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在扫描电镜下首次观察了桦木科鹅耳枥属千金榆花序和花的形态发生过程。千金榆雌花序由多个小聚伞花序螺旋状排列组成;每个小花序原基分化出1枚初级苞片和一团小花序原基分生组织,由小花序原基分生组织分化形成2个花原基和2个次级苞片;每个花原基分化出2个心皮原基,形成1个二心皮雌蕊;次级苞片远轴面发育快于近轴面,呈不均等的联合状;雌蕊基部有1层环状花被原基。雄花序为柔荑状,由多个小聚伞花序螺旋状排列组成;每个小花序原基分化出1枚初级苞片和一团小花序原基分生组织,由小花序原基分生组织分化出3个花原基分区,并分化形成3朵小花,小花无花被,位于两侧的小花分别有2枚雄蕊,位于中央的小花有4枚雄蕊,雄蕊共8枚,稀为10枚,该3朵小花为二歧聚伞状排列,其花基数应为2基数。  相似文献   

The floral organ identity factor AGAMOUS (AG) is a key regulator of Arabidopsis thaliana flower development, where it is involved in the formation of the reproductive floral organs as well as in the control of meristem determinacy. To obtain insights into how AG specifies organ fate, we determined the genes and processes acting downstream of this C function regulator during early flower development and distinguished between direct and indirect effects. To this end, we combined genome-wide localization studies, gene perturbation experiments, and computational analyses. Our results demonstrate that AG controls flower development to a large extent by controlling the expression of other genes with regulatory functions, which are involved in mediating a plethora of different developmental processes. One aspect of this function is the suppression of the leaf development program in emerging floral primordia. Using trichome initiation as an example, we demonstrate that AG inhibits an important aspect of leaf development through the direct control of key regulatory genes. A comparison of the gene expression programs controlled by AG and the B function regulators APETALA3 and PISTILLATA, respectively, showed that while they control many developmental processes in conjunction, they also have marked antagonistic, as well as independent activities.  相似文献   

The PCK Clade, represented by six to nine genera, is a monophyletic group situated within the Paniceae tribe. The highly diverse inflorescences within the PCK Clade provide an interesting system for the study of morphological evolution and also may aid in better understanding its unclear systematics. The inflorescence structure of 110 members of the PCK Clade has been investigated. Inflorescences are polytelic showing different levels of truncation. At least 21 different inflorescence subtypes were identified. Fourteen variable inflorescence characters were found, among which some have suprageneric or infrageneric value and others are polymorphic. A key for the identification of inflorescence types is presented. Nine processes have been identified as responsible for inflorescence diversification. Highly branched inflorescences with different internode lengths are present in the basal genus whereas truncated inflorescence morphologies appear late in the history of the clade. The precise timing of morphological changes is impossible to assess until we have a well supported phylogeny for the PCK Clade.  相似文献   

文章介绍了被子植物花器官特征属性决定的分子机制研究进展。  相似文献   

AP2功能基因在植物花发育中的重要作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
AP2基因作为调控植物花发育的功能基因,参与花分生特性建立、花器官的特性特化以及形成调控。所编码的AP2/EREBP转录因子的主要特征是都至少含有一个由60到70个左右的氨基酸组成高度保守的DNA结合区,称作AP2结合域。按其所含的AP2结构域的数目分为3个亚族,即AP2亚家族、EREBP亚家族和RAV亚家族,每个亚家族都有各自的作用。AP2基因不但自身调控着花、胚珠的发育,而且与其他因子相互协作,参与到复杂的花发育调控网络。将对AP2基因的特征和分类及其在花发育中的作用进行概述。  相似文献   

The adaptor protein-2 (AP-2) complex is a heterotetramer involved in clathrin-mediated endocytosis of cargo proteins from the plasma membrane in animal cells. The homologous genes of AP-2 subunits are present in the genomes of plants; however, their identities and roles in endocytic pathways are not clearly defined in plants. Here, we reveal the molecular composition of the AP-2 complex of Arabidopsis thaliana and its dynamics on the plasma membrane. We identified all of the α-, β-, σ-, and μ-subunits of the AP-2 complex and detected a weak interaction of the AP-2 complex with clathrin heavy chain. The μ-subunit protein fused to green fluorescent protein (AP2M-GFP) was localized to the plasma membrane and to the cytoplasm. Live-cell imaging using a variable-angle epifluorescence microscope revealed that AP2M-GFP transiently forms punctate structures on the plasma membrane. Homozygous ap2m mutant plants exhibited abnormal floral structures, including reduced stamen elongation and delayed anther dehiscence, which led to a failure of pollination and a subsequent reduction of fertility. Our study provides a molecular basis for understanding AP-2–dependent endocytic pathways in plants and their roles in floral organ development and plant reproduction.  相似文献   

