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Quite a large number of nouns in Jebbāli exhibit infixation of Vb in their plural formation. The locus of the Vb infix, which systematically occurs in the middle of a CVCCVC stem, is unusual as it differs from the cross-linguistically common loci of infixation. According to Yu (A natural history of infixation, 2006), a survey of 154 infixation patterns in more than 100 languages “revealed that infixes invariably appear near one of the edges of a stem or next to a stressed unit… [and] 137 of these infixes (i.e. 89 %) are edge-oriented” (p. 3). In Jebbāli, the placement of infixation is driven by two forces. First, the plural forms are constrained to begin and end with stem material (i.e. material in correspondence to the singular), barring the Vb affix from occurring as a prefix or suffix. Second, the Vb infix is prosodically constrained, so that it cannot span two syllables. This paper provides a new theoretical approach to a less common pattern of infix placement, using the framework of Optimality Theory (Prince and Smolensky in Optimality theory, RUCCS TR-2, 1993, Optimality theory: constraint interaction in generative grammar, 2004). Since the locus of infixation in Jebbāli is not determined by a desire to be near a word edge or prosodically prominent position, and there is a tendency in the language to limit affixes to maximally one syllable, the analysis incorporates Affix≤σ which simultaneously addresses infix placement and size, ensuring that the analysis is extendable to other affixes in the language.  相似文献   

Although a wide array of phonological properties seem to backcopy in reduplication, it is an open question whether reduplicative templates can backcopy as well. It has been argued that natural languages do not have reduplicative constructions where the base truncates to match the truncated reduplicant (McCarthy & Prince, 1994; McCarthy & Prince, 1999; Spaelti, 1997; inter alia). In Guarijio Abbreviated Reduplication (Miller, 1996), however, both copies of the reduplicative construction truncate, instantiating the pattern that has been claimed not to exist. This paper argues that the Guarijio case fills this typological gap. Although the data can be given a templatic backcopying analysis, this paper defends a Morphological Doubling Theory (MDT) analysis using cophonologies (Inkelas & Zoll, 2005). In MDT, Guarijio Abbreviated Reduplication results from the parallel imposition of a truncating cophonology in each copy of the reduplicative construction. Guarijio Abbreviated Reduplication is predicted to exist by MDT together with other documented cases of parallel phonological modification in reduplication. I am grateful to many people for helpful comments and suggestions, including Isabel Barreras Aguilar, Laura Downing, Nicholas Fleisher, Andrew Garrett, Jason Haugen, Larry Hyman, Yuni Kim, Teresa McFarland, David Mortensen, Mary Paster, Eric Raimy, and Timothy Thornes as well as the audience of the LSA 2005 Annual Meeting in Oakland. I would like to extend a special thanks to Alan Yu for his detailed comments and suggestions to latter versions of this paper. I am particularly indebted to Sharon Inkelas, for her generous advice, feedback, and numerous discussions throughout the development of this paper. I am also grateful to two anonymous reviewers for their comments and criticisms, and especially to Ingo Plag for his patience and detailed suggestions as editor. All remaining errors and omissions are mine. This study was made possible by fellowships by CONACYT (Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología, México), the University of California Institute for Mexico and the United States (UCMEXUS) and Fulbright.  相似文献   

This paper advances an “information goods” theory that explains prestige processes as an emergent product of psychological adaptations that evolved to improve the quality of information acquired via cultural transmission. Natural selection favored social learners who could evaluate potential models and copy the most successful among them. In order to improve the fidelity and comprehensiveness of such ranked-biased copying, social learners further evolved dispositions to sycophantically ingratiate themselves with their chosen models, so as to gain close proximity to, and prolonged interaction with, these models. Once common, these dispositions created, at the group level, distributions of deference that new entrants may adaptively exploit to decide who to begin copying. This generated a preference for models who seem generally “popular.” Building on social exchange theories, we argue that a wider range of phenomena associated with prestige processes can more plausibly be explained by this simple theory than by others, and we test its predictions with data from throughout the social sciences. In addition, we distinguish carefully between dominance (force or force threat) and prestige (freely conferred deference).  相似文献   

There is substantial evidence that in human mate choice, females directly select males based on male display of both physical and behavioral traits. In non-humans, there is additionally a growing literature on indirect mate choice, such as choice through observing and subsequently copying the mating preferences of conspecifics (mate choice copying). Given that humans are a social species with a high degree of sharing information, long-term pair bonds, and high parental care, it is likely that human females could avoid substantial costs associated with directly searching for information about potential males by mate choice copying. The present study was a test of whether women perceived men to be more attractive when men were presented with a female date or consort than when they were presented alone, and whether the physical attractiveness of the female consort affected women’s copying decisions. The results suggested that women’s mate choice decision rule is to copy only if a man’s female consort is physically attractive. Further analyses implied that copying may be a conditional female mating tactic aimed at solving the problem of informational constraints on assessing male suitability for long-term sexual relationships, and that lack of mate choice experience, measured as reported lifetime number of sex partners, is also an important determinant of copying.  相似文献   

