isolated liver from 24 h fasted rats was perfused in a non-recirculating manner in the ortho-and retrograde direction with erythrocyte-containing (20% v/v) media to provide adequate oxygenation of the liver. Glucose and/or gluconeogenic precursors were added as substrates. Glycogen formation was determined biochemically and demonstrated histochemically. With glucose as the sole exogenous substrate glycogen was deposited in the perivenous area, with gluconeogenic precursors it was formed in the periportal zone during ortho-and retrograde flow. When glucose and gluconeogenic compounds were offered togethen, glycogen was deposited in both zones. The results cortoborate the model of metabolic zonation predicting that periportal glycogen is synthesized indirectly from gluconeogenic precursors while perivenous glycogen is formed directly from glucose.  相似文献   

H Bartels  B Vogt  K Jungermann 《FEBS letters》1987,221(2):277-283
The isolated liver of 24 h fasted rats was perfused in a non-recirculating manner in the orthograde or retrograde direction with media containing glucose and/or gluconeogenic precursors. Glycogen formation was determined biochemically and demonstrated histochemically. With glucose as the only exogenous substrate glycogen was formed exclusively in the perivenous area during both orthograde and retrograde perfusion. With gluconeogenic precursors as the exogenous substrates glycogen was deposited in the periportal zone during orthograde perfusion and in the intermediate zone during retrograde perfusion. Supply of glucose and gluconeogenic substrates initiated glycogen synthesis only in the upstream region, i.e. in the periportal zone during orthograde and in the perivenous zone during retrograde perfusion. This localization of glycogen synthesis was probably due to an unavoidable, insufficient oxygen supply of the respective downstream area. In general, the results confirm the hypothesis that periportal and perivenous glycogen was synthesized from different substrates.  相似文献   

Glycogen synthesis in hepatocyte cultures is dependent on: (1) the nutritional state of the donor rat, (2) the acinar origin of the hepatocytes, (3) the concentrations of glucose and gluconeogenic precursors, and (4) insulin. High concentrations of glucose (15-25 mM) and gluconeogenic precursors (10 mM-lactate and 1 mM-pyruvate) had a synergistic effect on glycogen deposition in both periportal and perivenous hepatocytes. When hepatocytes were challenged with glucose, lactate and pyruvate in the absence of insulin, glycogen was deposited at a linear rate for 2 h and then reached a plateau. However, in the presence of insulin, the initial rate of glycogen deposition was increased (20-40%) and glycogen deposition continued for more than 4 h. Consequently, insulin had a more marked effect on the glycogen accumulated in the cell after 4 h (100-200% increase) than on the initial rate of glycogen deposition. Glycogen accumulation in hepatocyte cultures prepared from rats that were fasted for 24 h and then re-fed for 3 h before liver perfusion was 2-fold higher than in hepatocytes from rats fed ad libitum and 4-fold higher than in hepatocytes from fasted rats. The incorporation of [14C]lactate into glycogen was 2-4-fold higher in periportal than in perivenous hepatocytes in both the absence and the presence of insulin, whereas the incorporation of [14C]glucose into glycogen was similar in periportal and perivenous hepatocytes in the absence of insulin, but higher in perivenous hepatocytes in the presence of insulin. Rates of glycogen deposition in the combined presence of glucose and gluconeogenic precursors were similar in periportal and perivenous hepatocytes, whereas in the presence of glucose alone, rates of glycogen deposition paralleled the incorporation of [14C]glucose into glycogen and were higher in perivenous hepatocytes in the presence of insulin. It is concluded that periportal and perivenous hepatocytes utilize different substrates for glycogen synthesis, but differences between the two cell populations in the relative utilization of glucose and gluconeogenic precursors are dependent on the presence of insulin and on the nutritional state of the rat.  相似文献   

A high-sucrose (SU) diet increases gluconeogenesis (GNG) in the liver. The present study was conducted to determine the contribution of periportal (PP) and perivenous (PV) cell populations to this SU-induced increase in GNG. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were fed an SU (68% sucrose) or starch (ST, 68% starch) diet for 1 wk, and hepatocytes were isolated from the PP or PV region of the liver acinus. Hepatocytes were incubated for 1 h in the presence of various gluconeogenic substrates, and glucose release into the medium was used to estimate GNG. When incubated in the presence of 5 mM lactate, which enters GNG at the level of pyruvate, glucose release (nmol x h(-1) x mg(-1)) was significantly increased by the SU diet in both PP (84.8 +/- 3.4 vs. 70.4 +/- 2.6) and PV (64.3 +/- 2.5 vs. 38.2 +/- 2.1) cells. Addition of palmitate (0.5 mM) increased glucose release from lactate in PP cells by 11.6 +/- 0.5 and 20.6 +/- 1.5% and in PV cells by 11.0 +/- 4.4 and 51.1 +/- 9.1% in SU and ST, respectively. When cells were incubated with 5 mM dihydroxyacetone (DHA), which enters GNG at the triosephosphate level, glucose release was significantly increased by the SU diet in both cell types. In contrast, glucose release from fructose (0.5 mM) was significantly increased by the SU diet in PV cells only. These changes in glucose release were accompanied by significant increases in the maximal specific activities of glucose-6-phosphatase (G-6-Pase) and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) in both PP and PV cells. These data suggest that the SU diet influences GNG in both PP and PV cell populations. It appears that SU feeding produces changes in GNG via alterations in at least two critical enzymes, G-6-Pase and PEPCK.  相似文献   

