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Ponthieva rinconii, a new orchid species from the foothills of the Sierra Madre Oriental in Veracruz, Mexico, is described and illustrated. It is similar in overall appearance to the wide-ranging upland speciesP. schaffneri, but differs from it in habitat preferences (tropical semi-evergreen forest at 650 m elevation), presence of a loose raceme, and three-lobed labellum with a basal cavity.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Phylogenetic relationships of subtribes Cranichidinae and Prescottiinae, two diverse groups of neotropical terrestrial orchids, are not satisfactorily understood. A previous molecular phylogenetic study supported monophyly for Cranichidinae, but Prescottiinae consisted of two clades not sister to one another. However, that analysis included only 11 species and eight genera of these subtribes. Here, plastid and nuclear DNA sequences are analysed for an enlarged sample of genera and species of Cranichidinae and Prescottiinae with the aim of clarifying their relationships, evaluating the phylogenetic position of the monospecific genera Exalaria, Ocampoa and Pseudocranichis and examining the value of various structural traits as taxonomic markers.


Approx. 6000 bp of nucleotide sequences from nuclear ribosomal (ITS) and plastid DNA (rbcL, matK-trnK and trnL-trnF) were analysed with cladistic parsimony and Bayesian inference for 45 species/14 genera of Cranichidinae and Prescottiinae (plus suitable outgroups). The utility of flower orientation, thickenings of velamen cell walls, hamular viscidium and pseudolabellum to mark clades recovered by the molecular analysis was assessed by tracing these characters on the molecular trees.

Key Results

Spiranthinae, Cranichidinae, paraphyletic Prescottia (with Pseudocranichis embedded), and a group of mainly Andean ‘prescottioid’ genera (the ‘Stenoptera clade’) were strongly supported. Relationships among these clades were unresolved by parsimony but the Bayesian tree provided moderately strong support for the resolution (Spiranthinae–(Stenoptera clade-(Prescottia/Pseudocranichis–Cranichidinae))). Three of the four structural characters mark clades on the molecular trees, but the possession of a pseudolabellum is variable in the polyphyletic Ponthieva.


No evidence was found for monophyly of Prescottiinae and the reinstatement of Cranichidinae s.l. (including the genera of ‘Prescottiinae’) is favoured. Cranichidinae s.l. are diagnosed by non-resupinate flowers. Lack of support from parsimony for relationships among the major clades of core spiranthids is suggestive of a rapid morphological radiation or a slow rate of molecular evolution.Key words: Cranichideae, Cranichidinae, matK-trnK, molecular phylogenetics, nrITS, Orchidaceae, Prescottiinae, resupination, trnL-trnF  相似文献   

We aimed to describe and analyse the morphological, anatomical and micromorphological traits of 36 Turkish orchids representing 12 genera (e.g. Anacamptis, Cephalanthera, Dactylorhiza, Orchis, Serapias) in detail and analyse their usability for solving phylogenetic and taxonomic issues. We applied UPGMA cluster analysis to anatomical, morphological and micromorphological characters such as root tubers, leaf and flower structures, pit, sclerenchymatic sheath, vascular bundle shape, crystal and starch, exodermis and endodermis structure, stomata type, bulliform cells in roots, shoots and leaves, surface structures like papillae, hairs and ornamentation on flower parts, leaves, fruits and seeds. Furthermore, in a phylogenetic framework, we analysed nuclear ribosomal ITS diversity in the same orchid species belonging, and in a combined Bayesian phylogenetic analysis based on anatomical, morphological, micromorphogical and ITS data we confirmed the usefulness of multiple data sets for effectively assessing taxonomically critical orchids. In the combined analysis, all genera were resolved as monophyletic with topologies congruent with recently published more thorough molecular phylogenetic reconstructions, while the trees obtained by seprately analysing the ITS and the anatomical, morphological, micromorphogical data were less resolved and partly inconclusive.  相似文献   

