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Effects of UV-B irradiated algae on zooplankton grazing   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
De Lange  Hendrika J.  L&#;rling  Miquel 《Hydrobiologia》2003,491(1-3):133-144
We tested the effects of UV-B stressed algae on grazing rates of zooplankton. Four algal species (Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Cryptomonas sp., Scenedesmus obliquus and Microcystis aeruginosa) were used as food and fed to three zooplankton species (Daphnia galeata, Bosmina longirostris and Brachionus calyciflorus), representing different taxonomic groups. The phytoplankton species were cultured under PAR conditions, and under PAR supplemented with UV-B radiation at two intensities (0.3 W m–2 and 0.7 W m–2, 6 hours per day). Ingestion and incorporation experiments were performed at two food levels (0.1 and 1.0 mg C l–1) using radiotracer techniques. The effect of food concentration on ingestion and incorporation rate was significant for all three zooplankton species, but the effect of UV-B radiation was more complex. The reactions of the zooplankton species to UV-B stressed algae were different. UV-B stressed algae did not affect Daphnia grazing rates. For Bosmina the rates increased when feeding on UV-B stressed Microcystis and decreased when feeding on UV-B stressed Chlamydomonas, compared with non-stressed algae. Brachionus grazing rates were increased when feeding on UV-B stressed Cryptomonas and UV-B stressed Scenedesmus, and decreased when feeding on UV-B stressed Microcystis, compared with non-stressed algae. These results suggest that on a short time scale UV-B radiation may result in increased grazing rates of zooplankton, but also in decreased grazing rates. Long term effects of UV-B radiation on phytoplankton and zooplankton communities are therefore difficult to predict.  相似文献   

Complementary impact of copepods and cladocerans on phytoplankton   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The differences in the impact of two major groups of herbivorous zooplankton (Cladocera and Copepoda) on summer phytoplankton in a mesotrophic lake were studied. Field experiments were performed in which phytoplankton were exposed to different densities of two major types of herbivorous zooplankton, cladocerans and copepods. Contrary to expectation, neither of the two zooplankton groups significantly reduced phytoplankton biomass. However, there were strong and contrasting impacts on phytoplankton size structure and on individual taxa. Cladocerans suppressed small phytoplankton, while copepods suppressed large phytoplankton. The unaffected size classes compensated for the loss of those affected by enhanced growth. After contamination of the copepod mesocosms with the cladoceran Daphnia , the combined impact of both zooplankton groups caused a decline in total phytoplankton biomass.  相似文献   

  • 1 Planktivorous fish were hypothesised to influence the abundance of algal biomass in lakes by changing zooplankton grazing, affecting zooplankton nutrient recycling and by direct recycling of nutrients to phytoplankton. The relative roles of direct fish effects vs. zooplankton grazing were tested in mesocosm experiments by adding to natural communities large grazing zooplankton (Daphnia carinata) and small planktivorous fish (mosquitofish or juveniles of Australian golden perch).
  • 2 The addition of Daphnia to natural communities reduced the numbers of all phytoplankton less than 30 µm in size, but did not affect total biomass of phytoplankton as large Volvox colonies predominated.
  • 3 The addition of Daphnia also reduced the abundance of some small (Moina, Bosmina, Keratella) and large (adult Boeckella) zooplankton, suggesting competitive interactions within zooplankton.
  • 4 The addition of mosquitofish to communities containing Daphnia further reduced the abundance of some small zooplankton (Moina, Keratella), but increased the numbers of Daphnia and adult Boeckella. In spite of the likely increase in grazing due to Daphnia, the abundance of total phytoplankton and dominant alga Volvox did not decline in the presence of mosquitofish but was maintained at a significantly higher level than in control.
  • 5 The addition of juveniles of golden perch to communities containing Daphnia reduced the abundance of small zooplankton (Moina), increased the abundance of large zooplankton (adult Boeckella) but had no significant effect on Daphnia and total phytoplankton abundance.
  • 6 The results of the present study suggest that some planktivorous fish can promote the growth of phytoplankton in a direct way, probably by recycling nutrients, and even in the presence of large grazers. However, the manifestation of the direct effect of fish can vary with fish species.

