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Conclusion and Issues for Further Investigation This last result leads, rather naturally, to some concluding observations and a series of questions for further investigation. These case studies show that in all of the sites examined, the institutionalization of molecular biology as a discipline was primarily driven by the need to separate groups of practitioners with divergent but overlapping interests within the local context. Thus molecular biology was contingently separated from agricultural or medical biochemistry, virology, work on the physiology of nucleic acids, and so forth for contingent local institutional reasons. This makes it even more pressing to try to understand how molecular biology came to be delimited on a larger scale. How did it come to be a discipline with specific intellectual content (or did it?), including some problems, tools, and practices and excluding others? How did it gain authority as the forefront biological science by the mid-1960s? We need to understand the ways in which the tensions between different practices, projects, aims, understandings of the goals of molecular biology, and so on were resolved, on what scale and in what venues, so that something approximating the political character of a discipline, rather than a federation, was achieved. If these case studies provide a sound starting point, it will nevertheless prove difficult to answer the interconnected questions implicit here satisfactorily.One means of getting at such questions that should prove of considerable interest is to examine carefully the work of those who were widely cited in the papers of the late fifties through the mid-seventies by the people now considered major founders of molecular biology. By studying the contributions of those who are now omitted in the standard histories and recollections, we will gain a clearer sense of the possibilities that were open as molecular biology took shape. It is already widely recognized that the contributions of a number of biochemists have been given short shrift, but (as the example of Ernest Gale in Rheinberger's study illustrates) there are a great many more figures whose line of work were then crucial but who are now overlooked.6 To understand both what molecular biology was at the time of its early institutionalization and what is has become, it will be enormously helpful to understand at what point the definition or ideology hardened and the grounds for inclusion and exclusion of individuals and lines of work were reformed. Studies of this sort are appropriate in many other areas as well, of course; in general, they should different histories, political standing, and institutional bases of those disciplines in their national cultures. It is likely (but a matter for investigation!) that such differences influenced the opportunities for introducing new bench practices, if in no other way than by delimiting the niches within which certain practices could be initiated.7 And since new practices can fail to achieve their objectives, can transform the direction of work and disciplinary allegiances of their practitioners, can lead to only routine results, or can open up important new vistas, the character of the available niches from which to work can prove to have a strong influence on the direction that new work takes if and when it starts to flourish. A key aspect of this problematic (not yet adequately studied, I believe) is the problem of drawing boundaries between different kinds of work and determining where each should fit among established disciplines and/or within some new construct. To the extent that an international solution is ultimately achieved to such problems, it must surely be achieved in light of initially different ways of dealing with it in different countries.Underlying work of the sort we have been exploring is the thorny problem of how best to contextualize the work being studied. This, I believe, is one of the major historiographic problems that we must face in the history of science. It is by no means a new problem, of course, but a particularization of the age-old problem of the (seeming) overdetermination of historical events. If we deal with local cultures, to understand how they develop and their fate we need to understand their location within larger cultures. But it is utterly unclear how to draw appropriate boundaries on the relevant larger culture(s). As even this brief discussion has shown, institutional cultures, the cultures of sponsoring agencies, the culture of science (or of biological science, physical science, etc., as appropriate), and national cultures all can provide relevant contexts, all can occasionally determine the fate of work undertaken in a particular local context. The potentially intractable problem of delimiting the boundaries of investigation looms large here, but it is one that must be faced explicity if we are to profit fully from the enormously stimulating investigations of local cultures exemplified in the four papers published in this symposium. My own view is that we have no abstract standard available for determining which boundaries are appropriate to a given study, and, indeed, that no single contextualization is adequate to the examination of any given case, but that, nonetheless, we can (at least sometimes) distinguish useful and explanatory delimitations of the larger context from others that prove to be misleading.Against this background, I hope that the four papers published in this special issue will stimulate the readers of the JHB to carry out similar studies—that is, studies that seek to characterize and contextualize local experimental cultures —over a wide range of cases. I also hope that some of those who take up this challenge will deal with the larger questions raised by the need to find a way of balancing different, sometimes competing, contextualizations of such studies. The fact that any given case requires multiple contextualizations, resulting in multifaceted representations no one of which is alone adequate, will surely land us in fascinating, hopefully fruitful and productive, controversies.  相似文献   