As a step towards a revision of the sectional classification of Neotropical species of Habenaria, we focus here on section Pentadactylae. In its current delimitation, this is the largest of the 14 New World sections and embraces a group of 34 morphologically heterogeneous species. We expanded the sampling of Neotropical species currently placed in this section and performed Bayesian, maximum likelihood and parsimony analyses using nucleotide sequences from one nuclear (internal transcribed spacer, ITS) and three plastid (matK, trnK intron, rps16trnK) DNA regions. In addition, morphological features of these species were reassessed. Based on our analyses, we propose that Habenaria section Pentadactylae should be recircumscribed to include only seven species: H. pentadactyla (the type species of the section), H. dutrae, H. ekmaniana, H. exaltata, H. henscheniana, H. megapotamensis and H. montevidensis. Thirty‐two species previously assigned to the section grouped within unrelated clades and are therefore excluded from the section. There are no unambiguous morphological synapomorphies for the section, but the group can be confidently recircumscribed and identified on the basis of a combination of diagnostic morphological vegetative and floral characters. Morphological floral features in Habenaria montevidensis are distinct from those of other species in the section, probably as a result of a shift to diurnal pollinators. Following a taxonomic revision of the group, H. crassipes is placed under the synonymy of H. exaltata and neotypes are designated for H. crassipes, H. montevidensis and H. recta (= H. ekmaniana). All species in the section live in marshes or wet grasslands from northern Argentina to central Brazil; most species are concentrated in southern Brazil. Most species are probably rare, and five may be threatened according to the World Conservation Union (IUCN) criteria. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 175 , 47–73.  相似文献   

Using data obtained through anatomy and morphology, we used cladistics to examine the monophyly of Senghas's proposed classification of Maxillaria cushion plants and his placement of Mormolyca ringens. Trignidium obtusum was chosen as the outgroup. Leaves have multicellular hairs sunken in crypts, primarily anomocytic or primarily tetracytic stomatal apparatuses, homogeneous mesophyll, and scattered fibre bundles. Three types of adaxial hypodermis were observed: (1) water-storage cells, (2) fibre bundles scattered among water-storage cells, and (3) fibre bundles scattered among chlorenchymatous cells. Abaxial hypodermis of fibre bundles occurs in several Maxillaria species and in Trigonidium obtusum. At the midvein of the leaf, adaxial mesophyll cells of most species are anticlinally extended and empty, and the abaxial mesophyll is usually collenchymatous. Vascular bundles are collateral and usually in a single series. Pseudobulb epidermal cell walls are thin, or outer walls are thickened. Ground tissue consists of water-storage and assimilatory cells with vascular bundles and associated lacunae scattered throughout. Roots are velamentous and exodermal cell walls are usually n-thickened with tenuous bands of scalarifom thickenings on longitudinal walls. Tilosomes may be plaited, baculate, or spongy. Endodermal cell walls are usually U-thickened and pericycle cell walls are usually O-thickened opposite phloem sectors. Stegmata line the periphery of the thickened pericycle cells opposite phloem sectors in M. picta. Pith may be parenchymatous or sclerenchymatous. According to our phylogenetic analysis, Mormolyca ringens is consistently nested within the cladistic structure of Maxillaria. Therefore, Maxillaria likely is paraphyletic if Mormolyca ringens is recognized as generically distinct. It appears that Senghas's subgroup divisions of the unifoliate pseudobulbous maxillarias may also be artificial.  相似文献   

Triphorinae represents a group of three anatomically simple genera, the structural features of which are unspecialized. The anomocytic stomatal pattern occurs in all genera; it predominates in Triphora. A foliar hypodermis, sclerenchyma, fibre bundles and stegmata are absent. The mesophyll is homogeneous. The exodermal and endodermal cells in the roots are entirely thin‐walled and tilosomes are absent. However, there are anatomical modifications that appear to be unique: root hairs in Monophyllorchis are borne on velamenal buttresses and, in Psilochilus, they arise endogenously. In the root vascular system of Psilochilus, the metaxylem occurs as a circumferential band. The surfaces of stems in Triphora are tuberculate. Mycorrhizae appear to characterize the root cortices of all genera. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 159 , 203–210.  相似文献   

