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Transposable elements constitute an important part of the genome and are essential in adaptive mechanisms. Transposition events associated with phenotypic changes occur naturally or are induced in insertional mutant populations. Transposon mutagenesis results in multiple random insertions and recovery of most/all the insertions is critical for forward genetics study. Using genome next-generation sequencing data and appropriate bioinformatics tool, it is plausible to accurately identify transposon insertion sites, which could provide candidate causal mutations for desired phenotypes for further functional validation.


We developed a novel bioinformatics tool, ITIS (Identification of Transposon Insertion Sites), for localizing transposon insertion sites within a genome. It takes next-generation genome re-sequencing data (NGS data), transposon sequence, and reference genome sequence as input, and generates a list of highly reliable candidate insertion sites as well as zygosity information of each insertion. Using a simulated dataset and a case study based on an insertional mutant line from Medicago truncatula, we showed that ITIS performed better in terms of sensitivity and specificity than other similar algorithms such as RelocaTE, RetroSeq, TEMP and TIF. With the case study data, we demonstrated the efficiency of ITIS by validating the presence and zygosity of predicted insertion sites of the Tnt1 transposon within a complex plant system, M. truncatula.


This study showed that ITIS is a robust and powerful tool for forward genetic studies in identifying transposable element insertions causing phenotypes. ITIS is suitable in various systems such as cell culture, bacteria, yeast, insect, mammal and plant.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12859-015-0507-2) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   



Galileo is one of three members of the P superfamily of DNA transposons. It was originally discovered in Drosophila buzzatii, in which three segregating chromosomal inversions were shown to have been generated by ectopic recombination between Galileo copies. Subsequently, Galileo was identified in six of 12 sequenced Drosophila genomes, indicating its widespread distribution within this genus. Galileo is strikingly abundant in Drosophila willistoni, a neotropical species that is highly polymorphic for chromosomal inversions, suggesting a role for this transposon in the evolution of its genome.


We carried out a detailed characterization of all Galileo copies present in the D. willistoni genome. A total of 191 copies, including 133 with two terminal inverted repeats (TIRs), were classified according to structure in six groups. The TIRs exhibited remarkable variation in their length and structure compared to the most complete copy. Three copies showed extended TIRs due to internal tandem repeats, the insertion of other transposable elements (TEs), or the incorporation of non-TIR sequences into the TIRs. Phylogenetic analyses of the transposase (TPase)-encoding and TIR segments yielded two divergent clades, which we termed Galileo subfamilies V and W. Target-site duplications (TSDs) in D. willistoni Galileo copies were 7- or 8-bp in length, with the consensus sequence GTATTAC. Analysis of the region around the TSDs revealed a target site motif (TSM) with a 15-bp palindrome that may give rise to a stem-loop secondary structure.


There is a remarkable abundance and diversity of Galileo copies in the D. willistoni genome, although no functional copies were found. The TIRs in particular have a dynamic structure and extend in different ways, but their ends (required for transposition) are more conserved than the rest of the element. The D. willistoni genome harbors two Galileo subfamilies (V and W) that diverged ~9 million years ago and may have descended from an ancestral element in the genome. Galileo shows a significant insertion preference for a 15-bp palindromic TSM.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-792) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Strains of Staphylococcus aureus, an opportunistic pathogen commonly found on human skin, were exposed to sunlight and UV C radiation, and the lethal and mutational effects measured. Sunlight killed cells with an inactivation constant of 3×10-5 per joule per square metre; UV C was much more lethal, giving an inactivation constant of approximately 0.1 per joule per square metre. Some strains tested showed a sensitivity to sunlight that was dependent on the growth phase of the cells, exponentially growing cells showing a greater sensitivity. Mutational effects of irradiation were measured by the appearance of mutants sensitive to methicillin following irradiation of a multiresistant strain. Mutants appeared at a frequency of 10-3; this high frequency of mutation in the region of the mec gene has also been observed when multiresistant strains are subjected to nutritional or thermal stress. Mutants showed the same chromosomal alteration (seen in pulse-field gel electrophoresis of Smal-digested DNA) whether induced by solar or UV C irradiation.  相似文献   