Summary G6PDH and ME activity was determined biochemically in homogenates and demonstrated histochemically in cryostat sections of rat liver. Control animals were sham-operated, the male and female rats of the experimental groups were castrated. After castration groups of rats were treated with daily doses of 3 or 6 g/estradiolbenzoate for 21 days. The results show that in the controls there is a sex-dependent distribution pattern of the two enzymes; in males the rather low activity is mainly located in the periportal area, in females the higher activity is demonstrable in the perivenous area. After castration G6PDH activity (and to a lesser extent ME activity) increases, mainly in the periportal zone. Estrogen treatment results in the high activity of both enzymes, which are exclusively located in the perivenous zone. In the periportal zone no G6PDH or ME activity is demonstrable histochemically. This zone-typical effect of estrogen is interpreted in terms of the concept of Metabolic Zonation, according to which it is supposed that the NADPH generating enzymes in the perivenous area have a lipogenic function whereas the periportal activity contributes to bile acid production.Parts of this study were presented as an Inaugural Dissertation to the Medical Faculty of the University of FreiburgSupported by grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Sa 127/7) and the SFB 46 (Molgrudent)  相似文献   

Glycogen synthesis in the perfused liver of the starved rat   总被引:1,自引:18,他引:1  
1. In the isolated perfused liver from 48h-starved rats, glycogen synthesis was followed by sequential sampling of the two major lobes. 2. The fastest observed rates of glycogen deposition (0.68–0.82μmol of glucose/min per g fresh liver) were obtained in the left lateral lobe, when glucose in the medium was 25–30mm and when gluconeogenic substrates were present (pyruvate, glycerol and serine: each initially 5mm). In this situation there was no net disappearance of glucose from the perfusion medium, although 14C from [U-14C]glucose was incorporated into glycogen. There was no requirement for added hormones. 3. In the absence of gluconeogenic precursors, glycogen synthesis from glucose (30mm) was 0–0.4μmol/min per g. 4. When livers were perfused with gluconeogenic precursors alone, no glycogen was deposited. The total amount of glucose formed was similar to the amount converted into glycogen when 30mm-glucose was also present. 5. The time-course, maximal rates and glucose dependence of hepatic glycogen deposition in the perfused liver resembled those found in vivo in 48h-starved rats, during infusion of glucose. 6. In the perfused liver, added insulin or sodium oleate did not significantly affect glycogen synthesis in optimum conditions. In suboptimum conditions (i.e. glucose less than 25mm, or with gluconeogenic precursors absent) insulin caused a moderate acceleration of glycogen deposition. 7. These results suggest that on re-feeding after starvation in the rat, hepatic glycogen deposition could be initially the result of continued gluconeogenesis, even after the ingestion of glucose. This conclusion is discussed, particularly in connexion with the role of hepatic glucokinase, and the involvement of the liver in the glucose intolerance of starvation.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to examine the effect of a single bout of exercise (rodent treadmill, 60 min at 26 m/min, 0% grade) on the gluconeogenic activity of periportal hepatocytes (PP-H) and perivenous hepatocytes (PV-H) in fasted (18 h) rats. Isolated PP-H and PV-H, obtained by selective destruction following liver perfusion with digitonin and collagenase, were incubated with saturating concentrations of alanine (Ala; 20 mM) or a mixture of lactate and pyruvate (Lac+Pyr; 20:2 mM) to determine the glucose production flux (J(glucose)) in the incubation medium. Results show that, in the resting conditions, J(glucose) from all exogenous substrates was significantly higher (P < 0.01) in PP-H than in PV-H. Exercise, compared with rest, resulted in a higher J(glucose) (P < 0.01) from Lac+Pyr substrate in the PV-H but not in the PP-H, resulting in the disappearance of the difference in J(glucose) between PP-H and PV-H. Exercise, compared with rest, led to a higher J(glucose) (P < 0.01) from Ala substrate in both PP-H and PV-H. However, the exercise-induced increase in J(glucose) (gluconeogenic activity) from Ala substrate was higher in PV-H than in PP-H, resulting, as from Lac+Pyr substrate, in the disappearance (P > 0.05) of the difference of J(glucose) between PP-H and PV-H. It is concluded that exercise differentially stimulates the gluconeogenic activity of PV-H to a larger extent than PP-H, indicative of a heterogeneous metabolic response of hepatocytes to exercise.  相似文献   

