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金城 《微生物学通报》2011,38(8):1306-1306
革兰氏阴性细菌细胞外膜具有多种重要的生理功能,不仅能维持细胞的形状和强度,而且形成一个筛选物质进出细胞的半透膜[1-2],降低细胞外膜的通透性,可提高全细胞催化反应的效率和工业微生物的产量[3].  相似文献   

大肠杆菌脂多糖核心型及其检测方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大肠杆菌脂多糖核心型根据其化学结构的不同分为5种,即E.coli R1、R2、R3、R4和K12。用传统化学分析法检测大肠杆菌脂多糖核心型,极为复杂,此法只适用于实验室研究。为此,我们建立了E.coli脂多糖核心型血清学检测法,并对致病性大肠杆菌和正常人类粪便中分离的大肠杆菌脂多糖核心型进行了检测。  相似文献   

陈久洲  李烨  王小元 《微生物学通报》2010,37(11):1685-1691
类脂A是革兰氏阴性细菌细胞外膜外侧脂多糖的主要组成成分,也是内毒素的活性成分,可以被宿主免疫细胞识别并引发疾病。类脂A的生物合成途径相对保守,但在转运到外膜外侧的过程中它的结构被修饰以适应不同的外界环境。类脂A的结构修饰在细菌体内受到严格调控,与细菌的毒性密切相关,却不影响细菌的生长繁殖。主要介绍近几年类脂A结构修饰方面的研究进展,在此基础上分析了类脂A结构修饰在病原菌防治、疫苗开发、工业发酵和食品安全等相关领域的应用前景。  相似文献   

【目的】大肠杆菌脂多糖(LPS)核心型根据其化学结构的不同分为5种,即R1、R2、R3、R4和K12。通过对禽致病性大肠杆菌(Avian pathogenic Escherichia coli,APEC)安徽、江苏、上海和河南等省市分离株的脂多糖核心型分布情况的研究,分析其与大肠杆菌主要毒力基因之间的潜在联系,以期为APEC的研究和防治提供参考。【方法】对分离到的76株APEC,利用PCR方法开展对LPS核心型分型鉴定和毒力基因检测;分析LPS核心型的分布和毒力基因、致病性之间的相关性。【结果】在76株APEC分离株中,68.4% (52株)为R1核心型,15.8% (12株)为R3型,11.8% (9株)为R4型,3.9% (3株)为R2型,未检测到K12核心型。毒力基因鉴定结果中yijp、mat、fimC、ibeB和ompA的检验阳性率均达到90%以上,可作为APEC的保守基因。其中LPS核心型R1与neuC、cva/cvi、irp2均具有显著正相关性(P<0.05),R3与iroN、irp2均具有显著负相关性(P<0.05),R4核心型与aatA显著正相关(P<0.05)。【结论】APEC的LPS核心型主要为R1。LPS核心型对部分毒力基因分布具有显著影响。  相似文献   

脂多糖中脂质A的生物活性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

【目的】为探究脂多糖对O1、O78血清型禽致病性大肠杆菌(Avian pathogenic Escherichia coli,APEC)致病作用的影响。【方法】选取负责脂质A生物合成相关基因lpx L和lpx M,利用λ噬菌体的Red同源重组系统分别构建APECE516(O1血清型)和APECE522(O78血清型)缺失株E516Δlpx L、E516Δlpx M、E516Δlpx LΔlpx M、E522Δlpx L、E522Δlpx M和E522Δlpx LΔlpx M,并通过体内外试验对其生物学特性及致病性进行研究。【结果】各菌株生长速度基本一致。E516Δlpx L、E516Δlpx LΔlpx M、E522Δlpx M和E522Δlpx LΔlpx M的抗血清补体杀菌能力和抗鸡巨噬细胞HD-11吞噬能力较野生株显著下降,而缺失株E516Δlpx M、E522Δlpx L与野生株相比无明显差异;半数致死剂量测定结果显示,除E516Δlpx M、E522Δlpx L外,各缺失株毒力降低1000倍左右;SPF鸡体内动态分布试验结果显示,各缺失株在鸡体内定殖能力较野生株显著下降,但回补株的毒力未能恢复至野生株水平。【结论】lpx L和lpx M基因与O1血清型APECE516株和O78血清型APECE522株的毒力有关,但是lpx L和lpx M基因对E516和E522菌株毒力的影响存在差异。  相似文献   