Catharanthus roseus is an important source of pharmaceutically important Monoterpenoid Indole Alkaloids (MIAs). Accumulation of many of the MIAs is induced in response to abiotic stresses such as wound, ultra violet (UV) irradiations, etc. Recently, we have demonstrated a possible role of CrMPK3, a C. roseus mitogen-activated protein kinase in stress-induced accumulation of a few MIAs. Here, we extend our findings using Saccharomyces cerevisiae to investigate the role of CrMPK3 in giving tolerance to abiotic stresses. Yeast cells transformed with CrMPK3 was found to show enhanced tolerance to UV and heat stress. Comparison of CrMPK3 and SLT2, a MAPK from yeast shows high-sequence identity particularly at conserved domains. Additionally, heat stress is also shown to activate a 43 kDa MAP kinase, possibly CrMPK3 in C. roseus leaves. These findings indicate the role of CrMPK3 in stress-induced MIA accumulation as well as in stress tolerance.  相似文献   

Tip100 is an Ac-like transposable element that belongs to the hAT superfamily. First discovered in Ipomoea purpurea (common morning glory), it was classified as an autonomous element capable of movement within the genome. As Tip100 data were already available in databases, the sequences of related elements in ten additional species of Ipomoea and five commercial varieties were isolated and analyzed. Evolutionary analysis based on sequence diversity in nuclear ribosomal Internal Transcribed Spacers (ITS), was also applied to compare the evolution of these elements with that of Tip100 in the Ipomoea genus. Tip100 sequences were found in I. purpurea, I. nil, I. indica and I. alba, all of which showed high levels of similarity. The results of phylogenetic analysis of transposon sequences were congruent with the phylogenetic topology obtained for ITS sequences, thereby demonstrating that Tip100 is restricted to a particular group of species within Ipomoea. We hypothesize that Tip100 was probably acquired from a common ancestor and has been transmitted vertically within this genus.  相似文献   

The UV survival characteristics of a wildtype and a UV resistant strain of Gloeocapsa alpicola were compared. Except for a higher carotenoid content the resistant strain was similar to the wild-type.However, on exposure to UV radiation the level of carotenoids in the wild-type fell sharply whereas no such decrease occurred in the resistant strain.Growth of cells in diphenylamine and under red and blue light reduced the survival rate. This phenomenon is linked with a reduced carotenoid level in the cell, indicating that they perform an important protective function.  相似文献   

Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) are essential macromolecules that are synthesized by phytoplankton during spring bloom, and they play a key role in the Arctic food web. They are, however, considered to be sensitive to oxidation by UV radiation (280-400 nm). Changes in the food quality of primary producers may affect the transport of biomass and energy in the whole ecosystem. Using a common Arctic diatom, we looked at the effect of ambient and increased UV radiation on its nutritional quality, specifically, the fatty acid composition and elemental ratios. In May 2004, in the archipelago of Svalbard (79° N), a unialgal culture of Thalassiosira antarctica var. borealis was subjected to a 17-day experiment in outdoor aquaria. The diatoms were kept in semi-continuous culture (40 1) and exposed to three treatments with different levels of UV radiation: none (UV-shielded), ambient, and enhanced. Fatty acid composition, C:N:P ratios, photosynthetic pigment composition, optimum quantum yield of PSII, and cell numbers were analysed over the experimental period. An initial increase in PAR (photosynthetically active radiation, 400-700 nm) intensities profoundly affected the fatty acid composition and substantially inhibited the synthesis of PUFAs, but the relative amounts of PUFAs were not reduced by UV radiation. Enhanced UV radiation did, however, cause a significant reduction in optimum quantum yield of PSII and affected some fatty acids, mainly 18:0 and 16:1 n-7, during the first week of the experiment. Both ambient and enhanced UV radiation caused significantly lower C:P and N:P ratios. At the same time, these treatments elicited a higher relative content of the photoprotective pigments diadinoxanthin and diatoxanthin. After acclimation to the new light levels these effects faded off. Thus, brief periods with high light exposure may cause significant changes in photosynthetic activity and food quality, but the capacity for photo-acclimation seems high. The impact of UV radiation seems to be less important for food quality than that of PAR during a sudden rise in total light intensity.  相似文献   