Ethnographic research highlights that there are constraints placed on the time available to produce cultural artefacts in differing circumstances. Given that copying error, or cultural ‘mutation’, can have important implications for the evolutionary processes involved in material culture change, it is essential to explore empirically how such ‘time constraints’ affect patterns of artefactual variation. Here, we report an experiment that systematically tests whether, and how, varying time constraints affect shape copying error rates. A total of 90 participants copied the shape of a 3D ‘target handaxe form’ using a standardized foam block and a plastic knife. Three distinct ‘time conditions’ were examined, whereupon participants had either 20, 15, or 10 minutes to complete the task. One aim of this study was to determine whether reducing production time produced a proportional increase in copy error rates across all conditions, or whether the concept of a task specific ‘threshold’ might be a more appropriate manner to model the effect of time budgets on copy-error rates. We found that mean levels of shape copying error increased when production time was reduced. However, there were no statistically significant differences between the 20 minute and 15 minute conditions. Significant differences were only obtained between conditions when production time was reduced to 10 minutes. Hence, our results more strongly support the hypothesis that the effects of time constraints on copying error are best modelled according to a ‘threshold’ effect, below which mutation rates increase more markedly. Our results also suggest that ‘time budgets’ available in the past will have generated varying patterns of shape variation, potentially affecting spatial and temporal trends seen in the archaeological record. Hence, ‘time-budgeting’ factors need to be given greater consideration in evolutionary models of material culture change.  相似文献   

Females can choose a male independently of other females' matepreferences, or they can copy the mate choice of other females.Alternatively, mate-choice copying and independent mate choicecan interact if females assess male traits when deciding whetheror not to copy. We investigated how mate-choice copying interactswith a preference for large males in the sailfin molly (Potecilialatipinna). Sailfin molly females exhibited a preference forlarger males. They also copied the mate choice of other femaleswhen males were of similar body length. Females did not copy,however, when males differed substantially in body length. Ourresults show that conspecific mate copying occurs in the sailfinmolly but does not override a preference for larger males.  相似文献   

Theoretical and experimental evidence indicates that females copy the mate choice of other females under certain conditions. In all mate choice copying experiments with fish to date, females were allowed to copy the choice of a model female immediately after the focal female had observed a model female interacting with a male. It is not known whether females continue to copy the choice of the model female after a longer interval. We investigated whether sailfin molly females also copy the choice of other females when they are prevented from copying immediately after observing a model female next to a previously nonpreferred male. We performed three copying experiments in which females could copy the choice of the model female immediately after, 1 h after or 1 day after observing the model female next to the previously nonpreferred male. In control experiments, we tested whether females chose consistently when they had no opportunity to copy, and whether females showed shoaling behaviour under these conditions. Females copied the choice of the model female immediately after, 1 h after and even 1 day after the observation of the model female interacting with the previously nonpreferred male. Females chose consistently between males when they had no opportunity to copy, and females did not shoal under these conditions. We conclude that females remember individual males with whom a model female had interacted, even after 1 day. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

Archaeologists interested in explaining changes in artifact morphology over long time periods have found it useful to create models in which the only source of change is random and unintentional copying error, or ‘cultural mutation’. These models can be used as null hypotheses against which to detect non-random processes such as cultural selection or biased transmission. One proposed cultural mutation model is the accumulated copying error model, where individuals attempt to copy the size of another individual''s artifact exactly but make small random errors due to physiological limits on the accuracy of their perception. Here, we first derive the model within an explicit mathematical framework, generating the predictions that multiple independently-evolving artifact chains should diverge over time such that their between-chain variance increases while the mean artifact size remains constant. We then present the first experimental test of this model in which 200 participants, split into 20 transmission chains, were asked to faithfully copy the size of the previous participant''s handaxe image on an iPad. The experimental findings supported the model''s prediction that between-chain variance should increase over time and did so in a manner quantitatively in line with the model. However, when the initial size of the image that the participants resized was larger than the size of the image they were copying, subjects tended to increase the size of the image, resulting in the mean size increasing rather than staying constant. This suggests that items of material culture formed by reductive vs. additive processes may mutate differently when individuals attempt to replicate faithfully the size of previously-produced artifacts. Finally, we show that a dataset of 2601 Acheulean handaxes shows less variation than predicted given our empirically measured copying error variance, suggesting that other processes counteracted the variation in handaxe size generated by perceptual cultural mutation.  相似文献   

