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The six species of the sectionFoenum-graecum ofTrigonella have the same chromosome number, 2n = 16.T. gladiata andT. cariensis have fairly symmetrical karyotypes, while those ofT. foenum-graecum, T. berythea, T. macrorrhyncha andT. cassia are asymmetrical. C-bands are present in all six species but the number of bands and their positive vary considerably among the species. The karyotype evidence suggests that none of the available species of theFoenum-graecum section can be considered as the wild progenitor of fenugreek.  相似文献   

A satellite DNA sequence of Parodon hilarii (named pPh2004) was isolated, cloned and sequenced. This satellite DNA is composed of 200 bp, 60% AT rich. In situ hybridization (FISH) results revealed that the satellite DNA pPh2004 is located in the terminal regions of several chromosomes, forming highly evident blocks in some and punctual marks in others. The comparison between the FISH and C-banding results showed that the location of this satellite DNA coincides with that of most terminal heterochromatins. However, some regions are only marked by FISH whereas other regions are only marked by C-banding. The possible existence of more than one satellite DNA family could explain these partial differences. The in situ hybridization with the satellite DNA and the G- and C-bandings confirmed the presence of a sex chromosome system of the ZZ/ZW type in P. hilarii, as well as the correct identification of the Z chromosome in the karyotype. This chromosome displays a segment of terminal heterochromatin in the long arm, similar to the segment observed in the short arm of the W chromosome, also showing a G-banding pattern similar to that of the short arm and part of the long arm of the W chromosome. A hypothesis on the origin of the W chromosome from an ancestral chromosome similar to the Z chromosome is presented.  相似文献   

Chromosome banding patterns obtained with C- and N- banding, and AgNO3 staining were studied in somatic metaphase complements of fourLactuca species.L. sativa andL. serriola have almost identical chromosome morphology, andL. saligna differs only slightly from them, butL. virosa is quite distinct from the other species. A gross comparison of the banded karyotypes suggests a closer relationship ofL. saligna toL. sativa/serriola than toL. virosa. Our data agree with the results of previous crossing experiments in these species but conflict partly with recent RFLP data which indicate a closer phenetic relationship ofL. saligna toL. virosa than toL. sativa/serriola. Such a discrepancy may be explained assuming that domestication ofL. sativa/serriola resulted in an increased selection pressure on unique DNA sequences as demonstrated by the RFLP data. Differential evolution of specific heterochromatin classes (and presumably of highly repetitive DNA classes), as revealed by chromosome banding techniques was not linked to domestication. Thus the disparity in conclusions about relationship (in terms of genetic similarity) as based on the different experimental approaches reflects a non-parallel evolution of highly repetitive vs. unique DNA classes.  相似文献   

FiveHypochoeris spp. from Sicily have been investigated:H. glabra L. (2n=10),H. radicata L. (2n=8),H. cretensis L. (2n=6),H. laevigata L. (2n=12),H. robertia Fiori (2n=8). Basic chromosome numbers are very variable, x = 3, 4, 5, 6. The karyotype of each species is presented. Geographical origin (S. America or Mediterranean region) of the genusHypochoeris and the taxonomic position ofH. robertia are discussed.  相似文献   

 The following crosses were made using four recognized species/subspecies and a new population of Guizotia, referred to as Chelelu after the name of the locality in Ethiopia from which it was collected: G. scabra subsp. schimperi × Chelelu, Chelelu × G. scabra subsp. scabra, G. zavattarii × G. arborescens and Chelelu × G. zavattarii (all accessions with 2n=30). Plant morphology as well as mitotic and meiotic chromosome analysis confirmed the hybrid nature of the obtained progeny. At metaphase I of meiosis, the F1 hybrid plants (2n=30) showed a mean of about 95%, 31%, 63% and 0.50% of the pollen mother cells with 15 bivalents, and a mean of about 14.95, 13.75, 14.40 and 7.86 bivalents per cell, respectively. The respective mean pollen stainability was about 67%, 19%, 31% and 2%. From the results it was concluded that Chelelu is more closely related to G. scabra subsp. schimperi than to G. scabra subsp. scabra but more to the latter than to G. zavattarii. Guizotia zavattarii and G. arborescens are closely related to each other. Based on the cytological observations made, the probable basic chromosome number for the genus is discussed. Received November 5, 1999 Accepted August 21, 2001  相似文献   

