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Physiologically, cells experience and respond to a variety of mechanical stimuli such as rigidity and topography of the extracellular matrix. However, little is known about the effects of substrate curvature on cell behavior. We developed a novel, to our knowledge, method to fabricate cell culture substrates with semicylindrical grooves of negative curvatures (radius of curvature, Rc = 20–100 μm). We found that negative substrate curvatures induced elongation of mesenchymal and epithelial cells along the cylinder axis. As Rc decreases, mesenchymal National Institutes of Health 3T3 fibroblasts increasingly elongate along the long axis of the grooves, whereas elongation of epithelial Madin-Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK) cells is biphasic with maximal cell elongation when Rc = 40 μm. Addition of blebbistatin to MDCK cells to reduce cortical actin rigidity resulted in a decrease in cell elongation across all curvatures while preserving the biphasic trend. However, addition of calyculin A or ethylene glycol-bis(2-aminoethylether)-N,N,N′,N′-tetraacetic acid, to increase cortical rigidity or reduce intercellular adhesion, respectively, resulted in a monotonic increase in MDCK cell elongation with decreasing Rc. Using an energy minimization model, we showed that cell elongation in epithelial cell sheet is governed by the competition between two energies as Rc decreases: curvature-dependent intercellular adhesion that prevents elongation; and intracellular cortical actin bending that enhances elongation. Therefore, our results of cellular elongation induced by negatively curved substrates offer insights into how tubule elongation or growth of tubular structures such as kidney tubules can be controlled by the substrate curvature in vivo.  相似文献   

The Drosophila wing exhibits a well-ordered cell pattern, especially along the posterior margin, where hair cells are arranged in a zigzag pattern in the lateral view. Based on an experimental result observed during metamorphosis of Drosophila, we considered that a pattern of initial cells autonomously develops to the zigzag pattern through cell differentiation, intercellular communication, and cell death (apoptosis) and performed computer simulations of a cell-based model of vertex dynamics for tissues. The model describes the epithelial tissue as a monolayer cell sheet of polyhedral cells. Their vertices move according to equations of motion, minimizing the sum total of the interfacial and elastic energies of cells. The interfacial energy densities between cells are introduced consistently with an ideal zigzag cell pattern, extracted from the experimental result. The apoptosis of cells is modeled by gradually reducing their equilibrium volume to zero and by assuming that the hair cells prohibit neighboring cells from undergoing apoptosis. Based on experimental observations, we also assumed wing elongation along the proximal-distal axis. Starting with an initial cell pattern similar to the micrograph experimentally obtained just before apoptosis, we carried out the simulations according to the model mentioned above and successfully reproduced the ideal zigzag cell pattern. This elucidates a physical mechanism of patterning triggered by cell apoptosis theoretically and exemplifies, to our knowledge, a new framework to study apoptosis-induced patterning. We conclude that the zigzag cell pattern is formed by an autonomous communicative process among the participant cells.  相似文献   

Active diffusion of intracellular components is emerging as an important process in cell biology. This process is mediated by complex assemblies of molecular motors and cytoskeletal filaments that drive force generation in the cytoplasm and facilitate enhanced motion. The kinetics of molecular motors have been precisely characterized in vitro by single molecule approaches, but their in vivo behavior remains elusive. Here, we study the active diffusion of vesicles in mouse oocytes, where this process plays a key role in nuclear positioning during development, and combine an experimental and theoretical framework to extract molecular-scale force kinetics (force, power stroke, and velocity) of the in vivo active process. Assuming a single dominant process, we find that the nonequilibrium activity induces rapid kicks of duration τ ~ 300 μs resulting in an average force of F ~ 0.4 pN on vesicles in in vivo oocytes, remarkably similar to the kinetics of in vitro myosin-V. Our results reveal that measuring in vivo active fluctuations allows extraction of the molecular-scale activity in agreement with single-molecule studies and demonstrates a mesoscopic framework to access force kinetics.  相似文献   

Cytosine methylation affects mechanical properties of DNA and potentially alters the hydration fingerprint for recognition by proteins. The atomistic origin for these effects is not well understood, and we address this via all-atom molecular dynamics simulations. We find that the stiffness of the methylated dinucleotide step changes marginally, whereas the neighboring steps become stiffer. Stiffening is further enhanced for consecutively methylated steps, providing a mechanistic origin for the effect of hypermethylation. Steric interactions between the added methyl groups and the nonpolar groups of the neighboring nucleotides are responsible for the stiffening in most cases. By constructing hydration maps, we found that methylation also alters the surface hydration structure in distinct ways. Its resistance to deformation may contribute to the stiffening of DNA for deformational modes lacking steric interactions. These results highlight the sequence- and deformational-mode-dependent effects of cytosine methylation.  相似文献   

