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A previous study reported in this journal suggested that in vitro synthesis of Drosophila mitochondrial polypeptides could be performed provided certain bacterial growth inhibitors were employed in the medium (Alziari, S., Stepien, G., and Durand, R. (1981) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 99, 1-8). We report here that despite the absence of microbial proliferation, bacteria isolated from adult Drosophila synthesize a significant number of proteins in such a medium. Thus, considerable caution must be exercised in the interpretation of studies utilizing this medium which claim to provide data on the translation products of isolated mitochondria from adult insects.  相似文献   

Adenovirus type 2 mRNA was translated in S30 extracts from Ehrlich ascites and wheat embryo cells. The in vitro products were identified by sodium dodecyl sulfate-gel electrophoresis after immunoprecipitation with specific antisera in the presence of urea. Seven virion polypeptides could be identified by immunoprecipitation. Three of these appear to be precursors to polypeptides of the virion. mRNA isolated late in adenovirus infection was separated into three size classes by zonal sedimentation. Material sedimenting at 26S was translated into polypeptides corresponding to the largest virion polypeptides II to IV, a 22S fraction corresponding to polypeptide V, and smaller polypeptides and a 15S fraction corresponding to polypeptide IX. A significant amount of polypeptide IX was also synthesized by the 26S and 22S RNA.  相似文献   

Hsp104p, as an anti-oxidative protector of ROS generation, was examined to inquire if it prevents aggregation of synuclein mutants, A30P or A53T upon aging, in vitro. The role of Hsp104p was also addressed in dissociation of pre-formed aggregates of synuclein mutants. Significant protection in fibril formation was observed by wild-type Hsp104p regardless of ATP presence, not by mutant Hsp104p. To a lesser extent, the dissociation effect of wild-type Hsp104p was observed only in the presence of ATP. These results will be discussed in relation to the development of an antioxidant approach to prevent amyloid fibril formation in several neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

Region 1 DNA sequences (map positions 0 to 11% on the linear adenovirus 2 genome) are expressed both early and late in lytic infection and are required for transformation by the virus. During productive infection six distinct cytoplasmic RNAs are synthesized from this region. These RNAs comprise two families, each consisting of three size classes that share 3' sequences. Region 1 RNA's were purified by hybridization selection, using restriction fragments bound to nitrocellulose membranes, and by size fractionation. The isolated RNAs were then translated in cell-free systems derived from wheat germ and rabbit reticulocytes. The family of RNAs specified by 0 to 4.4 sequences includes two RNAs, which are 12S and 13S in size. These RNAs were partially separated by molecular weight and translated. The 13S RNA produced 53,000-dalton (53K) and 41K peptides, and the 12S RNA synthesized 47K and 35K products. The family of RNAs mapping from 4.4 to 11.0 encodes three separate polypeptides, each of which can be assigned to a specific RNA. A 12K product that comigrates with structural polypeptide IX is synthesized from the 9S RNA as previously reported (U. Pettersson and M. B. Mathews, Cell 12:741-750, 1977). The 13S RNA encodes a 15K polypeptide that corresponds to a 15K polypeptide in infected cell extracts. The 22s RNA encodes a 52K protein distinct from the 0 to 4.4 polypeptides.  相似文献   

A new method of discrimination of double-stranded (ds) and single-stranded (ss) regions in DNA molecules has been developed. It makes use of two alkylating reagents, a voluminous and a small-sized, the former being sensitive to the DNA conformation. A bulky reagent, N,N,N'-tri(beta-chloroethyl)-N'-(p-formylphenyl) propylendiamine-1,3 (TFP), was used to detect the hairpin structure in the palindrome-containing DNA fragment 373 nucleotides long prepared from the ds EcoRI-BamHI fragment of the plasmid pBR322. The fragment was modified by TFP and cleaved by piperidine at the alkylated guanine residues according to the Maxam-Gilbert procedure. Guanine residues in the hairpin formed by palindrome were protected from the TFP action, while dimethylsulfate modified all guanines. Application of the method for the identification of loops, stem-and-loop structures, and unwinded regions of DNA is discussed.  相似文献   

We have examined the messenger RNA which codes for the ribosomal proteins in Ehrlich ascites tumor cells. Poly(A)-containing mRNA was isolated from polysomes and fractionated into 11 size classes whose average molecular weights were between 1.8 × 105 and 24 × 105. These mRNAs were used to direct protein synthesis in a fractionated translational system that was derived completely from Ehrlich ascites tumor cells. More than 90% of the ribosomal proteins which we could identify were coded for by mRNAs averaging in size between Mr = 180 × 103 and 320 × 103. The small size of these mRNAs indicates that the cytoplasmic mRNAs which specify the ribosomal proteins are monocistronic. We could detect the synthesis of 36 of 48 ribosomal reference proteins as well as 20 additional polypeptides which had characteristics similar to ribosomal protein. The ribosomal proteins were identified on the basis of their positive charge, small size, electrophoretic properties on two-dimensional polyacrylamide gels and chromatographic characteristics on carboxymethyl-cellulose.  相似文献   