The Giemsa C-banding pattern of the chromosomes of the native self-pollinatedAegilops comosa subsp.comosa var.comosa was studied. Six of the seven chromosomes of the haploid genome were found to be polymorphic for C-banding patterns. Chromosome A had four variants, chromosome E three variants and each of the chromosomes B, D, and F two variants. Chromosomes E and G were polymorphic for arm length and arm ratio.This paper is part of the doctoral dissertation ofA. Georgiou.  相似文献   

The degree of relationships withinLactuca sativa and three wild relativesL. serriola, L. saligna, andL. virosa was studied by observing the performance, vigour and fertility of the F 1 hybrids obtained from crosses made in and between the four species. The crosses ofL. saligna ×L. virosa and the reciprocal crosses produced no hybrids.L. saligna andL. virosa are the least related of the four species.L. sativa ×L. serriola and the reciprocal crosses were successful and produced fertile hybrids These two species are genetically very closely related.L. saligna is known to produce, as a female parent, hybrids withL. sativa andL. serriola. Now the reciprocal cross was successful for the first time, so the unability to obtain hybrids in the past was based on the choice of accessions and not caused by unilateral incompatibility.L. virosa ×L. sativa and the reciprocal combination produced hybrids. The combinationL. serriola ×L. virosa produced hybrids with very limited fertility. In contrast to earlier reports (sterile hybrids) one combination of the reciprocal cross too produced hybrids with very limited fertility.—Some of theL. saligna ×L. sativa (and reciprocal) hybrids were found to look strikingly likeL. serriola. This adds evidence for the descent ofL. serriola andL. sativa:L. saligna also made part of the ancestral complex of the cultivated lettuce.  相似文献   

Morphological variation for the NOR chromosome was studied for four half-siblings of a sexual outbreedingTaraxacum, for three siblings of the obligate agamospermT. pseudohamatum, and for two individuals of the agamospermT. brachyglossum. No rearrangement was detected for the 113 chromosomes of sexuals, or for 41 chromosomes of two agamospermous individuals. In the other three agamospermous individuals, 3/16, 5/50, and 5/20 chromosomes showed evidence of chromosomal rearrangement. The majority of rearrangement events (10/13) occurred to the satellite rather than to the body of the NOR-chromosome. It is considered that such high levels of somatic chromosomal rearrangement in agamospermousTaraxacum may be the result of activity by transposable genetic elements. This recombination may be of selective advantage to asexual plants which cannot generate genetic variability through the sexual process.  相似文献   

An electrophoretic survey of isozyme variation was conducted to test the hypothesis thatSenecio vulgaris L. (2n = 40) is of autotetraploid origin fromS. vernalis Waldst. & Kit. (2n = 20). It was established thatS. vulgaris exhibited fixed heterozygosity at three loci examined, showed disomic inheritance at all polymorphic loci, and contained a gene (Est-1) and an allele (Aat-3b) which were not present in the single population ofS. vernalis surveyed. From this it is concluded thatS. vulgaris is not of autotetraploid origin. Instead, the genetic evidence is in keeping with an allopolyploid origin ofS. vulgaris with the possibility thatS. vernalis acted as one of its two parents.  相似文献   

