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Perforin‐2 (PFN2, MPEG1) is a key pore‐forming protein in mammalian innate immunity restricting intracellular bacteria proliferation. It forms a membrane‐bound pre‐pore complex that converts to a pore‐forming structure upon acidification; but its mechanism of conformational transition has been debated. Here we used cryo‐electron microscopy, tomography and subtomogram averaging to determine structures of PFN2 in pre‐pore and pore conformations in isolation and bound to liposomes. In isolation and upon acidification, the pre‐assembled complete pre‐pore rings convert to pores in both flat ring and twisted conformations. On membranes, in situ assembled PFN2 pre‐pores display various degrees of completeness; whereas PFN2 pores are mainly incomplete arc structures that follow the same subunit packing arrangements as found in isolation. Both assemblies on membranes use their P2 β‐hairpin for binding to the lipid membrane surface. Overall, these structural snapshots suggest a molecular mechanism for PFN2 pre‐pore to pore transition on a targeted membrane, potentially using the twisted pore as an intermediate or alternative state to the flat conformation, with the capacity to cause bilayer distortion during membrane insertion.  相似文献   

Clostridium perfringens is one of the most widely distributed and successful pathogens producing an impressive arsenal of toxins. One of the most potent toxins produced is the C. perfringens β‐toxin (CPB). This toxin is the main virulence factor of type C strains. We describe the cryo‐electron microscopy (EM) structure of CPB oligomer. We show that CPB forms homo‐octameric pores like the hetero‐oligomeric pores of the bi‐component leukocidins, with important differences in the receptor binding region and the N‐terminal latch domain. Intriguingly, the octameric CPB pore complex contains a second 16‐stranded β‐barrel protrusion atop of the cap domain that is formed by the N‐termini of the eight protomers. We propose that CPB, together with the newly identified Epx toxins, is a member a new subclass of the hemolysin‐like family. In addition, we show that the β‐barrel protrusion domain can be modified without affecting the pore‐forming ability, thus making the pore particularly attractive for macromolecule sensing and nanotechnology. The cryo‐EM structure of the octameric pore of CPB will facilitate future developments in both nanotechnology and basic research.  相似文献   

Transmission electron microscopy has historically been indispensable for virology research, as it offers unique insight into virus function. In the past decade, as cryo‐electron microscopy (cryo‐EM) has matured and become more accessible, we have been able to peer into the structure of viruses at the atomic level and understand how they interact with the host cell, with drugs or with antibodies. Perhaps, there was no time in recent history where cryo‐EM was more needed, as SARS‐CoV‐2 has spread around the globe, causing millions of deaths and almost unquantifiable economic devastation. In this concise review, we aim to mark the most important contributions of cryo‐EM to understanding the structure and function of SARS‐CoV‐2 proteins, from surface spikes to the virus core and from virus‐receptor interactions to antibody binding.  相似文献   

The intra‐erythrocyte stage of P. falciparum relies primarily on glycolysis to generate adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and the energy required to support growth and reproduction. Lactic acid, a metabolic byproduct of glycolysis, is potentially toxic as it lowers the pH inside the parasite. Plasmodium falciparum formate–nitrite transporter (PfFNT), a 34‐kDa transmembrane protein, has been identified as a novel drug target as it exports lactate from inside the parasite to the surrounding parasitophorous vacuole within the erythrocyte cytosol. The structure and detailed molecular mechanism of this membrane protein are not yet available. Here we present structures of PfFNT in the absence and presence of the functional inhibitor MMV007839 at resolutions of 2.56 Å and 2.78 Å using single‐particle cryo‐electron microscopy. Genetic analysis and transport assay indicate that PfFNT is able to transfer lactate across the membrane. Combined, our data suggest a stepwise displacement mechanism for substrate transport. The PfFNT membrane protein is capable of picking up lactate ions from the parasite’s cytosol, converting them to lactic acids and then exporting these acids into the extracellular space.  相似文献   