The interactions between phytoplankton and zooplankton were studied in two large lakes in the Saimaa lake system, Finland. Both are subjected to substantial waste water loading, and exhibit a clear trophic gradient between the loaded and unloaded areas. The phytoplankton and zooplankton were compared in terms of composition, abundance and biomass at 34–39 stations located in different parts of the lakes. At least four mechanisms were thought to affect the composition of plankton communities: (1) the amount of nutrients (trophic gradient), (2) grazing of algae by herbivores, (3) the effect of the algal species composition on feeding by zooplankters (large, colonial algae in the more loaded parts of the lakes) and (4) the regeneration and reorganization of nutrients.  相似文献   

Patterns in the size distribution and taxonomic composition of phytoplankton and zooplankton communities for 1974 in Georgian Bay and the North Channel are described. The Diatomeae predominate the phytoplankton in both areas. Copepods, particularly Calanoida, comprise the greatest fraction of the zooplankton biomass. Normalized plankton biomass spectra for both ecosystems are typical of those found in Lake Superior and offshore Lake Huron. The plankton communities of Georgian Bay and the North Channel are thus similar to the most oligotrophic of the Laurentian Great Lakes.  相似文献   

Fish impact on rotifer community structure   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:9  
Larger species, e.g. Asplanchna priodonta and Conochilus unicornis, and grasping species, e.g. Gastropus stylifer and Ascomorpha spp., became more abundant, while smaller filter feeders, e.g. Keratella cochlearis, decreased after an experimental reduction of the fish population. This development is probably caused by changes in basic regulating factors. The change to invertebrate predator dominance may affect smaller species (e.g. Keratella cochlearis) more than others, the increase of net phytoplankton (e.g. peridineans) will favour grasping species, and the change in seasonal occurrence of certain crucial food species may affect the competitive balance between certain rotifers (e.g. Polyarthra spp.).  相似文献   

Sarvala  Jouko  Helminen  Harri  Saarikari  Vesa  Salonen  Seppo  Vuorio  Kristiina 《Hydrobiologia》1997,363(1-3):81-95
Hydrobiologia - Water chemistry, phytoplankton, zooplankton and fish populations werestudied over several years in three shallow, non-stratified lakes withdiffering nutrient loadings and fish...  相似文献   

Ault  Timothy  Velzeboer  Renate  Zammit  Rebecca 《Hydrobiologia》2000,429(1-3):89-103
We investigated the influence of nutrient availability, specifically nitrogen, phosphorus and silicon on growth and community structure of phytoplankton from the Port Adelaide River estuary, South Australia. Two bioassay experiments were conducted. The first, Nutrich1, involved addition of nutrients in vitro to samples of the natural phytoplankton community from a single location in the upper estuary. The second, Nutrich2, involved nutrient addition and incubation of water from five locations in the estuary following inoculation with a `standardised' phytoplankton assemblage derived from laboratory cultures. In Nutrich1, enrichment with silicon led to greatly enhanced phytoplankton biomass due to increased growth of diatoms. Addition of nitrogen or phosphorus had little effect on phytoplankton growth. In Nutrich2, addition of nitrogen resulted in enhanced growth of phytoplankton in water collected from near the mouth the estuary, but there were no differences in growth among nutrient treatments for the remaining locations. Comparison of phytoplankton growth rate among locations revealed a trend of decreasing growth in moving towards the mouth of the estuary. This trend was unaffected by enrichment with nitrate, phosphate or silicate. We suggest that spatial variation in growth potential within the Port Adelaide River estuary may relate to variation in the concentration of nitrogen as ammonium.  相似文献   

浙江紧水滩水库浮游植物群落结构季节变化特征   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
于2010年1、3、5、7、9、11月6次对紧水滩水库采样调查,并对浮游植物种类鉴定与数量统计,分析了浮游植物的优势种、多样性和群落结构季节变化特征.其结果为:共鉴定浮游植物284种,隶属7门105属.绿藻门最多,共51属139种,其次是硅藻门19属67种,蓝藻门22属52种,金藻门4属9种,甲藻门5属8种,裸藻门2属5种,隐藻门2属4种.浮游植物细胞丰度在1.04× 105-3.70×106个/L之间,平均丰度9.63×105个/L.多样性指数H'值为1.76-4.64,平均值3.09,丰富度指数D为0.48-2.80,平均值1.62,均匀度指数.J为0.51-1.26,平均值0.91.根据TSI(∑)并结合浮游植物群落结构对水质评价,紧水滩水库水质属于中-富营养状态.  相似文献   

