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Altering root morphology of rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars could improve yields in drought-prone upland ecosystems. Marker-assisted backcross breeding was used to introgress four QTLs for root traits into an upland rice cultivar. The QTLs had previously been identified under experimental conditions in a different genetic background. The introgressed lines and the recurrent parent were grown for 6 years by resource-poor farmers in upland sites in Eastern India and yields recorded. In combination the QTLs significantly increased yield by 1 t ha?1 under relatively favourable field conditions. In less favourable trials, the QTL effects were not detected due to greater heterogeneity in soil–water availability in very low yielding environments and consequent yield variability. Root studies under controlled conditions showed that lines with the introgressions had longer roots throughout tillering than the recurrent parent (14 cm longer 2 weeks after sowing). Therefore, both improved roots and increased yield can be attributed to the introgression of QTLs. This is the first demonstration that marker-assisted backcross breeding (MABC) to introgress multiple root QTLs identified under controlled conditions is an effective strategy to improve farmers’ yields of upland rice. The strategy was used to breed a novel upland rice cultivar that has been released in India as Birsa Vikas Dhan 111.  相似文献   

Genetic manipulation of crops to tolerate mineral stresses is a practical approach to improve productivity of tropical acid soils. Both acid soil tolerant (AS-T) and susceptible (AS-S) sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] genotypes were grown in the field on an acid ultisol at Quilichao, Colombia, South America at 60% (60-Al) and 40% (40-Al) Al saturation to evaluate plants for growth and yield traits. Except for days to flowering and root mass scores, AS-T genotypes showed no differences in growth (plant height, head length and width, second internode length and diameter, and acid soil toxicity rating) and yield (total and stover dry matter yields, grain yield, head yield, seeds per head, and 100-seed weight) traits when plants were grown at 60-Al or 40-Al. Plants grown at 60-Al were delayed in flowering and had lower root mass scores. The AS-S genotypes showed improvement for the growth and yield traits when grown at 40-Al compared to 60-Al. The growth and yield traits of the AS-S genotypes were usually less favorable for plants grown at 40-Al than the same traits were for the AS-T genotypes grown at 60-Al. Harvest indices (ratio of grain to total plant yield) were no different for the genotypes grown at 40-Al, and only slightly higher for the AS-T genotypes grown at 60-Al. Sorghum genotypes more tolerant to acid soil conditions showed favorable growth and yield traits when grown under relatively severe acid soil (60-Al, pH 4.1) conditions. Certain sorghum genotypes were able to adapt and effectively produce grain when grown on acid soils with few inputs to reduce acid soil toxicity problems. Published as Paper No. 6690, Journal Series, Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station. Funding received in part from the International Sorghum/Millet Collaborative Research Support Program (INTSORMIL CRSP) through US Agency for International Development (USAID) grant AID/DAN-1254-G-SS-5065-00 and project Nos. MS-111 (MSU) and NE-114 (UNL).  相似文献   

Vara Prasad  P.V.  Craufurd  P.Q.  Summerfield  R.J. 《Plant and Soil》2000,222(1-2):231-239
Groundnuts (Arachis hypogaea L.) grown in the semi-arid tropics are commonly exposed to air and soil temperatures above 35 °C during the reproductive period causing significant yield losses. The objectives of this study were to determine: (i) whether effects of high air and/or high soil temperature in two contrasting cultivars were similar; (ii) the effects of the timing of imposition of high air and soil temperature; (iii) the effects of high air, high soil and both stresses combined on yield and yield components; and (iv) whether the effects of high air and high soil temperature were additive or multiplicative. Plants were grown at optimum and ambient soil temperature from planting until start of podding at 45 d after planting (DAP) in Experiment 1, and until start of flowering at 28 DAP in Experiment 2. Thereafter, plants of each cultivar were exposed to a factorial combination of two air temperatures (optimum: 28°/22 °C and high: 38°/22 °C) and two soil temperatures (ambient: 26°/24 °C and high: 38°/30 °C) until final harvest at 90 DAP. The effects of high air and high soil temperatures imposed from start of flowering or podding were similar. Exposure to high air and/or high soil temperature significantly reduced total dry matter production, partitioning of dry matter to pods, and pod yields in both the cultivars. High air temperature had no significant effect on total flower production but significantly reduced the proportion of flowers setting pegs (fruit-set) and hence fruit numbers. In contrast, high soil temperature significantly reduced flower production, the proportion of pegs forming pods and 100 seed weight. The effects of high air and soil temperature were mostly additive and without interaction. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A major QTL affecting root traits and leaf ABA concentration was identified in maize (Zea mays L.) and named root-ABA1. For this QTL, back-cross-derived lines (BDLs) homozygous either for the (+) or for the (-) allele increasing or decreasing, respectively, root size and leaf ABA concentration, were developed. This study was conducted to evaluate the QTL effects in various genetic backgrounds and at different water regimes. The (+/+) and (-/-) BDLs were crossed with five or 13 inbred tester lines of different origin, thus producing two sets of test-crosses that were evaluated in Italy and China, respectively. Testing was conducted under both well-watered and water-stressed conditions. In Italy, the test-crosses derived from (+/+) BDLs, as compared with those derived from (-/-) BDLs, showed, across both water regimes, higher leaf ABA concentration (on average 384 versus 351 ng g(-1) DW) and lower root lodging (28.0 versus 52.5%), and lower grain yield under water-stressed conditions (4.88 versus 6.27 Mg ha(-1)). In China, where root lodging did not occur, the test-crosses derived from (+/+) BDLs were less productive at both water regimes (on average, 6.83 versus 7.49 Mg ha(-1)). The lower grain yield of the test-crosses derived from (+/+) BDLs was due to a lower number of ears per plant and to lower kernel weight. The results indicate that the (+) root-ABA1 allele confers not only a consistently lower susceptibility to root lodging but also a lower grain yield, especially when root lodging does not occur.  相似文献   

