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Two stable steady states were found in the numerical solution of the Hodgkin-Huxley equations for the intact squid axon bathed in potassium-rich sea water with an externally applied inward current. Under the conditions the two stable steady-states exist, the Hodgkin-Huxley equations have a complex bifurcation structure including, in addition to the two stable steady-states, a stable limit cycle, two unstable equilibrium points, and one asymptotically stable equilibrium point. It was also concluded that two stable steady states can appear in the Hodgkin-Huxley axons when the leak current is comparable to the currents through the Na and K channels.  相似文献   

The membrane current in the Hodgkin-Huxley equations is considered to be a stimulus to the membrane and the responses to the simulus are numerically calculated. Responses of the Hodgkin-Huxley model to an alternating current superimposed upon a constant bias current show qualitative analogy to responses of biological mechanoreceptors. The intensity of the bias current seems to correspond to the degree of adaptation of actual receptors.  相似文献   

Squid giant axons are voltage-clamped with ascending potential ramps whose slopes range from 0.5 mV/msec to 60 mV/msec and delayed (K+) currents are observed. The parametric current-voltage curves exhibit a delay period of minimal current followed by a rapid increase of current toward a final steady state. Both the initial delay and the slope of the subsequent rising phase increase with increasing ramp slope. When the Hodgkin-Huxley equations are used to generate theoretical current-voltage curves, the sharp difference between the delay and rising phases is muted and the ramp slope must be increased to produce an adequate representation of the data. A muted biphasic response is also observed when the current-voltage curves are generated using modified Hodgkin-Huxley parameters and a correction for K+ accumulation in the periaxonal space. These modified equations provide an accurate fit for step-potential clamp current data. Since the ramp experiments include all relevant clamping potentials, the experiments provide a sensitive test for kinetic models of K+ on flow in the delayed (K+) channels of squid giant axon.  相似文献   

A voltage clamp consisting of a sinusoidal voltage of amplitude V1 and frequency f, superimposed on a steady voltage level V0, is applied to the Hodgkin-Huxley model of the squid giant axon membrane. The steady-state response is a current composed of sinusoidal components of frequencies O, f, 2f, 3f,... The frequencies greater than f arise from the nonlinearity of the membrane. The total current is described by a power series in V1; each coefficient of this series is composed of current components for one or more frequencies. For different frequencies one can derive higher-order generalized admittances characterizing the nonlinear as well as the linear properties of the membrane. Formulas for the generalized admittances are derived from the Hodgkin-Huxley equations for frequencies up to 3f, using a perturbation technique. Some of the resulting theoretical curves are compared with experimental results, with good qualitative agreement.  相似文献   

Hodgkin-Huxley models have been the standard for describing ionic current kinetics. However, many single channel behaviors cannot be described using traditional Hodgkin-Huxley models; they can be described by expanding the Hodgkin-Huxley models to have multiple resting and inactivated states. The model, based on charge translocation between a finite number of discrete Markovian states, is a biophysical kinetic model, according to current generalizations of channel structure, capable of reproducing channel behavior. The elaboration of the model is based on the Markov process. This type of model assumes that each channel has a discrete number of states that are connected by a kinetic diagram that defines the allowable transitions between these states and the rates at which these transitions occur. The application of the model presented here leads to results in accordance with the experimental data regarding the shape and characteristics of the nerve impulse registered along the nerve fibre. Unlike the traditional Hodgkin-Huxley models, the model based on the Markov processes has the advantage of removing the empirical equations, simplifying the computation of the membrane potential and revealing the single-channel variables. The average behavior is obtained by the repetition in one channel of the same stimulus, a number of times equal to the number of channels, which means that the macroscopic variables are predictable by the repetition, a certain number of times, of the same observations in a single channel.  相似文献   

We study two different two-dimensional reductions of the Hodgkin-Huxley equations. We show that they display the same qualitative bifurcation scheme as the original equations but overestimate the current range where periodic emission occurs. This is essentially due to the assumption that the evolution of the sodium activation variable m is instantaneous with respect to the dynamics of the variables h and n, an hypothesis that breaks down at high values of the injected current. To prove this point we compare the current-amplitude relation, the current-frequency relation, and the shapes of individual spikes for the two reduced models to the results obtained for the original Hodgkin-Huxley model and for a three dimensional model with instantaneous sodium activation. We show that a more satisfying agreement with the original Hodgkin-Huxley equations is obtained if we modify the evolution equation for the potential by incorporating the prominent features of the dynamics of m.  相似文献   

Steady-state potential and current distributions resulting from internal injection of current in the squid giant axon have been measured experimentally and also computed from nonlinear membrane cable equation models by numerical methods, using the Hodgkin-Huxley equations to give the membrane current density. The solutions obtained by this method satisfactorily reproduce experimental measurements of the steady-state distribution of membrane potential. Computations of the input current-voltage characteristic for a nonlinear cable were in excellent agreement with measurements on axons. Our results demonstrate the power of Cole's equation to extract the nonlinear membrane characteristics simply from measurement of the input resistance.  相似文献   

