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In this study, we report on the influence of trace elements (TE) on signal intensities of nuclear magnetic resonance images (MRI), both in vivo and in vitro. Optimal parameters for the assessment of Mn concentration in the brain of rats on total parenteral nutrition were established. For the in vitro study, Mn and trace element solutions, one containing Zn, Cu, Fe, and I (TE-4) and another containing the above elements plus Mn (TE-5), were diluted with physiological saline or with rat brain homogenate and used to measure signal intensities in MRI. Concentration-dependent signal hyperintensity was observed in both cases in the Mn and the TE-5 solutions, but no effect was observed with the TE-4 solution. The signal increase was greater for brain tissue homogenates. In the in vivo study, the experimental animals were maintained under total parenteral nutrition (TPN) with a standard clinical dose of TE-5 and/or with 10-fold the clinical dose of TE-4 and TE-5 for 1 wk. Only rats that were receiving the increased TE-5 dose showed signal hyperintensity on MRI. Positive correlations were observed among the signal hyperintensity, the blood Mn concentrations, and that of the rat brain. Our results suggest that Mn in TE preparations may be the cause of signal hyperintensity on MRI in a concentration-dependent fashion, and that MRI and measurement of blood Mn may be used to estimate Mn accumulation in brain tissue.  相似文献   

Several neurochemical parameters were studied in brain regions of rats chronically treated with a high concentration of manganese chloride (20 mg MnCl2.4H2O per ml. of drinking water) throughout development until adulthood. Large increases in Mn accumulation were found in all brain regions (hypothalamus, +530%; striatum, +479%; other regions, +152 to +250%) of Mn-treated adult rats. In these animals, Ca levels were decreased (–20 to –46%) in cerebellum, hypothalamus, and cerebral cortex but were increased (+186%) in midbrain. Mg levels were decreased (–12 to –32%) in pons and medulla, midbrain, and cerebellum. Fe levels were increased (+95%) in striatum but were decreased (–28%) in cerebral cortex. Cu levels were increased (+43 to +100%) in pons and medulla and striatum but Zn levels were decreased (–30%) in pons and medulla. Na levels were increased (+22%) in striatum but those of K and Cl remained unchanged. Type A monoamine oxidase activities were decreased (–13 to –16%) in midbrain, striatum, and cerebral cortex, but type B monoamine oxidase activities decreased (–13%) only in hypothalamus. Acetylcholinesterase activities were increased (+20 to +22%) in striatum and cerebellum. The results are consistent with out hypothesis that chronic manganese encephalopathy not only affects brain metabolism of Mn but also that of other metals.We dedicate this paper to Professor Alan N. Davison. Professor Davison has conducted pioneering research in several important areas including: brain development and myelination, aging and Alzheimer's disease, and multiple sclerosis. He encouraged us to investigate the neurochemical mechanisms of neurotoxicity of metal ions, particularly in connection with neurological diseases. His encouragement and continued support facilitated the launching of our multidisciplinary research program in the long-term effects of manganese toxicity on brain development and aging.  相似文献   

Han D  Zang Y  Yang YH  Liu ML  Wang WT  Zou ZY 《生理学报》2003,55(3):296-302
侵性强直电刺激(60Hz,2s)大鼠右侧背海马(hippocampus,DHPC)CAl基树突区,1次/d,连续刺激10d。分别在施加强直电刺激的第2、4、6、8或10d时进行核磁共振成像检测(T2 weighted magnetic resonamce image T2-WI),并对鼠脑进行组织学切片鉴定。结果表明,早期慢性癫痫源性脑损伤的病理性形态特征主要包括:(1)T2-WI检测侧脑室(lateral ventricle,LV)区域信号增强、组织学检测LV扩大和双侧对称性脉络膜丛病理性增生,后两者并非完全平行呈现。(2)组织学切片显示双侧LV扩大面积与T2-WI信号增强区域面积的脑区分布近似。与空白对照组大鼠相比,电刺激2、4、6、8和10d后,T2-WI信号增强区域面积显著增大(P=0.0259;P=0.0184;P=0.0184;P=0.0404;P=0.0259)以及组织学鉴定LV面积增大(P=0.0210;P=0.01;P=0.0100;P=0.0152).(3)定侧分析显示,T2-WI信号增强以及T2-WI信号增强区域面积和组织学鉴定LV面积扩大,在慢性刺激6d时均以植入电极的对侧为主;第10d时均以同侧为主。三项观察结果的一致性证实了癫痫源性早期脑损伤的跨半球动态扩布特征。  相似文献   