J. B. Reid 《Plant and Soil》1981,62(2):319-322
Summary Root hair production by young plants of lucerne, maize and perennial ryegrass grown in a sandy loam was assessed by examining roots growing at a soil-glass interface. Results are given for the percentage frequency distribution of root hair lengths and the numbers of root hairs produced per mm root. The mean lengths of root hairs observed on lucerne, maize and perennial ryegrass roots were 0.35, 0.90 and 1.12 mm respectively. Lucerne produced an average of 105 root hairs per mm of root, whereas maize produced 161 and perennial ryegrass produced 88. The total length of root hairs per mm length of root was estimated to be 37, 146 and 99 mm for lucerne, maize and perennial ryegrass resp. Letcombe Laboratory  相似文献   

Sands  Roger  Nugroho  Putranto B.  Leung  David W.M.  Sun  Osbert J.  Clinton  Peter W. 《Plant and Soil》2000,225(1-2):213-225
This study examined the reciprocal effects of growing ryegrass, lotus and other weed species in competition with radiata pine on soil CO2 and O2 concentrations and on the growth and root respiration of the radiata pine. Soil O2 concentrations decreased and soil CO2 concentrations increased with increasing soil depth. Radiata pine plus competing species slightly reduced soil O2 concentrations and markedly increased soil CO2 concentrations (up to 40 mmol mol−1) compared with radiata pine alone. The dry weights of shoots and roots, and the root respiration rates of radiata pine grown with competing vegetation were much less than those for radiata pine alone. This probably was not solely caused by competition for nutrients water or light since adequate water and nutrients were supplied to all treatments and the radiata pine overtopped the competing vegetation. When radiata pine roots were raised in NaHCO3 solutions equivalent to a range of CO2 concentrations, succinate dehydrogenase activity (a metabolic indicator of mitochondrial respiration) and elongation rates of roots decreased as CO2 concentrations increased from 0 to 40 mmol mol−1. This suggests that the elevated CO2 concentrations found in the experiments in soil was the cause, at least in part, of the reduced growth of radiata pine in competition with other species. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Asad  A.  Blamey  F. P. C.  Edwards  D. G. 《Plant and Soil》2002,243(2):243-252
Prediction of nitrogen (N) mineralization is important for specifying the optimum rate of N fertilizer for flooded rice at the time of sowing. To develop a predictive test, soils (0–0.1 m) were sampled from 22 farms throughout the rice-growing region of southern Australia over a 4-year period. Near infrared reflectance (NIR) spectra of the soils were compared with sixteen biological and chemical soil tests for the prediction of N-uptake by rice plants from these soils in the field and glasshouse. The aim of the study was to develop a soil-NIR calibration as an accurate, rapid and economical mineralization test. Nitrogen uptake by field-grown and glasshouse-grown plants was poorly correlated (r = 0.30), even though significant NIR calibrations were developed with both. Since N uptake by rice in the field was affected by varying weather and management, the field calibration is probably spurious. The calibration of soil NIR spectra with N uptake by glasshouse plants was satisfactory, with a standard error (SE) of 13 kg ha–1 over a range of 11 – 95 kg ha–1, and a correlation between calculated and measured N uptake (r = 0.87, P<0.001). An even better soil-NIR calibration was found with N-mineralization after 21 days of anaerobic incubation (SE 16 mg kg–1, range 52–175 mg kg–1). Analysis of the soil spectra showed that similar wavelengths were correlated with both plant-N uptake and mineralization. NIR spectroscopy shows considerable potential to predict soil N mineralization, and may assist future fertiliser decision support.  相似文献   