Comparison of the complete mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of the high-Arctic ringed seal (Phoca hispida) and the sub-Arctic harbour (P. vitulina) and grey (Halichoerus grypus) seals shows that they are genetically equidistant from one another. We relate the evolutionary divergence of the three species to expanding glaciation in the Arctic Basin and establish, in conjunction with mtDNA data, a standard reference for calibration of recent divergence events among mammalian taxa. In the present study, we apply the “Phoca standard” to the dating of divergences within the hominid phylogenetic tree. After determining the relative rates of substitution over all mitochondrial protein-coding genes in the different evolutionary lineages, we estimate that humans and chimpanzees diverged from each other 6.1 Mya (95% confidence limits: 5.2–6.9 Mya). The corresponding lower-limit divergence between common chimpanzee,Pan troglodytes, and pygmy chimpanzee,P. paniscus, occurred 3 (2.4–3.6) Mya, and the primary split within theP. troglodytes complex 1.6 (1.3–2.0) Mya. The analyses suggest that the split betweenGorilla andPan/Homo occurred 8.4 (7.3–9.4) Mya. They also suggest thatPongo (orangutan) and the lineage leading to gorillas, chimpanzees, and humans diverged 18.1 (16.5–19.6) Mya. The present analysis is independent of the hominid paleontological record and inferential morphological interpretations and thus is a novel approach to the lower-limit dating of recent divergences. Correspondence to: U. Arnason  相似文献   

Nutritional systems biology may be defined as the ultimate goal of molecular nutrition research, where all relevant aspects of regulation of metabolism in health and disease states at all levels of its complexity are taken into account to describe the molecular physiology of nutritional processes. The complexity spans from intracellular to inter-organ dynamics, and involves iterations between mathematical modelling and analysis employing all profiling methods and other biological read-outs. On the basis of such dynamic models we should be enabled to better understand how the nutritional status and nutritional challenges affect human metabolism and health. Although the achievement of this proposition may currently sound unrealistic, many initiatives in theoretical biology and biomedical sciences work on parts of the solution. This review provides examples and some recommendations for the molecular nutrition research arena to move onto the systems level.  相似文献   

The multifunctional AAA-ATPase p97/VCP is one of the most extensively studied members of this protein family, yet it presents the field with many perplexing questions surrounding its mechanism of substrate engagement and processing. Recent discoveries have unmasked a new purgatorial identity for this molecule in the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway, specifically its role in linking ubiquitylated substrates with competing ubiquitin conjugation and deconjugation machineries. Furthermore, biochemical studies surprisingly identify the C-terminal D2 ring as essential for substrate interaction, thus bringing p97 one step closer to its prokaryotic AAA protease relatives.  相似文献   

Summary By using oligonucleotide hybridization, restriction endonuclease analysis and direct sequencing of amplified genomic DNA, we have been able to characterize 18 different mutations in the -globin genes of 161 thalassemia homozygotes and 107 -thalassemia heterozygotes from Turkey (429 -thalassemia chromosomes). Previous studies dealing with -thalassemia in Mediterranean countries have shown that, in most Mediterranean populations, only a few mutations are prevalent. In contrast, -thalassemia in Turkey does not seem to be associated with a few predominant mutations. The six most frequent alleles, IVS-I-110 (GA), IVS-I-6(TC), FSC-8 (-AA), IVS-I-1(GA), -30(TA) and FSC-5 (CT), account for only 69.3% of the disease genes; indeed, all 26 mutations assayed represent 85.8% of the disease genes, confirming the considerable molecular heterogeneity of -thalassemia among Turks, and indicating the possible presence of rare, previously undefined, mutations in the population. Two mutations observed in this study, IVS-I-116 (TG) and Cd44(-C), have not been reported in the Turkish population to date. Since preventive medical services, such as genetic counseling and prenatal diagnosis, are greatly improved by detailed knowledge of the molecular pathology of thalassemia, we strongly believe that the presented data will facilitate the intended establishment of a prenatal diagnosis center, based on DNA analysis, in Turkey.  相似文献   

Explanations for protoplasmic streaming began with appeals to contraction in the eighteenth century and ended with appeals to contraction in the twentieth. During the intervening years, biologists prop...  相似文献   