P J Simpson 《Gene》1987,56(2-3):161-171
A method is described for isolation of messenger RNA (mRNA) from a rather intractable tissue source, calf stomach. The use of additional RNase inhibitors, vanadyl ribonucleoside complexes and proteinase K, which are used in conjunction with the guanidine thiocyanate/CsCl ultracentrifugation procedure traditionally employed for isolation of mRNA, is described. These modifications make the procedure universally applicable to a wide variety of tissues and cell types. The validity of the procedure is demonstrated by isolation of biologically active full-length preprochymosin mRNA. The integrity of the mRNA is measured by in vitro translation, Northern blot analysis, Southern blot analysis of preprochymosin cDNA using synthetic oligodeoxynucleotide probes and immunospecific identification of in vitro translation products using a modification of the Western blot which is described in this report.  相似文献   

The monospecific antiserums to the major proteins p12, p19, p20, p42, p61 of the vaccinia virus coat were obtained and analyzed. The dynamics of the proteins accumulation in the infected cells has been studied. Products of the cell-free translation of the total viral mRNA precipitated by the obtained antiserums were identified. The p20 protein has been found to be a result of p12 protein reversible oligomerization under the conditions of electrophoresis. The antigenic relation of p12 and p20 proteins to a p42 protein, also a p12 oligomer, has been demonstrated. The possibility is discussed to use the obtained antiserums for mapping of the genes corresponding to structural proteins in the genome of the vaccinia virus.  相似文献   

A combination of methods was used to study the cell cycle-dependent expression of nuclear matrix proteins of Ehrlich ascites cells: Separation of asynchronous cells growing in vivo into fractions of G1-, S- and G2- phase cells by centrifugal elutriation with less than 10% cross-contamination. Isolation of poly(A+) RNA populations from total cytoplasmic RNA by affinity chromatography on messenger affinity paper (mAP). In vitro translation of poly(A+) RNA from asynchronous and phase synchronous cells. Immunoprecipitation of in vitro synthesized nuclear matrix proteins by a monoclonal antibody with anti-lamin specificity (PKB8) and by a polyspecific anti-nuclear matrix serum (AMS5) followed by analysis of immunoprecipitated materials on SDS-polyacrylamide gels. The results indicate that mRNAs for nuclear matrix-associated proteins including the lamins B and C are either exclusively or at least predominantly present in the cytoplasm of cells in S phase suggesting a high rate of in vivo synthesis of these proteins during S phase. This is consistent with an anticipated biological function of the nuclear matrix which is considered to organize parental and newly synthesized DNA in higher order structures.  相似文献   

Poly(A)+ RNA was purified from cystozoites of Sarcocystis gigantea and Sarcocystis tenella and used to in vitro translate polypeptides in a wheat germ and a rabbit reticulocyte translation system. The in vitro translated polypeptides were compared by sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The S. tenella mRNA translated at least two polypeptides (mol. wt about 80,000 and 21,500) in both translation systems that were not translated by the S. gigantea mRNA. To study co-translational and initial post-translational processing in Sarcocystis, the poly(A)+ RNA preparations were in vitro translated in the rabbit reticulocyte translation system in the presence or absence of canine microsomal membranes. Based on electrophoresis, there appeared to be modification of at least some Sarcocystis polypeptides in the mol. wt range 17,000-30,000. In addition, the translation products were immunoprecipitated with a homologous and a heterologous antiserum. The immunoprecipitated polypeptides were compared by electrophoresis and the S. tenella translation products contained at least one unique antigenic polypeptide with a mol. wt of about 34,700 that was not processed by the microsomal membranes. These results suggest that there is at least one polypeptide that is a candidate for use as an antigen for the differentiation of S. gigantea and S. tenella infections in sheep.  相似文献   

Interleukin-1 (IL-1) receptors can be solubilized from murine cell surfaces and immunoprecipitated with a xenogeneic rat antiserum raised in this laboratory. We demonstrated first that this antiserum contains antibodies directed against IL-1 receptors. We have now successfully used this antiserum as a reagent to immunopurify polysomes along with their messenger RNA from a murine leukemic cell line known to express relatively high levels of IL-1 receptors. The immunoselected mRNA was translated into proteins in vitro. The translation products contained an IL-1 binding protein which could specifically bind to immobilized IL-1 but not to other immobilized ligands such as interleukin-2 or tumor necrosis factor-alpha. The translation products which bound to IL-1 could be acid-eluted from the immobilized ligand, and the proteins released could still specifically bind to IL-1 in a receptor-ligand binding reaction. The eluted IL-1 binding proteins, as well as soluble receptor-ligand complexes derived from them, could also be immunoprecipitated with the xenogeneic rat antiserum. The xenogeneic rat antiserum could, furthermore, immunoprecipitate the IL-1 binding proteins from the translated products before ligand was added. The residual translated products no longer interacted with IL-1. We conclude that our antiserum contains antibodies that recognize determinants expressed on the following proteins: on nascent chains of IL-1 binding proteins; on soluble translated IL-1 binding proteins; on soluble complexes of IL-1 binding proteins that had been cross-linked with IL-1 ligand; and on cell surface-associated IL-1 receptors. The translated and unprocessed IL-1 binding proteins have a molecular mass of approximately 52,000-56,000 daltons.  相似文献   

