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Coral planulae settle, then metamorphose and form polyps. This study examined the morphological process of metamorphosis from planulae into primary polyps in the scleractinian corals Acropora nobilis and Acropora microphthalma, using the cnidarian neuropeptide Hym-248. These two species release eggs that do not contain Symbiodinium. The mode of acquisition of freshly isolated Symbiodinium (zooxanthellae) (FIZ) by the non-symbiotic polyp was also examined. Non-Hym-248 treated swimming Acropora planulae did not develop blastopore, mesenteries or coelenteron until the induction of metamorphosis 16 days after fertilization. The oral pore was formed by invagination of the epidermal layer after formation of the coelenteron in metamorphosing polyps. At 3 days after settlement and metamorphosis, primary polyps exposed to FIZ established symbioses with the Symbiodinium. Two–four days after exposure to FIZ, the distribution of Symbiodinium was limited to the gastrodermis of the pharynx and basal part of the polyps. Eight–ten days after exposure to FIZ, Symbiodinium were present in gastrodermal cells throughout the polyps.  相似文献   

Coral larvae appear to sense appropriate environments for settlement and start metamorphosis by converting external cues into internal signals, although little is known about these molecular mechanisms. A family of neuropeptides, GLWamides, are thought to be such internal signals, acting hormonally to induce metamorphosis in some hydrozoan species. Here we report that one member of the GLWamide peptide family, Hym-248, can induce metamorphosis of planula larvae in the genus Acropora. The Acropora planulae responded to the peptide in a concentration-dependent manner. The GLWamide peptide would mimic endogenous molecules to start metamorphosis in Acropora as in case of hydrozoans. In addition, the peptide could be applied to produce "coral seedlings" with the aim of reef restoration.  相似文献   

Settlement specificity can regulate recruitment but remains poorly understood for coral larvae. We studied larvae of the corals, Acropora palmata and Montastraea faveolata, to determine their rates of settlement and metamorphosis in the presence of ten species of red algae, including eight species of crustose coralline algae, one geniculated coralline and one encrusting peyssonnelid. Twenty to forty percent of larvae of A. palmata settled on coralline surfaces of Hydrolithon boergesenii, Lithoporella atlantica, Neogoniolithon affine, and Titanoderma prototypum, whereas none settled and metamorphosed on Neogoniolithon mamillare. Larvae of M. faveolata had 13–25 % settlement onto the surface of Amphiroa tribulus, H. boergesenii, N. affine, N. munitum, and T. prototypum, but had no settlement on the surface of N. mamillare, Porolithon pachydermum, and a noncoralline crust Peyssonnelia sp. Some of these algal species were common on Belizean reefs, but the species that induced the highest rates of larval settlement and metamorphosis tended to be rare and primarily found in low-light environments. The shallow coral, A. palmata, and the deeper coral, M. faveolata, both had increased larval settlement rates in the presence of only a few species of red algae found at deeper depths suggesting that patterns of coral distribution can only sometimes be related to the distribution of red algae species.  相似文献   

Planulation by Favia fragum at the high-latitude reef of Bermuda was examined during July and August of 2004–2007. In 2004 and 2005, observations were extended to June and September; however, planulation only occurred in July and August, when temperatures were increasing toward and during the annual high. Planulation peaked 6–12 days after the new moon, corresponding to the pattern found for F. fragum in the Caribbean. Mean monthly fecundity was also similar to that found in the Caribbean; however, annual and monthly fecundity were variable, being lowest in July 2005, which coincided with lowest mean SST. These results indicate that although fecundity and lunar timing of planulation by F. fragum are not affected by latitude, reproductive seasonality may be shorter at high-latitude reefs. Understanding reproductive events at latitudinal extremes gives insight to environmental controls on coral reproduction, which will aid in future management and restoration efforts.  相似文献   

