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 喜旱莲子草(Alternanthera philoxeroides)是一种水陆两栖的外来杂草,我国1986年从美国引进了该草的专食性天敌莲草直胸跳甲(Agasicles hygrophila)进行生物防治。该天敌的化蛹能力受喜旱莲子草不同生态型的影响,从而影响到其生物防治的效果。从形态解剖的角度结合天敌和寄主植物的田间生理生态学研究了其机理。结果表明:水生型喜旱莲子草无次生结构,而陆生型则具紧密的次生结构和丰富的晶体;不同生态型的喜旱莲子草茎秆形态和结构特征有显著差异,同一生态型草不同位置结构特征也存在显著差异。主成分分析和聚类分析结果表明当λ=3.56时,不同生态型不同节间位置可分为3类,这3类正好可解释田间喜旱莲子草受控制的情况。相关分析表明莲草直胸跳甲的化蛹率与茎秆节间长、茎秆外直径、髓腔成简单正相关,与皮层薄壁细胞厚度和密度、维管束厚度及髓腔薄壁细胞的厚度成简单负相关;用逐步回归建立了化蛹率与形态和解剖结构特性的模型(y=1.533 2-0.248 3x3-0.051 2x4-1.634 9x5-0.957 7x6R2=0.999 9),表明茎秆直径大小不是影响莲草直胸跳甲化蛹能力的最重要因子,主要原因为维管柱的厚度,其次髓部薄壁细胞厚度、皮层密度和皮层厚度也不同程度影响了莲草直胸跳甲的化蛹能力。从解剖学角度解释了莲草直胸跳甲对不同生态型喜旱莲子草控制作用的机理:对水生型喜旱莲子草有良好控制效果,而对陆生的中间型能起到一定抑制作用,对陆生的旱生型基本无控制作用。  相似文献   

Investigation of the morphology and physiology of the mistletoe, Phoradendron tomentosum subsp. tomentosum, in Texas reveals that the subspecies is differentiated into at least two ecological races, one in north central Texas, the other in south central Texas. The races differ in leaf length/width ratio, fruit diameter, seed set, spike internode length, freeze tolerance, and flavonoid patterns. Clines occur in leaf length/width ratio and fruit diameter between the races, and these characteristics are negatively correlated. The northern race generally exhibits greater freeze tolerance than the southern race. Field observations, herbarium specimens, and a collection of fresh specimens from northeastern Mexico indicate that a third race in the subspecies may exist there. Racial variation within the subspecies appears to permit it to occupy a diversity of habitats. Morphological and physiological patterns within the two Texas races suggest that introgressive hybridization has occurred between them, allowing for the occupation of intermediate habitats.  相似文献   

1. The experiments show that the mass of air roots formed in a stem increases with the mass of the leaf attached to the stem, though it has not been possible to establish an exact mathematical relation between the two masses, owing to unavoidable sources of error. 2. Darkened leaves do not increase the mass of roots formed. 3. In stems suspended horizontally air roots appear on the lower side of the stem, with the exception of the cut end where they usually appear around the whole circumference of the stem. When the lower half of a stem suspended horizontally is cut off, roots are formed on the upper side. It is shown by experiments on leaves suspended horizontally that the more rapidly growing roots and shoots on the lower side inhibit the root and shoot formation in the upper half of such a leaf; and likewise the more rapid formation of roots on the lower side of a horizontally suspended stem seems to account for the inhibition of root formation on the upper side of such a stem. Likewise the more rapid growth of shoots on the upper side of a stem suspended horizontally is likely to inhibit the growth of shoots on the lower side. 4. Each leaf contains in its axil a preformed bud capable of giving rise to a root, which never grows out in the normal stem on account of the inhibitory influence of the normal roots at the base of the plant. These dormant root buds are situated above (apically from) the dormant shoot bud. The apical root buds can be caused to develop into air roots when a piece of stem is cut out from a plant from which the leaves except those in the basal node of the piece are removed. The larger these basal leaves the better the experiments succeed. 5. These apical air roots grow out in a few days, while the roots at the basal end of the stem (which in our experiments dip into water) grow out about a week later. As soon as the basal roots grow out in water they cause the air roots in the more apical region of the stem to dry out and to disappear. 6. In addition to the basal roots, basal nodes have also an inhibitory effect on the growth of the dormant root buds in the apical region of a stem. This is indicated by the fact that a stem with one pair of leaves near the base will form apical air roots more readily when no node is situated on the stem basally from the leaf than if there is a node basally from the leaf.  相似文献   

毛乌素沙地锦鸡儿(Caragana)种群形态变异   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
以柠条锦鸡儿(Caraganakorshinskii)人工种群为对照,研究了自然分布在内蒙古毛乌素沙地各类生境(硬梁、覆沙硬梁、覆沙软梁、覆沙滩地和沙丘)的9个锦鸡儿种群的具分种意义的形态特征的变异。荚果长度在一个植株内是比较稳定的性状;但在各个种群内、种群间变异很大,覆盖了小叶锦鸡儿(C.microphylla)、中间锦鸡儿(C.intermedia)和柠条锦鸡儿3个种的范围。同一生境不同种群以及不同生境种群的比较,说明,.决定荚果长度的主要是遗传因素,环境因子如水分条件可能只起次要作用。每个自然种群荚果长度的分布出现几个峰值,说明种群遗传组成的异质性。小叶形状和被毛的资料也说明各个种群内和种群间的异质性。看来,该地区锦鸡儿是上述3种锦鸡儿的杂种带(Hybridzone).形态变异资料也说明毛乌素沙地在遗体多样性方面也是生态过渡带。  相似文献   

