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Estimating biologically realistic model neurons from electrophysiological data is a key issue in neuroscience that is central to understanding neuronal function and network behavior. However, directly fitting detailed Hodgkin?CHuxley type model neurons to somatic membrane potential data is a notoriously difficult optimization problem that can require hours/days of supercomputing time. Here we extend an efficient technique that indirectly matches neuronal currents derived from somatic membrane potential data to two-compartment model neurons with passive dendrites. In consequence, this approach can fit semi-realistic detailed model neurons in a few minutes. For validation, fits are obtained to model-derived data for various thalamo-cortical neuron types, including fast/regular spiking and bursting neurons. A key aspect of the validation is sensitivity testing to perturbations arising in experimental data, including sampling rates, inadequately estimated membrane dynamics/channel kinetics and intrinsic noise. We find that maximal conductance estimates and the resulting membrane potential fits diverge smoothly and monotonically from near-perfect matches when unperturbed. Curiously, some perturbations have little effect on the error because they are compensated by the fitted maximal conductances. Therefore, the extended current-based technique applies well under moderately inaccurate model assumptions, as required for application to experimental data. Furthermore, the accompanying perturbation analysis gives insights into neuronal homeostasis, whereby tuning intrinsic neuronal properties can compensate changes from development or neurodegeneration.  相似文献   

The increase in complexity of computational neuron models makes the hand tuning of model parameters more difficult than ever. Fortunately, the parallel increase in computer power allows scientists to automate this tuning. Optimization algorithms need two essential components. The first one is a function that measures the difference between the output of the model with a given set of parameter and the data. This error function or fitness function makes the ranking of different parameter sets possible. The second component is a search algorithm that explores the parameter space to find the best parameter set in a minimal amount of time. In this review we distinguish three types of error functions: feature-based ones, point-by-point comparison of voltage traces and multi-objective functions. We then detail several popular search algorithms, including brute-force methods, simulated annealing, genetic algorithms, evolution strategies, differential evolution and particle-swarm optimization. Last, we shortly describe Neurofitter, a free software package that combines a phase–plane trajectory density fitness function with several search algorithms.  相似文献   

Particle swarm optimization (PSO) has gained widespread use as a general mathematical programming paradigm and seen use in a wide variety of optimization and machine learning problems. In this work, we introduce a new variant on the PSO social network and apply this method to the inverse problem of input parameter selection from recorded auditory neuron tuning curves. The topology of a PSO social network is a major contributor to optimization success. Here we propose a new social network which draws influence from winner-take-all coding found in visual cortical neurons. We show that the winner-take-all network performs exceptionally well on optimization problems with greater than 5 dimensions and runs at a lower iteration count as compared to other PSO topologies. Finally we show that this variant of PSO is able to recreate auditory frequency tuning curves and modulation transfer functions, making it a potentially useful tool for computational neuroscience models.  相似文献   

A parametric approach fits particular classes of parametric models to the data, uses the model parameter estimates as summaries and tests for differences between groups by comparing fits with and without the assumption of common parameter values across groups. The paper discusses how a parametric approach can be implemented in the specific context of a single‐factor replicated spatial experiment and uses simulations to show when the parametric approach can be efficient or potentially misleading. An analysis of the spatial distribution of pyramidal neurons in human patients is also shown.  相似文献   

Ideally detailed neuron models should make use of morphological and electrophysiological data from the same cell. However, this rarely happens. Typically a modeler will choose a cell morphology from a public database, assign standard values for R a, C m, and other parameters and then do the modeling study. The assumption is that the model will produce results representative of what might be obtained experimentally. To test this assumption we developed models of CA1 hippocampal pyramidal neurons using 4 different morphologies obtained from 3 public databases. The multiple run fitter in NEURON was used to fit parameter values in each of the 4 morphological models to match experimental data recorded from 19 CA1 pyramidal cells. Fits with fixed standard parameter values produced results that were generally not representative of our experimental data. However, when parameter values were allowed to vary, excellent fits were obtained in almost all cases, but the fitted parameter values were very different among the 4 reconstructions and did not match standard values. The differences in fitted values can be explained by very different diameters, total lengths, membrane areas and volumes among the reconstructed cells, reflecting either cell heterogeneity or issues with the reconstruction data. The fitted values compensated for these differences to make the database cells and experimental cells more similar electrotonically. We conclude that models using fully reconstructed morphologies need to be calibrated with experimental data (even when morphological and electrophysiological data come from the same cell), model results should be generated with multiple reconstructions, morphological and experimental cells should come from the same strain of animal at the same age, and blind use of standard parameter values in models that use reconstruction data may not produce representative experimental results. Action Editor: Steve Redman  相似文献   