We have previously discussed qualitative models for bursting and thalamic neurons that were obtained by modifying a simple two-dimensional model for repetitive firing. In this paper we report the results of making a similar sequence of modifications to a more elaborate six-dimensional model of repetitive firing which is based on the Hodgkin-Huxley equations. To do this we first reduce the six-dimensional model to a two-dimensional model that resembles our original two-dimensional qualitative model. This is achieved by defining a new variable, which we call q. We then add a subthreshold inward current and a subthreshold outward current having a variable, z, that changes slowly. This gives a three-dimensional (v,q,z) model of the Hodgkin-Huxley type, which we refer to as the z-model. Depending on the choice of parameter values this model resembles our previous models of bursting and thalamic neurons. At each stage in the development of these models we return to the corresponding seven-dimensional model to confirm that we can obtain similar solutions by using the complete system of equations. The analysis of the three-dimensional model involves a state diagram and a stability diagram. The state diagram shows the projection of the phase path from v,q,z space into the v,z plane, together with the projections of the curves z = 0 and v = q = 0. The stability of the points on the curve v = q = 0, which we call the v, q nullcurve, is determined by the stability diagram. Taken together the state and stability diagrams show how to assemble the ionic currents to produce a given firing pattern.  相似文献   

Accommodation and excitation in space-clamped squid axons were studied with the double sucrose gap technique, using linear current ramps, short (50 µsec) square wave pulses, and rheobasic square wave pulses as stimuli. The temperature was varied from 5° to 35°C. Experimental results showed a Q10 for accommodation which was 44% higher than that for excitation. Yet calculations on the basis of the Hodgkin-Huxley equations predict equal Q10's for excitation and accommodation. Although the Hodgkin-Huxley equations are spectacularly successful for so many nerve phenomena, the differences between calculations of accommodation and these experiments, which were designed to test the equations, show that the equations need modification in this area.  相似文献   

A qualitative analysis of the Hodgkin-Huxley model (Hodgkin and Huxley 1952), which closely mimics the ionic processes at a real nerve membrane, is performed by means of a singular perturbation theory. This was achieved by introducing a perturbation parameter that, if decreased, speeds up the fast variables of the Hodgkin-Huxley equations (membrane potential and sodium activation), whereas it does not affect the slow variables (sodium inactivation and potassium activation). In the most extreme case, if the perturbation parameter is set to zero, the original four-dimensional system degenerates to a system with only two differential equations. This degenerate system is easier to analyze and much more intuitive than the original Hodgkin-Huxley equations. It shows, like the original model, an infinite train of action potentials if stimulated by an input current in a suitable range. Additionally, explanations for the increased sensitivity to depolarizing current steps that precedes an action potential can be found by analysis of the degenerate system. Using the theory of Mishchenko and Rozov (1980) it is shown that the degenerate system does not only represent a simplification of the original Hodgkin-Huxley equations but also gives a valid approximation of the original model at least for stimulating currents that are constant within a suitable range.  相似文献   

The influence of sodium current activation on the value of nerve excitation conduction velocity is investigated on the basis of Hodgkin-Huxley model. The potassium activation and sodium inactivation are considered as slow processes which do not develop to an appreciable extent in the region of conduction velocity formation. The system of equations was derived and solved analytically after neglecting the dependency of sodium relaxation time on potential; the approximation of steady-state sodium activation was also used with the help of Hevyside function. The algebraic equation for conduction velocity was obtained; its solution has a simple analytical form in two limits of rapid and slow sodium current relaxation. The comparison with the experimental data has shown that at not very high temperatures the slow (compared to the potential dynamics) sodium current relaxation approximation is more appropriate. The dependency of impulse velocity on capacitance and conductance of the fiber was analyzed.  相似文献   

Very different biophysical theories can lead to similar or even identical predictions for a wide range of experiments. This was true for the original Rashevsky theory of membrane excitation, and the later Hill formulation. Similarly, the Hodgkin-Huxley equations for membrane current are based on two postulates: current proportional to total thermodynamic potential difference across the membrane, and the independence principle. Experiments used to confirm these postulates can be predicted as well by a model in which neither postulate applies.  相似文献   

The Hodgkin-Huxley equations, originally developed to describe the electrical events in the squid giant axon, have been modified to simulate the ionic and electrical events in a small unmyelinated nerve fiber. The modified equations incorporate an electrogenic sodium-potassium pump, finite intra-axonal volume, a periaxonal space, a calcium current, and calcium-dependent potassium conductance (GKCa). The model shows that adaptation can occur in two ways: increased Na-K pump activity because of periaxonal K accumulation or intra-axonal Na accumulation; or from an increase in (GKCa) caused by calcium accumulating within the axon. Bursting is an extension of adaptation and occurs when the sensitivity of the Na-K pump or (GKCa) to changes in ionic concentration is increased.  相似文献   