Subtribe Oncidiinae comprises a vegetatively heterogeneous assemblage of species that has persistently been incapable of organization. Anatomy was considered to be a possible means to resolve the perplexity of relationships amongst the constituent taxa. The consistent occurrence of a foliar hypodermis, homogeneous mesophyll, conical silica bodies in stegmata, and ubiquitous fibre bundles in leaves provides a matrix for linking the taxa, as do the parenchymatous pith and O-thickened endodermal cell walls in roots. However, the strict consensus of the 40 genera studied was completely unresolved, suggesting that vegetative characters alone are insufficient to assess the relationships amongst these taxa, a conclusion also reached for the remainder of Maxillarieae.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 152 , 91–107.  相似文献   

现存的兰属分类系统是基于宏观形态学性状、尤其是花粉块的数目以及唇瓣与蕊柱的愈合程度而建立的.兰属因此而划分为3个亚属:兰亚属 (subgenus Cymbidium),大花亚属(subgenus Cyperorchis) 和建兰亚属 (subgenus Jensoa).本文运用PCR扩增和直接测序的方法分析兰属 (Cymbidium) 27种、3个栽培品种以及3个外类群的核DNA ITS 区段序列.通过最简约性分析产生的ITS系统发育树表明,兰属的3个亚属均可能为不自然的类群.大花亚属表现为一复系群,兰亚属的冬凤兰 (C.dayanum) 隐藏于其中;建兰亚属为一并系群,它的成员之一兔耳兰 (C.lancifolium) 偏离出去而成为兰属一最基部的分支;兰亚属为一复系群,它分为几支而分别与另两个亚属组合在一起.由于兰属ITS序列位点变异率较低,最简约性分析产生的几支主要分支均得不到Bootstrap分析的高度支持,各亚属内组之间的关系也不明确.研究兰属的系统发育关系还需要新的数据.  相似文献   

Laeliinae are one of the most prominent orchid subtribes, with c. 40 genera and nearly 1500 species, and contain a disparate group of taxa with widely varying morphological features. There does not appear to be a complex of characters to which one can refer in order to delineate the subtribe as a whole. Thus, it was thought that vegetative anatomy might provide clues to the monophyly of the group. The microscopic structure of the leaves, stems and roots of representatives of most of the genera was studied. It was concluded that the anatomy lacks overall uniformity and that vegetative characters alone are insufficient to assess the relationships amongst the genera. The only nearly consistent anatomical feature was the abaxial row of fibre bundles in the leaves. Thus, anatomically, as well as morphologically, Laeliinae are a mixed bag. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 160 , 21–41.  相似文献   

