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Photoreceptors have evolved numerous times giving organisms the ability to detect light and respond to specific visual stimuli. Studies into the visual abilities of the Asteroidea (Echinodermata) have recently shown that species within this class have a more developed visual sense than previously thought and it has been demonstrated that starfish use visual information for orientation within their habitat. Whereas image forming eyes have been suggested for starfish, direct experimental proof of true spatial vision has not yet been obtained.


The behavioural response of the coral reef inhabiting crown-of-thorns starfish (Acanthaster planci) was tested in controlled aquarium experiments using an array of stimuli to examine their visual performance. We presented starfish with various black-and-white shapes against a mid-intensity grey background, designed such that the animals would need to possess true spatial vision to detect these shapes. Starfish responded to black-and-white rectangles, but no directional response was found to black-and-white circles, despite equal areas of black and white. Additionally, we confirmed that starfish were attracted to black circles on a white background when the visual angle is larger than 14°. When changing the grey tone of the largest circle from black to white, we found responses to contrasts of 0.5 and up. The starfish were attracted to the dark area’s of the visual stimuli and were found to be both attracted and repelled by the visual targets.


For crown-of-thorns starfish, visual cues are essential for close range orientation towards objects, such as coral boulders, in the wild. These visually guided behaviours can be replicated in aquarium conditions. Our observation that crown-of-thorns starfish respond to black-and-white shapes on a mid-intensity grey background is the first direct proof of true spatial vision in starfish and in the phylum Echinodermata.

Population outbreaks of the corallivorous crown-of-thorns starfish, Acanthaster planci, are a major contributor to the decline in coral reef across the Indo-Pacific. The success of A. planci and other reef species in a changing ocean will be influenced by juvenile performance because the naturally high mortality experienced at this sensitive life history stage maybe exacerbated by ocean warming and acidification. We investigated the effects of increased temperature and acidification on growth of newly metamorphosed juvenile A. planci and their feeding rates on crustose coralline algae (CCA) during the initial herbivorous phase of their life history. The juveniles were exposed to three temperature (26, 28, 30 °C) and three pH (NIST scale: 8.1, 7.8, 7.6) levels in a flow-through cross-factorial experiment. There were positive but independent effects of warming and acidification on juvenile growth and feeding. Early juveniles were highly tolerant to moderate increases in temperature (+2 °C above ambient) with the highest growth at 30 °C. Growth and feeding rates of A. planci on CCA were highest at pH 7.6. Thus, ocean warming and acidification may enhance the success of A. planci juveniles. In contrast to its coral prey, at this vulnerable developmental stage, A. planci appears to be highly resilient to future ocean change. Success of juveniles in a future ocean may have carry-over effects into the coral-eating life stage, increasing the threat to coral reef systems.  相似文献   

Previous studies of the population genetic structure of the corallivorous crown-of-thorns starfish (COTS) Acanthaster planci in the Pacific Ocean showed high levels of gene flow that were assumed to reflect a high dispersal potential. However, the phylogeographic analyses of the Pacific crown-of-thorns starfish species of this study, using the highly variable mitochondrial control region and the most complete geographic coverage to date, contradict this view. Results show high levels of overall genetic structure (ΦST = 0.198), suggesting a complex history of range restrictions and expansions, a pattern that we hypothesize results from changes in topography and oceanography associated with sea-level changes. However, results also show signatures of ongoing gene flow between populations isolated in the past and high levels of genetic connectivity even among distant populations. Combined, these results indicate that while there are significant limits to genetic exchange among populations among Pacific Ocean populations of the crown-of-thorns starfish, the high larval dispersal potential of this species is often achieved as well.  相似文献   