The deposition of fibrillar protein aggregates in human organs is the hallmark of several pathological states, including highly debilitating neurodegenerative disorders and systemic amyloidoses. It is widely accepted that small oligomers arising as intermediates in the aggregation process, released by fibrils, or growing in secondary nucleation steps are the cytotoxic entities in protein-misfolding diseases, notably neurodegenerative conditions. Increasing evidence indicates that cytotoxicity is triggered by the interaction between nanosized protein aggregates and cell membranes, even though little information on the molecular details of such interaction is presently available. In this work, we propose what is, to our knowledge, a new approach, based on the use of single-cell force spectroscopy applied to multifunctional substrates, to study the interaction between protein oligomers, cell membranes, and/or the extracellular matrix. We compared the interaction of single Chinese hamster ovary cells with two types of oligomers (toxic and nontoxic) grown from the N-terminal domain of the Escherichia coli protein HypF. We were able to quantify the affinity between both oligomer type and the cell membrane by measuring the mechanical work needed to detach the cells from the aggregates, and we could discriminate the contributions of the membrane lipid and protein fractions to such affinity. The fundamental role of the ganglioside GM1 in the membrane-oligomers interaction was also highlighted. Finally, we observed that the binding of toxic oligomers to the cell membrane significantly affects the functionality of adhesion molecules such as Arg-Gly-Asp binding integrins, and that this effect requires the presence of the negatively charged sialic acid moiety of GM1.  相似文献   

Human healthy (wild-type (WT)) and homozygous sickle (SS) red blood cells (RBCs) express a large number of surface receptors that mediate cell adhesion between RBCs, and between RBCs and white blood cells, platelets, and the endothelium. In sickle cell disease (SCD), abnormal adhesion of RBCs to endothelial cells is mediated by the intercellular adhesion molecule-4 (ICAM-4), which appears on the RBC membrane and binds to the endothelial αvβ3 integrin. This is a key factor in the initiation of vaso-occlusive episodes, the hallmark of SCD. A better understanding of the mechanisms that control RBC adhesion to endothelium may lead to novel approaches to both prevention and treatment of vaso-occlusive episodes in SCD. One important mechanism of ICAM-4 activation occurs via the cyclic adenosine monophosphate-protein kinase A (cAMP-PKA)-dependent signaling pathway. Here, we employed an in vitro technique called single-molecule force spectroscopy to study the effect of modulation of the cAMP-PKA-dependent pathway on ICAM-4 receptor activation. We quantified the frequency of active ICAM-4 receptors on WT-RBC and SS-RBC membranes, as well as the median unbinding force between ICAM-4 and αvβ3. We showed that the collective frequency of unbinding events in WT-RBCs is not significantly different from that of SS-RBCs. This result was confirmed by confocal microscopy experiments. In addition, we showed that incubation of normal RBCs and SS-RBCs with epinephrine, a catecholamine that binds to the β-adrenergic receptor and activates the cAMP-PKA-dependent pathway, caused a significant increase in the frequency of active ICAM-4 receptors in both normal RBCs and SS-RBCs. However, the unbinding force between ICAM-4 and the corresponding ligand αvβ3 remained the same. Furthermore, we demonstrated that forskolin, an adenylyl cyclase activator, significantly increased the frequency of ICAM-4 receptors in WT-RBCs and SS-RBCs, confirming that the activation of ICAM-4 is regulated by the cAMP-PKA pathway. Finally, we showed that A-kinase anchoring proteins play an essential role in ICAM-4 activation.  相似文献   

Collagen forms fibrous networks that reinforce tissues and provide an extracellular matrix for cells. These networks exhibit remarkable strain-stiffening properties that tailor the mechanical functions of tissues and regulate cell behavior. Recent models explain this nonlinear behavior as an intrinsic feature of disordered networks of stiff fibers. Here, we experimentally validate this theoretical framework by measuring the elastic properties of collagen networks over a wide range of self-assembly conditions. We show that the model allows us to quantitatively relate both the linear and nonlinear elastic behavior of collagen networks to their underlying architecture. Specifically, we identify the local coordination number (or connectivity) z as a key architectural parameter that governs the elastic response of collagen. The network elastic response reveals that z decreases from 3.5 to 3 as the polymerization temperature is raised from 26 to 37°C while being weakly dependent on concentration. We furthermore infer a Young’s modulus of 1.1 MPa for the collagen fibrils from the linear modulus. Scanning electron microscopy confirms that z is between three and four but is unable to detect the subtle changes in z with polymerization conditions that rheology is sensitive to. Finally, we show that, consistent with the model, the initial stress-stiffening response of collagen networks is controlled by the negative normal stress that builds up under shear. Our work provides a predictive framework to facilitate future studies of the regulatory effect of extracellular matrix molecules on collagen mechanics. Moreover, our findings can aid mechanobiological studies of wound healing, fibrosis, and cancer metastasis, which require collagen matrices with tunable mechanical properties.  相似文献   