The human replisome is an elaborate arrangement of molecular machines responsible for accurate chromosome replication. At its heart is the CDC45‐MCM‐GINS (CMG) helicase, which, in addition to unwinding the parental DNA duplex, arranges many proteins including the leading‐strand polymerase Pol ε, together with TIMELESS‐TIPIN, CLASPIN and AND‐1 that have key and varied roles in maintaining smooth replisome progression. How these proteins are coordinated in the human replisome is poorly understood. We have determined a 3.2 Å cryo‐EM structure of a human replisome comprising CMG, Pol ε, TIMELESS‐TIPIN, CLASPIN and AND‐1 bound to replication fork DNA. The structure permits a detailed understanding of how AND‐1, TIMELESS‐TIPIN and Pol ε engage CMG, reveals how CLASPIN binds to multiple replisome components and identifies the position of the Pol ε catalytic domain. Furthermore, the intricate network of contacts contributed by MCM subunits and TIMELESS‐TIPIN with replication fork DNA suggests a mechanism for strand separation.  相似文献   

Doublecortin (DCX) is a neuronal microtubule‐associated protein (MAP) indispensable for brain development. Its flexibly linked doublecortin (DC) domains—NDC and CDC—mediate microtubule (MT) nucleation and stabilization, but it is unclear how. Using high‐resolution time‐resolved cryo‐EM, we mapped NDC and CDC interactions with tubulin at different MT polymerization stages and studied their functional effects on MT dynamics using TIRF microscopy. Although coupled, each DC repeat within DCX appears to have a distinct role in MT nucleation and stabilization: CDC is a conformationally plastic module that appears to facilitate MT nucleation and stabilize tubulin–tubulin contacts in the nascent MT lattice, while NDC appears to be favored along the mature lattice, providing MT stabilization. Our structures of MT‐bound DC domains also explain in unprecedented detail the DCX mutation‐related brain defects observed in the clinic. This modular composition of DCX reflects a common design principle among MAPs where pseudo‐repeats of tubulin/MT binding elements chaperone or stabilize distinct conformational transitions to regulate distinct stages of MT dynamic instability.  相似文献   

In addition to the conserved translation elongation factors eEF1A and eEF2, fungi require a third essential elongation factor, eEF3. While eEF3 has been implicated in tRNA binding and release at the ribosomal A and E sites, its exact mechanism of action is unclear. Here, we show that eEF3 acts at the mRNA–tRNA translocation step by promoting the dissociation of the tRNA from the E site, but independent of aminoacyl‐tRNA recruitment to the A site. Depletion of eEF3 in vivo leads to a general slowdown in translation elongation due to accumulation of ribosomes with an occupied A site. Cryo‐EM analysis of native eEF3‐ribosome complexes shows that eEF3 facilitates late steps of translocation by favoring non‐rotated ribosomal states, as well as by opening the L1 stalk to release the E‐site tRNA. Additionally, our analysis provides structural insights into novel translation elongation states, enabling presentation of a revised yeast translation elongation cycle.  相似文献   

Motile cilia are molecular machines used by a myriad of eukaryotic cells to swim through fluid environments. However, available molecular structures represent only a handful of cell types, limiting our understanding of how cilia are modified to support motility in diverse media. Here, we use cryo‐focused ion beam milling‐enabled cryo‐electron tomography to image sperm flagella from three mammalian species. We resolve in‐cell structures of centrioles, axonemal doublets, central pair apparatus, and endpiece singlets, revealing novel protofilament‐bridging microtubule inner proteins throughout the flagellum. We present native structures of the flagellar base, which is crucial for shaping the flagellar beat. We show that outer dense fibers are directly coupled to microtubule doublets in the principal piece but not in the midpiece. Thus, mammalian sperm flagella are ornamented across scales, from protofilament‐bracing structures reinforcing microtubules at the nano‐scale to accessory structures that impose micron‐scale asymmetries on the entire assembly. Our structures provide vital foundations for linking molecular structure to ciliary motility and evolution.  相似文献   