Stoichiometric Network Theory is a constraints-based, optimization approach for quantitative analysis of the phenotypes of large-scale biochemical networks that avoids the use of detailed kinetics. This approach uses the reaction stoichiometric matrix in conjunction with constraints provided by flux balance and energy balance to guarantee mass conserved and thermodynamically allowable predictions. However, the flux and energy balance constraints have not been effectively applied simultaneously on the genome scale because optimization under the combined constraints is non-linear. In this paper, a sequential quadratic programming algorithm that solves the non-linear optimization problem is introduced. A simple example and the system of fermentation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae are used to illustrate the new method. The algorithm allows the use of non-linear objective functions. As a result, we suggest a novel optimization with respect to the heat dissipation rate of a system. We also emphasize the importance of incorporating interactions between a model network and its surroundings.  相似文献   

Two solutions for the correspondence problem for long-range motion are investigated. The first is a modification of the Minimal Mapping Theory (S. Ullman: The Interpretation of Visual Motion, MIT Press, Cambridge, 1979) that is implemented by a massively parallel network. In this network, every two units are interconnected, and thus, its convergence is fast and relatively independent of the number of image features. Computer simulations show that our method accounts as well as the Minimal Mapping Theory for apparent-motion phenomena, although some differences exist. Mathematical proofs provide conditions for the convergence of the network. The second 'solution' for the correspondence problem is called the Structural Theory. This theory assumes that the three-dimensional structure of viewed objects does not change fast in time. Then, the theory looks for the correspondence and three-dimensional structure that best fulfill this assumption. A massively parallel network implementation of this theory is also possible. However, its performance is poor due to the high complexity of its solution space. This supports Ullman's (1979) suggestion that the visual system separates the structure-from-motion process into two stages. First, a stage for motion measurement, and then a stage for structure recovery.  相似文献   

Extensive theoretical and empirical research has focused on male alternative reproductive tactics. In comparison, female alternative tactics have attracted little attention, and further theoretical and empirical research are needed. Using a game theoretical model, we examine female choice alternatives (1) by considering assessment errors in a novel and more realistic manner than done previously, and (2) for the first time, by highlighting the formation of groups of females as an important consequence of copying behavior. We consider two alternatives: direct assessment of male quality by females and female copying of the choice of other females. Assessment and copying are predicted to coexist under a wide variety of circumstances and copying is favored when females make assessment errors, when high-quality males are either common or very rare, and when female fitness declines with the number of other females choosing the same male. We also find that the frequency of copying at equilibrium is predicted to decrease when the presence of other females mating with the same male has a positive effect on female fitness (e.g. through increased male parental effort, decreased predation risk or cooperation among females). Female alternative choice tactics also influence the potential for sexual selection. In our model, when the frequency of copying females is low, the potential for sexual selection can be higher than in the absence of female copying. However, contrary to previous theory, we find that as copying females become more common than assessing females, the potential for sexual selection will be low as more females copy the mate choice of other copiers without assessment.  相似文献   

Optimality models predict that, under a time constraint, organisms should accelerate development, and preferably so by increasing growth rate, to keep size at emergence constant. Unfortunately, most tests did neglect genetic constraints and interchanged mass with body size which may explain mixed support for some of the models' predictions. We imposed time constraints on full sibling larvae of the damselfly Enallagma cyathigerum by manipulating day length regimes. Under a time constraint, larval development and growth rate based on size indeed were faster. This made it possible to keep size at emergence constant, despite the shorter development time. Interestingly, under a time constraint, growth rate based on mass was not increased and larvae had a lower mass at emergence. We see two reasons for this difference between body mass and size. First, size is fixed at emergence, while mass can still increase in many insects. Secondly, genetic constraints may have contributed to different responses for size and mass. In general, our results strongly suggest discriminating between size and mass when testing life history responses.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 83 , 187–196.  相似文献   

Optimality theory, particularly optimal foraging theory (OFT), has spurned controversy over decades. I argue that the controversy results from conceptual pitfalls. The focus in this article is on pitfalls underlying the concept of constraint. Constraints in OFT models are a means to distinguish between possible and impossible behaviours. I argue that the seemingly innocuous notion of (im)possibility is tricky. It is indeed linked here with troublesome philosophical problems concerning free will. To steer away from such problems in OFT, we need to distinguish between hard and soft constraints. Such a distinction is necessarily context-dependent. This implies that OFT, to a large extent, should take the form of natural history rather than general theory.  相似文献   