The siRNA and piRNA pathways have been shown in insects to be essential for regulation of gene expression and defence against exogenous and endogenous genetic elements (viruses and transposable elements). The vast majority of endogenous small RNAs produced by the siRNA and piRNA pathways originate from repetitive or transposable elements (TE). In D. melanogaster, TE-derived endogenous siRNAs and piRNAs are involved in genome surveillance and maintenance of genome integrity. In the medically relevant malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae TEs constitute 12-16% of the genome size. Genetic variations induced by TE activities are known to shape the genome landscape and to alter the fitness in An. gambiae.


Here, using bioinformatics approaches we analyzed the small RNA data sets from 6 libraries formally reported in a previous study and examined the expression of the mixed germline/somatic siRNAs and piRNAs produced in adult An. gambiae females. We characterized a large population of TE-derived endogenous siRNAs and piRNAs, which constitutes 56-60% of the total siRNA and piRNA reads in the analysed libraries. Moreover, we identified a number of protein coding genes producing gene-specific siRNAs and piRNAs that were generally expressed at much lower levels than the TE-associated small RNAs. Detailed sequence analysis revealed that An. gambiae piRNAs were produced by both “ping-pong” dependent (TE-associated piRNAs) and independent mechanisms (genic piRNAs). Similarly to D. melanogaster, more than 90% of the detected piRNAs were produced from TE-associated clusters in An. gambiae. We also found that biotic stress as blood feeding and infection with Plasmodium parasite, the etiological agent of malaria, modulated the expression levels of the endogenous siRNAs and piRNAs in An. gambiae.


We identified a large and diverse set of the endogenously derived siRNAs and piRNAs that share common and distinct aspects of small RNA expression across insect species, and inferred their impact on TE and gene activity in An. gambiae. The TE-specific small RNAs produced by both the siRNA and piRNA pathways represent an important aspect of genome stability and genetic variation, which might have a strong impact on the evolution of the genome and vector competence in the malaria mosquitoes.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1436-1) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   



Cochliobolus heterostrophus is a dothideomycete that causes Southern Corn Leaf Blight disease. There are two races, race O and race T that differ by the absence (race O) and presence (race T) of ~ 1.2-Mb of DNA encoding genes responsible for the production of T-toxin, which makes race T much more virulent than race O. The presence of repetitive elements in fungal genomes is considered to be an important source of genetic variability between different species.


A detailed analysis of class I and II TEs identified in the near complete genome sequence of race O was performed. In total in race O, 12 new families of transposons were identified. In silico evidence of recent activity was found for many of the transposons and analyses of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) demonstrated that these elements were actively transcribed. Various potentially active TEs were found near coding regions and may modify the expression and structure of these genes by acting as ectopic recombination sites. Transposons were found on scaffolds carrying polyketide synthase encoding genes, responsible for production of T-toxin in race T. Strong evidence of ectopic recombination was found, demonstrating that TEs can play an important role in the modulation of genome architecture of this species. The Repeat Induced Point mutation (RIP) silencing mechanism was shown to have high specificity in C. heterostrophus, acting only on transposons near coding regions.