Drought and waterlogging are important abiotic stresses negatively affecting plant growth and development. They are transiently recurring in rainfed lowlands and in water-saving system practicing intermittent irrigation. This study aimed to determine the contribution of plastic development and associated physiological responses of roots to shoot dry matter production under transient soil moisture stresses. To minimize effect of genetic confounding, a selected line (CSSL47) drawn from 54 chromosome segment substitution lines (CSSL) of Nipponbare (japonica type) carrying an overlapping chromosome segments of Kasalath (indica type), was used and compared with the recurrent parent Nipponbare. Under transient droughted-to-waterlogged (D–W) conditions, CSSL47 showed greater shoot dry matter production than Nipponbare. This was due largely to its greater root system development through high induction of aerenchyma formation. Consequently, aerenchyma development effectively facilitated the internal diffusion of oxygen (O2) to the root tips under sudden waterlogged condition supporting rapid recovery of stomatal conductance, transpiration, and photosynthesis. Likewise, CSSL47 showed greater shoot dry matter production than Nipponbare under transient waterlogged-to-droughted (W–D) conditions. This was due to CSSL47’s greater root system development through more initiation of L type lateral roots that effectively maintained soil water uptake. This in turn sustained higher stomatal conductance, transpiration, and photosynthesis. Results implied that utilization of CSSLs could precisely reveal that root plastic development in response to transient soil moisture stresses contributed to the maintenance of shoot dry matter production.  相似文献   

The contribution of below ground plant root tissue to soil carbon (C) pools is attracting considerable interest in the context of greenhouse gas mitigation options. A field experiment was conducted on a perennial ryegrass/white clover pasture in the Manawatu, New Zealand, to examine the effect of differing soil nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) fertility status on root dynamics. Root standing mass, shoot and root dry matter (DM) accumulation and root tissue decomposition were measured at 6–8 week intervals over one year at moderate (Olsen P?=?24, no added N) and high (Olsen P?=?49, 400 kgN ha?1y?1 added N) soil fertility levels. Shoot production was significantly greater in the high fertility treatment (2550 cf. 1890 gDM m?2y?1) but differences in root dynamics were confined to two periods in spring and winter. In late spring the pattern was for lower root mass (183 cf. 231 gDM m?2 between 0–80 mm depth) and higher root production (0.71 cf. 0.52 gDM m?2 d?1 between 0–120 mm depth) under higher fertility. In winter the reverse was observed. There is some evidence that the soil type used in the root in-growth cores underestimated root production values for this site by a factor of approx. one third. Short-term differences between the two fertiity treatments in standing root mass and root production did not lead to treatment differences in topsoil C and N changes over four years. This may reflect insufficient separation in the two soil fertility treatments and a low overall root tissue input to soil organic matter.  相似文献   

Iron deficiency chlorosis (FeDC) is a common disorder for sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] grown on alkaline calcareous soils. Four sorghum genotypes were grown in growth chambers on a low Fe (1.3 g/g DTPA-extractable), alkaline (pH 8.0), calcareous (3.87% CaCO3 equivalent) Aridic Haplustoll to determine effects of different soil temperatures (12, 17, 22 and 27°C at a constant 27°C air temperature) on various root and shoot growth traits and development of FeDC. As soil temperature increased, leaf chlorosis became more severe, and shoot and root dry weights, root lengths, and leaf areas increased markedly. Shoot/root ratios, shoot weight/root length, leaf area/shoot weight and leaf area/root weight and root length also increased while root length/root weight decreased as soil temperature increased. Severe FeDC developed in all genotypes even though genotypes had previously shown different degrees of resistance to FeDC. Genotypes differed in most growth traits, especially dry matter yields, root lengths, and leaf areas, but most traits did not appear to be related to genotype resistance to FeDC. The most FeDC resistant genotype had the slowest growth rate and this may be a mechanism for its greater resistance to FeDC.  相似文献   