A decade has now passed since Hubbell published The Unified Neutral Theory of Biodiversity and Biogeography. Neutral theory highlights the importance of dispersal limitation, speciation and ecological drift in the natural world and provides quantitative null models for assessing the role of adaptation and natural selection. Significant advances have been made in providing methods for understanding neutral predictions and comparing them with empirical data. In this review, we describe the current state-of-the-art techniques and ideas in neutral theory and how these are of relevance to ecology. The future of neutral theory is promising, but its concepts must be applied more broadly beyond the current focus on species-abundance distributions.  相似文献   

Trait predictions from leaf spectral properties are mainly applied to tree species, while herbaceous systems received little attention in this topic. Whether similar trait–spectrum relations can be derived for herbaceous plants that differ strongly in growing strategy and environmental constraints is therefore unknown. We used partial least squares regression to relate key traits to leaf spectra (reflectance, transmittance, and absorbance) for 35 herbaceous species, sampled from a wide range of environmental conditions. Specific Leaf Area and nutrient‐related traits (N and P content) were poorly predicted from any spectrum, although N prediction improved when expressed on a per area basis (mg/m2 leaf surface) instead of mass basis (mg/g dry matter). Leaf dry matter content was moderately to good correlated with spectra. We explain our results by the range of environmental constraints encountered by herbaceous species; both N and P limitations as well as a range of light and water availabilities occurred. This weakened the relation between the measured response traits and the leaf constituents that are truly responsible for leaf spectral behavior. Indeed, N predictions improve considering solely upper or under canopy species. Therefore, trait predictions in herbaceous systems should focus on traits relating to dry matter content and the true, underlying drivers of spectral properties.  相似文献   

Mukhopadhyay P  Basak S  Ghosh TC 《Gene》2007,400(1-2):71-81
Synonymous codon usage and cellular tRNA abundance are thought to be co-evolved in optimizing translational efficiencies in highly expressed genes. Here in this communication by taking the advantage of publicly available gene expression data of rice and Arabidopsis we demonstrated that tRNA gene copy number is not the only driving force favoring translational selection in all highly expressed genes of rice. We found that forces favoring translational selection differ between GC-rich and GC-poor classes of genes. Supporting our results we also showed that, in highly expressed genes of GC-poor class there is a perfect correspondence between majority of preferred codons and tRNA gene copy number that confers translational efficiencies to this group of genes. However, tRNA gene copy number is not fully consistent with models of translational selection in GC-rich group of genes, where constraints on mRNA secondary structure play a role to optimize codon usage in highly expressed genes.  相似文献   

We propose a mechanism for copying of neuronal networks that is of considerable interest for neuroscience for it suggests a neuronal basis for causal inference, function copying, and natural selection within the human brain. To date, no model of neuronal topology copying exists. We present three increasingly sophisticated mechanisms to demonstrate how topographic map formation coupled with Spike-Time Dependent Plasticity (STDP) can copy neuronal topology motifs. Fidelity is improved by error correction and activity-reverberation limitation. The high-fidelity topology-copying operator is used to evolve neuronal topologies. Possible roles for neuronal natural selection are discussed.  相似文献   

C Tennie  J Call  M Tomasello 《PloS one》2012,7(8):e41548


Social learning research in apes has focused on social learning in the technical (problem solving) domain - an approach that confounds action and physical information. Successful subjects in such studies may have been able to perform target actions not as a result of imitation learning but because they had learnt some technical aspect, for example, copying the movements of an apparatus (i.e., different forms of emulation learning).


Here we present data on action copying by non-enculturated and untrained chimpanzees when physical information is removed from demonstrations. To date, only one such study (on gesture copying in a begging context) has been conducted – with negative results. Here we have improved this methodology and have also added non-begging test situations (a possible confound of the earlier study). Both familiar and novel actions were used as targets. Prior to testing, a trained conspecific demonstrator was rewarded for performing target actions in view of observers. All but one of the tested chimpanzees already failed to copy familiar actions. When retested with a novel target action, also the previously successful subject failed to copy – and he did so across several contexts.


Chimpanzees do not seem to copy novel actions, and only some ever copy familiar ones. Due to our having tested only non-enculturated and untrained chimpanzees, the performance of our test subjects speak more than most other studies of the general (dis-)ability of chimpanzees to copy actions, and especially novel actions.  相似文献   

This paper presents Minimal Reduplication, a theory which analyzes reduplication as an emergent phenomenon. The theory is discussed with special focus on the area of morphophonology. Key claims and architecture are discussed in some detail. Finally a case study of a complex set of reduplicative data is considered in order to illustrate the utility of the theory and how the theory is deployed.  相似文献   

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