植物角质膜及其渗透性与抗旱性研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
角质膜覆盖于陆生植物的地上部分,是植物与外部环境之间的第一道屏障,保护植物免遭各种生物和非生物胁迫。本文就植物角质膜的结构、成分、生物合成的途径及机理、渗透性及温度、湿度、活性剂对角质膜渗透性的影响,角质膜与植物抗旱性关系的研究进展做系统综述,并对植物角质膜研究中存在的问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

大肠杆菌中TIR二级结构与基因表达的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
影响外源基因在大肠杆菌中表达的一个因素是翻译起始区(TIR)的二级结构。降低TIR二级结构的稳定性,可以直接提高翻译起始效率,或者间接增高mRNA的稳定生,克服转录极性效应,从而提高外源基因在大肠杆菌中的表达。  相似文献   

脂多糖(LPS)结合蛋白(LBP)是存在于下沉人和动物血清中的种糖蛋白,人血清中LBP的正常浓度为5~10μg/ml,急性反应期可升高到200μg/ml,LPB与LPS中的类脂A具有高度亲和性,可作为LPS载体蛋白,催化LPS与CD14结合,刺激单核细胞、内皮细胞等,促进T痰性介绍的释放;LBP还可作为调理素,促进单核细胞等吞噬调理后的LPS和甘兰阴性细菌,故LBP可以调节LPS所致的炎症反应。B  相似文献   

Inhibition of 3-deoxy-manno-octulosonate cytidylytransferase (CMP-KDO transferase; EC by 8-amino-2,6-anhydro-3,8-dideoxy-D-glycero-D-talo-octonic acid (NH2dKDO) halts the growth of Gram-negative bacteria by depriving the cells of the 3-deoxy-D-manno-2-octulosonate required for the biosynthesis of the core region of the lipopolysaccharide components of the outer membrane. Low levels of this inhibitor increase the vulnerability of Escherichia coli to hydrophobic antibiotics, detergents, the complement-mediated antibacterial activity of serum, phagocytosis, and enhance the rate at which bacteria are cleared from the mouse bloodstream.  相似文献   

A mouse monoclonal antibody specific for the R3 lipopolysaccharide core type of Escherichia coli was used to determine the core type of E. coli O157:H7 and other non-O157 verotoxin-producing E. coli strains. Lipopolysaccharide extracts from 28 clinical isolates were examined by sodium dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and immunoblotting and all were found to have the R3 core. None of the core lipopolysaccharide from the strains tested reacted with the control R1 and R2 specific monoclonal antibodies. A common core type between all the verotoxin-producing E. coli strains tested may be significant when considering the immune response to these bacteria, and to the receptor for the VT bacteriophage.  相似文献   

Abstract The lipopolysaccharide and porin profile of Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, a smooth strain commonly used in antibiotic susceptibility testing, and five isogenic rough mutants was examined. The lipopolysaccharide of the parent strain had the characteristic ladder pattern on polyacrylamide gels, while that of the mutants appeared similar to chemotypes Ra and Rc of Salmonella typhimurium with some changes in chemical composition. Of the porins, OmpC appeared markedly reduced in the parent strain while OmpF appeared markedly reduced in the mutants. In addition, a new outer-membrane protein of size intermediate to that of OmpC and OmpF was detected in all mutants. Neither parent nor mutants were susceptible to the LPS core-specific P1 phage or the porin-specific PA2 and K20 phages.  相似文献   

Abstract We compared the phenotype of two thermosensitive Escherichia coli mutants defective in lipid A biosynthesis i.e. SM101 ( lpxA ) and CDH23-213 ( lpxD ). More than 40% of the periplasmic 27-kDa marker enzyme β-lactamase was released from SM101 at 28°C. At this temperature, the mutant still grew with a generation time (67 min), not much longer than that of the parent control strain (57 min). CDH23-213 released β-lactamase only at higher temperatures. SM101 and CDH23-213 were both unable to grow in hypo-osmotic conditions. Derivatives of SM101 and CDH23-213 with mdoA ::Tn 10 had identical phenotypes (including thermosensitivity and defective outer membrane permeability barrier to hydrophobic probes) to those of SM101 and CDH23-213, indicating that the potential loss of membrane-derived oligosaccharides (MDO) did not explain these phenotypic properties. A method for the estimation of lipid A synthesis rate was developed.  相似文献   