Many insects can detect the polarization pattern of the blue sky and rely on polarization vision for sky compass orientation. In laboratory experiments, tethered flying locusts perform periodic changes in flight behavior under a slowly rotating polarizer even if one eye is painted black. Anatomical tracing studies and intracellular recordings have suggested that the polarization vision pathway in the locust brain involves the anterior optic tract and tubercle, the lateral accessory lobe, and the central complex of the brain. To investigate whether visual pathways through the anterior optic tract mediate polarotaxis in the desert locust, we transected the tract on one side and tested polarotaxis (1) with both eyes unoccluded and (2) with the eye of the intact hemisphere painted black. In the second group of animals, but not in the first group, polarotaxis was abolished. Sham operations did not impair polarotaxis. The experiments show that the anterior optic tract is an indispensable part of visual pathways mediating polarotaxis in the desert locust.  相似文献   

In most organisms, specific structures are responsible for detecting light patterns and vision. Several species of sea urchins appear to have a diffuse photoreceptor system that enables them to detect light and in some cases objects. The presence of extraocular vision was investigated on a sea urchin common in northern Oman, Diadema setosum. Urchins from 8- to 10-m deep coral communities were used in controlled experiments that quantified the orientation response of the urchins to various visual cues: size, contrast and colour of circular targets simulating urchins’ outlines. Urchins responded to black discs down to 11° initial visual angle but not to smaller discs. The minimum grey-scale value triggering a response was between 50 and 37% black. Urchins responded to red targets but not to green or blue ones. An average angular distance between spines of 5.3° suggested a visual acuity of about 10.6°. D. setosum thus showed extraocular vision allowing them to detect objects of different sizes, contrasts and to some extent colour, supporting the hypothesis that the whole sea urchin’s body acts as a single large compound eye.  相似文献   

Despite their significant influence on coral reef ecosystems, causes of population outbreaks of crown-of-thorns starfish (Acanthaster planci L.) are still poorly understood. Essentially, outbreaks of A. planci could arise from either (1) a single mass recruitment event or (2) the progressive accumulation of starfish from multiple cohorts. This study explored fine-scale variation in the size, distribution, and abundance of A. planci, during an outbreak at Lizard Island in the northern Great Barrier Reef, to assess the mechanism by which the outbreak occurred. Densities of A. planci around Lizard Island increased very gradually from October 1994 until December 1996, then remained at around 1.0 starfish per 200 m2 until June 1998. The population of A. planci comprised individuals ranging in size from 11-cm to 62-cm diameter, representing individuals from multiple (at least four) different cohorts. These data suggest that the outbreak of A. planci at Lizard Island resulted from a prolonged build-up in starfish numbers through multiple successive recruitment events. This study shows that outbreaks of A. planci may arise independently of any sudden or substantial increase in rates of recruitment, such that any factor(s) responsible for the initial onset of outbreaks are likely to be very subtle and difficult to detect.  相似文献   

To understand the role of sea temperature on the population biology of the crown-of-thorns sea star Acanthaster planci, the thermal window for embryonic and larval development was investigated. In two experiments, the response of embryos and larvae across 12 temperatures from 19.4 to 36.5 °C was quantified as the percentage of individuals reaching cleavage stage embryos, blastula, gastrula, early-bipinnaria, late-bipinnaria larvae or abnormal. Measurements were made at 7 times up to 72 h post-fertilisation, with the morphometrics of larvae measured in the 72-h sample. Acanthaster planci developed at temperatures between 19.4 and 33.2 °C, with a thermal window for development to the late-bipinnaria stage between 25.6 and 31.6 °C. Development rate, normal development and larval size were optimal at 28.7 °C, with development rates remaining relatively constant up to 31.6 °C. Rates of abnormality increased steadily (early embryonic stages) above 28.7 °C and was 100 % at temperatures approaching 33 °C. These experiments provide a more detailed insight into the response of A. planci developmental stages to temperature. The present day distribution of the species in eastern Australia overlap with the optimal thermal window for development to the late-bipinnaria stage (≈25–32 °C), implying a role of temperature in controlling population distributions and abundances. Despite this, short- or long-term temperature increases may not be a major modulator of the crown-of-thorns recruitment success, population dynamics and distribution in the future as no significant change in development rates, larval survival and growth occurred within this thermal window. Therefore, moderate (1–2 °C) increases in sea temperatures caused by El Niño or near-future ocean warming may not drive an increase in developmental and settlement success. Indeed, without any acclimation to warmer temperatures expected under near-future warming (+2 to 4 °C), climate change could ultimately reduce larval survival due to elevated mortality above the optimal development temperature.  相似文献   