Microbial biofilms induce larval settlement for some invertebrates, including corals; however, the chemical cues involved have rarely been identified. Here, we demonstrate the role of microbial biofilms in inducing larval settlement with the Caribbean coral Porites astreoides and report the first instance of a chemical cue isolated from a marine biofilm bacterium that induces complete settlement (attachment and metamorphosis) of Caribbean coral larvae. Larvae settled in response to natural biofilms, and the response was eliminated when biofilms were treated with antibiotics. A similar settlement response was elicited by monospecific biofilms of a single bacterial strain, Pseudoalteromonas sp. PS5, isolated from the surface biofilm of a crustose coralline alga. The activity of Pseudoalteromonas sp. PS5 was attributed to the production of a single compound, tetrabromopyrrole (TBP), which has been shown previously to induce metamorphosis without attachment in Pacific acroporid corals. In addition to inducing settlement of brooded larvae (P. astreoides), TBP also induced larval settlement for two broadcast-spawning species, Orbicella (formerly Montastraea) franksi and Acropora palmata, indicating that this compound may have widespread importance among Caribbean coral species.  相似文献   

Although chemical cues serve as the primary determinants of larval settlement and metamorphosis, light is also known to influence the behavior and the settlement of coral planulae. For example, Porites astreoides planulae settle preferentially on unconditioned red substrata. In order to test whether this behavior was a response to color and whether other species also demonstrate color preference, settlement choice experiments were conducted with P. astreoides and Acropora palmata. In these experiments, larvae were offered various types of plastic substrata representing three to seven different color choices. Both species consistently settled on red (or red and orange) substrata at a higher frequency than other colors. In one experiment, P. astreoides settled on 100% of red, plastic cable ties but failed to settle on green or white substrata. In a second experiment, 24% of larvae settled on red buttons, more than settled on six other colors combined. A. palmata settled on 80% of red and of orange cables ties but failed to settle on blue in one experiment and settled on a greater proportion of red acrylic squares than on four other colors or limestone controls in a second experiment. The consistency of the response across a variety of plastic materials suggests the response is related to long-wavelength photosensitivity. Fluorescence and reflectance spectra of experimental substrata demonstrated that the preferred substrata had spectra dominated by wavelengths greater than 550 nm with little or no reflection or emission of shorter wavelengths. These results suggest that some species of coral larvae may use spectral cues for fine-scale habitat selection during settlement. This behavior may be an adaptation to promote settlement in crustose coralline algae (CCA)-dominated habitats facilitating juvenile survival.  相似文献   

The post-settlement phase of broadcast-spawned coral life histories is poorly known due to its almost complete undetectability and, hence, presumed low abundance in the field. We used lab-cultured settled polyps of two important Caribbean reef-building species with negligible larval recruitment to quantify early post-settlement survivorship (6–9 weeks) over multiple years/cohorts and differing orientation on a reef in the Florida Keys. Orbicella faveolata showed significantly and consistently better survivorship in vertical rather than horizontal orientation, but no discernable growth overall. Meanwhile, Acropora palmata showed no significant difference in survivorship between orientations, but significantly greater growth in the horizontal orientation. Both species showed significant variation in mean survivorship between cohorts of different years; 0–47 % for O. faveolata and 12–49 % for A. palmata over the observed duration. These results demonstrate wide variation in success of cohorts and important differences in the larval recruitment capacities of these two important but imperiled reef-building species.  相似文献   

The planulae of almost all investigated cnidarian species possess neuron‐like cells. The distribution of these cells is usually uneven throughout the long axis of the planula. The majority of these cells are located in the anterior half of the planula body. Scyphozoan planulae, as well as anthozoan planulae, have a sensory structure at the anterior pole called an apical organ, which is believed to take part in metamorphosis induction. Hydrozoan planulae also possess sensory cells. It has been previously shown in several cnidarian larvae that their neuronal cells contain the neurotransmitter, serotonin. The present study describes the peculiarities of serotonin‐like immunoreactive cells in Aurelia aurita (Scyphozoa) and Gonothyraea loveni (Hydrozoa) planulae. We show that several cells in the presumptive apical organ of A. aurita are immunoreactive to antibodies against serotonin, while G. loveni planulae have an accumulation of serotonin‐positive cells near the anterior pole. Additional serotonin‐like immunoreactive cells are found in the lateral ectoderm of both planulae. Treatment of A. aurita and G. loveni planulae with serotonin or its blockers show that serotonin is likely involved in the initiation of planula settlement.  相似文献   