We have studied the adhesion state (also denoted by docking state) of lipid vesicles as induced by the divalent ions Ca2+ or Mg2+ at well-controlled ion concentration, lipid composition, and charge density. The bilayer structure and the interbilayer distance in the docking state were analyzed by small-angle x-ray scattering. A strong adhesion state was observed for DOPC:DOPS vesicles, indicating like-charge attraction resulting from ion correlations. The observed interbilayer separations of ~1.6 nm agree quantitatively with the predictions of electrostatics in the strong coupling regime. Although this phenomenon was observed when mixing anionic and zwitterionic (or neutral) lipids, pure anionic membranes (DOPS) with highest charge density σ resulted in a direct phase transition to a multilamellar state, which must be accompanied by rupture and fusion of vesicles. To extend the structural assay toward protein-controlled docking and fusion, we have characterized reconstituted N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptors in controlled proteoliposome suspensions by small-angle x-ray scattering.  相似文献   

The glycocalyx is a thick coat of proteins and carbohydrates on the outer surface of all eukaryotic cells. Overproduction of large, flexible or rod-like biopolymers, including hyaluronic acid and mucins, in the glycocalyx strongly correlates with the aggression of many cancer types. However, theoretical frameworks to predict the effects of these changes on cancer cell adhesion and other biophysical processes remain limited. Here, we propose a detailed modeling framework for the glycocalyx incorporating important physical effects of biopolymer flexibility, excluded volume, counterion mobility, and coupled membrane deformations. Because mucin and hyaluronic biopolymers are proposed to extend and rigidify depending on the extent of their decoration with side chains, we propose and consider two limiting cases for the structural elements of the glycocalyx: stiff beams and flexible chains. Simulations predict the mechanical response of the glycocalyx to compressive loads, which are imposed on cells residing in the highly confined spaces of the solid tumor or invaded tissues. Notably, the shape of the mechanical response transitions from hyperbolic to sigmoidal for more rod-like glycocalyx elements. These mechanical responses, along with the corresponding equilibrium protein organizations and membrane topographies, are summarized to aid in hypothesis generation and the evaluation of future experimental measurements. Overall, the modeling framework developed provides a theoretical basis for understanding the physical biology of the glycocalyx in human health.  相似文献   

Membrane nanotubes, also known as membrane tethers, play important functional roles in many cellular processes, such as trafficking and signaling. Although considerable progresses have been made in understanding the physics regulating the mechanical behaviors of individual membrane nanotubes, relatively little is known about the formation of multiple membrane nanotubes due to the rapid occurring process involving strong cooperative effects and complex configurational transitions. By exerting a pair of external extraction upon two separate membrane regions, here, we combine molecular dynamics simulations and theoretical analysis to investigate how the membrane nanotube formation and pulling behaviors are regulated by the separation between the pulling forces and how the membrane protrusions interact with each other. As the force separation increases, different membrane configurations are observed, including an individual tubular protrusion, a relatively less deformed protrusion with two nanotubes on its top forming a V shape, a Y-shaped configuration through nanotube coalescence via a zipper-like mechanism, and two weakly interacting tubular protrusions. The energy profile as a function of the separation is determined. Moreover, the directional flow of lipid molecules accompanying the membrane shape transition is analyzed. Our results provide new, to our knowledge, insights at a molecular level into the interaction between membrane protrusions and help in understanding the formation and evolution of intra- and intercellular membrane tubular networks involved in numerous cell activities.  相似文献   