The demand for natural food colorants is growing as consumers question the use of artificial colorants more and more. The phycobiliprotein C-phycocyanin of Arthospira platensis is used as a natural blue colorant in certain food products. The thermoacidophilic red microalga Cyanidioschyzon merolae might provide an alternative source of phycocyanin. Cyanidioschyzon merolae belongs to the order Cyanidiophyceae of the phylum Rhodophyta. Its natural habitat are sulfuric hot springs and geysers found near volcanic areas in, e.g., Yellowstone National Park in the USA and in Java, Indonesia. It grows optimally at a pH between 0.5 and 3.0 and at temperatures up to 56 °C. The low pH at which C. merolae grows minimizes the risk of microbial contamination and could limit production loss. As C. merolae lacks a cell wall, phycocyanin with a high purity number of 9.9 could be extracted by an osmotic shock using a simple ultrapure water extraction followed by centrifugation. The denaturation midpoint at pH 5 was 83 °C, being considerably higher than the A. platensis phycocyanin (65 °C). The C. merolae phycocyanin was relatively stable at pH 4 and 5 up to 80 °C. The high thermostability at slightly acidic pH makes the C. merolae phycocyanin an interesting alternative to A. platensis phycocyanin as a natural blue food colorant.  相似文献   

Much debate has surrounded the notion that outbreaks of the crown-of-thorns starfish (Acanthaster planci) have occurred in the geological past and hence are natural phenomena. As this debate has recently been renewed, we have reassessed statistically data presented by Frankel (1977, 1978) as evidence for the occurrence of past outbreaks. This was done using Frankel's data as well as those from extensive starfish surveys conducted prior to the commencement of his research. Our analysis of these data indicates that the occurrence of A. planci remains in recent sediments is independent of whether or not the reef from which the sample was collected had experienced a recent outbreak. Based on this premise, it is not possible to infer from Frankel's data the occurrence of past outbreaks from similar material in much older sediments. Thus while the data presented by Frankel (1977, 1978) may show that A. planci has existed within the Great Barrier Reef for at least several thousand years it does not demonstrate that outbreaks of this starfish have occurred in the geological past.  相似文献   

Most known starfish species possess a compound eye at the tip of each arm, which, except for the lack of true optics, resembles an arthropod compound eye. Although these compound eyes have been known for about two centuries, no visually guided behaviour has ever been directly associated with their presence. There are indications that they are involved in negative phototaxis but this may also be governed by extraocular photoreceptors. Here, we show that the eyes of the coral-reef-associated starfish Linckia laevigata are slow and colour blind. The eyes are capable of true image formation although with low spatial resolution. Further, our behavioural experiments reveal that only specimens with intact eyes can navigate back to their reef habitat when displaced, demonstrating that this is a visually guided behaviour. This is, to our knowledge, the first report of a function of starfish compound eyes. We also show that the spectral sensitivity optimizes the contrast between the reef and the open ocean. Our results provide an example of an eye supporting only low-resolution vision, which is believed to be an essential stage in eye evolution, preceding the high-resolution vision required for detecting prey, predators and conspecifics.  相似文献   