New families of transposons were identified. In C. heterostrophus, the RIP silencing mechanism is efficient and selective. The co-localization of effector genes and TEs, therefore, exposes those genes to high rates of point mutations. This may accelerate the rate of evolution of these genes, providing a potential advantage for the host. Additionally, it was shown that ectopic recombination promoted by TEs appears to be the major event in the genome reorganization of this species and that a large number of elements are still potentially active. So, this study provides information about the potential impact of TEs on the evolution of C. heterostrophus.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-536) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

We tested the effects of UV radiation (UVR) and nitrate limitation on the production of dimethylsulfide (DMS), particulate dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSPp), and particulate dimethylsulfoxide (DMSOp) in natural seawater from the Gulf of Mexico and in phytoplankton cultures. DMS/Chl a ratios in PAR-only and PAR + UV-exposed seawater were 0.44–2.0 and 0.46–1.9 nmol DMS μg−1 Chl a, respectively, whereas the ratios in cultures of Amphidinium carterae were 1.0–2.2 nmol μg−1 in PAR-exposed samples and 0.91–2.1 nmol μg−1 in PAR + UV-exposed samples. These results suggested that UVR did not substantially affect DMS/Chl a ratios in seawater and A. carterae culture samples. Similarly, UVR had no significant effect on DMSOp/Chl a in seawater samples (0.83–1.6 nmol DMSO μg−1 Chl a for PAR + UV vs. 0.70–1.5 nmol μg−1 for PAR-exposed seawater samples, respectively) or in A. carterae cultures (0.20–1.3 and 0.19–0.88 nmol DMSO μg−1 Chl a in PAR + UV- and PAR-exposed cultures, respectively). In an experiment with the diatom, Thalassiosira oceanica, the culture was grown in high nitrate (30 μM) or low nitrate (6 μM) media and exposed to PAR-only or PAR + UV. The low nitrate, PAR-only samples showed an increase of intracellular dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) concentration from 2.1 to 15 mmol L−1 in 60 h, but the increase occurred only after cultures reached the stationary phase. Cultures of T. oceanica grown under UVR had lower growth rates than those under PAR-only (μ′ = 0.17 and 0.32 d−1, respectively) and perhaps did not experience severe nitrate limitation even in the low nitrate treatment. These results suggest that the elevated UVR in low nitrate environments could result in reduction of DMSP in some species, whereas DMSP concentrations would not be affected in eutrophic areas.  相似文献   

杨雨玲  李伟  陈伟洲  徐军田 《生态学报》2013,33(18):5538-5545
为了研究不同温度及CO2浓度下培养的大型海藻对紫外辐射的生理学响应,选取龙须菜(Gracilaria lemaneiformis)作为实验材料。实验设置两个温度梯度(20 ℃和24 ℃),两种CO2浓度(390 μL/L和1000 μL/L)以及3种辐射处理,即可见光(PAR)处理(滤除紫外线A(UV-A)、紫外线B(UV-B),400-700 nm)、可见光加紫外线A(PA)处理(滤除UV-B,320-700 nm)、PAB处理(全波长辐射280-700 nm)。结果表明,酸化、升温以及紫外辐射处理都未影响大型经济红藻龙须菜的叶绿素a和类胡萝卜素的含量。然而紫外辐射处理显著降低了龙须菜的有效光化学效率,其抑制水平在酸化处理的藻体中更为显著,并且随着温度的上升而进一步加剧;酸化与温度耦合使藻体对紫外辐射的敏感性增加,导致其较低的修复速率以及较高的损伤速率。  相似文献   



Despite having predominately deleterious fitness effects, transposable elements (TEs) are major constituents of eukaryote genomes in general and of plant genomes in particular. Although the proportion of the genome made up of TEs varies at least four-fold across plants, the relative importance of the evolutionary forces shaping variation in TE abundance and distributions across taxa remains unclear. Under several theoretical models, mating system plays an important role in governing the evolutionary dynamics of TEs. Here, we use the recently sequenced Capsella rubella reference genome and short-read whole genome sequencing of multiple individuals to quantify abundance, genome distributions, and population frequencies of TEs in three recently diverged species of differing mating system, two self-compatible species (C. rubella and C. orientalis) and their self-incompatible outcrossing relative, C. grandiflora.