The convulsant pentylenetetrazol (PTZ) was used to trigger spike bursts and paroxysmal discharges inAplysia neurons. Voltage clamp experiments showed that PTZ induced a slow voltage-dependent potassium current and a persistent inward current. These currents are incorporated into a membrane model together with modified spike-generating Hodgkin-Huxley equations. From these data a metaphoric model is constructed and represented by a slow-fast dynamical system defined inR 4. With some values of the main physiological parameters, the system might have limit cycles for the fast dynamic. A qualitative study of the system shows that it satisfactorily reproduces the various observed patterns produced by PTZ.  相似文献   

The (standard) FitzHugh reduction of the Hodgkin-Huxley equations for the propagation of nerve impulses ignores the dynamics of the activation gates. This assumption is invalid and leads to an over-estimation of the wave speed by a factor of 5 and the wrong dependence of wave speed on sodium channel conductance. The error occurs because a non-dimensional parameter, which is assumed to be small in the FitzHugh reduction, is in fact large (≈18). We analyse the Hodgkin-Huxley equations for propagating nerve impulses in the limit that this non-dimensional parameter is large, and show that the analytical results are consistent with numerical simulations of the Hodgkin-Huxley equations.  相似文献   

A homomorphism on a physical system of the Hodgkin-Huxley equations for ion conductance in nerve is derived. It is pointed out that a homomorphism can correct the Cole-Moore discrepancy in delay of conductance for voltage clamp data with initial hyperpolarization. The voltage dependence of the rate constants can also be removed. Curves are presented to compare the representation of the nerve conductances by the Hodgkin-Huxley equations and the new homomorphism.  相似文献   

 The Hodgkin-Huxley equations (HH) are parameterized by a number of parameters and shows a variety of qualitatively different behaviors depending on the parameter values. We explored the dynamics of the HH for a wide range of parameter values in the multiple-parameter space, that is, we examined the global structure of bifurcations of the HH. Results are summarized in various two-parameter bifurcation diagrams with I ext (externally applied DC current) as the abscissa and one of the other parameters as the ordinate. In each diagram, the parameter plane was divided into several regions according to the qualitative behavior of the equations. In particular, we focused on periodic solutions emerging via Hopf bifurcations and identified parameter regions in which either two stable periodic solutions with different amplitudes and periods and a stable equilibrium point or two stable periodic solutions coexist. Global analysis of the bifurcation structure suggested that generation of these regions is associated with degenerate Hopf bifurcations. Received: 23 April 1999 / Accepted in revised form: 24 September 1999  相似文献   

Phase resetting and bifurcation in the ventricular myocardium.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
With the dynamic differential equations of Beeler, G. W., and H. Reuter (1977, J. Physiol. [Lond.]. 268:177-210), we have studied the oscillatory behavior of the ventricular muscle fiber stimulated by a depolarizing applied current I app. The dynamic solutions of BR equations revealed that as I app increases, a periodic repetitive spiking mode appears above the subthreshold I app, which transforms to a periodic spiking-bursting mode of oscillations, and finally to chaos near the suprathreshold I app (i.e., near the termination of the periodic state). Phase resetting and annihilation of repetitive firing in the ventricular myocardium were demonstrated by a brief current pulse of the proper magnitude applied at the proper phase. These phenomena were further examined by a bifurcation analysis. A bifurcation diagram constructed as a function of I app revealed the existence of a stable periodic solution for a certain range of current values. Two Hopf bifurcation points exist in the solution, one just above the lower periodic limit point and the other substantially below the upper periodic limit point. Between each periodic limit point and the Hopf bifurcation, the cell exhibited the coexistence of two different stable modes of operation; the oscillatory repetitive firing state and the time-independent steady state. As in the Hodgkin-Huxley case, there was a low amplitude unstable periodic state, which separates the domain of the stable periodic state from the stable steady state. Thus, in support of the dynamic perturbation methods, the bifurcation diagram of the BR equation predicts the region where instantaneous perturbations, such as brief current pulses, can send the stable repetitive rhythmic state into the stable steady state.  相似文献   

Null space in the Hodgkin-Huxley Equations. A critical test.   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Voltage perturbation methods based upon topological concepts are used to elicit responses from the Hodgkin-Huxley (HH) nonlinear differential equations. These responses present a critical check upon the validity of the HH model for electrical activity across squid axon membrane. It is shown that when a constant current is applied such that a stable equilibrium and rhythmic firing are present, the following predictions are inherent in the HH system of equations: (a) Small instantaneous voltage perturbations to the axon given at points along its firing spike result in phase resetting curves (when new phase versus old phase is plotted) with an average slope of 1. (b) A larger voltage perturbation (from certain points along the firing spike) results in the permanent cessation of periodic firing, with membrane voltage rapidly approaching the equilibrium value. (c) A still larger perturbation yields phase resetting curves with an average slope equal to 0. These predictions, coupled with Tasaki's experimental demonstration that squid axons in excellent condition do give repetitive firing under constant current, provide a critical test of the validity of the HH model.  相似文献   

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