The L1 retrotransposon codes for a unique bicistronic mRNA, which serves as a transposition intermediate and as a template for the synthesis of two proteins. According to preliminary data, the translation of both cistrons is initiated by a noncanonical mechanism. The L1 mRNA was translated in rabbit reticulocyte lysate (RRL), a standard system widely used to study the eukaryotic mechanisms of protein synthesis. Translation yielded not only the expected products, but also several products of aberrant translation initiation on internal AUG codons. Such products are not generated during in vivo translation of the L1 mRNA. When RRL was supplemented with a cytoplasmic extract of HeLa cells, the aberrant products were not synthesized, while the first cistron was translated with the same efficiency. The efficiency of translation of the second cistron became substantially lower, corresponding to the situation in vivo. These and other experiments clearly demonstrated that the new combined system RRL + HeLa is far more adequate for studying the mechanisms of translation initiation than the standard RRL system.  相似文献   

Antibodies to broad bean polyphenoloxidase (PPO) were used to detect and demonstrate that the PPOs found in several different plants have many similarities in common. Crude extracts from leaves of broad bean, bush bean, lettuce, mung bean, pea, soybean, spinach, tobacco, and tomato contained enzyme which cross-reacted with polyclonal anti-PPO in Ouchterlony double diffusion analysis. The results suggested that plant polyphenoloxidase from a wide range of species may contain similar antigen determinants. Poly A+ mRNA was isolated from leaves of each plant species and translated in vitro using a rabbit reticulocyte translation system. An in vitro synthesized product corresponding to PPO from each species was identified after specific immunoprecipitation with anti-PPO. The molecular weight of this in vitro product was similar in all plants examined and found to be approximately 45 kilodaltons. Peptide maps of the in vitro synthesized product from all plant species were similar and showed at least three peptides in common. Plant PPOs may have more structural similarities than commonly though in spite of the great variety in observed isoenzyme forms.  相似文献   

A B Fulton  K M Wan 《Cell》1983,32(2):619-625
Observations that cytoskeletal proteins assemble in vivo close to the time and site of synthesis have been confirmed and extended by an in vitro translation system. HeLa cytoskeletons prepared with Triton in a translation-extraction buffer without reticulocyte or wheat germ lysate efficiently incorporate 35S-methionine into polypeptides, and are stable during this translation. Cytoskeletal proteins translated in this way associate with the HeLa cytoskeleton independent of the concentration of soluble proteins. These associations are puromycin-resistant before the proteins are complete; the protein associations made in vitro show only minor differences from those made in vivo. The protein associations are not simply a consequence of protein solubility in the buffers used, as the associations require initiation in vivo. These results indicate that many cytoskeletal proteins associate with the cytoskeleton during translation.  相似文献   

1. Guinea-pig caseins synthesized in a mRNA-directed wheat-germ cell-free protein-synthesizing system represent the primary translation products, even though they appear to be of lower molecular weight when analysed by sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis in parallel with caseins isolated from guinea-pig milk. 2. Identification of the N-terminal dipeptide of the primary translational product of caseins A, B and C and alpha-lactalbumin showed that all shared a common sequence, which was identified as either Met-Arg or Met-Lys. 3. Procedures utilizing methionyl-tRNAfMet or methionyl-tRNAMet in the presence or absence of microsomal membranes during translation provide a rapid method of distinguishing between N-terminal processing of peptides synthesized in vitro and other post-translational modifications (glycosylation, phosphorylation), which also result in a change in mobility of peptides when analysed by sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis. 4. The results demonstrate that guinea-pig caseins, in common with most other secretory proteins, are synthesized with transient N-terminal 'signal'-peptide extensions, which are cleaved during synthesis in the presence of microsomal membranes.  相似文献   

Accuracy of activity of ribosome isolated from UV-light-induced streptomycin-resistant R-21 mutant ofStreptomyces granaticolor was measured in anE. coli-derived system translating poly(U) with a high rate and accuracy. Ribosomes from the R-21 mutant strain were shown to be resistant to streptomycin and about two-fold more accurate than those from the wild type. The mutant strain was found to be resistant to 1000 mg/L streptomycin (Stm) during vegetative growth while it sporulated on agar plates containing only up to 200 mg/L of Stm. The growth rate of the R-21 mutant in complex liquid medium was indistinguishable from that of the wild-type strain.  相似文献   

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