This study tested the hypothesis that waters surrounding reefs with healthy coral populations are more likely than degraded sites to induce planulae to navigate downward and begin benthic probing. In the laboratory, larvae from two brooding Caribbean coral species, Agaricia tenuifolia and Porites astreoides, were introduced to seawater collected at (1) 1 m above shallow, healthy reef with high-coral cover, (2) 1 m above shallow, degraded reef with high-macroalgal cover, and (3) ~400 m ocean-ward of the reef in deep, blue water. Counter to the hypothesis, water from both the healthy and degraded reef caused the larvae to swim downward and begin benthic probing. These results suggest that substances carried in reef waters may contribute to macro-scale habitat selection by planulae and that understanding how these waterborne cues mesh with other stimuli used by planulae to select a settlement site may be valuable for deciphering a site’s recruitment potential for corals.  相似文献   

White-band disease and the changing face of Caribbean coral reefs   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:23  
In recent decades, the cover of fleshy macroalgae has increased and coral cover has decreased on most Caribbean reefs. Coral mortality precipitated this transition, and the accumulation of macroalgal biomass has been enhanced by decreased herbivory and increased nutrient input. Populations of Acropora palmata (elkhorn coral) and A. cervicornis (staghorn coral), two of the most important framework-building species, have died throughout the Caribbean, substantially reducing coral cover and providing substratum for algal growth. Hurricanes have devastated local populations of Acropora spp. over the past 20–25 years, but white-band disease, a putative bacterial syndrome specific to the genus Acropora, has been a more significant source of mortality over large areas of the Caribbean region.Paleontological data suggest that the regional Acropora kill is without precedent in the late Holocene. In Belize, A. cervicornis was the primary ecological and geological constituent of reefs in the central shelf lagoon until the mid-1980s. After constructing reef framework for thousands of years, A. cervicornis was virtually eliminated from the area over a ten-year period. Evidence from other parts of the Caribbean supports the hypothesis of continuous Holocene accumulation and recent mass mortality of Acropora spp. Prospects are poor for the rapid recovery of A. cervicornis, because its reproductive strategy emphasizes asexual fragmentation at the expense of dispersive sexual reproduction. A. palmata also relies on fragmentation, but this species has a higher rate of sexual recruitment than A. cervicornis. If the Acropora spp. do not recover, macroalgae will continue to dominate Caribbean reefs, accompanied by increased abundances of brooding corals, particularly Agaricia spp. and Porites spp. The outbreak of white-band disease has been coincident with increased human activity, and the possibility of a causal connection should be further investigated.  相似文献   

Many marine invertebrates reproduce through a larval stage. The settlement and metamorphosis of most of the species are synchronised and induced by environmental organisms, mainly bacteria. The hydrozoan Hydractinia echinata has become a model organism for metamorphosis of marine invertebrates. In this species, bacteria, e.g. Pseudoalteromonas espejiana, are the natural inducers of metamorphosis. Like in other species of marine invertebrates, metamorphosis can be induced artificially by monovalent cations, e.g. Cs+. In this study, we present systematic data that metamorphosis—with both inducing compounds, the natural one from bacteria and the artificial one Cs+—are indeed similar with respect to (a) the morphological progression, (b) the localisation of the primary induction signal in the larva, (c) the pattern of apoptotic cells occurring during the initial 10 h of metamorphosis and (d) the disappearance of RFamide-dependent immunocytochemical signals in sensory neurons during this process. However, a difference occurs during the development of the anterior end, insofar as apoptotic cells and settlement appear earlier in planulae induced with bacteria. Thus, basically, Cs+ may be used as an artificial inducer, mimicking the natural process. However, differences in the appearance of apoptotic cells and in settlement raise the question of how enormous developmental plasticity in hydrozoans actually can be, and how this is related to the absence of malignant devolution in hydrozoans.  相似文献   