Crosses ofHordelymus europaeus (2n = 4x = 28) with four genera in theTriticeae were attempted. Adult hybrids were obtained in combinations withHordeum bogdanii (2x),Hordeum depressum (4x), andSecale cereale (2x). The meiotic pairing was very low in the hybrids withH. bogdanii andSecale cereale (0.12 and 0.30 chiasmata/cell, respectively), whereas high pairing (9.90 chiasmata/cell) was found in hybrids withH. depressum due to autosyndetic pairing ofH. depressum chromosomes. The chromosome complement ofHordelymus europaeus comprised 16 metacentrics, 8 submetacentrics, and 4 SAT-chromosomes. The Giemsa C-banding patterns of the chromosomes were characterized by small to minute bands at no preferential positions. It is hypothesized thatHordelymus europaeus may genomically be closest related toTaeniatherum andPsathyrostachys spp.  相似文献   

Chromosomes with active nucleolus organizer regions (NORs) were visualized in root tip metaphases ofPhaseolus coccineus using the silver staining technique. A mean number of 5.5 Ag-NORs per cell was observed in 54 cells from eight plants. In the endopolyploid nuclei of the suspensor the silver technique did not demonstrate the reported specificity for nucleolus organizer activity, because there was usually pale staining of nucleoli and preferential staining of heterochromatic regions in the polytene chromosomes including pericentromeric material, telomeres and NORs. The mean number of NORs per nucleolus as detected by this method was 5.8 (28 nucleoli analysed). Using a modified preparation technique, giant chromosomes stained pale, but nucleoli of suspensor cells displayed darkly silver staining internal domains, each of which originating from a nucleolus organizer.—Giemsa C-banding of endopolyploid suspensor nuclei revealed C-positive nucleolus organizers with darkly staining intranucleolar fibrils. The latter were frequently involved in inter-NOR associations. In 34 nucleoli analysed, the mean number of Giemsa C-positive NORs per nucleolus was 6.0.Dedicated to Professor Dr.Lothar Geitler on the occasion of his 80th birthday.  相似文献   

C-banding studies support earlier evidence thatB. bulbosa, as a previously circumscribed, is heterogeneous, consisting of three distinct entities: (1) theB. bulbosa complex (B. bulbosa s. str.) at 4x (2n = 24), 8x (2n = 48) and 12x (2n = 72) ploidy levels, (2) the rock lily and (3) the Kroombit population (both 2n = 46). Each of these three main groups has a distinctive banding profile, though centromeric and telomeric dot bands, variably expressed, are common to all. In theB. bulbosa complex, substantial heterochromatin development, apart from bands associated with the NORs on chromosomes 1 L, 2 S and 3 L, occurs only at the terminal regions of the short arms of the large and middlesized acrocentric chromosomes, with considerable polymorphic and polytypic variation in the number and size of the heterochromatic blocks, especially at the 4x level. Queensland 8xB. bulbosa populations differ in having terminal heterochromatin, probably associated with NORs, on 11 S and 12 S, and in having some strong interstitial bands. The differences appear to correlate with attributes relating to flower morphology, and may have systematic significance. The karyotypes of rock lily and Kroombit are somewhat similar but the former has a characteristic C-band profile with multiple interstitial bands on chromosomes 1–5 and 7–9, whereas the latter has only one interstitial band on chromosome 9.First contribution of a series on cytoevolution in the AustralianBulbine. Two introductory papers in Austral. J. Bot.34 (2)  相似文献   

All North American annual species of the genusMicroseris have a five-part pappus, the one South American annual,M. pygmaea, has ten pappus parts. The pappus develops over a constant number of ten provascular bundles with or without inhibition between alternate sites of pappus development. Each natural population contains a predictable proportion of achenes with aberrant pappus part numbers. Hybridization betweenM. bigelovii (5 parts) andM. pygmaea results in F 1 and F 2 plants with many aberrant achenes. In each plant either five or ten can be shown to be the basic number with aberrant numbers following a Poisson distribution for numbers added to 5 or deleted from 10. Occasional plants show no basic number but have a random distribution of numbers about an intermediate mean. The evolutionary genetics of this character is discussed.  相似文献   