基于nrDNAITS序列数据的兰属系统发育关系的初步分析(英)   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
现存的兰属分类系统是基于宏观形态学性状、尤其是花粉块的数目以及唇瓣与蕊柱的愈合程度而建立的。兰属因此而划分为 3个亚属 :兰亚属 (subgenusCymbidium) ,大花亚属 (subgenusCyperorchis)和建兰亚属 (subgenusJensoa)。本文运用PCR扩增和直接测序的方法分析兰属 (Cymbidium) 2 7种、3个栽培品种以及 3个外类群的核DNAITS区段序列。通过最简约性分析产生的ITS系统发育树表明 ,兰属的 3个亚属均可能为不自然的类群。大花亚属表现为一复系群 ,兰亚属的冬凤兰 (C .dayanum )隐藏于其中 ;建兰亚属为一并系群 ,它的成员之一兔耳兰(C .lancifolium)偏离出去而成为兰属一最基部的分支 ;兰亚属为一复系群 ,它分为几支而分别与另两个亚属组合在一起。由于兰属ITS序列位点变异率较低 ,最简约性分析产生的几支主要分支均得不到Bootstrap分析的高度支持 ,各亚属内组之间的关系也不明确。研究兰属的系统发育关系还需要新的数据。  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships in the tribe Millettieae and allies in the subfamily Papilionoideae (Leguminosae) were reconstructed from chloroplast trnK/matK sequences. Sixty-two accessions representing 57 traditionally recognized genera of Papilionoideae were sampled, including 27 samples from Millettieae. Phylogenies were constructed using maximum parsimony and are well resolved and supported by high bootstrap values. A well-supported "core Millettieae" clade is recognized, comprising the four large genera Millettia, Lonchocarpus, Derris, and Tephrosia. Several other small genera of Millettieae are not in the core Millettieae clade. Platycyamus is grouped with Phaseoleae (in part). Ostryocarpus, Austrosteenisia, and Dalbergiella are neither in the core Millettieae or Phaseoleae clade. These taxa, along with core Millettieae and Phaseoleae, form a monophyletic sister group to Indigofereae. Cyclolobium and Poecilanthe are close to Brongniartieae. Callerya and Wisteria belong to a large clade that includes all the legumes that lack the inverted repeat in their chloroplast genome, which confirms previous rbcL and phytochrome gene family phylogenies. The evolutionary history of four characters was examined in Millettieae and allies: the presence of canavanine, inflorescence types, the dehiscence of pods, and the presence of winged pods. trnK/matK sequence analysis suggests that the presence of a pseudoraceme or pseudopanicle and the accumulation of nonprotein amino acids are phylogenetically informative for Millettieae and allies with only a few exceptions.  相似文献   

STERN, W. L., MORRIS, M. W., JUDD, W. S., PRIDGEON, A. M. & DRESSLER, R. L. 1993. Comparative vegetative anatomy and systematics of Spiranthoideae (Orchidaceae). The anatomy of leaf, stem and root of plants in the orchid subfamily Spiranthoideae was studied and described from the viewpoint of systematics. Plants were available from most of the geographic range. Tribes Diceratosteleae and Tropidieae show sinuous anticlinal epidermal cell walls in leaves, glandular foliar hairs, tetracytic para-mesoperigenous stomata, unitary tracheary components in the foliar midrib, foliar and cauline stegmata and sclerenchyma, typical cruciate starch grains, thick-walled exodermal, endodermal, and pericyclic cells, and conductive strands of the root embedded in sclerenchyma. The tribe Cranichideae shows straight to curvilinear anticlinal epidermal cell walls in leaves, lack glandular foliar hairs, have variably patterned mesoperigenous stomata, lack sclerenchyma throughout the parts studied, have a binary tracheary component in the foliar midrib, store starch in specialized amyloplasts (spiranthosomes), lack stegmata, have thin-walled exodermal, endodermal, and pericyclic cells, show scalariform thickenings in exodermal cells, and have conductive strands of the root embedded in parenchyma. In Cryptostylis the tracheary component of the foliar midrib is unitary, stomata lack subsidiary cells, starch grains are of the typical cruciate configuration, and passage cells of the endodermis are apparently associated with tilosomes. Anatomical data, when analysed cladistically, support the hypothesis that Spiranthoideae, as currently delimited, are polyphyletic. Corymborkis, Tropidia, and Diceratostele are more closely related to Palmorchis, a likely representative of a basal clade within subfamily Epidendroideae, than to genera of Cranichideae. Likewise, members of Cranichideae are more closely related to Diuris, a representative of subfamily Orchidoideae-tribe Diurideae, than to Corymborkis, Tropidia and Diceratostele. The Corymborkis– Tropidia-Diceratostele-bassd epidendroid [Palmorchis) clade may be diagnosed by the foliar synapomorphies of sinuous anticlinal walls of epidermal cells and presence of glandular hairs. The Cranichideae-orchidoid (Diuris) clade may be diagnosed by its variably patterned, mesoperigenous stomata, lack of vascular bundle sclerenchyma, absence of stegmata, unthickened endodermal cell walls in roots, and conductive cells of roots embedded in parenchyma. Relationships within this clade are quite unresolved, when only anatomical data are employed; however, all studied genera of Cranichideae, except Cryptostylis, possess a binary tracheary component in the foliar midrib. Cranichideae, excluding Cryptostylis, may be considered monophyletic. All Cranichideae, except Helaeria and Cryptostylis, possess spiranthosomes. Hetaeria may be a basal member within Cranichideae. We consider the phylogenetic position of Cryptostylis, in relation to Cranichideae vs. Diurideae, to be equivocal.  相似文献   