The voltage and time dependence of ion channels can be regulated, notably by phosphorylation, interaction with phospholipids, and binding to auxiliary subunits. Many parameter variation studies have set conductance densities free while leaving kinetic channel properties fixed as the experimental constraints on the latter are usually better than on the former. Because individual cells can tightly regulate their ion channel properties, we suggest that kinetic parameters may be profitably set free during model optimization in order to both improve matches to data and refine kinetic parameters. To this end, we analyzed the parameter optimization of reduced models of three electrophysiologically characterized and morphologically reconstructed globus pallidus neurons. We performed two automated searches with different types of free parameters. First, conductance density parameters were set free. Even the best resulting models exhibited unavoidable problems which were due to limitations in our channel kinetics. We next set channel kinetics free for the optimized density matches and obtained significantly improved model performance. Some kinetic parameters consistently shifted to similar new values in multiple runs across three models, suggesting the possibility for tailored improvements to channel models. These results suggest that optimized channel kinetics can improve model matches to experimental voltage traces, particularly for channels characterized under different experimental conditions than recorded data to be matched by a model. The resulting shifts in channel kinetics from the original template provide valuable guidance for future experimental efforts to determine the detailed kinetics of channel isoforms and possible modulated states in particular types of neurons.  相似文献   

In the primate visual pathway, orientation tuning of neurons is first observed in the primary visual cortex. The LGN cells that comprise the thalamic input to V1 are not orientation tuned, but some V1 neurons are quite selective. Two main classes of theoretical models have been offered to explain orientation selectivity: feedforward models, in which inputs from spatially aligned LGN cells are summed together by one cortical neuron; and feedback models, in which an initial weak orientation bias due to convergent LGN input is sharpened and amplified by intracortical feedback. Recent data on the dynamics of orientation tuning, obtained by a cross-correlation technique, may help to distinguish between these classes of models. To test this possibility, we simulated the measurement of orientation tuning dynamics on various receptive field models, including a simple Hubel-Wiesel type feedforward model: a linear spatiotemporal filter followed by an integrate-and-fire spike generator. The computational study reveals that simple feedforward models may account for some aspects of the experimental data but fail to explain many salient features of orientation tuning dynamics in V1 cells. A simple feedback model of interacting cells is also considered. This model is successful in explaining the appearance of Mexican-hat orientation profiles, but other features of the data continue to be unexplained.  相似文献   

Efficient measurement error correction with spatially misaligned data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Association studies in environmental statistics often involve exposure and outcome data that are misaligned in space. A common strategy is to employ a spatial model such as universal kriging to predict exposures at locations with outcome data and then estimate a regression parameter of interest using the predicted exposures. This results in measurement error because the predicted exposures do not correspond exactly to the true values. We characterize the measurement error by decomposing it into Berkson-like and classical-like components. One correction approach is the parametric bootstrap, which is effective but computationally intensive since it requires solving a nonlinear optimization problem for the exposure model parameters in each bootstrap sample. We propose a less computationally intensive alternative termed the "parameter bootstrap" that only requires solving one nonlinear optimization problem, and we also compare bootstrap methods to other recently proposed methods. We illustrate our methodology in simulations and with publicly available data from the Environmental Protection Agency.  相似文献   