Although manganese (Mn) is an essential element, exposure to excessive levels of Mn and its accumulation in the brain can cause neurotoxicity and extrapyramidal syndrome. We have investigated the differences in the accumulated levels of Mn, the degree of lipid peroxidation, and its effects on the levels of trace elements (Fe, Cu, and Zn) in various regions in the brain of rats having undergone acute Mn exposure. The rats in the dose—effect group were injected intraperitoneally (ip) with MnCl2 (25, 50, or 100 mg MnCl2/kg) once a day for 24 h. The Mn significantly accumulated (p<0.05) in the frontal cortex, corpus callosum, hippocampus, striatum, hypothalamus medulla, cerebellum, and spinal cord in each case. The rats in the timecourse group were ip injected with MnCl2 (50 mg MnCl2/kg) and then monitored 12, 24, 48, and 72 h after exposure. The Mn accumulated in the frontal cortex, corpus callosum, hippocampus, striatum hypothalamus, medulla, cerebellum, and spinal cord after these periods of time, In both the dose—effect and time-course studies, we observed that the concentration of malondialdehyde, an end product of lipid peroxidation, increased significantly in the frontal cortex, hippocampus, striatum, hypothalamus, medulla, and cerebellum. However, no relationship between the concentrations of Mn in the brain and the extent of lipid peroxidation was observed. In addition, we found that there was a significant increase (p<0.05) in the level of Fe in the hippocampus, striatum, hypothalamus, medulla, and cerebellum, but the Cu and Zn levels had not changed significantly. These findings indicated that Mn induces an increase in the iron level, which provides direct evidence for Fe-mediated lipid peroxidation in the rats' brains; these phenomena might play important roles in the mechanisms of Mn-induced neurotoxicology.  相似文献   

核磁共振检测大鼠早期癫痫源性脑损伤的动态发展特征   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6  
Zang Y  Han D  Yang YH  Liu ML  Zou ZY 《生理学报》2002,54(3):201-207
为探讨癫痫源性脑损伤形成早期不同脑区病理改变和行为发作的动态发展特征 ,本研究对大鼠右背侧海马 (hippocampus,HPC)施加慢性强直电刺激 (6 0Hz,2s,0 .4~ 0 .6mA)诱发癫痫发作 ,1次 /d。每天记录大鼠原发性湿狗样抖动 (wetdogshakes,WEDS)频率 ,分别对大鼠施加电刺激 2、4、6、8和 10d后进行核磁共振成像 (T2 weightedmagneticresonanceimage ,T2 WI)检测 ,并对鼠脑进行了组织学切片鉴定。结果表明 :与空白对照组相比较 ,(1)施加 2d强直电刺激时 ,大鼠双侧背部侧脑室 (lateralventricle,LV)区域呈现对称性T2 WI信号绝对值增加 (n =4,左侧P =0 .0 0 18;右侧P =0 .0 0 10 ) ;施加 6d强直电刺激时 ,大鼠呈现植入电极对侧中、腹部LV区域T2 WI信号值增加 (n =5 ,P =0 .0 0 73;P =0 .0 2 49) ;施加 8d强直电刺激后 ,大鼠仅出现植入电极对侧腹部LV区域T2 WI信号值增加 (n =3,P =0 .0 34 0 ) ;施加 10d强直电刺激后 ,大鼠植入电极同侧腹部LV区域T2 WI信号值增加 (n =4,P =0 .0 10 7) ;(2 )随着强直电刺激天数增加 ,大鼠原发性WEDS频率高峰期出现在第 4个刺激日 ,然后WEDS频率下降 ,与T2 WI信号强度增加之间呈高度负相关关系 (相关系数r =- 0 .987,P <0 .0 2 ) ;(3)组织学切片鉴定 :T2 WI检测LV信号异  相似文献   