The monophyly of and phylogenetic relationships within the orchid tribe Maxillarieae Pfitzer were evaluated using parsimony analyses of combined nuclear ribosomal and plastid DNA sequence data of ITS 1 and 2, matK, and the trnL intron and the trnL-F intergene spacer. Each of the separate analyses produced highly congruent but weakly supported patterns (by the bootstrap), so these were combined in a single analysis. Analysis of 90 ingroup taxa (representing ~35% of currently recognized genera) and four outgroup taxa produced resolved and highly supported cladograms. Based on the cladograms, we recognize six subtribes: Eriopsidinae, Oncidiinae (including Pachyphyllinae, Ornithocephalinae, and Telipogoninae), Stanhopeinae, Coeliopsidinae, Maxillariinae (including Lycastinae and Bifrenariinae), and Zygopetalinae (including Cryptarrheninae, Dichaeinae, Huntleyinae, and Warreinae). Stanhopeinae were sampled most intensively; their generic relationships were highly resolved in the analysis and largely agree with currently accepted generic concepts based on morphology. Coeliopsidinae (Coeliopsis, Lycomormium, Peristeria) are sister to Stanhopeinae. Correlations are drawn among phylogeny, pollination mechanisms, and life history traits.  相似文献   

Comparative vegetative anatomy and systematics of Vanilla (Orchidaceae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Vanilla is a pantropical genus of green-stemmed vines bearing clasping (aerial) and absorbing (terrestrial) roots. Most vanillas bear normal, thick foliage leaves; others produce fugacious bracts. Seventeen species, including both types were studied. Foliage leaves of Vanilla are glabrous, have abaxial, tetracytic stomatal apparatuses, and a homogeneous mesophyll. Species may or may not have a uniseriate hypodermis. Crystals occur in the foliar epidermises of some species, but all species have crystalliferous idioblasts with raphides in the mesophyll. Vascular bundles in leaves are collateral and occur in a single series alternating large and small. Sclerenchyma may or may not be associated with the vascular bundles. Scale leaves may be crescent or C-shaped and usually have abaxial stomatal apparatuses. A hypodermis may or may not be present; the mesophyll contains raphide bundles in idioblasts. Vascular bundles are collateral and occur in a single row sometimes aligned close to the adaxial surface. They may or may not be associated with sclerenchyma. Stems of leafy vanillas show a sclerenchyma band separating cortex from ground tissue; stems of leafless vanillas do not show a sclerenchyma band. Ground tissue of the stem may consist solely of assimilatory cells or mixed assimilatory and water-storage cells. In some species centrally located assimilatory cells are surrounded by layers of water-storage cells. A uniseriate hypodermis is present in all stems. Sclerenchyma may completely surround the scattered collateral vascular bundles, occur only on the phloem side, or be absent. Both aerial and terrestrial roots are notable for their uniseriate velamen the cell walls of which may be unmarked or ornamented with anticlinal strips. Exodermis is uniseriate; the cells vary from barely thickened to strongly thickened. Only the outer and radial walls are thickened. Cortical cells of aerial roots generally have chloroplasts that are lacking from the same tissue of terrestrial roots. Raphide bundles occur in thin-walled cortical idioblasts. Endodermis and pericycle are uniseriate; pericycle cells are all ?-thickened opposite the phloem. Cells of the endodermis are either ?- or ∪-thickened opposite the phloem. Vascular tissue may be embedded in thin- or thick-walled sclerenchyma or in parenchyma. Metaxylem cells are always wider in terrestrial than in aerial roots of the same species. Pith cells are generally parenchymatous but sclerotic in a few species.  相似文献   