The larval settlement rate of the Indo-Pacific reef coral,Pocillopora damicornis, on bare glass was compared with the rate on glass covered with measured amounts and area of fine sediment. Larval settlement in all sediment treatments was significantly less than on bare glass. Sediment cover of 95% completely prevented settlement. There was no increase in settlement when sediment cover was reduced from 90% to 50% of the glass surface area. If planulae of many coral species behave in a similar fashion in nature, sedimentation at a level that only partially covers the substrate and that is not directly harmful to adult colonies could significantly reduce larval recruitment by inhibiting settlement.  相似文献   

Larvae from diverse marine-invertebrate phyla are able to respondrapidly to environmental cues to settlement and to undergo veryrapid metamorphic morphogenesis because they share the developmentaltrait of metamorphic competence. The competent state, characteristicof larvae as diverse as those of cnidarian planulae, molluscanveligers, and barnacle cyprids, is one in which nearly all requisitejuvenile characters are present in the larva prior to settlement.Thus metamorphosis, in response to more or less specific environmentalcues (inducers), is mainly restricted to loss of larva-specificstructures and physiological processes. Competent larvae oftwo "model marine invertebrates" studied in the authors' laboratory,the serpulid polychaete Hydroides elegans and the nudibranchPhestilla sibogae, complete metamorphosis in about 12 and 20hr, respectively. Furthermore, little or no de novo gene actionappears to be required during the metamorphic induction processin these species. Contrasting greatly with the slow, hormonallyregulated metamorphic transitions of vertebrates and insects,competence and consequent rapid metamorphosis in marine invertebratelarvae are conjectured to have arisen in diverse phylogeneticclades because they allow larvae to continue to swim and feedin the planktonic realm while simultaneously permitting extremelyfast morphological transition from larval locomotory and feedingmodes to a different set of such modes that are adaptive tolife on the sea bottom.  相似文献   

The settlement specificity of two threatened Caribbean corals, Acropora palmata and A. cervicornis, was tested by measuring their rates of larval metamorphosis in response to crustose coralline algae (CCA) and other substrata. In the no-choice experiments, the coral larvae were placed in six treatments: filtered seawater (FSW), a fragment of biofilmed dead skeleton of A. palmata, or a fragment of one of four species of CCA (Hydrolithon boergesenii, Porolithon pachydermum, Paragoniolithon solubile, and Titanoderma prototypum). Within each CCA treatment, there were three different substrata on which to settle and metamorphose: (1) the CCA surface, (2) the rock under the CCA, or (3) the plastic dish. The 5-day-old larvae of both A. palmata and A. cervicornis had similar rates of total metamorphosis (all substrata combined) in every treatment (excluding FSW) even in the absence of CCA. However, there were differences in larval behavior among the CCA species since the larvae settled and metamorphosed on different substrata in the presence of different CCA species. In the no-choice experiments the larvae of both corals had higher rates of metamorphosis on the top surfaces of H. boergesenii and/or T. prototypum than on P. pachydermum. In the choice experiments, the coral larvae were offered two species of CCA in the same dish. When given a choice, both species of coral larvae had more settlement and metamorphosis on the surface of H. boergesenii or T. prototypum or clean rock than onto the surface of P. solubile. After 6 weeks in the field, transplanted A. palmata recruits had approximately 15% survival on both T. prototypum and H. boergesenii, but A. cervicornis recruits only survived on T. prototypum (13%). Some, but not all, CCA species facilitated the larval settlement and post-settlement survival of these two threatened corals, highlighting the importance of benthic community composition for successful coral recruitment.  相似文献   

Larval duration of the non-native Indo-Pacific lionfish was estimated from samples collected along the Bahamian Archipelago using sagittal otoliths. Settlement marks, characterized by daily growth increments with reduced coloration, less definitive margins, and a re-orientation of the growth axes and otolith shape, were determined for 28 individuals. Settlement age was between 20 and 35 days with a mean of 26.2 days. Comparisons of settlement age to other littoral and reef fish species suggest that lionfish settlement age is moderate to relatively low. Lionfish pelagic larval duration is apparently sufficient to allow their rapid establishment and wide geographic range in the western Atlantic and Caribbean.  相似文献   