The following species are described as new:Anthemis mazandaranica in N. and NW. Iran is allied toA. coelopoda; A. moghanica in NW. Iran is close toA. candidissima andA. sintenisii; A. atropatana also in NW. Iran is similar toA. hyalina; A. gracilis in W. Iran is close toA. plebeia; A. bushehrica in SW. Iran is similar toA. susiana; andA. rhodocentra in S. and E. Iran and in Pakistan is akin toA. austro-iranica, A. gayana, andA. kandaharica.
Anschrift des Herausgebers: Hofrat Univ.-Prof. Dr.Karl Heinz Rechinger, Beckgasse 22, A-1130 Wien, Österreich.  相似文献   

S. cilicica Siehe andS. morrisii Meikle are two little known sibling species of theScilla siberica alliance with previously difficult taxonomy, especially with regard to specific delimitation and geographic distribution. Quantitative C-band karyotyping and DNA content determinations were performed in four provenances, including the type localities. Both species (2n = 12) differ strikingly in their banding patterns despite of similar DNA content. Karyotype diversification involved changes in eu- and heterochromatin quantities and resulted in some changes of chromosome form. Despite this, actual phylogenetic relatedness is indicated by a chromosomal marker (NOR-position) of rare occurrence in the alliance. Karyological results and circumstantial evidence from the literature suggest thatS. morrisii is an endemic, exclusive to Cyprus as a member of theS. siberica alliance.S. cilicica seems to be restricted to continental S. Anatolia opposite to Cyprus. Its occurrence on Cyprus is questionable.The authors dedicate this paper respectfully to emer. O. Univ.-Prof. DrLothar Geitler on the occasion of his 90th birthday.  相似文献   

Five species are recognized inHieracium subgen.Pilosella sect.Pilosellina Fries. Four are diploid (2x, 2n = 18), one (H. pilosella L.) is highly variable morphologically and cytologically (from 2x to 10x), in its mode of reproduction (self-incompatibility, agamospermy, amphimixis, apo-amphimixis) and in its hybridization pattern. A part of this huge agamic complex was analysed by comparing sexual 4x and apomictic 5x plants (crossing and germination experiments, measurements of vegetative reproduction by stolons etc.). In the experimental garden apomictic 5x produced more stolons than the sexual 4x plants and the total length of the stolons per rosette was greater. However, in nature, the competitive potential of the sexual plants seems to be higher, presumably as a result of the higher mortality of ramets in 5x. Sexual 4x plants often grow in dense and grazed grass vegetation, whereas 5x apomicts often occur in dunes with patchy vegetation. Apomicts produce more capitula per rosette, and sexual rosettes form only about 60% of the number of viable achenes as compared to apomictic ones. Therefore, apomicts appear to be characterized by a greater colonizing ability than sexual plants. Apomictic plants produce equal numbers of viable achenes under conditions of both open pollination and isolation. Sexual plants do not form any viable achenes after isolation and produce a somewhat lower percentage of achenes after open pollination than do apomictics. 5xreproduce exclusively apomictically. Apo-amphimixis was never observed in pentaploids and only very rarely in tetraploids. Addition hybrids are very rare. The cross sexual 4x × apomictic 5x failed in 70% of the attempts, but the recombination of genomes carrying genes for apomixis is possible and results in apomictic 4x and sexual 5x, both with a reduced number of viable achenes. In nature sexual and apomictic plants may occur in close proximity. In such cases the germination rate of the achenes of 4x and 5x is lower; this may indicate that apomictic plants fertilize sexual plants in nature (unidirectional gene-flow). 5x plants form euploid gametes carrying two or three genomes. The results of the crossing experiments can be explained in terms ofNogler's theory of monogenic inheritance of apospory.Variation and evolution inHieracium subg.Pilosella sect.Pilosellina I.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Selaginella is the largest genus of heterosporous pteridophytes, but karyologically the genus is known only by the occurrence of a dysploid series of n=7-12, and a low frequency of polyploids. Aiming to contribute to a better understanding of the structural chromosomal variability of this genus, different staining methods were applied in species with different chromosome numbers. METHODS: The chromosome complements of seven species of Selaginella were analysed and, in four of them, the distribution of 45S rDNA sites was determined by fluorescent in situ hybridization. Additionally, CMA/DA/DAPI and silver nitrate staining were performed to investigate the correlation between the 45S rDNA sites, the heterochromatic bands and the number of active rDNA sites. KEY RESULTS: The chromosome numbers observed were 2n=18, 20 and 24. The species with 2n=20 exhibited chromosome complement sizes smaller and less variable than those with 2n=18. The only species with 2n=24, S. convoluta, had relatively large and asymmetrical chromosomes. The interphase nuclei in all species were of the chromocentric type. CMA/DA/DAPI staining showed only a weak chromosomal differentiation of heterochromatic bands. In S. willdenowii and S. convoluta eight and six CMA+ bands were observed, respectively, but no DAPI+ bands. The CMA+ bands corresponded in number, size and location to the rDNA sites. In general, the number of rDNA sites correlated with the maximum number of nucleoli per nucleus. Ten rDNA sites were found in S. plana (2n=20), eight in S. willdenowii (2n=18), six in S. convoluta (2n=24) and two in S. producta (2n=20). CONCLUSIONS: The remarkable variation in chromosome size and number and rDNA sites shows that dramatic karyological changes have occurred during the evolution of the genus at the diploid level. These data further suggest that the two putative basic numbers of the genus, x=9 and x=10, may have arisen two or more times independently.  相似文献   