Summary Using a new biochemical microassay the activities of three peroxisomal oxidases in single microdissected periportal and perivenous zones of the liver acinus were measured. Whereas urate oxidase is homogeneously distributed through the acinus, the activities of D-aminoacid oxidase and -hydroxyacid oxidase are respectively 1.80-and 2.71-fold higher in the periportal hepatocytes than in the perivenous hepatocytes.  相似文献   

1. Net glycogen accumulation was measured in sequentially removed samples during perfusion of the liver of starved streptozotocin-diabetic rats, and shown to be significantly impaired, compared with rates in normal (starved) rats. 2. In perfusions of normal livers with glucose plus C3 substrates, there was an increase in the proportion of glycogen synthetase 'a', compared with that in the absence of substrates. This response to substrates, followed in sequential synthesis and enzymic sensitivity in the perfused liver of diabetic rats were reversed by pretreatment in vivo with glucose plus fructose, or insulin. Glucose alone did not produce this effect. 4. Glucose, fructose, insulin or cortisol added to e perfusion medium (in the absence of pretreatment in vivo) did not stimulate glycogen synthesis in diabetic rats. 5. In intact diabetic rats, there was a decline in rates of net hepatic glycogen accumulation, and the response of glycogen synthetase to substrates. The most rapid rates of synthesis were obtained after fructose administration. 6. These results demonstrate that there is a marked inherent impairment in hepatic glycogen synthesis in starved diabetic rats, which can be rapidly reversed in vivo but no in perfusion. Thus hepatic glycogen synthesis does not appear to be sensitive to either the short-term direct action of insulin (added alone to perfusions) of to long-term insulin deprivation in vivo. The regulatory roles of substrates, insulin and glycogen synthetase in hepatic glycogen accumulation are discussed.  相似文献   

Glycogen synthesis in the perfused liver of adrenalectomized rats.   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
1. A total loss of capacity for net glycogen synthesis was observed in experiments with the perfused liver of starved adrenalectomized rats. 2. This lesion was corrected by insulin or cortisol in vivo (over 2-5h), but not by any agent tested in perfusion. 3. The activity of glycogen synthetase a, and its increase during perfusion, in the presence of glucose plus glucogenic substrates, were proportional to the rate of net glycogen accumulation. 4. This complete inherent loss of capacity for glycogen synthesis after adrenalectomy is greater than any defect in hepatic metabolism yet reported in this situation, and is not explicable by a decrease in the rate of gluconegenesis (which supports glycogen synthesis in the liver of starved rats). The short-term (2-5h) stimulatory effect of glucocorticoids in the intact animal, on hepatic glycogen deposition, may be mediated partly through insulin action, although neither insulin or cortisol appear to act directly on the liver to stimulate glycogen synthesis.  相似文献   

Oxamate, a structural analog of pyruvate, known as a potent inhibitor of lactic dehydrogenase, lactic dehydrogenase, produces an inhibition of gluconeogenic flux in isolated perfused rat liver or hepatocyte suspensions from low concentrations of pyruvate (less than 0.5 mM) or substrates yielding pyruvate. The following observations indicate that oxamate inhibits flux through pyruvate carboxylase: accumulation of substrates and decreased concentration of all metabolic intermediates beyond pyruvate; decreased levels of aspartate, glutamate, and alanine; and enhanced ketone body production, which is a sensitive indicator of decreased mitochondrial free oxaloacetate levels. The decreased pyruvate carboxylase flux does not seem to be the result of a direct inhibitory action of oxamate on this enzyme but is secondary to a decreased rate of pyruvate entry into the mitochondria. This assumption is based on the following observations: Above 0.4 mM pyruvate, no significant inhibitory effect of oxamate on gluconeogenesis was observed. The competitive nature of oxamate inhibition is in conflict with its effect on isolated pyruvate carboxylase which is noncompetitive for pyruvate. Fatty acid oxidation was effective in stimulating gluconeogenesis in the presence of oxamate only at concentrations of pyruvate above 0.4 mM. Since only at low pyruvate concentrations its entry into the mitochondria occurs via the monocarboxylate translocator, from these observations it follows that pyruvate transport across the mitochondrial membrane, and not its carboxylation, is the first nonequilibrium step in the gluconeogenic pathway. In the presence of oxamate, fatty acid oxidation inhibited gluconeogenesis from lactate, alanine, and low pyruvate concentrations (less than 0.5 mM), and the rate of transfer of reducing equivalents to the cytosol was significantly decreased. Whether fatty acids stimulate or inhibit gluconeogenesis appears to correlate with the rate of flux through pyruvate carboxylase which ultimately seems to rely on pyruvate availability. Unless adequate rates of oxaloacetate formation are maintained, the shift of the mitochondrial NAD couple to a more reduced state during fatty acid oxidation seems to decrease mitochondrial oxaloacetate resulting in a decreased rate of transfer of carbon and reducing power to the cytosol.  相似文献   