Age-related changes in the concentrations of constituent elements in the brains of rats and mice 1 wk to 24 mo old were determined with inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). Seventeen elements could be determined with reasonable accuracy and reproducibility. They were P, K, Na, Mg, Ca, Fe, Zn, Cu, Rb, Al, Mn, Sr, Mo, Co, Pb, Cs, and Cd in order of concentrations in the adult rat brains. In these elements, six major elements (P, K, Na, Fe, Mg, Ca) were determined with ICP-AES and the others with ICP-MS. The concentrations of each element and the pattern of age-related changes were similar between the rat and mouse brains. The elements of which concentrations decreased with aging were K and Rb. On the other hand, the concentrations of some metal elements, including Fe, Cu, Sr, and Co, appeared to increase with growth and aging. The concentrations of other elements were relatively constant throughout the age examined.  相似文献   

磁共振波谱分析在颅脑胶质瘤分级中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 分析脑胶质瘤的氢质子磁共振波谱(proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy,1H-MRS)表现及其临床意义;探讨脑胶质瘤的1H-MRS特点与其病理级别相关性.方法 搜集经临床手术、病理证实的脑胶质瘤病例49例,按照WHO诊断标准分成两组:低级别脑胶质瘤组、高级别脑胶质瘤组.所有患者在术前行1H-MRs检查,均在MR非增强成像的基础上获得.使用Philips Achieva 1.5T超导磁共振扫描仪,单体素或多体素扫描,点分辨法,检测不同区域代谢物变化.结果 脑胶质瘤的1H-MRS表现:肌酸(Cr)轻度下降,N-乙酰天门冬氨酸(NAA)显著下降,胆碱(Cho)显著增高.低、高级别脑胶质瘤的肿瘤组织与对侧止常脑组织的NAA、Cho、NAA/Cr、NAA/Cho值存在显著性差异(P〈0.05);低级别和高级别脑胶质瘤的肿瘤组织的NAA/Cr、NAA/Cho值存在显著性差异(P〈0.05).脑胶质瘤的NAA/Cho、Cho/Cr、NAA/Cr值与病理级别相关,其中NAA/Cho和NAA/Cr值反映肿瘤级别较稳定;NAA/Cr、NAA/Cho值呈负相关关系,Cho/Cr值呈正相关关系.结论 :1H-MRS结合MKI能提高脑胶质瘤术前诊断的准确性.1H-MRS能对胶质瘤进行分级,反映胶质瘤代谢特性以及肿瘤生长潜能.  相似文献   

Understanding cardiac blood flow patterns has many applications in analysing haemodynamics and for the clinical assessment of heart function. In this study, numerical simulations of blood flow in a patient-specific anatomical model of the left ventricle (LV) and the aortic sinus are presented. The realistic 3D geometry of both LV and aortic sinus is extracted from the processing of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Furthermore, motion of inner walls of LV and aortic sinus is obtained from cine-MR image analysis and is used as a constraint to a numerical computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model based on the moving boundary approach. Arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian finite element method formulation is used for the numerical solution of the transient dynamic equations of the fluid domain. Simulation results include detailed flow characteristics such as velocity, pressure and wall shear stress for the whole domain. The aortic outflow is compared with data obtained by phase-contrast MRI. Good agreement was found between simulation results and these measurements.  相似文献   

Developmental prolongation is thought to contribute to the remarkable brain enlargement observed in modern humans (Homo sapiens). However, the developmental trajectories of cerebral tissues have not been explored in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), even though they are our closest living relatives. To address this lack of information, the development of cerebral tissues was tracked in growing chimpanzees during infancy and the juvenile stage, using three-dimensional magnetic resonance imaging and compared with that of humans and rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta). Overall, cerebral development in chimpanzees demonstrated less maturity and a more protracted course during prepuberty, as observed in humans but not in macaques. However, the rapid increase in cerebral total volume and proportional dynamic change in the cerebral tissue in humans during early infancy, when white matter volume increases dramatically, did not occur in chimpanzees. A dynamic reorganization of cerebral tissues of the brain during early infancy, driven mainly by enhancement of neuronal connectivity, is likely to have emerged in the human lineage after the split between humans and chimpanzees and to have promoted the increase in brain volume in humans. Our findings may lead to powerful insights into the ontogenetic mechanism underlying human brain enlargement.  相似文献   