Cytochrome segregation at cell division was studied in an Escherichia coli mutant requiring δ-amino-laevulinic acid (δ-ALA) for cytochrome synthesis and oxidative growth. Approximately three generations after transfer to δ-ALA-deficient medium, two sub-populations of cells were distinguishable by their ampicillin sensitivity in a medium supporting growth only of cytochrome-containing cells. The sub-populations were separable on Percoll gradients: ampicillin-sensitive cells contained higher cytochrome concentrations than insensitive cells. The results support a model that describes localized growing zones of membrane, which are conserved in successive cell cycles.  相似文献   

A strain of Citrobacter sedlakii showing serological cross-reaction with Escherichia coli O157 antisera was demonstrated to produce a lipopolysaccharide O-antigen having an identical structure with that of the E. coli O157 O-antigen. A strain of Citrobacter freunndii showing similar cross-reaction with E. coli O157 specific monoclonal antibody was shown to produce a lipopolysaccharide O-antigen composed of a trisaccharide repeating unit having the structure [ 2)-alpha-D Rhap-(1-3)-beta-D-Rhap-(1-4)-beta-D-Glcp-(1-]. This O-antigen differs from that of the E. coli O157 O-antigen and also lacks a component 2-substituted 4-amino-4,6-dideoxy-alpha-D-mannopyranosyl residue implicated as the common epitope in the lipopolysaccharide O-antigens of previously investigated bacterial species showing serological cross-reactivity with E. coli O157 antisera. The C freundii O-antigen presents an interesting example of structural mimicry within a bacterial polysaccharide antigen.  相似文献   

加压CO2对大肠杆菌细胞膜的损伤作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]细菌细胞膜的损伤可以表现在细菌细胞内物质泄漏和细菌细胞吸收染料.与巴氏杀菌(63℃C、30 min)比较,研究加压CO2对大肠杆菌细胞膜的损伤作用,目的是分析出大肠杆菌死亡与细胞膜损伤的关系.[方法]检测大肠杆菌细胞膜通透性的改变情况,大肠杆菌内蛋白质和核酸的泄漏程度,并通过透射电镜观察大肠杆菌形态的改变情况.[结果]在研究范围内,加压CO2处理使大肠杆菌细胞膜通透性发生改变;加压CO2处理时虽然发生了胞内蛋白质泄漏,但发生泄漏的时间明显滞后于99%以上菌体死亡时间,因此并不是大肠杆菌死亡的原因,只是大肠杆菌死亡后的继发现象;大肠杆菌死亡与加压CO2处理导致的胞内核酸泄漏有关;大肠杆菌死亡与加压CO2处理导致的菌体形态改变有关.[结论]加压CO2对大肠杆菌细胞膜的损伤作用与菌体死亡有直接关系.  相似文献   

Spontaneous mutants of Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viciae strain C1204b were selected for their ability to tolerate 0.2 M NaCl, a growth-inhibiting level of salt for the parental strain. Transposon-mediated salt-sensitive mutants of strain C1204b were screened for their inability to grow in 0.08 M NaCl. Quantitation of the free-amino acid pools in the mutants grown in NaCl revealed a dramatic increase in glutamine, serine, glutamate and proline, and to a lesser extent alanine and glycine in the salt-tolerant mutants in comparison with the parental strain exposed to NaCl; but only glutamate and proline increased in the salt-sensitive mutants under NaCl stress. Extracellular polysaccharide levels were quantitated for the salt-tolerant mutants and determined to be approximately two-fold higher than for the parental strain. Although the mutations that occurred in the NaCl-tolerant and NaCl-sensitive strains did not interfere with nodule formation, no nitrogenase activity could be observed in the NaCl tolerant mutants as evaluated by acetylene reduction.  相似文献   

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