The influence of transglutaminase 2 (TG2) activity on the proliferative effect of epidermal growth factor (EGF) and on EGF receptor affinity in periportal hepatocytes (PPH) and perivenous hepatocytes (PVH) has been investigated using a primary culture system. PPH and PVH subpopulations have been isolated using the digitonin/collagenase perfusion technique. DNA synthesis was assessed by [3H] thymidine incorporation into hepatocytes. The assay for binding of [125I] EGF to cultured hepatocytes was analysed by Scatchard plot analysis. Pretreatment with the TG2 inhibitor monodansylcadaverine (MDC) greatly increased EGF-induced DNA synthesis in both PPH and PVH. Furthermore, [125I] EGF binding studies in PVH treated with MDC indicated that high-affinity EGF receptor expression was markedly up-regulated, whereas in PPH, there was no significant effect. Treatment with retinoic acid (RA), an inducer of TG2 expression, significantly decreased EGF-induced DNA synthesis in both PPH and PVH. Binding studies in the presence of RA revealed that the high-affinity EGF receptor was down-regulated and completely absent in both PPH and PVH. These results suggest that TG2 was involved in the differential growth capacities of PPH and PVH through down-regulation of high-affinity EGF receptors.  相似文献   

Summary Cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase was measured in liver homogenates and microdissected periportal and perivenous liver tissue from rats in different dietary states under different conditions of substrate saturation and effector stimulation. A radiochemical microtest, more sensitive by 2–3 orders of magnitude than the usual assay, was established for the determination of the activity in liver samples corresponding to 200–800 ng dry weight. At saturating cyclic AMP concentrations (46 M) phosphodiesterase was homogeneously distributed within the liver acinus of fed rats. Starvation for 48 h led to a decrease in the overall activity and to a heterogenous distribution with slightly higher activities in the perivenous zone. At physiological cyclic AMP concentrations (1.8 M) phosphodiesterase showed a flat zonal gradient in livers of fed rats with higher levels in the periportal zone; after 48 h starvation it was homogeneously distributed. In the presence of cyclic GMP (2 M) the basal activity at physiological substrate concentrations was stimulated to a greater extent in the perivenous zone. This led to a homogeneous activity distribution in the fed state and to a heterogenous pattern with a slight perivenous maximum in the fasted state. Thus there was no or only a small zonal heterogeneity of signal transmitting enzymes such as cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase and glucagon-stimulated adenylate cyclase (Zierz and Jungermann 1984). This similar signal transducing capacity in the periportal and the perivenous area will contribute to maintain the zonation of signal input due to the hormone concentration gradients across the liver acinus.  相似文献   

Periportal hepatocytes isolated by digitonin/collagenase perfusion produced urea faster than did similarly prepared perivenous hepatocytes, in both the presence and the absence of amino acids and various urea precursors. There was no difference between the two cell types in rates of intracellular proteolysis. The initial difference in urea synthesis persisted for 5 days during primary culture, but then gradually disappeared. Our results demonstrate that the periportal dominance of urea formation is unrelated to the currently existing acinar microenvironment in the intact liver, but probably reflects differences in acinar key enzyme activities only slowly converging during culture.  相似文献   

Preller A  Kessi E  Ureta T 《FEBS letters》2007,581(4):663-666
Besides the classic direct route, frog oocytes incorporate glucosyl units into glycogen by the so-called indirect pathway. The operation of both pathways depends on glucose availability. Below 0.5 mM glucose (calculated intracellular concentration), the indirect route accounts for 90% of polysaccharide formation, while the direct pathway supports 70% of total glucose incorporation when administered glucose is above 1.5 mM. A sigmoidal curve was obtained for the direct pathway with n(H)=2.04, and half saturation was reached at 2.6 mM glucose. The curve for the indirect route presented an n(H) of 1.15 and an S(0.5) of 0.9 mM glucose.  相似文献   

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