To test whether commercially exploited fishes could regulate populations of crown-of-thorns starfish, laboratory reared juvenile Acanthaster planci were planced on small habitat units in an area of a lagoon where a number of species of fish that feed on benthic invertebrates occurred. Predators were excluded from half the units using wire mesh. In 35 days, losses were low and there was no statistically significant difference between caged and uncaged units. A difference in mortality rate of 1% of individuals per day would have been detected with >85% probability.However, the observed mean difference, the maximum estimate of predatory mortality, was 0.13% of starfish per day. It thus seems unlikely that predation by any large fishes was important in the population dynamics of juvenile A. planci at that site at the time of this experiment. Juvenile starfish were presented to lethrinids in the field at two reefs. Thirteen percent of juvenile A. planci presented at one reef were eaten, but in no presentation did lethrinids eat all the available starfish and those that were eaten were often mouthed and rejected by several fish before being swallowed. No juveniles were taken in a smaller number of trials at the second reef. These results do not favour the hypothesis that predation on juveniles by large fish is important in the population dynamics of A. planci but experiments at more sites will be required before this conclusion can be generalized.  相似文献   

The coconut hispine beetle, Brontispa longissima (Gestro), supposedly originated from Papua New Guinea and Indonesia but has recently invaded Southeast and East Asian countries where it has been causing serious damage to Cocos nucifera L. This insect also occurs on the Southwest Islands off Kyushu Island in Japan. To evaluate the potential northward range expansion of this insect in Japan, we investigated its cold tolerance at 0, 5, and 10 °C (egg, larva, pupa, and adult), 13 °C (adult), and 15 °C (egg and hatched larva). At 15 °C, few eggs hatched, and the larvae that hatched died within a few days of hatching. At 13 °C, Ltime95 was estimated to be 23 days for adults, with the most cold-tolerant developmental stage at 10 °C. At all developmental stages, Ltime95 of B. longissima was estimated to be 19 days at 10 °C, 8 days at 5 °C, and 5 days at 0 °C, suggesting the cold tolerance of this beetle is very low. Considering average daily temperatures, it is unlikely that B. longissima can establish itself north of Amami-Oshima Island, located in the far south off the main island of Japan.  相似文献   

The corallivorous crown-of-thorns starfish (COTS), Acanthaster planci, is recognised as a major cause of coral reef degradation throughout much of the Pacific Ocean. However, the effects of COTS on the high diversity reefs in Indonesia have been largely overlooked. In 2007, high densities of COTS were observed in two regions of Indonesia: Aceh and Halmahera. Densities of COTS ranged from 0 to 52 starfish 2,000 m2 across 24 sites in Aceh and from 0 to 18 starfish 2,000 m2 at 10 sites in Halmahera. Mortality rates of Acropora spp. were very high at affected sites: over 50 % of colonies had been killed at seven of the 16 affected sites. A review of historical sources going back to 1969 suggests that COTS have damaged many reefs throughout Indonesia, including much activity within the Indonesian section of the Coral Triangle. Furthermore, the data suggest that COTS activity has increased rapidly since 2000. Very little of this activity has been reported in the primary literature, and there is a general lack of awareness in Indonesia of COTS as a potential cause of reef degradation. This lack of awareness, combined with limited monitoring efforts, means that damage caused by COTS is often attributed to other causes, such as destructive fishing, bleaching or tsunami. COTS are clearly a major source of coral mortality in Indonesia of which scientists and government need to be more cognizant.  相似文献   

The Western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), is one of the most destructive sucking pests of flowering plants. We examined behavioral responses of F. occidentalis adults to the floral volatiles of Rosa chinensis, Gardenia jasminoides, and Tagetes erecta in a Y-tube olfactometer with background visual cues (green, red, white, yellow, and blue backgrounds). The results show that F. occidentalis adults had similar responses under all the different background colors, but the responses by sex varied significantly when offered floral volatile or clean air. In pairings of floral volatiles, female F. occidentalis adults presented significant preferences (R. chinensis > G. jasminoides > T. erecta) in each treatment, while male F. occidentalis adults had no significant preference. Furthermore, the responses of female F. occidentalis adults to the three different floral volatiles compared with each other were greater under green and blue backgrounds than red, white, or yellow backgrounds. However, the responses of male F. occidentalis adults to floral volatiles were similar to all five backgrounds. These results indicate that female thrips could discriminate different floral volatiles, while male thrips could not. Both male and female thrips performed steady preferences of floral volatiles under all the five visual backgrounds, and the behavioral responses of female thrips to the floral volatiles could be enhanced under the green and blue backgrounds. These findings could hopefully aid in the development of effective trapping and monitoring strategies for this pest.  相似文献   