A half-center oscillator (HCO) is a common circuit building block of central pattern generator networks that produce rhythmic motor patterns in animals. Here we constructed an efficient relational database table with the resulting characteristics of the Hill et al.’s (J Comput Neurosci 10:281–302, 2001) HCO simple conductance-based model. The model consists of two reciprocally inhibitory neurons and replicates the electrical activity of the oscillator interneurons of the leech heartbeat central pattern generator under a variety of experimental conditions. Our long-range goal is to understand how this basic circuit building block produces functional activity under a variety of parameter regimes and how different parameter regimes influence stability and modulatability. By using the latest developments in computer technology, we simulated and stored large amounts of data (on the order of terabytes). We systematically explored the parameter space of the HCO and corresponding isolated neuron models using a brute-force approach. We varied a set of selected parameters (maximal conductance of intrinsic and synaptic currents) in all combinations, resulting in about 10 million simulations. We classified these HCO and isolated neuron model simulations by their activity characteristics into identifiable groups and quantified their prevalence. By querying the database, we compared the activity characteristics of the identified groups of our simulated HCO models with those of our simulated isolated neuron models and found that regularly bursting neurons compose only a small minority of functional HCO models; the vast majority was composed of spiking neurons.  相似文献   

Ion channels are the building blocks of the information processing capability of neurons: any realistic computational model of a neuron must include reliable and effective ion channel components. Sophisticated statistical and computational tools have been developed to study the ion channel structure–function relationship, but this work is rarely incorporated into the models used for single neurons or small networks. The disjunction is partly a matter of convention. Structure–function studies typically use a single Markov model for the whole channel whereas until recently whole-cell modeling software has focused on serial, independent, two-state subunits that can be represented by the Hodgkin–Huxley equations. More fundamentally, there is a difference in purpose that prevents models being easily reused. Biophysical models are typically developed to study one particular aspect of channel gating in detail, whereas neural modelers require broad coverage of the entire range of channel behavior that is often best achieved with approximate representations that omit structural features that cannot be adequately constrained. To bridge the gap so that more recent channel data can be used in neural models requires new computational infrastructure for bringing together diverse sources of data to arrive at best-fit models for whole-cell modeling. We review the current state of channel modeling and explore the developments needed for its conclusions to be integrated into whole-cell modeling.  相似文献   

Agent-based simulation models with large experiments for a precise and robust result over a vast parameter space are becoming a common practice, where enormous runs intrinsically require highly intensive computational resources. This paper proposes a grid based simulation environment, named Social Macro Scope (SOMAS) to support parallel exploration on agent-based models with vast parameter space. We focus on three types of simulation methods for agent-based models with various objectives (1) forward simulation to conduct experiments in a straightforward way by simply operating sets of parameter values to perform sensitivity analysis; (2) inverse simulation to search for solutions that reduce the error between simulated results and actual data by means of solving “inverse problem”, which executes the simulation steps in a reverse order and employs optimization algorithms to fit the simulation results to the desired objectives; and (3) model selection to find an optimal model structure with subset of parameters and procedures, which conducts two-layer optimization to obtain a simple and more accurate simulation result. We have confirmed the practical scalability and efficiency of SOMAS by one case study in history simulation domain.  相似文献   

We develop a unified model accounting simultaneously for the contrast invariance of the width of the orientation tuning curves (OT) and for the sigmoidal shape of the contrast response function (CRF) of neurons in the primary visual cortex (V1). We determine analytically the conditions for the structure of the afferent LGN and recurrent V1 inputs that lead to these properties for a hypercolumn composed of rate based neurons with a power-law transfer function. We investigate what are the relative contributions of single neuron and network properties in shaping the OT and the CRF. We test these results with numerical simulations of a network of conductance-based model (CBM) neurons and we demonstrate that they are valid and more robust here than in the rate model. The results indicate that because of the acceleration in the transfer function, described here by a power-law, the orientation tuning curves of V1 neurons are more tuned, and their CRF is steeper than those of their inputs. Last, we show that it is possible to account for the diversity in the measured CRFs by introducing heterogeneities either in single neuron properties or in the input to the neurons. We show how correlations among the parameters that characterize the CRF depend on these sources of heterogeneities. Comparison with experimental data suggests that both sources contribute nearly equally to the diversity of CRF shapes observed in V1 neurons.  相似文献   