Seguin  Gérard  Errhif  Ahmed  Dallot  Serge 《Hydrobiologia》1994,(1):369-377
During the oceanographic campaign, ALMOFRONT I (April 24–May 26, 1991) a total of 50 vertical zooplankton hauls was carried out in the Alboran Sea using a triple net. Leg A (18 stations; 18 hauls) described a widely spaced grid in the region of the Atlantic current and some northern eddies, while Leg B (16 stations; 32 hauls, 6 hydrodynamically characterized sites sampled during a two day period) covered a more restricted area in the frontal zone. Ninety-one species of copepods were found in 100 samples collected by either 200 µm or 500 µm mesh size nets, including 32 genera and 26 families. Copepod abundance, structure indexes (species richness, evenness, Shannon species diversity index, standardized for unequal sample counts) and species abundance patterns (as rank-frequency diagrams) are presented and compared among the sites of leg-B. Copepod abundance was found to be the highest in the more productive sites of the Atlantic current. Structure indexes values and the changing shape of rank-frequency diagrams give a coherent view of the ecological succession stages of the copepod community. Juvenile stage (1) develops from the Atlantic divergence zone, left side of the jet. More mature stages (1 and 2) occur on the right side of the jet influenced by cross frontal flow. Both abundance and structure indexes decrease within an anticyclonic gyre south to the current. A situation more influenced by oligotrophic conditions was observed in a Mediterranean anticyclonic gyre north of the current. The importance of lateral displacement and meandering of the Atlantic current across the Alboran Sea to the community structure is discussed.  相似文献   

1. The inter‐ and intra‐annual changes in the biomass, elemental (carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P)) and taxonomical composition of the phytoplankton in a high mountain lake in Spain were studied during 3 years with different physical (fluctuating hydrological regime) and chemical conditions. The importance of internal and external sources of P to the phytoplankton was estimated as the amount of P supplied via zooplankton recycling (internal) or through ice‐melting and atmospheric deposition (external). 2. Inter‐annual differences in phytoplankton biomass were associated with temperature and total dissolved phosphorus. In 1995, phytoplankton biomass was positively correlated with total dissolved phosphorus. In contrast, the negative relationship between zooplankton and seston biomass (direct predatory effects) and the positive relationship between zooplankton P excretion and phytoplankton biomass in 1997 (indirect P‐recycling effects), reinforces the primary role of zooplankton in regulating the total biomass of phytoplankton but, at the same time, encouraging its growth via P‐recycling. 3. Year‐to‐year variations in seston C : P and N : P ratios exceeded intra‐annual variations. The C : P and N : P ratios were high in 1995, indicating strong P limitation. In contrast, in 1996 and 1997, these ratios were low during ice‐out (C : P < 100 and N : P < 10) and increased markedly as the season progressed. Atmospheric P load to the lake was responsible for the decline in C : P and N : P ratios. 4. Intra‐annual variations in zooplankton stoichiometry were more pronounced than the overall differences between 1995 and 1996. Thus, the zooplankton N : P ratio ranged from 6.9 to 40.1 (mean 21.4) in 1995, and from 10.4 to 42.2 (mean 24.9) in 1996. The zooplankton N : P ratio tended to be low after ice‐out, when the zooplankton community was dominated by copepod nauplii, and high towards mid‐ and late‐season, when these were replaced by copepodites and adults. 5. In 1995, the minimum demands for P of phytoplankton were satisfied by ice‐melting, atmospheric loading and zooplankton recycling over 100%. In order of importance, atmospheric inputs (> 1000%), zooplankton recycling (9–542%), and ice‐melting processes (0.37–5.16%) satisfied the minimum demand for P of phytoplankton during 1996 and 1997. Although the effect of external forces was rather sporadic and unpredictable in comparison with biologically driven recycle processes, both may affect phytoplankton structure and elemental composition. 6. We identified three conceptual models representing the seasonal phosphorus flux among the major compartments of the pelagic zone. While ice‐melting processes dominated the nutrient flow at the thaw, biologically driven processes such as zooplankton recycling became relevant as the season and zooplankton ontogeny progressed. The stochastic nature of P inputs associated with atmospheric events can promote rapid transitional changes between a community limited by internal recycling and one regulated by external load. 7. The elemental composition of the zooplankton explains changes in phytoplankton taxonomic and elemental composition. The elemental negative balance (seston N : P < zooplankton N : P, low N : P recycled) during the thaw, would promote a community dominated by species with a high demand for P (Cryptophyceae). The shift to an elemental positive balance (seston N : P > zooplankton N : P, high N : P recycled) in mid‐season would skew the N : P ratio of the recycled nutrients, favouring dominance by chrysophytes. The return to negative balance, as a consequence of the ontogenetic increase in zooplankton N : P ratio and the external P inputs towards the end of the ice‐free season, could alleviate the limitation of P and account for the appearance of other phytoplankton classes (Chlorophyceae or Dinophyceae).  相似文献   