Respiratory chains are crucial for cellular energy conversion and consist of multi‐subunit complexes that can assemble into supercomplexes. These structures have been intensively characterized in various organisms, but their physiological roles remain unclear. Here, we elucidate their function by leveraging a high‐resolution structural model of yeast respiratory supercomplexes that allowed us to inhibit supercomplex formation by mutation of key residues in the interaction interface. Analyses of a mutant defective in supercomplex formation, which still contains fully functional individual complexes, show that the lack of supercomplex assembly delays the diffusion of cytochrome c between the separated complexes, thus reducing electron transfer efficiency. Consequently, competitive cellular fitness is severely reduced in the absence of supercomplex formation and can be restored by overexpression of cytochrome c. In sum, our results establish how respiratory supercomplexes increase the efficiency of cellular energy conversion, thereby providing an evolutionary advantage for aerobic organisms.  相似文献   

In eukaryotic translation, termination and ribosome recycling phases are linked to subsequent initiation of a new round of translation by persistence of several factors at ribosomal sub‐complexes. These comprise/include the large eIF3 complex, eIF3j (Hcr1 in yeast) and the ATP‐binding cassette protein ABCE1 (Rli1 in yeast). The ATPase is mainly active as a recycling factor, but it can remain bound to the dissociated 40S subunit until formation of the next 43S pre‐initiation complexes. However, its functional role and native architectural context remains largely enigmatic. Here, we present an architectural inventory of native yeast and human ABCE1‐containing pre‐initiation complexes by cryo‐EM. We found that ABCE1 was mostly associated with early 43S, but also with later 48S phases of initiation. It adopted a novel hybrid conformation of its nucleotide‐binding domains, while interacting with the N‐terminus of eIF3j. Further, eIF3j occupied the mRNA entry channel via its ultimate C‐terminus providing a structural explanation for its antagonistic role with respect to mRNA binding. Overall, the native human samples provide a near‐complete molecular picture of the architecture and sophisticated interaction network of the 43S‐bound eIF3 complex and the eIF2 ternary complex containing the initiator tRNA.  相似文献   

Pangolins have been suggested as potential reservoir of zoonotic viruses, including SARS‐CoV‐2 causing the global COVID‐19 outbreak. Here, we study the binding of two SARS‐CoV‐2‐like viruses isolated from pangolins, GX/P2V/2017 and GD/1/2019, to human angiotensin‐converting enzyme 2 (hACE2), the receptor of SARS‐CoV‐2. We find that the spike protein receptor‐binding domain (RBD) of pangolin CoVs binds to hACE2 as efficiently as the SARS‐CoV‐2 RBD in vitro. Furthermore, incorporation of pangolin CoV RBDs allows entry of pseudotyped VSV particles into hACE2‐expressing cells. A screen for binding of pangolin CoV RBDs to ACE2 orthologs from various species suggests a broader host range than that of SARS‐CoV‐2. Additionally, cryo‐EM structures of GX/P2V/2017 and GD/1/2019 RBDs in complex with hACE2 show their molecular binding in modes similar to SARS‐CoV‐2 RBD. Introducing the Q498H substitution found in pangolin CoVs into the SARS‐CoV‐2 RBD expands its binding capacity to ACE2 homologs of mouse, rat, and European hedgehog. These findings suggest that these two pangolin CoVs may infect humans, highlighting the necessity of further surveillance of pangolin CoVs.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanisms that drive the infection by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS‐CoV‐2)—the causative agent of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19)—are under intense current scrutiny to understand how the virus operates and to uncover ways in which the disease can be prevented or alleviated. Recent proteomic screens of the interactions between viral and host proteins have identified the human proteins targeted by SARS‐CoV‐2. The DNA polymerase α (Pol α)–primase complex or primosome—responsible for initiating DNA synthesis during genomic duplication—was identified as a target of nonstructural protein 1 (nsp1), a major virulence factor in the SARS‐CoV‐2 infection. Here, we validate the published reports of the interaction of nsp1 with the primosome by demonstrating direct binding with purified recombinant components and providing a biochemical characterization of their interaction. Furthermore, we provide a structural basis for the interaction by elucidating the cryo‐electron microscopy structure of nsp1 bound to the primosome. Our findings provide biochemical evidence for the reported targeting of Pol α by the virulence factor nsp1 and suggest that SARS‐CoV‐2 interferes with Pol α''s putative role in the immune response during the viral infection.  相似文献   