Managanese (Mn) is an essential trace element at low concentrations, but at higher concentrations is neurotoxic. It has several chemical and biochemical properties similar to iron (Fe), and there is evidence of metabolic interaction between the two metals, particularly at the level of absorption from the intestine. The aim of this investigation was to determine whether Mn and Fe interact during the processes involved in uptake from the plasma by the brain and other organs of the rat. Dams were fed control (70 mg Fe/kg), Fe-deficient (5–10 mg Fe/kg), or Fe-loaded (20 g carbonyl Fe/kg) diets, with or without Mn-loaded drinking water (2 g Mn/L), from day 18–19 of pregnancy, and, after weaning the young rats, were continued on the same dietary regimens. Measurements of brain, liver, and kidney Mn and nonheme Fe levels, and the uptake of54Mn and59Fe from the plasma by these organs and the femurs, were made when the rats were aged 15 and 63 d. Organ nonheme Fe levels were much higher than Mn levels, and in the liver and kidney increased much more with Fe loading than did Mn levels with Mn loading. However, in the brain the increases were greater for Mn. Both Fe depletion and loading led to increased brain Mn concentrations in the 15-d/rats, while Fe loading also had this effect at 63 d. Mn loading did not have significant effects on the nonheme Fe concentrations.54Mn, injected as MnCl2 mixed with serum, was cleared more rapidly from the circulation than was59Fe, injected in the form of diferric transferrin. In the 15-d-rats, the uptake of54Mn by brain, liver, kidneys, and femurs was increased by Fe loading, but this was not seen in the 63-d rats. Mn supplementation led to increased59Fe uptake by the brain, liver, and kidneys of the rats fed the control and Fe-deficient diets, but not in the Fe-loaded rats. It is concluded that Mn and Fe interact during transfer from the plasma to the brain and other organs and that this interaction is synergistic rather than competitive in nature. Hence, excessive intake of Fe plus Mn may accentuate the risk of tissue damage caused by one metal alone, particularly in the brain.  相似文献   

While chronic hypoglycaemia has been reported to increase unidirectional glucose transport across the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and to increase GLUT1 expression at the endothelium, the effect on steady-state brain d-glucose and brain glycogen content is currently unknown. Brain glucose and glycogen concentrations were directly measured in vivo using localized 13C magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) following 12-14 days of hypoglycaemia. Brain glucose content was significantly increased by 48%, which is consistent with an increase in the maximal glucose transport rate, Tmax, by 58% compared with the sham-treated animals. The localized 13C NMR measurements of brain glucose were directly validated by comparison with biochemically determined brain glucose content after rapid focused microwave fixation (1.4 s at 4 kW). Both in vivo MRS and biochemical measurements implied that brain glycogen content was not affected by chronic hypoglycaemia, consistent with brain glucose being a major factor controlling brain glycogen content. We conclude that the increased glucose transporter expression in chronic hypoglycaemia leads to increased brain glucose content at a given level of glycaemia. Such increased brain glucose concentrations can result in a lowered glycaemic threshold of counter-regulation observed in chronic hypoglycaemia.  相似文献   

Additional tools to analyze follicle development would be highly advantageous because current methods require sacrifice of animals at specific times and time-consuming sectioning of tissues for histologic analysis. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may provide a less involved, faster and more cost-effective method to analyze follicles in whole ovaries. Fixed ovaries were collected at different stages of the estrus cycle and after stimulation with gonadotrophins (24 and 48 h post pregnant mares serum (PMSG), and 10 and 24 h post human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG)) with or without administration of the contrast agent gadodiamide. The MR images were generated using a vertical-bore, 11.7 Tesla MR system. Analysis of the MR images revealed large antral follicles in fixed ovaries with the oocyte and cumulus mass identifiable within preovulatory follicles. The use of gadodiamide had no impact on the quality of MR images obtained. The fixed ovaries were paraffin embedded, sectioned, and hematoxylin stained. Follicles were counted using the MR images and the histology sections. Preovulatory follicle numbers determined using MR images were comparable to those using histology; however counts of smaller follicles were inconsistent. MRI of gonadotrophin-stimulated ovaries in situ did not reveal discernable ovarian structures. Therefore, MRI is a useful tool for studying whole fixed ovaries leaving the ovary intact for additional analyses or for selection of samples based on morphology. The MRI is also useful for identifying preovulatory follicles, although analysis of smaller follicles is not possible, and thus the potential exists for cyst analysis in mouse models of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).  相似文献   