1. In Bryophyllum calycinum two apical leaves suppress the shoot formation in all the dormant buds situated basally from the leaf; one apical leaf suppresses the shoot formation in the basal buds situated in the same half of the stem where the leaf is, and, if one-half of the petiole of such a leaf is removed, the growth of basal buds in one quadrant of the stem is suppressed. 2. This inhibitory influence of a leaf upon shoot formation in the basal part of a stem is diminished or disappears when the mass of the leaf is reduced below a certain limit. 3. The inhibitory influence of an apical leaf upon the growth of shoots in horizontally suspended stems is greater when the leaf is on the upper than when it is on the lower side of the stem. 4. All these facts suggest the possibility that the inhibitory influence of the leaf upon shoot formation is due to inhibitory substances secreted by the leaf and carried by the sap from the leaf towards the base of the stem. 5. An apical leaf accelerates root formation in the basal part of a stem and this accelerating effect increases with the mass of the leaf. 6. This inhibitory influence of a leaf upon shoot formation and the favoring influence upon root formation in the more basally situated parts of the stem is one of the factors determining the polar character of regeneration.  相似文献   

致乏库蚊为热带及亚热带最常见之种,故凡医学及昆虫书籍均有记载,但各家对于本蚊之记述不一。今将我们就所捕蚊虫观察所得综述如下。  相似文献   

中国似鮈属鱼类的形态变异及地理分化研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
对似鮈属鱼类进行了形态测量和主成分分析。结果表明区别似鮈和桂林似鮈的重要特征胸鳍末端是否超过腹鳍起点与尾柄高同尾柄长的比例相互之间有一定的相关性,但是在研究的样本中没有截然的界限,而是有较大的重叠,难以区分。其他的特征则没有相关性。从地理分布看,同一地点的样本在上述特征上有一定的区别,但是没有发现明显的南北或东西地理变化的规律。因此似鮈属鱼类应该只划分为一个种,桂林似鮈为似鮈的同物异名。  相似文献   

鹅观草属三个种的形态变异与核型的研究   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
本文通过对鹅观草属的三个种:鹅观草(Roegneria kamoji Ohwi)、纤毛鹅观草(R. ciliars (Trin.) Nevski)和竖立鹅观草(R. japonensis(Honda)Keng)的形态学比较和核型分析研究了该三个种的系统关系。R. kamoji与R. ciliaris、R. japonensis形态上的差异明显,而后二个种差异甚小,难以进行划分。R. kamoji的核型公式为:2n=6x=42=30m+8sm+4SAT;R. ciliaris为:2n=4x=28=18m+6sm+4SAT;R. japonensis为:2n=4x=28=18m+6sm+4SAT。t-测验的结果表明R. ciliaris与R. japonensis的核型无显著差异。因此笔者认为R. ciliaris和R. japonensis应合并为一种系内的分类群。  相似文献   

Various physiological indices (i.e. body condition index, scopefor growth and net growth efficiency) have been used to examinethe metabolic state of the common cockle (Cerastoderma eduleL.) at different sites in Southampton Water, U.K. The resultsshow that there is a measurable difference in the conditionindex of cockles collected from different localities. Thesedifferences can be broadly related to the level of contaminationof the site with metals and hydrocarbons. All the indices suggestthat cockles inhabiting the eastern, less polluted side of SouthamptonWater are in a better metabolic state than in those from somesites on the western side close to industrial areas. Growthand longevity also appear to be site related. (Received 25 September 1989; accepted 25 March 1990)  相似文献   

刘天贵  胡尚勤   《微生物学通报》2000,27(5):349-352
报道了地衣芽孢杆菌对不同抑制剂的反应。结果表明,当pH在7.0时,链霉素浓度为500μg/mL,青霉素浓度1000μg/mL,头孢唑啉钠浓度为500μg/mL时对地衣芽孢杆菌有明显抑制作用。这对正确使用地衣芽孢杆菌制剂(整肠生)提供了可靠的理论依据。  相似文献   

Several populations of Cymbella cistula (Ehr.) Kirchn. were studied. An epiphytic population contained smaller specimens than any reported by recent authors. The size range of members of the epiphytic population included specimens as small as 24 μ long by 11 μ wide. These small specimens could be mistaken for C. cistula var. maculata (Kütz.) V. H., but differ in having isolated puncta, which, may be indistinct, and somewhat coarser striae.  相似文献   

Clonal progenies were developed from individual nodal segments of bromegrass, cormlets of timothy, and secondary basal buds of sorghum. The parent plants were morphologically unstable or chimeral and occurred in either hybrid or inbred populations. Intraplant clonal progenies usually continued to be unstable through the second clonal generation. Marked deviating types occurred within clonal rows. Intraplant comparisons were made of inflorescence characters and seed-set following open-pollination of unstable plants from inbred lines of smooth bromegrass. Significant differences occurred between characters in panicles from different parts of the same plant.  相似文献   

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