Among the immunoglobulin domains, the CH2 domain has the lowest thermal stability, which also depends on amino acid sequence and buffer conditions. To further identify factors that influence CH2 folding and stability, we characterized the domain in the reduced form using differential scanning fluorimetry and nuclear magnetic resonance. We show that the CH2 domain can fold, similarly to the disulfide‐bridged form, without forming a disulfide‐bridge, even though the protein contains two Cys residues. Although the reduced form exhibits thermal stability more than 15°C lower than the disulfide‐bridged form, it does not undergo immediate full oxidization. To explain this phenomenon, we compared CH2 oxidization at different conditions and demonstrate a need for significant fluctuation of the folded conformation to enhance CH2 disulfide‐bridge formation. We conclude that, since CH2 can be purified as a folded, semi‐stable, reduced protein that can coexist with the oxidized form, verification of the level of oxidization at each step is critical in CH2 engineering studies.  相似文献   

Phospholipid extrusion by ABC subfamily A (ABCA) exporters is central to cellular physiology, although the specifics of the underlying substrate interactions and transport mechanisms remain poorly resolved at the molecular level. Here we report cryo‐EM structures of lipid‐embedded human ABCA7 in an open state and in a nucleotide‐bound, closed state at resolutions between 3.6 and 4.0 Å. The former reveals an ordered patch of bilayer lipids traversing the transmembrane domain (TMD), while the latter reveals a lipid‐free, closed TMD with a small extracellular opening. These structures offer a structural framework for both substrate entry and exit from the ABCA7 TMD and highlight conserved rigid‐body motions that underlie the associated conformational transitions. Combined with functional analysis and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, our data also shed light on lipid partitioning into the ABCA7 TMD and localized membrane perturbations that underlie ABCA7 function and have broader implications for other ABCA family transporters.  相似文献   

Cryo‐electron tomography analysis involves the selection of macromolecular complexes to be used for subsequent sub‐tomogram averaging and structure determination. Here, we describe a plugin developed for UCSF ChimeraX that allows for the display, selection, and editing of particles within tomograms. Positions and orientations of selected particles can be manually set, modified and inspected in real time, both on screen and in virtual reality, and exported to various file formats. The plugin allows for the parallel visualization of particles stored in several meta data lists, in the context of any three‐dimensional image that can be opened with UCSF ChimeraX. The particles are rendered in user‐defined colors or using colormaps, such that individual classes or groups of particles, cross‐correlation coefficients, or other types of information can be highlighted to the user. The implemented functions are fast, reliable, and intuitive, exploring the broad range of features in UCSF ChimeraX. They allow for a fluent human–machine interaction, which enables an effective understanding of the sub‐tomogram processing pipeline, even for non‐specialist users.  相似文献   

Hypertension (high blood pressure) is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease, which is the leading cause of death worldwide. The somatic isoform of angiotensin I‐converting enzyme (sACE) plays a critical role in blood pressure regulation, and ACE inhibitors are thus widely used to treat hypertension and cardiovascular disease. Our current understanding of sACE structure, dynamics, function, and inhibition has been limited because truncated, minimally glycosylated forms of sACE are typically used for X‐ray crystallography and molecular dynamics simulations. Here, we report the first cryo‐EM structures of full‐length, glycosylated, soluble sACE (sACES1211). Both monomeric and dimeric forms of the highly flexible apo enzyme were reconstructed from a single dataset. The N‐ and C‐terminal domains of monomeric sACES1211 were resolved at 3.7 and 4.1 Å, respectively, while the interacting N‐terminal domains responsible for dimer formation were resolved at 3.8 Å. Mechanisms are proposed for intradomain hinging, cooperativity, and homodimerization. Furthermore, the observation that both domains were in the open conformation has implications for the design of sACE modulators.  相似文献   