竹子节部对竹秆的中空结构以及竹秆快速高生长起着关键作用,研究竹子解剖结构有助于认识竹子生长机制。本研究利用核磁共振成像(MRI)无创、高分辨率和准确的技术优势,对毛竹幼竹去笋箨梢部进行横切面高精度核磁共振成像扫描,使用MATLAB软件对 MRI进行灰度值采集,分析节部、近节部和节间水分分布差异。结果表明: 无数维管束在毛竹幼竹节隔以及近节隔内腔反复扭曲和水平转动,组成了一个错综复杂和高度连接的网络结构,通过分轴向载荷来保护重要组织免受机械应力,同时实现水分和营养物质的横向运输,这是毛竹在短时间内快速完成高生长的重要基础。MRI信号值(亮度值)表明,幼竹维管束的水分含量远远高于周围的基本组织。节间平均水分含量和像素点间含水量标准差显著高于节部,近节部居中。MRI技术可以在未来竹子解剖学和生理生化学研究中发挥作用。  相似文献   

Finite element (FE) models driven by medical image data can be used to estimate subject-specific spinal biomechanics. This study aimed to combine magnetic resonance (MR) imaging and quantitative fluoroscopy (QF) in subject-specific FE models of upright standing, flexion and extension. Supine MR images of the lumbar spine were acquired from healthy participants using a 0.5 T MR scanner. Nine 3D quasi-static linear FE models of L3 to L5 were created with an elastic nucleus and orthotropic annulus. QF data was acquired from the same participants who performed trunk flexion to 60° and trunk extension to 20°. The displacements and rotations of the vertebrae were calculated and applied to the FE model. Stresses were averaged across the nucleus region and transformed to the disc co-ordinate system (S1 = mediolateral, S2 = anteroposterior, S3 = axial). In upright standing S3 was predicted to be −0.7 ± 0.6 MPa (L3L4) and −0.6 ± 0.5 MPa (L4L5). S3 increased to −2.0 ± 1.3 MPa (L3L4) and −1.2 ± 0.6 MPa (L4L5) in full flexion and to −1.1 ± 0.8 MPa (L3L4) and −0.7 ± 0.5 MPa (L4L5) in full extension. S1 and S2 followed similar patterns; shear was small apart from S23. Disc stresses correlated to disc orientation and wedging. The results demonstrate that MR and QF data can be combined in a participant-specific FE model to investigate spinal biomechanics in vivo and that predicted stresses are within ranges reported in the literature.  相似文献   

Wu YM  Bai L  Zhang ZQ  Zheng JL  Han LX  Shu SY 《生理学报》2011,63(4):319-324
本文旨在通过功能磁共振成像(functional magnetic resonance imaging,fMRI)技术研究正常人进行长时数字记忆信息提取的神经基础。选取22名右利手志愿者进行长时数字记忆任务实验,采用组块设计,记忆任务与对照任务交替进行,同时利用Siemens 1.5T超导型磁共振仪进行fMRI成像,采用SPM99软件进行数据分析,脑功能区定位在Talairach坐标中显示。结果显示被试者在进行长时数字记忆提取任务时,激活最显著的皮层是左侧额中回(Brodmann分区9区,BA9区),另外左额叶内侧回、左额下回、右额下回、扣带回、左顶下小叶、左顶上小叶、右顶上小叶、右颞中回、左枕舌回、左枕中回、右中脑、小脑、右尾状核尾部等结构也有激活,各大脑皮层的激活均呈现明显的左侧半球优势。根据上述结果推论,长时数字记忆由以左侧大脑半球为优势的各脑区共同参与完成,其中左侧额叶外侧面可能是信息提取的重要结构,而其它脑叶及其之间的广泛联系可能在数字信息的加工、处理和存储中起重要作用。  相似文献   