Sommer U  Sommer F  Feuchtmayr H  Hansen T 《Protist》2004,155(3):295-304
We used marine phytoplankton from mesocosms seeded with different zooplankton densities to study the impact of mesozooplankton on phytoplankton nutrient limitation. After 7 d of grazing (copepod mesocosms) or 9 d (appendicularian mesocosms) phytoplankton nutrient limitation was studied by enrichment bioassays. After removal of mesozooplankton, bioassay bottles received either no nutrients, phosphorus or nitrogen alone, or a combination of nitrogen and phosphorus and were incubated for 2 d. Phytoplankton reproductive rates in the bottles without nutrient addition were calculated after correction for grazing by ciliates and indicated increasing nitrogen limitation with increasing copepod abundance. No nutrient limitation was found in the appendicularian mesocosms. The increase of nutrient limitation with increasing copepod density seems to be mainly the result of a trophic cascade effect: Copepods released nanoplankton from ciliate grazing pressure, and thereby enhanced nitrogen exhaustion by nanophytoplankton and reduced nitrogen excretion by ciliates. Nitrogen sequestration in copepod biomass, the mechanism predicted by the ecological stoichiometry theory, seems to have been a weaker effect because there was only little copepod growth during the experiment.  相似文献   


From the analysis of the results of several researches carried out into Sicilian reservoirs to investigate their phytoplankton assemblages, it was highlighted that there is not any clear relationship between the trophic spectrum and the structure and composition of phytoplankton. Only a general increase of total biomass is detectable as the trophic state rises up. Anyway, such increase may cause several secondary modifications in the physical and chemical environment that may act as multidimensional segregating factors for phytoplankton organisms. In these secondary modifications, coupled with the peculiar morphology and hydrology of the water bodies, have to be sought the mechanisms governing the structure of phytoplankton assemblages.  相似文献   

Communities are assembled from species that evolve or colonise a given geographic region, and persist in the face of abiotic conditions and interactions with other species. The evolutionary and colonisation histories of communities are characterised by phylogenetic diversity, while functional diversity is indicative of abiotic and biotic conditions. The relationship between functional and phylogenetic diversity infers whether species functional traits are divergent (differing between related species) or convergent (similar among distantly related species). Biotic interactions and abiotic conditions are known to influence macroecological patterns in species richness, but how functional and phylogenetic diversity of guilds vary with biotic factors, and the relative importance of biotic drivers in relation to geographic and abiotic drivers is unknown. In this study, we test whether geographic, abiotic or biotic factors drive biome‐scale spatial patterns of functional and phylogenetic diversity and functional convergence in vertebrate herbivores across the Arctic tundra biome. We found that functional and phylogenetic diversity both peaked in the western North American Arctic, and that spatial patterns in both were best predicted by trophic interactions, namely vegetation productivity and predator diversity, as well as climatic severity. Our results show that both bottom–up and top–down trophic interactions, as well as winter temperatures, drive the functional and phylogenetic structure of Arctic vertebrate herbivore assemblages. This has implications for changing Arctic ecosystems; under future warming and northward movement of predators potential increases in phylogenetic and functional diversity in vertebrate herbivores may occur. Our study thus demonstrates that trophic interactions can determine large‐scale functional and phylogenetic diversity just as strongly as abiotic conditions.  相似文献   