Summary In two greenhouse experiments, sphagnum peat, adjusted to various pH levels, was used to study the effect of various levels of Fe on the growth of carrots (Daucus carota L., var. sativa D.C.). The Fe was added to the medium as sequesterine 330 chelate. Maximum carrot root and top tissue yields were obtained at soil pH 6.6 and 7.1. At soil pH 5.2 and 7.8 the yields were in the intermediate range. The yields were low at pH 4.3, 4.5 and 8.1 and at pH 8.4 the carrots did not grow. The chlorotic symptoms on carrot leaves, accom-panied by reduced yields, were associated with 39 to 82 ppm Fe and > 332 ppm Mn in the leaf and were likely due to Mn toxicity. Toxic levels of Mn in tissue were found even at soil pH 8.1 and were associated with reduced carrot yields. The leaf tissue concentrations of Fe and Mn decreased as the pH of soil increased; however, at pH 5.2, 7.8, and 8.1 the tissue Mn concentration increased. The added Fe had no effect on the Fe concentration but decreased the Mn and Zn concentration of leaf tissue and increased carrot root yields. There was a significant interaction between added lime and Fe, whereby the decrease in leaf tissue Mn concentration and increases in root yields with added Fe were much greater at pH 4.5 and 5.2 than at pH values of 6.6 and 7.8. The S concentration in the leaf tissue decreased with added Fe and lime. The leaf tissue Zn concentrations of 184 to 490 ppm and S concentrations of 0.32 to 0.63%, as found here, are considered to be high but not in the toxic range.Contribution No. 321, Research Station, Charlottetown, P.E.I. and No. 1534, Research Station, Kentville, N.S.Contribution No. 321, Research Station, Charlottetown, P.E.I. and No. 1534, Research Station, Kentville, N.S.  相似文献   

Root growth inhibition is an early symptom of Al toxicity and B deficiency. Our hypothesis is that Al toxicity may induce B deficiency, and it was our objective to determine if incorporation of supplemental B would promote root penetration into an acidic, high-Al subsoil. Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L. cv. Hy-Phy) was grown in slanted tubes with a Plexiglas window along their length. The top half of the tub contained silt loam soil and the bottom half contained subsoil from the Bt1 horizon (26% Al saturation) of a Creldon silty clay loam. Both soils originally contained 0–9 kg B ha?1. When root growth was measured in the bottom half of the high-A1 subsoil, all measurements—depth of rooting, total root growth, final root lengths and root dry weight—demonstrated greater root growth in treatments where additional B was incorporated into the high-Al subsoil. Results from this soil study extend those obtained in our hydroponic study in which supplemental B presented Al inhibition of root growth. Boron concentrations may need to he increased under acidic ‘high-Al’ soil conditions to promote root penetration into these soil zones, and this could be especially important during periods of drought stress.  相似文献   

The utility of an urban solid waste, either freshly composted or vermicomposted, for improvement of plant growth in a soil B horizon was investigated. Growth, mineral nutrition and arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) colonization of cucumber and red clover plants were studied in an experiment carried out under controlled growing conditions, using different mixtures of soil and composts as plant substrates. Soil inoculation with the AM fungus Acaulospora sp. did not benefit growth of plants when soil was used as the only substrate, possibly due to its poor fertility. Results showed that neither mycorrhizal plant species grew when soil was mixed with composted urban waste or when compost was used as the only substrate. However, amendment of soil with 10 or 50% vermicompost significantly increased dry matter yields of red clover and cucumber plants, compared to treatments where soil was the only substrate. Addition of vermicompost also increased Olsen-P and other mineral elements in soil and shoot P, Ca, Mg, Cu, Mn and Zn concentrations, but caused a significant reduction on root length colonized by AM fungi in red clover plants. It is concluded that application of high amounts of vermicompost from composted urban wastes to soils might cause a significant reduction of activity of AM fungi, which must be taken into account when using these organic amendments in agricultural systems.  相似文献   

 The effect of arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) on white clover and ryegrass grown together in a soil spiked with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) was assessed in a pot experiment. The soil was spiked with 500 mg kg–1 anthracene, 500 mg kg–1 chrysene and 50 mg kg–1 dibenz(a,h)anthracene, representing common PAH compounds with three, four and five aromatic rings, respectively. Three treatments and two harvest times (8 and 16 weeks) were imposed on plants grown in spiked soil: no mycorrhizal inoculation, mycorrhizal inoculation (Glomus mosseae P2, BEG 69) and mycorrhizal inoculation and surfactant addition (Triton X-100). Pots without PAH were also included as a control of plant growth and mycorrhizal colonization as affected by PAH additions. The competitive ability of clover vis-à-vis ryegrass regarding shoot and root growth was enhanced by AM, but reduced by PAH and the added surfactant. This was reflected by mycorrhizal root colonization which was moderate for clover (20–40% of total root length) and very low for ryegrass (0.5–5% of total root length). Colonization of either plant was similar in spiked soil with and without the added surfactant, but the PAH reduced colonization of clover to half that in non-spiked soil. P uptake was maintained in mycorrhizal clover when PAH were added, but was reduced in non-mycorrhizal clover and in mycorrhizal clover that received surfactant. Similar effects were not observed on ryegrass. These results are discussed in the context of the natural attenuation of organic pollutants in soils. Accepted: 12 June 2000  相似文献   