Creatine kinase (CK)-catalysed ATP-phosphocreatine (PCr) exchange is considered to play a key role in energy homeostasis of the brain. This study assessed the metabolic and anatomical consequences of partial or complete depletion of this system in transgenic mice without cytosolic B-CK (B-CK-/-), mitochondrial ubiquitous CK (UbCKmit-/-), or both isoenzymes (CK -/-), using non-invasive quantitative magnetic resonance (MR) imaging and spectroscopy. MR imaging revealed an increase in ventricle size in a subset of B-CK-/- mice, but not in animals with UbCKmit or compound CK mutations. Mice lacking single CK isoenzymes had normal levels of high-energy metabolites and tissue pH. In the brains of CK double knockouts pH and ATP and Pi levels were also normal, even though PCr had become completely undetectable. Moreover, a 20-30% decrease was observed in the level of total creatine and a similar increase in the level of neuronal N-acetyl-aspartate compounds. Although CKs themselves are not evenly distributed throughout the CNS, these alterations were uniform and concordant across different brain regions. Changes in myo-inositol and glutamate peaks did appear to be mutation type and brain area specific. Our results challenge current models for the biological significance of the PCr-CK energy system and suggest a multifaceted role for creatine in the brain.  相似文献   

The radioactive petide analogue Semax corresponding to the ACTH(4–10) sequence (Met-Glu-His-Phe-Pro-Gly-Pro) with a specific radioactivity of 56 Ci/mmol labeled with tritium at the C-terminal Pro was prepared. The labeled peptide was used for studying the kinetics of Semax penetration into rat brain and blood after its intranasal administration (50 μg/kg, 20 μl of solution) to nonbred white rats of body mass 200–250 g. It was demonstrated that 0.093% of the total introduced radioactivity per gram can be found in the rat brain 2 min after the administration, 80% of this radioactivity belonged to Semax, and the rest, to its metabolites. The peptide undergoes rapid enzymatic degradation, with the tripeptide Pro-Gly-Pro prevailing in biological samples relative to the total content of Semax and its metabolites.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(7):831-841

The effects of oxidative stress (OS) on the pharmacokinetics of fluvoxamine (FLV), particularly on FLV distribution in the plasma, were studied in ferric-nitrilotriacetate-induced OS rat models (OS rats). The study protocol involved a continuous FLV infusion (25.0 μg/kg/min). The resulting mean plasma FLV concentration measured in steady state OS rats was 0.13?±?0.01 μg/mL, which was significantly lower than plasma concentrations measured in control rats (0.19?±?0.01 μg/mL). Moreover, the mean FLV concentration in the OS rat brain (0.51?±?0.08 μg/g) was determined to be approximately half the concentration in control rat brains (0.95?±?0.11 μg/g). The FLV concentrations in both the unbound fraction of plasma and erythrocytes of OS rats were significantly greater than that of control rats. These results suggest the potential attenuation of FLV's pharmacological effects in patients under OS.  相似文献   

The aim of this trial was to study the concentration of zinc (Zn), iron (Fe), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), selenium (Se), cobalt (Co) and iodine (I) in milk and blood serum of lactating donkeys, taking into account the effects of lactation stage and dietary supplementation with trace elements. During a 3-month period, 16 clinically healthy lactating donkeys (Martina-Franca-derived population), randomly divided into two homogeneous groups (control (CTL) and trace elements (TE)), were used to provide milk and blood samples at 2-week intervals. Donkeys in both groups had continuous access to meadow hay and were fed 2.5 kg of mixed feed daily, divided into two meals. The mixed feed for the TE group had the same ingredients as the CTL, but was supplemented with a commercial premix providing 163 mg Zn, 185 mg Fe, 36 mg Cu, 216 mg Mn, 0.67 mg Se, 2.78 mg Co and 3.20 mg I/kg mixed feed. The concentrations of Zn, Fe, Cu, Mn, Se, Co and I were measured in feeds, milk and blood serum by inductively coupled plasma-MS. Data were processed by ANOVA for repeated measures. The milk concentrations of all the investigated elements were not significantly affected by the dietary supplementation with TE. Serum concentrations of Zn, Fe, Cu Mn and Se were not affected by dietary treatment, but TE-supplemented donkeys showed significantly higher concentrations of serum Co (1.34 v. 0.69 μg/l) and I (24.42 v. 21.43 μg/l) than unsupplemented donkeys. The effect of lactation stage was significant for all the investigated elements in milk and blood serum, except for serum manganese. A clear negative trend during lactation was observed for milk Cu and Se concentrations (−38%), whereas that of Mn tended to increase. The serum Cu concentration was generally constant and that of Co tended to increase. If compared with data reported in the literature for human milk, donkey milk showed similarities for Zn, Mn, Co and I. Furthermore, this study indicated that, in the current experimental conditions, the mineral profile of donkey milk was not dependent on dietary TE supply.  相似文献   

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