In controlling animal behavior the nervous system has to perform within the operational limits set by the requirements of each specific behavior. The implications for the corresponding range of suitable network, single neuron, and ion channel properties have remained elusive. In this article we approach the question of how well-constrained properties of neuronal systems may be on the neuronal level. We used large data sets of the activity of isolated invertebrate identified cells and built an accurate conductance-based model for this cell type using customized automated parameter estimation techniques. By direct inspection of the data we found that the variability of the neurons is larger when they are isolated from the circuit than when in the intact system. Furthermore, the responses of the neurons to perturbations appear to be more consistent than their autonomous behavior under stationary conditions. In the developed model, the constraints on different parameters that enforce appropriate model dynamics vary widely from some very tightly controlled parameters to others that are almost arbitrary. The model also allows predictions for the effect of blocking selected ionic currents and to prove that the origin of irregular dynamics in the neuron model is proper chaoticity and that this chaoticity is typical in an appropriate sense. Our results indicate that data driven models are useful tools for the in-depth analysis of neuronal dynamics. The better consistency of responses to perturbations, in the real neurons as well as in the model, suggests a paradigm shift away from measuring autonomous dynamics alone towards protocols of controlled perturbations. Our predictions for the impact of channel blockers on the neuronal dynamics and the proof of chaoticity underscore the wide scope of our approach.  相似文献   

We explore a computationally efficient method of simulating realistic networks of neurons introduced by Knight, Manin, and Sirovich (1996) in which integrate-and-fire neurons are grouped into large populations of similar neurons. For each population, we form a probability density that represents the distribution of neurons over all possible states. The populations are coupled via stochastic synapses in which the conductance of a neuron is modulated according to the firing rates of its presynaptic populations. The evolution equation for each of these probability densities is a partial differential-integral equation, which we solve numerically. Results obtained for several example networks are tested against conventional computations for groups of individual neurons.We apply this approach to modeling orientation tuning in the visual cortex. Our population density model is based on the recurrent feedback model of a hypercolumn in cat visual cortex of Somers et al. (1995). We simulate the response to oriented flashed bars. As in the Somers model, a weak orientation bias provided by feed-forward lateral geniculate input is transformed by intracortical circuitry into sharper orientation tuning that is independent of stimulus contrast.The population density approach appears to be a viable method for simulating large neural networks. Its computational efficiency overcomes some of the restrictions imposed by computation time in individual neuron simulations, allowing one to build more complex networks and to explore parameter space more easily. The method produces smooth rate functions with one pass of the stimulus and does not require signal averaging. At the same time, this model captures the dynamics of single-neuron activity that are missed in simple firing-rate models.  相似文献   

Nucleic acid-based aptamers possess many useful features that make them a promising alternative to antibodies and other affinity reagents, including well-established chemical synthesis, reversible folding, thermal stability and low cost. However, the selection process typically used to generate aptamers (SELEX) often requires significant resources and can fail to yield aptamers with sufficient affinity and specificity. A number of seminal theoretical models and numerical simulations have been reported in the literature offering insights into experimental factors that govern the effectiveness of the selection process. Though useful, these previous models have not considered the full spectrum of experimental factors or the potential impact of tuning these parameters at each round over the course of a multi-round selection process. We have developed an improved mathematical model to address this important question, and report that both target concentration and the degree of non-specific background binding are critical determinants of SELEX efficiency. Although smaller target concentrations should theoretically offer superior selection outcome, we show that the level of background binding dramatically affect the target concentration that will yield maximum enrichment at each round of selection. Thus, our model enables experimentalists to determine appropriate target concentrations as a means for protocol optimization. Finally, we perform a comparative analysis of two different selection methods over multiple rounds of selection, and show that methods with inherently lower background binding offer dramatic advantages in selection efficiency.  相似文献   

Induction of phosphorylated extracellular-regulated kinase (pERK) is a reliable molecular readout of learning-dependent neuronal activation. Here, we describe a pERK immunohistochemistry protocol to study the profile of hippocampal neuron activation following exposure to a spatial learning task in a mouse model characterized by cognitive deficits of neurodevelopmental origin. Specifically, we used pERK immunostaining to study neuronal activation following Morris water maze (MWM, a classical hippocampal-dependent learning task) in Engrailed-2 knockout (En2-/-) mice, a model of autism spectrum disorders (ASD). As compared to wild-type (WT) controls, En2-/- mice showed significant spatial learning deficits in the MWM. After MWM, significant differences in the number of pERK-positive neurons were detected in specific hippocampal subfields of En2-/- mice, as compared to WT animals. Thus, our protocol can robustly detect differences in pERK-positive neurons associated to hippocampal-dependent learning impairment in a mouse model of ASD. More generally, our protocol can be applied to investigate the profile of hippocampal neuron activation in both genetic or pharmacological mouse models characterized by cognitive deficits.  相似文献   