Lipid content of planula larvae of the brooding scleractinian coral Favia fragum was analysed through a monthly planulation period. The average lipid content per dry weight of F. fragum planulae was 39%, which is low compared with other scleractinian coral species. Lipid content of planulae was significantly affected by the day of release and decreased during the planulation period.  相似文献   

Temporal patterns are evaluated in Neogene reef coral assemblages from the Bocas del Toro Basin of Panama in order to understand how reef ecosystems respond to long-term environmental change. Analyses are based on a total of 1,702 zooxanthellate coral specimens collected from six coral-bearing units ranging in age from the earliest Late Miocene to the Early Pleistocene: (1) Valiente Formation (12–11 Ma), (2) Fish Hole Member of the Old Bank Formation (5.8–5.6 Ma), (3) La Gruta Member of the Isla Colon Formation (2.2–1.4 Ma), (4) Ground Creek Member of the Isla Colon Formation (2.2–1.4 Ma), (5) Mimitimbi Member of the Urracá Formation (1.2–0.8 Ma), and (6) Hill Point Member of the Urracá Formation (1.2–0.8 Ma). Over 100 coral species occur in the six units, with faunal assemblages ranging from less than 10% extant taxa (Valiente Formation) to over 85% extant taxa (Ground Creek Member). The collections provide new temporal constraints on the emergence of modern Caribbean reefs, with the La Gruta Member containing the earliest occurrence of large monospecific stands of the dominant Caribbean reef coral Acropora palmata, and the Urracá Formation containing the last fossil occurrences of 15 regionally extinct taxa. Canonical correspondence analysis of 41 Late Miocene to Recent reef coral assemblages from the Caribbean region suggests changes in community structure coincident with effective oceanic closure of the Central American Seaway (~3.5 Ma). These changes, including increased Acropora dominance, may have contributed to a protracted period of elevated extinction debt prior to the major peak in regional coral extinctions (~2–1 Ma).  相似文献   

Photosensitive behaviors and circadian rhythms are well documented in reef-building corals and their larvae, but the mechanisms responsible for photoreception have not been described in these organisms. Here we report the cloning, immunolocalization, and partial biochemical characterization of three opsins and four G proteins expressed in planulae of the Caribbean elkhorn coral, Acropora palmata. All three opsins (acropsins 1–3) possess conserved seven-pass transmembrane structure, and localize to distinct regions of coral planulae. Acropsin 1 was localized in the larval endoderm, while acropsin 2 was localized in solitary cells of the ectoderm. These rod-like cells displayed a remarkably polarized distribution, concentrated in the aboral end. We also cloned four A. palmata G protein alpha subunits. Three were homologs of vertebrate Gi, Go, and Gq. The fourth is presumably a novel G protein, which displays only 40% identity with the nearest known G protein, and we termed it Gc for “cnidarian”. We show that Gc and Gq can be activated by acropsins in a light-dependent manner in vitro. This indicates that at least acropsins 1 and 3 can form functional photoreceptors and potentially may play a role in color preference during settlement, vertical positioning and other light-guided behaviors observed in coral larvae.  相似文献   

This is the first report of a ciliate of the genus Halofolliculina infecting hard coral species of six families (Acroporidae, Agaricidae, Astrocoeniidae, Faviidae, Meandrinidae and Poritidae) and milleporids in the Caribbean. Surveys conducted during 2004–2005 in Venezuela, Panama and México confirmed that this ciliate affects up to 25 scleractinian species. The prevalence of this ciliate at the coral community level was variable across sites, being most commonly found at Los Roques, Venezuela, and at Bocas del Toro, Panama (prevalence 0.2–2.5%), but rarely observed in the Mexican Caribbean. Ciliates were more prevalent within populations of acroporids (Acropora palmata, Acropora cervicornis and Acropora prolifera) in Los Roques. Recent observations also corroborate the presence of these ciliates in Curacao and Puerto Rico. Our observations indicate that ciliates affecting corals have a wider distribution than previously thought, and are no longer exclusively found in the Indo-Pacific and Red Sea.  相似文献   

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