细胞分裂素对拟南芥(Arab idopsis thal iana)花分生组织细胞的分裂和分化具有重要作用。本研究利用APETALA1(AP1)特异启动子在花分生组织和第1、2轮花器官中表达细胞分裂素合成酶(isopentyl trans ferase, IPT)基因IPT4, 研究细胞分裂素对花和花器官发育的影响。在pAP1::IPT4转基因植株中出现了花密集和花器官数目增多等现象。原位杂交和GUS组织染色结果发现, 在pAP1::IPT4转基因植株中, 花分生组织特征决定基因LEAFY (LFY)与花器官特征决定基因AP1、PISTILLATA (PI )和AGAMOUS (AG)的表达量均有不同程度的提高。研究结果表明在拟南芥中表达pAP1::IPT4影响其花和花器官的正常发育。  相似文献   

细胞分裂素对拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)花分生组织细胞的分裂和分化具有重要作用。本研究利用APETALA1(AP1)特异启动子在花分生组织和第1、2轮花器官中表达细胞分裂素合成酶(isopentyl transferase,IPT)基因IPT4,研究细胞分裂素对花和花器官发育的影响。在pAP1∷IPT4转基因植株中出现了花密集和花器官数目增多等现象。原位杂交和GUS组织染色结果发现,在pAP1∷IPT4转基因植株中,花分生组织特征决定基因LEAFY(LFY)与花器官特征决定基因AP1、PISTILLATA(PI)和AGAMOUS(AG)的表达量均有不同程度的提高。研究结果表明在拟南芥中表达pAP1∷IPT4影响其花和花器官的正常发育。  相似文献   

In hermaphroditic plants, female reproductive success often varies among different positions within an inflorescence.However, few studies have evaluated the relative importance of underlying causes such as pollen limitation, resource limitation or architectural effect, and few have compared male allocation. During a 2-year investigation, we found that female reproductive success of an acropetally flowering species, Corydalis remota Fisch. ex Maxim. var. Iineariloba Maxim. was significantly lower in the upper late developing flowers when compared with the lower early flowers. Supplementation with outcross pollen did not improve female reproductive success of the upper flowers, while removal of the lower developing fruits significantly increased female reproductive success of the upper flowers in both years, evidencing resource limitation of the upper flowers. Female production in upper flowers was greatly improved by simultaneous pollen supplementation of the upper flowers and removal of the lower fruits, suggesting that, when resources are abundant, pollen may limit the female reproductive success of the upper flowers. The less seed mass in the upper flowers didn't increase in all treatments due to architecture. In the upper flowers, ovule production was significantly lower and the pollen : ovule ratio was significantly higher. These results suggest that male-biased sex allocation in the upper flowers may lead to increased male reproductive success, whereas the lower flowers have higher female reproductive success.  相似文献   

Willdenowia clade of Restionaceae was studied to understand patterns of reduction of floral elements and sample evidence for discussing the relationships of the group. All species studied are characterized by a concordant reductive trend involving the retardation/reduction of the perianth, the loss of the anterior carpel and the displacement of the remaining carpels, linked with a strongly compressed spikelet. Different modes of carpel reduction, such as a progressive or immediate loss, or fusion of two neighboring carpels, are presented and discussed. The most parsimonious event of gynoecium evolution for the Willdenowia clade is either the sterilization of two carpels in an originally trimerous gynoecium, followed by the loss of the anterior carpel, or the sudden loss of the anterior carpel, preceeding the sterilization of one lateral carpel. The concordant development of the taxa of the Willdenowia clade supports a one-time loss of a carpel and the homogeneity of the clade. Received 12 March 2001/ Accepted in revised form 29 May 2001  相似文献   

荷花(Nelumbo nucifera)的花型可分5种,最原始为单瓣型,然后由单瓣演化出半重瓣、重瓣、重台和千瓣型。为了揭示荷花重瓣化的分子机理,有必要从花器官的形态发育特征探究荷花花型成因及“重瓣化”的形态发育特征。实验分别选取5种荷花花型的代表品种:‘单洒锦’ (单瓣型)、‘大洒锦’ (重瓣型)、‘中山红台’ (重台型)、‘至尊千瓣’ (全重瓣型)、‘千瓣莲’ (千瓣型) 为材料,进行花芽分化过程形态的石蜡切片比较观察。结果发现:花芽分化过程中5个品种的萼片原基分化期和花瓣原基分化期相似,而雄蕊和雌蕊原基发育存在明显差异:单瓣、重瓣和重台品种均有正常的雄蕊和雌蕊原基分化;全重瓣品种发育初期有雄蕊及雌蕊原基分化,但后期全部瓣化;‘千瓣莲’品种不形成雄蕊和雌蕊原基,而是直接形成2至多个“花瓣增殖中心”,并由此不断分化出细小花瓣。研究认为重瓣型荷花品种的“重瓣化”花瓣主要来源于雄蕊的向心式瓣化,其次是雌蕊瓣化,属于雌雄蕊起源。而对于‘千瓣莲’型品种,花瓣的具体来源方式、花托是否直接参与瓣化及其在重瓣化过程中的作用有待于结合分子生物学手段开展进一步研究。  相似文献   