γ-Crystallins constitute the major protein component in the nucleus of the vertebrate eye lens. Present at very high concentrations, they exhibit extreme solubility and thermodynamic stability to prevent scattering of light and formation of cataracts. However, functions beyond this structural role have remained mostly unclear. Here, we calculate molecular refractive index increments of crystallins. We show that all lens γ-crystallins have evolved a significantly elevated molecular refractive index increment, which is far above those of most proteins, including nonlens members of the βγ-crystallin family from different species. The same trait has evolved in parallel in crystallins of different phyla, including S-crystallins of cephalopods. A high refractive index increment can lower the crystallin concentration required to achieve a suitable refractive power of the lens and thereby reduce their propensity to aggregate and form cataracts. To produce a significant increase in the refractive index increment, a substantial global shift in amino acid composition is required, which can naturally explain the highly unusual amino acid composition of γ-crystallins and their functional homologues. This function provides a new perspective for interpreting their molecular structure.  相似文献   

Public T-cell responses, in which T cells bearing identical T-cell receptors (TCRs) are observed to dominate the response to the same antigenic epitope in multiple individuals, have long been a focus of immune T-cell repertoire studies. However, the mechanism that enables the survival of a specific TCR from the diverse repertoire produced in the thymus through to its involvement in a public immune response remains unclear. In this Opinion article, we propose that the frequency of production of T cells bearing different TCRs during recombination has an important role in the sharing of TCRs in an immune response, with variable levels of 'convergent recombination' driving production frequencies.  相似文献   

This paper presents the basis of DNA genealogy, a new field of science, which is currently emerging as an unusual blend of biochemistry, history, linguistics, and chemical kinetics. The methodology of the new approach is comprised of chemical (biological) kinetics applied to a pattern of mutations in non-recombinant fragments of DNA (Y chromosome and mtDNA, the latter not being considered in this overview). The goal of the analysis is to translate DNA mutation patterns into time spans to the most recent common ancestors of a given population or tribe and to the dating of ancient migration routes. To illustrate this approach, time spans to the common ancestors are calculated for ethnic Russians, that is Eastern Slavs (R1a1 tribe), Western Slavs (I1 and I2 tribes), and Northern (or Uralic) Slavs (N1c tribe), which were found to live around 4600 years before present (R1a1), 3650 ybp (I1), 3000 and 10,500 ybp (I2, two principal DNA lineages), and 3525 ybp (N1c) (confidence intervals are given in the main text). The data were compared with the respective dates for the nearest common ancestor of the R1a1 “Indo-European” population in India, who lived 4050 years before present, whose descendants represent the majority of the upper castes in India today (up to 72%). Furthermore, it was found that the haplotypes of ethnic Russians of the R1a1 haplogroup (up to 62% of the population in the Russian Federation) and those of the R1a1 Indians (more than 100 million today) are practically identical to each other, up to 67-marker haplotypes. This essentially solves a 200-year-old mystery of who were the Aryans who arrived in India around 3500 years before the present. Haplotypes and time spans to the ancient common ancestors were also compared for the ethnic Russians of haplogroups I1 and I2, on one hand, and the respective I1 and I2 populations in Eastern and Western Europe and Scandinavia, on the other. It is suggested that the approach described in this overview lays the foundation for “molecular history”, in which the principal tool is high-technology analysis of DNA molecules of both our contemporaries and excavated ancient DNA samples, along with their biological kinetics.  相似文献   

Molecular ecology methods based on 18S rRNA amplification and sequencing have revealed an astounding diversity of microbial eukaryotes in every environment sampled so far. This is certainly true of new species and genera, as essentially every new survey discovers a wealth of novel diversity at this level. This is almost certain for taxa that are higher in taxonomic hierarchy, as many molecular surveys reported novel clades within established protistan phyla, with some of these clades repeatedly confirmed by subsequent studies. It may also be that the molecular approaches discovered several lineages of the highest taxonomic order, but this claim has not been vigorously verified as yet. Overall, the field of protistan diversity remains in its infancy. The true scale of this diversity is unknown, and so are the distribution of this diversity, its patterns, spatial and temporal dynamics, and ecological role. The sampled diversity appears to be just the tip of the iceberg, and this offers outstanding opportunities for microbial discovery for the purposes of both basic and applied research. Special Issue: Protist diversity and geographic distribution. Guest editor: W. Foissner.  相似文献   