Oxygen shortage in soils can occur following a wide range of natural circumstances, affecting the plant's physiology. In this paper the performance of nodulated lucerne plants under severe hypoxia is examined and the mechanisms involved to achieve this adaptation are discussed. Nodulated lucerne plants ( Medicago sativa L.) were grown with their rooting medium exposed to 1 or 21 kPa oxygen. Final yield, as expressed on a shoot dry weight basis, was unaffected but root and nodule dry weights were reduced by 50%. Water content in roots and nodules was higher at 1 kPa as a result of the formation of aerenchyma. Specific acetylene reduction activity was higher in hypoxic nodules as a consequence of modified nodule structure, although they were more sensitive to the presence of acetylene or nitrate. Root respiration was insensitive to changes in external oxygen supply, therefore providing adequate support for mineral uptake. Nodule respiration rates were 5 times higher in control plants when measured as CO2 evolution, whereas no differences were observed in O2 uptake. It is suggested that adaptation of nodulated lucerne to low oxygen concentrations involves changes in photosynthate allocation and nodule morphology, which provide a more efficient nitrogen fixation.  相似文献   

Lithium was used as a non-radioactive tracer to investigate the root activity of two cereals (wheat and barley), and of two contrasting cultivars of pea (leafy and semi-leafless), both in pure stands and in mixtures. The mixtures included combinations of each cereal with each pea cultivar in single rows, alternative rows and cross-drilled. Total lithium uptake (mg m-2) was higher for wheat than for barley, and higher for semi-leafless pea than for leafy peas. Growing cereals with peas reduced the total lithium uptake by peas, compared with pure stands, especially in alternate-row mixtures. Growing peas with cereals only reduced the total Li uptake by cereals when they were cross-drilled. The Li uptake by wheat, barley and peas generally decreased with soil depth in a similar manner; however, semi-leafless peas absorbed proportionately more Li from close to the soil surface than did leafy peas. Both pea cultivars absorbed more Li at 10–20 cm depth when grown in intimate mixtures with cereals, compared with less intimate mixtures or pure stands. The potential of lithium as a non-radioactive tracer in mixed-cropping studies is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The first objective of this study was to map and characterize quantitative trait loci (QTL) for grain yield (GY) and for secondary traits under varying nitrogen (N) supply. To achieve this objective, a segregating F2:3 population previously developed for QTL mapping under water-limited conditions was used. The population was evaluated in Mexico under low N conditions in the dry winter season and under low and high N conditions in the wet summer season. From eight QTLs identified for GY under low N conditions, two were also detected under high N conditions. Five QTLs were stable across the two low N environments and five co-localized with QTLs identified for the anthesis-silking interval (ASI) or for the number of ears per plant (ENO) under low N conditions. The percentage of the phenotypic variance expressed by all QTLs for ASI and ENO was quite different when evaluated under low N conditions during the dry winter (40% for ASI and 22% for ENO) and the wet summer seasons (22% for ASI and 46% for ENO). The results suggest optimizing different breeding strategies based on selection index depending on the growing season. Good QTL colocalization was observed for ASI (four QTLs) and ENO (three QTLs) when looking at QTL identified under low N and water-limited conditions in the same population. The results suggest that that both secondary traits can be used in breeding programs for simultaneous improvement of maize against low N and drought stresses.  相似文献   

The study aimed to determine the effects of red clover (Trifolium pratense) silage with high phyto-oestrogen content on ewe performance during their first breeding season. Red clover silage containing formononetin, biochanin A, genistein, and daidzein was fed to 10 nulliparous ewes of the prolific Finnish Landrace breed before, during and after the breeding season, for a total of 5 months. A control group of 10 ewes was fed with grass silage. The mean numbers of foetuses per pregnancy were 2.1±0.7 and 2.2±0.8 for the red clover and control groups, respectively. The total mass of the uterus with its contents was significantly greater in ewes of the red clover group compared with those of the control group. This difference was mainly explained by the greater volume of foetal fluids. Serum progesterone concentration in the red clover group was significantly lower over the entire period analysed than in the control group. In conclusion, the fecundity of the ewes was not reduced by red clover feed with high phyto-oestrogen concentrations. The volume of foetal fluids increased that could increase the risk for vaginal prolapse before the term.  相似文献   

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