Pulsed electric fields with microsecond pulse width (μsPEFs) are used clinically; namely, irreversible electroporation/Nanoknife is used for soft tissue tumor ablation. The μsPEF pulse parameters used in irreversible electroporation (0.5–1 kV/cm, 80–100 pulses, ~100 μs each, 1 Hz frequency) may cause an internal field to develop within the cell because of the disruption of the outer cell membrane and subsequent penetration of the electric field. An internal field may disrupt voltage-sensitive mitochondria, although the research literature has been relatively unclear regarding whether such disruptions occur with μsPEFs. This investigation reports the influence of clinically used μsPEF parameters on mitochondrial respiration in live cells. Using a high-throughput Agilent Seahorse machine, it was observed that μsPEF exposure comprising 80 pulses with amplitudes of 600 or 700 V/cm did not alter mitochondrial respiration in 4T1 cells measured after overnight postexposure recovery. To record alterations in mitochondrial function immediately after μsPEF exposure, high-resolution respirometry was used to measure the electron transport chain state via responses to glutamate-malate and ADP and mitochondrial membrane potential via response to carbonyl cyanide-p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone. In addition to measuring immediate mitochondrial responses to μsPEF exposure, measurements were also made on cells permeabilized using digitonin and those with compromised cytoskeleton due to actin depolymerization via treatment with the drug latrunculin B. The former treatment was used as a control to tease out the effects of plasma membrane permeabilization, whereas the latter was used to investigate indirect effects on the mitochondria that may occur if μsPEFs impact the cytoskeleton on which the mitochondria are anchored. Based on the results, it was concluded that within the pulse parameters tested, μsPEFs alone do not hinder mitochondrial physiology but can be used to impact the mitochondria upon compromising the actin. Mitochondrial susceptibility to μsPEF after actin depolymerization provides, to our knowledge, a novel avenue for cancer therapeutics.  相似文献   

Acoustical excitation of the organ of Corti induces radial fluid flow in the subtectorial space (STS) that excites the hair bundles (HBs) of the sensory inner hair cell of the mammalian cochlea. The inner hair cell HBs are bathed in endolymphatic fluid filling a thin gap in the STS between the tectorial membrane and the reticular lamina. According to the fluctuation dissipation theorem, the fluid viscosity gives rise to mechanical fluctuations that are transduced into current noise. Conversely, the stochastic fluctuations of the mechanically gated channels of the HBs also induce dissipation. We develop an analytic model of the STS complex in a cross section of the gerbil organ of Corti. We predict that the dominant noise at the apex is due to the channel stochasticity whereas viscous effects dominate at the base. The net root mean square fluctuation of the HB motion is estimated to be at least 1.18 nm at the base and 2.72 nm at the apex. By varying the HB height for a fixed STS gap, we find that taller HBs are better sensors with lower thresholds. An integrated active HB model is shown to reduce the hydrodynamic resistance through a cycle-by-cycle power addition through adaptation, reducing the thresholds of hearing, hinting at one potential role for HB activity in mammalian hearing. We determine that a Couette flow approximation in the STS underestimates the dissipation and that modeling the entire STS complex is necessary to correctly predict the low-frequency dissipation in the cochlea. Finally, the difference in the noise budget at the base and the apex of the cochlea indicate that a sensing modality other than the shear motion of the TM that may be used to achieve low-noise acoustic sensing at the apex.  相似文献   

Because the degree of labeling (DOL) of cell-bound antibodies, often required in quantitative fluorescence measurements, is largely unknown, we investigated the effect of labeling with two different fluorophores (AlexaFluor546, AlexaFluor647) in a systematic way using antibody stock solutions with different DOLs. Here, we show that the mean DOL of the cell-bound antibody fraction is lower than that of the stock using single molecule fluorescence measurements. The effect is so pronounced that the mean DOL levels off at approximately two fluorophores/IgG for some antibodies. We developed a method for comparing the average DOL of antibody stocks to that of the isolated, cell-bound fraction based on fluorescence anisotropy measurements confirming the aforementioned conclusions. We created a model in which individual antibody species with different DOLs, present in an antibody stock solution, were assumed to have distinct affinities and quantum yields. The model calculations confirmed that a calibration curve constructed from the anisotropy of antibody stocks can be used for determining the DOL of the bound fraction. The fluorescence intensity of the cell-bound antibody fractions and of the antibody stocks exhibited distinctly different dependence on the DOL. The behavior of the two dyes was systematically different in this respect. Fitting of the model to these data revealed that labeling with each dye affects quantum yield and antibody affinity differentially. These measurements also implied that fluorophores in multiply labeled antibodies exhibit self-quenching and lead to decreased antibody affinity, conclusions directly confirmed by steady-state intensity measurements and competitive binding assays. Although the fluorescence lifetime of antibodies labeled with multiple fluorophores decreased, the magnitude of this change was not sufficient to account for self-quenching indicating that both dynamic and static quenching processes occur involving H-aggregate formation. Our results reveal multiple effects of fluorophore conjugation, which must not be overlooked in quantitative cell biological measurements.  相似文献   

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