Kaposi’s sarcoma (KS)-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) is the eighth and most recently identified human herpesvirus (HHV-8). KSHV was discovered in 1994 by Chang et al. who used representational difference analysis to search for DNA sequences present in AIDS-associated KS but not in adjacent normal skin [1]. The virus has since been shown to be specifically associated with all forms of this disease and has fulfilled all of Hill’s criteria for causation (reviewed in [2]). KSHV is also found in all cases of primary effusion lymphoma [3] and in a plasmablastic variant of multicentric Castleman’s disease [4], [5]. Over the last few years a wealth of data has been gained on the role of KSHV genes during infection. This review is an attempt to assemble this information into a more complete picture of how KSHV may cause disease.  相似文献   

《Carbohydrate research》1986,153(2):205-216
The crystal and molecular structure of octa-O-acetyl-α-laminaribiose is compared with those of disaccharides, and their acetylated derivatives, related to polysaccharides of the laminarin and curdlan type. Marked differences are found in the endo- and exo-cyclic torsion angles as well as in the molecular geometry of the glycosidic linkage. The conformation of AcO-6′ provides the first experimental evidence of the theoretically predicted gauche-trans-gauche conformation. This conformational change, together with the α-orientation of AcO-1, alters the overall shape of the molecule and influences the packing features. The effect of the acetylation is also examined in terms of calculated conformational energy maps.  相似文献   

Limited information exists regarding molecular events that occurred during the evolution of C(4) plants from their C(3) ancestors. The enzyme β-carbonic anhydrase (CA; EC, which catalyses the reversible hydration of CO(2), is present in multiple forms in C(3) and C(4) plants, and has given insights into the molecular evolution of the C(4) pathway in the genus Flaveria. cDNAs encoding three distinct isoforms of β-CA, CA1-CA3, have been isolated and examined from Flaveria C(3) and C(4) congeners. Sequence data, expression analyses of CA orthologues, and chloroplast import assays with radiolabelled CA precursor proteins from the C(3) species F. pringlei Gandoger and the C(4) species F. bidentis (L.) Kuntze have shown that both contain chloroplastic and cytosolic forms of the enzyme, and the potential roles of these isoforms are discussed. The data also identified CA3 as the cytosolic isoform important in C(4) photosynthesis and indicate that the C(4) CA3 gene evolved as a result of gene duplication and neofunctionalization, which involved mutations in coding and non-coding regions of the ancestral C(3) CA3 gene. Comparisons of the deduced CA3 amino acid sequences from Flaveria C(3), C(4), and photosynthetic intermediate species showed that all the C(3)-C(4) intermediates investigated and F. brownii, a C(4)-like species, have a C(3)-type CA3, while F. vaginata, another C(4)-like species, contains a C(4)-type CA3. These observations correlate with the photosynthetic physiologies of the intermediates, suggesting that the molecular evolution of C(4) photosynthesis in Flaveria may have resulted from a temporally dependent, stepwise modification of protein-encoding genes and their regulatory elements.  相似文献   

The uptake and removal of necrotic or lysed cells involves inflammation and an immune response, due in part to processes that involve members of the collectin family, surface calreticulin and CD91. Clearance of apoptotic cells, by contrast, does not induce either inflammation or immunity. Could the phosphatidylserine receptor be the molecular switch that determines what the outcome will be?  相似文献   

Secretion systems are specialized in transport of proteins, DNA or nutrients across the cell envelope of bacteria and enable them to communicate with their environment. The chaperone–usher (CU) pathway is used for assembly and secretion of a large family of long adhesive protein polymers, termed pili, and is widespread among Gram-negative pathogens [1]. Moreover, recent evidence has indicated that CU secretion systems are also involved in sporulation  and . In this review we focus on the structural biology of the paradigmatic type 1 and P pili CU systems encoded by uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC), where recent progress has provided unprecedented insights into pilus assembly and secretion mechanism. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Protein trafficking and secretion in bacteria. Guest Editors: Anastassios Economou and Ross Dalbey.  相似文献   

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