In 1970, coral reef science was warned that the crown-of-thorns starfish, Acanthaster planci, might cause the extinction of scleractinian corals in the Pacific Ocean. Now, 20 years later we can fortunately say that this alarm was almost certainly too severe. Many reefs were devastated by the starfish, but none are extinct, none have disappeared and many are in various stages of recovery. But now in the 1990's a new alarm is being sounded. This time the concern is over widespread destruction of coral reefs by elevated surface temperatures. Once again a few scientists have issued a dire warning that these events may represent a harbinger of ocean warming caused by the Greenhouse Effect. Has not Acanthaster taught coral reef science a lesson? The debate is far from over but this time the mood in general is not one of over-reaction. This time the Cassandras will be tested by the truth of careful experimentation, long-term monitoring and objective interpretation. Coral reef science appears to have come of age.  相似文献   

A newly isolated Pseudomonas fragi P121 strain in a soil sample taken from the Arctic Circle is able to produce trehalose. The P121 strain was able to grow at temperatures ranging from 4 to 25 °C, had an optimum pH of 6.5, and an optimum salt concentration of 2 %. The P121 strain had a survival rate of 29.1 % after being repeatedly frozen and thawed five times, and a survival rate of 78.9 % when placed in physiological saline for 15 days at 20 °C after cold shock, which is far higher than the type strain Pseudomonas fragi ATCC 4973. The P121 strain could produce 2.89 g/L trehalose, which was 18.6 % of dry cell weight within 52 h in a 25 L fermention tank using the malt extract prepared from barley as medium at 15 °C, while only 11.8 % of dry cell weight at 20 °C. These results suggested that cold stress promoted the strain producing trehalose. It is the first reported cold-tolerant bacterium that produces trehalose, which may protect cells against the cold environment.  相似文献   

The byssus production of the blue mussel Mytilus edulis L. was studied in the laboratory in the presence of the metabolites of the following animals: a predator (a starfish Asterias rubens L.) and several species competing with the mussel in White Sea fouling communities (a bivalve Hiatella arctica L. and a solitary ascidian Styela rustica L.). The byssus threads and attachment plaques produced by each mussel per day were counted. The number of byssus threads and plaques was smallest in pure sea water and in the presence of metabolites produced by conspecific individuals.  相似文献   

Material obtained by simple biochemical fractionation of aqueous extracts of coral has been tested for its ability to induce responses normally associated with feeding on live corals in the crown-of-thorns starfish, Acanthaster planci (L.) With the use of a new assay method, it has been shown that both dialysable and non-dialysable components of aqueous coral extract cause cessation of movement, settlement, and eversion of the stomach as if over a whole coral. A second response, apparently of avoidance, seen as a starfish approaches a coral prior to feeding, has also been examined; it is evoked by the dialysable fraction of coral extract.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of different combinations of temperature (5, 10, 14, 17, 20, and 22°C) and salinity (from 32 to 8‰) on the development of the starfish Asterias amurensis Lutken from Vostok Bay, Sea of Japan. Embryonic development is the most vulnerable stage; it passes successfully at 10–17°C and the salinity range of 32 to 26‰. Blastulae are the most tolerant of changing environmental factors. They survive and develop at the temperatures of 5–17°C and in the salinity range of 32–18‰. Gastrulae and bipinnariae survive under higher temperature values and salinity from 32 to 20‰. The tolerance for decreased salinity during the process of fertilization and in the latest stage of development, the brachiolaria with the developing juvenile starfish, was confined to the salinity range of 32–22‰, which agrees with the tolerance of adult starfish Asterias amurensis. Thus, for normal development of the Amur starfish in the early stages, some particular conditions of temperature and salinity are required. This is, probably, due to adaptive capabilities of each developmental stage and the peculiarities of the ecological conditions at particular depths.  相似文献   

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