We detect different dynamics of TE evolution in our two self-compatible species; C. rubella shows a small increase in transposon copy number, while C. orientalis shows a substantial decrease relative to C. grandiflora. The direction of this change in copy number is genome wide and consistent across transposon classes. For insertions near genes, however, we detect the highest abundances in C. grandiflora. Finally, we also find differences in the population frequency distributions across the three species.


Overall, our results suggest that the evolution of selfing may have different effects on TE evolution on a short and on a long timescale. Moreover, cross-species comparisons of transposon abundance are sensitive to reference genome bias, and efforts to control for this bias are key when making comparisons across species.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-602) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

We investigate the role of recombination in transposable element (TE) proliferation in the cyclical parthenogen, Daphnia pulex. Recombination provides a mechanism by which the rate of both TE gain and loss can be accelerated, a duality that has long intrigued many biologists interested in the influence of sex on mutation accumulation. We compared TE loads among populations of D. pulex where sex occurs regularly (cyclical parthenogens or ‘sexuals’) with those in which the ability to reproduce sexually has been completely lost (obligate ‘asexuals’) for six different families of DNA transposons. Transposon display assays showed that sexuals have more TEs than asexuals, contrary to the expectations under Muller''s ratchet but consistent with the idea that sex facilitates TE spread. Sexuals also exhibit higher insertion site polymorphism among lineages, as predicted because recombination accelerates rates of loss and gain. Asexuals, however, have proportionally more singletons (loci occupied in a single isolate), which differs from previous studies where selfing and outcrossing were used as a proxy for high and low recombination. Our multi-element survey reveals that the impact of sex on TE proliferation is consistent among different Class II TE families and we discuss the genomic consequences of different reproductive strategies over long time periods.  相似文献   



The mariner family of transposable elements is one of the most widespread in the Metazoa. It is subdivided into several subfamilies that do not mirror the phylogeny of these species, suggesting an ancient diversification. Previous hybridization and PCR studies allowed a partial survey of mariner diversity in the Metazoa. In this work, we used a comparative genomics approach to access the genus-wide diversity and evolution of mariner transposable elements in twenty Drosophila sequenced genomes.


We identified 36 different mariner lineages belonging to six distinct subfamilies, including a subfamily not described previously. Wide variation in lineage abundance and copy number were observed among species and among mariner lineages, suggesting continuous turn-over. Most mariner lineages are inactive and contain a high proportion of damaged copies. We showed that, in addition to substitutions that rapidly inactivate copies, internal deletion is a major mechanism contributing to element decay and the generation of non-autonomous sublineages. Hence, 23% of copies correspond to several Miniature Inverted-repeat Transposable Elements (MITE) sublineages, the first ever described in Drosophila for mariner. In the most successful MITEs, internal deletion is often associated with internal rearrangement, which sheds light on the process of MITE origin. The estimation of the transposition rates over time revealed that all lineages followed a similar progression consisting of a rapid amplification burst followed by a rapid decrease in transposition. We detected some instances of multiple or ongoing transposition bursts. Different amplification times were observed for mariner lineages shared by different species, a finding best explained by either horizontal transmission or a reactivation process. Different lineages within one species have also amplified at different times, corresponding to successive invasions. Finally, we detected a preference for insertion into short TA-rich regions, which appears to be specific to some subfamilies.


This analysis is the first comprehensive survey of this family of transposable elements at a genus scale. It provides precise measures of the different evolutionary processes that were hypothesized previously for this family based on PCR data analysis. mariner lineages were observed at almost all “life cycle” stages: recent amplification, subsequent decay and potential (re)-invasion or invasion of genomes.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-727) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Summary Multiple genetic and epigenetic changes were detected within one plant generation at the bz2:: mu1 mutable allele in a population of 118 plants. Loss of somatic instability in bz2::mu1 was usually correlated with methylation of the Mu1 transposable element; in 6 plants, somatic instability was lost as a result of mutations in bz2::mu1. This is a surprisingly high frequency of mutation per allele (2.5%) for the Mutator family, for which germinal revertants occur at a frequency of about 10–4 per gamete. One germinal excision event was found that contained an 8 by deletion, frameshift mutation in Bronze-2. The three other mutants described occurred as a result of abortive transposition, in which 75–77 by deletions were generated at the junction between Bronze-2 and Mu1. We discuss the possible mechanisms, and the role of host factors in abortive transposition in maize.  相似文献   