Although amyloid fibres are highly stable protein aggregates, a specific combination of human Hsp70 system chaperones can disassemble them, including fibres formed of α‐synuclein, huntingtin, or Tau. Disaggregation requires the ATPase activity of the constitutively expressed Hsp70 family member, Hsc70, together with the J domain protein DNAJB1 and the nucleotide exchange factor Apg2. Clustering of Hsc70 on the fibrils appears to be necessary for disassembly. Here we use atomic force microscopy to show that segments of in vitro assembled α‐synuclein fibrils are first coated with chaperones and then undergo bursts of rapid, unidirectional disassembly. Cryo‐electron tomography and total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy reveal fibrils with regions of densely bound chaperones, preferentially at one end of the fibre. Sub‐stoichiometric amounts of Apg2 relative to Hsc70 dramatically increase recruitment of Hsc70 to the fibres, creating localised active zones that then undergo rapid disassembly at a rate of ~ 4 subunits per second. The observed unidirectional bursts of Hsc70 loading and unravelling may be explained by differences between the two ends of the polar fibre structure.  相似文献   

Bacteria deploy weapons to kill their neighbours during competition for resources and to aid survival within microbiomes. Colicins were the first such antibacterial system identified, yet how these bacteriocins cross the outer membrane (OM) of Escherichia coli is unknown. Here, by solving the structures of translocation intermediates via cryo‐EM and by imaging toxin import, we uncover the mechanism by which the Tol‐dependent nuclease colicin E9 (ColE9) crosses the bacterial OM. We show that threading of ColE9’s disordered N‐terminal domain through two pores of the trimeric porin OmpF causes the colicin to disengage from its primary receptor, BtuB, and reorganises the translocon either side of the membrane. Subsequent import of ColE9 through the lumen of a single OmpF subunit is driven by the proton‐motive force, which is delivered by the TolQ‐TolR‐TolA‐TolB assembly. Our study answers longstanding questions, such as why OmpF is a better translocator than OmpC, and reconciles the mechanisms by which both Tol‐ and Ton‐dependent bacteriocins cross the bacterial outer membrane.  相似文献   

Soil microorganisms are crucial contributors to the function of permafrost ecosystems, as well as the regulation of biogeochemical cycles. However, little is known about the distribution patterns and drivers of high‐latitude permafrost microbial communities subject to climate change and human activities. In this study, the vertical distribution patterns of soil bacterial communities in the Greater Khingan Mountain permafrost region were systematically analyzed via Illumina Miseq high‐throughput sequencing. Bacterial diversity in the active layer was significantly higher than in the permafrost layer. Principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) indicated that the bacterial community structure in the active layer and the permafrost layer was completely separated. Permutational multivariate analysis of variance (PERMANOVA) detected statistically significant differentiation across the different depths. The relative abundance of the dominant phyla Chloroflexi (17.92%–52.79%) and Actinobacteria (6.34%–34.52%) was significantly higher in the permafrost layer than in the active layer, whereas that of Acidobacteria (4.98%–38.82%) exhibited the opposite trend, and the abundance of Proteobacteria (2.49%–22.51%) generally decreased with depth. More importantly, the abundance of bacteria linked to human infectious diseases was significantly higher in the permafrost layer according to Tax4Fun prediction analysis. Redundancy analysis (RDA) showed that ammonium nitrogen (NH4 +‐N), total organic carbon (TOC), and total phosphorus (TP) were major factors affecting the bacterial community composition. Collectively, our findings provide insights into the soil bacterial vertical distribution patterns and major environmental drivers in high‐latitude permafrost regions, which is key to grasping the response of cold region ecosystem processes to global climate changes.  相似文献   

Cilia are thin microtubule‐based protrusions of eukaryotic cells. The swimming of ciliated protists and sperm cells is propelled by the beating of cilia. Cilia propagate the flow of mucus in the trachea and protect the human body from viral infections. The main force generators of ciliary beating are the outer dynein arms (ODAs) which attach to the doublet microtubules. The bending of cilia is driven by the ODAs'' conformational changes caused by ATP hydrolysis. Here, we report the native ODA complex structure attaching to the doublet microtubule by cryo‐electron microscopy. The structure reveals how the ODA complex is attached to the doublet microtubule via the docking complex in its native state. Combined with coarse‐grained molecular dynamic simulations, we present a model of how the attachment of the ODA to the doublet microtubule induces remodeling and activation of the ODA complex.  相似文献   

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