A comparison of karyotypes ofBrachyscome breviscapis (2n = 8),B. lineariloba cytodemes E (2n = 10), B (2n = 12) and C (2n = 16) suggests that these species have a homoelogous basic set of four chromosome pairs, two large pairs and two small, and that theB. lineariloba cytodemes E, B and C are related toB. breviscapis by successive additions of small chromosomes. A pronounced asynchrony of chromosome condensation between these large and small chromosomes has been observed. In the artificial hybrids betweenB. dichromosomatica (2n = 4) ×B. breviscapis, and theB. lineariloba cytodemes, theB. dichromosomatica chromosomes are similar in size and condensation behaviour to the small chromosomes ofB. breviscapis and ofB. lineariloba cytodemes E, B and C. Meiotic pairing in these hybrids also demonstrates the strong affinities between these chromosomes. It is suggested thatB. breviscapis may be of amphidiploid origin between a species with two large early condensing chromosome pairs and another,B. dichromosomatica-like species with two small late condensing pairs. It seems most likely that the additional small and late condensing chromosomes inB. lineariloba cytodemes E, B and C are derived from theB. dichromosomatica-like parent, and that each addition increases vigour, fecundity and drought tolerance, allowing these cytodemes to colonize more open and arid environments. Transmission of the univalents in the quasidiploidB. lineariloba cytodeme E was verified as being via the pollen, and not via the embryo sacs.The cytology ofBrachyscome lineariloba (Compositae, Asteroidae), 10.  相似文献   

The genusCirsium comprises both gynodioecious and dioecious species. The observation of microsporogenesis in female plants ofC. montanum, C. oleraceum, C. palustre andC. spinosissimum shows that the male sterility is due to a degeneration of the tapetum. This degeneration occurs more or less early according to the species and, in the light of these results, a scheme of evolution in the male sterility mechanism is proposed. Furthermore, the male sterility mechanism inC. montanum is very similar to that previously found in female plants of the dioecious speciesC. arvense. This fact enhances the possibility of evolution of the dioecy ofC. arvense from the gynodioecy found in other species. According to these results, a general scheme of evolution of sexes in the genusCirsium is proposed.  相似文献   

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