Many neurons display bistability-coexistence of two firing modes such as bursting and tonic spiking or tonic spiking and silence. Bistability has been proposed to endow neurons with richer forms of information processing in general and to be involved in short-term memory in particular by allowing a brief signal to elicit long-lasting changes in firing. In this paper, we focus on bistability that allows for a choice between tonic spiking and depolarization block in a wide range of the depolarization levels. We consider the spike-producing currents in two neurons, models of which differ by the parameter values. Our dopaminergic neuron model displays bistability in a wide range of applied currents at the depolarization block. The Hodgkin-Huxley model of the squid giant axon shows no bistability. We varied parameter values for the model to analyze transitions between the two parameter sets. We show that bistability primarily characterizes the inactivation of the Na(+) current. Our study suggests a connection between the amount of the Na(+) window current and the length of the bistability range. For the dopaminergic neuron we hypothesize that bistability can be linked to a prolonged action of antipsychotic drugs.  相似文献   

Houseman EA  Marsit C  Karagas M  Ryan LM 《Biometrics》2007,63(4):1269-1277
Increasingly used in health-related applications, latent variable models provide an appealing framework for handling high-dimensional exposure and response data. Item response theory (IRT) models, which have gained widespread popularity, were originally developed for use in the context of educational testing, where extremely large sample sizes permitted the estimation of a moderate-to-large number of parameters. In the context of public health applications, smaller sample sizes preclude large parameter spaces. Therefore, we propose a penalized likelihood approach to reduce mean square error and improve numerical stability. We present a continuous family of models, indexed by a tuning parameter, that range between the Rasch model and the IRT model. The tuning parameter is selected by cross validation or approximations such as Akaike Information Criterion. While our approach can be placed easily in a Bayesian context, we find that our frequentist approach is more computationally efficient. We demonstrate our methodology on a study of methylation silencing of gene expression in bladder tumors. We obtain similar results using both frequentist and Bayesian approaches, although the frequentist approach is less computationally demanding. In particular, we find high correlation of methylation silencing among 16 loci in bladder tumors, that methylation is associated with smoking and also with patient survival.  相似文献   

Neurons exhibit diverse intrinsic dynamics, which govern how they integrate synaptic inputs to produce spikes. Intrinsic dynamics are often plastic during development and learning, but the effects of these changes on stimulus encoding properties are not well known. To examine this relationship, we simulated auditory responses to zebra finch song using a linear-dynamical cascade model, which combines a linear spectrotemporal receptive field with a dynamical, conductance-based neuron model, then used generalized linear models to estimate encoding properties from the resulting spike trains. We focused on the effects of a low-threshold potassium current (KLT) that is present in a subset of cells in the zebra finch caudal mesopallium and is affected by early auditory experience. We found that KLT affects both spike adaptation and the temporal filtering properties of the receptive field. The direction of the effects depended on the temporal modulation tuning of the linear (input) stage of the cascade model, indicating a strongly nonlinear relationship. These results suggest that small changes in intrinsic dynamics in tandem with differences in synaptic connectivity can have dramatic effects on the tuning of auditory neurons.  相似文献   

Salinas E 《PLoS biology》2006,4(12):e387
The sensory-triggered activity of a neuron is typically characterized in terms of a tuning curve, which describes the neuron's average response as a function of a parameter that characterizes a physical stimulus. What determines the shapes of tuning curves in a neuronal population? Previous theoretical studies and related experiments suggest that many response characteristics of sensory neurons are optimal for encoding stimulus-related information. This notion, however, does not explain the two general types of tuning profiles that are commonly observed: unimodal and monotonic. Here I quantify the efficacy of a set of tuning curves according to the possible downstream motor responses that can be constructed from them. Curves that are optimal in this sense may have monotonic or nonmonotonic profiles, where the proportion of monotonic curves and the optimal tuning-curve width depend on the general properties of the target downstream functions. This dependence explains intriguing features of visual cells that are sensitive to binocular disparity and of neurons tuned to echo delay in bats. The numerical results suggest that optimal sensory tuning curves are shaped not only by stimulus statistics and signal-to-noise properties but also according to their impact on downstream neural circuits and, ultimately, on behavior.  相似文献   

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