Cymbideae comprise an assemblage of 28 genera nearly all of which are represented in this study. Their anatomy is relatively homogenous with the exception of Govenia , in which roots lack velamen and pseudobulb vascular bundles lack sclerenchyma, conditions that do not obtain in other genera. Marginal fibre bundles in leaves of Grammatophyllum and Porphyroglottis consist of clusters of thicker-walled, narrower, epidermis-facing fibres as well as thinner-walled, wider, mesophyll-facing fibres. This feature also occurs in some species of Maxillaria . Baculate tilosomes appear in the roots of a majority of genera in Cymbidieae, as they do in species of Maxillaria , confirming DNA analyses showing a close relationship between tribes Cymbidieae and Maxillarieae. Govenia is singled out both on anatomical and molecular grounds as being ill-placed in Cymbidieae. Cladistic analysis produces only a few tentative hypotheses of phylogenetic relationships among the 28 genera, showing that anatomical characters are of limited value in assessing affinities within this tribe. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 139 , 1–27.  相似文献   

Nuclear DNA contents (4C) were estimated by Feulgen microdensitometry in 27 species of slipper orchids. These data and recent information concerning the molecular systematics of Cypripedioideae allow an interesting re-evaluation of karyotype and genome size variation among slipper orchids in a phylogenetic context. DNA amounts differed 5.7-fold, from 24.4 pg in Phragmipedium longifolium to 138.1 pg in Paphiopedilum wardii. The most derived clades of the conduplicate-leaved slipper orchids have undergone a radical process of genome fragmentation that is most parsimoniously explained by Robertsonian changes involving centric fission. This process seems to have occurred independently of genome size variation. However, it may reflect environmental or selective pressures favoring higher numbers of linkage groups in the karyotype.  相似文献   

Hummingbird pollination is documented for a natural population ofStenorrhynchos lanceolatus Aublet. L. C. Rich. occurring in Rio de Janeiro State, southeastern Brazil. At the study site the plants are pollinated byPhaethornis eurynome (Phaethorninae),Thalurania glaucopis (females only) andLeucochloris albicollis (Trochilinae). The plants offer nectar as a reward and the pollinaria become stuck to the surface of the hummingbird's bill while it is probing the flowers. The orchid population received a few (0–4) hummingbird visits per day, with about 83% of the flowers being pollinated. In spite of the low frequency of visits, the granular structure of the pollinarium plus the behaviour of the most frequent pollinators, which tend to visit all the fresh-looking flowers of each inflorescence, a very high fruiting success was promoted. Experimental evidence suggests that the pollinaria may remain up to 6.30 hours on the hummingbird's bill, enhancing the chances of cross-pollination and long-distance pollen flow.  相似文献   

With c. 85 species, the genus Micranthes is among the larger genera of the Saxifragaceae. It is only distantly related to the morphologically similar genus Saxifraga, in which it has frequently been included as Saxifraga section Micranthes. To study the molecular evolution of Micranthes, we analysed nuclear ribosomal (internal transcribed spacer, ITS) and plastid (trnLtrnF) DNA sequences in a comprehensive set of taxa comprising c. 75% of the species. The molecular phylogenetic tree from the combined dataset revealed eight well‐supported clades of Micranthes. These clades agree in part with previously acknowledged subsections or series of Saxifraga section Micranthes. As these eight groups can also be delineated morphologically, we suggest that they should be recognized as sections of Micranthes. New relationships were also detected for some species and species groups, e.g. section Davuricae sister to sections Intermediae and Merkianae, and M. micranthidifolia as a member of section Micranthes. Species proposed to be excluded from the genus Micranthes for morphological reasons were resolved in the molecular tree in Saxifraga. Many morphological characters surveyed were homoplasious to varying extents. Micromorphological characters support comparatively well the clades in the phylogenetic tree. An updated nomenclature and a taxonomic conspectus of sections and species of Micranthes are provided. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 178 , 47–66.  相似文献   

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