荷花“重瓣化”的花器官形态发育比较观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
荷花(Nelumbo nucifera)的花型可分5种,最原始为单瓣型,然后由单瓣演化出半重瓣、重瓣、重台和千瓣型。为了揭示荷花重瓣化的分子机理,有必要从花器官的形态发育特征探究荷花花型成因及“重瓣化”的形态发育特征。实验分别选取5种荷花花型的代表品种:‘单洒锦’(单瓣型)、‘大洒锦’(重瓣型)、‘中山红台’(重台型)、‘至尊千瓣’(全重瓣型)、‘千瓣莲’(千瓣型)为材料,进行花芽分化过程形态的石蜡切片比较观察。结果发现:花芽分化过程中5个品种的萼片原基分化期和花瓣原基分化期相似,而雄蕊和雌蕊原基发育存在明显差异:单瓣、重瓣和重台品种均有正常的雄蕊和雌蕊原基分化;全重瓣品种发育初期有雄蕊及雌蕊原基分化,但后期全部瓣化;‘千瓣莲’品种不形成雄蕊和雌蕊原基,而是直接形成2至多个“花瓣增殖中心”,并由此不断分化出细小花瓣。研究认为重瓣型荷花品种的“重瓣化”花瓣主要来源于雄蕊的向心式瓣化,其次是雌蕊瓣化,属于雌雄蕊起源。而对于‘千瓣莲’型品种,花瓣的具体来源方式、花托是否直接参与瓣化及其在重瓣化过程中的作用有待于结合分子生物学手段开展进一步研究。  相似文献   

SMITH  D. L. 《Annals of botany》1969,33(3):505-514
By using aseptic culture methods it has proved possible to studythe roles of leaves and roots in the control of inflorescenceinitiation and development in Carex. Removal of leaves upsetsinitiation and growth of the inflorescence and it is concludedthat the continued stimuli from the leaves essential for normaldevelopment are not supplied by leaves appreciably less thanhalf grown. Removal of roots or root apices upsets inflorescenceinitiation and branching. It is probable that a stimulus fromthe roots promotes initiation but is not essential, whereasa factor produced by actively growing roots is essential fornormal branching to occur. The only substance tested which couldalter the degree of branching was benzyladenine. On the evidenceavailable it is suggested that normal branching of the inflorescencemay depend on an adequate supply of cytokinin from the roots.  相似文献   

The genus Clusia L. is highly variable in many floral features. Several Clusia species have floral organs of mixed or uncertain identity, such as organs that are transitional between bracteoles and sepals, petaloid sepals, and partly petaloid stamen rings. Unique in Clusia is the "corona" of Clusia gundlachii Stahl, a thick, urn-shaped structure that is initiated as a ring primordium. In male flowers it surrounds a synandrium, and in female flowers it surrounds the ovary and a row of staminodes. The corona combines features typical of both petals and stamens of other Clusia species. It is hypothesized that this corona may be the result of the altered expression patterns of the genes that determine floral organ identity. Clusia gundlachii has many floral features in common with two small genera that are sometimes included in Clusia: Havetiopsis and Oedematopus. These genera have four thick connivent petals. Their apparent close relationship makes it seem likely that the corona of C. gundlachii evolved via congenital fusion of such petals. The corona is also somewhat similar to the staminodial rings present in many Clusia species, but taxa in which such organs occur show little similarity to C. gundlachii in terms of other floral characters.  相似文献   

为了解AGM3基因在异源植物中对开花及花器官发育的影响,采用农杆菌介导法将dominant negative mutation(DNM)结构基因35S-AGM3-E9导入烟草(Nicotiana tabacum),经PCR和Southern检测获得了一批阳性转化植株.荧光定量分析结果显示,AGM3在各个转基因株系中均有...  相似文献   

E. L. Cabot  A. W. Davis  N. A. Johnson    C. I. Wu 《Genetics》1994,137(1):175-189
We have analyzed the sterility associated with introgressions of the distal one-fourth of the X chromosome from either Drosophila mauritiana or Drosophila sechellia into the genome of Drosophila simulans using a series of visible and DNA markers. Because in Drosophila hybrids, male sterility is usually complete and is often tightly linked with each of several markers used in crosses, a simple genetic basis has generally been assumed. In our low resolution mapping experiment, we were not able to reject the null hypothesis that a single gene, introgressed from either D. mauritiana or D. sechellia, is the cause of male sterility. High resolution mapping, however, reveals a much more complex picture. At least three distinct factors from D. mauritiana, or two from D. sechellia, were identified that need to be jointly present to confer full sterility. Each individual factor by itself is relatively ineffective in causing sterility, or even a partial spermatogenic defect. Moreover, there appear to be more sterility factors on comparable introgressions from D. mauritiana than from D. sechellia. On the basis of these observations, we propose a model which suggests that multilocus weak allele interactions are a very common cause of reproductive incompatibility between closely related species. We also present theoretical argument and empirical evidence against extrapolating the results of within-species analysis to interpret the genetic basis of species differences. The implications of this model on the theories of evolution of species differences and the attempt to understand the mechanisms of hybrid sterility/inviability at the molecular level are discussed.  相似文献   

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