To quantify the effects of nutrient enrichment (N and P) and zooplankton grazing on the phytoplankton community structure of El Andino reservoir (Venezuela), in situ microcosms were installed for 6–7 days. Microcosms consisted of polyethylene bags (42 cm × 71 cm, non-cylindrical shaped) filled with 10 l of filtered epilimnetic water. Experiments were carried out on a monthly basis from January to December 1993. The lack/addition of nutrients was cross-classified with the absence/presence of zooplankton, resulting in an experimental design of four treatment levels: (1) no nutrient addition, zooplankton absent (C); (2) nutrient addition (150 NH4Cl mol ml–1 and 10 KH2PO4 mol ml–1; 1 ml per l of sample), zooplankton absent (N); (3) no nutrient addition, zooplankton present (collected from the reservoir water column using a 6-m vertical tow with a 80-m plankton net) (Z); and (4) nutrient addition (as in [2]), zooplankton present (as in [3]) (NZ). Treatments were triplicated, and samples were collected at the start and end of each experiment. Significant differences between treatments were determined using a two-way ANOVA at p<0.05. Nutrient enrichment caused an increase in phytoplankton biomass, with the increase of all algal groups, except Pyrrhophyta. In spite of this, relative proportions of Cyanobacteria decreased in most cases. Chlorophyta and Bacillariophyta increased, probably due to their greater competitive abilities for phosphorus. After enrichment, Scenedesmus was the dominant species from January to June, while from July to December, Dactylococcopsis and Lyngbya dominated in the enriched microcosms. Zooplankton affected the phytoplankton community in microcoms through grazing and nutrient (mainly P) regeneration. Cladocerans (Ceriodaphnia cornuta, Moina micrura and Diaphanosoma sp.) mainly grazed on diatoms, although particulate material was present in almost all the gut contents analyzed. Particulate material probably consisted of micro-algae, detritus, bacteria, triturated algae and mineral particles. Ostracoda mainly fed on Peridinium and particulate material, whereas Thermocyclops sp. and rotifers (Brachionus spp. and Keratella spp.) mainly ingested particulate material. On the other hand, zooplankton excretion caused a slight increase in phytoplankton biomass and P concentrations in microcosms with the animals present. The effects of nutrient and zooplankton did not interact in most cases. Experimental results suggest that, at the initial stages of a eutrophication process, phytoplankton could increase their abundance and biomass, but might not change its community structure. Since there was a strong correlation between phosphorus and chlorophyll-a (bottom-up control), it is suggested that eutrophication could be avoided by controlling P input to the reservoir.  相似文献   

大亚湾浮游植物群落特征   总被引:22,自引:6,他引:22  
孙翠慈  王友绍  孙松  张凤琴 《生态学报》2006,26(12):3948-3958
于2002年冬、春、夏和秋季对大亚湾浮游植物进行采样调查,分析了浮游植物的种类组成、丰度、优势种、多样性及群落结构的季节变化特征和平面分布特征。并讨论了浮游植物与营养盐、水温及环流等环境因子之间的关系。2002年大亚湾浮游植物共鉴定出48属114种(包括变型和变种),丰度范围在5.79×104~5.37×106cells/m3之间,平均值为1.14×106cells/m3。其中硅藻共37属84种,其种数和细胞丰度都占绝对优势,平均丰度为1.08×106cells/m3,其次为甲藻,9属23种,平均丰度为9.91×104cells/m3。此外还鉴定出蓝藻和金藻。大亚湾浮游植物丰度变化呈单一周期型,春夏季高,秋冬季节低。虽然硅藻的丰度占优势,但秋季硅藻丰度降低(占总丰度75.8%)使甲藻和蓝藻所占比例上升。研究得出春夏季大亚湾浮游植物主要以沿岸暖水性种类为主,秋季和冬季除沿岸暖水种之外,广布种和大洋种也较多,尤其在冬季后者占优势。大亚湾浮游植物优势种类多,不同季节既有交叉又有演替。与以往调查资料相比,部分优势种发生变化,优势程度顺序和细胞丰度发生了一定改变,个体较大的细胞丰度优势逐渐增加。另外,受季风、潮流、地理位置及人类活动影响,大亚湾浮游植物丰度和群落结构有一定的季节和平面分布特征。大亚湾浮游植物的多样性在夏季偏低,尤其在大亚湾核电站和大鹏澳养殖区附近表现明显。大亚湾浮游植物的丰度、种数、优势种演替及群落结构等其它群落特征与营养盐尤其是氮、磷和N/P、水温、环流等环境因子密切相关。  相似文献   

Reddy  Y. Ranga 《Hydrobiologia》1988,159(3):247-258
The insecticide permethrin (a synthetic pyrethroid) was applied into enclosures (1 m diameter and 3.5 m deep) placed in a pond. The chemical was rapidly removed from the water to the sediments. Daphnia rosea and its predator, Chaoborus flavicans were seriously affected by this application and disappeared from the enclosure. Acanthodiaptomus pacificus increased as Chaoborus decreased. Two species of Cladocera which had not been observed before the treatment, established their populations after 10 days, when Chaoborus had not recovered. Whereas Tropocyclops pracinus declined when permethrin was applied at 10 µg 1–1, the number of rotifer Keratella valga increased, suggesting a close relationship between these two species.Photosynthesis and phytoplankton were not significantly affected by permethrin, except for Ceratium hirundinella. The dominance of Dinobryon divergens continued in the treated enclosures, whereas other flagellate species, Scenedesmus and Nitzschia occurred during the second half of the experiments in the control enclosure and pond.  相似文献   

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