Comparative evolutionary analysis of whole genomes requires not only accurate annotation of gene space, but also proper annotation of the repetitive fraction which is often the largest component of most if not all genomes larger than 50 kb in size.


Here we present the Rice TE database (RiTE-db) - a genus-wide collection of transposable elements and repeated sequences across 11 diploid species of the genus Oryza and the closely-related out-group Leersia perrieri. The database consists of more than 170,000 entries divided into three main types: (i) a classified and curated set of publicly-available repeated sequences, (ii) a set of consensus assemblies of highly-repetitive sequences obtained from genome sequencing surveys of 12 species; and (iii) a set of full-length TEs, identified and extracted from 12 whole genome assemblies.


This is the first report of a repeat dataset that spans the majority of repeat variability within an entire genus, and one that includes complete elements as well as unassembled repeats. The database allows sequence browsing, downloading, and similarity searches. Because of the strategy adopted, the RiTE-db opens a new path to unprecedented direct comparative studies that span the entire nuclear repeat content of 15 million years of Oryza diversity.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1762-3) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Transposable elements (TEs) constitute a substantial fraction of the eukaryotic genome and, as a result, have a complex relationship with their host that is both adversarial and dependent. To minimize damage to cellular genes, TEs possess mechanisms that target integration to sequences of low importance. However, the retrotransposon Tf1 of Schizosaccharomyces pombe integrates with a surprising bias for promoter sequences of stress-response genes. The clustering of integration in specific promoters suggests that Tf1 possesses a targeting mechanism that is important for evolutionary adaptation to changes in environment. We report here that Sap1, an essential DNA-binding protein, plays an important role in Tf1 integration. A mutation in Sap1 resulted in a 10-fold drop in Tf1 transposition, and measures of transposon intermediates support the argument that the defect occurred in the process of integration. Published ChIP-Seq data on Sap1 binding combined with high-density maps of Tf1 integration that measure independent insertions at single-nucleotide positions show that 73.4% of all integration occurs at genomic sequences bound by Sap1. This represents high selectivity because Sap1 binds just 6.8% of the genome. A genome-wide analysis of promoter sequences revealed that Sap1 binding and amounts of integration correlate strongly. More important, an alignment of the DNA-binding motif of Sap1 revealed integration clustered on both sides of the motif and showed high levels specifically at positions +19 and −9. These data indicate that Sap1 contributes to the efficiency and position of Tf1 integration.  相似文献   

Women with BRCA1/2 mutations have a significantly higher lifetime risk of developing breast or ovarian cancer. We suggest that female mutation carriers may have improved fitness owing to enhanced fertility relative to non-carriers. Here we show that women who are carriers of BRCA1/2 mutations living in natural fertility conditions have excess fertility as well as excess post-reproductive mortality in relation to controls. Individuals who tested positive for BRCA1/2 mutations who linked into multi-generational pedigrees within the Utah Population Database were used to identify putative obligate carriers. We find that women born before 1930 who are mutation carriers have significantly more children than controls and have excess post-reproductive mortality risks. They also have shorter birth intervals and end child-bearing later than controls. For contemporary women tested directly for BRCA1/2 mutations, an era when modern contraceptives are available, differences in fertility and mortality persist but are attenuated. Our findings suggest the need to re-examine the wider role played by BRCA1/2 mutations. Elevated fertility of female mutation carriers indicates that they are more fecund despite their elevated post-reproductive mortality risks.  相似文献   

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